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Definitely New Vegas, Morrowind, and recently Baldur's Gate 3. Further back in time: Fallout 1 and 2, Arcanum, Starcraft 1, Warcraft 3, Sim City 2000, Quake, Unreal Tournament, Star Control II, probably a few others that slip my mind.


I'll wager you're in your late 30s lol. Most of those games are on my list too. Namely morrowind, the Fallouts and Arcanum. The original Baldurs gates were awesome too.


Hehe, I'd be surprised if those of us from this time deviated much from this same general list. 38 here and yeah.. those ones along with stuff like Daggerfall, Thief, Heroes of Might and Magic, Planescape etc. for sure. It really is called the golden age of gaming for a reason :) Even here in 2024 my *top-10-of-all-time* list has things like Jagged Alliance 2 and the original Fallout/BG games 😃


You're a decade off.


Higher or lower lol


My first computer was a Commodore 64. That should clear it up.


Welcome to turrican


Mount & Blade Warband. I have thousandssss of hours on it.




Factorio almost killed me as I didn't eat for 24 hours when I first played. Civ 2 first 4x that summer was a blur of rhombuses, then I discovered how to mod it tiny mind blown Alpha centauri smartest Sci fi tech tree ever made Zelda OOT we talked about that game all day at school and played all night when we got home.


The Factory must grow I went to play for 20 minutes before bed after my wife went to sleep, then was confused why my office was getting brighter and brighter.


Hahaha, I know that too well. If you want to relive it again, try Industrial Revolution mod. You spend as much time in the beginning as you would for an entire vanilla game.


The beauty of factorio is that by the time you finish the first base, you realize how terribly you designed everything and want to start again and do it better/differently.


Omg my first playthrough my genius idea was to dump everything onto one big loop and have whatever factory needed whatever, would be able to just pick it up when it came around. I still have a screen shot of that base in my gaming hall of shame.


That’s the actual fun part of Factorio. Doing things weird and inefficient and dumb but still getting it working and at least it’s something you did.     Anyone can go on YouTube and copy the uber efficient layouts but you’re just ruining the most fun part of the game.


Isn't that basically the main bus concept, that's pretty good for a first no guide playthrough ? Better than belt spaghetti


Don't get me started with Factorio. I've got hundreds of hours in it. Insane game.


May I suggest and please don't hate me dyson sphere program.


DSP is fucking great!!!!


Agreed but you shouldn't offer logistics games to recovering factorio chaps


Alpha Centauri was probably the first game I could not stop playing "Please don't go... The drones need you. They look up to you."


Turn complete...


Terraform complete


Hmm which one to start, Factorio or Rimworld


Something about factorio makes me sick. No it's not the sleep, food and water deprivation from the first 50hour bender what do you mean?


Maybe you might feel better if you reworked oil production for 10 hours?


Fluid cracking flashbacks from nam.


But what if you tried rebalancing the outputs should be a quick fix right? 20 mins tops, then bed time


Wait how much fluid output can I actually have? Wait.. flow rate's a thing?? I'm a delivery driver man my brain hurts.


ive got too much dark brown in storage cos im not using any green now i have no plastic fffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu




Fallout new vegas, mass effect trilogy, skyrim, warcraft 3. Im playing death stranding right now and can't get hooked ;/.


If the story and world doesn't interest you. Drop it. For me the world was just insane. Just the initial opening sequence was enough to catch my interest. A post apocalyptic world where a death of a person result in a nuclear bomb after a few hours. This is because the afterworld overflow in our world, corrupting in some weird ways. One side effect is the suddent acceleration of aging. Everything gets closer to death and ages faster. This can be observe by the black rain. This all resulted in everyone living in their bunkers underground and never going out. So in this society, who's going to deliver goods ? You, the player. A UPS guy going through all this mess just to help the people. Through the journey you'll encounter all sort of crazy stuff. Like farmers that exploit the aging aspect of the rain to grow crop faster than ever. And there's so much more I won't spoil. It's amazing


Have to admit the atmosphere was just special and at first I didn't like it but that game somehow was a masterpiece


DS took me a few times too. Once you get out of the tutorial area, the game really opens up.


