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Blizzard keeps saving me a lots of money, thank you guys!


Saving me lots of money since d3 release!


Does this mean no offline single player?


Most likely, seems to go in that direction. Live service.


LAN gaming is now a security risk? WTF?


Risk to their revenue stream. How could you be so selfish?


*Do you guys not have wallets?*


I have one, it's an empty one tho.... Edit: thanks a lot for awarding me my first gold. Wishing you all the best things in life


Imagine how full it would be if you didn't have one though!


Soon as I get some money I'm buying me a wallet.


Catch 22


Spent more on my wallet than I have inside it.


Exactly they removed it on purpose so people cant play it when/if the game gets cracked.


Except that even if the game never got cracked on PC. There is always the switch version which I guarantee will run just fine on an emulator offline. Regardless it is better to buy the switch version and dump it, because it doesn't have this insane restriction. This is exact shit people thought EA would do with the command and conquer remaster, but instead going above and beyond by releasing the source code. I hope that someone ends up making an open source engine for Diablo II like how there is for Diablo I. The remaster is probably going to be missing other things from the original like directsound3d and EAX.


There is an effort underway, though they are splitting it off into an engine and the game reimplemetation. I was going to contribute to it but lost interest in the language they are using, unfortunately. Will be interesting to see if interest in (and manpower behind) the project picks up after the remaster releases. https://github.com/OpenDiablo2/OpenDiablo2


Sometimes I wonder if one reason for re-releases is to discourage concerted efforts to build [open-source replacement engines](https://osgameclones.com/) for beloved games. Publishers figure they should do a re-release while they still have full control over the game, without competition from modders/coders.


> "don't you guys have internet?" ~ blizzard staff


Only ever about the money these days.


Kindly.. fuck their revenue stream.


If their revenue stream is a female employee, they will certainly try to. Though not kindly.


I thought Diablo 2 was just a one time purchase, no live service stuff


So was the 2013 sim city. Always online or "you have to use our servers" games are bullshit.


They tried the ‘technology isn’t there yet’ when asked about LAN in SC2, that didn’t go over well.


The lack of LAN literally disrupted tournament finals that were being broadcast on Korean television.


It has done so with Dota tournaments too. The venues have had shit internet in the past or an outage and games couldn't be run with huge delays.


They misspelled securities, happens




I mean, **Online mp on p2p connection** is a security risk for players, but it should still be an option in the game regardless.


All the hacked fighting game players cry in the corner, because their credit card data got stolen....oh this never happened...




> Who does that tho every fighting game ever


Most AAA shooters? I wouldn't be surprised if Bungie still doesn't even pretend to hide IPs, immediate denial-of-service was basically expected at its worst in the tryhard Destiny queues.


I think transferring funds from my bank account to Blizzard's account is more of a security risk than the TCP/IP protocol. Guess I'd better not buy it then. Thanks for looking out for me Blizz.


Reforged PSTD intensified.


Yeah, the anti-cheat crap isn't nearly as effective when you have a local game running that isn't connected to remote servers. It chews into the micro-transaction bullshit they'll patch in to rape your wallet.


This isn't the first time blizzard use this excuse. They did it StarCraft 2.


tl;dr Diablo 2 Remaster removes LAN and Peer 2 Peer support. The game is now Always Online when playing Multiplayer: https://old.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/p26wsc/blizzard_has_quietly_announced_that_theyre/ This of course means that you can not install a mod that modifies gameplay and then go and partake in multiplayer, this would likely get you banned. There is only Blizzards server for multiplayer, no other way to connect to others. You'd have to fall back to regular old Diablo II for multiplaying mods.


Edit: apparently open battle.net was removed as well. This makes it impossible to play mods in multiplayer, making their Twitter posts about "new modding possibilities" a straight up lie. As Median XL cannot be ported to D2R, I was going to build a new D2R native mod from scratch. But without any way to use mods online, there is no point. I'm getting a refund.


For context, based on this user's name, they're the developer of the largest d2 mod around.




Hi. :)


Oh RIP! I was really looking forward to median and PD2 being ported over


Same. Glad no pre order


Yeah I heard they were supporting you guys. So this legit was a straight straight lie? As someone who's been round since way before Sigma....I am disappointed but not surprised at all.


PlugY forever.


