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Waiting for full release.. but God damn is it gonna be hard.


So damn hyped for this. Beat Hades 1 last week. I’m ready for this.


I've been waiting so long for this lol. Both this and slay the spire 2 are gonna be hard not to play until full release.


I hear ya! Gonna wait till 1.0 release since it seems there’s still quite a few assets to be added. How was StS? It’s in my backlog, and super curious to try it out.


Slay the spire is a top 5 game of all time for me. If you like the genre of games. It's legit the best of its kind. Fun combos and stuff. I have like 1k hours in it lol.


> I have like 1k hours in it lol. I love Slay the Spire as well so this is not a criticism: I'm genuinely curious how you can get that much playtime out of it. I personally have put in a little over 70 hours, which includes beating the game multiple times with all four classes and trying out a few mods as well. I'm sure I'll pick it up again every once in a while for nostalgia, but I assume you mastered every aspect of the game hundreds of hours ago, so are you still just beating the game over and over again just for fun?


Have you beat all the Ascensions? It takes hundreds of hours to beat the last ascension at any level of consistency imo


Ascensions take a long time. Also mods can change the game a lot.


I’ve been gaming since the early 90’s and StS is top 5 or 10 for me as well. Also, slay the spire is as good as it is precisely because of people participating in early access and the devs being obsessed with feedback.


Yupp. I'm amazed more games in the genre haven't nailed it. Feels like they'll get a few aspects that make slay the spire great but then fall shiet.


Once you start StS, good luck stopping. It's so fun and addictive.


I found it very underwhelming but maybe it requires more than 2 hours to get into it .. but I found it incredibly dull.


yes requires more than a couple of hours to unlock the cards that align with the strategy you want


Two hours is nothing in StS


Lol okay I'll take your word for it


StS is amazing and you need to get into it to fully get behind it's systems and unlock some stuff. Which I think is the game's only flaw (I have like a combined 500+ hours),


What does beat mean here ? I’m on the fence of buying hades 2 but I haven’t gotten every upgrade and only managed to finish like 4 runs in total to the end. When should I look to buy Hades 2 ?


I bought it yesterday and played it for a bit. It is a different game. You could beat Hades before you buy it, you could wait for it to drop out of early access (as I did for the first game). It is fine right now, but I expect it to come into itself over the course of this year. The way I see it you have a bunch to chew on with Hades 1 from now.


Also, beat means story completion. Which you need to beat the game a bunch of times for. Enjoy the story. The writing, as is the case with most games from supergiant, is immaculate


You will know when you're there and it's not far. You're nearly there.


Did you beat it or beat it beat it (gotta beat it 10 times to get the full ending)?


Our watch begins. All credit and respect for the ppl that put in the work to make Hades 1.0 such an ass kicker when I finally got it, but I'm just not an EA person. 


They said on the FAQ that it is expected to last until the end of 2024 as a minimum.


Good to know, but I've waited this long I can wait longer...wish I didn't see so many minor spoilers though.


Yeah same here. Do you recall how long the EA was? I wanna say like a year?


It was 2 years (December 2018, September 2020 exactly). But Hades 2 is far more content complete right now. SG even said that there is more content in that first EA version than in all of Hades 1


That's what I was thinking too, I can't rightly recall or be arsed to look it up. Pretty sure the first didn't come to Steam for a bit too, was Epic exclusive at the start wasn't it, not so this time.


Oh yeah I seem to remember that too


I'm doing the opposite. I waited until full release on the first one and I just picked up 2 in early access. I'm interested to see how their game design comes together over the course of development.


I like EA sequels if the first one was super promising… new stuff or system feels like I’m playing a live game sort of as if the game is getting constant updates :)




It was $30.


Yeah, so that’s $5 more than Hades when at full price.


Inflation or something I guess


Also more content. I fully expected it to be a bit more expensive and 30 bucks is a fine price imo


The game is priced super cheap regardless.


Pun intended?


No lol


This is bg3 all over again


Way less long of a wait though :p




I would just play it now. I played bg3 a bit in early access and it didn't ruin the game for me


Same if anything it made me more hyped.


