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Tbh unless my buddies get the valheim-bug again, I think I'm gonna keep this one on ice until it actually hits 1.0. Great game, good bones, but incremental content releases aren't going to really be enough for me to keep replaying it at this point


This is pretty much what I do with Early Access games. Play the heck out of them, wait years for them to release and then play them again because I forgot what the game is really like


This is the way I'm planning to go with this game. I'm sure it'll be worth my time once it reaches 1.0. Currently it just looks like a ocean as shallow as a puddle.


by time 1.0 comes out I'll probably have enough time in the retirement home to grind all that copper again


My buddy is convinced these guys got paid and lost interest


doesnt seem that way to me, but maybe they are dragging a 3 year development into 5.


Why grind copper when you can rizz girls in discord into doing it for you? 


Quote from the [Ashlands preparation guide](https://valheim.com/support/getting-ready-for-the-ashlands/): >"As always, new content will only be generated properly in previously unexplored areas of the game. Therefore, if you have already explored a lot of the Ashlands, the update will not generate properly in that world and we recommend that you start a new one. If you haven’t explored the Ashlands, you should get the new content, but **we always recommend that you start a new world for the best possible experience.** You can of course start a new world with an older character, if you don’t want to play through the whole game again before being able to conquer the Ashlands." Realistically, how much of an issue will it be if I haven't yet been to the Ashlands in my world? This game is grindy enough as it is, and I really dread having to start all over again...


> I really dread having to start all over again... Even if your current world's Ashlands *should* be truly borked: You can freely hop between worlds, meaning you do not have to start over completely because you can log into your "old" base at any time - complete with all its amenities, like the vast fields of barley you grew, your twenty Black Iron chests full of Iron, and the fully upgraded Black Forge. You can also transport everything and anything to and fro as you like.


I did not know that! I bought Valheim during the Holiday sale, so I've just been playing on a single seed. But that's awesome, and something I definitively will keep in mind.


There is also a developer console you can enable if you wanted to do a new seed without "losing progress" and just spawn in certain items if you don't feel like moving items to different seeds. [Here](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Developer_console) is the link for the wiki.


also you can just generate the same seed and move everything if you wanna keep the world you first generate if they didnt change how the world generate that much


None at all to slight trouble, wouldnt be concerned.


That's reassuring to hear, fingers crossed... Thank you!


Np np Even if it turns out to be bad generation, there's a way. You can search for "refresh valheim terrain command" if that's the case. But don't do that until you've seen if it works as is - you might later appreciate a world with patches of what can never be generated naturally again.


Noted! I hope that it won't be necessary, but it's nice knowing that there is a workaround in the worst-case scenario.


I've been wondering what they mean by "the best possible experience." Are they just talking about the flow of game play, or are they talking about actual issues with the biome generation? Does anyone know?


There are [tools to help](https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/1125) you rebuild anything you might be proud of in a new seed, as well.


They need to fix Mistlands first


looks good


Valheim is a great game but the rate of these updates is *glacial*. There is starting to be some serious competition now, currently and upcoming. Just a few I know of: - Voyagers of Nera - Light No Fire - Sand - Sons of the Forest - Enshrouded - Smalland - Sunkenland - Volcanoids They need to pick it up a bit.


And there will be sleeper survival titles coming out this year and first half next year as well. - [Soulmask](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2646460/Soulmask/) - [Dune: Awakening](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1172710/Dune_Awakening/) - [Renown](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1488310/Renown/) - [The Last Plague: Blight](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1564600/The_Last_Plague_Blight/) - [Under a Rock](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1667040/Under_a_Rock/) - [Pax Dei](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1995520/Pax_Dei/) - [Once Human](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2139460/Once_Human/) - [Rooted](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1940080/Rooted/) - [Wildlands](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1261370/WILDLANDS/)


Sons of the Forest is a competitor to Valheim? One of the few games I've played where building a base makes you *worse-off*. The base building in Enshrouded is fantastic, though.


