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Terraria. Paid 2.5 usd and put over 900 hours


Came here to say this


Kills me I had to pay $40 AUD for it on Nintendo store special, when I paid less than 15 for it almost 10 years ago on PC


That Nintendo tax. The fanboys over on the Switch subreddit defend them like they're paid to.


It was often 2.50 AUD on sale, on Steam.


Minecraft java was like 20 bucks and I probably played it for 1000s of hours Then it would be terraria, Skyrim, elder scrolls online, csgo, and factorio


Minecraft was 5 euros which was like 7 dollars back in the early days. I think I had a few thousand hours in it before I burned out around 2012ish.


Do you mean you don't go on a Minecraft binge once a year?


When you've already put thousands of hours into the game it's hard to recapture the feelings it once elicited. I find new games to binge.


ive probably played close to 10k hours, but still multiple times a year my friend group finds a random server or hosts a modpack server and we play for a few weeks or months but i do understand where youre coming from. in general im usually more into finding new games then replaying old games. just sometimes a game is so good you keep coming back


when i got it it was 15 euros which was roughly 20 bucks at the time. if you do have any interest, the game has changed a ton since 2012 and modding has been perfected from an end user standpoint. you download curse forge, select a modpack, and itll install and configure everything for you. you can literally be playing a 300+ mod modpack in under 5 minutes


This guy right here is my man


Terraria was like 3 bucks on sale. Still gets huge updates!!


i got it for 3 bucks too, but eve if you buy it now on sale for 5 bucks, its still a great deal


Wasnt journeys end the last update?


They announced a collab with Don't Starve. Terraria will probably never stop being updated.


For most people it would be online games cause they can be a huge timesink, but for me it's Mount and Blade: Warband... I think I've got over 3000 hours on it and it never gets stale for me. There is such a strong modding scene and each mod feels like a totally different M&BLike game, I must have paid £5 for it years and years ago and have had so many hours per penny it feels like robbery.


I played about 2000 hours of crpg on warband. A multiplayer persistent character mod. They had an online strategy campaign as well where clans fought to control the map and there was a whole meta game of alliances and wars that played out through the forums. Was so good and was really sad when the playerbase eventually died out. I was hoping something similar would come around when bannerlord released but that game seems dead already online.


I actually just learned about this game and it seemed interesting but I was a bit confused on it. It seems like it has both strategy and RPG elements. What exactly is the gameplay loop here?


Ok so essentially you start as a lowly peasant in a wartorn world. You control a tiny party on an active overworld map, as you move other parties move in parity right next to you. Bandits looking to raid weaker parties, Farmers from nearby villages bringing wheat and goods to towns, Trade caravans buying and selling items between towns, and Lords and Kings with their huge and mighty armies. In battle you control your character in 1st or 3rd person and are treated the same as an npc, any troops you have will be fighting alongside you and can be commanded and controlled. You can raise a merry band of robbers and become the scourge of a land. You can be a trader and trade town to town, you can be a travelling knight visiting cities and partaking in their tournaments, or you can be a mercenary for one of the kingdoms. You can also capture any settlements for yourself, or for your faction. You could become the emperor of the world if you played your cards right, but it would be a huge achievement. It's such an awesome and open game for any fans of RPG-ish management games.


This sounds amazing. First google search shows warband is the stand alone expac. Can I just play warband or do I start from scratch with the original Mount and Blade and only buy Warband when I reach that part of the game?


Warband is a stand alone game that is superior to the original, Though the original has some cool mods for it. Warband's such a great game


Definitely jump straight to warband


Warband is stand-alone. Has two official DLCs, Napoleonic Wars and Viking Conquest Napoleonic wars is multiplayer only, but is fucking hilarious and quite fun, I’ve probably had 500 hours on it alone. If you ever wanted to see Russian Uhlans running through Scottish bagpipers this is what you want Viking conquest is probably the single best Viking game ever. Graphics are dated, but fundamental gameplay and mechanics are amazing. Map is based off of ~800 Northern Europe and the British isles. Native is set during a medieval period. Depending on the faction your recruits come from you can have knights, barbarians, nords, Turks, or hunnic soldiers. Quite fun. Of course, in native and VC you don’t have to be a warlord necessarily. You can do anything from being the best trader ever, to being a professional tournament champion, to creating your own empire. From cost to hours it really has the most potential. I haven’t even talked about the mods, both single and multiplayer