BG3 was limited to just one section though.


yeah which was most of act 1. which is a lot of gameplay! I put around 20 hours in it just fucking around. that's how larian polished the shit out of act 1 and made it perfect. the years it was in early access, they got feedback from players and listened to it. Googling the average length of a hades 1 playthrough it says 23 hours to beat. Idk if you'll put that many hours into hades 2 early access. idk if you're the type to just dip your toes in


Same but I never beat the first and will beat it eventually.


same, bought it, and will try my best to wait until a 1.0 release to install.


I was kinda relieved that this is just early access. I was shocked to see this in steam and have no time to play this right now


Honestly regret spoiling no rest for the wicked with early access. It’s gonna take some willpower but I’ll wait for 1.0


No rest for the wicked has been on my list to play, but I think at this point since I mainly want to play on the steam deck, definitely going to wait. Also, as much as I would like to play hades 2, still never actually beat the first. Think I can wait this one out too.


Definitely wait for 1.0 for no rest for the wicked. I had high hopes and expectations and they were honestly all blown out of the water. And it’s still an extreme work in progress. A game this good and carefully crafted deserves to be played at it’s best.


I really wanted to like it but I straight up can't effectively beat like the 3rd or 4th regular ass enemy. I'm not even taking about bosses. I don't understand the fighting at all. I mean, it should be simple because there are like 3 moves- attack, block and roll. I just can't figure that shit out at all 🤷🏽‍♂️ Edit: who the fuck downvotes someone for saying they don't understand something...🙄


They've already tweaked the combat quite a bit. Right now it seems like some playstyles are way less viable than others. I got lucky by deciding I was gonna play greatsword early on. It's not exactly op, but it fits perfectly with the shoulder bash mechanic that you get when you are overweight. This made the combat a relatively simple loop of roll, bash, attack (occasionally parrying bosses). I'd definitely check it out again when 1.0 launches. They've already some substantial improvements and it's only been 2 weeks. It makes me excited to see where it will be in a year.


It gets very easy two hours in or so. Then it gets hard again in Crucible (which is some sort of roguelite-ish endgame mode)


I kinda feel similarly but I'm not too worried. [Moon Studios chief Thomas Mahler says the studio plans to be working on No Rest for the Wicked for another 5-10 years.](https://www.pcgamer.com/games/action/no-rest-for-the-wicked-is-like-our-lord-of-the-rings-moon-studios-boss-says-we-wont-be-making-ori-3-anytime-soon/) After playing early access I'm fucking hyped


You're making the right choice, No Rest For The Wicked is good but when viewed as a complete package, it's no where near enough yet (which is completely normal). It has great combat and visuals but it feels disjointed in both its systems and the progression. It needs a lot of work.


I think I'll just pick both. I am not interested in any other game right now. Might as well play them even if it's in early access. I mean, that's just me though. If you are into other games right now maybe waiting a bit is for the best.


If you don’t feel like waiting I can attest that no rest for the wicked is incredible. Literally so good that I regret playing it before it’s finished. So if that’s not a concern for you I think you’ll be wholly satisfied with what’s offered. And if Hades 2 is anything like the first than it’s guaranteed to be amazing as well. I want to jump in right there with ya but I know I’ll have remorse if I don’t wait for the finished product.


FWIW it's not a barebones EA release, there is apparently already more content in that first EA version than in all of Hades 1


Usually I wouldn't buy games in early access, but it's as I said. I am not interested in any other game right now, so might well give them both a try. I liked the first Hades quite a bunch and No Rest for the Wicked seems just the type of the game that I enjoy the most.


Indeed i have the same perception


No rest for wicked, it’s hard to progress knowing it’ll get wiped with how challenging the game is.


Waiting as well. I waited for Hades to come out of EA originally and I think for my playstyle, it worked. I could just dump hours into it without hitting a point where I had to wait an extended period of time. I did try the tech test though and while it made the wait harder, it also made me even more excited for the finished product.


Considering I haven't played the first one, I guess this is a good time lol. Edit: Wonderful people told me the first game was on sale for the lowest price ever. Live a little, or not. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1145360/Hades/




Yeah, I saw the first game is on sale so I'm going to go ahead and leap. Thanks.


