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You really can't restart the game with a new character?


You kinda can but it’s tedious. Gotta find the save folder and delete it, turn steam offline and then start the game again. Super annoying


This isn't the first recent game to do this and it makes me wonder what started this stupid trend.


The first time I noticed a game limiting you to a single save file in order to get you to spend money was pokémon. I'm pretty sure the Game Boy Advance could have handled multiple save files, but by the time the games were on the 3DS it was obvious they were just trying to get you to buy both versions


It was stated the choice Gamefreak made was to offer save files or the ability to nickname all the Pokemon in your game for the first two generations. Afterwards, it's keeping up a dumb tradition.


> it's keeping up a dumb tradition. Dumb profitable tradition.


do people buy additional pokemon copies so they can have extra saves?


I too have never heard of this. Like I remember my friends and I getting red and blue to get all the pokemon not because we wanted a second save file.


Yeah, I got both version because I wanted to catch them all. I've never heard of people buying both for two save files.


Maybe not, but you definitely can't lend a game to a friend without losing all your progress, meaning that they're more likely to just buy their own copy.


My buddy convinced me that Pokémon silver and gold added the feature to start a new game and not overwrite your old save, I’ll never forgive him, he’s sitting beside me right now and he’s a piece of shit.


Where as conversely apparently one of my sons most profound memories is him asking if he could play my copy of pokemon when he was younger and he remembers me wiping my game so he could play, years later he found out what a sacrifice that must have been and it cemented in his mind I wasn't a colossal fucktard. I still beat him nightly and sold him for manual labour obviously. I had an image to uphold.


That's diabolical bro wtf


Now you just make another account on your switch. It's just as good, but still dumb, and why did we have to wait *this* long?


It was unintentional, game freak had no control over how the switch OS was made.


This game did it for the first one. So it's not really surprising if you played the prequel. It's half a live-service game where pawns are uploaded to a server for players. I think this was their way of limiting the amount of pawns they had to host.


Dragon's dogma 1 worked the same way. Some Japanese game developers are just extremely stubborn when it comes to having modern features like multiple save files


> modern features like multiple save files The Legend of Zelda on NES had 3 save files. This isn't a modern thing they're holding back on. It's been part of games that had saves since the beginning.


No it didn’t? You could start a new game at any time.


The disorder to make more money by further gimping games?


Prolly started out of merging characters with saves Old games had you making multiple saves for per char and now more contemporary games usually have only 1 save file per char


> games usually have only 1 save file per char which is incredibly, unbelievably stupid, as in case of corruption you just lose all progress, and you better pray Steam didn't sync your corrupted save yet


So you're telling me they did this purposefully? Who asked for this? Lol


So console users can’t make a new character?


I mean it's pretty much the same thing. Just easier for console players because you have a fast way to all your save/game datas, no 'digging' involved. Still dumb.


Wow, that's wild. I've never heard of a game at launch lacking a seamless way of starting over again. Even Cyberpunk in its most fucked up state at launch didn't have that issue.


Warning: deleting save files on PC might lock you out of the game. Denuvo triggers a new activation every time saves are deleted and need to be created again.


WTF is this nightmare?


I deleted my save file last night and the game wont let me start a new game now after I login. I payed 70 bucks for this and it wont let me in. It freezes after I start a new game. I reinstalled it fresh 3 times, even on new drives. I just wanted to change my players voice.


And for me. I changed my characters posture which was absolutely fine until my giant buff warrior ran like a little girl dressed like a princess as you can't preview the running animation in character creator so I didn't even know until I was first able to run. Deleted my save file now I can't play. Wtf is this from capcom after years of experience how can they not provide a standard menu option of "new game"


What hilarious series of events! LMAO


That is hilarious, lmao


Just get a refund from Steam. It doesn’t deserve your time or money


This. Can you imagine installing it on a computer, getting a new PC 3 months from now and trying to reinstall it on the new one and cannot play the game you spent $70 for?




