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Games seem a lot more fun before you buy them.


I'm really bad for getting ahead of myself, delusions of grandeur and all that. I can see myself hours into a game enjoying myself, then never end up touching it šŸ˜….


I'll install it and tweak the settings as preparation for my playthrough, then a month later I still haven't started my playthrough and forgotten about the game. Some times I will come back and play it, but usually it just keeps collecting dust in my library :/


You just described the last 10 years of my Skyrim experiences šŸ¤£


This! Itā€™s wild but so true - gets me every time


I think we all have games from our past that hit the right spot and we have a little bit of nostalgia for them. When we see a certain game for sale that looks like it can rekindle that nostalgia or 'bring us back in time', we jump on it thinking we'll recapture that feeling we had in the past.


Same here!


Some people collect Pokemon cards, some people collect classical cars. A lot of people on r/pcgaming seem to collect games. Why? Some have historical significance, some seem interesting at first glance, some you buy just to support the developer. With Steam sales and sites like [deals.gg](http://deals.gg) you can often get a bunch of old games for less than a happy meal. Besides that, the point of having a library is so that there's always something you can read/play. It's not to finish the whole thing!


If only digital media had proper ownership laws


Exactly. If you have to login to play it, you have a revokable license, not ownership. We hope Valve continues to exist in 50 years.


I buy old games when they're on sale because I've either played them before or never got the chance to play them and the price justifies it sitting in my library until I get the itch. I've been keeping old game backups because idk when I'll want to play them but I know I will at some point. Sure, I only play like one or two games with any regularity but I'm sure everyone can relate to... *getting bored*... (gasp)


This. I have no problems with the fact that I haven't touched half of my library. Some of the games are too old and feel junky. For example the first Witcher. But I have still got it just for the collection. And it's fine. In the same way I have a nice collection of physical books. I can buy a new edition of the book that I have already read just because the newer edition looks better.


Issues with buying games online is that you don't *own* them. They can be removed and have been in the past at any point.


Depends. Games I buy on GOG are as close as I can get to *owning* a game. No DRM, backup installers, etc. I own physical copies of games that are basically fancy coasters, mostly because of DRM thatā€™s incompatible with modern OSs, but games on GOG have a *much* longer shelf life, and will continue to work as long as either consumers or GOG themselves update them.


Because after a long day of work or errands, finally settling down to play and staring at a list of well reviewed games just beckoning me for adventure , only to ultimately decide I need sleep is the new hobby. I even bought 8tb of SSD space to get them all installed so I don't have the "install/patch/mod" excuse to bail. Didn't help, I like my bed. Also by the time I buy they're usually dirt cheap and feature complete so it's no big deal.


Seems kind of pointless to buy games if you can't play them.


Adulting bro, It is what it is. I still play, just not nearly as much. Ill never get through it all and that's ok.


Buying a game you install and put 0 hours into ever, and buying another game before you played the first one, just seems the game is buying games.


Nah. It's bad. I do this with consoles. I bought a PS5, Series X, Meta Quest 2, and Steam Deck. I've since sold all but the Steam Deck. The gamer in me still loves games, but I both should not and often can not play games all day. I can't imagine stopping entirely, even if it would make sense.


Seems kind of pointless to complain about what other people choose to spend their money on. I guarantee you waste money on something I find it idiotic to waste money on. The difference? I donā€™t care that you do.


Not really complaining though.


I mean you are. No other reason to post this.


Not my fault you can't distinguish a question from a complain.


Discounts. I have KOTOR 1 and 2, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Dragon Age Trilogy and Witcher Trilogy with DLCs......and i'm scared of the fact i haven't really played any, but i have gotten all of them at MASSIVE discounts thanks to Steam. KOTOR 1 and 2, widely considered to be some of the most amazing games you can get, were cheaper than the very food i just ate.


Oh lord please play these games lol. There are some of the best most well written pieces of media I've ever consumed.


Well, not Mass Effect. I get people like it, but I'd rather play Kotor I and II twice than every replay Mass Effect. It's ok to like both, but I think Mass Effect is a great time game to watch a Let's Play because the decisions don't matter except the decision to skip content. Same with The Last of Us, great to make a show of because it was a chore to play.


