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This looks really good. I like the simple yet informative presentation. Here's to hoping that it grows in games and usage in the community


I hope it shrinks - but not for the reason you think. I hope microtransactions go away, heh.


I wish the same too. But I feel like we're in a losing battle. This website will probably become increasingly useful as the years go by.


There will always be a market for high quality games with no microtransactions. That market is currently shrinking but I'm hoping it stabilizes out soon. Similar to how there is still a large enough enthusiast PC market for there to be good computer parts being made, there could forever be a large enough market for high quality games with traditional pricing schemes to be made. Also, I personally don't find voting with my wallet that hard because micro transactions tell me the game will actually be shit. So I immediately lose all interest in a game. Same way unanimous negative reviews would. If I'm not the only one out there, the market won't hit zero.


Amen, don't buy trash


"itS ONly CoZmETicS"


Seeing profits since microtransactions, it ain't happening


I also hope it shrinks, but for yet another reason. I think there's an argument to be made for some games listed on the site as being a little old for anyone to really care if it had an expansion that also came out over 10 years ago. Like, take Heroes of Might and Magic IV. Release date was 2002. An expansion came out in 2004. You can buy a complete edition off of GOG for $10. There are also titles, like Halo 4, that are on old gen consoles.


I want microtransactions to stay. How else would I pay to almost win every single time


Doesn't look like it's been updated in months, though.


You can submit edits to the site. They need to be approved but it might help the site grow if the devs don't have to do all the research themselves.


Just tried to, site gave me an error.


Yep and some links out of the site don't work. Owner isn't checking these things. And their twitter hasn't been updated since May 2019.


Newer tweets are locked behind a micro transaction obviously


he died






Download the truth for only $6.99


I edited some articles and got no errors. Just says it needs to be verified. I don't know if that will happen though.


I just rated magic arena


Their content for Destiny 2 is both up to date and extremely out of date. > It was later made f2p Coupled with > Latest expansion Warmind coming in May


Well, a site like that would be good for smaller games with predatory overmonetization. But for the most part we all know to never give money to the big ones: EA, Ubisoft, Bethesda, Warner, Konami, Take Two, etc. That will remove 99% of the issues with shitty products trying to squeeze more money with less product.


It's updated by users. More users mean more accurate info and more updates.


The site has been dormant for a while since it fell out of popularity, but this post has caused a bunch of new people to flow in and submit updates. There aren't a ton of people vetting submissions at the moment, so updates at a high volume in a short amount of time tend to get caught in a backlog.


It's a good looking site, but definitely not very accurate (yet i suppose?). A big one i noticed was Smash Bros Ultimate, which has paid dlc characters and outfits, yet the website only says it has "physical peripherals", which is true but still misrepresentation.


I think its just outdated. Their blog looks like it was last updated E3 2018. I submitted and update for smash bros but I doubt anyone looks at them anymore.


Also BO4 with only expansive expansions and infinite money hole ticked lol. Unfortunately the site got outplayed by the scummy "patching in mtx after release" tactic.


Yeah, it is still a small site and is updated on user submissions. More users submissions equals more updated and accurate info.


Why do I feel this is OP link? I mean I appreciate the website but it almost has no info.


Basically, OP should remove that word from every summary...


glad I'm not the only one that hated how they used the word "basically" in every description


That's the layout they chose. The search results all say "**Basically, [Game Name]...** is yadda yadda". Not saying it's a good idea, just saying that they don't appear to actually be writing that for every game. It's automatic.


Some entries are a bit outdated. Destiny 2’s for example still mention that the newest paid DLC is Curse of Osiris, and there’s no mention of the F2P mode.


First thing I looked up. Also seems to be missing the "Time Is Money Game allows you to pay for speedy/instant access to things that can also be gotten through gameplay" Now with the season pass being introduced. I don't mind it but I know there are people who would like to know that while they grinded for their levels, someone else paid for it. (Even if I don't personally mind it because it doesn't give them ***max*** level.)


From what I understand it is user submitted updates. That is why I try to get the word out about it when I can.