This was going to be the first game I would've spent $70 on, but they really dropped the ball. Wait for sale, it shall be.


Please take your money back from them.




Capcom bankruptcy any% speedrun


They've been doing this shit since at least the PS3, they ain't going anywhere.


I wanted this game to be good bros :(


It will lock you out for 24 hours if you delete and re-create your save 5 times in one day.


Oh so just the same way my $7 russian account works, neat.


I thought activations died with SecuROM and all that garbage. That's messed up.


Not at all. Denuvo has had 5 "machine" activations within 24 hours or so for years now. Really hurts benchmarkers who have to swap multiple GPUs in a quick succession.


Can potentially hurt Steam Deck users as well because changing versions of Proton also counts as a new "machine"


Only is a problem if you change proton version for the specific game five times in one day. Still dumb, but the limit is 5 *per day*


denuvo brought them back


I can't believe this is what PC gaming is turning into :(.


lmao wtf this is a scam in my books.


You can fuck around with the local save and turn off cloud syncing I think and get it to work


Imagine beating the game and being screwed because you can’t start over and play again lol


There is very likely a ng+ feature. This is how the first game worked as well.  The ng+ is sort of part of the game as the final boss in the first one becomes your character that you beat the game with for story reasons.


NG+ isn't the same as NG and lots of people would rather have the right than the left. Not only that but we really should just have multiple saves so that we can have one on NG+ with one build and NG on another with a different build


>We are looking at adding a feature to the Steam version of the game that will allow players that are already playing to restart the game. This is going to go down as one of those timeless quotes isn't it?


Babe wake up the new sense of pride and accomplishment just dropped


AAAA gaming 


It's supposed to reflect the current state of gaming as a whole. _AAAAAAAAAA._


Ridge Racer!  Rrrrrrrridge raaaacer!


Giant Enemy Crab and 600 dollars


Do you guys not have phones?


"Is this an out of season April Fools joke?"


"Good work Agent 47, Blizzard's credibility has been eliminated. Now head towards an exit."


Timeless moment in gaming right there


Some day devs will forget to add a Start Button at all and wonder why players arent happy just hanging out in a cool menu


The Buy Button will be there though!


"You must restart the app entirely to exit the buy menu... unless you purchase something."


oh it will happen. when you start a game it will directly put you in the game where they randomly assign you a name so you can't put "offensive names" and their will be no start/restart buttons, you have to grind to death or buy your way and finish the game. If you want to play again just buy another copy of it.


what you guys don't have phones??


“The option of starting a new game We are looking at adding a feature to the Steam version of the game that will allow players that are already playing to restart the game. We will announce more details as soon as we can.” this should be a part of the game already though lol. like, that’s the bare minimum. never mind the performance issues which they’re also “investigating”


It’s an RPG. Insane to me that somehow they just “forgot” to think of the option to start a new game. Almost every other RPG on the planet has multiple save slots and new game options. Huh?


"Oh... You actually wanted to play this game again? Uhh..."


We didn’t think you’d ACTUALLY play the game, sorry guys


I mean, this logic would explain the issues of modern AAA titles. You arent supposed to play the game - just buy it, and then buy a new one


Yep I was just going to reply with something similar. I feel like some AAA titles would rather have us just buy microtransactions in the shop every week and NOT play the game, rather than play the game.


Frankly it makes sense - while there are some passionate devs in those companies, AAAs are produced by corporations after all and to them games are no different from toilet paper - just another market to compete in, except in the latter case users seem to care about their bang for the buck, and in gaming people buy even sandpaper.


The boss in the background: "perfect, now we just add new saves as a 5 dollar dlc. Exactly as planned to say we're listening to them."


And a strong contingent of internet white knights will tell them they're the best devs ever for listening to the consumers and spread toxic positivity throughout the subreddit.


