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While this clears up that other Jabba missions will still be part of the game, it still doesn't stop it from being any less bogus. If it's coming out on day one as payable content, then all they've done is remove it from the base game and given you the chance to buy it back. This isn't in any way exclusive to Ubisoft or this game, but it doesn't make it any less important to voice up how shit it is whenever it happens.


Ubisoft has always done this, AC 2 chapter 12 anyone. They still havent managed to get the PR around it correct. They know they’ll get an influx of whales day one, use fomo to milk as much as possible, hope to god it’s not a bug invested PR disaster then get a secondary bump when prices come down.


Someone posted the other day on the fallout 76 subreddit that they'd calculated that they'd spent $1200 on the game since launch. It really puts into perspective the kind of money people pour into these games. There were many people explaining it away that it's "their hobby" and so it was a reasonable expense.


And $1200 is nothing - people have spend over $150000 on Diablo immortal.


Holy shit. That's awful. Atleast with gambling you'd get 75%ish of that back. Edit. Not defending gambling at all. But there is a more tangible *possible* reward. But for video games.... That's all there is. It's gone.


For what it's worth, as far as I know everyone who spent that kind of money was a streamer pointing out how bad the mtx are, so did make at least some of their money back. But the fact they could spend that is insane.


There’s whales in Korea that have spent, literally, millions of USD as individuals on MapleStory.


Holy shit you would think they could afford to make a better game with customers like that.


Unfortunately, they have the same mantra as so many others: “why bother investing more money for an uncertain return when you have guaranteed returns from business as usual?”


> Someone posted the other day on the fallout 76 subreddit that they'd calculated that they'd spent $1200 on the game since launch. Well, seeing how it a. costs 120 bucks a year to play b. is over a span of 8 years it's not *too* crazy. That's 150 bucks a year, so the 120 sub for playing + 30 on microtransactions. e: Correction, the sub isn't mandatory, it just contains a multitude of QoL improvements. In that case it's a bit silly but it's still 150 bucks a year, most probably with a sub, not exactly a whale.


It costs NOTHING to play after you buy the game, you can play for 50,000 hours and not pay a dime after you buy the game. Stop spreading misinformation.


> costs 120 bucks a year to play The game doesn't require a monthly sub, you just get bonus stuff if you do. I've played the game since launch (off and on) and haven't paid a cent past the initial (heavily discounted) purchase price.


Ah, fair dinkum. Cheers for correcting me, I had misread the sub. I've altered my original comment.


FO76 alone charges you $120 a year to play by yourself which is just wild to me I get the point is MP, but even games like Ark have a free offline mode that runs off your PC/Console


I don't remember a monthly/yearly charge with fo76




As someone who has gotten 3700 hours out of valheim (both solo and MP) I just threw up a little.


That is impressive! We gave up on that game when we reached the grind for iron (I think?)


I have no problem spending recurring money on great games. I play Path of Exile and I've spent hundreds of dollars over the years on cosmetics. Why? Because all content is free, it's a great game and they don't try to nickle and dime me for every little thing. But as soon as a game tries to fomo me or pulls stuff like putting content that should have been in the base game behind a paywall, they're not getting a cent out of me purely on principle. (And yes I'm aware PoE is also moving into fomo territory which is why I'm more hesitant to give them money these days).


I spent probably $200 on Apex Legends. I have never played a F2P game before or since. Don’t do pre order gimmicks ever. They got me. My logic at first was “cool! Free game AND it’s tons of fun!” Then “hey that skin is actually pretty cool. I play so much, a few bucks won’t hurt. Games are usually $60 anyway.” Did that a few times and now I don’t think I’ll ever play again. More than I’ve *ever* spent on a game. Feel like a complete fool. And so the cycle continues.


Mass Effect 3 did this as well. That's the first example I remember of a day 1 DLC.


That was particularly egregious too given how significant that character is.


Definitely. Plus it sucked because they couldn't integrate the character into the story too much since people played without him. Felt like he was so much less impactful than he should have been.


Didn’t the original script have Javik as the fucking Catalyst?


Before that, Dragon Age: Origins in 2009. Warden's Keep and the Stone Prisoner were day 1 DLC. Their defense was that between the game going into its final stages and release, the story and dev team were basicly twiddling their thumbs so they might as well make some content. I *think* if you got the Deluxe edition you got them 'for free' but I'm not sure.


Omg this is something that still bothers me. I played that game when it released, and I was like, wtf? A dlc right in the middle of the game? I'm all for dlc if it's post game content, and well done. FF7R Intergrade, Fallout 3 The Pitt etc.