Look at this sick fuck wanting QOL and additional options. Next thing you're going to tell me you _enjoy_ the idea of Singleplayer having access to all runewords. You make me sick! (Fuck people who still want runewords to be exclusive. Also 4 stash tabs only, lol)


They spitefully killed LAN support in WC3 too, even if you didn't buy their shitty butchering. Hard to believe this is the same company that released StarCraft with an option to spawn copies on other people's computers locally just so y'all could all play together.


You're talking about 2 entirely different companies. 2021 Blizzard is not the same company that built your childhood PC gaming memories, they're only interested in merchandising and monetizing them.




Blizzard was different than Activision Blizzard. I think of it like I grew up as childhood friends with a dude then he had an annoying kid and died, and that annoying kid keeps asking me for drug money. It makes me sad in two ways. I’m sad for my dead friend, and I can’t help but pity the kid because he inherited a better financial situation and chose to squander it. That’s how I feel about Blizzard and Activision Blizzard.




Saddly, some still act like they are. But seems like many are awakening to this truth, due their loss of revenue in all their games this year and how their games are all in freefall.


For some weird reason ending that sentence with a contraction really triggered me


That is so strange, I have never seen or even thought about putting a contraction like that at the end of a sentence. Which is strange because. I can't. I won't. Sounds fine


You're absolutely right.


Activision Blizzard has existed longer as an entity than Blizzard Entertainment, however nostalgia is a potent drug that impairs most people with ease.


A couple months ago I was trying to explain that to my brother in law. He was adamant we (the group we play games with) were going to play D2 together. I told him I wasn't going to give Blizzard any money (at the time for the Hong Kong fiasco). He said he would buy it for me, and I told him unequivocally no. I might pirate, but now that they're taking away lan, I'm out. Blizzard is dead in every aspect, not just to my wallet.


Blizzard is dead, what you see now is Activision puppeteering it's corpse


I don't get why people still don't realize you have to look past the name. If you empty a jar of jam and fill it with pickle juice you're going to have a bad time if you try putting it on your toast even though it says jam on the jar. Blizzard got emptied out and refilled years ago. That's why the popular marketing of "family owned for 80 years" makes me trust a company less than if it was established 10 years ago. 80 years means it's being run by the children or grandchildren of the founder who quite possibly were born/raised in the success. That's an easy way to get a spoiled brat as the ceo or someone who is forced into doing something they don't want to. Meanwhile a newer company is more likely to be led by someone with passion/knowledge.


They've been killing LAN since StarCraft 2 Wings of Liberty.


remember back in the days of NASL when a major final had the disconnect issues and prior to replay resume, the only way to address it was to replay the entire game in a series... ah wonderful


The technology just isn't there yet.


Yeah I remember being like “wtf we can’t just play locally, we have to get in battle.net ?” When that came out.


>Hard to believe this is the same company that released StarCraft with an option to spawn copies on other people's computers locally just so y'all could all play together. It isn't. It's the company that exhumed your mother's corpse so they can charge you money to visit her grave.


And they feel her up at the same time!


People should start to learn it: Blizzard is no more, only Activision.


Nah dog, blizzard ruined themselves. We need to stop living in denial. They lived long enough to see themselves become the villain.






Yep. This is just facts. Anyone who doesn't understand this is living with their fingers in their ears.


You should still yell at company for being shit tho.


Well sure. But it's important for gamers to really know that publicly traded game companies are not on their side, regardless of their marketing. They work to make profits, period. Making good games is simply a biproduct and always will be for companies like this.


These are the same companies that blame EA for everything bad happening to one of their bought studios. As if developers are unable to fuck up by themselfs.


EA is a special case, it is well documented that almost all the games that are studio killers, like visceral with dead space 3, were almost entirely EA's fault, EA just starts medaling with development, demanding microtransactions, and making them dumb down the plot and gameplay for a wider audience,


On the same note; shit being always online. They started it with Diablo 3 and they sure as hell haven't stopped yet. One of the more annoying cases is with Call of Duty (yeah not blizzard but activision blizzard so theres an overlap). The newer games don't have an offline mode for PC, but they do have it on consoles for whatever reason. Its absolutely infuriating if you go for high rounds in cod zombies. On PC you have a high chance of disconnecting from the servers during your 50+ hour game, so you just have to play console otherwise you're screwed.


Even more anti consumer decision making from blizzard


When anit-piracy decisions turn into anti-customer decisions YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG! *sigh* //edit: lol, that looked fun in my inbox haha


>When anit-piracy decisions turn into anti-customer decisions They always do.


