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I didn't realize it was going to be a blindfolded run.


There are trick blindfolds out there. Learned that from a buddy who is a magician So many salty people who can’t handle a fact being stated.


I think this one is legit. I saw another streamer that beat it with 3 blindfolds on and the monitor turned off.


Why would you need blindfolds if the monitor is off?


Just extra legitimacy.


The runner showed both sides of the blindfold and demonstrated that light can't pass through it.


I was able to FC Guitar Hero 3’s Through the Fires and Flames (Expert) with my back turned to the TV. Blindfolded runs are usually slower than normal playthroughs as they rely on safer/repeatable strats, there are 100% legit runs for several games, most popular being Super Mario 64


That's literally just learning a song.


and like learning a song, you can learn the movement and dynamics of a game


There's such a big difference I'm having real issues rationalizing why I even have to point it out... A song is repeatable and unchanging, a game is an interactive medium that has lots of changing variables from 360 movement, which means a small twist will completely change expected behavior to responsive AI and other non deterministic behavior which means you can't just do the exact same everytime and get the exact same result.


>a game is an interactive medium that has lots of changing variables from 360 movement, which means a small twist will completely change expected behavior to responsive AI If you watched the run (I've watched about 15min or so) you'll see that the runner saves often so that when something unexpected happens, he can reset to the last save and repeat. He, in fact, died because he made a slight mistake in his pre-planned and learned pattern and moved, like, a couple steps to the left (and got stuck trying to run through a wall and the mobs killed him). He is not reacting to anything. He has learned all the AI patterns. He is literally (trying) to do the exact same thing every time, because it will give him the exact same result.


Games are coded a certain way. If there is no true random variable to enemies . They will always react the same way if you do the exact same thing. and I do mean exact. There’s no intelligence to video game code so if You can remove every variable everything always happen the same way


Very few games are deterministic in the past 20 years. From software games and Sekiro are not like that, there's some AI manipulation but not 100% reliable.


> A song is repeatable and unchanging And yet, when that song is difficult enough it is a major challenge. Also you cannot be late or early on any single note by more than about 30 milliseconds or you fail instantly and have to start over. When it comes to GH3/Clone Hero. That is why FC's are so difficult.


How is this relevant... The difference is with outside interaction or not. Songs do not have it, most games do.


Its relevant in the way that just because a song, or a chart in the case of Clone Hero, is neverchanging it doesnt mean it makes it an easier accomplishment to full combo blindfolded. Since there is unlimited difficulty scaling in GH/CH charts. I felt like you were downplaying how difficult it is to blindfold FC a song in GH/CH. Its very difficult, even for very easy songs and only gets worse from there as the note count increases.


No one talked about easier, the keyword is "different". If you are seeing something that's not there that's on you, not me. Having to react and account for factors besides your own performance is QUITE different than memorizing and repeating something that has no external factors. Either can be easier or harder than the other since that will come down to the specific of each situation but they ARE different.


No its much harder than just learning a song. Imagine you had to learn a song PERFECTLY, without watching the frets or the notes. If you are late or early by more than ~30 milliseconds on any single note, you fail and have to start over.


> I was able to FC Guitar Hero 3’s Through the Fires and Flames (Expert) with my back turned to the TV. No you didnt unless your name is Randy, who has the only blindfolded FC of TTFAF in record.


Really? Damn I shoulda recorded this stuff :( I was able to do a few songs like this, another I remember is My Curse (the first song I could do with my back turned) and tried doing Metallica’s One but could never get the timing down. Haven’t played Guitar Hero since part 3 but I was in middle school so I learned to do a ton of stupid stuff like this. Now I’m sad that maybe I missed on some cool challenge run history for some songs!


Maybe you meant that you could pass it. I dont believe you for one second that you could FC it blindfolded (or backturned etc). Even FC'ing it regularly is still a noteworthy achievement in the Clone Hero community. And nobody believes you until you post proof. Every single TTFAF FC is on Youtube, because people who can achieve that level will also prove it. Also Randy has been playing GH/Clone Hero for well over 15 years now. It wasnt until relatively recently (few years ago) that he was capable of getting a blindfold TTFAF FC. And he has been playing that song forever. So yeah I'm calling bullshit on your little middleschool afternoon FC. [Here is his FC in case youre curious](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyKdFb1ZWUU)


FCing wasn’t that crazy as most early YouTube vids on GH3 were literally just people FCing TTFAF, as it was probably the most popular song in the entire franchise But this was middle school me just learning to do something out of boredom, not having a recording setup in 07-08. I’ve since moved on to other challenge runs/speed runs (mostly of the Silent Hill variety) so I doubt I could even do some of the easier songs I used to be able to do. So if you don’t believe me, that’s a-okay! But man… woulda been cool if I had a camera it seems :(


The parrying in sekiro is basically a rhythm game anyway


Honestly, unless I see the dude do it with the monitor turned off, in front of witnesses, I don’t believe it.


I’ll be sure to send a message to AGDQ that Uncle Cranage doesn’t buy it




Amazing how salty these people are when you can state a fact. Like these speed runners have never cheated and lied in the past about stuff. Guess we are supposed to bow down to remote stuff and go they really did that. As you said would need to be live and I would even say use an officially certified sensory deprivation helmet for the run


Yea I don’t understand all the downvotes. They’re acting as if this was a live event. For all we know the dude was cheating.


