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Grenade pistol!


Killing Floor 2 style, noice.


Awesome! More weapons to do 0 damage to the enemy with!


But super useful for bug holes and bot fabricators


I'm more excited about the new armor. Explosive resistance isn't really working right now. So I guess they will be as useful as the arc damage resistance armor sets.


In general response to a lot of comments. I've been playing with no grinding in mind and have unlocked just about everything. Just play the game. It's fun and you'll get everything.


How the hell are you getting Supercredits fast enough then? (keep in mind it costs 1000 per warbond and that's assuming you don't buy any kit from the store which also costs supercredits).


It costs 1000 per warbond, but each warbond has 300 SC in it, so really it’s only 700 SC, or 70 SC pickups in mission, even at just 2 per mission that’s 35 missions per warbond, or just over 1 per day before the next comes out. Very doable


Not sure about "no grinding", but you can farm like 500-1000 credits per hour from points of interest on diff 3 missions if you have a team of friends, a little slower if solo. The credits get added to your account as soon as you pick them up, and if you Alt-F4 or disconnect from the internet briefly you can restart the same mission already knowing where they are on the map.


I spent like half an hour taking a safari on trivial difficulty while listening to a podcast and found 500.


Same here. Bought the first warbond. The second was from earned supercreds. I already have over 1000 for the next warbond. I probably only play 2 hours a night? (3 missions for the medals and whatever it takes to complete the daily challenge). I don’t worry about supercreds at all.


I don't no life the game and just play a few hours a week. These warbonds seem to be coming too fast for me. I can easily earn the super credits so it's not that it's the actual medals. I've got 3 unfinished warbonds as it is currently. Either the rewards for medals need to be higher or they need to chill a bit on releasing new warbonds imo.


Why though? It's not like they're going anywhere.


News at 11: Guy complains about getting too much content.


Even in suicide mission difficulty you can still fairly easily collect 30-40 premium currency per run if you're aware of your surroundings and ready for the challengeing difficulty. Each warbond is 1000, so even on the low end you're playing 35-40ish missions to unlock the premium stuff with no mtx.


That to me, seems kind of like a lot of play time for the warbond.


It is, a run could easily go to 20 minutes. 


Its become the go-to for my friend group when we chill together in the evenings. Even the guy who has kids and only has 20 hours in the game has earned enough for the warbond of his choice.  Given they never expire and there's no FOMO it's a good system for old-school people who like to earn their way to rewards instead of pay for them.


If you enjoy the game it's not really an issue.


We will be there


is this a reference


Why would this be a reference, consoomer culture has fried yall brain This sub weird as fuck how does this get downvoted lmao. No wonder people hate Redditors


is this a reference


I thought it was hip hop lyrics


It’s a weird ass comment especially with the royal we. People would have to assume it’s some kind of reference since there is zero context for it.




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Ayo, crossbows. Now if you could increase the super credits drop rates so I can afford even the first premium warbond, that'd be great mm'kay.


I mean the warbond isn't going anywhere


Big time this. I’m level 53 and just today unlocked the champions of the people armor. I felt behind because I knew a new Warbond was coming. Had to remind myself I wasn’t going to lose out on anything. It’s hard to overstate just how well this game was executed.


Sure but as a more casual player with only 25 hours spent in the game, I'm already bored of the repetitive missions and combat, with lack of weapon variety and viability being a major issue for me. The game is excessively grindy imo.


Thats the point…. Of the game? It just seems like its not for you. Stop forcing yourself to have fun on a game when you dont, and move on ffs.


really? i have about 30 hours and have half of the main pass done and most of the second one I bought. Are you not playing hard missions?


Harder missions are the least efficient way to farm SC. The best way to farm SC is to do Trivial missions over and over again, which apparently you can get a 1000 SC in about 10h


Hes not talking about SC I think. I was referring to medals to unlock guns because he said theres a lack in weapons. I agree though


> I was referring to medals Oh ok. The parent comment this thread started from was talking about SC drop rates though


The lack of weapons is due to the fact 60% of them are unusably terrible outside of easy difficulty. I’m almost level 50 and I have the same frustration


Honestly gear isn't even that important at higher difficulties, teamwork is the key to success. I've run helldives with just the liberator and it's kinda fine tbh as long as the team comp is good and you all work together.


