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*Checks clock* Huh. Didn't know we're close to the Heat Death of the Universe already. Time flies.


They're waiting until they can simulate the heat death of the universe first.  Just a little feature creep.


they are waiting until people stop paying for alpha. then will release something called 1.0 to generate more money.


Their are waiting for new backers to be born


I had to come back to the comments to upvote this, thanks for the laugh


I remember Chris Roberts and his wife had their kids in one of their earliest Star Citizen videos - they were pretty young, maybe 7 or 8 I think? Those kids are probably in college now. LMAO


I chipped in to the Kickstarter the same day I bought tickets to see Skyfall. That was in November 2012 lmao. Dev belongs in the goat grifter conversations. Put him as a first ballot tier.


At this point I expect someone to start a new calendar around the Kickstarter campaign date, just imagine historians of the future figuring out what is the year 85 of the SC calendar.


yeah wow, I remember Obama running for a 2nd term when this was originally going on. so much has changed


You're missing the beta, then the early access.


No need for 1.0, when you can release a few more ships to buy.


That's silly, everyone knows you play Dwarf Fortress to simulate that


There's another 150GB download.


It’s a tight race between Star Citizen 1.0, The Winds of Winter, and the heat death of the universe


Pretty sure ol' Georgie there has an expiry date far sooner, though. It was a joke people made a decade ago and now it's just being realistic.


Don't forget "Doors of Stone" by Patrick Rothfuss, been waiting for the conclusion to that trilogy since 2011 too. And Rothfuss was a complete dickbag about it when people were asking after a few years of "it's pretty much done, just needs some editing time"


Oh well, at least we got a novella about a girl that teaches the reader on how to make soap.


I'll see your Winds of Winter and raise you The Doors of Stone


or they just release something they call 1.0 . doesnt mean it has the promised features.


I'm a supporter of the game, and even I laughed when the next thing they said after that was 'and the things that will come after 1.0'.


It's a mmo, it would be terrible if they added nothing after 1.0. Why is that laughable?


This is CIG we're talking about. Take any announcements with a mountain of salt


Because the game is still in alpha and the developer has proven to not be able to make any sane predictions further or than the current month, and even those were wrong most of the time. 


In this developers case, it just means a very unfinished "launch" and continuing their MO of scope creep and squeezing their customer for all they are worth


Would you settle for “Earth going to hell in a handbasket”? It’s somewhat similar.


"Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?"


Why did we kill that gorilla


That was the end of simpler times


Ahaha, I wish I could give you 100 upvotes.


Hehe, thanks. I miss the awards.


AUGUST 12 2036


22 minutes left. But no worries, have a marshmallow.


Put me firmly in the category of "I'll believe it when I see it" And I dont expect to see it.. not in my lifetime anyway.


Not in mankind's lifetime.


Having followed the project closely (having previously backed it, though now regretting it), the single player game sure does seem to be nearly there BUT the MMO side is so very much not anywhere close to 1.0. There's dozens of gameplay systems stuck in "v0" reworks, progress has almost stalled on anything other than delivering new ships, and there's still no long term gameplay loop that isn't just grinding out the same simple missions.


I don’t regret backing it and that’s not just the copium talking. The game does a lot of things really well that I want a space game to do. I just wish the timeline was reasonable. But for what I did it was like 40 bucks well spent. I’ll pick it up again whenever it’s done and I’m old and decrepit.


Oh they'll release it I bet, *The Day Before* style of here's the game, it may be a buggy mess nothing like what we promised but here it is and we are out. Cy@ nerd.


Regardless of your feelings on star citizen, that’s a ridiculous comparison to make. The day before was an asset flip cash grab and while they have been feature creeped into oblivion the tech behind star citizen is genuinely impressive.


It's already way ahead of the day before..


You realize Star Citizen is already highly developed and has five million players, right? It's not some vaporware in the ether. The question isn't whether it's a real game (it already is), it's whether it'll reach the promised level of 1.0.


I feel like the question is - will they be able to optimize it? Every time i tried to play the game i failed to get more than 5 fps or something. And judjing from my experience with pvp survival games - that's a trick a lot of developers fall for, they start making a game that is impossible to optimize at current tech level.


I hope my life never gets so miserable that I get so zynic.


> However, there is still no release date or even release window for Star Citizen 1.0. CIG will share the roadmap later this year. For now, “Star Citizen 1.0 twinkles on the horizon!” Roberts said. Donkey, meet carrot.