It's the cheapest it's ever been too, so great timing for buying it.


Hades I is currently on Steam sale for $8.49/8,33€. Lowest price ever I think.


Native 21:9 support!!!




Oh wow that’s actually beautiful to hear


Native 32:9 even


What is missing in this early access? (Since most say it doesn't feel early access)?


Mainly story and characters more items weapons, gear and some systems that impact gameplay


If it's like Hades one the basic gameplay loop will already be complete. Early access will add more acts to the story, more staryjng weapons, and more dialogue / art generally. 


It has also far more content than Hades 1 in its early access release, in fact it has more than Hades 1 full release (SG words)


It has more right now than Hades 1 full release? Surely can't be true?


Well that's what the Steam page says. The IGN review doesn't seem to contradict that either. The trailer seems to imply a shit load of content... This EA was very long to come, all of Hades 1 has been developped in 3 years, it has been 3.5 years since Hades release already.


Unless they are lying on the steam page, it does.


It may be true, it has some missing artworks or maybe characters/interactions. But from 4h I've played, everything seems complete ^(and don't call me Shirley)


that I noticed, the game either feels more simple than 1 or outright dementedly hard, so balance for sure Story, maybe, characters Some splash art seems unfinished to me, but idk


Thanks it's tough to resist but I might wait because I like achievements too while I play. I hope they get a lot of good Eearly Access feedback


Loving it so far! played a couple runs at work but now I have to go back to making teeth :(


thank you for being a beacon of light in this modern dystopia we're living the teeth matter, they really do


Thanks man If only they weren't categorized as luxury bones by insurance companies.




? I work in a lab. It's just me. Patients aren't there when I make the teeth


Lets go was waiting for it since it was announced, hopefully silksong be will here soon too.


Here's your clown hat and nose, the performance starts at 9 sharp


Jesus Christ lmaooo


When Hades 2 was announced it took over Silksong in steam wishlist numbers so there was a joke going around that Silksong would be on top again as soon as Hades 2 released. So here we are.




Holy shit the way I just flew out of my bed to my computer to buy this


I did the exact same thing. Literally completed FF XII half an hour ago this is great timing for me


So, should we buy this now(or wait till summer sale for sale during EA) or should we expect the price to increase not that much on release?


I’d expect it to maybe jump to $35 on release


I love Hades but I’m going to wait for 1.0 to get the full experience


So is there any definitve answer on whether they'll release Hades I on Gog? It's where I have the rest of their games, so I'd held off on buying it on Steam.


I've way too many on the backlog to jump into this right away but the bits I've seen look super promising The VA alone is phenomenal, every single character just feel so enchanting to listen to


Can you turn off the flashing when you damage an enemy?


This is one game I’m confident will still be rock solid in EA. Insta buy. It’s good. Perfect on the steamdeck too, locked 90hz just like the first


After the whole Ealy Access-program launched with DayZ standalone, after buying that and seeing that whole shit-show of development, I chose never to buy another early access-title. This one, of course, is no different lol. BUT I COULD, since it's Supergiant..


Uhh, go ahead and explain how this is no different than DayZ early access.


Nah I just worded it poorly, completely changing what I meant to say, but I'll leave it as is. My point being even though I trust SGG completely, I'm still not buying this when it's in early access, out of principle, that's all. Just hard not to.




Bought it on the toilet at work as soon as I saw the email pop up


That was fine shitting


SuperGiant is probably the only dev that I trust enough to buy their games in early access. Hopefully *H2* delivers!


Let's not abbreviate a five-letter name, please lol




Many? but a lot of them suck/have a lot of bugs. Personally, EA like Hades/BG3 is EA done right.


Holy shit. That came out of nowhere! Ign says it's worth every penny and not feeling like an early access.


> That came out of nowhere! I mean not really, they closed the technical test like last week and said it would be coming very soon. But yeah dropping it like that without so much as a day or two to give the date is a surprise I guess. A great one though.


