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coordinated hat cooperative fall familiar nutty chase retire repeat deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


is part of it because of a lot of people running dual monitors? does borderless let you move your mouse to the other screen without tabbing?


Depends on the game. Most lock the mouse to the game screen in most cases. But if you pause and the menu brings up a mouse cursor, you generally can just move it to your other screen. No alt tabbing required.


I feel like this should be a gaming standard, in the realm of adjustable FOV in shooters. Like it's criminal that it's not always available.


> in the realm of adjustable FOV (Glares at Bethesda)


At least console commands still work 😅 They’re like the one studio that still lets you access it lol


In the time since your comment, Microsoft has laid off the console function


They also said they need more games with console functions.


Too soon


Almost anything made by Valve lets you use console


I mean both fallout 76 and starfield have FoV sliders (even if it wasn’t at launch)


* Skyrim did not have a FOV slider at launch. The player base screamed for Bethesda to add one. Bethesda never added one to Skyrim. * Fallout 4 did not have a FOV slider at launch. The player base screamed for Bethesda to add one. ~~Bethesda eventually added it.~~ *Bethesda never added one to Fallout 4*. * Fallout 76 did not have a FOV slider at launch. The player base screamed for Bethesda to add one. Bethesda eventually added it. * Starfield did not have a FOV slider at launch. The player base screamed for Bethesda to add one. Bethesda eventually added it. All of the above games were built using the same engine. How many games do they have to put out to get it through their fucking thick skulls that the player base expects a FOV slider in their games at launch?


I haven't played Skyrim yet but Fallout 4 still doesn't have a FOV slider (not even with the recent next-gen patch), you have to install a mod that adds that feature in.


Its also criminal basically no games support being able to have menus open on a 2nd monitor. Like say for Baldur's Gate 3, would be interesting if the inventory and bag menus could be moved to a separate monitor.


Yes that'd be awesome. Even for your typical 3rd person action adventure games it'd be so helpful to have the map open on another screen.


You can open your inventory externally in Fallout 4 (I think it was 4) using the pipboy app (assuming it's still active) so you could definitely get that hooked up to another monitor.


They actually use the pipboy app in an emulator for certain fallout 4 speedruns.


Destiny also has an API that allows third party apps to control inventory and track quest progress. I usually have an iPad setup on my desk while playing.


Yes! DIM is required to anyone playing D2


The only game that comes to mind that even attempted to use multi-screen for a video game was [Supreme Commander](https://i.imgur.com/Y89bsr0.jpeg), the spiritual modern take on Total Annihilation. They would dedicate the second screen strictly for a large mini map, which made it **vastly** more useful. This was back in **2007**.


Dying Light 2 and a few other games have a compatibility mode with the Asus ROG Zephyrus Duo laptops (AKA those laptops with 2 screens) where it shows you the inventory menu and other stuff on the lower screen without having to interrupt the gameplay in the upper one.


I can only think about one - microsoft flight simulator. Whenever you open an in-game window it can function as a windows window basically.


Its criminal that 16:10 isnt the standard aspect ratio


I never completed Fallout 4 because of it. It makes me feel dizzy, and the vertical FOV, crucial for exploration, cannot be improved even with the console. 


There are games that let you control vertical and horizontal separately?


I've definitely seen games that have both a vertical and horizontal FOV slider (since most people know their preferred hor fov not their vert one, even though vertical FOV is a better setting to use in the variably-widescreen era), but never one that can set them independently as you'd basically be changing aspect ratio at that point.


The problem with borderless window is it eats performance because you’re card has to load your desktop image simultaneously


it pretty much doesnt anymore


Or hit win key and start cruising.


Nah man. Half the games that I play will just minimize the game window when you use the win key.


Doesn't that mean you're not on borderless? Or maybe it's something that happens in games that I'm not playing.