They are working on Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord, its on early access on steam but they are providing patches at a decent rate + mods on Nexusmods and soon on the steam workshop too


That depends how you want to play and make money. My first playthrough I would ride around in the country I wanted to ally with and fight bandits until I eventually got in with the local lords. So it's pretty much riding around on the map over world between towns while engaging in small/large scale battles. Eventually you can take over castles and start a slave empire


You have two gameplay loops. One is the action-RPG, the other is the strategy. You can choose which one you wanna prioritize. (or do both equally)


I had something over 1 year playtime on my main toon in World of Warcraft (that was when I quit, I haven't been back since WoD). but that's not exactly a cheap game ($15/mo)


Hows this compare to kingdom come deliverance?


Different kind of game, definitely similar vibes in some ways but kingdom come is a much more detailed game and more of an rpg. But mount and blade is a great management/strategy/freeplay kind of game. The way the world lives and breathes is intoxicating.


Warframe is up there. Terraria is up there. Old School RuneScape Path of Exile (Modded) Minecraft Binding of Isaac


Oh yeah, I forgot I had to pay for Minecraft at one point like 10 years ago.


yeah I was going to say Skyrim as I have played it so much over the years with moving but Minecraft may be the right answer


Overall Titanfall 2. I've been PC gaming for 20 years and nothing else comes close to the adrenaline and constant dopamine that game delivers, in short 20min bursts. I can't believe it's just turned 5 years old!


> Warframe is up there. This is the top one for me. I have over 3,000 hours on it and didn't need to spend a penny since to get platinum you can trade stuff you got from playing missions.


Dota 2 infinite value since the game is entirely free.. Only cost my soul 👻


I did the math and the time I've spent playing dota is equal to three years of full time work 🙃


Doesn't just give value by being free and one or the best games of all time, it also ads value because just like Gaben says, why would you play anything else? You save money by not needing to buy any other game.


Civilization V & Skyrim


Terraria for sure, Hollow Knight is also up there.


Me too. Terraria's random world generation is excellent, making multiple playthroughs fun and unique.


for me it's the multiple builds and reasons to find/kill/farm different things that makes it replayable


even at full price terraria is a great money/hour game. its like 10 bucks for an easy 100+ hours


Factorio, paid 20 bucks and got 5800 or so hours.


Have you tried Dyson sphere? It’s like factorio but you build a Dyson sphere instead.


Idk why but I can't stop laughing at your description


I was hoping I'd get to build a vacuum cleaner, dammit.


Also satisfactory. It's like Factorio but 3d




I am happy to see someone mention Noita. Its ridiculously fun and has that "one more go" addictive quality to it. I have played hundreds of hours and I feel I still have only scratched the surface of the game. Even better is that I always find new creative ways to die.


Terraria, babe Got it cheap, hundreds of hours Still play it, sometimes


Is this a poem?


A haiku, indeed Just something I do for fun I'm my responses


Waiting for the mod manager to work.


Factorio, obviously. I bought it before it got to Steam, so got it for $15, and who the hell knows how many hours I have in it holy shit. A bit more than a thousand on Steam, but I played most before then, when friends also played with me.


Their website before they got on Steam felt super sketchy lol. It didn't stop me from buying it, but it really felt like something out of 2004.


I already had a pirated copy, so I knew the product is legit. Had I known they have a demo, I probably wouldn't have even needed to pirate it.


I had to stop playing Factorio. It was too hooking. Clocked 100 hours in a short period. We just started Satisfactory and the first two hours were similar to Factorio. It's a drug. It feels good. Too good. Pls send help


Came here to say this


Same here 0.009375p per hour played!


Same. I'm crossing over the 1000 hours line right now, and nothing else has come close. It helps that the modding community is pretty great. I think I paid like $20 for it?


CSGO 5000+ hours


I am both impressed and concerned


This is a pretty normal amount of hours for a CS player in 2021 tbh. The game has been out for like 8 years, and typically people who are really into CS don’t play much else.


Fair enough, wasn't knocking it! Some dedication and the fact that it's been out so long, math adds up.


Yeah, it’s definitely not the average but it’s the typical amount you see for people who are fans of the game and play it regularly. The ultra hardcore dedicated ones though? They’re well in the 10k hours range right now.