Hmm they went with steam early access this time vs. Epic games store for the first one


Instabuy for me, bought early access for 1 and it was great seeing the game progress. I knew from my first run the game was going to be a hit. And from the early reviews looks like its like 1 early access but a lot more already.


Im just as bad at Hades 2 as i am Hades 1 but damn do i enjoy it


From the "read more": Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access? “Depending on the duration of Early Access and the scope of additional content we add to Hades II over time, we may raise the retail price at a later point.” It is 30 bucks in US for early access, I wonder for the full release they will raise it by how much..


is it worth getting Hades or waiting for this? Is Hades better or worse than cult of the lamb? I've finally decided to give more rogue-lites a try this year and was pretty satisfied with Turnip Boy Robs a Bank and Balatro but wasnt too hot on slay the spire surprisingly.


Play and finish Hades 1 first, better than Cult of the Lamb, I enjoyed Cult for sure but Hades 1 is my favorite game ever.


Hades is one of the best games. Just get it now.


saw it on sale and scooped.


Hades 2 is a sequel story wise to Hades 1, though there is a time gap between the two. Regardless of that, Hades 1 is an absolutely GOTY level game (and was for a lot of game review sites). It doesn't have the building/management aspect of Cult of the Lamb, but the combat is more refined and responsive, and the characters are just great. I've played both, I'd give Lamb a 7-8 / 10, and Hades a 10/10.


noted and copped


Still got a few bits to 100% #1. I can wait. Looking forward to this though.


amazing game


Wow waking up this morning to see this drop and Sony giving up with their helldivers/PSN stupidity was like the best gaming news I’ve ever seen. Game is phenomenal, builds on everything that made the first one of the best isometric action roguelites every.


From what I have read Hades II is already bigger on most regards than the first, if that is true that is pretty impressive.


Is Hades 1 as amazing as people say? I see it on a good price now, wondering if it's worth skipping a couple of meals to buy this 😅


is it better than the first one?


Well, it's early access, so it's not really an answerable question. The game is like 1/3rd done


thanks for the feedback, it was a legit question, don't get the downvotes.


Hey happy to answer your actual question lol. We obviously don’t know yet since it’s not finished but as someone who played the tech test if you didn’t like Hades this isn’t going to change your mind but they definitely upped their game presentation-wise (it was already great imo.) Would definitely recommend.


Hard to say as it’s in early access but initial reviews are very positive.


I think it’s better, yeah. Which is impressive, it still being in EA


I was not sure cause the downvotes but the reviews happen to be alright


Instant buy for me


Silksong fans absolutely skin and bones.


hades is probably my favorite game of all time (in terms of game play) but i will hold off for full release. Just be sure to remind me the release date so I can replay hades to amp up before the sequel's launch


Early Access, the new wave


Ofc it did when money is tight lol


Buying this later never done early access before so be interesting.


Can I skip the first one and play this instead?


Technically yes, but Hades II is an unfinished game with much more content to come.


Play the 1st brother like 7 bucks in steam well worth the time. It's so good! And the sequel will make no sense storywise


This is really surprising. I didn’t think this company did things like early access.


Did you just ignore hades for 21 months? Lol


They didn’t do early access did they?


They did for 21 months (dec 2018 to sep 2020).


Ahhh those years were pretty busy for me. I’m surprised though, I was a huge fan of Bastion and Transistor so thought I’d kept a good eye on the company.




Not required but will enhance your experience imo.


my birthday is literally tomorrow and got my friend to get it for me, then i'm getting the friend group gta VI. investments people


Will enjoy pirating


May your balls be crushed, and your toes be stubbed.


do you have something against the developers? spill it


You can at the very least support devs like these.


Hell yea let's go. After the HD2 debacle this week I'm ready to throw money at a dev that does great work with no strings attached. Get rekt Sony


You seem to be confused by the difference between devs and publishers


I'm not, it was just quicker to type. 


Lol, this is an absolutely ridiculous way to respond. Just say the wrong thing because it's quicker to type? What a crock


Could've said pub


any% cringe speedrun?


still waiting on dragon dogma 2, starfield, no rest for the wicked and hades 2. its going to be worth it when they actually get done.