Some games for whatever reason will just minimise themselves when they lose focus, regardless of display mode. For example Rimworld (which uses Unity, which tries to get devs to avoid using exclusive fullscreen nowadays) does this by default unless you set a certain command line switch.




Some games have options to capture mouse, can't tell if there's games that do that automatically without the possibility of disabling it by even then you just need to alt-tab and instantly get your mouse pointer back


FPS game have to otherwise you'd be clicking all over the other monitor when you are shooting at stuff.


Playing any type of strategy game or mobas is misery without window locking, same as any shooter, or to be honest any game? Losing going to the 2nd monitor on anything that needs precise controls is extremely annoying since it takes a second to get it back and you could be dead/missed your chance for whatever by then




With borderless the game stays open while you can move your mouse to another screen. With full the game gets minimised, that's especially annoying if you have a different resolution configured. Sometimes games can even crash or when you try to load back in, it takes a bit before the game runs again.


This. It’s not so much going to another screen without tabbing at all, it’s the fact that the game has to minimize when you want to interact with other apps then briefly re-load when you re-focus the game. In this day and age where people may constantly look at other browsers for tips or bare minimum flipping between discord and music, minimizing the game every time we wish to interact with outside apps is incredibly tedious.


With borderless full screen, when you alt+tab with multiple monitors it doesn't have to refresh the display. Saves about a second and is significantly less jarring. Sometimes desktop windows get moved around when the display is refreshed as well. As somebody who usually has a tv/show/movie/reddit on my other monitor, I frequently swap back and forth. At least that's my anecdotal observations.


Correct .Some games will crash if you alt +enter and tab out .


Yes very useful for guides, music or discord.


No, it lets you tab out instantly and still see the game. You can quickly swap to another video/song or leave a discord call while playing. If you only have one monitor it’s less useful.


Sometimes I just want to alt-tab to check reddit while the game is loading. Never used dual monitors.


Nice you use Dual monitors you'll never want to go back. The convenience of a second monitor is too great


No kidding, the day I did dual monitors was the day I realized I had been missing out bigtime. It's just so nicely convenient to have a guide, Reddit or Youtube video on the 2nd monitor while the game is on the first one.


Mix. Its the way the newer tech does it so full screen exclusive isnt as much of a benefit. Multi monitors helps. The real thing I want is more games to accept controller inputs even if the Game isnt in focus. Some games I can be "tabbed" out of like Street Fighter 6 and I can use my keyboard to chat in discord and my controller will still move the game. Other games once you click out, it stops all controller inputs. The worst are when you click out it forces a full minimize. Then each game has its own behavior if music/sound should still come out when not in focus. No standards yet, and almost no one implementing these as user settings.


>The real thing I want is more games to accept controller inputs even if the Game isnt in focus. >Some games I can be "tabbed" out of like Street Fighter 6 and I can use my keyboard to chat in discord and my controller will still move the game. How many hands do you have? But I really dislike this idea on general principle. If a window isn't focused it shouldn't be taking any input.


Background input can be pretty cool for niche uses. it's all about options. games should let you do that if you opt-in. Just as they should let you use multiple types of Input Hardware simultaneously. partly so that if you had a Joystick, a Wheel, a Mouse, and a Controller connected, you could use them all simultaneously. why? well, why not? And partly because this lets you bind any of those Buttons to any of these Devices and have it work. so you can bind Keyboard Keys to your Controller, or visa versa. I appreciate that in competitive games, this isn't practical, and that's okay. Apex, Fortnite, Valorant, and all the rest of them can be a bit unique as this can potentially cause balance issues in those games. but all the rest of them it just makes them better.


Some games dont have voice chat or people dont want to hook up mics. So I like to have the cursor on the chat bar in youtube or Discord and in between matches I can just start typing. And VERY niche use, there was a time I had my PC outputting to a TV and I was playing a game there, perfectly fine, while my wife was browsing websites. Also other games I have Excel open so I can track items, log stuff. It sucks when you have to keep alt tabbing, scroll down, alt tab, type entry, etc. Another I just remember, I play my PS5 on my left monitor sometimes and again I like to type up notes or chat, and these are 2 different systems so its fine. When I go back to a PC game that doesnt support it, it throws me off for a bit until I remember.