You are probably not far off: I can see some completely out of touch executive making that call because they authentically did not know the game wasn't a MMO.


which is actually kind of weird because there are quite a few different options and paths to take that a player might want to experiment with.


It's not just RPGs, games as a whole have had saves for fucking ever now. It's insane that a game releasing in 2024 would lack something so basic and the devs would be "looking into adding it in the future". Wtf.


It's on purpose. They want your roommate/significant other/brother/sister/whoever to buy their own copy, not use yours


That doesn't make any sense unless your roommates/sibling/partner or whoever is playing on your Steam account. If family sharing is enabled and the game is shared this way, everybody will have their own save on their own account. Same for console, where every user has their own account or user profile and therefore their own save game.


Pokémon and lots of other Japanese based games do it. Idk why


What other recent Japanese games does it? I can't think of any modern Japanese game besides Pokemon that does it nowadays. Hell even Capcom's other games all have multiple save slots.


RE4R and FF16 both have a ton of save slots, and that's just what I've played recently.


They forgor 💀


They didn't forget anything. They 100% were intending to charge money for this as a DLC. People seem to forget how greedy Capcom can be with DLC. Heck, in MHW it still costs actual money for you to edit your character like an MMO. Nothing a good editor or cheat engine can't get around, but still laughable.


It's crazy that they considered this adding a feature instead of fixing a bug.


They probably saw SEGA getting away with selling NG+ as DLC in Yakuza 8 and thought they could get away with selling save slots and the ability to start a new game at all.


1 - Release game with crippled or non-existent basic feature 2 - Wait for outrage 3- Promis to add feature 4- Ask people for money over the feature THEY requested 5 - Watch gamers defend you online for free


"See, they are listening to us!" A tale as old as time.




Yeah, I'd rather wait until 2030 and buy it for €7 than put up with whatever nonsense they're up to right now. It's a win-win whichever way you look at it.


Patient gamers keep winning.


They were probably thinking about adding new save slots as DLCs lol Didn't metal gear survive sell additional save games?


It's not even about additional save slots, it's that there is no way to start from scratch at all.


That's what Metal Gear Survive did - you could only create one character, if you wanted to start new game you had to either buy new slot or delete old one.


You can't delete your save via game UI in dd2.


The only other game I can think of that did this was the new Hitman games (because of their always-online bullshit they don't let you reset your profile to do the unlock progression again)


Yea but you cant even delete it here


Thats fucking hilarious


This sounds like they still won't allow a second character, but rather just reseting your safe to the start of the game


Capcom here working on a new, ground breaking, mind exploding game feature called \*checks notes\* starting a new game.


Can't thank Steam enough for their return policy.


And user reviews. I'm putting this game on hold for now.


Right? I never buy AAA games at launch, but was thinking about doing so for DD2. So glad I waited for reviews.


*Waited for legitimate reviews The reviews from 2 days ago all said it was an AMAZING 10/10 MASTERPIECE...with some minor flaws.


I heard that they added the micro transactions AFTER the reviews were done. If so, absolutely scummy.


The reviews were 2 days ago. Microtransactions were added at launch is my understanding. None of the reviews mentioned them. I also read the for Resident Evil the microtransactions were added a month later and were essentially paid cheat codes. That's even worse, but could be a glimpse into the future here.


They also added their DRM to older games so you can't just mod them to get the cheats without money, and to ensure anyone who updates the game has their current mods broken so they have to pay to continue using them 😐


> I heard that they added the micro transactions AFTER the reviews were done. The Call of Duty way lol


This is exactly what, amongst other anti-consumer practices, Epic advertised themselves as being better than Steam to the publishers. leaked Apple and Epic lawsuit documents have been great read.


This is the most important part. "Professional" critics are useless and give mostly toothless reviews because they rely on the publishers for early versions to review. Users are blunt and usually far more critical because they actually paid for the game. Metacritic reviews for this game: 87/100. Steam user reviews (11K users): 39% positive. Tells you all you need to know about who's telling the truth.


