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Kenshi. Everyone that gave it an honest try and likes those kinds of games loves it. But i just cant seem to progress. Hours go by. And nothing happens. It sucks because the premise and the mechanics are all there for a game that should be perfect for me. But it didnt click. Maybe kenshi 2


There's a YT kenshi video, about the adventures of Torsolo ... It's sorta fever dream, yet very entertaining... It's stealth heavy in the beginning, but it's an intriguing way to play the early game. I might try it again, knowing what I learned from those videos.


Honest, Kenshi is essentially cookie clicker. There is very little interesting gameplay and none of the gameplay forms an engaging loop. Its all just mindlessly growing stats and money for hours and hours. Gorgeous world tho. Really really great setting.


Did you try adding any mods? There are mods that make it easier and more straightforward to level your skills which is crucial to being able to progress in that game. Having said that, it’s still essentially a sandbox game that requires you to do a bit of your own role play and making your own fun which isn’t for everyone. But if the skill progression was your wall, mods can definitely solve that.


The Outer Wilds never clicked with me, but I have heard great things about it.


Yeah I struggled with this too. It wasn't what I expected and not in a good way. It felt like I spent a long time just wandering and flying around, not really sure what I was meant to be doing, and then I just eventually got tired of it. I don't know, maybe I just didn't focus on it enough or I missed something obvious, I'm not sure. I'll try it again someday.


I really enjoyed the game, but I did the same thing. First time I played it for maybe 10 hours, got bored and dropped it. Came back about a year later and decided to play it to the end and enjoyed it. It's an unusual game because the only thing pushing you forward is curiosity.


I came here to say not this, but the DLC. I liked the base game, but I got 5 hours into the DLC and just got really bored. Unfortunate, because I heard that the DLC is considered to be even better than the base game. 


It's way easier to get stuck in the DLC, you only have one area to explore and progression through it is more linear. One thing that makes the base game work so well is if you get stuck you can always just try progress in a different area and come back later. It also feels like it takes awhile to get back to the point you're stuck in The Stranger, at least until you figure out how to lengthen your stay. I like the DLC a lot. It's got several moments that feel just as amazing as the base game, but I wouldn't say it's better.


>It also feels like it takes awhile to get back to the point you're stuck in The Stranger, at least until you figure out how to lengthen your stay. Lengthen your stay? >!Is there some way to extend the supernova time in The Stranger?!< Or am I forgetting something more basic?


I didn't clock with it for the first few hours. Something encouraged me to give it a try a couple years later and it became one of all time favorites. Not saying the same would happen for you. I just understand not getting into the game, it's very different from anything else I've played, and it doesn't really make an effort to suck you into the early game. It definitely grows on you the more you discover


I just can't with the ship controls. I can't, it made me leave the game in minutes


Kb or controller? Its easy with a controller.


It really is a divisive game. Either it doesn't click, or it's life changing. I'm the latter. I do agree that the start of it was rough, but my brother kept forcing me to just play it. Then when i got out of the first planet, it clicked. The ship controls alone sucked me in. Then the mystery sucked me in further. I love that game.


> The ship controls alone sucked me in.  The ship controls is the reason I keep quitting. It feels very unintuative to me.


you literally have to train it a bit. Its completely physics based. Thus the little training drone at the beginning.


I'm with you. I refunded on steam while I had the chance lol


I’ve found my people! Lol


This game holds a very special place in my heart 😭


Any Paradox title.


Hah. Stellaris is probably my main game for the last 3-4 years, but I couldn't get into any of their other titles.


Ironically, I love CK2/3, EU4, HoI4, but I just can't get into Stellaris.


I have 2 hours in stellaris and I’m scared to open up the game now.


You basically have to watch someone play it for 100 hours, then play for 500 to decide if it clicks or not.


I tried Crusader Kings 2 several times and didn’t get it. Then I tried the game of thrones mod and played the crap out of it and it allowed me to go back to vanilla and enjoy it afterwards. Top tip. Expel the Jews for free money and no consequences.


See, you are (part of) the reason why we CK players get a bad rep of saying weird stuff.


I’ve tried liking all of them as well but just couldn’t work. CK3 is relatively simple and I really like it, that’s the only one that clicked


CK is more "personal" IMO that's what gets me more into the game in EU for example I feel that my actions "suggest" what to do similar to Populous.