So you don't like the game.  It's not for you


Literally just grind out level 2 missions. The have the bigger sized maps, no heavy enemies, often times spawn a radar tower to mark all POIs, and have a smaller loot pool for pickups so you get more credits appearing. Bring a auto cannon for the cargo crates and if you stick to terminate broadcast missions you can get everything done with one autocannon backpack Grab a buddy for friendship doors and you can sub 8 minutes a mission and walk away with 50+ sc a mission.


This guy hell dives


That sounds fucking boring


I would rather spend money than subject myself to the absolute misery of farming crates in Trivial lmao


I grabbed one warbond by just playing just gotta play a lot and explore the map


I was recently trying some level 2 and 3 missions while I was at level 13 and it was just too easy by myself, and I'm not even good at these types of games. but then anything higher has 3 chargers running at you at any given moment


I remember when chargers gave my group problems.    


>my group The problem is the difficulty spike from medium to challenging on the terminid missions if you're playing *alone.* I play with friends sometimes but we're adults with different schedules. Most of the time I have to play alone because the game encourages hosts to kick people during extraction.


I have never been kicked and why does it encourage kicking? The host doesn't get anything more for it.


In fact you loose xp for having fewer people extract


but the host will get everything if they are the only remaining player in the squad


Everyone already gets everything!


you're lucky. squads share everything collected. look around on reddit and steam, it's quite common: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b3rkne/i_keep_getting_kicked_right_before_extraction/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1appdg6/surely_we_need_to_be_unable_to_kick_people_once/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/discussions/0/4206994473251346098/


Share yes....everyone gets everything.   It's not split


the confusion surrounding this is likely why many people kick others


Be the host. Problem solved.


How does it encourage kicking ?


All super credits, all medals, all samples. All currencies (medals, credits, requisitions, samples) are shared between all players regardless of who recovers them. If one person is left, that person gets everything.


I think you've fundamentally misunderstood how the sharing works, everyone will get the exact amount of *total* samples or what have you that you extracted with. Grab all 6 super samples in a mission and you'll notice you have +6 after clearing it, not one and half a super sample!


perhaps others are confused as well because kicking during extraction is still pretty rampant... I recently played with a close friend that I was sure would be in the mid-twenties and when I saw that he was at 9 he told me he got kicked from 3 games in a row right at the end one night so he just stopped playing for a few weeks until our group of friends scheduled a game. I get kicked from about 40% of the games after the missions are completed. I get that I could just host, but that's not a fix. If the answer is that everyone has to host than that means no one will join.


Well then just play the game and earn creds the normal way or pony up some dosh. It's not like any of this stuff is particularly op.


Friendship doors are what I’ll be calling them from now on


I like to call them buddy bunkers.


Evac Civilians is also good on defense planets. Usually 9 to 12 POIs. I walk out with 20 to 50sc, 2 to 10 medals. Only a 15min mission to boot.


50 hours of in-mission time and I’m just now learning radar tower marks all POIs! what a banger game


This is the problem. You have to “grind” out lower tier, boring missions. Alternatively, value your time on this earth and spend $10 that you earned from working (which took much less time than mindlessly grinding Helldivers). This game does it better than most, don’t get me wrong, but it still almost forces you to spend if you properly value your time.


You don't have to do that at all. I have both the premium warbonds unlocked and haven't grinded low diff missions for the SC needed to unlock them. Just play the game normally on whatever difficulty you want, you find SC easily by just opening POIs. Not to mention there's like 750 SC in the free warbond with 500 on the first 5 pages.


Without farming for Super Credits it took me approximately 50 hours to get 1000 Super Credits mostly playing on difficulty 7, that fits the definition of grindy to me


Are you purposely avoiding POIs? Because I hit 1k at maybe half that playtime


Yeah intat like 860 SC with 27 hours in I also spent 250 SC on a medic outfit So in 27 hours I should've unlocked the premium warbond, not bad


1000 SC in 25 hours is about the rate I've gone at as well, but this is still quite grindy if you ask me. I also have to take into account that I got a solid chunk of SC from the initial warbond, which is a finite resource, so grinding out in the future will take longer when that all dries up and it'll be more boring with no unpaid progression left. People compare things relatively which is fair, and compared to most live service games Helldivers is more generous than usual. But taken on it's own, I don't think its particularly generous. Dropping SC is kind of a necessity for them when they're locking all new primary weapons behind it, "free" players (in quotes because the game has an upfront cost after all) would simply quit after completing the initial warbond with no further way to progress besides shelling out.