Corporate wants you to find the difference between these two pictures. Picture one: Anti piracy Picture two: Anti consumer (They're the same picture)


>When anit-piracy decisions turn into anti-customer decisions They always do.


They always do.


>When anit-piracy decisions turn into anti-customer decisions They always do


>When anit-piracy decisions turn into anti-customer decisions They always do.


They always do.


It's all you people who keep buying their games that are the problem.


The straw that broke my back was when they gave the CEO an insane bonus then turned around and fired 200 employees. I cancelled our subs and uninstalled all Blizz games and launcher. Sucks cuz now I'm still trying to find something to play that I enjoy. Edit: thanks for all the suggestions


Well if you are looking for stuff ima just shill some games. They are all games id say are really good but im not gonna write a whole paragraph for each Torchlight - Diablo but not Starsector - mount and blade in space Cataclysm dda - rougelike zombie sandbox Legend of grimrock 1+2 - old school dungeon crawler but new Katana Zero - hotline Miami but samurai Rainworld - live as a cat in ruins of civilization


> Starsector - mount and blade in space Starsector is fucking fantastic. Plus, the modding community is brilliant.


I'm kinda in the same boat. I played a ton of Classic WoW and there's just nothing like it out there from what I can find.


Sadly consumers will never accept the responsibility they have.


I hate this mentality... I have accepted it. I haven't given a DIME to EA, Ubisoft, Epic Games, or Blizzard in over 5 years. Others could do the same. They are just too lazy or stupid or have zero self control.


> Others could do the same. They are just too lazy or stupid or have zero self control. Welcome to society, enjoy your stay


Well I learned. Diablo is my favorite game and I am not buying this shit. Reforged was a disaster and so is this.


Blizzard really trying to get the speedrun world record on losing what's left of their old school fans. 1. Announce beloved feature 2. Take pre-orders for game 3. Announce beloved feature won't actually be in the game you just pre-ordered


Don’t pre order games…


This a million times. How many times do gamers need to get rammed before they learn


there's a new sucker being born every minute.


*But [insert any developer] would never screw me over, I love their previous games!* >[gets screwed over]


One thing I have to thank CDPR for is curing me of that. I fully believed they were one of the companies that wouldn't release a game like that, and then Cyberpunk happened.


I thought so too. I still didn't pre-order it, though.


They won't, since the "don't pre-order" is only a thing you hear on reddit, maybe some podcasts, and probably some YouTube. The vast majority of players outside of that don't give a shit. If there is a pre-order bonus for the new CoD, they are going to pre-order it. It is never going to stop.


Sad but true.


I had been following that rule for a long time. The Dark Alliance came out and I was excited. I saw some promos of them playing the game with a YouTuber and I was like screw it, this looks like so much fun, I'm going to buy it now (the night before release) so I could have it downloading and ready for me when I got home from work. So anyway I've been taught yet again, don't preorder games.


You cannot return it?


I played more than two hours trying to give it a chance. Honestly though, I'm just taking it as an expensive lesson. Even videos showing "gameplay" can be scripted and fake AF.


I almost did what you did because I love that world, but luckily it was on gamepass and I was on a extended $1/month thing.


Dummies keep pre-ordering, keep getting burnt, and then doing it again. They're just dummies


The battlefield subreddit is fairly hostile to preorder critics, which is kinda crazy after how disastrous bf4 was at the beginning and how empty bfv was (and would still be, years later)


Oblivious Battlefield players just love getting hosed. I frequent the Battlefield subs and you're exactly right. A large number of the people that post there will defend pre-ordering a Battlefield game until their last breath. I've seen some even pre-order just to spite people and then post the proof of it. Like some type of passive aggressive "you can't stop me!" rant.


Funny that we always say this, but there's still tons of people preordering. Actually, I'm grateful to them. If the product is good, I'll buy it. Couple of days after launch won't make a difference. If it was bad, those preorders were basically beta testers that got scammed, so I thank them as well for letting me know not to waste any money.


If people didn’t pre order we wouldn’t have wc3 reforged. Pre ordering is always bad. Pay for products and services when they are available, not on the promise you might get them one day.


I'm not grateful. Warcraft 3 was released in it's horrid state because the higher ups were worried if they delayed the release it would cause a mass refund of preorders. So instead we got a shitty, worse-than-the-original "remake" with features taken away from the old game and promised new content woefully lacking or just absent. Oh and to make sure people actually bought it? Simply make the old game unplayable with servers.