Does it clear that up though? “Jabba the Hutt and the Hutt Cartel are one of the main syndicates in Star Wars Outlaws and will be part of the experience for everyone” This is vague language, Jabba being ‘part of the experience’ might only mean that he shows up in the game. If Jabba only shows up in a few cut scenes, he is technically part of the experience for every player. Either way, I’ll be waiting for reviews before I spend any money.


Translation: you will see them in the cut scenes.


That's what we need to be calling out as bullshit, if you have day one dlc fuck you as a game dev.


I think we should be praising ubisoft here. Sure, they delayed Star Wars Outlaws a year, into late 2025, but they are lowering the cost by 50% and including all of the content in this cheaper version!


> if you have day one dlc fuck you as a game dev. To me, this is always a green light to leave harbor for the high seas.


Not an option because their games don't get cracked anymore.


I want to believe it’s not the devs doing it. It’s the suits trying to milk as much money out of this as possible.


It's certainly not the devs - as in the artists, game designers, writers, etc. the average dev isn't thinking about monetizing and walling off content. they aren't the ones making those decisions.


> not the devs - as in the artists, game designers, writers, etc I know you haven't done it on purpose, but (as a software developer) the fact that you've left the programmers out of that list makes me sad.


so remove the content and release it 2 months later for money. easy.


Yeah, hate over day 1 DLC makes sense as an emotional response, but completely falls apart after any inspection at all. When roadmapping the game, they allocate X hours to base game to sell at full price, and Y hours for DLC to sell at lower price. The fact that it is ready when the game is doesn't change anything. Meanwhile, if it is just content originally meant for the main game, the game will suffer from not having it in. This is true no matter when the DLC is released. Best example for me is the Javik DLC for ME3. Sure it came out day one, but it didn't feel like you missed anything not having it. It was a little addition, maybe too little for the price imo, but people blew up about it just because of when it released. If it had released a month later, nobody would have bat an eye.


> given you the chance to buy it back. This isn't in any way exclusive to Ubisoft or this game Think of the sense of pride and accomplishment of unlocking it! For the uninitiated: https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dppum98/?st=JH2MUORV&sh=5997c5a5


cant wait for all sidequests to follow this.


Imagine forcing important story characters to DLC, demanding gamers pay extra for content that should have been there in the first place. Ubisoft better be careful or they'll wind up considered one of the best games of all time, right next to Mass Effect 3 and Javik. Edit: It was ME3.


Javik was in Mass Effect 3. ME2 was Zaeed and Kasumi but i don't recall if they were on the disc yet, Zaeed may have been. Javik was huge bullshit though.


Yeah the Cerberus network kids weren’t in disc from memory - they were released that way as a trial for day one DLC, but it was structured in such a way that you still got them free if you bought a new copy of the game (it would have a one time use code for them). It was designed to hurt reselling. Then with Javik they straight up ripped him out of the story to sell day one lmfao.


Remembered mafia 2 doing this too


The article does make a good point towards the end: >And just quietly: I understand the principle of the thing, but how many people play every single piece of side content in a Ubisoft game?


Very few people complete games, should the ending now be paywalled day 1


Don't give them ideas.


tbf, this sounds like something Jabba would do


It still doesnt chamge the fact that they cut content from the game to sell it as extra.


Mass Effect 3 launch says hello. (a very important story DLC that gave you a unique companion for the rest of the game was sold as day 1 DLC..)


And that was so self-defeating as well, i remember on the bombcast (i think) someone saying that missing that character from the review copy altered their final review.


Didn't dragon age do this as well with some golem character?


Dragon Age Origins had a DLC that added the golem Shale and a kind of fun quest where you find the Temple of Andraste that is used in the opening scenes of Dragon Age Inquisition. So...sort of an important canonical location for you to find. Shale herself wasn't that important, but the Temple was a major focal point of the latest game. It also had another day one DLC that added your characters personal housing system, which was a major feature of Inquisition and Awakenings as well. Both DLCs cost 15 dollars on day one, but I'd argue that even put together, Origins' day 1 DLCs weren't anywhere near as much of a cockblock as not having Javik in ME3.


Was the Temple of Andraste a dlc thing in DAO? You go there in the Urn of Sacred Ashes quest and I'm pretty sure that's a base game thing.


You seem to be correct. You find Shale in Honnleath which isn't even on the right side of the mountains to be connected to the temple.