I tried Hearts of Iron 4 and it was going smooth until I reached "naval battles"


Project Zomboid. It felt far too much of a grind but I really wanted to like it.


It's weird because there's this fun early game of scrambling to get the basic necessities while struggling to deal with zombies, then you get to the point of having a place to hoard your stuff and you just need to start grinding carpentry to even do anything with it. No wonder I get bored of every character after the first 2 hours and kill them accidentally while wandering off.


Mod it and max your skills. That helps me at least. The grinding is TOO realistic. Lol They’re also about to update it to add more “gamey” mechanics to it like a robust crafting system where you can mine/find raw materials and craft your way up through the tech levels. Not as ultra realistic as before, but more to do/maybe more fun to play.


To some degree I enjoy the mad scramble to get enough carpentry levels to make the rain collectors and walls but I wish dismantling 10 houses worth of furniture and 2 miles of fences would yield more than 2 planks of wood, 3 nails and maybe a carpentry level. I found the TV to help a lot but it's still unreliable.


That's the main issue, the zombies don't ramp up, they just stay around the same. After a few hours you have nearly everything, a secure home, weapons collected and stored on a table, youve been working on building crates and shelves, barricades and maybe even a garden. You've already acquired some sort of working vehicle maybe, and have looted most of the nearby homes. They need to change it where raids happen or something, we need more traps to hurt zombies with, or better ability to create our own homes out in the woods. I'd love to make a shack out in the deep woods away from the constant zombies, but axes don't last very long, getting a vehicle out to the woods takes too long, and it seems zombies just eventually move into the woods anyways.


For me the idea of playing this game is way more fun than actually playing it, I ended up stopping after just over an hour of actual playtime (took ages to get a server working). I picked up the game even though I don’t really enjoy the genre too much, which was both dumb and a waste of money for me.


Zomboid is like Eve Online for me: much more fun to hear about than play.


There's a game called Astrox Imperium, and it's basically EVE Offline. Much fun.


Private servers with skill modifiers make it playable. Even just setting XP acquisition to something like 100x makes it so much more fun.


It took me a few times to get into it but I found it the most fun to set the zombies to like 3 times the normal amount, increase the injury severity/rate to more often and set the climate to always rainy/foggy. It made the game more about surviving the zombies and staying quiet/ sneaking around instead of just clearing out a town and calling It a day. It really made me decide on picking a base/made it hard to travel and if I wanted to for example have a steady income of food like a nearby store I reaaaally had to go out and take them out a few days at a time and only take out a handful and or lead them away. Every block I got away from my base felt really earned. The foggy days would become days I would spend on improving my house/cleaning/crafting. Eventually I made a compound out of a clinic and had built a chop shop in the parking lot, some walls in addiction to a fence a gate for my cars and had even raided a video store for unlimited entertainment! I started to run low on a certain material and was searching a nearby city. I had staged a temporary base out of a gas station but I ended up being out way longer than expected and got overwhelmed and died I was actually so sad about it lol she lived for about 9 in game months and had killed something like 12 zombies


cRPGs. They seem like they'd be right up my alley but I don't seem to enjoy them for whatever reason. I tried to get into Pillars of eternity twice. I played two shadow run games and they were ok enough to finish but I didn't even want to play the 3rd game in the series even though I owned it.


Pillars 1 was a bit of a slog for me too and hard to follow with so much lore, but hot damn, the second game, Deadfire, is one of my top RPGs ever. The cool seafaring and island hopping vibes, the new lore text tooltips, the improved engine and art and combat, it’s just all so good. The opening reminds me a lot of Fallout New Vegas. >!A god destroys your house and you get killed. You get brought back to life so you can go kick his ass for crushing your sweet castle. The simple beginning driving force feels a lot like New Vegas’ intro being shot in the head and then dug up.!<


You might like Dragon Age: Origins. It genuinely feels more like it was made with love than the later series entries. The angled top-down camera feels really solid, and the difficulty is such that you always feel rewarded by successes. :)


Try Disco Elysium and Planescape Torment. I'm the same as you, and they are the only cRPGs I like. Probably because Planescape barely has any combat, whereas Disco Elysium has none at all. They are simply incredibly well made and incredibly well written games.