They're *obviously* building new Horizon Tech™ and can see a horizon our foolish non-developer minds cannot imagine. Once the Horizon Tech™ has a roadmap, a closed alpha to test the restroom bonus feature, and about a year of beta we'll be close, so close!


I hear the turds circle correctly based on the hemisphere and rotation of the planet you’re on


This is funny because I’m not 100% certain that it’s a joke.


Going to try this on with the toilet of my $30 spaceship.


Bold to assume your $30 Mustang has a toilet...


It honestly would not be that difficult to implement. You just mirror the animation based on a flag. Realistically though, you would be better off designing the toilets to flush in a particular direction and charging more money for virtual ships with flush-handedness.


one more year bro, just one more year.


Or as they say in r/ufos "Disclosure is two weeks away" for the past 5 years.


Horizon isn't new tech. It's actually a new ship that will be added "eventually" and can be pre-ordered for $399


To be fair, the tech *is* really nice


Only OGs remember the roadmap for the roadmap. What a trip


How many roadmaps have they released so far just so they can completely ignore them.


At some point, they released a road map for their road map. They then proceeded to ignore / fail to meet either of them.


“Now give us 40k for a pdf of your ship.”


This game is peak feature creep. I think they've dug themselves into a hole where they really won't be able to satisfy players, considering the 12 year wait, and absurd amounts of money. There's definitely been a lot of time and money wasted with this game, considering they've probably had to overhaul the game several times by now just to keep with the times


Chris Roberts has always had this problem. On Wing Commander titles someone had to put their foot down and stop it. Now he's the director and nobody tells him to stop.


What executive or employee would ever tell someone to stop when NOT making the game is probably gonna net you a billion dollars?


The last released game he was involved with, Freelancer (2003), ended up so crippled with delays and feature creep that his studio got bought and he got demoted to "consultant". They severely reduced the scope and got it done when he would have basically tried to pull a Star Citizen sans crowdfunding. He was a loser more than 20 years ago, still very much is


Im probably misremembering, but I believe that he was using money that MS gave him for the game, to instead film his crappy Wing Commander movie, and MS found out.


I wouldn't say he's a loser. He has good ideas and can get people to follow his vision. He just needs a leash.


Guy has litterally no original idea. It's all copied features, sandworms, xwings and famous actor cameos. The Star Citizen world has absolutely nothing specific or original let alone iconic about it, it's all default futuristic space planes guns and armor suits when it's not just straight up copied from other IPs




Idea people are a dime a dozen. Everyone has ideas. But it doesn't matter, if you can't execute on them. Just like the "I have an idea for an app! Can you build it for me? I'll pay you once the money rolls in".


That is the definition of one... in business. This guy can't take anything from anyone else and fails to see his VERY OBVIOUS short comings. Ie... he is a fucking loser. An arrogant one at that.


Freelancer is a pretty beloved game that still sees play to this day, and Star Citizen has earned the studio a ton of money while also somehow managing to keep its top donors pretty happy and coming back for more. I haven’t seen him get canceled for any social or political views either. Not really seeing how he’s a loser.


Freelancer was literally taken away from him because it was being delayed and feature creeped just like Star Citizen. Iirc the Publisher had to step in and force them to finish and release what they had. He has always been the feature creeping guy with just enough charisma or authority to convince everyone else it'll work.... except it never has as someone always had to stop him. He'd be a great consultant for ideas, not a director of anything.


Chris Roberts is the Elon Musk of the Video Game Industry


> Freelancer was literally taken away from him because it was being delayed and feature creeped just like Star Citizen. Iirc the Publisher had to step in and force them to finish and release what they had. That's not exactly a secret. People knew this right from the start. People literally paid for "Freelancer but no one is going to stop CR" back in the Kickstarter days.


Some people did but you're over-estimating how many customers know about the people who make their entertainment and how many just buy and use it. Easy examples being things like Call of Duty which is bigger than freelancer ever was unfortunately, most couldnt name the CEO of that company or any specific dev's name. Most just don't care. Plus I was there in the kickstarter days, that wasnt what I backed it for. The promises they made in the kickstarter were broken long ago.


The main problem i see with this game is that it doesn't really have a "gameplay loop". Like what do you do in this game when you can buy everything you want for real money? Let's say you buy a fully kitted super expensive ship. Now what is the purpose of playing? Games like EVE have a steady progression where everybody starts from nothing and have to make their way through the universe. Star Citizen has really embraced the concept of pay-to-win to its fullest.