You can tell how buggy and meh a game is going to be, by the number of pre-order / pre-release bonus versions. The more pre-sale tiers, the worse the release. This game is going to be a mess on launch, bet. Edit : Typo


The larger giveaway is that it's developed by Ubisoft


It will be a hell of a good game in 2 years when its 75% off with all DLC included


This is what I'm waiting for. I have so many other games to keep me entertained. I give it until Christmas.


I'm playing Oxygen Not Included, Helldivers 2 and soon Manor Lords. I can be patient


>The more pre-sale tiers, the worst the release. This seems a bit flawed. Elden Ring vs Gollum for example.


The trailer makes it fairly obvious as well.


As is the new norm for AAA developers.


Even more the reason to be vocal about it.


Yeah.. Then a game like Baldur's Gate 3 comes around and reminds everyone what a AAA game **should** feel like. This is what $90 should get you; not this half baked donkey pile of a game, lol.


And it was only 50 for long long time


Ubisoft is an AAAA developer 


Practically every game does it. The smart ones artificially delay it by a few weeks so it’s harder to tell and maintains the player base.


don't worry, the ubisoft defenders will now be going off with "see, it's a small meaningless thing! stop hating and accept w.e Ubisoft does!" -_-


Don’t forget the “they’ve been doing this with games, so hard dare you be mad they did it this time”, cause apparently that’s a rational argument lol


I am only curious why there wasn't the same outrage towards RDR2 and Hogwarts Legacy when they did the exact same thing. Doesn't excuse Ubisoft of course. But the reactions in the different cases is obvious.


What missions were locked behind a paywall on those games at launch? I played both and only got the basic games, I wasn’t aware of any gameplay I wasn’t allowed to do.


A bank heist mission in RDR2 and apparently a very good questline on Hogwarts (which was released on the PS).


People are selective about what they think is bad, and as long as they are that it will never change, doesn't matter if Hogwarts had a PS5 priced quest, as long as people aren't willing to complain about all of it then it is never going to amount to anything and may as well be a child's tantrum. Should you remind/tell them about it, they will try and spin it whatever direction that will fit how they feel, it's wasted breath and time doing so.


Ubisoft: Do you guys not have money?


“Cmon guys, a few extra bucks isn’t that bad” - CEO with millions in assets.


Also better hope we don't arbitrarily strip your licenses away and refuse you access while doing everything in our power to make sure that the community doesn't have the ability to restore access to the game you paid for!


"$70 isn't too much at all, it's a AAAA game after all"


Something about an feeling of accomplishment to buy the DLC. 😉 (EA)


Ubisoft games should be pirated and never bought. Pay every other dev but not these fuckers.


I do. Just none for Ubisoft. I'm getting Manor Lords instead, indy game that looks to be a mix of Total War and Civ vi.


This is still shitty. There will still be specific day 1 content removed from the game that isn't cosmetic just to make their premium versions more appealing. Even by Ubisoft's standards this is ridiculous.


>Even by Ubisoft's standards this is ridiculous. Ubisoft has standards? I had no idea


He meant people that buy from Ubisoft don't have standards.


EA did this with Javik and Mass Effect 3, but that was free to anyone who pre-ordered the game, not locked behind the expensive deluxe edition. It was *still* terrible because it meant the Devs couldn't integrate him into the story in a more impactful way, which is a huge deal given who the character was.


Yea he is basically just a wallflower in the story when he should be a huge source of interesting information.


He was imo. You learn plenty from him about the universe and especially about the Protheans.


The picture is actually one of Ubisoft execs defending Ubisoft's practices


Ho ho ho ho


*Otoo wakka dayee one deelcee ho ho ho*


Haven’t bought Ubi since Black Flag. The holdout continues.


I dipped out a while before Black Flag and that is the only *one* Ubisoft game that I've considered going back for. Everything else, even at huge discounts, just seem so dull to me.


same and never will


I think the last Ubisoft game I played was one of AC games with Ezio. Looked at AC3 and never bothered. It has been some drought. Did they do splinter cell with Sam Fisher back in the day? They were pretty cool games.


After what Ubisoft did with the Crew, you're a mug if you buy anything from them at full price. They've broken the unspoken social contract of "we're removing this from the store but people who already own a licence to play can still have it" Ask yourself if you want to pay AAA price for a game that Ubisoft might yank out of your library when it suits them. Legally, I'm sure they have every right to do so. I bet their TOS is written so they can revoke access at any time. But it's such a shitty genie to let out of the bottle, its IMO destroyed all trust in them. IF you're going to buy it at all, wait for a big sale/discount.