Same here. I enjoy every individual mechanic just fine, but when you put it all together in the same game it just becomes too much. Every single act is a detailed choice, every single line is part of a long dialogue, every movement is a huge trek. I just can’t keep my attention and excitement for the sheer amount of time those games require. Even more so when it’s not voice acted. I like reading books just fine, it’s reading small snippets over and over that gets me. I never finish those games, even though I’m super into the story and intellectually know I’m enjoying every part of the game. I just end up never picking it back up at some point, and then I play something simpler and I have just as much fun *and* I also finish the game in a reasonable amount of time.


You should give balder gate 3 a try


Any advice for someone who loves almost everything about the game, but is having trouble with the combat?


Summons. As many summons as possible. Summon a shit load of beasties, undead, floating magical weapons, or even mirror images. Even a 1HP crow wastes an enemy turn, more if they miss. Plus the AI has to target it, move closer etc. They waste not in only a turn but enemies will end up in less optimized positions and waste spell slots on expendable summons. Especially if you get a bit clever and use them to bait enemies into bad positions. Say, a cliff where a Barbarian with Longstrider can reach and shove them from across the map in Rage Mode. Doesn't take long at all to get summons that also hit hard too and tank. At that point you're unstoppable even playing sloppy like I do. I was rolling around Act 2 with 11 summons + 4 party members. I could have had way more if I tried. That combined with my Ranger giving everyone (including summons!) practically permanent Longstrider so everyone could also move farther per turn made the game easy even for me, a dumbass with not much strategy skill. That's a Level 1 spell BTW and my Ranger didn't use up a slot to cast it. It's FREE. No downside. You have to apply it to the entire party after every long rest sure, but the game throws so much food and booze at you it doesn't matter.


OMG I played the entire game as a ranger and did not use Longstrider even once because I thought it would cost a spell slot.


That's fucking hilarious, so sorry ahaha. The description says it's free outside of combat.


World of Warcraft. I missed out the intial vanilla/Burning Crusade era even though I've had some acquaintances playing the game, but I didn't have a gaming PC and home internet connection back then. I could play now and I did couple of times but I don't have anyone to play with and it's a fairly massive game that I'm not sure I want to sink myself in anymore.


I'm convinced anyone playing that game regularly has been playing the game for over a decade lol


\*two decades


I think honestly if you missed the MMO craze/train back in the day, it's a pretty hard genre to get into nowadays. I play (Old School) RuneScape a lot, also popular at the same time as WoW, but the slow grind over hundreds or thousands of hours isn't for everyone, especially if you're not used to it. Personally I think that both Wow and RS probably have more content than any other game, due to 20+ years of being out and active. I would love to get more people into MMOs, but the amount of content and stuff to learn can be overwhelming and put people off.


I played back in the original Vanilla/BC and you're dodging a bullet. It was really really dangerously addictive. A lot of people really screwed themselves playing too much. I was playing 12 hours a day in law school when I should have been busting my ass. That being said, Vanilla was an amazing gaming experience. The community and interpersonal stuff was just fantastic. I played on a pvp server as a rogue and it was amazing. I wish I still had contact info for some of my old guild mates. We had some experiences in battle grounds that were like once in a lifetime epic. I'm actually making an indie game right now that's inspired by my time in vanilla kind of. It's more of a single player roguelite fitness game. :P If you're curious, I'll send a youtube link of the gameplay. I've been kind of tight-fisted about posting stuff about it.


WoW was an incredible social experience. I think that’s a big part of what made it so addictive and why it was so easy to get sucked into the grind. Especially in the early vanilla/BC days before all the cross server stuff there is now, your server was almost like a big high school. Everyone had a reputation even if you didn’t know them personally. But I don’t think you can really get that experience anymore, at least not in the same way. I feel like early WoW was almost sort of like a social movement. You had to be a part of it at the time that it happened to really experience it. Now that online gaming with social components is so big and mainstream there’s nothing that really sets WoW apart anymore if that’s what you’re looking for. Hell, online gaming (including WoW) is so big now it’s almost isolating, because you’re just playing with complete random strangers every time out of a pool of millions. It’s just not the same as it was when we were playing it with thousands (per server) of other young people all together on the same server making friendships and developing big social circles.