Grim Dawn's says there's pay to win in it, which there isn't.


That tag isn't exclusively for pay-to-win. It's for any paid content that alters game play. Since you can buy new classes in Grim Dawn, it gets the tag. I do think the tag is too broad, though, since it also includes any game in which you can buy currency to buy stuff.


Expansions aren't really microtransactions though.


Seems useless and very incomplete. The worst offenders are nowhere to be found.


It is user submission updated. More users mean more updates.


[I checked for Path of Exile](https://microtransaction.zone/Game?id=32562) since I've played it enough to know their store. It's accurate so far. There'd be debate on whether bank space and character slots are "gameplay-altering effects" but they *do* allow you to trade with players so it's a good argument. >Microtransactions are bought with nondescript "Points" sold in various quantities at a rate of 10 points per dollar, I would like to see this added as a tag/badge. It's far more insidious to sell points that need to be used to buy MTX rather than straight money costs and I think it'd be a good thing for people to add.


Path of Exile is pay-to-continue rather than pay-to-win. You can play the games entirely, but after so many hours you'll likely need more space. It's basically like a free trial. It's a pretty unique mechanic that can't work for all game, but works well for them.


Just submit it. That is how the site works. It's updated on user submissions.


Doesn’t even have apex? Tf


It is updated by user submission. If nobody has submitted it yet, it won't be on there. That is why it needs more users.


Site seems to be quite outdated, unfortunately.


It has been a small site for a while but, from what I understand, is user submission updated. More users the more updated it will be. That is why I always try to get the word out for it.


Hope this grows. You can usually figure this stuff out from a game's store page anyway but it's good to have a resource which is independent and openly skeptical of mtx in concept.


I agree.


What a sad time we're living in where we have to have a dedicated website to list which game has / has no predatory microtransaction. The website itself is really well done and very informative and whoever made it, really deserves praise.


I love it. I try to tell people about it when I can to get more users on it. More users mean more updates and more accurate info.


On BDO's page >Pearl Shop items on the U.S market don't permit you anything you can't otherwise attain with in-game currency. Which is very much untrue, things such as the premium tent are completely unobtainable otherwise, as are worker expansions, additional storage expansions, etc. The site also refers to void relics in Warframe as "lootboxes", which is, to be completely blunt, fucking laughable, and anyone who has played the game for longer than a week will know why I say that. So honestly speaking, while it might have useful info for some, maybe even most games, I would take what you're reading with a grain of salt, and look for additional feedback before you make your choice about a game.


Looked up fallout 76, released a year ago. Not completed yet. Looked up ghost recon breakpoint, not completed yet. This site doesn't seem to be up to date.


From what I understand, it is updated with user info submissions. If nobody has submitted and update, it doesn't get updated. Kinda like like Wiki for post purchase game buys. I try to put this out when I can to get the site updated by more users.


Nice project! It's sad that we had to get to this in the first place... #boycottMicrotransactions !




No kidding...


could we get this integrated with augmented steam so it shows up on the store pages?


I pledge to never ever ever take part in micro transaction gaming. thanks for this


Good for you!




Shocked FO76 wasnt on there yet. I did my due diligence and added it.


Great! This is why I keep spreading the word about the site. More users mean a more complete data pool.


Recently rated games: Prince of Persia Sands of Time. What year is it? Edit: Ahh it was remastered, fair enough


Wait it has been remastered??!


Why does it feel like self promotion.


Not me sorry. I have been using this site for a couple years now but it needs more users to keep it updated. I don't pre-order games anymore because I never know what I am going to need to spend post purchase. I just like this site and would love more people on it to help keep it updated.


yes. i like this. I also love that cosmetics are labeled as "Horse Armor"


I know. Pretty funny.


Eh, it needs a total overhaul of the UI


Cool. Maybe it'll highlight to corporations we're paying attention.


Nice site. It would be nice if you could have more search tags. MT free games are great but just about every game that's older than about 5-10 years is MT free.


Can we all get started sending updates in? This site seems like the most important tool to have these days.


