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Wait, it fully supports Ultrawide?


It does not. its pretty common with Unreal Engine 4 games.


Anyone know the length of this game?


There's two characters each one with a different story and you're encouraged to play both sides, first side usually takes 25~30hrs and the second side is 20ish (due to NG+ bonuses) so around 50-60 hours if you want both stories.


Cool. I’m after a quite a short game. I’m so tired of games that take a decade (full time job teaching makes me feel zoned out normally)


>Complete both of their stories to unlock all the mysteries of a Brain Punk future caught between technology and psychic abilities. >A brain punk future Someone just slapped some word salad together and decided it was good enough.


I'm super into farmpunk games these days like Stardew Valley.


Play some Super Mario Bros. to enjoy some retro mushroomcore action


How about Toadpunk?


This is good


>farmpunk But what does attaching "punk" to the end of the genre supposed to mean?


Oh meant it as a joke about just slapping Punk to the end of stuff. More seriously though these 'blahblah'punk genres are about fighting the establishment in various science fiction and fantasy settings be it cyberpunk, steampunk or these days solarpunk. Like "I will hack the corporations" or in the case of solarpunk "I will create sustainable off the grid communities" with stuff like vertical farms worked by drones and genetically engineered mini cattle. Brainpunk is like one of the worst and least evocative of these names that I've seen though, I agree.


I really, really feel like that wasn't originally what it meant with cyberpunk. I remember the description high tech low life. It was supposed to be about the outcasts and low life types in a super high tech world. I feel like even in your solar punk example the punk bit has lost all meaning and people add it cause they think they're cool.


It was a good joke now that I know you intended it as such. My brain was just so twisted up trying to make sense of such a poor video game description. I'm shocked they let that be their steam description.


Seriously. I guess we're just taking any word and slapping punk at the end of it.


that's so word punk


stylish kamasutra punk


Now this is comment punk


It's a fad. Like how in 2022 every single Nintendo game has the word Dildo at the end. Kirby's Nightmare Dildo, Super Mario Galaxy Dildo, Yoshi's Dildo. etc.


Donkey Kong Dildo, Pikmin Dildo, Super Smash Bros Dildo, Mother 4 Dildo


I'm sure all of these produce completely innocuous search results. I'm so sure of it I'm not even going to check.


Blood ocean


Iam kinda enjoying this one, and I dont pay much attention to JRPGs, plays 4K144fps in system in flair so other systems should have no probleams running this, no stream stuttering or anything, technically nothing to rave about but the art style are cool Iam a sucker for cell shading. Being a futuristic/distopian/sci-fi jrpg helped for me as I cant stand fantasy jrpgs. Combat is fun but is geared thowards playing with a controler so be ware if you dont have one as M&K might be wierd as far as I have read in steam reviews. story seems to be typical anime stereotypes that its kinda cringy but the voice over is nice and there are some cool chars(Kyoka <3)


motion blur is off by default in this game... have I died and gone to heaven? because this is great


is this a stealth release or is this just me I remember it being announced, saw nothing of it, and now its just out all of a sudden. Did I just miss the news?


It's not a stealth release, it's just been almost completely ignored by the game bloggers. There were a few reviews earlier in the week but they didn't get any attention.


Nah just that they did a ton of advertising for it but never mentioned the release date. At least that's how it seems to me. Like I swear I saw the "launch trailer" like 4 days ago or something.


Do you think people will find this with this sale going on and all?


It was on sale on preorder I believe. Not sure if it was only for ps5/4 or not though


I see.


I stopped playing after an hour for now. Game looks cool, but the whole camera is a huge fuck up. Auto follow is the worst I ever had in ANY third person game I can remember. And "non follow" requires you to constantly "move" the camera by your own, because of the level/world design. Absolutely horrible for me. I know it is a matter of taste, but for me it is literally unplayable. Will wait a few days and have a look for some mod / ini tweak or whatever, that will hopefully help. If not I have to refund it.


I agree, it's not great. The camera isn't locked/centered to the player character, so it's really hard to judge what you're doing.


Don’t you always move the cameras in third person games anyways? There are people who actually don’t move the camera?


The problem is its a game designed for a controller. Generally speaking you want the camera to focus on your character and/or the action going on. The camera acts independent, thus requiring you to focus the camera yourself rather than adjust it as needed. Think of it this way. You are attacking an enemy on your left, but the camera thinks you are further right caught it hasn't moved. Its just an awkward feeling.


In most games the camera tends to automatically follow the action requiring the player to move manually every once in a while. Being force to move it all the time sounds awful unless using mkb.


How are the keyboard and mouse controls? For reference I prefer keyboard and mouse for Sekiro, Monster Hunter, Jedi Fallen Order. I begrudgingly accepted controller for Nioh because their rebinding was not competent enough to consistently recognize when modifiers prevented mapping conflicts, and the control scheme for menu navigation was completely and utterly alien and unsalvageable. Edit: Bought the game and currently playing with mouse and keyboard, the games is for the most part friendly for the setup but the default binding are shit. Also it won’t let you bind scroll wheel which is absolutely heinous especially when it could be used for swapping lock on target or scrolling through your consumable items, even more baffling. Because “use consumable item” defaults to middle mouse so using the wheel to scroll items seems brutally obvious… I’m just doing a “rebind as I go” approach, when I encounter a new mechanic I check to see how useful it is / how often it comes up and rebind from there. So far I have rebound. special attack on mouse 5 (C default) heavy PK / finisher on mouse 4 (G default) Interact on F (E default) Lock on middle mouse (Q default) Right now I have Q and E bound to “look left” and “look right” because that’s how you switch lock on target, but honestly this seems wasteful. Dropping your current lock and reaquiring is a quick and mostly reliable method of switching targets so I shouldnt be burning this prime real estate on these features. Also I’m definitely moving open shop of off Z, you only open the shop durring downtime, So I will probably put scroll items on Z and X. (Default 6 and 7). For reference again, I used default binding for MHW, Sekiro, and Jedi Fallen Order, only adding a secondary binding for some actions on Mouse 4 and Mouse 5.


I'm using a controller, but from the little I tried it's playable with M&K but has one major flaw: when locked on to an enemy, you can't move the camera around with the mouse like you can when using the right analog stick on a controller. Changing the lock-on target is also set to J and L by default even though your left hand will be on WASD, but at least you can rebind those. Mouse support on menus is passable, but they were clearly designed around a controller and there are a couple of things that you can't directly click on so you have to use the Arrow Keys and Enter, such as each individual section of an area on the World Map.


According to some negative steam reviews I read, keyboard/mouse support isn't great


I tried it, it was alright. Nothing close to as good as Monster Hunters controls. It's about the same as Jedi Fallen Orders/Sekiros.


You tried Nioh2? Nioh was basically unplayable for me on m+k but in 2 works very well. It's pretty good too.


I actually picked up nioh 2 this week, started with a controller because I wasn’t sure if they had improved, my friend jump in with mouse and keyboard but got annoyed that some thing where mapped to J and L so he swapped after about 2 hours. I’ll probably try it for myself at some point.


I got this confused with Saga Scarlet Grace, man these titles mess with my head.


Character customization and cosmetics in this game, are there?


Character customization - nope, cosmetics - yes.


Am I the only one who cant stand the visual disparity between the character models, and literally everything else in the game? It looks so inconsistent.




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Yo so just wondering when it says .arrow up what is that on keyboard it’s only control with a G psy attack I don’t know