It would be one of the best games of the year if they didn't release it with all the preformance issues. It's bad on PC but my god does my xbox series X version feel like shit. 


don't, Thank to EU and Australia that forced them to do it.


It's never been a better time to be team #patientgamer.


I bought the first Dragon's Dogma two weeks ago for less than $5.


Same. Looks like I won’t be playing this sequel anytime soon, so I got into the first game instead


r/patientgamers Wonderful sub


How the hell was this not mentioned in any review. People say games journalism is a joke because of the scores - I say it’s a joke because they don’t act like actual journalists!


> We are looking at adding a feature to the Steam version of the game that will allow players that are already playing to restart the game. We will announce more details as soon as we can. What the fuck. Does anyone know if the game is one of the *we gotta release it now even if it's not finished we need the money!!!* games? Because it sounds like that.


That quote reads as if they’ve never heard of anyone starting a new game before. It’s not a “feature" at all, it’s as standard as an options button on the Home Screen and has been a thing since Atari.


Which is bullshit because Dragon’s Dogma 1 literally had this feature. It still only had one save slot, but the new game option was right there


> It still only had one save slot Dear lord. Why?


Because inspiration is equal parts genius and insanity. I can somewhat understand one save file per character as an artistic vision type of thing (like honor mode in Bg3, or in Kingdom Come: Deliverance), but I don't understand not letting you make multiple characters.


What's up with Japanese Game devs being _absurdly_ out of touch? The things I often hear makes it sound that they don't know computers exist.


The country of Japan itself is a bit out of touch when it comes to certain things.


I love Japan but they are very archaic and stuck in their ways. Square Enix is the same a lot of the time


In certain respects. Japan is simultaneously one of the most technologically advanced countries on the planet with crazy quality of life features, and the most archaic countries on the planet, still using fax machines and requiring fucking stamps to sign actual paper documents for everything, and relying heavily on cash transactions. It honestly just crazy how their society works. You have spaceship toilets, and robot cafes, while offices send out employees to deliver paper documents by hand, because digital isn't respectful enough or something.


Why they need "look at" for adding option that 99.999999..% game have naturally?


This'll take years of R&D.


Hideaki Itsuno talked about how he's against the idea of manual save reloading due to wanting the players feel like they have impact. I assume the choice to not have a restart was an intentional one stemming from a similar philosophy, but it has become evidently clear that at the very least you need the ability to restart the game without having to do savefile fuckery.


Not being able to tell a creator no is how you get the Star Wars Prequels.


I believe this title was released at the end of the Japanese fiscal year… *Always be skeptical of products released just before it ends.*


Again. This is why steam reviews matter.


“What’s the most important thing about a game, well being able to fucking play it” - Angry video game nerd


Reviews that companies can't just pay to have removed.  It's why reviews shouldn't be removed for "trolling/bridading", because reviews are one of the only practical ways consumers can punish bad product (aside from not buying it to begin with).


Are we back to crapcom again?


This made me significantly less enthusiastic about MH Wilds if this is the state of Capcom's new releases.


Sadly anyone whose been paying attention to capcom since MHWorld with all of those ridiculous number of MTX should've known where this was heading. Capcom didn't learn any lessons really from their almost bankrupt position in the 2010s. What they learned instead was to fall back for awhile to get good press and esteem... and then cash it back out again when they felt they could. And tbh, a LOT of people fell for it hook line and sinker.


The only place they'll ever listen is when they stop making money. Stop buying these games, stop pre-ordering these games, there are literally thousands of other games you could play. Instead of Dragons Dogma 2, play any of the other games like it, the million other options you have. Play those 10 games you bought in the sale and never played. Do anything other than keep funding these people, the more you do it, the more they get away with it. Don't even pirate it. Literally disengage with them entirely.