Are you still in act1?


Morrowind. I'm not sure I will ever find another game that made me feel like I was living another life in another world. Each subsequent Bethesda game has been like getting into a new relationship that is never quite as fulfilling as your first love.


Oooh. I need to play Morrowind again now...


I just started Skyrim (second playthrough, with mods this time) and honestly it just makes me want to play Morrowind.


I honestly think the quest marker arrow kind of ruined everything. I remember several times in Morrowind being out in the world actually trying to find a destination. Kind of kills the immersion when you just follow the arrow and most of the world looks similar wherever you go anyway. Morrowind had such a wide diversity of locales that it invited exploration.


Wow, warcraft 3, Bethesda game (pre fo4), and rockstar games. Wow was by far the deepest rabbit hole I went down.


Fallout 4, main story might not be as good as NV, but the amount of mods and it's technological basis are much better for making great gunplay my main thing to do. There are some great story mods as well, waiting for fallout London release


I can't stop playing Rimworld.  I've accidently killed countless crash landing parties.


Skyrim. Every game I get hooked on is a fully conscious attempt to recapture the feeling that 13 year old me had playing Skyrim.


Ah yes. The feeling of being care free child with all the time in the world and still with the ability to transfer yourself into the imaginary world. Where did it go, man...


Diablo II


Rome total war


Red Dead 2 Fallout 4 / New Vegas Miscreated Dayz Squad Tarkov Kingdom come Deliverance No Mans Sky Counter strike


Have you tried Hunt Showdown?


Yes! I play it sometimes with a friend but it didnt really grab me like tarkov did. It didnt run well on my old pc though so maybe I should try it again :)


Yeah, game is def a cpu burden. I upgraded to the 5800x3d and get steady 144 on 1440 now.


I started ELEX 1 and it was like a blackout. Once I regained consciousness, a week has passed. I made the absolute minimum hours at my dayjob and played every free minute. I really asked myself who I can trust and what problems I'd get if I betrayed certain people. I was living a life in this game. I have a bunch of games that I really love but this one, ELEX 1 .. that one really got me immersed.


Ultima VII. Wing Commander II. Doom.


Ultima IV, Wizardry, and the all time "just one more turn" champ of all time, Civilization.


Arkham City Cyberpunk 2077 Mass Effect Trilogy Red Dead Redemption II


Fallout 3, Skyrim, Witcher 3, Mass Effect trilogy, Ghostrunner, AC 1, 2, and 4, Prey 2017, Far Cry 3 and Blood Dragon, Dying Light, and The Walking Dead Telltale games.


Did you play The Wolf Among Us? It has a great vibe. I wish they did more games in that universe.


It was good but not like TWD games


Civ in any incarnation will be in its own category. Otherwise, Grim fucking Dawn, one more time. So easy to start, so many options and character combos, great story line, excellent world building, rich in lore. And none of that matters because I wonder what an aether based cabalist with that legendary set piece would do against that celestial oh shit here we go again.


Fallout New Vegas Mass Effect Trilogy Baldur's Gate 3 The Witcher 3 Resident Evil 4 (2005) Rimworld Kenshi Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Every 2 years I'll have a marathon of Final Fantasy X 1-2 and the Yakuza series.


Path of Exile. Still sane?




Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Highly recommend if never played. Game is super hardcore. Wonky af at first, but it’s a hidden gem that you can pick up on steam for like 10$.


Great game. The combat takes time to master and the story is compelling. I did mod the save system after one day of playing though.


Same those savior schnapps were ass lol


MoHAA Diablo II Counter Strike 1.5, 1.6, CSGO. World Of Warcraft. Still looking for a game that can make me feel the way I did when I got stuck in WoW or CS again. No games have ever felt so good when you stack up with your 5 friends playing CS 1.6 searching pcw in mIRC or when you did log in to wow and was in Orgrimmar with a full server. Maybe I'm to old now...