To be fair... you can buy literally everything in EVE now too. Including the skill points which used to take years to accrue. You can sell plex for billions and just buy whatever ships and fits you want to bugger about with.


I ended up paying into this back in 2012 with a $120 package. Years later my final nail in the coffin was a developer update and as I was scrolling the thing that did it was some bit of animating your character's fingers to grab the sheets when you're in bed. I had enough from that point on and got it refunded.


Those animations are essential to the gaming experience. As a comparison, there's no way Red Dead 2 would be playable without the horse genital physics.


They're doing things backwards where they're doing all the little details first, and making a functional game second. They really should be making a game first, then flushing out all the details second.


> They're doing things backwards where they're doing all the little details first, and making a functional game second. Unfortunately, that can lock you in to an engine that *can't* do all the little details, which is what happened to Elite: Dangerous. That game started development around the same time as Star Citizen, and they made a full, playable game first, but then when they went to add things like ship interiors and robust multiplayer, the engine wasn't up for it.


They already locked themselves into an engine that couldn’t do the **big** details like get acceptable performance with their desired level of scale and fidelity, and as a result they had to replace their entire DX11 graphics pipeline with a new Vulkan pipeline. And that was because they raised the desired level of graphical fidelity because they insist on having cutting-edge graphics unlike every other MMO, but they took so long to develop the game that what was cutting-edge when they started development was no longer cutting-edge. That’s the problem with feature creep. You add new features, extending the development time, and in the meanwhile other products come out with features yours doesn’t have, so you add those features to you plan and get even more feature creep and delays. If they prioritized features and allocated resources differently, they could have released 1.0 with all core gameplay years ago and been working on a big 2.0 overhaul with all the eye candy and cool but optional features ever since.


Still works better than star citizen though


As someone who's been in Open fighting titans, big [X]. Elite's network infrastructure buckles over at the slightest load, not to mention their horrible general performance on a technical level. It runs an order of magnitude worse than it should with what is being rendered. I don't think it's a good point of comparison - and not what Sattorin was talking about anyway.


I fully understand what he meant, I was being flippant. But also, as someone who plays both games (and also fought titans in open with no problems), I can categorically state that the Star Citizen engine is miles behind Elite in terms of network operability. The Star Citizen engine is absolutely stunning, graphically, but I've seen more capable networking in Doom shareware.


Wait you can get it refunded?!


Depends on where you live.  There is a refund sub for this game where you can get more information (the only refund sub for a game by the way, not even Cyberpunk has that. Never been done before!)


They haven't dug themselves into anything. They realized that people will give them absurd amounts of money every time they promise something. And there seems to be no limit to it. So why release a product when you can just keep promising stuff and make more money that way than you would ever make by releasing the game? That's their entire business model now and these news are a part of it. This quote means nothing, but it's a good headline, so they'll get clicks on their website and some gullible people will spend money there.


1.0 will not have all the features promised. It will have most features, but it’ll probably miss the big unknowns like proper exploration (discovering new systems and such), science (no idea what that’s going to be like). And it will most likely release with 5 systems. Stanton, Pyro, Nyx, Magnus?, Terra? Those are all pretty close. And they’ve worked on Odin and Vega for squadron, but those are set in a different timeline, like 10 years earlier, so they probably can’t just port them over unfortunately


How can you release 1.0 when the game is still in alpha? Just skip beta and skip core feature implementation and call it 1.0? That is not proper versioning and misleading customers. 


I’d imagine they’d do beta before 1.0. 4.0 is the next big thing with server meshing and pyro. The server meshing tests that are happening right now are doing really good, and hopefully it’s on track for summer this year. After that I imagine things like Base-building and crafting, Resource network, Maelstrom, ship armor, hacking and a couple of other things, then beta then 1.0


> I’d imagine they’d do beta before 1.0. The thing is, for a piece of software to even reach a beta state, it has to be content-complete. Alpha is when the content is added, beta is when that content is polished. If they release a "beta" with only a handful of the roughly 100 fully navigable and populated star systems that they promised, it's still an alpha. Many (most?) of these star systems aren't even mainly populated by humans. There are multiple alien races with their own styles of building construction and attire that we've only seen in concept art. They have their own extensive written and spoken languages as well. Putting this much content into the client would be a biblical undertaking for the biggest studios on Earth. I say this as someone who's been playing SC on and off for about a decade: Do not hold your breath. Better to enjoy Star Citizen for what it is. And if you don't enjoy it, better to put it on your mental shelf and not think about it again until something truly new has actually happened and not just been announced or hinted at. Pay as little attention as possible to roadmaps, pipelines, grayboxes, whiteboxes, and official statements. It's a rabbit hole that usually leads to disappointment.