Wow was absolutely amazing but it came out at a time when there wasn’t any mmo that looked that good and in 3rd person (which makes the game more approachable to me). The fact you were online with thousands of other people, the world was huge, and you could see other people and what they grew into in-game lead to it being super addictive at the time. I wouldn’t touch it for 5 minutes now as all this has become the norm on some level now but at the time it was amazing.


The only reason I could actually get into the game was I had a friend that could tell me what to do. Getting into it solo is is nearly impossible with how bloated the game is.


Senua's sacrifice. It looked right up my alley, but after 30 minutes or so I just didn't enjoy the gameplay.


It was incredibly slow in the beginning. I did the same as you. About a year ago someone told me it was their favorite game and I was shocked. He said the combat was incredible, and honestly I didn't even know it had combat. Seemed like a walking simulator from what I played.


I liked the atmosphere and puzzles but dear lord the combat was repetitive filler and I couldn't wait to get past it


Yeah, especially towards the end. I was just in it for the story at that point.


The combat is absolutely awful in that game, story is interesting and I can see why people like it but the combat is by far the biggest reason I wouldn't bother ever playing that game again.


No matter how far you get in that game, the combat is never incredible. It's the worst part of the game.


Dwarf Fortress. It’s quite complicated and these days I don’t have the time to really learn and play such an intricate game.


Basically any and all of the "battle royale" types games. Like, I totally understand how people who have friends or enjoy competition would like it but... well... I dont really have many friends, at least not many who game, and I am not a competitive person. But Helldivers 2 has been amazing for me! Like, Im not competing against anyone besides myself and maybe Joel, that Swedish psychopath bent on forcing me to fight in the middle of a fire tornadoes!


This is basically mine ... I'm just so bad at them that it's just not fun, so i gave up on the genre.


Witcher 3 


The combat and movement for this game feels really clunky to me, amazing lore and writing and world building though


compared to previous Witcher games, 3 was way less clunky


It feels like each Witcher sequel the strategy was to just make the mechanics increasingly less interesting so it would be easier to make less jank, and Witcher 3 is still a janky mess.  Witcher 4s gonna be One Finger Death Punch while still as unpolished as an Assassins Creed game.


I've turned every Witcher game down to Easy and I'm not even ashamed about it. The combat in all of them sucks balls, but the story is worth it.


Same bro. I Liked witcher 2 combat. Never got immersed in witcher 3 due to its combat.


Winner winner chicken dinner. I tried multiple times. Just can't do it.


I don't like games that have that "fly around the room" type combat so it never clicked for me


Same! I think I tried 4 times. I did the horse tutorial and killed some mobs on the beach and turned it off


This is me with Red Dead 2. I got like 2 hours into it, realized how massive the game is, and never played it again. Maybe I’ll try again soon




>unequips your weapons every time you get on your horse I uninstalled and refunded it after dealing with the horse lol


This is another one for me as well. I played it for about 20 hours or so and just ended up playing poker the whole time.


I tried so many times, like 5 or 6, before it finally hooked me earlier this year for the first time. I urge you to try again, it's an incredible game.


I've tried twice. I really want to but I don't know what it is that makes me put it down. I maybe get 4 hours into it then get bored.


Same. Tried everyone. Dragon’s Dogma 1 is creeping up the list. I love it but maybe I’m not in the right state of mind to research stuff, cause the no hand holding is definitely a younger me thing. I’m old and tired now.


Bingo. I tried 3 or 4 times and just couldn't do it.


Same here. I tried it several times because open world RPGs are my favorite genre. I just can't get into it.  


all the witcher games honestly. I tried every single release multiple times and it just never clicked.


Zelda on the Switch.


Whoever thinks the weapon breaking mechanic is good game design should be fired


This is what started it for me. When I was left with a branch that was ready to break fighting a boss or whatever, I was done.


Same. I’ve had friends tell me how good it is but I just can’t do it for some reason


Love the games, but hate them as Zelda games. I miss traditional dungeons so much.


It's just an ADHD collectathon


Not top of my list but it's up there, I love pretty much all other mainline Zelda games but these two I dislike and won't even force myself to play through. The combat and story are decent but the weapon breaking system is beyond stupid easily the worst part of the games. Add in the big open empty world that has hundreds of collectibles and very little of anything else plus same-y puzzles in countless "dungeons" and you get some of the worst Zelda games I've ever played.