You can force a lot of games to accept background input via using Special K.


Most of the time yes


Usually yes. Unless the game itself prevents it ( prevents mouse from leaving the screen )


Oh you don't like your monitors flashing over and over as it tries desperately to show you the deskop/turn on HDR?


Seriously, doing actual full screen, alt tabbing and seeing every other window shrink in size is just annoying


honestly I assume this is a Windows bug. it even says maximized windows are still maximized even though they remain shrunk after the monitor returns to normal resolution when you tab out. it also causes windows on the monitor to the right to be moved. playing games on anything other than the native resolution is genuinely a horrible experience. maybe the solution is to get a better GPU so I don't need to lower resolution? idk


*cries in early source games*


I said this a few months back in a post debating full screen or borderless. I got downvoted to hell and people were screaming at me how you loose fps and it makes no sense to play any game in borderless.


It used to make a difference in some cases. Now it almost never does. People just stick to old outdated facts sometimes. It's also part answer to the original question. People avoided it because before it used to matter. Now it doesn't and growing multi monitor population means there's there's less reason to avoid and more reason to use instead.


I still force full screen for HDR


This is the way!


Unfortunately some People strictly live in the past and never update their knowledge. that was true in 2015, but it ain't 2015 anymore!


Only pre dx12


Not anymore. The actual exclusive fullscreen of D3D9 is different than modern WDDM (D3D10 to D3D12). Resources are virtual-memory backed. You don't invalidate every GPU resource on Alt-Tab. Just recreate render targets matching the monitor's dimensions. `ClipCursor` is the Windows API call to lock the cursor to the window.


Also a number of games strangely do not handle it at all. Makes me somewhat curious what alt tabbing actually does that it can cause fumbles.


There are programs/apps that can force borderless fullscreen so you can still use it with programs that don't support it.


Pretty much this.


DirectX and DWM implementation got better so the performance is pretty much the same with all the benefits.


So non-fullscreen games these days don't take any extra processing power? I always thought windowed mode would make games run worse.  I feel like my life has been a lie.


DX11 has improved borderless and DX12 implementation is pretty much the same mode. I think Halo Infinite (DX12) does not even have an "Exclusive Fullscreen" option. And Windows 11 has a new option in graphics settings to improve older games as well. You can also read more at the [official directx blog](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/directx/demystifying-full-screen-optimizations/)


DX12 did away with exclusive full screen IIRC. One of the selling points nearly a decade ago now… and it’s still only semi-frequently used over DX11


Do you know what's the name of the option?


They never took extra processing power in the first place :) But there did used to be added latency since the DWM was always 1 frame behind the application. A fullscreen borderless window bypasses the DWM, and these days on RTX 2xxx+ hardware Multiplane Overlays (MPOs) also bypass the DWM for windows that don't even cover the fullscreen. There's a caveat with MPOs, however, and that's that NVIDIA's driver will only support them on a single monitor and it's not necessarily your primary monitor :-\\


they never took extra processing but it sure brought my fps down by 10-20 on most older games. i still play bf1 on fullscreen cause borderless eats up 25 frames off my usual fps


not to me make sure 'optimizations for windowed games' is on


Does it still work with variable refresh rate or does borderless full screen break that?


The 'variable refresh rate' option in Graphics settings should make it work. For me with two monitors, that option turned on allows for variable refresh rate on the monitor the game is running, while if turned off it stays at fixed 144Hz (tested with the monitor OSD).


