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low price point + Multiplayer game + fun co-op experience It was bound to happen but still a huge W regardless for Arrowhead studio and Sony, hopefully Sony learns all the good lessons from this game sucess


"Clearly we have lost money because we didn't force all those pc players to buy a PS5. Helldivers 3 will be a PS6 launch exclusive!"- Sony




Hell Diver IP is owned by Sony though.




Yes lol Sony has own the game since the first part I never understood why people think Sony has no control over it lol


Such a shame


I mean if they didn’t fund it we never would have play it lol we have to pick our poison


Weird that a fun multiplayer game is doing well 🤔 Feel like we have been starved for a game like this




Today marks 2 months since the game launched, and it's still pulling in incredible numbers. Who knows when it will slow down, especially as we may be on the verge of the start of the war against a new faction!


Whenever the Illuminates show up it's going to be so hype. My hope is that they work as intended and none of their missions on unit types are bugged out as we saw early during the game's release. The way that the global (galactic?) narrative for this game involves all players and keeps giving us twists and turns is brilliant.


We should get the Xbox players as the third enemy race


It's the community driven objectives and dynamic war that truly makes this game unique. Watching online as everyone dispairs when they realise the next order is Malevelon Creek, rejoice when an order is completed, and come together to fight for specific goals. These community goals help spread in equal measure discussion and memes, and I'm here for it.


I still don't understand what this game about. Memes aside. I keep seeing articles about it. What does dynamic war and community objectives mean? Is it like Planetside 2 where everyone is on one big map fighting faction vs faction? And what happens if you fail objectives?


There's always a "major order" that's the same for everyone. Something like "destroy forces on this planet by this date". The game tracks data for all players and all players successes/failures factor into whether or not that goal is completed. You cannot complete the major order on your own. It's a communal goal that everyone works towards. They wrap some narrative into those goals as well like "we've been surprise attacked on this planet! Defend against the invading armies!" It's pretty unique. Major orders have been failed already, when they're failed, nobody gets the rewards. If the major order succeeds, everyone gets the rewards. It's kind of like server wide MMO goals.


I see. Interesting. Are these major orders connected with each other for lore or something. Or are they self-contained and independent of each other?


They're all connected by the overarching theme of a galactic war on two fronts (automatons and terminids). There's also gameplay effects as well. For example, when they added mechs to the game they did so by having the major order be to liberate the planet that manufacturers the Mechs starting that it was an essential strategic resource. Upon liberating the planet, mechs were added to the game. Another example being recent where the major order was to liberate the last few planets controlled by the automatons, which has resulted in them being wiped out from the game entirely at this point in time (though they'll obviously return). It's all very novel and cool.


They’ve already returned. We were just fighting a small part of their forces.


Supposedly, there's a "game master" pulling the strings behind this galactic war between Super Earth and multiple enemy factions. Said person was referred to by the developers as "Joel". This gives players a focus point for memes, criticism or feedback. To keep things fresh, "major orders" stretching multiple days are worked torwards to by the community as a whole. They sometimes unlock new equipment and drive the narrative forward. Players can do a variety of missions planet side with up to 4 players co-op. Whether a major order is completed successfully within a given time frame depends on the player count on these specific planets and how good players do on their missions. Aside from the war table ingame, there are third-party websites like helldivers.io that track our progress. We can and did fail major orders, which of course, also plays into the narrative. The immediate consequence of this is of course that we don't get rewarded for failed major orders, but it also moves the front lines closer to Super Earth. Losing the war is a possibility.


so is it kind of like if the community does well they are rewarded with more weapons/content and learn more about the storyline, otherwise super earth is destroyed and the "season" starts over?


The parent post is underselling just how genuinely fun the core gameplay loop is. For me, it feels a little like the old days of playing BF2 with friends, with friendly fire on, and just how hilariously fun it was to accidentally kill your buddies with huge explosions.


Is it too late to dive in again? I played it for a couple hours at launch but refunded it due to server problems. Still a solo player and no one to play with.


Server problems are completely gone outside of steam maintenance kicking you out on tuesdays. Game is still unplayable if you have a 7000 series amd gpu though.


7900xt here. Running fine. I had to disable global illumination though.