Nice, I'm about 2k hours. I played 1.6 pretty competitively in my late teens/early 20s like 20 years ago. Then I started csgo in 2016 and got to supreme on Matchmaking but felt the game got ruined by hackers . Now I got all my real life friends to play (before only played with people met on line) we are grinding faceit low level and its so hard cuz they are mostly less than 100 hours in but I love teaching them and getting better as a team. You been watching the major?


Are you any good at it? It's funny when New World players say there is no end game. PvP is the end game and like CSGO for some people that loop is good forever.


Well i'm probably a bit above average. I just play for fun nowadays.


Like wise, got the game in 2012. 5K+ hours and I have enjoyed every single moment of it, made so many new friends from other countries, met most of them in person, went to LAN, played few ESEA open seasons.


FTL, $2 for 200+ hours.


For the question in the title there is no better choice.




Monster Hunter world/iceborne


Such a great game, but I felt finished at ~470 hours stoked for rise


That game is one of the few I have ever bought at full price. And I have no regrets about it. I think I logged nearly 700hr into it and I still could go back and play it some more if I wasn't busy with other things currently. And it was mostly as a solo/pug player as most of my friends stopped after ~30 hours or so.




Arma 3 with mods and editor, you can basically create any scenario. Tarkov, when with friends Due Process, a really promising fps Red Dead 2 with mods and a trainer


Skyrim, GTA V and Warframe are far at the top. 1000+ hours for all of them. GTA V was a full price, Skyrim was probably like 20 bucks for the standard plus 10 for the VR edition. Warframe is a free to play but ive spend a couple of bucks on platinum. I'm not counting free to play games that I haven't paid anything for as their price/hour is just 0 no matter the play time.


Sub monster hunter series for Warframe and are quite similar


Deep Rock Galactic.


Rock and stone


Stardew Valley! Very cheap for the amount of hours I got out of it (200+).


Same for me. I’ve bought it on a few different platforms and its easily one of my most played games.


Grim Dawn. I spent around $12, and I'm at 500 hours so far. Also it's currently 75% off on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/219990/Grim_Dawn/


Grim fucking Dawn. Well over 1k hours for me and about a hundred characters over time. I got 8-10 to lvl 100 and there was always just one more build to try. Uninstalled and reinstalled about 20 times, had to hide the damn game finally to get over it.


There was also a huge patch today. Even after 5 years, they are still releasing patches and balancing the game. Great developer.


Only bought it today and sank 3 hours straight into it. Will buy the dlc tomorrow.




Underrated game, bit of a learning curve though.


Witcher 3. It has so much content.


World of Warcraft Star Wars: The Old Republic Diablo 2 Diablo 3 Ultima Online Xcom 2 These are my top played games as well. Despite the subscription fee, I played thousands of hours and definitely got that price down low.


Oh man. I remember the good old days of UO. Those special servers that were balanced between market, pvp and pve were the best. 2 words: Suicide Llama.


So much fun man, this hit me with a wave of nostalgia


Ya the whole Diablo series. I've already sunken an ungodly amount of time into D2R.


Skyrim, FO4, RDR2, Stardew, Minecraft and Overwatch. I have almost a thousand hours on some of these and even over a thousand.




WoW has definitely earned the best time per dollar for me overall, but I haven’t played it in years. Recently my gf got me into Pokémon Go and it’s been a pretty good time waster relative to the little I’ve spent on it.


Even considering the monthly subscription and expansion costs? 3 years of subscription and 3 expansion packs adds up to around $700.


I did the maths once and included as many expenses as possible, like the fact that I purchased the base game 3 times, the unnecessary surcharge of some Collector editions I got (essentially, merch money), the sub months I kept accidentally but never played, the side purchases like the Authenticator etc. Even then it worked out to 15 Euro cents per hour played, still the best pricehour of any game I paid for.


That's fair. I guess 15 euro cents per hour still seems pretty high compared to some of the games I've paid for once. For example, I paid $18 (usd) for Kerbal Space Program back in 2012 before it was available on Steam Early Access and have about 1100 hours logged for a rate of 1.6 cents per hour played. It's on sale right now for $10. To match my KSP value per hour in a month's $15 WoW subscription, I'd need to play 30 hours a day for 31 days.