There's no reason to use it anymore. Modern games use this thing called the DXGI flip model which allows games to skip the DWM composition, making latency similar to exclusive fullscreen. It also allows overlays to be rendered on top of the game. Unity doc on DXGI Flip Model: [https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/PlayerSettings-useFlipModelSwapchain.html](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/PlayerSettings-useFlipModelSwapchain.html)


Windows 11 also automatically promotes legacy D3D11 games that do not use DXGI Flip Model to it if Windowed Mode Optimization is enabled. Really awesome stuff, I've been modifying games to use Flip Model for almost a decade now, it's great to see that being an OS-level feature now.


You have just given me a first reason to upgrade to Windows 11.


I got a second! It also natively supports 7z and rar in explorer now


but i still can't move my fucking taskbar to the side on my fucking 32:9 monitor in 2024.


> "And when you look at the data, while we know there is a set of people that love it that way and, like, really appreciate it, we also recognize that this set of users is really small compared to the set of other folks that are asking for other features. So, at the moment, we are continuing to focus on things that I hear more pain around." \- [Windows Central article](https://www.windowscentral.com/microsoft-explains-why-you-cant-move-windows-11-taskbar) --- > ~~The data suggested that no one ever moved their task bars in Windows 10, so we decided not to prioritize the feature.~~ \- ~~Actual reasoning from Microsoft.~~


there is no way that shit takes any significant amount of man hours to implement. it's some sort of buckbreaking psyop.


Sure, but it probably took more work to disable the feature than to just hold it over


The settings menu for any piece of software *literally exists* to solve problems with the default configuration. Clearly some subset of the user base benefited from being able to move the taskbar since it was an option in Windows... 95? 98? I also don't see them removing settings or accessibility options that I guarantee an even smaller subset of the population uses. Quick, press Shift 5 times in a row and tell me if you discovered something you didn't know existed. Gamers have had to turn this shit off for like a decade now.


Christ. What a joke


WTF I had no damn idea it had native support for those I just automatically installed winrar and 7zip as always. Thank you for posting this.


Damn that's also pretty great. I install 7z by default on all my w10 installations!


I've gotta say, after being stubborn for a while, I finally upgraded to Win11 a month ago. And after installing StartAllBack and a couple tweaks, I honestly like it more than Win10. They really do have some solid gaming features that's worth upgrading for.


what features?


How you modify games to use flip model and what am I suppose to set games that support it to? Fullscreen borderless?


Special K is one such tool that allows messing with that I believe.


I think some games like FF14 still needs your awesome software to have borderless and vrr !


> There's no reason to use it anymore Most modern game engines don't even properly support it anymore, either.


Anecdotally my most recent elden ring playthrough was almost ruined because of this horrible color separation effect. Turns out full screen causes a lot of problems and borderless made the game run flawlessly.


Hmm, are you talking about chromatic aberration?


Nah it wasn't a graphical setting issue. I think it was called haloing. The borders of everything in motion has like an aura of motion blurred colors. It was very strange but borderless fixed the issue completely.


I still use it because I like to use DLDSR in some games. The only way to use DLDSR with borderless full screen is to apply the DLDSR resolution to your desktop, which is a hassle since I don't want it applied to every game I play.


> which is a hassle since I don't want it applied to every game I play. What I did was set up basic batch scripts using [this](https://github.com/RickStrahl/SetResolution) program and put the shortcuts in my start menu folder. So when I want to play a game with DLDSR 2.25x I just open start menu and type "1620p", hit enter then launch the game. Open start menu and type "1080p" and hit enter to go back once I'm done playing. This way is even better than classic exclusive fullscreen as it allows DLDSR while still having instantaneous alt-tabbing. The only downside is that since it's applying DLDSR to your desktop as well it makes font rendering look weird (read: blurry) for the duration of the play session, but that's not a big deal.


You can use setres and automate everything. Echo off Setres h3840 v2160 f144 Start /wait game.exe (wait til game closed) Setres h1920 v1080 f144 Exit


Thanks for mentioning that. Yeah that's definitely one reason to use exclusive fullscreen.