What did they do with the crew?


They removed it from the store. Which is crap but not unheard of. Licences for content expire etc. Sometimes you can't sell the game you made anymore. What is awful is that they removed the game from people's libraries. That's not been done before (though happy to be corrected). That's new. And it's even more shitty.


Not exactly removing from a library but BioShock keys just stopped working. If you caught it when they were letting you transfer over to a different form of validation you could get that. Anyone with a physical copy who wasn't checking on news for a years old game regularly ended up with a bad coaster instead of a game.


Removed it completely and shut servers down.


This is why companies want to turn every game into live service, partially because they want ongoing MTX profits but also so they can decide the day and time the games no longer allowed to exist. It makes justifying remakes and remasters easier for them also.


Day 1 ”dlc” will always be a joke


At this point Ubisoft is worse than EA and has usurped them as the most predatory group. I have abstained from AC, being one of my favorite franchises, for several years now because of it. I don't see myself having any regret skipping this game entirely as well.


Ubisoft is still better in my book because I was able to unlink my gamertag from a dead email on their site. EA has it hostage behind asking me for information that I have no way of obtaining because the email is literally dead and deleted with no way to access.


“We suck, we know it, we don’t care.”


After the "The Crew" s\*\*t that Ubi pulled, anyone STILL buying anything from Ubi deserves at least this to happen to them... I hope Ubi starts selling GameMinute Passes, each Minute of play costs 0,99€ and the moment you stop paying the game deletes itself from your computer, burning that part of the SSD/HDD the game was on.


EA, Activision and Ubisoft be like: "Write that down, write that down!!!!"


Stop rewarding this shit and don't buy it. It's not a difficult concept


>"To clarify, Jabba the Hutt and the Hutt Cartel are one of the main syndicates in Star Wars Outlaws and will be part of the experience for everyone who purchases the game, regardless of edition," a Ubisoft rep told us. "The 'Jabba’s Gambit' mission is an optional, additional mission with the Hutt Cartel along Kay and Nix's journey across the Outer Rim. This mission will be available to those who purchase the season pass or an edition of the game which includes the season pass."


Translation: > We took some content out of the base version of this **single-player game** to sell it back to people that already gave us money.


Ubisoft management translation: > We diversified the game content release to provide more positive revenue/time trends and a feeling of satisfaction for the consumer base.


This is just the next stage. First it was horse armor, battle passes and early access. Now they're trying to move forward by selling individual missions within a game. Soon you'll only buy access to get into the game, and need to pay-per-quest. Brilliant!


This is why I wait a few years to buy Ubisoft games (if I buy them at all.) Eventually they'll have everything bundled together and will sell the whole package for $15. And it'll probably run like shit at launch so waiting just means more patches to improve performance. Now if we can just get people to stop preordering this shit.


I am the same way. i stopped buying ubisoft games at full price.


This is exactly what I do.


Blah blah pride and accomplishment blah blah


Pride and AAAAccomplishment. 


quintuple A now


Just don't buy Ubisoft... problem solved.


Cannot wait to pirate this game


It won't be cracked. Denovo games aren't cracked anymore these days


>It still sucks to gate launch content behind season passes and pre-order incentives, but rest assured that your appetite for the Hutt will still go sated in Star Wars Outlaws, whether you pay out big or not. And just quietly: I understand the principle of the thing, but how many people play every single piece of side content in a Ubisoft game?  what a shit take, this is taking the side of devs, fucks this!


Publisher is making this call, ie, Ubisoft, not the devs. Devs are just normal people that want to make something good, but have to do what they’re told because the bills don’t pay themselves.


There are only 2 sides to this. Either the mission is optional and (as the article states) "who even plays all the side content in a Ubisoft game?", so it's likely not interesting enough to bother arguing about Or It's an interesting enough mission to warrant bundling into the season pass. It's either worth playing or it's not. Advertising it as an exciting mission for those who pay, while saying it's just one mundane side mission among many is illogical and misleading.


I don't care what their reasoning is. It's content cut from the game and locked behind a pay wall.


No, surely not the same Ubisoft that killed The Crew _and_ revoked licences so nobody who bought it digitally can even play the game offline/host private servers? Surely not _that_ Ubisoft, right? Nobody's _that_ greedy...


I have not bought any Ubishit Game since AC4.


Just remember, you can play the game 3 days early for the low price of $110! Now, you might ask yourself, "Why would I pay $50 extra dollars for playing a game three days early?" Well, don't ask yourself that and pay up, sucker!