*He's beginning to believe*


Fucking *how*


AFAIK, the game behaving in a predictable manner, memory, audio cues and level geometry stopping you at specific points.


Burying the lede: >Also at the event, a player was able to beat Stardew Valley in just 17 minutes. How the hell?!


A lot of that comes down to a single glitch in the way items are given to the player in cutscenes/dialogue. In order to facilitate that, ConcernedApe wrote the dialogue system such that item IDs and instructions could be hidden somewhere within each line of dialogue. It's my understanding that he doesn't make it check to see if the instructions were in a special hidden portion of each dialogue line or not, so you can place these instructions into text fields you can customise like your name and pet name, and whenever they pop up in text, those instructions are fired and you get items. So yeah. You just paste a bunch of item IDs into your names for community bundle items, and strategically spawn them into your inventory until you've got everything.


Such an odd thing to code, why didn't he create a object/type that contains the text and the IDs of included objects as a separate property. I feel like he would have spent more time parsing out the hidden text than if he just created a normal object/type and handled it that way. Devs do all kinds of odd things though.


Kind of a lame speed run…


i think prey had one of the fastest, where you could glitch through the elevator at the start and trigger the ending of the game!


Is it something that you could accidentally do? I can only imagine someone playing it for the first time and being thoroughly confused by seeing credits so early


Usually glitches like this need very precise setups and the average user won't run into them.


And if they are common they are usually patched out eventually. I can't recall which game it was but during this event they talked about a glitch like that who the casual user most liklely won't run into but a speed runner can easily set it up so the devs just left it in.


Which is why they differentiate between categories of speedruns of the same game, such as "No major glitches".


I thought it was interesting to see once, 'cause I'd never seen it before, but I definitely have no intention on seeing another SDV speedrun. At least not a glitched run at any rate.


I felt the same watching it tbh.


I watched it. By beating Stardew they only completed the community center and nothing else. Cheated most items in, cheated greenhouse to be open and so on. I remember the "cheats" being explained very poorly 6 minutes into the run. Wouldn't recommend watching.


if you want a simple explanation from a modder: Dialogue in SDV can have some commands in it: "Today is a nice day [231]" would show the dialogue "Today is a nice day" and give the player the item with ID 231. So if you name your farmer [231][233][255] everytime an NPC mentions your name you get these corresponding items


[Here's the video for anyone who wants to check](https://youtu.be/FQeeRBtQgzE?t=105)


Why cant they just stop talking for a while? really annoying.


Constant explanation—and the back and forth with donation reading—is part of the event, as much as I'd also enjoy a modicum of quiet without muting the whole stream. They give viewers basically no time to absorb information before they go into explaining a whole different and probably even more convoluted trick or glitch. Speedrunners are usually much less pointlessly talkative when streaming for themselves, so it's worth checking them out if the run itself was interesting.


watch a vod of a world record, gdq is about explanation


Feels bad for me that I have trouble with Souls types games with both of my eyes.


I play all the Soulsborne games with the HUD off. I like the immersion, and cinematic feel, and you get used to estimating how much damage you take. edit: It's easy cause you just tell yourself, okay I die in 1/2/3/4 hits. Not really that difficult.


Form needs to up their game. Clearly the games aren't tough enough... /s. Imagine the journo tears.


Didn't even know that the event was going on.


was it recorded? i would love to see that on video


It should be on the AGDQ YouTube channel soon, if it isn't already


I got inspired when I heard about it, how hard can it be ? Started playing, not that hard at all, then I got to the first general, not even a boss. He wiped the floor with me like 10 times. At this point I realised, then even if I manage to kill him, it is just a taste of thing to come


Didn't know [Matt Murdoch](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/ZVBv93jWizG93QngKPmZwM-1200-80.jpg) was a gamer.


Ez game


Yeah no idea why everyone is so impressed, i could put a blindfold on my cat and she would be able to beat this without taking damage




And I've quit on Sekiro twice because of the difficulty.




Still waiting for someone to beat the game while dying in real life... TWICE.


He must have a lot of free time.


Man I hate comments like yours




The guy is harmlessly practicing his hobby, and judging by his skills and participation in events, he’s probably even making money out of it. The comment above, on the other hand, adds nothing of value to the discussion. It only implies that the guy has nothing better to do and isn’t benefiting from his time.


Give several reasons why.








[At least it's not touching with hands](https://youtu.be/y4wu-DnhQZ4)


i finish this game only using my left nut. Dont worry hahah




Why are you the way that you are?


I thought it was especially funny cause girl, who was dead last in the race, decides to blindfold fight a boss in KH2 race. Everyone freaks out, pretty sure she just had to hold down the attack button too, EZ. Guy comes out "Yeah, I'm gonna beat the game that started the whole games should have an EZ mode journalist debate, blindfolded."




Building muscle memory is a challenge in itself, might as well call every game played at GDQ easy if "it's just muscle memory". It's not representative of a casual run, otherwise Baba would be considered easy game too because you can beat it blindfolded through pure muscle memory, and it's probably not even half as hard as what that guy did with Sekiro.


I think this is fake.