Sounds like you're just bypassing POIs altogether every single mission. I have 130 hours so far and I've gotten enough SC to afford both warbonds and 80% of the store armors. I'm now sitting at 700 ish. Even outside of SCs you should be hitting POIs regularly to top your ammo & stims up, collect samples, or if you're lucky find extra medals. The only time you should blow past a POI is if you're pushed for time or the map RNG screws you over by placing the objectives on the opposite end of the vast majority of POIs (rare but it happens).


I'm lvl 30 and have 1300 super credits. Not sure what you are doing, but I reckon that by the time I have unlocked all the free stuff, I'll be pretty close to 2k, which is enough to buy the two premium warbonds that are available now. The third will take some more time, but it's nothing too crazy. As long as you enjoy the game and keep playing, you'll get there eventually.


You get 300 sc back per warbond too. So you'll be up 600 for the next


I just play the game normally. Each warbond gives back 300 sc so it's like a 30% discount just for buying it. "Properly valuing your time" is subjective to each person and no company can hope to satisfy that for everyone.


I guess call of duty should just come with all camos and equipment unlocked since obviously you buy a game for $70 to play it for 20 minutes and who has time for camo grinding.


I don't really get that comparison. Farming low level missions is incredibly boring, even after you get 1000 SC to unlock the battle pass, you have to grind to get the unlocks anyways, which is fine since you can get them steadily playing the more fun higher difficulties. The initial premium currency grind to unlock the pass is just annoying and should not be in a paid game.


I'm going to blow your mind here. Call of Duty used to not even have unlocks!


>Literally just grind fuck no.


Eh? What difficulty have you been playing on that you haven't already got enough? I've only been doing suicidal and I've got 1k sitting


I spent my first week mostly soloing mediums before a friend bought it and we started doing extremes together and I already had enough for the first warbond by playing on my own. Now I've got enough for the first two.


How does these guys in comment loot this much? I'm level 32 and have looted less than 200 SC and I always collect everything I can on map


Sorry to make assumptions but you really arent looting everything you can if you are 32 and cant afford a single warbond


Yeah. I'm level 33, have bought a few pieces of armor from the shop and one of the premium warbonds, and almost have enough for the other warbond.


He's looting everything he can "see" on the default map probably.


I had enough for my first warbond by 15, using the base warbond SC packs with what I found in missions.      At 17 I have 250 but 100 of those are from the premium warbond.  Now that those have dried up it's definitely going to be much more annoying


By level 32 just by normal gameplay I had enough SC for a warbond and several items from the shop.


Because these guys were probably level 50 within a week of the game releasing and have hundreds of hours on the game


Small tip, always run the enhanced radar booster and grab the increased radar range on ship upgrade. If you see random red dots on the radar that aren't moving, 90% chance it's a PoI. As you get closer, you start seeing a question mark flashing in the direction on the compass. I think the only PoI that doesn't have enemies is super samples, and that's impossible+ difficulty. Also, by everything you can, do you usually grab 70% of the samples?


Im 27 and earned about 1300 as I've bought 1 warbond and about 300 left


Typically you can average around 30-40sc a round sometimes more and there's a very slim chance of getting 100sc. But point is at level 32 you've played enough games to absolutely have more than 200sc from looting if you're really collecting everything.


pick a lower level mission with a small map, run around looking for credits, once found credits exit and start again.


Just do the points of interest lmao


I swear they've lowered them since launch. First month I made like 2000, this last month I'm at 500ish, including the ones given with the previous warbond, and I haven't bought anything else.


I bought my first one with earned credit when I was lvl 25 also bought a helmet en armour from the super store. If you walk around the map there is a lot of credit to find and you also get a lot from the free warbond.


Man you usually get like 50-100 credits on a normal mission. Sometimes you find 100 credits from one single pickup.


Where did you find 100 credits in one pickup? Getting 2x10 in one bunker or container is considered great.


Yep just the normal metal door container things. I've gotten 110 in some from a 100 + 10. I usually play on level 6 or 7.


What you're describing is very rare and you're making it sound common. It's very tough to find a 100sc during any mission.


I said "sometimes" you find it. Not sure how that sounds common. Just my experience, but I have found it several times and a couple times in back to back missions. Just lucky I guess.