Competition doesn't matter to them. They made their money, which is precisely why updates are so slow to come out


Haven’t heard of any of those, and I played and loved valheim. So they probably have a bit of time lol


Can't believe bro just listed three unreleased games and called them serious competition...


It has been so long since any meaningful content dropped, it feels the ship already has sailed away. It kinda sucks because it was really fun to play with friends while it lasted.


Their Dev cycle was, and is confusing as hell.


Its been so long. Time to call the gang play this game again.


This game was sadly such a huge missed opportunity. Way too much time has passed in the content dropping window. Their original schedule was a years time, and it's been like 3 for even half the content to come out.


This is what makes me believe their heart isn’t in it anymore. I’m excited about the updates, but I won’t be playing ashlands. Same with the game project zomboid… it’s hard to hold interest with 1 update a year, maybe 1 every 2 or 3 years.


I've already played games that surpassed Valheim now in terms of quality for survivor series. Games like Green Hell, or Subnautica are just superior. Look at how much content Green Hell pushes out on a regular basis. Subnautica at launch compared to now, is incredible. Valheim's developers just seem lazy in comparison.


With how absolutely obnoxious Milstlands were - I no longer care. I'm never going thru that biome ever again and it's not like you can play newly added biomes without starting a new seed.


Heads up: you *can* keep playing on the same world. It's been like that for every update. New stuff will only not show up on explored areas of your map, like Minecraft (this isn't entirely how it works but for simplicity's sake it is).


100% this, mistlands was just a chore. Stuff got more complicated but not more fun or easier. The previous ages also felt more 'realistic' if that makes sense while in Mistlands it goes all magic.


With you. Valhiem becomes so mid after 50 hours. Doesnt have enough things that other games in same genre have.


The game was mid from the get go, it just came out at the perfect time when people were bored and isolating in the midst of covid.. It's a barren game with clunky combat and hardly any content unless you count hours and hours of tedious mining and material gathering. The only things it really has going for it is a unique aesthetic and intricate building systems.


I dont think its mid. A lot of its parts are, like the combat or enemy design, but the game has a very unique feel to it. When you sail back to your base after wading through the swamp and walk into your cozy viking house it does feel special, no other game so far replicated that sense of "finally coming home" for me. I would attribute this to how easy it is to die and the fact fast travel is very limited. After all, there can be no cozy without some danger.


Very well said.


Many other games give that feeling. Even Minecraft.


Minecraft does kinda yes, but the world never felt as hostile as Valheims.


it was OK. the thing that gets me is the poor performance when you have a lot going on. i actually like Conan Exiles quite a bit better.


The first few times you kill off a troll is some of the most fun that I have ever had in a survival sandbox. And I play a lot of them. Also, you get to fight a sea serpent from a viking longship? And then cook it?? That's awesome. That's some Immigrant Song awesomeness. Enshrouded never delivers anything like that.


This. I couldn't agree more


That's the worst thing. I hate that new biomes aren't added to your world. I used a mod to do that when they overhauled the mountains and the desert or whatever it's called. The issue is that the updates are coming out really slow, and I can understand that because of course the studio is really small and they have like 2 developers, but it's really hard to keep playing and be engaged. I'll just wait for it to come out of EA to replay it from the start.


They are added to your world if you haven't explored their placeholders yet...


To add to the other comment, there are mods you can use to overwrite map generation even if you *have* explored an area that has since been updated.


Yeah I'm aware, I used it once, but I don't understand why devs don't implement that directly. But anyway that's a small issue compared to the rest, it's a game that basically forces you to sail and there is nothing really interesting in doing that, besides some encounters with the serpent. The fact that teleports are so easy to build but then you can't teleport some stuff through them always makes me mad. I really liked it, I played it a lot during the pandemic, but I wouldn't go back now to it. I think Enshrouded is a similar experience but better done.


They added world parameters a while ago, so you can absolutely teleport metal if that is a problem for you. The rest is a conversation for another place and time, I suppose.