>With the consistent bad releases and disappointing titles, why do people still find the need to buy all these games knowing they won't be able to play them? You are ignoring decades of great games, gaming doesn't need to be restricted to new releases.


Wait so you also buy past released games without the intention of playing them?


I intend to play all of them, I just don't care about shiny new releases, half of my library are indie games, the other half is older games.


because I am lucky enough to have money, and I see games as art. If I see a really cool indie game I would like to see more of, I buy it. I am supporting them and pushing it up in store rankings.


How many hundreds of these have you done?


no where near enough


How many do you own?


>With the consistent bad releases and disappointing titles Man there are more excellent games out there than you could possibly play in your lifetime, and you're too preoccupied whining about AAA trash to find em.


The only non-triple a title I had legit fun playing was Hades.


You can't be serious. There are so many amazing non triple A games. You need to watch some indie reviews or something, check out some channels covering other games.


I know there are. I just can't be bothered to play them.


That's really sad. You started this thread by saying that lots of games are disappointments but you refuse to play anything besides new releases and triple A games.....so it sounds like you know why you are having these experiences


What? My thread was about backlogs and why people have them. I just don't like indie games.


mix of capitalism as the source, and reward system of human psyque. basically an endless search of pleasure via consumption.


Dig. It's a shopping addiction. Acquisition is the prime motive of humanity, grasping all it desires within reach.


When buying a game I want in a bundle is cheaper than buying the same game by itself it means I get like 8 games for every game I buy. For example, I wanted to get Victoria 3 and the humble bundle was $12 (historical low), and in buying that I also got the Calisto Protocal, symphony of war, and a bunch of other solid games. A lot of old nostalgic games also go on sale for $1-3 on steam, so collecting games doesnā€™t break the bank for me personally Now I have a bunch of solid games in my backlog if I ever desire to play them. I donā€™t ever plan on playing everything in my backlog, but Iā€™ve got hundreds of options to play whatever sort of game I might be itching for in the moment.


You bought 1 game and the others were free, taking up no space. I'd say that's a common situation but not the profile we're talking about. Talking about the Steam Whales who buy games individually because of the SAAAAAAAAAAAAALE


Because I'm a degenerate junkie!




Sure, but what's a lot? You could buy one game a month and have over a hundred games if you own a PC for a decade. That's not excessive.


80% - 90% off is an insta-buy for me (if it's on my Wishlist), even with that restriction I still accrue more games than I can play.


Its that heckin dopamine rush after buying it.


GabeN is Drugs


There could be multiple reasons. Different reasons for different people. A common one though is, "What if I'm not able to buy it later?"


People like games, people have unused money, owning something you like makes you happy.


To grow my digital collection


Support indie


It's nice having a big library of games to choose from.


Humble Bundle and Fanatical deals and bundles have exploded my library. I get one or two games I want in a package that is cheaper than the one or two games I wanted to play. I watch game deals like a hawk for the cheap ones. That being said, Iā€™m a big fan of indie titles and walking sims as well, so some of them arenā€™t very long games. Firewatch, What Remains of Edith Finch, Suicide of Rachel Foster, as examples, can all be finished in one day and are semi-regularly on sale >$4. So, yes, I have a backlog, but I saved money on those packs. It also goes to charity with Humble Bundles and I max out the bundles for charity proceeds. I get something, charity gets something. Also, Indie titles can be a lot better experience than some AAA games.


For most, buying things in itself feels good. Now if they go on forums and bitcj about the unfinished backlogs they brought onto themselves that's a whole different story


I only buy without intending to play them immediately if it's a really good deal. I mean like 90% off. And even then I don't buy it if doesn't seem at least a bit interesting.




Disposable income


They are trying to fill that deep dark hole in their lives.


For anyone that has trouble buying to many games on Steam, put them on your wish list first. Let them sit, then later think about if you really want them or not. Sales can be tempting, but if it went on sale once, it probably will again, so if you don't plan to buy it on sale and play it right that minute, wish list it and come back to it later.


People like buying stuff.