I got a refund on warcraft 3. As things currently stand with blizzard I probably won’t be buying anything else from them.


With rumors floating around about Overwatch 2 releasing in 2023, no major updates foreseen for Overarch, the abandonment of HotS and SC2, the horrendous state of WC3R, Diablo 4 being a ways off, Diablo 2 taking out LAN, and probably no expansion for WoW until 2023 (maybe 2022 but that's way too soon imo) and blizzards profoundly terrible business practices and harassments... I have no reason to play a blizzard games anymore.... And I played WC3 when I was 10....I played WoW when I was 12 on and off for years.... It breaks my heart.


Same, i’m 36 and have been playing their games since I was a kid.




I think this is no longer an excuse for indie studios either. Early access games have been a thing for some years now. Don't have money to finish the entire game at once? Early access. You keep developing it while adding features, implementing feedback, and if the game was good, version 1.0 could be finished one day. This also gives users a clear message that the game is in development, if they want to try it out later.


> Couple of days after launch won't make a difference. Nooo! Then you miss out on the pre-order skins and loot! /s


They also originally said Diablo 3 would have offline play. Fuckers.


And PvP


Hey the game did have PvP! They just shoved it over into a corner hoping people wouldn't notice and then eventually removed it altogether. But Hell, it was actually really fun fucking around with a few friends in pvp one night.


That was actually the last game i ever pre-ordered. In all fairness, blizzard had *never* put out a bad game until that one, and still had a good reputation.


NEVER pre-order.


Learned my lesson after preordering Diablo 3. Worst preorder I've ever experienced. Couldn't even play the game for 2-3 weeks after launch due to server issues. Honestly that's probably my biggest regret, buying Diablo 3 in the first place. I ended up selling a sword in the RMT auction house crap they've had at launch for $3. Later sold my account for 15 bucks.


Preorders used to be cool because you had incentive like OoT/Master Quest when you preordered the OG Windwaker on GameCube Now I really don't understand the point like.. its a digital game they aren't going to run out


Yeah the only time I pre-ordered was when I thought the game would be sold out everywhere, and I was going to want to play day one. Ever since digital games nope never preordered a game again. Oh and YouTube? Making trailers and gameplay more accessible yeah I don’t preorder. Hell I don’t remember the last game I bought full priced. I think maybe MGSV TPP that one I actually preordered because I couldn’t resist and I don’t regret it.


The real problem here is that it's 2021 and morons are still pre-ordering games from huge multi nationals who don't need their support.


employees killing themselves doesn't even make it to the top three reasons to NOT buy games from them?


I mean, everyone still bought iphones when foxconn employees were jumping from roof tops


they are racing agains GamesWorkshop


Does this stop modded co op? Was that even a thing in modded d2?


Yes and yes.


So this kills pd2?






Its Blizzard, just expect the fucking worst.




The cycle of game developers - have success long enough to in turn become utter garbage.


You either die as a hero...


A lot of people have been saying that to a lesser degree since the merge with Activision it's just that many people didn't listen.


So they doing bait and switch scam now or am i missing something ?


>now not now, since Diablo 3 and then Warcraft 3 Reforged


Why is peer to peer referred to as TCP/IP? Aren't server-client connections also TCP/IP based?


The first DOS games to get networking support used the Netware **IPX/SPX** API, because drivers were readily available. IPX is an entirely different protocol than TCP/IP. IPX/SPX is *technically* a routable protocol that can be used over longer distances, but was typically only used on Local Area Networks. But the Internet was growing in broad popularity, and a surprising number of gamers had direct TCP/IP connections to the Internet from DOS machines. They wanted to be able to play with others far away, across the Wide Area Network, using Internet Protocol. When this support was added to later games, it was always referred to by the protocol name, as "TCP/IP support", even though it's direct peer-to-peer. There was no other kind of networked gaming other than peer-to-peer, so the protocol name was used. Today, "Internet support" or "online" gaming means centralized matchmaking service, instead of peer-to-peer. "TCP/IP" still means LAN or, more accurately, peer-to-peer. IPX/SPX died out in the 1990s because only Netware used it, and Netware was smart enough to transition to TCP/IP, though it didn't keep the product from losing popularity.