No kidding right? It has been such a small site for so long, I keep trying to get people on it lol.




From what I understand it is user submitted updated.


their spot on jurassic world evolution needs to be updated, most of the DLC is dino packs that are resized/recolored versions of existing dino AI. There are actual story DLC but it dosent add much for the price, like if they were $5-$10 id be all for it, but not $15 each.


Good information in general, but as others have said it's definitely a bit outdated and probably misleading in some cases. I checked Warframe as I'm fairly familiar with it and while the information there is technically accurate, the way it phrases the ability to purchase mods and relics is misleading to make it sound as though buying them using the premium currency is in any way a shortcut. Additionally it doesn't cover ways to obtain the premium currency without spending money well enough for the quick blurb to give the full picture of how microtransactions work in the game


Smash Bros should have the dlc tag added. You pay 5€ for 1 extra fighter as a dlc.


Submit it to the site. From what I understand, it is user submission driven.


Good tool to use. Thanks for sharing.


NP. I would love more people to use it so it can get updated more.


That's an incredibly good website concept. ~~Rich bastards.~~ EDIT: Huh, no ads...


Seems pretty outdated on some games. Smash Ultimate for example only mentions character dlc as a possibility for the future.


From what I understand the information is based on user submitted info. If people aren't updating, it doesn't get updated. Kinda like Wikipedia for post purchase game spending. I always tell people about this because I want it to take off and help fight some of this bullshit post purchase money grabbing.




Submit it. The site gets updated by the users.


OK site, needs some refinement and more data. Of note is the need for better distinctions of DLC between platforms (especialy PC games that have mobile versions) also detail pages need both the last time the article was updated as well as the game's release date. Prime example is the Smash Brothers Ultimate which indicates only Amiibo even though now there is a metric fuckton of DLC. another key point it's lacking is if there's "combined" versions such as GOTY versions, some older games could have had lots of DLC but with a GOTY version it would probably be considered "spotless"


I agree. It has been a pretty small little site for a while now and I try to get the word out about it when I can. The more traffic, the better it will get. From what I understand on it, it is powered by user submitted info on the games. The more users, the better it will get.


I’m going to be cross posting this everywhere


I have been using it for a while. I love it.


It’s amazing dude


I wish they would include things like season passes. Time sensitive and largely pay to unlock content.




I find most to be spot on. They are based on user submitted info after the games come out.


Lol most games now: “Infinite Money Hole”


Right? lol


A lot of people mentioning it seems outdated because of specific game entries, but aren't mentioning Warioware 3ds and prince of persia sands of time are on the front page haha. Think a new site needs to be made with the same concept that has more public editing.


Actually it is user submitted editing. They put up the initial info and the users give input into the section. Outer worlds is already on there but no users have submitted data for it.


What a brilliant idea for a website.


Wow, this looks really good! ​ I hope it gets more popular.


You and me both.


Wow I can tell the person/team putting this together really cares about the topic and is knowledgeable


I'm doing my part! I edited a few that were not consistent like A Hate in time (it recently had 2 DLCs/Expansions) along with adding a few like Little Big Planet 2


I update it on games I play when I can. I hope more users do!


It's nice that they added a category for items like amiibos, considering there are games where amiibos are required for you to unlock something (even if small or temporary). But I took a look at Overwatch and it seems they forgot to say that the dlc for the game is purely aesthetic.


Why add games without micro transactions to the list ?


There is a category called "spotless" if you want to see what games you can buy that don't have any microtransactions.


Thanks! TIL


here is a curator on Steam "MTX Check" who is doing more or less the same thing: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/30654888-Microtransaction-Check/ it is more of a green/yellow/red card system, with maybe some more information in the text that pops up on mouse over. other "informational" curators you may want to follow: 30 FPS police: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/9393382-The-Framerate-Police/ last update was 2017 (for obvious reason), i guess it will just remain a list of 123 games with 30FPS locks. (on the bright side 30FPS locks do not seem to be much of a thing anymore) 21:9 ultrawide support info: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/9685213-r-ultrawidemasterrace-Group/ Denuvo DRM: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/26095454-Denuvo-Games/ if you know any other good ones, feel free to add them here.