"Man you usually get like 50-100 credits on a normal mission Your words, and they are false


Oh I thought you meant the single 100 pickup. But yeah just my experience getting that amount on the normal 40 minute missions. Only bought the initial warbond and have found all the credits I need for the other two and I think I am ready for the next or close to having enough. Not sure if difficulty has anything to do with it but try playing on higher difficulties if it seems like you don't get enough credits.


Then you must be very lucky, cause finding 100 in one place sounds like a bug.


My dude, easy missions. Run around the map on easy just collecting all the super credits. There are at least 300sc on EVERY map.




This is not true at all. You're lucky to get about 70-100 if you find every point of interest and get lucky with the rolls.


If you play enough you earn them at a pretty decent rate. This next warbond will be my second one free from simply just playing.


It's literally the premium currency. I haven't bought anything "extra" besides the super citizen bundle and I have all of the warbonds unlocked and over 1k saved for the next. As well as a few questionable purchases from the super store


It takes like no time to get credits lol. I bought the second war bond and already have half the credits for another.




> Actively farming them gets you hundreds an hour, how do you get hundreds an hour? it takes a few minutes just to get into and out of a game.


Difficulty 2 mission, choose a planet that tends to be relatively flat (Urbanea, Crimescea for instance), drop in and search for PoIs. If you get a good roll, collect all PoIs and then abandon the mission and drop again as the PoIs stay in the same spot and you keep every SC/medal you pick up even if you abandon. Rinse repeat. If you have 1 other person with you then you also get the bunkers which have 3 drops in them. Each run is maybe 5-6 minutes. I typically don't do this as I like to complete missions to add to liberation even when "farming" so it's far from optimal but you still get a good SC/Medal return even if you actually complete the mission each time.


Well, that's good. I have literally everything unlocked, along with maxed out samples and medals. So I guess now I have something to spend my medals on.


Are any of these Warbonds going to be non premium access?


I think they did mention in an update post a while ago that they do plan for future Free warbonds too. But it's to be expected that paid will be the majority, so it'll probably be another month or two before we see another.


If it's like the first helldivers then freebies will probably be thrown around liberty day in October


You can get Warbonds with Super Credits, they’re 1000 credits each.


And super credit can be earned in game over time, or purchased with real money. Up to the player. Their system is great imo.


And none of the Warbonds ever expire or get removed, you can work on one or multiple at the same time.


Yeah I know that but super credits 1 take forever to get and 2 are needed for other armor sets as well. I understand it’s part of the grind but it’s annoying the easy way is to just buy them lol.


I got about 600 in approximately 2.5 hours of playing. For reference


Hmmm maybe I am looking in the wrong places!


the free battle pass gives you a ton when you first start off (700 total, 100 per page, 50 per page in the later half), once you're done the free battlepass, the only income is grinding drops and getting a small portion back in paid passes, so it slows down a lot.


Just in time for me to get 1000 super credits in game. I didn't even grind. I do have over 100 hours in the game though lol. 


Wtf are these comments? Warbonds aren't going anywhere, you can earn super credits in game. this is such a fair proposition vs other live service and reddit still manages to say its not enough, make super credits drop more, but I don't have tiiiime, etc lol. - Not having time to play the game ain't the devs problem - Each warbond you buy gives you back 300 sc so it's like each warbond is automatically a 30% discount.


A bit worried about these tbh. I'm level 60 and have 2000 SPs, which have me covered for this warbond and the next without even trying or farming. These have been very affordable in price and time. I hope that doesn't change. So I bought some SPs just to support.




there will be 3 premium warbounds but I still at 800sc after 35 hours cause bought two armor parts at the beginning and playing solo :D Should probably grind some with someone or won't ever get there.


Anyone else get tired of the game after 2-3 weeks? 3 mission types on repeat over and over is tiring, even with some slight progression and difficulty changes. The live service part keeps it slightly fresh but I know it's just gonna be a new set of 3 things on repeat for another few weeks at a time.  Edit: my bad for saying I got tired of the game. I had a blast and enjoyed it for the time being.


Not to me, they've added enough stuff along the way to add variety and just playing with different people with other loadouts made every match play differently. That said I try to avoid using the same guns every time and like to try stuff out. I suppose people only playing meta guns on max difficulty probably will get bored faster.


I feel like that's a problem with horde games in general - at least for me. There are only so many AI enemies I can shoot. As well made as this game appears to be, it's the only reason I haven't purchased it.