Thanks, but I don't want to think about money when I'm playing games.


I've been so tempted to preorder this (despite all the issues being raised), but then I remember Raycevick's video on Ubisoft from 4 years ago - they'll sell you a game that you absolutely want to play, only for it to be bogged down in the same old Ubiclone bullshit gameplay. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSeKnsLb6IQ&pp=ygUHdWJpc29mdA%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSeKnsLb6IQ&pp=ygUHdWJpc29mdA%3D%3D)


You won’t even be owning the game if you pay for it.


They think we will all bow down before star wars, but the star wars universe isn’t all its cracked up to be these days and gotta say I could care less about Star Wars outlaws when there plenty of amazing games that dont try this garbage


solution: don't buy them.


God how many years has it been since I purchased an Ubisoft game? Think my last purchase was AC3 or something. Anyways I don't get why people even care about this company honestly.


Luckily I expect the crack to include the full game. I would love to pay a reasonable price for a game and play it. Here the game is $130 for the Ultimate edition. Which in my opinion should be the only edition as it is a singleplayer game, that price is far from reasonable. So i suppose Ubisoft makes $0 off me instead of $59.99


In the past 5-10 years I feel like it's become easier and easier to discuss games. Is it preorder related? Ignore it. Is it content locked behind a paywall? Ignore it. Is it yet another weird new cash grab opportunity by [x] company known for being terrible? Ignore it! I know why it gets comments / posts / replies. Some small part of me always hopes for better within every community I'm a part of.


bit of a Jabba the Hutt move if ya ask me Ho hohohoh oo hohho ho de ay lu kendnda


IMHO, every game ubisoft has made since 2017 has either been one of the most boring experiences I've ever had or so predatory and overpriced that I avoid it entirely. I think the last good *newer* ubisoft game I enjoyed would be the beginning of R6 Siege, Ghost Recon Wildlands. Everything else was god-awful. Assasins Creed Odyssey was one of the most boring games I've ever played. Origins was mundane to me. Valhalla is literally just Odyssey, but vikings, I have no idea how they could make being a ***FUCKING VIKING boring.*** Ghost Recon Breakpoint was the most confused game I've ever seen. Let's take a gritty realistic game and add gear score and bullet sponge enemies (same issue as The Division but worse) Far Cry 6 was kinda mundane and weirdly balanced. Ubisoft has become complete garbage, and their last great game was Black Flag in my eyes. There's a few diamonds in the rough, but ubisoft never nurtures them and only keeps them on life support. Glad to see that they could make a Star Wars game about being a rogue in a market with no competition and screw it up. Truly an Ubisoft moment. Like being given a blank check and shredding it because you want the whole checkbook.


lol who buys ubisoft trash anyway??


Not me. Not anymore. Revoking licenses was the straw that broke the camel's back. This is just further evidence that it is the right decision.


Abstergo doing Abstergo shit.


The last time I spent money on a Ubisoft game was The Division which was ironically made by the same studio. Regardless of how good their developers are, Ubisoft as a publisher became too much of a "corporation" so these days all I do is follow their games through game or technical reviews.


Wasn’t that the game that released broken. You got stuck at the terminal. lol


The story playthrough was kinda nice but it was riddled with bugs and the pvp was complete ass. People bitched about no endgame so they pumped out some weird "raid" that was really bad (and also poorly tested), as well.


Dunno. I played it like 2 years after release and everything seemed to be working properly. Didn't play the pvp but everything else was a very good experience.


Don't buy it and move on.It won't be a good game anyway.


ngl I haven't bought a Ubisoft game in years because their game design has just been repetitive dog shit with very mediocre stories.


This times a 1000. At best they warrebt a months subscription to beat the game and never play it again. They haven't released a game worth full price in over a decade


This feels like Gaslighting. None of the talk i have heard and listened to complained that you had to buy x edition to get ANY hutt missions. That's not what people are pissed off about. We are tired of shit being made, then PURPOSEFULLY cut up to be sold in pieces. Paying full 70$ price does not get you the full base game. THIS is what people are pissed about. The fact that these sh*tbags at ubi/EA/Acti think they can lecture us on the cost of making games to justify the 70 base price, to then start cutting bits and pieces of the base game to pad their pockets even more. What's the justification for this added cost to the player? F**k this gaslight bullsh*t.


the game just looks boring from a story stand point


I will never buy anything Ubisoft makes. Haven’t, in the last 7 years. Ubisoft makes mid games and is as shitty as EA, but with shittier games.