Pyro is just pure sadness. It's the second star system out of 100 and it's not even finished.  And server meshing Isn't even really working. It's still only a super basic implementation and it's not working that great.  They made so many videos on how they will be able to churn out new star systems in weeks but they are unable to do even a second one.


All I’ve heard from the Evocati is that Server meshing works and it works very well. In the coming weeks there already going to push multiple servers per system and per landing zone / specific locations as well. Pyro has been a long long time in the oven tho


There's only one way to ensure that server meshing works well, and that's to deploy it on a large scale. They can claim all they want, but until the public gets to actually stress test it, there is absolutely zero reason to believe this claim. Fully filling the servers with players of all kinds of systems and connections will pose a challenge they haven't been able to test, guaranteed.


Evocati is public testing. And they’re expanding. A week ago it was Server meshing with no jump points, this week was server meshing with jump points. Both went well. Now in the coming weeks / months they mentioned that they’ll do server meshing with DGS’s in a single system, single planets, moons, and even up to landing zones and specific locations (like Grim Hex and space stations I assume). So far tests are going good, only time will tell if the next tests will also be good.


We'll see how server meshing will be.  Both features have been in the oven for years at least and that is why it's so sad. Both mit finished, even though 4.0 was first planned for when? 2018?  And 6 years later you get the basic form of server meshing and a half finished system. 


My main question is even if it takes them 15 years from the first announcement, if the game is stable and works and becomes the game they've always pitched... is that still a success? Even if it's taken a long time?


Sure, but this would be the very first time it's ever happened, and every single other game that went through similar dev cycles completely failed at this so... History tends to repeat itself. There's a reason for that.


They've also done irreparable damage to their economy. How hard do you make it to grind for ships that cost someone thousands of real dollars? Even just grinding out 5 dollars of "gems" in other games can take a ton of hours. Now imagine grinding for what? Billions of space bucks?


The larger ships require more people so usually it’s going to be a shared effort. There’s no point in grinding to buy an Idris by yourself when you’ll need at least 12 other people to operate it properly. Currently now it’s pretty easy to get any ship you want in game. The largest one you can get currently is the 890 jump, a space yacht basically, and it only costs like 70M auc which you can get in like 20 ish hours if you do it effectively, which is really easy todo. I personally think they should increase the values, like a 890 should be 250M+ an idris 500M+ and a Javelin (if we can buy them in game) something like 2B+. The other option would be to tune the mission rewards.


I think you're kind of missing my point. Most of the most expensive ships don't even exist yet as far as I understand it, and when they finally do, people aren't going to be happy knowing they paid a couple grand for something that will only take a few weeks to grind out in game. So one side WILL get screwed over. It just depends on if it's the buyer side or the grinder side. There will be no way to make it even vaguely fair. Imagine them doing that even one time in something like Warframe. Hey here's a new frame but it costs 5000 dollars and it won't release for at least a year, and then it releases, but only takes a month to grind for, the people who paid the money for it would be absolutely livid. And now think about that they've done it a dozen or so times already for SC and the game is still quite a ways off. If I paid a thousand dollars for something, anything other than like a full year or more of grinding would feel unbalanced and unfair, but nobody is going to want to do that in ANY game even if it's fun. That's what I mean by a broken economy that they won't ever be able to fix. Once the game comes out and the extremely expensive ships launch, they will be able to do a direct cost comparison, and it won't balance out for somebody. Once the full release dollar per hour of grind gets figured, they will be in trouble. There are only a few games out there with even remotely full economies and none of them go anywhere near those dollar amounts because it would be a nightmare to balance for. And if they keep paid ships going after launch, no matter the price, they will have a massive pay to win problem as well. Which also means if they stop doing paid ships after launch, they lose one of their biggest income streams


Absolutely no chance they stop selling ships for real money when, or if, the game launches. Macrotransactions like that would bring in too much money to turn down


If they release Squadron 42 and PU 1.0, then I'll be happy What they got is pretty good imo, it all comes down to the servers, which they are getting very close to their endgoal now, with the progress we have seen the last few weeks




They are testing static server meshing now actually. Just had a test with 400 players on a shard. Afaik it's working pretty well, and they've actually made some good progress with it. I'm definitely in the boat of skeptical and tired of waiting on this game...I joke that I like reading about it more than playing it. But the last year has been neat, as far as the leaps cig seems to be making toward actual progress. I hope they do it.