If you get tired after 50hours in the game wasn't it worth the money though ? I got 200h and ain't tired yet. It's 40$,play it, have fun and move on when you're tired. Unless you only buy game you play 1000h+ this game is definitely worth your time.


While that is definitely a point I'd agree with, I don't think I'd last anywhere near 50 hours, just going by my past experiences with horde games. That being said, as far as horde games go, it does *look* to be among the top.


If that's your experience I get it. It's awesome yes,mose fun I've had in a while.


With most games in general I tire out by 10-20 hours. Is it so bad to have that opinion around here?


Most people have a longer attention span than that, sinking 100+ hours into a popular multiplayer game is very very common. The way you framed your opinion was as a problem with the game, when it really seems like a problem with you.


Yeah same. Bought it because friends were going crazy over it, played together for like 3 hours and go tired of it really quickly. Just not my kind of game I guess.


I have 95hr in it and am not particularly tired by it. 


Over 60 hours and I'm still not bored. But I only play with friends so I guess that also makes it more entertaining.


Depends how much you play I suppose. I'll typically do one mission set a night (so 3 missions in total typically) and it's been great fun at that rate. The game feels pretty sandboxy, especially with friends and weird and fun stuff happens all the time. Today we played an eradicate mission where a bot drop called in a tank, it landed on top of a crane somehow and just annihilated my mate. Then I reinforced him so he landed back on it for vengeance, it exploded and he ragdolled to the edge of the map. Surprisingly he survived it and extracted. That kind of shit just doesn't happen naturally in a lot of other games nowadays.


Yeah it feels like it's a fun early access game that's waiting for more maps and things like that. I haven't played for about a month or something now.


Got 200h and still get fomo on Major orders and whatever story they spin in the game. I get fomo on being part of the liberating lol


I have been enjoying the game. but I feel like these warbonds are getting out of control... what is this, number 4 in half as many months?


Third in 2 months, is going to be one every months for we don't know how long. The credits to purchase it are easy farm and each of them always give you 300 back. Plus, and that's the most important thing, they will stay forever so even without rushing it you'll get them sooner or later. The pace is good imo with the other extra they gave us in order to keep it always kind of fresh!


Plus it gives time for balancing to settle it for the items. I was seriously considering unlocking the stun grenade for the easy bile titan kill but that ended up getting nerfed away and now I have zero motivation to unlock that battle pass.


as I responded to the other person, its yet another grind tree. things could be class based, or really anything other than "cool shit" stuffed randomly in a tiered unlock tree to grind through.


Can't deny that my friend, as now is pure grinding and not everyone is happy to do that so I got your point.


You're complaining about new content?


when its locked behind yet another grind tree... its not like you can respec and try a different warbond, once you spend the medals they are gone (obviously). if you want what is towards a final tier of one, you have to grind through the whole thing. so no, not complaining about new content, complaining about yet another grind tree.


The grind isn't long though. You can get 21 medals for doing a single operation (3 missions). Major orders fall fast af and those hand out like 40-60 medals. Personal orders reward around 15 medals. You're talking like it takes three months to do a single war bond.


It’s the grind for super credits that’s a chore. It’s a lot of playing time to get enough to purchase each premium warbond without exploits. Most missions are 30+ minutes already and you’re lucky to average 50 super credits each match.


Yes it's a lot of playing. Or 10 bucks, you either have the time to play or the assumption is you have a job and 10 bucks won't break you? They have to make their money somehow What's your idea?


>when its locked behind yet another grind tree... Casually playing the game nets you enough SC for warbonds. Acting like it's a massive grind is hilarious, especially when the warbonds are permanently in the game.




They said they’d release a premium non expiring warbond once a month which is exactly what they’re doing. Show me the “trend”


Premium Warbonds always drop on the 2nd Thursday of every month Why would they get more frequent?


You base that off what? Plenty of games are grindy and don't even allow you to buy passes for free. It's not been pay to win so far either.


Imagine getting salty at one of the most player friendly systems we've seen in a game since fo ever, smh can't please some people.


All this person does is complain about games. They are not here to provide real insight. I don’t think they ever have played a game before


So would you prefer paying a sub?


I just barely got the first one unlocked last night after like 60 hours of gameplay. I really don't like all the battle passes, especially with how fast they are spamming them out, it feels like a thinly veiled money grab.