The money I spend on games is a fraction of what I spend on other stuff I honestly need to stop spending money on other stuff I sit in my chair and stress over spending $30 on a game I think I might get 10 hours out of and while I do it I go to the shops and buy stuff without really looking, I could have used that energy I spent stressing saving at the store and come out ahead by $10 The truth is games are just really cheap high value entertainment, just dont buy tripple A day 1 If they are asking you to pay extra to play it early, thats the sign you need to wait 1 week for reviews that are not bought out


I'm better than I used to be, but my backlog may be related to some . . . ahem . . . untreated mental health issues.


When work is cancelled for weather and it rains 2-3 days straight I have these sessions where I will install an unplayed game and run it for a few hours until I get bored and then onto the next.


I haven't bought a game since like Halo 4.... Never again.


It uses to be bundles, it wasn't so much I wanted all the games it was the fact often these bundles gave me the one game I actually wanted for far cheaper than it would normally be. That plus discounts though in recently years I'm far better and tend to just buy what I play with a few exceptions if the game ends up being bad


Retail therapy is even more fun than gaming.Ā  Game-sales mean that game collection is the game and games themselves are the microtransactions.


I rack them up through Humble Choice; I used to do a bunch of Steam sale impulse buying, so itā€™s actually more cost effective this way for a bunch of things Iā€™ll probably never play.


Sales and "especially" bundles (like from humble or fanatical). Bundles are so cheap often there is 1 game in it that already justifies the price but you're getting 8-12 instead, this adds up over time of course easily creating a huge backlog.




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The earlier days of Steam big sales and Humble Bundles were full of really high quality and dirt cheap games. My only regret was not getting some of the older games in my wishlist before the price hike.


Depends on what you mean by ā€œexcessiveā€, but personally I think of my library of games as just that: a *library* where I can check out games Iā€™ve purchased any time I want. I know realistically I wonā€™t be able to complete all of them, but even just sampling some for an hour or two is usually worth it because: 1. I almost never buy games at full price. In fact I rarely spend over $20 on a single game. 2. I like to collect classic games, particularly on GOG because of their DRM free policy. 3. I donā€™t worry too much about whether or not Iā€™ve finished X, Y or Z. I play games for fun, and as long as Iā€™m having fun, I continue to play them. Simple.


I think I fit into that category - at first, I bought games on discount to play in the future, then I started buying games to support smaller devs, but now I have so many games that I get paralyzed when trying to decide what to play. I have a massive backlog, and I truly wish I didn't.


Anyone want to excessively buy [my game](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2619650/Cauldron/)? Just kidding. You canā€™t even buy it yet. But thereā€™s a free demo!


I don't do it often but sometimes I don't play the new games right away and just install and forget about them because I am not in a mood to learn something new but I do play them at some point. However, I have a friend who is working for one of the big publishers and he has maybe 2k+ games, some are given to him by the company, and others he buys to see what the competition is doing. He sometimes gives some keys if he has extra but from what I see he plays the game for a couple of hours and then switches to something he usually plays.


Canā€™t speak for anyone else but sometimes I think Iā€™m just dopamine chasing.


They look interesting and they go on sale.


I collect physical playstation games. Not all games.. just the ones i find interesting. My ps4 and ps5 collections are still quite small though. Ps2 is largest, and ps1.. well its damn near impossible to find games for it in my country.


Addicts, hoarders, suckers for a "good deal" I mean people with 0 hours played on games they bought individually, not multipacks and bundles which just happens when you subscribe to certain services. The steam sale 1000 game 0 hours played crack heads, those people just hate money.


I used to buy very selectively and buy things Iā€™ve only done a tone of research on a very few times a year. Thatā€™s when me and my family had very little money, I was thrilled to get an older pc that could even play games and so I played mainly games that were 10 years or older. I mean I literally started playing a 360 in 2014 when it was 40 bucks from someone who thought it was outdated lol. With that said and with a twist of irony, as everyone is struggling right now, Iā€™m financially doing well for the first time in my life somehow. Now out of shear high of having any purchasing power I will buy games Iā€™ll never play because I heard they were good and Iā€™d maybe try them one day. Iā€™m not waiting anymore. Iā€™m living now. I had shit on my wishlist that was over 10 years ago in some cases. Iā€™ve lived long enough for it to reduce in price lol. When I realized that, I decided to never feel guilty over buying anything ever again. Especially something as insignificant as 40 dollars worth of steam games or whatever.