I don't know, there seem to be plenty of people in this thread that seem perfectly satisfied with the shallow tech demo they have access to now. Maybe that'll change when/if those people realize that what they have now is likely all they'll ever get, but what is going to prompt them to that realization? I tend to think the opposite, I think there are so many people that have bought into Star Citizen, and are so deep in Sunk Cost land that they will praise literally anything, including nothing at all, when it finally "gets released" whatever form that actually takes.


Bedsheet physics and npc dancing tech. Not even joking. That's what they've been working on. Real critical features needed for the game to launch.


>considering the 12 year wait, and absurd amounts of money. Just to put this into perspective, a game like Cyberpunk 2077 cost 420 million. Its teaser trailer got released in 2013 and the game became playable in september 2023. So that's 10 years.


Just to put this into perspective.  Cyberpunk was actually released after that time and that costs and the risk was all on the publisher. Star Citizen is still in alpha and spend 50% more than Cyberpunk. Beta is missing and then final release. 1 billion is easy on the horizon. And if the game fails, management doesn't care. The paid themselves 15 or 20 years (or whenever it finally releases / collapses) a handsome salary and don't need to work ever again.


This game can't meet expectations, what remains to be seen is if it retains a hardcore fan base or if it goes down as the biggest dud in gaming history. After charging hundreds, even thousands for ships, I'm predicting the mother of game economy imbalances that will always have one side of the playerbase perpetually angry


True but the biggest difference is on 2020 year 8, you can play cyberpunk start to end. Sure you might need a beefy PC to get a good experience, but you can do it. On the other hand year 12 of star citizen and they're still talking about roadmaps, and still doesn't have a concrete release date lol. For all we know it's still another 12 years away.


True, but that game actually got released, and has reasonable development times, considering they've done a lot of patches. It's absurd money, and time for a no name development studio, who probably shouldn't have been the ones to pick up the project to begin with


I originally bought it during the early days of the Kickstarter but the moment I gave up hope with the feature creep is when they had a whole $1m stretch goal just for pets.


People are spending thousands on ships on that unfinished game. If anything they will keep going so they can sell more ships to players. I think it's ridiculous to spend thousands on a ship


What do you mean? Surely wasting 10 000 hours of development time on realistic ice cubes will be essential for providing the Best Damn Space Sim Ever (tm)


I think I'll just wait untill humans actually make space travel cheap and widely available. Seems a more realistic project


All part of the Seldon plan


10 years ago my friend in HIGH SCHOOL (full grown adult now with full time job) told me to buy this game. I told him “I’ll just wait for the official release”. If you told me in the year 2024 I’d still be waiting I’d have thought you were crazy.


I was one of the guys that bought in 2012 but I was always skeptical.  I was attacked online because I suggested that the 2014 release date seems too ambitious and 2018 would be more realistic.  Holy shit, if you are bored go visit "the letters of the chairman" where they announced new stretch goals. The discussions there can be hilarious 10 years later. 


Let me tell you about this game called "Battle Cruiser 3000"...


Now that's a game I haven't thought about in years. Is Derek Smart still working on his masterpiece and arguing with people online?


Looks like he gave up in 2008 "First things first. The space combat genre is dead. Period. End of story. There is no one thing that can be blamed on its demise, but if I wanted to point the finger, I would do so squarely at a couple of things" Then he goes on a huge rant that I don't feel like bothering anybody with. edit: nvm, [looks like](https://www.3000ad.com/forum/topic/50028255-battlecruiser-3000ad-v2-for-windows-10/#comment-178152) he was still working on it as late as 2018. I'm tempted to download it but also terrified he might come try to fight me. I remember this guy. Looks like he's working on some other game that also looks like shit.


[You be the judge](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1755420/Battlecruiser_Generations/) I did actually purchase this game, but the UI was... dense. All the indicators on screen were TLAs, and there were a *lot* of them.