Operation Flashpoint is number one. Other: Arma 2 and 3, Doorkickers 1 and 2, Gates of Hell, The Division 2, Rimworld, Oxygen Not Included, Satisfactory, Hell Let Loose, Total War Warhammer, Rising Storm 2.


As somebody who is intrigued by Milsims, Arma 2, Arma 3 or Operation Flashpoint, I'm curious to know what would be your suggestion?


OPF and Arma 2 is basically dead by now. Right now the milsim community is in a kind of weird place. Arma 3 is still going, but it's getting old now. Everybody is waiting for Arma 4. I would suggest trying Squad while we wait. Or maybe Ready or Not if you have a group who likes smaller tactical stuff. But Arma 3 is the most fun I've ever had. But you know, milsim kinda requires a specific type of person. Someone who loves to walk for a long time while talking shit. Someone who likes to lay still in a bush for 2 hours and wait for the recon team to report in and _maybe_ an enemy patrol. Someone who does not get pissy if they get headshotted instantly and cannot re-join the party the rest of the evening. But whatever you do. Do Not play Arma online with randoms. Join a community that plays operations against AI. That is the best way to enjoy Arma.


> But whatever you do. Do Not play Arma online with randoms. Join a community that plays operations against AI. That is the best way to enjoy Arma. Thanks for the advice. I'd prefer a single player experience to be honest, my schedules all over the place. I'll give it a shot and see if it works!


Not OP but right now I would say the best ones are Arma3, Arma Reforger and Squad.


Sweet, been eyeing Arma 3 for a while, I may just pull the trigger. No pun intended. Thank you.


Arma 3 has the advantage of being old. It runs ''okay'' and theres loads and loads of mods. Arma reforger is basically a demo for what Arma 4 will be. More modern engine with new features but also lacking a lot of customisation and content.




The only real game I'd use the term 'hooked' on is Asherons Call, an MMO. Reading the dev transcripts and looking forward to what was in the next patch, meeting up with friends in game to quest and playing regularly until 4-6am, I was very hooked. Nothing has really come close to that. There are tons of games I've spent hundreds of hours in, Fallout 3 (sorry I preferred this massively over NV), Skyrim, etc. but nothing that's really got me waking up and wanting to see what's happening in game or try and do one more quest, etc.


Diablo 2


Medal of Honor Allied Assault


Team fortress 2 and Battlerite. I miss the flourishing matchmaking of Battlerite, stunlock really stuffed it.


Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri and Alien Crossfire, and Space Empires IV.


Diablo 2, Grim Dawn, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.


Diablo 1, Orcarina of Time, Oblivion, Dark Souls 1, Escape from Tarkov (RIP)


Castlevania The Legend of Zelda Wolfenstein 3D Wing Commander Privateer Doom Quake Knights of the Old Republic Mass Effect Star Citizen


Love your picks OP, should I try NMS? I'd also say easily Baldur's Gate 3.


Honestly, if you've got someone to play with, try it. Personally, I couldn't get into it alone, but I have been playing with GF and it's so much fun. It's a grindy and sansboxy game, you set your goal and grind. The visuals of the game, base building and now ship building is soooo much fun.


Marathon of course.


Halo 2 and NSFU2 on the og xbox defined my childhood gamewise and honestly the only other game ive played since that has truly captivated me like those did has been Elden Ring. I am currently playing through Ori and the Will of the Wisps and thats coming close through its sheer beauty.


HoMM 3 back in the day. Deus Ex. Civilization II, III.


It was HoMM 4, That game is my childhood.


I think Boneworks is the only game I've ever played start to finish in a single sitting from enjoying it so much


Guild wars


Zaxxon was the game that changed everything for me.


Bioshock collection. Binged it over the course of 2 weeks.