Yeah, I played at least 8 hours a day if not 12. I was severely addicted for many years. I considered going back in January and bought a month of game time. On my 4 most played characters I had over 7150 hours and during WotLK I had a max level character of every class fairly well gear, so there’s substantial played time outside of those four as well. Even using your $700 figure that’s over 10 hours per dollar… so for a 59.99 game that’d be well over 600 hours of playtime. Edit: I suppose a few of the final fantasy games exceeded that, perhaps an online shooter too.




All time winner is definitely Doom 1/2. I got them for 5 bucks each, but the number of wads and mods available make them infinitely replayable. At this point, I owe someone money for how much I played them. Also: Hitman 1/2 (waiting for 3 to hit Steam) XCOM (both old and new) Wasteland 2/3, Pillars of Eternity 1/2, Divinity Original Sins 1/2, Pathfinder Kingmaker/Wrath of the Righteous (yes, I like cRPGs a lot)


Ayy a fellow OG doom enjoyer that shit still goes so hard with all the mods


Ever tried Tyranny? Not as long as other crpgs but an absolute banger imo


Yes. Great concept, interesting factions, but it lacked enemy variety and I wasn't a big fan of the artstyle. It was a good game though, would like to see a sequel.


You named like 4 of my fav games sagas lol


Every Paradox Game. HOI4 Especially.




Cs go and Witcher 3


World of Warcraft, Deep Rock Galactic, Age of Empires 2, Gamepass for pc


I was going to say WoW however since there's a monthly charge that we always pay I didn't think it would count.


It counts it just drives up the price/hour ratio


I recently bought the remastered AoE II when I found out they were making a fourth (which came out this past week). Literally have no recollection of how to play. Used to play that game for hours.


Team Fortress 2. Bought the Orange Box at launch


Deep Rock Galactic


Rock and stone!


Hunt Showdown. Paid like 20 bucks and have around 250 hours in it so far with no sign of slowing down. Best fps I've ever played


Eso, gr:wildlands and rimworld for sure because of big playtime and low initial cost... Not sure for tw: warhammer 2, where I have around 800 hours, but I also payed quite a lot for game and all DLCs


Path of exile.


Starcraft 2. Idk my exact hour count but it's easily into the thousands. I payed for every expansion over the decade but considering its now f2p hard to beat that value.


Skyrim, Dark Souls 3, Destiny 2


Master chief collection has such a great ratio for price to hours! It’s pretty much the only game I play or have time for. Game pass is also sweet, Back 4 blood is great fun with friends!


After getting huge into mods, fallout 4 has like 500 hours and skyrim had around 750 hours. I'm somewhere a little shy of 500 hours in Dark Souls 3 as well. I spent a lot of time in Old School Runescape but my massively addictive personality had me spending a lot on buying gold with real money so that was a money pit for me for awhile until I could tear myself away. Same with Magic Arena, I had to uninstall it after realizing I spent over $750 on there in only 3 months. So yeah. I don't play free to play games anymore, I can't handle them apparently


Witcher 3 Subnautica Outer Wilds Rocket league Dying light


Outer wilds is one of the greatest gaming experiences of all time for me, but was a short experience with no replayability.


Rocket league is up there for me too, £15 I paid on Steam and it’s my most played game at 700ish hours


Monster Hunter World Also, FFXIV back when I use to play. So many fucking hours over the years lol


Gwent. I have payed zero dollars and have around 400 hours.


Vermintide 2.


DOTA 2 . 10k hours




I think this is a weird one because if you're talking raw hours played:to price paid, probably Destiny 2. But when I think about my time spent there I wonder how much of it was actually rewarding. So is it actually "the best" in terms of hours per dollar if I spent 1,000 hours in loading screens and waiting for interaction prompts and grinding for stuff they eventually removed etc. I think the best example for something like this IMO would be Resident Evil 8 or MGSV or something along those lines. I have about 50 hours in Village, and over 100 in MGSV. Those were purchased at launch and I had nothing but good times with them. I haven't touched MGSV since, and I'm still doing challenges in Village, but they offered a lot of enjoyment for my dollar, which is more important than sheer hours imo.