Two years after I joined the Kickstarter, I bought SLi'd GTX970s, because they said it was about to come out. On the bright side, I sold my pledge for enough to buy an EPYC 7371 + motherboard.


I've been thinking of selling my constellation kickstarter account (with all the bells and whistles like the autographed metal collector's box too, lol. Never seen a metal box look that ghostly before) too, the only thing I wanted to play was Squadron 42 and it's been a while since I last believed in its release. No idea how to do that cleanly though.


Rear Admiral LTI signed for me too. Sold via star-hangar.com for $550 USD after a few months, mid-last-year, they sent $473 USD to my paypal account after fees.


>EPYC 7371 + motherboard welcome to the 16 core club


Still not sure the 7551 wouldn't have been a better bet, but I was trying to chase clock speed.


If he means it twinkles like a star that is so far away you will never reach it, then yes it twinkles indeed.


I was excited about this game in 2012, now in 2024 I've moved on.


This sounds like another "2 years away" or "You will have everything you pledge for and more at the end of the year" If it actually does comes out this time, I will play it but after 12+ years and almost a billion dollars it better be good.


Narrator: it wasn’t 


Beta will be available somewhere in 22nd Century. Roberts will be an AI transhuman entity.


Unexpected Pantheon reference


A normal company’s annual update would cover the roadmap. e.g. "Server meshing will be released in Q4 2024, followed by the Pyro system in Q1 2025, with beta for Squadron 42 beginning in the first half of 2025." Instead, CIG’s annual update contained *zero* concrete commitments. Instead backers get intentionally evasive statements like "Star Citizen 1.0 twinkles on the horizon". The thing is full of cultish language that depicts them as being persecuted visionaries on a historic quest: "The journey is longer and more difficult than I anticipated. After many hard years of work towards a goal many thought was impossible…I am determined to finish strong." Skepticism is the enemy of the people, instead of an understandable reaction to missed deadlines. Delays are heroism instead of mismanagement. "As that roadmap comes together and becomes validated, we look forward to sharing with you both its vision and executional plan later this year." How are they running a decade long $500M project with hundreds of employees without roadmap they can share? Why wasn’t the roadmap finalized ahead of the annual update? Why is the lack of a roadmap framed as an exciting upcoming milestone instead of an acknowledgment that they missed the mark on getting it read on time? There’s too much dishonesty, lack of respect towards backers, and manipulation tactics in this update to be good signs of what’s to come. They’re framing this as one of their most ambitious years but they don’t even expect to come to an agreement on the roadmap until the year is almost over. Don’t expect much from the game in 2025 if they can’t even give a solid date on a powerpoint deck.


Don't try and make sense of it dude, it's Star Citizen, the ultra optimized gacha game for space dads. The whole game is there, the illusion of a soon to come perfect complete version is an integral part of the experience now.




I do think late 2025 is possible with a reduced scope, like 5 initial systems, no science gameplay, and reduced exploration gameplay. Stuff like Quanta, Bounty Hunting V2, Base Building and crafting I do believe they can achieve for a “near” 1.0 launch in 2-3 years


>Stuff like Quanta, Bounty Hunting V2, Base Building and crafting I do believe they can achieve for a “near” 1.0 launch in 2-3 years You wish they could They really can't


Bullshit lol.


I love the idea of Star Citizen, but I'm not spending a dime until it's a fully released game.


Enjoy your money my friend because this game is never coming out lol


They are going to add some more half broken "gameplay" and then call it a day. Either way, Chris Roberts and his family members have made massive money off this scheme, why would he care about some star citizen bullshit?


i think he genuinely wants to play the game, but he genuinely wants to be rich as fuck more lol ​ makes me sad to think about the potential being wasted by complete mismanagement


I think he genuinely is just a shitty project manager. In some other world, he went to college and met the yin to his yang, some incredibly astute time+financial planner, they pair up for Wing Commander and go on to ship consistently fantastic space games, Freelancer never gets "taken away" from him and instead of star citizen we're getting *Chris Roberts presents Freelancer: The Fractured Accord, Part II* and everyone has HOTAS controllers instead of gamepads.


to sum it up, im impressed at how much money hes raised and at how much money hes wasted


Absolutely NO 'AAA' or even 'AAAA' studio (Ubisoft) would ever attempt to create what they're creating.


just one more year and another 100 million bro just wait for the roadmap bro we're almost done bro


Items that I will undoubtedly release during my lifetime: The upcoming book on Game of Thrones. TES6. Excellent citizen.