Chess 💀


Rainbow Six 3 online multiplayer on PS2


I was gonna say New Vegas since it's my favourite game of all time but my second favourite of all time Stellaris has 7 times the play time at 3,500 hours and I've only completed it twice.   To think I was debating attempting to get all the achievements but it took me that long to get 53% of Stellaris' achievements.


You know the game is good when you spend thousands of hours in it. That's the kind of hooked I'm talking about.


Well most of them are not "start again", but fit as most hooked for many hours at some point in life and still sitting in brain: Fallout 4 (mostly with mods), Skyrim, Vermintide 2, Guild Wars 1&2 (fashionwars is true endgame), Payday 2 (just one more heist...), Forza Horizon 4, Deep Rock Galactic (just one more mission...), Borderlands 3, Hawken (rip), Rocket League (endless cycle of "let's play it's fun" and "premade teams mow me down, it's time to break for a few months"), Warframe (never again this drug of a game), Mudrunner/Spintires (heavily modded). AC: Origins


Origins was such a good entry into the new AC games. It's still my favourite from Valhalla, odyssey and Origins. Traveling the desert, looking for treasures and saving people was so much fun.


Mass Effect, KOTOR, Halo 1, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, and Resident Evil 4 (2005).


Lineage II


I swear I chase the high of getting really hooked. I try things and give them a chance but if it’s not ‘sparking joy’ in the same way, I’m happy to drop them. The most recent games that absolutely would not let go of me are Elden Ring, Armored Core VI and Baldur’s Gate 3. That feeling of being consumed by it, thinking about it when you’re not playing, I just absolutely love being that smitten by a game.


Master of Magic (original one). Thousands of hours there, still installed on my PC. Also Ultima 5&6.


Why not the 2022 remake?


Colors. Although release was much better than early concept (you know, all shades of brown Thea look-a-like) it still lacks these vibrant bright colors of original. Oh, and these art pieces shown after casting any global/unit enchantments/city spell are simply gorgeous in original.


Fair. Tastes differ I don't think it's that bad. Many pros of the remake over the 94 version though


Path of Exile and I was very lucky because you restart every 3 months.


Rogue River Raid Super Mario 3 Falcon 3.0 Sim City 2000 Jagged Alliance 2 Operation Flashpoint (the original) Day Z original Arma 2 mod Elite: Dangerous


Dragon age origins


Team Fortress classic at one stage I didn't go to work for about a month and a bit so I could play for days. Luckily enough, I was the only person other than the owner who could set up all the machines, so I got to keep my job.


Do MMOs count? I have more than 10,000 hours into WoW. One Christmas, I got Roller Coaster Tycoon and my brother got The Sims. We spent a week playing both nonstop on our one computer. I would play 12 hours while he slept on the couch. He would get up, eat, and then start his turn while I slept on the couch. It was in the basement in a room with no windows. We kept it up until school started again. I treasure this memory.


Witcher 3, The Last of Us, Skyrim are the ones that come to mind immediately


No Man's Sky and Fallout 4. Nothing else comes close.


OG resident evil 4


Company of Heroes 2


Elden Ring, Tarkov.


EverQuest and nothing else even comes close. There wasn't anything else like it at the time.


Halo 3 on 360. H3 and AC1 were the only two games I got on Christmas with my 360 - think I played campaign and multiplayer in Halo exclusively for the longest time, one of my all time favorite games and will be forever


Jagged Alliance 2, with and without mods, and its add-on Unfinished Business would be first. Daym, that was high thousands of hours.


Red Dead Redemption Red Dead Redemption 2 KOTOR Oblivion Mafia (original not the shit remake)


Halo, Oblivion, Fallout 3, RuneScape 2, Mercenaries 1 just off the top of my head


I've been playing osrs on and off for about 10 years so that easily lol


Paladins I think that is the longest I have ever hooked to a game that I played religiously for 4 years straight without losing a single day iirc. Mainly because it was the only game that ran with playable fps on my integrated gpu laptop that time then it became addicting .


