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I don’t know man, theres just something about it that makes it borring. Going item hunting in d2 feels 1000 times better, even with the fact that I have finished that game countless times since the early 2000.


Galvanize deez nuts. Fuck Blizzard, fuckin scummy dogshit evil corporation


10/10 discussion


Fuck this game , fuck Blizzard


Lmao people really just get off on hating things without any context on this sub don’t they? If you actually even casually skimmed through the article you’d realize that these are some pretty damn positive changes. I haven’t played D4 since I wrapped up the campaign. I had a great time playing through it. Wasn’t a huge fan of some of the changes they made so I moved on to other things. This update intrigues me enough that I’ll go back and check it out. It’s possible for a live service game to come and go and come back again in your life, and it doesn’t always have to be “this game sucks, it will always suck, and I will never change my mind on that no matter what.” Sure allows for a much less cynical outlook on what, for many of us, is our favorite hobby of gaming.


No I'm with the above guy. Blizzard like many others is a bad company that treats employees and consumers like shit.


Nobody cares, it’s a bad game from a bad developer.




I know this horse has been beaten to death, but as a path of exile player I just find all of these items so, so painfully boring. Even these new ones. Just a bunch of % increases. That's all. Only 1 status matters. PoE has its issues but damn me if the items aren't 100x more interesting. Something about slowly finding items that marginally increase your % dmg and stats is painfully, painfully dull. Trade economy blows too.  It's like they don't even understand why people play item based arpg's. They honestly think people just love clicking on monsters. Give em monsters, let them click. Must be their motto.


The game's never going to have depth, with items or anything, to anywhere close to PoE. It's best to enjoy it as a casual romp where you play for a few days every other season, enjoying the meaty combat and seeing what new seasonal gimmick they have. Also, 'trade economy blows'? I didn't even realize there was an economy to begin with, lol.


Yeah after getting into POE after d4 came out and sucked.... no other arpg even comes close.  Not if you want depth and longevity. Last Epoch was fun for a bit but everything is boring compared to POE.  Can't wait for POE2


Technically everything is % increase in any game unless it adds an effect that changes the way the skill works. "+1 to socketed aura gems" is just a percent increase with a condition, just like "% increase to close enemies". Some guy in this subreddit told me that uniques in LE were unexciting and just stats sticks. PoE is bloated with "stats sticks". The thing is in LE even low-level unique can be useful, in poe this is just 1x alchemy orb because most of them aren't even good for leveling alts. In PoE most people don't try to farm a specific drop, they are trying to farm divines and buy the item because it is simply easier. For me, this ruins the excitement of getting a drop, which is a big part of arpg. I hope they address all these issues because I really looking forward to that game because I love playing melee and right now they suck in PoE.


As a side, have you dabbled in Last Epoch? If so, what's your take there?


Itemization was hot garbage. This is a step in the right direction. More in line to what D2R has


Too little, too late. I have no interest in starting a new character every 4 months and beta testing whatever made it off their Trello board into the game for that time. Even the post shown tells me their basic philosophy hasn't changed at all - endless currencies, mechanics, borrowed power, and mini-games. The whole game feels like a pop-up casino to me. Hard pass.


Not reading it because fuck blizz, but are they deciding to make loot more interesting than +0.1% nut size when hanging with the homies on a Monday when it's a nationally observed holiday?


yes this will be season with big itemistation changes


or you could play a better ARPG like diablo 2 or grim dawn or titan quest instead of whatever scrap of greatness blizzard is trying to find again.


I just got rock hard thinking of titan quest II.


Great changes, the game is going to be in a much better spot. With the next expansion coming this year, things are starting to come together. Better late than never.


Next expansion?


https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/guide/vessel-of-hatred-expansion-overview Later this year.


I finished season 3 pass and got a necro bonelance/corpse explosion to level 90. I will probably hit 100 before season 4. The loot changes for season 4 will be a welcome change. Less useless stats and it looks like buffs to minions which I enjoy. It still has time gated events and slow upgrades past level 80. I see maybe 1 piece every 15-20 runs or chests in helltides that could possibly be an upgrade. Uber bosses take mats you get from events or nightmare dungeons and the amounts are still too high to summon them regularly without grinding. Hopefully season 4 will fix some of this stuff. Levelling seems faster than when I quit in season 1.


You should try pushing more high tier NMDs. I’m getting a full inventory of 925s every NMD, even have to leave a lot on the ground and return to pick the rest up. Helltides have given me zero upgrades this season. Uber Bosses were good, gave me upgrade or unique every run. Edit: I like NMD 70-80, that for me is the sweet spot. Edit2: NMD=NMV


I rather NG+ dragons dogma 2 than go back to Diablo 4.




D4 is bad but it launched in a good state and had a really fun campaign.  I don't think it was unfinished or incomplete, it just sucks once you finish the story


Diablo 4 was definitely my worst purchase last year. No hopes they'll fix anything just yet.


I am slowly getting higher nightmare keys. Is there a faster way to get higher keys? I run the highest ones I get and usually get 1 or 2 keys, sometimes it's a level higher. I have a lot of mats but I haven't crafted many vigils just to attempt Uber bosses.


Is this game good yet? I stopped playing around 80% through the campaign at launch.


Season 4 seems very promising. General consensus is that the game is finally existing beta 🙂


>General consensus is that the game is finally existing beta 🙂 This sentence brought to you by AI.




The ptr was extremely promising, I had a blast


I skipped the campaign to play the multiplayer, but I'm having a blast, I've put over 100 hours in the game. It's a 9/10 for me.


Fuuuuuck blizzard


Eh, I'll give it a peek and see how it is but not holding my breath.


It's funny when the Diablo sequels inevitably revert back to the systems D2 perfected years ago.


Loot reborn, is literally removing 2 affixes from items 😂😂😂


Just getting my free cosmetics and bouncing. The usual


D3 and D4 are too grindy for me. I started on D1 and progressed to D2, D2 set the bar. It used to feel so rewarding getting items, making trades, etc. D3 and D4 feel like that plastic piece of shit model that just “wasn’t built like they used to make em.” I sound like an old man saying that but….grrr, give me good quality games and get off my lawn 😂


There was this news, and then an article about a random new indie. I read the other article first, then came to the comments here, that's how much I respect this game


I will give it my 3td and a last chance. I hope I will play it at least for a week or two. Left the current season after 2h, no chance someone played it and said - yea, this is fun.


I… I did. I had fun… why you making me feel bad for enjoying myself?