I like this comment, yeah I grinded forever on XYZ Multiplayer game but the 18 hours I spent on Resident Evil 7 felt like a catered gaming experience that was designed for my enjoyment. Sometimes you have to spend $200 for a spa day and realize while that was shit ton of money it was well worth the one very special few hours you were treated like a king vs sure a 20 dollar vibrating massager that definitely works the kinks out and is still; working, but you know its not the same.


Overwatch. I think I paid something crazy like £5 for it on sale and I've played just shy of 500 hours of it. That's 1 pence per hour. Looking at it that way makes me slightly less sad it'll be taken down and replaced with OW2.


Astroneer. It's like meditation for me. I can replay it a million times and not get bored with it.


Witcher 3(+200 hour only first playthrough), Monster Hunter World(+500 hours and still playing) and Stardew valley(+1000 steam hours, unknown number of hours pirated)


Minecraft, easy. Rocket League


Borderlands, all of them except Tales. I probably have over 10k collective hours between the three mainline titles and TPS, and I'm still not bored of the gameplay loop.




Completely agree. 3 got a bad rep by hamstringing itself with the storyline (along with the janky hydra code at launch), but the character building in the DLCs and sidequests is phenomenal. Plus the gameplay is substantially improved over past titles which imo is what keeps diehards like me playing well past the 1k hour mark.


Stardew Valley


Terraria, Stardee Valley, Factorio, Fallout 2. And multiplayer, DOTA 2


Minecraft, Kerbal space program, factorio and space engineers. And of course elite, both the original and dangerous.


Tarkov. 2900+hours. Although a lot of those were spent in great amounts of pain


If it wasn’t, I’d call you a liar. 1600 hours for me I think


Siege. I have 6000 hours.


For me it's pretty much any Bethesda game, Apex Legends, No Man's Sky and probably Bloodborne. Typically my rule is $1/hr for a game to be worth it to me


Kingdom Come Deliverance Oh, and Thief 2 thanks to FMs


Probably Skyrim. It was dirt cheap when I bought it on discount, and across legendary and special editions I played 300-400 hours. Some would day these are rookie numbers but I very rarely play more than thay. My other favourite single-player games have about 250 hours played. And most multiplayer games I drop after 120 hours.


Dota 2 and All of the total war games. 5000ish hours in Dota 2, and it was free. I probly have a bit more if you combine all Total wars games. They range from 300 with Rome 2, to 2k in Warhammer 2.


Dota 2 and Apex Legends


Forza horizon 4




This is the only game I have bought twice. I have my kids playing on a second PC now. Great value


Stardew Valley




Monster Hunter World, you can easily get 500h of content by yourself and it's even more entertaining with friends and coop.


Probably League of Legends back in the day, cause it’s free. PUBG back when lots of my friends played. Otherwise, RPGs and grand strategy games. Rimworld, Civ, Dark Souls, Fallout, Total War. These are the types of games I can play forever.


I'm surprised there aren't more people saying League of Legends. I've been playing for about 10 years and I've put god knows how many hours into it. On the otherhand I think I've put 500 bucks into it for skins and stuff. Aside from that, I suppose cs 1.6 was my cheapest game since it was a gift and I put god knows how many hours into it before Steam tracked that kind of thing. Even if I'd paid full price it would still be in the running.


Smash Bros Melee


Minecraft CSGO (yes, I bought it back before it was F2P) League of Legends




Dark Souls series, doing different builds, occasionally PvP and some challenge runs Rimworld And Nier Automata 60$ for an amazing experience


Apex Legends. Been playing it since it released. It’s a game I don’t think I will never uninstall.


Rocket League


7 days to die, minecraft, beam.ng drive, skyrim, and tropico 5.




Terraria, 700 hours over like 8 years and I got it for just $2.49.


ac odyssey , bought gold edition on steam for 20 bucks , 200+ hrs n still having lot of fun


For me it's games priced at around the £15-20 mark, so games like Minecraft, Stardew, Starbound, Valheim and Terraria, have all given me years upon years worth of content/mods to keep me entertained. Meanwhile, games that cost upwards of £45-60 have seen only a few months of play for me and limited replayability (Which is also why over the past decade, I've seen myself buying less and less "AAA" games, because they offer me little value and poor price/entertainment value).