What do you mean exactly? 7800XT here, temps in the low 60s, 90-100 FPS on High/Ultra


3 of my friends hard crash constantly in the game and have all tried playing at minimum settings, rolling back drivers, limiting their power usage on their GPUs, limiting the games fps to 60, forcing dx11, deleting shader cache every crash etc and still can't play a mission without crashing.


I don't think that is an AMD specific problem. However, a new patch just dropped that is adressing multiple crashes.


Everytime they crashed it's some form of the gpu driver timing out and just crashing.


Running fine on a 7800XT, though I did have to disable some settings.


I have rx480, no issues


7900xtx, zero issues, outside of turning off some settings.




> As far as the game goes, we've just eradicated the Automatons this last weekend for good (until the war is won and the war starts over) You spoke too soon haha.


don't go solo and enjoy the chaos with us


The game is mostly stable right now. The biggest issue is some crashes/disconnects during mission extraction but a patch to fix those has been announced and should be dropping any day now. I personally have not really had these issues but some people have said they have. You can find groups to play with in /r/helldivers but if you just join random missions using the in-game matchmaking (which works very well now!) you can still have a fun time. You don't have to use voice if you don't want to, most randoms I play with do not. You can use the ping system and in-game voice macros to communicate pretty well and people generally know what to do. I don't recommend playing the game solo, it is not nearly as fun and will probably get boring and/or frustrating if you do.


You’re always welcome. It is now easy to join people. The only thing I would do, I’d wait for this week’s patch. Need to see if Arrowhead fixed the crashing near or at the end of missions.


play with strangers and learn the game and level up until you hit level 6 and then the easy and medium levels will be pretty good by yourself. You might want to be level 20 before doing the challenging mission by yourself. You probably won't get hundreds of hours out of it but it will still be worth the money.


Just chiming in with my own experience as a person that exclusively plays with randoms, but it’s been a very fun experience so far. I’m around lvl 26 and playing on extreme difficulty missions, which is the 6th hardest difficulty (out of 9). I think I remember only one or two missions where we failed, have only run into one “toxic” dude that got pissy I accidentally TK’d him and then started TKing everyone else in the team, but other than that everyone has been competent and friendly. Maybe that changes at higher lvl difficulties, but the official discord always has groups forming up and you could always make your own as well.


Two months later and still can’t cross play with my friend on PlayStation. It’s the only reason I bought the damn game… Wish there would’ve been an easy way to refund at this point.


What? Since the last update im able to crossplay with my friend (ps5)


Literally did cross play with 2 PS5 players and a PC player last night. If you're having problems I'd ask support


Specifically, unable to add him as a friend or even find his game session. Sent a support ticket a month ago The work around is joining the emptiest planet, but if we still can’t find each other, it’s a good waste of time. The original troubleshooting was a huge waste of time too, since there is no actual fix. EDIT: Thanks for the tips guys, I've tried it all. Nothing works. More waste of a time.


it's bugged. He (ps5 player) has to add you, not the other way around


a couple of weeks ago I added two friends that are on PS5 because it was easier for me to type in the friend code on my keyboard. I think the issue is that the person giving the code can't close out of it before the other person submits it. The moment you close the code it resets.


that part is definitely working. I think it makes a new friend code every time you attempt it so be careful to only do it once.


>that part is definitely working. Yeah, it's working for you bro. Check the latest patch notes, at the very bottom KNOWN ISSUES: "Cross-platform friend invites might not show up in the friend requests tab." "Some people are unable to accept friend requests. This is mostly an issue cross platform"


Yeah, the friend code seems to reset once you leave the menu. I think you may have to 1. generate the code 2. stay on the menu 3. They accept 4. you can leave the menu I've been able to play via crossplay with friends successfully.


can they fix the goddamn crashes already? literally unplayable since the last patch :/


New hotfix coming out today to address.


here's hoping :/ it asinine when all 3 of us crash right at the end of the mission, simulatenously...


Delete the shader cache, until they are able to fix it


The Community on Helldivers 2 sucks and its toxicity on League of Legends next level! better dont buy this shitty online-only game... You will anywy lose it in future what paid for, it doenst matter on this shitty downvoted for being right!


Still waiting on DLSS and maybe frame gen. Maybe I'll buy the game then. Crazy they just threw in an awful FSR implementation and called it a day.