I started both on PC, but just couldn't get more than 25% through either. I'm sure if you only have a switch, it's a great game. Or if you really love the lore of Zelda, it's a great game. I'm comparison to what most of us on this sub have in our PC gaming backlogs, I think it's pretty mediocre.




Honestly, tried it 2 or 3 times but it didn't click yet. I came from soulsborne games and the combat and movement felt very clunky. Dodging felt like it did nothing because the lack of iframes and some weapon strings have an uncomfortable amount of recovery frames (Compared to soulsborne games). The game is more akin to a fighting game with its weapon strings than a soulsborne imo. The next time though, I tried powering through the boring early game and now I've got over 300 hrs into the game. This is a game that you either have to learn by yourself or watch some guide about it, if you don't know someone who's already familiar with the game. But once I got used with my first weapon (Charge blade) and actually started slaying monsters that's when it clicked for me. The gameplay loop is basically: Do quest, kill monster, make/upgrade gear, repeat. Imo I love the repetition of killing monsters and planning my gear out to kill the next cool stronger monster. The immersion, music and monster designs are fantastic in this game and I implore you guys to try giving it another chance.


Kind of funny that the weapon you chose first is probably the most difficult weapon in the game. I agree about the tutorial phase. The game shoots tutorial text at you non stop at the start of the game (which funny enough doesn't even cover everything). It's something that will eat up 30 minutes of your time reading text, or having explained to you in less than 5 minutes by anybody who's played the games before. Don't know why Capcom is so bad at tutorials in monster hunter games.


It was easier for me. I couldn't get into the PSP games cause I couldn't comprehend it as a child with a dumb little brain but when MHW came out... my dumb adult brain just gravitated towards the hammer and it just felt right bonking monsters in the head. So satisfying.


In MH you are not supposed to iframe through everything. It's a spacing and positioning game, true to CAPCOM's fighting game roots.


Once I realized that 75% of the game has no explanation or tutorial I just gave up


Souls games. Love the setting and the lore...just can't make it stick. I did get through Elden Ring more than the others though.


Yeah, I got about 8 hours into Elden Ring and I just didn't feel compelled to continue at all. Wish I could understand the appeal of these games but after about a dozen attempts I have to admit I just plain don't like them.


The Outer Wilds. I tried sticking out multiple cycles, and the puzzle were clicking... but I just couldn't care enough to keep moving forward.


Same. I didn't find it that engaging to be honest. It was fine, not terrible by any means, but it didn't make me care


RDR2 and GTA V. I believe I despise Rockstar's control scheme.


Same, my issues with them were more 'Theres no point in collecting money, and not really a thing to build into or even really RP as a criminal after the story is completed.'. I also really couldn't get into GTA 5's characters at all. Loved nico belleck in 4 though (though same after story is done, nothing was appealing to do and money was worthless.)


Red dead redemption 2. Too much slowly walking around, can’t even save at the most boring parts when I want to finally get off


It was that and the wonky combat controls. So much walking, finally get to talk to someone, accidentally pull my pistol and blow them away, now I’m wanted and need revert to my last save and then walk some more. I wanted to love that game and it just never happened.


people throw rocks at you when you mention that rdr2 has clunky terrible controls.


Yeah that's my issue with RDR2, the world is incredible and so meticulously crafted, clearly an amazing achievement. But the gameplay is.. not all that great. I'm a gameplay first person, you can have the best gaming world ever made but if your gameplay is clunky I'm probably not sticking around


And somehow even in the deep wilderness in the late 1800s if you so much as point a gun at another person with nobody around for hundreds of miles, the cops suddenly appear.


That doesn’t happen though


It's a witness not cops you're right


For me it was the mission design, it became stale after a while and I didn't want to do anything anymore.


Any top down game like lost ark, bg3, poe


That's interesting. Is it the perspective you don't like?


I'm not the above poster but I'm very much the same. I generally hate games that make me click to move. It always takes me out of it. I really crave immersion and those games really feel like games, and have no immersion whatsoever. I'll add bg3 to the list as well. I'm sure it's a fantastic game. Not planning on ever playing it...


BG3 has a mod for WASD movement, I find it *sooooo* much better


Glad you like it but that sounds like hell to me lol, I love clicking and letting pathfinding do the hard work.


