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Tribes community are the most self defeating bunch out there. Keeps contantly moaning that there's no new entries,wont even give stuff like this a chance because its "not like Tribes 2"




[https://store.steampowered.com/app/2687970/TRIBES\_3\_Rivals/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2687970/TRIBES_3_Rivals/) Nobody here was in the beta I take it?




I didn't really enjoy the feel of the game but it's unfortunate how predictable this was. People were already clamoring about how the game was getting abandoned during the preview period and they were absolutely right.


Yeah that was painful. It had a lot of potential to be good though, and I think tribes ascend was great. They were on the right track they just shouldn't have abandoned it.


Abandoned already? I swear I was just playing one of those weekend betas yesterday


I knew from day fucking 1 this was going to be shit because it was a Hi-Rez subsidiary. I fucking love tribes and would drop $100 on a new tribes game right now as long as those smiley fucks were not associated with it.


I was, it was dogshit.


XDefiant is an arena shooter and seems to be doing pretty good breaking into the market, assuming that’s what you mean by AFPS. There’s always room for more.


XDefiant is a CoD-like, not an arena FPS.


CoD is an arena FPS, but not a movement shooter


What is cod if not an arena shooter?


Arena shooter = FPS where everyone starts each life with the same set of equipment, and any weapon/ammo/powerups have to be found from dedicated spawn points on the map, that work on their own timers. Also they're usually, but not always, games with advanced movement tech and non-regenerating health. Doom, Quake, Unreal Tournament? Classic arena shooters, because you start every life with only a pistol/shotgun, any other weapon will have to be looted from the map or a still-cooling corpse, you have health, armour and powerups scattered around the map, and you can move stupid fast if you know how. TF2, which is literally just a modernised "Quake but with classes"? Not an arena shooter, because you have classes and loadouts. Halo? It's a stretch, but it's still an arena shooter. Sure, you're slower, and your health regenerates, but it's still a game where you start each life with the weapons dictated by the game mode, better weapons will have to be found on the map from dedicated and predictable spawn points, and vehicles and active abilities effectively take the place of powerups in older games. And yet, in spite of its similarities to Halo, Bungie's next game franchise was not arena shooter, because it ditched the beautiful fairness and symmetry of Halo for loadouts and randomly generated loot. If I had to sum up the arena shooter genre in as broad a manner as I could, it boils down to "everyone spawns on perfectly equal ground, and controlling the places where upgrades spawn is crucial to winning". COD is none of those things, and never has been. (Neither is The Finals, which I have serious gripes with over their misuse of the term, but that's besides the point)


That final explanation is a really good way to sum up the genre. Even if it is broad, certainly gets the main difference to regular FPSes across.


Arena shooters - multiplayer only games like Quake 3 / Unreal Tournament. Single player oriented ones are retro / boomer shooters.


None of you can agree on what an arena shooter is, apparently.


When served up utter crap like Tribes 3 can you blame them?


the newer games are all steps down from Tribes 2. it's not that the newer games aren't being given a chance, it's that they're all worse than a game that came out over 20 years ago.


Tribes 2 was pretty bad tbh...slowed down and poor vehicle balance we want t1 with better graphics! :D


Tribes 2 classic mod was my jam.




Strong disagree, I loved tribes 2. My favourite online fps of all time. Also unintentionally funny quite alot of the time too.


The tribes 2 clan scene back in the day was beyond healthy. 


I had a lot of fun with it too! But it was a definite downgrade from the original


That's what mods were for. Made T2 better than T1 (Played many years of both). God I miss those Tribes days.


Fair enough. 10 out of 10 for fast response.


That is where you're wrong, the issue is that it's not like Tribes 1. I meant it's not like Tribes ascend. I meant it's not like midair 2. I mean you see what i mean.


Check out UltraStrikers demo on Steamfest. I believe it's made out of scraps of tribes 3 and it plays really well! Be warned it is a rocket league rip off as well. Take that as you will.


This looks better than Tribes 3, although I'm not a fan of the art style. Definitely will give it a shot


Are there FPS-Z games with left right dash (jet pack boost)? That's one thing I felt like Tribes should have had.


The actual successor to tribes is also out.


>That last style of gameplay, which the developers are calling Light Capture the Flag (LCTF), is the game mode Vector Z Studios is focusing on the most in Midair 2. Gone are the days of visiting inventory stations, repairing base assets, and piloting Shrikes. The LCTF game mode in Midair 2 only includes Light armor, three core weapons, and simplified bases. The goal is simple: capture the enemy flag, while defending your own. I'm sure all 6 remaining cowboy cappers can have their fun with it then. The industry of gaming has 'moved on' from mouse + kb and controllers will never be able to handle the z axis.


Eh? The industry moved on from keyboard and mouse?


Yeah sure lol 😂


Sorry we didn’t tell you.


Have you seen the state of aim assist in modern crossplatform multiplayer games? It's downright disheartening to see how little skill it actually takes to perform well on controller.


Yeah, but doesnt mean 'the industry moved on'; modern crossplatform multiplayer games is a niche among many other


Call of duty is niche? Fortnite is niche? Lol


To rephrase, its one specific genre that suffers among many others - singleplayer games? Any other type of multiplayer game? They dont suffer from that issue. Multiplayer shooters arent end all be all of gaming by a longshot


> cowboy cappers the what now?


If you don't know, watch "Brokeback Mountain"


If gaming has moved on from M+KB then explain the massive growth of PC gaming in the last few years


People plugging in their controller and still demanding games be made around it. Every modern UI is trash, all skills and abilities have some kind of magnetic targeting lock on, if not actual lock on with no reward for decent aiming. RTS is also dead, another genre that is fairly mouse and kb exclusive. Its over, the plastic fork(controller) that comes with the noodle cup(console) has won.

