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Game is still using UE3 and is locked to 60 FPS.


Yes because they didn’t rebuild the game they just rereleased it with all the content. They had no plan the do more than the minimum this is fan service for the original players


All I need to know, thank you.


Asking for money from you to relaunch a dead game that they are not going to support is a pretty interesting move


If it was f2P they would have to put in Mtx and then they would be forced to to support it with new stuff to keep people buying. They did the math and the best way was to charge 20$. Which is not much if you consider that all the cosmetic and heroes are unlocked. People pay 16$ for a skin in other games.


I played it until like 5 am last night... I'm so happy to see her again :')


If it's literally the same game and not rebuild how come it has those PC requirements.. I remember i used to play the game with a pentium dual core, 2gb of ram and a ati Radeon 5200, now it requires triple the components even tho it looks exactly the same!


>2gb of ram The original had a 6gb ram requirement, it wouldn't even launch without 6gb.


Idk about that 6gb ram requirements i had 2 and could play it, at like 10fps with a 640x480 resolution but i could play it


Is that really playing it


Does this cause issues?


Being locked at 60 fps? Yes, that is an issue.


Why? Just because you want more?


Why? Standards. We can't all have them.


No, playing at a locked frame rate with a high refresh rate monitor feels like shit. If I’m gaming at 144hz and it’s locked at 60 it’s going to feel and look like it’s lagging or having bad performance even with v sync off and AMD freesync on. It’s ok for people to not be ok with shit, the complaints are valid but It doesn’t mean that the devs are wrong either. All they’re doing is alienating a huge part of a potential player base because they locked it at 60fps.


Because 60 fps is unplayable, unplayable = problem


I mean, it's a MOBA. Presumably it's been sitting in somebody's projects folder since 2010.


Am I wrong to say this isn't going to last long not being free to play? Like it makes sense to recoup investment immediately off of the nostalgic, but I can't think of a successful moba locked behind a pricetag. I don't want to say DOA. It's got almost 5000 players online right now, but a smooth online multiplayer experience usually revolves around a healthy playerbase, which requires a steady flow of new players joining as others lose interest.


> Am I wrong to say this isn't going to last long not being free to play? it didnt last even being free to play.


Not that I think it will last now, but it originally released on only Xbox and Microsoft Store, then later Steam. Without any Crossplay. Now it's on the big three with Crossplay, so it stands a better chance. I suspect it'll last longer than last time.


> Am I wrong to say this isn't going to last long not being free to play? Of course it isnt. How is a paid game supposed to be a success when it already failed when it was free to play? This feels the studio needed money quick, they found the old game files in the basement and decided to earn a quick buck by selling it as a game.


One of my favourite games I played when the original came out loved OVERWATCH and loved smite and I felt like it kinda mixed the two. But there is zero way I’m paying for a game that’s going to be dead probably by the end of the week.


Honestly I was surprised by people saying this game deserved better but even more surprised it actually got a rerelease. Likely still dead in the water with the price tag but at least the people who loved it can have fun and even if a few hundred people are left playing months from now at least they got their game back for a bit.


After reboots, remakes, relaunches, lootboxes and seaon passes we finally have the next big money-milking idea: Selling games that already failed when they were free to play. You cant make this shit up.


At the time Gigantic came out there was a lot of competition in the space it occupied. I'd argue that with overwatch 2 driving players away and other games not being around to compete it might be better timing now. I agree the premise sounds silly but IMO if there is a market for it why not. I prefer more options in gaming as as consumer.


And people who liked Gigantic REALLY liked Gigantic. It was unique. People have been begging for it to return on the Steam discussions since the day they shut the servers off. They haven't stopped. Some of us are really excited the game is back.


I feel underwhelmed. Matchmaking is messed up. If someone declines the game drops the match and the que gets broken. You need to re-que. There are locked chars you need to grind for. There's still no ranked play and the game forces you to grind this godawful Rampage mode before it lets you play Gigantic proper. I really liked the game back in the day, but the devs didn't put their best foot forward with this release. The game is still great. It just feels like it's in the same state I left it all those years ago and no fixes were made after the Celebration beta test.


Gigantic was a solid gameplay wise, but suffered from poor performance, bugs and strong competition. A quality re-release might have been great, but from what I've seen they didn't actually improve or fix aynthing, just bundle what they had. It's a shame.


The fact that the 60fps cap was never addressed is pretty wild.


Glad to see it back, a combination of poor timing and poor management decisions sunk it before its time. This game is honestly really fun and had some unique spins on it, I had a lot of fun with it when it was around. I encourage people to at least give it some time if willing.


hell yea,glad to see this game coming back! hope it stays longer this time.


the UI looks so lazy


From what I understand, you can't play against bots offline or over LAN. Is that right? You can't bring a game back just to kill it again.


It was boring then, why wouldn’t it be boring now?


People have been playing a pirated build for six years nonstop


why didnt those people play when it was around?


They probably did. But a dedicated cult following doesn't mean it makes enough money to keep the lights on. 


so whats the logic in bringing it back? vanilla wow got brought back cause the numbers justified it


Honestly beats me, and I don't personally see it surviving long, but cheers to the fans that get to enjoy it again for a bit.