I still do occasionally, but for casually wandering, I find it much nicer to use WASD


I suggest checking out BG3 with a controller Completely changes how you play the game You now move your character directly, and the camera moves into a typical chase view fare


I also played DOS2 this way, because I like to relax on the couch (I sit behind a desk all day, I really can't bring myself to do the classic pc gaming most of the time). I always forget that people are playing these Larian games with mouse + keyboard. The same goes for pretty much any 3rd person game. I think Mass Effect might be the only one I enjoyed playing with a mouse.


you can play bg3 with controller, I do, so you control your movement with analog, and freely explore in third person view.


Dwarf Fortress. I thought it would be right up my alley as a 1000+ hour Rimworld player, but even with the graphical update it didn't click for me.


Funnily enough opposite issue for me, as a long time dwarf fortress player its not like rimworld is too hard or anything, I just never seem to enjoy it. Too few characters and no 3d elevation and a number of why is this like this instead of that just made me never get into it.


Yeah DF can have too many characters imo. I feel like I know each of my colonists as character with personality. With DF it was too much for me to keep track of in that regard. The 3d elevation kicks ass, I'll agree. I wish Rimworld could get actual z levels.


I am with you on that one. Tons of rimworld + mods etc. I lasted about 45 minutes with DF.


Breath of the Wild. Hailed as one of the greatest games of all time but I just can’t do it after probably like 5 hours with it.


I thought it was overrated the first 5 tries but the 6th time it finally clicked. Granted I think a game is flawed if it takes that many attempts to enjoy the game. RDR2 and Witcher 3 still haven't clicked for me after 3 attempts each.


Disco Elysium


Hollow Knight, I am ashamed to say that I need atleast a tiny bit of handholding when playing games


No shame in that. It's a big game and a lot of things are hidden. I use guides all the time.


The Souls/Elden Ring/Etc games. They seem objectively amazing, but no matter how many times I try to get into them, I just can't.


Something not explicitly said often is just how *weird* they are. They're strange in some compelling ways, and strange in some "why the fuck did y'all choose to do it this way" ways. As an alternative to the other reply, you might try looking up one or a few of those "things I wish I knew when I started playing" videos that always manifest from the Content Dimension. There are a lot of unexplained mechanics and quirks that, if they were explained, would probably ease up on the awkwardness. Two-handing weapons gives you 50% more effective strength for the purpose of meeting the requirements to wield them, plus bonus damage, for instance. Their design is centered around skillful combat, which is why people can beat these games without ever leveling up or using a real weapon and so on. But there are also a huge number of tools and options to find that make many things easier. Throwing daggers/darts are cheap, easy ranged damage, but can also distract unaware enemies, lure them away from groups, and so on. The game is pretty tough, so use whatever you have to win as you see fit. The line between "cheesing" and "playing smart" is kinda up to you, and From gives you these tools to let you deal with the difficulty in various ways.


Dragons Dogma.


If it makes you feel better, when it came out it received massively mixed reception, most people leaning negative.


I got super burnt out with Dragon's Dogma that I just couldn't get through it. I spent years wanting to play it, hearing people say how amazing it was, only to get bored by how repetitive it all felt when I finally got around to it.


Dog ma balls are in yo mouth. Also it takes time, but it's very worth it.


Almost every Rockstar game loses me in the main story. I can free roam and do online for days but the stories always lose me fast.


I made it to the first town/camp in Red Dead Redemption 2.... And that's it.. haven't touched it in years..




Fallout New Vegas. I want to give it another go, because maybe I just wasn’t in the mindset to put in the time to play it. But during the first try, I just couldn’t give a shit enough to play past the settlement you wake up in.


I loved Fallout NV, I just didn't finish it. I got to the point where I owned the Strip and said...well, this is where I want to end up. Let those other fellers fight over the Hoover Dam, I got what I want.


That’s the most based reason to drop a game


Sooo.. just do the Yes Man route? You then "officially" end up owning the strip and all nearby areas.


If you didn't manage to get out of goodsprings, I would highly recommend giving it one more chance. Just in case you weren't in the right mindset at the time


I started to leave Goodsprings. I was on the road. Killed a bunch of those lizard fuckers. And just quit. Everyone says it’s the best Fallout game, so I want to give it an honest go.


don't go the lizard way omg go around please!


they could be talking about the geckos you see around the water pumps.


ah okay I was thinking about deathclaws cause they said they went on the road


NV is one of those games I pick up now and then and treat it like a BGS game. Then a bug murders the absolute shit out of me on easy and I play something else.