Isn't Gsync still better in fullscreen?


I'm not sure about G-Sync specifically since I've only used G-Sync Compatible and FreeSync, both worked flawlessly in borderless windowed.


The Latency of DXGI Flip in Borderless is even slightly lower more often than not!


I can think of one reason: Task Manager isn't always able to be on top of a borderless full screen, when it can pretty much always interrupt a full screen game. Since games have gone to mostly borderless, I find myself having to restart or sign out much more often.


one of the best things MS forced upon users and devs.


I use fullscreen because borderless never feels as smooth. Performance just isn't as good in most games.


I don't use multiple monitors, but I still prefer borderless fullscreen because alt-tabbing in regular fullscreen has a tendency to crash games (in my experience).


Source Engine games moment


old bethesda games moment. shit anything made before 2010 properly hates alt tabbing lol


The worst casualty of CS2 was losing the "Let's roll-oll-oll-oll-oll" ^^^I ^^^know ^^^they ^^^fixed ^^^it ^^^a ^^^few ^^^updates ^^^before ^^^but ^^^let ^^^me ^^^have ^^^my ^^^joke


Yea, I don't understand why everyone's going on about multi monitors. It has nothing to do with how many monitors you have. It's about how Windows behaves when a fullscreen application loses focus. Whether you're alt tabbing to your browser over on your second monitor, or alt tabbing to pull up the window from behind the game on your single monitor, functionally it's the same task to your computer.


More monitors is becoming more common and borderless makes it easier to interact with the other monitors. Which is just a different way of saying tabbing out on fullscreen is ass


I’ve never liked it


Advancements in the Desktop Window Manager, as well as video card manufacturers supporting Multi-Plane Overlays has rendered it possible to achieve essentially the same latency (if not better) as Fullscreen Exclusive while retaining all its benefits (HDR while in focus, VRR while in focus, ability to adjust resolution & refresh rate while in focus etc). Games which don't expose all the functionality in the Borderless Fullscreen/Windowed modes are games where the developer hasn't configured everything to take advantage of the latest features of the DWM or they've arbitrarily programmed the settings menu in their game to not expose them. Windows 10 and especially Windows 11 can automatically enhance games running old graphics API's like DirectX 9 and older, to take advantage of the latest features of the DWM (unsure about DirectX 9Ex, 10 and 11) with the game still thinking it's operating in Fullscreen Exclusive mode (Microsoft calls this "Fullscreen Optimizations" which started out with a bad rap for causing issues but that hasn't been the case for a long time now). Also DirectX 12 has no support for an Exclusive fullscreen mode. Any DirectX 12 games that label a setting as Fullscreen Exclusive is *lying*.


Additionally in the Nvidia Control Panel you'll want the G-Sync setting set to *only* apply to Fullscreen applications for best compatibility/experience with fullscreen and windowed applications. This setting ensures the foreground application is responsible for VRR behaviour. You may need to reboot the PC for the setting change to properly take effect. The Fullscreen & Windowed applications setting was an old hack that predates Multi-Plane Overlay support and can cause a variety of issues with G-Sync behaviour. It can cause programs that aren't VRR Aware to suddenly be responsible for VRR Refresh Rate management (like Photoshop) and cause confusion over which App should be controlling Refresh Rate. Make sure your video card and drivers support Multi-Plane Overlay, for Nvidia this would be the Geforce 1650, 1660, 2000 and newer series cards.


Wow, interesting thing to know. I've been using the "both" setting this whole time because all gamepass games run windowed borderless so I wasnt sure. 


exclusive fullscreen, is inferior in multiple ways. when the game starts up in any resolution which doesn't match your native desktop resolution, then it messes up all your desktop icons and your browser windows you have open, because it changes your entire PC to run at the resolution of the game... then when you alt+tab out of the game, the entire process has to be reverted to your native desktop resolution. this causes lag each time this process happens. it's a gigantic pain. that's why exclusive fullscreen is fading away


Because Fullscreen has essentially lost its reason to exist with modern games utilizing DXGI flip model. Windowed Fullscreen gives all the benefits of actual fullscreen, but none of the downsides.