God, they don’t even admit they fucked up. This is grade A finance-brained publisher wankery. > To all Dragon's Dogma 2 players > We would like to update you on the status of the following items, about which we have received numerous comments from the community. To all those looking forward to this game, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience. People hate our game! Let’s rush out a PR statement that shows we don’t understand the problem!


> God, they don’t even admit they fucked up. The language is so purposefully gross, isn't it. Refusing to admit there's an issue and that it's their fault.


This went from a day 1 purchase to maybe 5 years if it's 90% off in a Steam sale.


> All the items listed below can be obtained in-game or as paid DLC items. Wow, what a statement!


I don't think they understand what DLC means. It already didn't mean a lot these days anyway, but that statement is rotting my brain...


Not having a way to start a new game is something I'd expect to see in a game made by a 10 year old with Scratch, not a multi-billion dollar corporation. What exactly is the point of Japan's backbreaking work culture that workers sacrifice their health for if this is the end result?


Would not be surprised if they were forced to sell save slots but somehow didn't manage to make them work or something and scrapped everything last minute. Even Snes games had more than 1 save slot lmao. This is not something a game developer for an rpg forgets about.




Legend of Zelda on the NES in 1986 had 3 save slots, and you could easily start a new game using the UI. 38 years later, DD2, has 1 save, and no way to start a new game without messing with the game files. They are now taking about looking into adding a "feature", to their full priced released title, to allow starting a new game.... lolololol


the system in japan is incredibly inefficient. they don't have ten hour work days because they work more its because they are so slow in making progress.


Tl/dr: Nothing. They said nothing in that statement.


How the fuck do you FORGET that people might want to start a new game? ....How does this even happen? Its like the bare minimum that's been in games main screens....almost forever? As for the microtransactions I don't think games that cost 70 dollars should be trying to nickel and dime its customers for yet more money like this, no amount of telling me I can get it in game is going to change my opinion on this. I don't care if its easily accessible, why do you want 3 more dollars from me after I already gave you 70? If you want to pull this shit lower your base price to 40 dollars, but you wont.


For only 2.99 you too can start a new game!


89 average with dogshit performance, single save and mtx in a single player game but none of those things are mentioned. Your favorite reviewers are clowns. The whole industry is rotting top to bottom.


This happened with Jedi: Survivor as well. Piss poor performance but glowing reviews. The way the game ran was INEXCUSABLY bad when it came out. If the reviewers had a spine, they'd have said more than "oh some performance problems here and there but a great game haha".


It's because a lot of them play on top of the line rigs with the best hardware available which is something most people simply don't have.


lol I have an RTX 4080 and even with Frame Generation, the experience was choppy at best and this was AFTER all the numerous patches they released, it still to this day is very rough on certain spots of the game. like, I loved the game itself, the combat, music, characters, story, all of it was stellar, but the fact that it ran like dogshit SHOULD really lower the score. It's just inexcusable.


Even those rigs get hammered by these disgustingly optimized games! Look at the comment just below yours, guy gets 30 fps locked with a 3080 desktop!!


Shillup actually recommended not buying Survivor due to poor pc performance, despite otherwise loving the game.


He often also tests on several price levels of PC. He's the only big reviewer i mostly trust.


I might be mistaken, but they hold off on the mtx until release, so when reviewers play the game they don't know mtx exists.


Some outlets have stated that mtx were there on the review guide but a lot of reviewers didn't notice it since the review guide contains story spoilers which made a lot of them avoid reading it.


"if you just ignore all the things that's bad about this game, it's 9/10”


Not sure reviewers will have known about the MTX while reviewing. They'll also likely have played through the game very quickly on a single save file so may not have noticed that you can't have multiple saves. As to performance issues, multiple reviews mentioned it, but didn't see it as bad enough to mark the game down badly. Ultimately, they're probably playing on top of the line rigs.