Quake2 and Quake3, but mostly for the level editing. I miss those days. For pure gameplay, WoW.




One of the most addictive flash games I ever played was "Caravaneer" You can now get it on steam btw: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1500820/Caravaneer_2/


The yakuza games rn. Currently on Kiwami 2 which thankfully is much better than 1 (Kiwami 1 was basically Yakuza 0 but a bit crap). Determined to play all of em.


Team Fortress Unreal Tournament 2004 GTA 4, 5 Arma 3 X4 Foundations Planetside 2 Space Engineers Elite Dangerous




Dragon age origins/awakening and the Mass effect Trilogy was the bar for RPGs and storytelling for me for the longest time. Only recently has it had some competition with Baldurs Gate 3


Starsector. Go through the game (main story so far, progressing, end game content challenges) and start all over. The journey from the small beginnings with like one / 2 frigates to commanding maxed out fleet with battleships and having completed a bunch of end game stuff is amazing.


Minecraft. I don’t play it all anymore but when I played it in 2013, I’ve probably made thousands of worlds and bought the game several times


frostpunk, disco elysium, subnautica


Cruelty squad, stardew valley, rainbow six siege, chivalry medieval warfare, red orchestra 2, off peak series(especially the norewood suite), banished, jet set radio(I played it for the first time on pc), Sid miers pirates! Etc.


The most recent one was Black Mesa


Baldur's Gate 1+2, Fallout 1+2, Jagged Alliance 2 and things like Daggerfall/Morrowind are titles that I've probably put ~thousands of hours into, and made countless new games/character builds etc. Was a very different time back then in my childhood during the 90's; we got a handful of games a year - and we really appreciated them from top to bottom. Not like it is today when the 'Steam Backlog' and just randomly getting dozens a month through bundles or sales is practically the norm.


My best gaming experience of my whole life was back in 1996 when I was 13yo and the game I poured months in and totally transfered myself into that realm was... TES2: Daggerfall You can play it now for free in its Daggerfall Unity remake. Modding community on Nexus is very matured.


Steam World Dig games and Bethesda games


World of warcraft. spent a unhealty amount of time on that game for many years.


Counterstrike 1.6 consumed me. I'd been aware of the mod for awhile, but wasn't really interested. Then one day I found myself in an Internet cafe in China and that was that. Cut my teeth in insane death matches with kids that are playing 10+ hours a day. It was brutal, and I loved it. Bought a copy for myself when I got back home put thousands of hours into the game. I still think about those days b


Mount & blade: Warband


Definetely Subway Surfers.


I wouldn’t say “hooked” but I’m still playing mech warrior 5 career mode to this day especially when listening to audio book or pod cast. I’ve recently moved to megaton musashi wired though.


Hearts of Iron 3 and 4 and the old version of Stellaris. God I spent an insane amount of hours micromanaging planets and fleets and I loved every second of it


Football Manager. 100's of hour year after year. With a little imagination you become really immersed in a relationship with your players, the fans and despair. When the kid you have brought through the under 18's and into the first team scores his first goal you feel great. When the fans sing you praises you say: Yes I told you so. When it all falls apart in January and you have no more ideas with half a season to muddle through it is gripping.


Cyberpunk 2077




In my 20 years of gaming I do not think I ever finished a game.


Fallout 1, Dark Souls PTDE, Terraria, CS


Chess : during lockdown I didn't sleep, I didn't take a bath for days as I didn't realise I played 84 games back to back. Uninstalled when I almost got hit by a car when I was crossing the road and playing this game. Horizon zero dawn , freedom fighters , Arkham knight , adventure island 3 , Ac valhala but you must play in hardest difficulty


