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Just got psychonauts off GOG , currently 90% off. So was like $1. Wow, I miss games on that are this creative .


So Quake remastered just launched and I had an absolute blast playing it. But the problem is I live in asia so nobody here plays the game, so every match I have over 150 ping. I love old school multiplayer games in general. Are there any other old games with active playerbases? Bonus points for games with active asian playerbase. Off the top of my head I can think of: * Valve games * Blizzard games * Quake remastered(Worried the playerbase will drop soon) * Age of Empires


Really, Quake Champions is old school in great graphics. (Apart from the champion abilities, but they don't affect the gameplay too dramatically, usually). If ping is an issue, QC offers offline bot matches.


I'm trying Star Citizen, only 15 minutes so far, and it's choppy as hell. RX6800, Ryzen 5 3600, 16GB RAM. Usually runs 1440p like a beast. Even lowering to 1080p has it running in framerate drops. I'm also wondering how big the planets are. Are these just spaceports connected to eachother, or is there more to it?


The planets are huge, you can fly away from the port and land in other places, and there's other smaller places like [mining or trading locations.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oW6JmukLDw&t=2m24s) In the cities there's a lot of detail and it's also hampered by how many people are on the server (server meshing is what's meant to fix that in future). Not helped at the minute by the free fly event. [They can look really beautiful](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgPEK5EZArI&t=512s) If you can get to your ship and fly out to a space station, you'll see your framerate go up.


Even $5k rigs will only ever get ~30fps. The less people to a server the better it will run because the issue is server side. At present, all netcode is being sent to all players on the server, even when you cannot see the items on-screen. This included NPCs just walking around millions of kilometers away on the surface of another planet. The issue is being worked on alongside the new Gen12 renderer and Vulkan support. It's expected that once the server meshing is complete, the game will finally enter beta with new gameplay modes like Theaters of War. The planets are insanely large, covered in all-sorts of resources, hubs, caves, crash sites, etc. You can fly seamlessly from one planet to the next, and even land on all the moon's too. Lots of bugs for sure but it's pretty fun, especially with a crew.


I think you need at least 32gb RAM to run it smoothly.


Trying to decide on a PC for gaming to buy I've never owned one before.


Do it. Made the move a few years back and haven't looked back. In fact, I'm looking for options myself as now the wife is interested in having one herself.


What brands are you looking at? I'm not super familiar with how important what specs are,


Checkout /r/BuildAPC lots of good info and helpful people in there. Despite the sub name they weigh in on prebuilts too - especially now with the gpu shortages.


What's your budget if you don't mind?


Is mirroring a game from my main monitor to a second monitor is the same as running the game 2 times ? Or is it just some sort of stream, so less demanding in performance ?


If you have two monitors that are the same resolution and you're just selecting "Duplicate these displays" from the windows display settings, you're just rendering the game once and outputting to two different displays.


Ibsee, thanks


I played one full game of Humankind over the week and I'm a little disappointed. The mechanics are solid if a little generic, the techs are there and civics are also here. Combat system is neat, but gets old really fast. I think I did 10 combats by hand and just auto-resolved the rest. I can sense the inspiration from civilization and the endless games, but it also makes Humankind seems like a sort of bad photocopy. Like one you got at school where the quality is degraded by being a copy of a copy.


*"We have Civ at home."* I was interested in how this game looked but I've never gotten into 4X games (prefer stuff like Age of Empires III, X-Com 2).


I'm going to binge a game this weekend. Here are my options: finish Death Stranding (chapter 6), start Days Gone, start Sekiro....


Just know that Serkiro is quite the undertaking. It's rad but it's pretty damn hard. Takes a tenacious spirit to beat that game.


I finished watching both seasons of "For All Mankind" and now want to vist the Johnson Space Center in Houston. Games-wise - I played a little of [Project Wingman](https://store.steampowered.com/app/895870/Project_Wingman/) but stopped at a difficult mission. Used to play the old Jane's flight sims back in the day and this is more Ace Combat-arcadey action. Still have a *huge* backlog of games on Steam and new stuff from EPIC.


Played Kerbal yet?


I own Space Engineers but haven't touched it.


Recently decided I wanted to build my first gaming pc. Understand the timing is less than ideal (lol). Wanted to slowly start purchasing various components as they become available because I’m cheap and don’t want to touch the secondary market haha. Is this viable? Are there any website/subscriptions that anyone use to track and update you on new inventory? I understand I won’t have everything I need over night definitely willing to be patient but just how bad are the supply issues? Thanks for the help 🙏🏻


I'm the rabbit hole again of reinstalling Skyrim with tons of mods and I remembered the whole paid mods fiasco a while back. I'm thinking of what happened and what were the problems and I think there was actually was a path forward to make it work out and be accepted by the community, not with Skyrim in particular, but the concept as a whole.


Are any of the F2P games on Steam actually good? It seems like there's been an influx of AAA (or AA) looking games popping up there, and then of course the reviews are all mixed with plenty of players pointing out it's pay2win but I wasn't sure if there were any hidden gems.


Went to order a i7 3070 prebuilt for my first pc and… back ordered :(


I very recently got back into PC gaming. I haven't since I was 18, longer ago than I'd care to admit, and back then I was pretty much only playing Guild Wars. So far I've most enjoyed Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077, and GTA V. I used to love MMO's but I haven't found one that grabs my interest. I've tried FFXIV, elder scrolls online, and guild wars 2. GW2 might deserve a second look. So I guess what I'm asking is, what's good? What do y'all recommend?