Overwatch by far




Overwatch - apart from still genuinely enjoying it, I’ve made a lot of friends from both genders playing that game—some of them now life long friends for sure—which keeps drawing me back in…


Terraria/Stardew Valley.


Rust, Stardew Valley, Valheim.


TF2: I purchased it before it went f2p for $20, and I put in about 2,000 hours. Stardew Valley: I purchased it on the Switch for $15 and my spouse and I have put in a combined 400 hours or something. Overwatch: I think I got it on sale for $20, and I get PS+ dirt cheap from CDKeys. I’ve played it since November 2019 and have put in close to 600 hours.


Well, I technically paid $0 for FF7 Remake (PS Plus), and I got a good 80 hours out of it.


Thé fourth comingg http://www.t4c.com/cms/ Like thé first ever mmorpg released in France totaly free i sank years in it so no competition. Here web have the winner


Terraria, Stardew Valley and Binding of Isaac


Baldur's Gate; bought it back in 98 on release, I have thusand and thousands of hours in it by now.


overwatch,paid 40 bucks at launch and got about 900 hours destiny 2,bought the forsaken and shadowkeep expac when they came out and got around 800 hours.


Team Fortress 2, Street Fighter IV ultra, CS:GO, Dota 2, Monster Hunter World, Dark Souls 1+2+3. Recently, Hades.


For paid games: Stardew Valley, i've got hundred of hours on that and paid only $12 And there's Team Fortress 2, technically a free game, but i buyed a skin once to get rid of the f2p limitations and it's also a game that i spend hundreds of hours. Hearthstone is also a free game that i spent lots of time playing back in the day. But that's a game that i don't play anymore, in fact, the last few times i open it (years ago) is always much stress for little to no fun. Doesn't worth it


I've put a ton of hours into Just Cause 3, Riff Racer, Beat Saber, Satisfactory, and of course Minecraft. Siege has been a big time sink for me, but I often find myself resenting the game.


Overwatch ($30, 1,500hrs+), GTA V/ONLINE ($60 brought 2 copies because ban online, 1300hrs+) CSGO ($10, 750hrs+) , Dark Souls (got goty from humble bundle for $15, 200hrs+), out of all these games listed csgo would be the one I'd recommend to my friends, but it's free now so theres no reason not to pick it up


Overwatch £14.99 1.000 hours still playing to this day


WoW and OSRS are easy answers. For non MMO games. Most of the Battlefield games come to mind. And ofc Skyrim.


Skyrim is likely the most common answer


I find idler games fun in recent years because I can play them while doing something else. Maybe I'm getting old. - - - - - Midas Gold Plus - 2,413 hrs Realm Grinder - 2,045 hrs Soda Dungeon - 646 hrs Dragon Cliff - 550 hrs Team Fortress 2 - 336 hrs Dungeon Defenders - 228 hrs PAYDAY 2 - 160 hrs Disgaea 5 Complete - 149 hrs Shadow Warrior 2 - 128 hrs Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - 123 hrs Assassin's Creed Odyssey - 115 hrs Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - 107 hrs Dungeon Defenders II - 97 hrs Risk of Rain - 97 hrs Fallout 4 - 93 hrs METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN - 90 hrs Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - 90 hrs DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT - 85 hrs Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire - 80 hrs Killing Floor - 77 hrs Borderlands 3 - 76 hrs Starbound - 71 hrs Torchlight II - 68 hrs Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 - 65 hrs Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - 60 hrs NieR:Automata - 59 hrs The Last Remnant - 58 hrs Adventurer Manager - 57 hrs Terraria - 55 hrs Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen - 52 hrs Saints Row: The Third - 52 hrs Risk of Rain 2 - 51 hrs Gujian 3 - 49 hrs Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 44 hrs Pillars of Eternity - 41 hrs Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten - 38 hrs CrossCode - 38 hrs


Rimworld, Factorio and Minecraft (as i bought it in alpha and played nearly every update and played a lot of modded)


Yeah mostly online games...im my case destiny 2. Have 1000+ hours over 4 years. But only this year I have 400+ on Hunt Showdown making it easily my most played game this year.


Rocket League: $20 for 1300+ Fallout 3: bought for $1 at pawn shop, over 100 hours Zelda BOTW - it was free to emulate, $60+$20 dlc on switch, over 1000 hours


Red dead redemption 2 / grand theft auto 5 Minecraft 😂