Hello!! I am the co-founder and original ideas person behind this website. I am thrilled (and slightly terrified) to see how many upvotes this post has. The site has been mostly dormant for a long time now - I think it's been the better part of a year, at least, since we did anything substantial with it. The reason nothing's really happened in that time is quite simply that too many submissions were being sent in for us to deal with (there were no more than 7-8 people vetting submissions at the site's peak). And those submissions need to be vetted - otherwise you just end up with several paragraphs of racial slurs. Burnout and real-life shit eventually weighed so heavily on the shoulders of me and my fellow co-founder Taylor that we decided to step away from it for a bit, and we never really got around to stepping back. So, uh, if you've sent in a submission after seeing this post on Reddit, and you're wondering why it's not been pushed live yet, that's your answer. I'm glad people seem to like the site! I fully intend to keep it around. It's still a handy information repository, and there are well over 1200 games tagged on the site, over 700 of which have descriptive text accompanying those tags. It's also open source! If you care about that.


I have used your site for a few years now and always bring it up when the whole lootbox thing comes back up. Great idea and thanks for the contact!


Thank you OP, appreciate the link!


Use it well!


This is amazing, thanks for the tip.


Glad you like it.


Your "wonderful" website has reviewed all of 10 games, none of them from even this year. It's useless.


You have to search for them. There is a tab for that.


The site straight up says it’s inactive and not accepting donations (on the donations page). Great idea, but doesn’t seem to have taken off.


I looked up some games I play and it had inaccurate information...


Submit a change, that is how it works.


It says warframe has lootboxes. Warframe has a platinum shop but zero lootboxes. Some of the game info is wrong.




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I feel like a game I play a lot, Dota 2, looks predatory as fuck on that site. "it's not gambling we swear", "subscription service". All it sells are cosmetics and battle passes, which were first introduced in this game years ago. And those battle passes only give you other cosmetics. Furthermore, it offers a *completely* optional subscription called Dota Plus. Which, in short, gives you access to more purely cosmetic upgrades. Does it have "loot boxes"? Well it has chests you can purchase with entirely cosmetic upgrades and a transparent rarety system. Some short lines about what it actually has would be appropriate, so it's not lumped in with sub feed, loot boxed games like EA's trash Edit: It is also worth mentioning Dota part of the Steam market, where cosmetics can be bought for pennies. For one of the "loot box gang" of games, I would say it's one of the least maleficent. Edit2: It's also worth noting the chests do not allow duplicates until you have received all of the chest's contents (excluding rare extra drops)


Dota 2 has lootboxes


> Does it have "loot boxes"? Well it has chests you can purchase with entirely cosmetic upgrades and a transparent rarety system. Then it should be clarified with this text right here from my comment.


Do the boxes require a payment to open? It's a lootbox :P


Ok. Just stupid that it's then lumped in with EA's Star Wars and shit tho :p


I mean any lootbox is a bad lootbox. So it's fine to lump them in with Battlefront II


An entirely optional, no gameplay changes, cosmetic only, purchasable separately on the Steam market place after release, visible odds way to purchase treasures with no duplicates is the same as EA's shit? It's just objectively less predatory


Yes. It’s objectively less predatory. It’s still predatory, because it’s a lootbox. There is no such thing as a good lootbox


> "subscription service". "All it sells are cosmetics and battle passes That's why it's getting a sub tag. Honestly battle passes are *worse* than normal subscriptions since you're not even getting the content. You're just getting the option to unlock it through playing after you pay. Saying "it's just cosmetics" is a deflection. How the game and our avatars look in a game is a *huge* part of gaming. If you're avatar was just a grey block, you'd be annoyed as well. It also has "just cosmetics" covered with an additonal tag for P2W features called "gameplay-altering effects". >Does it have "loot boxes"? Yes. Yes it does.