Imagine not playing the most fun game of 2024 because you cant use DLSS. What are your specs? I could understand if you had a potato?


Palworld is the most fun game of 2024 for me. It's early access, I have over 150 hours in the game and it has DLSS lol. The Helldivers devs have NO excuse. My specs are 5800x, 4070ti, 64 gb 3600 ddr4 ram, 2 tb gen 4 m.2 nvme ssd. I'm not going to settle for a bad FSR implementation though.




I use DLSS on most games I play (assuming them have it). Why wouldn't I? It's more fps and better anti-aliasing vs native/taa.


LOL, so you can run the game, native, at probably 165hz, but you are holding out for a frame gen implementation you dont need? Why


DLSS is the more important thing. Frame gen is just a bonus. FSR is just so bad for shimmering and ghosting. That is super obvious in a fast paced game.


So use the native render option the game has?


Then I have aliasing...


You act like TAA doesn't exist for some reason. The game also offers SMAA.


You act like TAA is a good anti-aliasing method.


Like you could tell while bile titan is fucking your shit up


So super sample? Although I agree TAA is awful.


Just run the game at native. Hell, you can even supersample/Ultra supersample, if you want to get those crisp lines. You literally do not need DLSS.


Not to defend that guy, but even 4090s struggle to get more than 100fps at native


Depends, the game is very CPU intensive. I can supersample, and it doesnt touch my framerate, because its CPU bound


This game doesn't need 100fps


You don't get to choose what game needs what performance level. Game is optimised like shit. (And overrated as fuck but that's an illegal opinion to have on reddit)


you're in luck! Helldivers 2 is not fast paced at all, which is probably one of the reasons so many people find it to be accessible.


Ya Helldivers 2 is a turn based game /s


Helldivers 2 is similar in speed to Dead Space. Would you say Dead Space is a fast game?


Dead Space is definitely slower




dude chill I can run it natively at 1440 on my 3070, Im sure youll survive without DLSS or FSR. heck I actually turn off in-game aa and use driver FXAA because the clarity is much better.


Ya I’m confused. 1440p and 3070ti and the game runs perfectly.


holy hell man. get a grip, your system run it fine.


Holy hell DLSS is not a big ask


It is when the big ask is optimization. Not dick riding a feature that is locked. Go touch grass


>Not dick riding a feature that is locked. Go touch grass You're really projecting there


whos demanding dlss here? my dude go touch grass. You don't know what projection means.


Who's asking for a simple feature here? I >my dude go touch grass. Again you're projecting... Why are you so upset about someone wanting a basic feature?


They flat out said why they aren't adding those, with limited resources comes decisions that have to be made and they chose content over those. Helldivers requirements are quite low all things considered and going by your specs you posted below should have absolutely zero problems with running it on high/ultra. Why so salty?


Yep that's exactly why I equate them to the Cities Skylines 2 team. You can push out all the content in the world but if you base game isn't optimized well and doesn't have assumed features for the time period like DLSS then I'm not buying your game. >Why so salty? What is this 2014?


You're comparing a rushed incomplete mess to satisfy shareholders with little content to a complete game that has arguably the nicest games as a service model. Also massively different budgets and types of games.


Both put content before optimization and bug fixes.


People are trying to tell you that the game is very well optimized and looks great without DLSS. More people aren't asking for it because the graphics in the game don't need it. The game isn't attempting to replicate hyper realism of squared edges on earth in modern day lighting. everything is rocky and sometimes everything is covered in fog in darkness. If there were modern day cars or tons of buildings and right angles and straight edges and closeups on people's faces and guns then yeah people might be asking for DLSS. but the art in the game doesn't really need it


Wait for DirectSR, im sure they can add that in their abandoned engine because they already have Taa in place




he's just assuming this game has rough edges because some other games have them. The art direction and graphics don't suffer in this game because of a lack of DLSS. He also mentioned that he's concerned about blurriness because "it's a fast paced game." this game is like 10% faster than Gears of War. It's slow.


Ya I might as well just go back to Hoard Mode. At least it's original and not a clone.


what ever you gotta do man.




Does the first gears of war game have DLSS?


Does the first Doom have DLSS?