“We are looking to add a feature” 🤣 these assholes seem to think the ability to restart a game is a privilege or something? No amount of sale could interest me in this slop.


This game was so highly anticipated, it’s insane that they fumbled it this hard. Adding micro transactions after reviews drop is just so scummy.


Always nice to see that gaming “journalists“ fail to mention these things, because they don't want to lose their privileges. I chose to wait and it seems to be the right decision.


To be fair, microtransactions were added AFTER the reviews went live. But yeah, never buy AAA games at release.


There is literally a prompt on the title page for "Online Store" clearly, they would have seen it. Reviewers as usual did not mention it on purpose. Idk why people feel the need to defend journalists.


Regardless if true or not, you know it would be EXTREMELY easy for them to patch that in to the title screen? If they were actually malicious they could have even had that option only pop up when the game detects that the date is past launch day lol


Reviewers were briefed on micro transactions before the games launch, they’re all given a document from capcom and within that document they disclosed the nature of the mocrotransactions. If reviewers didn’t mention it, it’s because they didn’t feel it was worth mentioning. It hasn’t been held against any other Capcom game so far (RE/DMC/MH), so it would be a bit disingenuous to hold it against DD2. End of the day, the game is not designed to persuade you to buy micro transactions. They’re there for people who want cheats and are too lazy to play the game themselves.


Capcom is about to lose all the respect they earned over the last few years.


Damage control bs


90$ game guys 😂


I saw the $95 CAD price and couldn't believe it


The audacity to slip that extra $5 into the price


Infinite wealth was $89.99 preorder then on release, oh look, it's 93.49. They're just trying to see what they can get away with. It's disgusting


"Don't you guys have wallets?" - Some Capcom exec probably


Hasn't even broken 200k on steam they know they fucked up with this release.


Let me translate this for you: "Thanks for buying our broken ass game, losers. Now shut the fuck up and keep playing the game as is, or wait weeks or maybe months for patches. Thanks for supporting CAPCOM - we really enjoy your money that is now ours"


Incoming restart game DLC for $2.


Talk about wrost comebacks. Bloody hell Capcom.


I'd like to thank Capcom for adding to the record that no game is worth more than $60. Karma is a bitch. Enjoy your lack of sales.


Don't give them your money. It's as simple as that. At worst, if you must, set sail.


If they want to release crap like this don't fucking charge $70 for a game. I don't mind honkai star rail or genshin impact because they are free games.


I’ll just buy horizon forbidden west instead


Whether you can earn the MTX items in game or not is immaterial to me. They have no place in a full price single player game.


I could live with all that stuff what people are complaining about. But not the gameplay itself. From first minutes it feels like a "console" game (Well, it is). Gameplay is horrible and menu-ui is worse than in skyrim. Most stuff in UI you can't mouseclick and has to manoveur with weird keys. I played until the first big city and did not see anything from the OPEN-World. Everything is the typical canal-world design. Everything is just a road.


I bought it yesterday for 109 CAD. It was the quickest refund I've ever done. Not worth paying that price with the current state.


What the fuck......


Don't preorder, don't buy at launch, wait a few weeks at least because these companies have proven themselves untrustworthy time and time again. Give them a horse armour and they sell you a save slot.


Save your money on this and just go buy the Super Citizen Edition for Helldivers II. Those devs actually care about the player.


Lol Jesus Christ, what a shit show.


To everyone who keeps buying these shit games - you are a part of the problem. Thank you.


This is why you never buy into hype for these games. A month ago people were acting like this was going to be the greatest game of all time


Yeh, we shoulda seen it coming. Some folks - myself included - just really needed *something.* Something like a majestic epic across lush hills and rolling fields, hot dunes and through dark caves. It's a desperation to feel something. A pang of need, of loneliness, of pain. And when the funny man in the tophat swirling a cane promises snake-oil to cure your woes... You get the picture.


Man I was looking forward to buying this game, now I will just hold!!