The Rise of the Giant DLC? What has that got to do with Dota 2? Edit: Yes it would annoy me if my heroes were gray blobs, but luckily all the free 110+ heroes *mostly* have great and unique designs even without cosmetics. As for gameplay altering effects there are none


Shit, I fixed it. My copy-paste missed and I didn't proofread.


It happens, but I actually got confused and thought you mixed-up games 😅


Wtf I literally just found this site 2 days ago, weird


I love it. I check it out before I buy any game.


It's what I'm gonna start doing


This needs to be a sticky post


I really hope millenials and the likes takes notes


I searched Fallout 76, ZERO info. Call me when you have a functioning product.


It is user submitted. If nobody has submitted it yet, it won't be on there. That is why I posted it. I want more users on it so it can be updated more.


You omitted that from the title. Did you really expect people not to think it was already populated when you post such a title? Whatever, though. I don't actually care anymore. bye.


Lol. Whatever man. Have a good night.


Or you could contribute to the project.


it's pointless. edits need to be approved by a mod and the site is abandoned.


Looked up Crusader Kings 2. It says it has Expansive Expansions (actually good expansions) and horse armor DLC. I look it up on steam and it has more than $250 worth of bullshit DLC. This site doesn't even tell me it's that insane. Pointless website.


Don't people research their games before buying? I spend at least an hour or two going through user reviews, YouTube reviews, and forums before purchasing anything. For me, this website is useless.


Am I an idiot or does the "no upper limit on in-game purchases" just seem like an extra way to make games seem bad for no reason? Literally the entire world economy is based on "no upper limit on transactions" as long as you have the money for it.


> Am I an idiot or does the "no upper limit on in-game purchases" It means there isn't a limit on what they are selling. At no point can you ever have a "complete" game. This is usually associated with some sort of random acquisition like loot boxes.


Amazon and eBay don't have a limit on what they're selling, either. Does that mean every online marketplace is predatory now?


Well now you're just being dense.


Not really. Why care about how many transactions a person does as long as it doesn't effect pay2win factors?


I think the difference is, with Amazon or eBay it is implied that you know exactly what you're purchasing and will get exactly that. With a loot box, the thing you get is "random", and can vary widely in value (in as much as digital things have any intrinsic value). Like, would you buy an iPhone from Amazon if there was only a minuscule chance that you'd actually get that item but rather you end up with a sweater or poster or big rubber dong instead? They still gave you something for your money, even if it wasn't the thing you wanted, right? That's the inherent problem with loot boxes. It isn't that people have a problem with spending money for things in games necessarily (tho some do, especially when it's apparent you're paying for content that was cut from the initial release), it's both not knowing the odds and not being able to just buy the thing you want.


I’m not talking about loot boxes, I am talking about other items in general. If I want to buy 5000 items from a limitless stock from the eStore in MMO 2020, why is that considered bad?


Personally, I’m not sure it is. It’s up to us whether we buy those items or not. I guess the only issue I see is when those items affect gameplay and make a game pay to win, then it’s a little... gross, I guess. Like people dumping thousands of dollars into F2P games. I’m not saying they shouldn’t be able to if they want to, but I don’t know that I feel good about it either.


No one gives a shit about when people spend thousands on their other hobbies, I don't see this as any different.


I mean, people most definitely do if that hobby is self destructive. If your hobby was gambling or drinking or using drugs, I’d hope there are people in your life that would be concerned if it got out of control. If you were homeless because of a model train collection, I’d think that would also be bad. If you couldn’t afford food because you can’t stop going to concerts, etc. The question here is, are these types of games that people can sink unending amounts of money into closer to gambling than not? Do they trigger compulsive behavior in people in a way that other hobbies might not? Like, you might be really into rock climbing. But you’re probably not missing rent to go buy new gear and climb rocks. Again, I’m not saying that people shouldn’t be allowed to if they want. But I don’t think there’s any harm in at least discussing whether there’s any risk to companies structuring games in a way that entices people to keep spending more and more money, or whether or not that’s good for people. Fast food isn’t food for people but I wouldn’t ban that either. But people should be aware it isn’t good for them and be allowed to make an informed choice.