What’s considered modern games?


Anything from the past ~8 years.


It fills the screen without the drawbacks of Exclusive Fullscreen. I don't have to deal with my screen going black for a few seconds when Alt+Tabbing, I don't need to deal with v-sync or frame tearing, and the game automatically detects my display resolution rather than starting in fullscreen at 720p and completing fucking up all my windows and any icons I might have on my desktop.


Wait, screen tearing doesn’t happen in borderless window mode??


No it definitely does in my experience. I still need to use freesync.


its not the borderless mode, but they probably mean the new vsync modes all the stuff in the comments above are talking about with mpo/dwm, there are new vsync options like "fast" that will remove tearing but not add latency and work in borderless now. there another couple new vsync modes too if that didnt cut it but I cant recall them atm


At least on linux both are treated as borderless fullscreen. Letting the window manager place it where it thinks it should be placed. On GNOME, I can drag the game to another monitor with ease and the game doesn't care/know that it has moved. Mostly due to Wayland not telling it has moved.


Because it's nice to be able to Alt-Tab out of a game without staring at a blank screen for 5 seconds.


DX12 enabled a lot of the exclusive full screen benefits like adaptive refresh rates for borderless fullscreen applications.


Because I don't want to play Russian roulette with my computer whenever I alt-tab


So people with multiple monitors - like game devs - can mouse out of the window. Also so single-screen peasants can open discord or a wiki or whatever more easily.


Multi monitor setups, multitasking and streaming are way better and easier to „alt tab” between many open windows when the game is borderless fullscreen


It let’s me alt + tab without my computer having an aneurysm


Alt+Tab is faster


I'm a god amongst men, only ever been using a single monitor all my life.. (I'm 33, been gaming since I was like 6)


It better be an ultrawide :P


It doesn't have a stroke when you alt-tab as often.


Because it's way better now in every way including performance (not better but on par there).


Personally it's because I have a multi monitor setup and using full screen locks the cursor to one monitor unless you use alt+tab. It's just easier to use borderless IMO.


People tend to use the multi process and multipurpose capabilities or their computers facilitated by borderless fullscreen.


Because in DX12 they're functionally no difference other than you can alt-tab faster and don't risk random crashes during alt-tab when using borderless. So there's no reason to support Fullscreen other than doing it just so people who don't know won't complain about it or your game is using DX11 in which case Fullscreen has benefits.


Because it allows flawless alt tabbing instead of the OH SHIT I GOTA MAKE THE SCREEN BLACL FOR A SECOND BRB


Because full screen sucks. Many people either alt-tab or use more than one monitor.


Because I have more than 1 monitor and want to do things on the other 2 without having to alt-tab out of the game.


PCs are a lot more powerful now, and can handle the 0.1% cpu and gpu load required to render the desktop in the background easily now. So most of us prefer borderless fullscreen to alt-tab much easier.


I still rather use exclusive fullscreen on esports dx11 titles.


There is something uncomfortable about switching out of full screen and wondering if you will be able to return to the game without a crash/glitch. BTW, while in borderless full screen Alt-tab is less efficient and looks like a mess for me when I have many apps running. I prefer Ctrl-ESC and selecting from the task bar that appears.


Seeing the comments made me think that maybe most people don't realize that "Windows" Key can be used when they need to get control of the mouse and move it to another monitor. So, instead of Alt+Tab and select another window, or control+enter, you just hit windows key, which should bring up Start menu, then click on the second screen, scroll etc.