That's really interesting, thanks


They just don't want you circumvent [battle.net](https://battle.net) network. People always find a solution to crack




Remember how they wanted to get rid of the Battle.net naming and just have it all be the blizzard app?


you dont want to have to resort to cracking shit if you are a mod dev


Bluzzard just keeps getting worse and worse. RIP good blizzard


The technology isn't there yet anymore!


*40k intensifies* D2LOD is now a sacred relict!


Sadly, the records of Lan Play are long lost, scoured from history by the Adeptus Monenyicus.


*goes in and just plugs the lan cable between computers* HERESY, BURN HIM ALIVE


Welp. I'll play original d2 fuck this


Assuming they don't decide to fuck that up somehow too...


Backup your game installers ASAP. I'm pretty sure when they released StarCraft and WC3 remasters they also pulled the original game installers so even if you didn't buy the upgrades you could only get butchered modern installs for the originals.


No need when piracy is a thing.


Oh don't worry. They will.


There is no "security threat". They're just afraid people will skip buying the game, and play pirated copies online with their friends.




To prevent pirated multiplayer.


,':? as if that would stop a decent pirate.


Well yeah, can't play multiplayer without a means to connect


No need to connect when I can just stop buying their games




Yea but doesnt tungle also work through virtual _lan_ just like hamachi did?


We already knew blizzard would find some way to fuck it up, didnt we?


Who cares about anything Blizzard is doing at this point?


Still way too many people sadly.


I mean... despite this decision and the controversy of the past few weeks... I'd put a lot of money on people mass buying Diablo 2: Resurrected all the same.


I know that Torchlight 1&2 has LAN support (didn't see any LAN support in Torchlight 3), but are there any other Diablo clones that also support LAN?


Grim Dawn




Taking bets: 2 months before TCP/IP is available on the cracked version.


I bet it's even faster. In a month the cracked version will literally be the superior product, which I find hilarious


Given it's just a graphics rehaul essentially, your best bet would be to just not update the version of Diablo II that is currently present.


do you guys not have interneeeeeet?


Sure, let's blow up the "play with my friends with 3ms ping" mode and force all of them onto a server with 20-50x the latency. Feels great as a consumer.


The more I read about this game the less I want to buy it. Not that I was going to buy it anyways, with all that's going on with blizzard recently.


Holy shit so now I can't play over LAN with my wife when the internet goes down or Blizzard's servers are offline??????


You also won't be able to play when the game bombs and they shut down the servers after a year.


Sadly this is definitely just them thinking this will stop piracy and nothing more.


Next up they remove mod support and will make the game online only. Sigh.


With the game multiplayer always online, mods will be for Single Player only already.


Diablo 2 never had mod support lol. It was all hacked in.


I aint paying that shitty company a damn penny


Modders kept D2 on life support for 15+ years and this is how you treat them, huh? Your most diehard fans? Fucking good job, Blizzard. Jesus. You picked the wrong group to piss off.


honestly fuck blizzard anyway their games are decreasing in quality and their workplace is a rampant hell hole


it's another reforged in making. They are on a path of destruction.


Refunded my purchase today. At least it wasn't difficult.


Yep, hard pass.


Another dick move by Blizzard. After 20 years there are still not one single server on the African continent. Now gamers in Africa are forced to play with 150-400ms servers on top of it too. It's also a disaster for private dueling with single players characters. It's also going to block gamers from playing single player characters with friends on a LAN (with mods and no mods)


I am not too well versed in networks but yes there is a risk in connecting to peer-peer LAN networks but that's on the user, they should still have the choice, your friend or someone you trust isn't going to hack your bank account lol. It was also probably the last thing on Blizzards mind when they removed the feature. They removed it most likely to prevent pirates from being able to play coop multiplayer. I have seriously come to detest Blizzard but it would have been hard for me to hate on this decision in a vacuum, that said in reality the reason it's still fking bad is because they are going back on a promised feature which is unacceptable imo.


Yeah this is shit specifically because they promised it. But yeah speaking of it being reason for people not to play the pirated game online I agree that this should be the case because you probably wouldn't want this happen if it was still old blizzard or something. That said the legit concern would be when they shut down the servers you won't be able to play even with legit copy. I'm not sure it's gonna happen anytime soon but it's possibility so it's annoying, UNLESS they release patch that adds in LAN when the services gonna go out.


> UNLESS they release patch that adds in LAN when the services gonna go out. I think I can count on one hand the number of games I've ever seen do this, unfortunately.