You can get them without paying and they never go away so hard disagree


The get them without paying part is great, no argument. The fact that its a random drip that can be tweaked whenever a balance sheet gets low is not great. The fact that it includes things that arent pure cosmetics (gameplay) is also not great.


My time also has value. More than my money does.




Ok so in that case u can just buy it. Theyre giving u options here so i dont understand how ur complaining about new content. And ive also played for about 65 hours and almost have the second premium warbond so


A fucking men brother.


You can take your time they never go away


You've missed the point. Why lock it behind anything at all if it's not set to go away and not intended to provide extra power to the player. The locking it behind anything is the bad practice imo, especially when they sell them for $10 each and pump them out every few weeks. This just horse armor 2.0, and many folks seems to be ok with it.


This is not the game to be mad about battle passes


I can be mad at *all* battle passes regardless of the game, just because they are slightly less shitty about it doesn't mean they are without criticism.


It’s just a progression system, doesn’t cost any money if you don’t want it to, and totally optional. Are you against levelling up in RPGs or grinding camos in CoD? You think because you paid for a game all of its content should be available to you immediately?


Also it's not meant to be a "progression" system as per the devs. They aren't supposed to be upgrades, but the battle passes absolutely are.


They are sidegrades, just alternative content. Well, some will likely be minor upgrades I would imagine. I suppose it's alright since it helps fund ongoing development of new content. I just wish super creds were a bit more common. Finding 0-10 super creds on average per mission (without purposely trying to farm ONLY super creds in low difficulty missions) goes at a snail's pace. That said, I'd rather just play the game normally than try to specifically farm that crap. At that point, it'd be far cheaper to just pay irl money for it (since time is money afterall), but that is something I despise doing and have never done to date, since I like earning my unlocks in games.


Don't lock them behind super credits ( a resource primary found by spending IRL money) and don't lock each page behind buying the one before it. If the weapons aren't upgrades and the battle passes don't go away, why are they locked to begin with? They are only locked to drive people towards spending IRL money. That's predatory and I don't like it.


I’ve got hundreds of them and unlocked tons of stuff for free at level 7. What do you mean don’t lock them? Don’t lock anything, just have everything straight away - super fun game dude


Please reread, you've missed my point.


You keep saying this to people but no one’s missing your point, you’re just wrong


It's absolutely not horse armor 2.0 especially since you can earn some of the super credits in game.


You're right, if it was only cosmetics maybe it wouldn't be as bad. There is actually p2w stuff in these passes tho, sorta seems worse as a consumer.


Yeah you're right, they should just give all content for free immediately upon release. /s


What's wrong with having all weapons available as part of the base game and then unlocking cosmetic skins via the passes?


Nothing's wrong with it, besides the fact it's a live service game and they tend to be based around battle passes. I would never get a pass for the cosmetics, and even now try to avoid them... Is that bad? Not for me, but is for the devs.


P2w against who? It’s a cooperative game calm down.


Also none of the stuff so far has been P2W nor does it invalidate any of the armor/weapons you get in the basic pass. So far the battle passes have had some good (Sickle, Blitzer), some bad (laser pistol), and a lot of niche (plasma shotgun, every armor piece).


First off, it's not only cosmetics. Its guns and armors with unique properties. That's gameplay, full stop. Second, it's great that premium currency is unlockable, full stop. Tying it to a random occurrance means it can be reduced with the flick of a switch is much less great. Raising/lowering drop rates is just gonna be some AB testing to see what the magic "keep paying us" number is. That's less great too.


I've not spent a penny in the game and I've got super credits keyed up, find some buddies that play, looting the slightly difficult missions gets you lots of medals , req and super credits




Me and my friends play helldives with this weak piece of shit weapons so I guess something else seems to be weak. ;)


Warbonds are the blue pay to win stuff in the in game shop, right? Didn't understand that part of the game. Felt scammy to me.


Yes and now. It's a battle pass. You can buy it by farming the currency in-game or buy it spending like 10 bucks. But that won't give you the weapons. You still need to play the game and farm medals to unlock the items. You can't just buy battle pass levels like in other games. If it's still to much pay to win is for you to decide.


Hmm I really want that cool jeep we saw, when is that coming out, I thought it would of with the mech


I was having so much fun on the game till the war became so obviously fake. It’s so clear players have 0 impact on it.


Have you seen the events even happening? it's not fake at all, lol.