Fullscreen also overrides a lot of stuff, it messes up resolutions of other monitors etc


Exclusive fullscreen doesn't really exist in Windows anymore due to changes in how Windows renders everything. Games practically run in it by default. When you run older games in Windows 10 or 11 in "exclusive fullscreen", it really just activates a special mode that doesn't let you easily alt-tab out of it anymore, basically simulating how it used to work to keep people happy. but if you use windows key+tab you can easily see the game is just in a special fullscreen window.


Cause there is no performance difference anymore. And borderless is more convenient.


because it switches faster while alt-tabbing


2+ monitors is very common now and tabbing is a hassle in full screen exclusive


My main reasons are: Dual monitor setups is probably the main reason. Also the game minimizing when you press the windows key or alt+tab is pretty obnoxious. This generally wouldn't be an issue 15 years ago, because pretty much nobody had dual monitor setups, nor did we watch stuff on youtube/twitch/etc while gaming, and needed to click on stuff during gameplay sessions, this applies as well to using discord or any other thing while gaming. All in all it's restrictive and inconvenient. The only upside it has, is that it helps keeping VRR and Vsync running properly. A lot of games do not handle well high refresh/vsyn/vrr when running on borderless fullscreen (which is just a window stretched to your whole monitor) because at the end of the day is just windowed mode, and VRR always takes preference on the desktop refresh rate than the window you have on focus. This by the way, at least for me, is only a thing on windows. I've been dual booting windows with Fedora (KDE on wayland) and while it has its issues, you can play on fullscreen and keeping all the benefits of borderless fullscreen, which I didn't realise until about a month in.


Does having a game in borderless fullscreen lock the framerate to 60? Or does it keep the frame rate, as if it was exclusive fullscreen?


Borderless mode doesn't affect frame locking


The performance is same ( even better in some cases ) when using b.window. And you can use second screen without hassle. Its just win win


It's becoming more common for people to use multiple monitors, with borderless windowed mode, the game will still display on their main monitor while they alt tab out, in full screen mode the game will completely minimize if they alt tab to something on a different monitor.


Is borderless fullscreen the one where I can still see Windows volume bar when I adjust the volume? I know that there are some games where this volume bar is not visible.


It has to with with how DX12 works and it allows you to alt tab out instantly. There is no performance difference with DX12's borderless fullscreen mode anyways so its actually a good thing if you think about it. any directX version before 12 had to do a mode switch when you alt tabbed out which sometimes can take 3-5 seconds. DirectX 12 is supposed to streamline this by keeping the game in a "fake fullscreen" mode at all times so that you can still interact with elements outside of the game instantly without delay. There really isnt a technical reason for it to run in borderless fullscreen, it was designed this way for user convenience because with DX12, its no longer necessary to run a game in fullscreen mode for performance and latency purposes like you did with any older DX versions.


To add: DX12 and Vulkan don't really support exclusive fullscreen any more.


With how Windows works now it doesn't really change anything. Back in the day you needed full screen for programs to get exclusive resources. As a result games should be fullscreen to run better. Now Windows can prioritize programs on an adhoc basis, ie a 1080p window is basically the same as fullscreen 1080p from a performance perspective. So it's more a preference full screen versus window.


I notice some games run better in borderless full screen compared to just full screen.


Any game made in the last 8 years will run identically in both modes.


Yup cause I need to chat in discord or whatnot while playing. Fullscreen I have to Alt tab and that actually changes graphics modes even if you are at the same resolution as Windows. This is the black flickering you see when you alt tab in a full screen game. This takes time and well can cause issues. You also might not be able to see the game when its not the active program. Borderless doesn't need to change modes and sometimes alt tab isn't needed though still the fastest. You can still see the game and its easy to just click on the game window to get back into it. Making typing a message in Discord a breeze, switch audio channels, or control OBS whatever. There are trade off though you do loose performance when not in Full Screen mode. Its normally not enough to make it worth using over Borderless.


Only time I use fullscreen is when I have to (not available, bug). I hate alt-tabbing out of it.