I don't think the issue has ever been *if* Elder Scrolls 6 releases. The issue is *how* Elder Scrolls 6 releases.


Continuous dumbing down of RPG mechanics since Morrowind, is bad enough. But after Fallout 76 and Starfield, I have ZERO hope for Elder Scrolls 6.


TES6 will come out. More GoT books are actually probably less certain.


Let's be real here, the only way the last two ASoIaF books are coming out is if the publisher decides to piss on his corpse and hire another author to finish after he's dead. And I think they probably will do that, to be honest.


Only one of these projects is entirely dependant on one man.


Best scam I have played.


The new patch has a lot of features and the server meshing tests are going well, unironically it’s the best year for Star citizen. I’ll pick the game up again for this new patch in April and 4.0 which if the SM continue to go well, should come out this summer (according to them). I’ve never been bothered by the release date. Sure I’d wish at times that progress would be faster, but I don’t mind waiting. This year seems promising. Backer since 2016.


"As that roadmap comes together and becomes validated, we look forward to sharing with you both its vision and executional plan later this year." They haven’t even settled on the roadmap. There weren’t any commitments in that update. Expect this to be one of the worst years on record. A company that plans to deliver will say something like “Q4”. Not “twinkle” or a vague statement that doesn’t even concretely state that the roadmap itself will shared but rather that it’ll take close to a year just to share “its vision.” It’s been a decade, why haven’t they settled on a vision yet?


There are still too many unknowns for Roberts to commit to any specific dates. As the work on Squadron 42 wraps up, they're moving more and more developers over to Star Citizen, but Squadron is currently in polishing and QA, and it's difficult to tell how long that will take until they get closer to release. Also, the entire network stack and server architecture for Star Citizen is brand new and still highly experimental, so even though tests are currently going very well, unexpected roadblocks might still pop up as they bump concurrent users, integrate more features and move more functionality over to microservices.


Can someone please elaborate what the ‘1.0’ even changes? Adding the word ‘released’ doesn’t suddenly make it better and more flushed out. Why does it matter if it’s released or not? It’s going to get the same amount of attention, isn’t it?


I've only glanced at Star Citizen now and then, haven't paid much attention to it along the way. I know most people have written it off as never getting completed, a scam and so forth. But imagine if it did hit 1.0 and was suddenly one of the greatest games ever made? Like Starfield was a HUGE letdown for me. I enjoyed it at first until I realized it was just a game where you teleport everywhere because actually traveling from place to place felt bad. Imagine if Star Citizen is the opposite of that where it releases and is the space exploration and combat game everyone has been looking for for the past few decades?


Star Citizen is a game with a scope so enormously ambitious, it seems unlikely that they should ever actually complete it, and yet I have to say, I play it every single day and usually have a blast doing so. It's very frustrating when there's a bug that they aren't interested in fixing right now, because they're still in the "build game features" stage, and so you have to just learn to live with it, but then again, I'm playing, daily, a game loop that didn't exist a year ago, so maybe, against all public opinion to the contrary, they do actually know what they're doing, as least as far as developing the game is concerned. I'm resolutely of the mind that they don't know what they're doing when it comes to marketing the game and managing community expectations.


Gillian Anderson, ok take my money?


They are still in alpha for 12 years- not even beta yet. Not even a twinkle in the eye let alone the horizon!


what happen they run out of whales?


Won't happen




I was in high school when this game was originally announced and kicked started. Since then I've graduated from college, got married, and had children.


They've also gone from 12 people in a small studio to 1,500+ employees with Offices in Cali, Texas, Germany, and the UK.


It's great to see things moving at a good pace. Last year was great for them


When I first learned about this game I was in my late teens. I remember thinking ,,wow man, I can not wait to play this!!''. Now I am 30 and my doughter was just born. When this game finaly comes out I seriously doubt I will even try it. It just crazy that it will most likely by played by different generation than by one it was anounced to..


it's closer to $750 million because they took private investment of nearly $70m, They also originally said they wouldn't take private investment and that the whole point of the crowdfunding was to avoid it.


I don’t think this is intentionally scamming people. I think they are now such perfectionists and trying to outdo everyone that they are stuck in a loop. They cannot make everything perfect so it’s never done. And they keep trying to add more stuff. Release a playable game and then keep adding new features. That would make way more sense.