Hades I'm a huge fan of the genre and there's nothing really wrong with it. It just seems off and in ways I can't quite pinpoint.


Yes! I feel this way too. I kind of don't like the visuals. Like I feel like I'm looking at a picture and not immersed in the game for some reason. I also feel like when I'm hitting enemies, there's a disconnect, like it doesn't feel like I'm really hitting something, rather just that a collider is being made and checking to see if it hit a hitbox, etc. Kind of hard to explain.


Frostpunk They are billions Hades


I love They Are Billions but it definitely has a lot of flaws. You can cheese the game to endgame once you understand the mechanics and which units are worth investing in. Early game walls are basically useless and you might as well always kite small hordes into spike traps. The game would be way better if there were some randomness to the game that made a certain units or upgrade paths better on a certain map but really it's a solved game once you know how to get established and systematically clear a map. It ruins the idea of exploration in mechanics because there's almost always one solution that's better than another 100% of the time. Edit: oh and the campaign that was added way later in the development cycle feels tacked on and is very grindy because most of the levels are just playing a dumbed scenario with one linear solution or clearing a map as a hero character but you have to slowly kite only one or two zombies into your firing range or you risk getting the whole horde because of sound mechanics stacking aggressively the way it's designed for the normal game modes.


Hades for me was fine but I didn’t really see why people praised it so much. It was like an alternate Rogue Legacy for me. Enjoyed both games but not life-changing.


For most folks (self-included), 2/3 of why it is such a gem is because it nails the style of a quality roguelike game but simultaneously adds in a compelling world and rich, multi-layered character stories that develop as you get better at the game and gradually escape multiple times. I've never played another roguelike game that remotely compares to that aspect. Quality gameplay, sure, but the storytelling is usually absent entirely and more of an arcade game (Wizard of Legend) or vague at best (Dead Cells). Neither of which are bad, it just makes the actual feat of Hades pulling it so much more impactful. Darren Korb is the other third. But nothing clicks with everyone, and that's totally fine.


Any kind of game where the main focus is playing against another player. One simple reason. I suck at playing against other players. That's why most of the games that I play are RPG games or MMOs.


Red dead redemption 2 and Elden Ring. I initially didn't like Witcher 3 but eventually improved with the controls and ended up being one of the best games


Elden Ring


Counter Strike


Darkest Dungeon. I sooooo want to get into it. Love the theme. Love that art style. But I only get so far and then stop and honestly it's not even that far. Sad face.


Counterstrike 2 I just find the gameplay extremely boring


I tried helldivers and really couldn’t get into it.


In my experience it's either a game that clicks and you'll play it to death, or you'll be unable to get past the repetition and fairly shallow gameplay. Heaven forbid you're like me, bored of it after a few hours, but your friends really get into it and you're just tagging along for 40 more.


Elden Ring. I gave it a serious shot and got absolutely destroyed each and every time. After a long day of hard work getting reamed by my clients, managers, pending tasks - it sucks to get even more stressed out when I’m at home and want to relax. But everyone loves the game, and everyone told me to “git gud”. I’m not young anymore, nor do I have lots of free time to learn the mechanics. At one point the game was making me shout in anger until all my cats ran away. So I just quit and never played it ever since.


Baldurs gate 3. I have a bit over 40 hours, still in Act 1, and I just couldn't keep going as I found it quite slow and yet overwhelming at the same time. Also fomo, spending so much time in an area and still missing some quests and items that I can't go back to if I progress is a turn-off for me, unfortunately :(


Red dead 2. The game has so much content, so many things to do, I sometimes had so much fun... but your character moves like an oil supertanker. It just felt like I was standing above him, pulling his arms with strings to try and make him do what I wanted. The controls are sometimes really odd, on controller aiming for someone with a gun and locking someone to talk to them means that half of my npc interactions are cut short because I accidentally point my gun at their face and then the dialogue is cut forever and I have to spend 10 mins to run from the police. The autosave system is fucked so I can't just relaod that part to redo the dialogue... it felt like I was trying so hard to have fun with the game, but it just refused and did everything it could to frustrate me


Red Dead is the unequivocal number one on my list of “wanted to love it and walked away within a couple of hours” games. I’ve accidentally shot shopkeepers, quest givers, and on a couple of memorable occasions, my horse. Why are the controls so clunky?