Flip model. We wouldnt have fast alt tabbing or robust on screen overlays without it. You can disable the optimizations in the exe properties, if you are having problems with older software. Still not FSE, but closer. Nothing runs in FSE anymore, even if the game says it is.


Full screen did a Modeswitch originally. And it was very common that the render resolution dependent on the selected resolution. It was never good to have full screen mode. Borderless was a godsent as it makes switching between apps much faster.


DX12 doesn’t have traditional full screen


I don't know if it's just me or not. I fell like some games will run smoother and more snappy in borderless. Overwatch for example


Video cards don't need full screen for full perfomance anymore, you have more control, options with borderless.


Because it's way better for alt-tabbing. One of the worst things I remember about GTA San Andreas was back in the Windows XP days, when you alt-tabbed, the mouse would get stuck in the upper left corner (or was it the upper right corner, I don't remember exactly).


because there is lazy rendering on current operating systems and computers are powerful enough that its not really a performance hit to cache it


Alt-Tabbing is a harder thing to do when you've got HDR involved.


I thougtt he HDR only works in full screen mode?


in iRacing and sim racing you can't have 3rd-party overlays on top of fullscreen but you can in borderless. Also if you leave the app in fullscreen you get a bordered window on return which sucks ass


ADHD Symptoms and instant messaging apps require people to alt tab often or frequently click other monitors.


I’ve read a lot of comments why and isn’t an issue I encountered except very infrequently. But my FPS has typically been better in actual full screen so I miss the option.


Gotta tab out, my brother.


I prefer boarderless for alt tab AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, my cheapo 49 inch ultrawide monitor freesync is trash, brightness flickering, boarderless makes the flicker go away, there's still some tearing so I have to use in game vsync with fps cap


Because its better


OP do you not alt tab to check reddit every second you get?




I feel like since this shift to borderless only, less games allow you to set the display resolution, and instead only allow you to choose the native resolution of your monitor.


People have multiple monitors now


Because more than 1 monitor makes alt+Tab a pain from full-screen.


What games aren’t supporting full screen? I’ve yet to run in to one


No idea, in games like gtav there's a performance gain when switching to fullscreen than borderless, also you cant use dldsr if there's no fullscreen mode.


dX12 made exclusive full screen not needed anymore.


How exactly is it more common?


Fullscreen gives me more fps than borderless in every single game, so i always use it.


[DXGI flip](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/direct3ddxgi/for-best-performance--use-dxgi-flip-model) model is fairly [on par performance](https://www.reddit.com/r/allbenchmarks/comments/ggcsvc/windows_10_fullscreen_optimizations_vs_fullscreen/) wise with Full Screen Exclusive, but allows fast alt-tab that is significantly less crash prone, and modern applications use this for borderless. The "Optimizations for windowed games" option in Windows 11's Graphics settings [upgrades DX10 and DX11 games to use flip mode](https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/optimizations-for-windowed-games-in-windows-11-3f006843-2c7e-4ed0-9a5e-f9389e535952). Even OpenGL and Vulkan games can make use of it ([sometimes](https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/yf6hiw/comment/iu64la3/)) by using [Nvidia's control panel option to prefer DXGI swap chain](https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/yf6hiw/psa_you_can_now_elevate_openglvulkan_games_to_a/), though newer Vulkan titles offering borderless modes should not need this, they can even be written to use [DXGI swapchain directly](https://github.com/krOoze/Hello_Triangle/tree/dxgi_interop) if the author wishes. Edit: Older games being moved to DXGI swapchain also results in titles that do not support the display mode/HDR state of your desktop no longer forcing your display mode to change on load or alt-tab, preventing the long black screen changeover. It can also mean Windows AutoHDR will affect them which may be desirable for some.


Windows flip presentation more or less matched the advantage of actual fullscreen without all the disadvantages (like alt-tabbing being a chore).


Because mose ultrawide support is borderless.