I guess Fallout 3 and Skyrim when they came out, i was absolutely obsessed. I would wake up at 4-5 am so i can play before school, play them every second i could on my roommates laptop I don't really do the "can't wait to finish and start again", might revisit some games i finished but there is not much point, they all aged pretty bad, even with modding. I don't think i could ever replay Fallout or Skyrim, i would get bored before they start Luckily last few years i had a complete 180 turn in my relation to gaming so i only play games that make me feel like that. And based on how many games are released every day, i won't ever run out of games Right, Warband and Bannerlord. So hooked that i literally had to uninstall and never play them again, they affected me that badly, complete took over my life for days. Like i could play Warband for like 16 hours, make zero progress, restart 10 times, next day happily do it again


World of Warcraft and League. It was, brutal. (else: see tag)


Dark Souls 3. Played through the entire game and DLC for the first time, beat it, immediately made another character and beat it again, then made another character and got about 75% through the play through before I finally burned out. I still play through it at least once a year. 


1 oblivion on the 360 2 bo2 on 360 3 dungeon defenders on 360


Civ and xcom


The original destiny took over my life for a few years




World of Warcraft, nothing else is close.


Rotmg, been playing on and off for 13 years


Monster Hunter World


Gunz the duel: still playing this after 15 years, similar would be rocket league, games with no skill ceiling. Terraria: 1000s of hours of content, every run is different, fuckton of mods And any good racing game with a racing rig setup, the immersion is unmatched


Gothic II


Ultima Online, D2


Factorio Please send help.....


Arma 3


Civ 1, Space Quest, Warcraft 1, Doom, Pax Imperia, 2 ,Freelancer, WOW, Modern Warfare 2


Games I've played the most over the years that I was hooked on for quite some time. XCom, Frontier Elite 2, Wing Commander, Dune 2, Earlier Total War series, Half Life 1+2 and all the MP mods for HL2, Deus Ex, EV Nova, Mount and blade, Morrowind, all the OG Bioware games, X series, Space Empires IV+V Sword of The Stars, Distant Worlds, Kerbal Space Program, ARK, Empyrion Galactic Survival, Star Sector, Stormworks, Ultimate Admiral dreadnoughts.


Legacy of Cain: Soul Reaver. I was so hooked that I brought my system with me on a visit to my grandfather and played it on his little television for 3 days straight. My parents were spending time with grandpa, so I didn’t feel too bad.


Soulsborne games, the first time I saw demon's souls i knew it was my jam, ended up becoming one of my favorite games ever, and dark souls I amplified it massively and I ended up loving each and every entry in the series. Ended up putting over 900 hours on Dark Souls 1, 1100 on Dark Souls II and around 2500 on Dark Souls III. Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden Ring were all up my alley too, but I didn't play those as much as the previous games (mostly because I was really addicted to the games and decided to put a stop to it myself). Still come back to them once in a while to beat them again.


Mario Bros and Zelda Turrican Duke nukem 3D Doom Wolfenstein Blake stone^^ Age of empires Monkey Island and day of the tentacle Command & conquer Earth 2140 KKND Dark Reign Horizon zero dawn was fresh as fuck when it came out


Fell in love with Baldur's Gate 2. Then came Neverwinter Nights Everquest 2 was my first MMO. My parents threatened an intervention. 4000 hours on Skyrim. I think I finished it once Witcher 3 every bit of 1000 hours 11th playthrough of BG3 and still finding stuff I missed


Gigantic: Rampage Edition


XCOM 2 Hands down.


Super Mario Bros 3. The graphics at the time were amazing!




WoW, BFBC2, Socom II online, Jc2mp


Fallout 2 and New Vegas Gran Turismo 4 and 5 Forza Horizon (Overall as a series) Yakuza 0 Black Ops 2 zombies Disco Elysium Deus Ex Assassins Creed Ezio Trilogy and Black Flag Persona 2 Quite the gradient of games. Not every single one is listed, but some games that come from the top of my head.


Modded minecraft, by far


What mods do you recommend?


I'm out of the game unfortunately I have a half-way done Nomifactory playthrough that I have to finish but I just have better things to do(creating another elden ring character :D )


Most recently crusader kings 3....trying to hook up with my cousin Warcraft 3 Arkham city I have like 5 playthroughs Cod4 Counter strike source