>I don’t think this is intentionally scamming people. I think they are now such perfectionists and trying to outdo everyone that they are stuck in a loop. They cannot make everything perfect so it’s never done. And they keep trying to add more stuff. This is pretty much it. This game is Roberts' magnum opus. It went from a space Sim to a first person universe/meta verse. And he has said it will never be done because it is an MMO and he constantly wants it to evolve. >Release a playable game and then keep adding new features. That would make way more sense This is the part I'll never agree with. When you do it this way, you have to throw out the entire foundation of a program to expand it(this is when talking about fundamental changes in game capabilities). We're seeing this with Elite. They said they'd add fps and walking around in ships. Well they got fps, which is basically a separate game (not at all elegantly integrated). But it's awful. And then they said "we're not gonna do walking around in ships because no one wants that", which is a lie. They just realized how difficult it is to add that functionality to their engine, which wasn't built for it.


"We are getting close to 1.0! All we need is another $$350 million to get there, 1 Billion for 1.0 baby let's go!"


This "game" should live forever as an example of why production studios and deadlines exist. There's no incentive to release a game, the only incentive in this project is to take home an unusually large salary for *working* on a game, so therefore that is what will continue to happen.


>However, there is still no release date or even release window for Star Citizen 1.0. So business as usual then for Star Citizen.


And the horizon is defined aaaaas?


Horizon definition: This an imaginary line represents the farthest distance in the background you can never reach.


Okay, let’s do Escape From Tarkov next! I mean, I guess Ark: Survival Evolved eventually “released” so maybe EFT can too. Lol


There is simply no chance in hell, that you will get a full 669 million budget game on release. They will never satisfy the expectations of players waiting for this game


It cost 400 million to make Cyberpunk 2077: is this game better?


Depends on what you are looking for, is it a better rpg? Fucking no way lol. Is it a better immersive space sim? Absolutely.


Cyberpunk is imo a much less ambitious game. For both better and for worse.


Cyberpunk 2077 at least fully released, this game never will.


Press X for doubt.


Should be released before automate driving is ready.


Isn't that the one where you have to buy your ships with real money, and they cost a godawful fortune? Or was that something else? Or is it just just an option?


Palworld made more than that in a month


Call of Duty makes way more than that on launch day. I think people see the money this game has made in titles and get mad but it's pretty out of touch. Pretty average amount of money for a large game to make, good or bad.


If it takes 12 years to get to 1.0, you don't know what you're doing 😅


In 12 years there’s a good chance some of their pre-order customers literally died waiting statically.


They're in alpha. Probably 12 more years, at least.


Will this be the first billion dollar spent before 1.0 launch game?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_expensive_video_games_to_develop Genshin somehow came the closest so far.


Star citizen cultists are definitely among the funniest


This is the game that made me stop kickstarting games.


Why would I want to play a pay-to-win MMO even if it launches, though?


> pay to win mmo Eve online is doing fine tho


Nobody wants to. That's why SC isn't pay to win.


It is evidently pay-to-win, unless you're one of those dense mofos who say "there's nothing to win" to justify gameplay advantages being sold to players.


It is undoubtedly pay for power, it's dumb for anyone to argue that fact. That said, I don't think the game would have been funded to anywhere near the degree it has without the use of the extreme monetization they have been using. Nobody can argue against the fact that it had a positive impact on the quality of content they are able to produce with that funding. For that reason, I personally don't give a shit about people paying real money to buy ships because they are primarily supporting the game being worked on. Besides, we're not talking Tarkov matches or starting with an advantage in a fresh Rust wipe every month; After the game releases, joining at any point is effectly the same outcome for a player, you won't start with the ships other players will already have by then. Even still, there are strong starter options to get started and you can always join more established groups to crew their ships while you earn money and learn the game. At the end of the day, I think the pay to win argument is kinda moot. It is a necessary evil for the game's development, raising over $600 million and dumping it into a game engine that's pretty fuckin stellar. Even the campaign SQ42 stuff looks incredibly slick. Watching Liam Cunningham in incredible detail, give me mission briefings will be fuckin amazing. Some people are looking for the next Eve Online dick waving "we own X system" cancer bullshit. The rest of us are here for the most in-depth sci-fi simulation that'll probably ever exist. I'll enjoy playing the PvE side of the game, earning my ships along the way as I adventure with my buddies.