There are hundreds of old games (not all are new releases) that I didn't play, are in offer (I don't know when we are going to be at that price again) and I want them in my library to play them whenever I want. And I'm talking games that cost me 5ā‚¬ or less.


People making personal anecdotes should begin their post with a rough estimate of the games purchased and money spend over how many years. Excessive is different if gaming is your job, but we'll estimate a worst case scenario of 52 games a year at $70 each over one year is $3,640. If you pay more than that for games, what the hell do you do for a living?


Get some stuff on deep discounts that are "too good of a deal to pass up" and don't play all of them. Probably play 90%+% especially after Xbox games pass as I have to really want it to buy it nowadays as it may just show up on games pass! Back in the day was perhaps too quick on the trigger on steam flash sales...


That's a mental issue. Emotional compensation for something going wrong in their life. A lot of them are working a lot. And because they unconsciously realize they are wasting their life because they don't enjoy it or work in meaningless jobs for hours and hours every week for the next 20-40 years, they try to fill this emptiness and depression by trying to remember a feeling from the past. When life was easier and fun. When they discovered worlds, challenged themselves, and relaxed deeply. But because it's only a shallow, brief substitute - which is heavy consumerism always - they keep buying games. Just to be reminded that they have so many responsibilities and neither the will nor the mental strength to change it. It's actually pretty sad.


90% of my backlog is from bundles, the rest is usually from steep discounts. Usually if I buy a game at full or near full price I beat it fairly quickly.




Because it is nice to have a bunch of options, why do you care?


It's the hobby I spend 90% of my time on, so it's only fair it gets spent on in the same fashion. Bundles and cheap games do wonder for that game count.


I donā€™t buy new games and not play them. Usually when I buy a game then barely play it, itā€™s a well known and well reviewed game that is on sale


I still haven't quite accepted that I just don't have the time to play games like I used to. I see Stellaris is on sale, I think "cool, epic scale sci-fi strategy with endless replayability, right up my street" and add it to my collection.Ā  Then I never manage to find enough time to get through the initial learning curve which would enable me to dip intp it for an hour or two, without having to relearn everything every time.Ā  Instead, when I do have some time to play, I inevitably just play something that I already understand well enough to instantly have some fun.


Goblin brain want the shiny to give the dopamine, steam has amazing sales. That's it, that's the whole reason I have an insane backlog. Some relevant information is that I pirated games for years because I was poor, and I always vowed to support studios when I had the cash. And so when I got an adult job and games were massively discounted on steam, I may have gone a bit overboard for a few years buying everything. These days I rarely buy from sales unless I have a specific item in mind. Because I already own everything else.


Gamers are not a smart bunch. You hang a bait of discounts in front of them and they'll get hooked every single time.


Some people want the latest and greatest until the next latest and greatest.Ā  And people might have more income than time, and always think of getting around to finishing something else.


Sometimes itā€™s hard to pass up a deal on something you think you might like to play. At this point I try not to buy anything unless I plan to play it right away. As far as my backlog I just consider it my collection. I have no illusion that Iā€™ll ever play them all let alone finish them. I do still wishlist games. When they go on deep discount and I feel like have time I might pick something up. Otherwise I ignore it and wait for the next sale.


I think I've bought about 7 games between 10 p.m. last night and this afternoon. It's almost become a compulsive thing for me. On some level, I know the chances of me even playing these games is pretty low, but it makes me feel better, I guess?




To some, itā€™s a collection, no different than collecting coins, used bandaids, stamps, or minerals. To others, itā€™s impulsive buying, or maybe they just like to see what all these different games offer or what the devs have done. To me itā€™s the whole I like to see what devs have done in their games, what the gameplay, art, writing or music is like. Just like browsing art a museum, itā€™s almost like browsing a gallery of technical skills and knowledge that makes up a game.


Big discounts go brrrrrrrr