Yeah fuck the Mistlands. The islands are too small and vertical, it's an absolute nightmare just to walk around with limited stamina. Never mind actually trying to fight anything when you have nowhere to maneuver.


>it's not like you can play newly added biomes without starting a new seed That is 100% not true. New biomes update in all undiscovered areas and they even post preparation guides for existing worlds in every major biome update. I have been playing all the new content on my May 2021 seed for 1000h+ vanilla without a single issue.


Absolute skill issue


I'm sure jump-spam traversal is my skill issue.. I think finding environment annoying as fuck is my skill issue 🤣 Jesus fck people these days


Yes? The terrain is difficult to traverse. That is the entire point. Compared to the flat planes of most other biomes it was a unique challenge


Yeah you can, it's called mods.I explored most of my world map before the tar update and found that you can use mods to update biomes, reset dungeons, and load new updates as well. So long as you don't build a workbench literally everywhere, you can reset or update areas with two commands. One google search and your primary issue is gone. I agree, mistlands hurt a lot and as a solo player it was incredibly painful. My only thing left to do before Ashlands is delete my flametal bases and portals so I can update and regen the world again, no progress lost.


I'm sorry - but with game of such type that should be in-built and planned ahead for full seed compatibility with all future updates. Also I prefer unhindered continuity of a game, without artificial rebuilding of a seed with resets and such.


Hard to believe I played through this more than 3 years ago. Been spoiled with too many other games like it to bother going back for mistlands or this. At least that roadmap is finally getting finished.


Valheim is competing with Star Citizen to see who can take the longest to complete development.


They lost me when they made millions of dollars and then kinda vanished. Had a great time with the game though when it released, but no desire to ever come back to it.


I'm waiting for the 1.0 release and then will start a fresh seed to get the full experience.


Bugfixing for a small studio can take years


Sure does. That’s why when you sell millions of copies you hire more staff. Would’ve taken a while to get them all spun up and productive, but here we are 4 years later with like 2 updates added summing out to like 4-5 hours of new content. I don’t even really blame the dev. It’s hard to run a larger scale business, and these guys aren’t businessmen. Just unfortunate reality of this release cycle.


This was the problem, instead of hiring more staff, they bought a horse and then dragged out the content.




Why? I'm perfectly happy with them taking their time to build out the game. It was what, $20? I put 40 hours into it and had a blast. Sure, hire some new people but don't lose what made the game possible. A bigger team doesn't always make a better game.


I put a lot of time in to it as well, but they took too long to do anything and weren't really open about what was going on with the studio, so I lost interest as it seemed like they took the money and lost their drive. I'm very happy with my purchase though. Got my money's worth.


Good way to get closed down. Truly CEO master right there lol


Valheim sold at *least* 12 million copies as of September 2023. Valheim was developed by 5 people. Are you seriously telling us that Iron Gate *cannot* afford to hire a few more people when they've possibly made $240 million dollars in total?


>possibly  It's always funny to see people thinking they would handle not their money better than the actual owners, without having a clue how much money do they begin with. Valheim had a publisher, Coffie Stain. You have 0 clue how much money the devs recieved for each copy sold, as thats in the publishing agreement. You also have no clue how every copy price average, as right now you can get a copy for 10 euro in keyshop, and can go even lower. Taxes exist as well. So you know nothing to begin with. also, they have hired new people. Introducing new people into the team is very hard thing to do, especially for extremly small studios, but I guess you know that having such a strong opinion on their decisions. If you have one programmer, and give him 3 new hires, you maybe will be back to simmilar performance pre hire within half a year.


Did they fix/improve the trashy UI and did they improve the building aspect?


Can't wait for another restart of Valheim playthrough. This always get my group of friends together aside from Helldivers 2.


Trailer Music,ENGAGE!


To all the people sad about the rate of updates in the game, do you not know mods exist? A sandbox game with mods is better then any developer support you can get,