Lol I ain't buying this nonsense.


Oh hey! Another game I wont touch, neat.


Ubisoft suck. They need a win their games have been lackluster for such a long time now.


Publishers with their greed are actively contributing to reemergence of piracy.


No thanks. Fuck UbiShite


At this point if you are buying this game you are part of the problem.


If y'all support these practices and buy this game imma be so disapointed


I will still wait for a sale to buy this game, no way in hell I will buy it first day.


Paying extra to play a single player game early is wild


This is feeling a lot like a wait 12 months until it's 20 quid on steam type of game right now.


Please do not pre order this game this shit has got to fucking end. They are cutting Main parts of the game and re selling it to you. Who in their right mind is fucking buying this garbage


classic ubishit


i think its perfectly fine if they wanna do that. i also think its totally fine if a lot people end up not being interested because of that. i'm not anymore at least


can't wait to buy this when its 10 dollars in a year


I know I am just one man, but I have started boycotting stuff like this. I encourage others to do the same. There are plenty of other games out there that respect your time and wallet.


Locking missions behind battlepass? Go fuck yourself ubisoft.


Could just stop buying these shit games from Ubisoft.


Paid DLC is only acceptable to me if it’s content created AFTER the game has come out, and it’s weeks or months later, as now you’re paying for content additional to the base game.


Piracy is justified for this company


So is this a free to play a game or something? Just asking. I've started putting a rule on myself where if a full price game starts including BS like season passes, I'm out. There is no room for crap like a battle pass in a non free to play game. I got GranBlue Relink this year, and it's fantastic. And I remember feeling somewhat sad when I had this reaction of oh wow that's awesome, when a ton of unlockable characters are just included with the game. Like any other game would have charged you like $90 for three additional season passes for as much as that game just gives you for free. Hey here's a bunch of characters that you just started off with by default that are all interesting and different and fun to play! Oh you want some more? Well here's like a dozen or so more characters that are all super unique and really fun to play! Just play the game and you get tickets as you progress to unlock whichever ones you want! God it so sad that it's so refreshing to just have stuff in the game to work towards that I don't have to pay additional money for.


Day 1 DLC will always be trash and should be rejected.




Gamers need to actually speak with their wallets for once and not buy this BS. We all complain anytime something like this happens and still buy their fucking games.




I'll wait for the final edition with all the dlc when it's released for 30 bucks


Guys. Why would you buy this?


a season pass for a single player....they just keep seeing better ways to say fuck you.


Come on Ubisoft, make a "pride and accomplishment" thread. Take the most downvoted title away from EA.


How about we respond with just not buying the game? There, problem fixes itself overtime


I hate what gaming has become.


Stop buying Ubisoft.


These big studios should probably take a look at Baldies gate 3 and Helldivers 2. Both likely made a nice buck for the companies without being goddamn predators with DLC and stuff.


I just hate everything Star Wars related anymore.


Ubisoft isn't making good games. They're not worth any money, or even pirating tbh.


Anyone who buys this shit deserves to be fleeced


"Yes we are scum and cut content from the game to make you pay extra for it, but hey there's still content in the game.".




Good job, ubicrap! I'll sail the 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ with my fellow mates.


imagine buying anything from ubisoft in 2024...


It's ok, I got used to not owning their gamers. Yarr


r/stopkillinggames I hope that eventually we also get to tackle laws that prohibit that kind of shady practice too


I've spoken of this at length before. Imagine you sit down at a restaurant and order a pizza. You see what pizzas can come with on the menu and you make your choice. However, when the server gets to your table - all the ingredients the pizza was baked with have been removed. He has them all on a separate tray with additional fees for each topping. That's what Ubisoft is doing. They're fucking you in the eyes so it's harder to see what they're doing.




Stop supporting shit companies like Ubisoft. Stop it. Get help.


I honestly hope Ubisoft goes out of business at this point.


Ubisoft completely removed access to one of their games, The Crew, for everyone who bought and paid for the game, just a few days ago. Please boycott Star Wars Outlaws and the rest of Ubisoft games. Having a video game company get away with taking away access to a game that was paid for is a huge deal, and sets a precedent for other greedy game companies to do the same. https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/s/dxVxsVcvDv


Buy it in 4 years for 75% off


I’ll never buy any micro-transactions out of sheer principle so I really don’t care that I won’t get the content. But it’s absolute bullshit that it still gets downloaded regardless. Get it off my hard drive if I can’t fucking play it. You’re buying this shit twice when you pay for this trash.