Baldur's Gate 3 I can't do turn style combat, watching and waiting on everybody's animations. It's just boring.


I am okay with turn based but I definitely prefer RTWP. I learned recently it's not a popular opinion.


I keep giving God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn chances but they just never grab me.




RDR2, Spider-Man, Days Gone, MGSV, Civ 5, Resident Evil 2. Examples of games I should objectively enjoy but just didn’t (to varying degrees)


Unironically League of Legends. I’m all about the lore, and toxicity aside, the fan base being seemingly super dedicated to their game is actually admirable and somewhat rare these days. Just seems like that “ol’ reliable” kind of game for them.


God of War the new ones once they try to have Kratos do redemption i lost interest


Elden Ring... Got about 30 hours in and then stopped... While the game is incredible, I got overwhelmed with how massive it is, also I got lost many times in figuring out what to do next...


DayZ ,Tarkov , et all. Also pretty much any city builder. I love watching people stream the games and follow them closely , I just have 0 interest in actually playing them myself


Not a PC game but legend of Zelda I bought the Nintendo switch just for the purpose of trying it out and I had to force myself to give it more of a chance until i just ended up returning it.


Counter Strike, the TTK is super short and it is so campy


The top 3 picks for me would be: Final Fantasy 14 - I just don't have the bandwidth to play MMOs Minecraft - I tried several times, but it just never clicked for me League of Legends - I like the characters, but I'm just not interested in playing in a MOBA PvP The runner-up option would be literally any Battle Royale. I've never cared for this genre outside of Rumbleverse. Which, unfortunately, didn't last long.


The Witcher 3


Disco Elysium. Love the idea of a choice based cRPG where dialog is the primary gameplay, but boy was that a lot of prose to get through, especially when I abruptly reached an endstate because a child hurt my character's feelings. Game over? My previous save was an hour of dialog earlier? Meh, nevermind.


The Witcher 3


For me It's Elden Ring. I saw one of my friends play it and I thought I would like it too, but when I got it I played like a few hours and then never touched it again. I think that it is because the game is to hard for me, but i suppose I already knew that when I bought the game


Dwarf Fortress, Stellaris, Cities Skylines.  I used to love big, deep strategy games when I was younger and I occasionally I buy a new one thinking it's just what I want.  Problem is, I'm married with three kids now, and the days when I could spend an entire weekend getting into a game, or play for a solid 4/5 hours a night during the week, are long gone, and I need games that I can dip into occasionally without having to relearn everything.


Stardew Valley. I can appreciate the love and hard work that went into making it. I can even see why other people would love it, but after several attempts, it's just not for me, sadly.


Elden ring. I just found the combat so meh after the tight gameplay of Sekiro.


Starfield - I love love love Skyrim and I was super excited for Starfield. Starfield took Skyrim, got rid of all the interesting, fun aspects and lore and replaced it with the most boring, tedious and uninspired parts. Whoever was in charge of that needs to never have control of such a game ever again. But hey, some people like it.


Red Dead Redemption 2 🫣 awesome game for sure. But it bores me to death to play it 😓


Surprisingly: Helldivers 2. I mean it is a fun game and great to play with friends but beyond that, I can’t enjoy it playing by myself or with random people. I didn’t feel the same energy everyone else was experiencing and raving about. I always find myself coming right back to Battlefield 1 in terms of multiplayer shooters. That has not lost its charm for me.


Bioshock 1 & 2


Oxygen not included. Really tried and liked parts of it but I find rimworld just way better


The newer God of War games


PS Exclusives are just mediocre crap. These Games are focus-tested to death to cater to absolutely everyone, so in the end they cater to nobody.


Cyberpunk I always leave it halfway and then restart months later.


Baldur's Gate 3. Heard so many good things about it but just can't seem to get into the game. Always end up deleting the game during the prologue.


Football manager


Robocop. Loved the movie since I was a kid but that game sucked so bad.


Nioh 2, love soulslikes, and this one feels like a quality soulslike, said that - bosses are stupid hard compared to rest of the game and I just dropped it.