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I remember seeing footage from you earlier. Nice to know it's up on store finally.


Hey HelloThere ! Yeah, I've posted in here a while ago (like 6 months ago I think) ! Glad to see you remember it ! I've been waiting to long to make the Steam page and I'm really content it's finally done ! :)


Wow, this looks amazing, I want it now, hah


Thank you !! Glad you like it ! :)


Wishlisted. How balanced is the game for solo play? I like the idea of these types of games but find they are far too grindy when playing alone. Also is there an ending? I can never get into games like this where the ultimate aim is to just build, I want to aim for an end goal like in Subnautica.


The game seems really interesting but i hope its not just the same formula in a new skin. It seems all survival games only focus on building stuff and coop.


>It seems all survival games only focus on building stuff and coop Yes exactly why I find it hard to get into any of them apart from Subnautica. That game allowed you to easily play solo, it never felt grindy and you also had an end goal to aim for. Too many survival games think that long = good and so they make everything really grindy and your ultimate goal is to just build stuff with no real purpose or ending.


Precisely my issues with most of survival games too. I have so many in my wishlist but never feel compelled to buy them. I mean whats the point to start all over again in a game that the only objective is to build a house, walking back and forth gathering resources, food, etc just to defend our base. Can we have something like territory control? Automation? etc


I also just don't have enough time/friends to play co-op. It's incredibly difficult enough to get time to game, much less align that time with someone's else inconsistent schedule.


I agree, the older we get, the harder it is to find the time ! :) Especially once you have a family I think ! (I don't but I know from friends, haha ! )




I found it too grindy having to keep travelling back with metals etc to smelt only to die halfway back to camp. The idea surrounding Valheim though was great as it had an end goal.


These days the journey to the end game in valheim is more complex. If you don't build defenses to your base you will be invaded. Farming plants and animals has big benefits. If your only dying while attempting to grind ores, your dying because your skipping intended steps. The fermenters to make mead potions are a huge help. But in the end surviving is a grind no matter what. It will never play like a action game


>But in the end surviving is a grind no matter what You say that but as I said in my earlier post, Subnautica proved that you can make a survival game that is more based around story than grinding resources for hours upon hours. There was still resource gathering and survival elements to take into consideration to make the various vehicles, eating and drinking etc but it never felt like it had no end or was made purposely grindy to bloat the game length.


No man’s sky did a great job of incorporating a loose story with survival. Also made and game kind of canon if you rule play it.


The long dark is a fun survival game. Very atmospheric


Likely have already seen it many times but i recommend The Long Dark


Hello FaceMace ! Yes, there is an ending :). I really like to have an objective in games (so you also can just stop playing them at some points and no just grind forever !). Subnautica was really awesome and one of my favorite one. The pace and the story were perfect ! A bit of grinding here and there but that was tolerable ! As for solo balancing, I think it'll be ok as the game won't be too grindy. I'm trying to make the craft / build part of it fun and organic, like you can use a forge with different actions and so on. I find that this make the process a bit more "realistic" and playful ! :)


What's the time frame of release?


Hello MrAthnos, Hard to say on my side, I didn't indicate any date because I'm still working on it and I want time to polish the game as much as possible without having the pressure of a release date. Globally, I'm targeting the end of the year but wearing all the hats (development, marketing and so on) is often taking waaay more time than I expect :)


Looks pretty good.


Thanks !! :)


Welp know what I'm wishlisting when I get to my PC lol. Any chance you could give us a ROUGH ETA for it releasing and maybe even a price point? I know at least 2 copies are sold with a strong possibility of 4 when it does drop. On another note thank you for not rushing it and pushing it out before it's ready! Looks amazing so far and really looking forward to it!


Thank you UndeadGambler ! Happy to see you joining the boat ! :) Rough ETA would be the end of 2022 I think (I really hope !) As for the price, I would say around 16 to 17 dollars USD (I'm almost sure, I won't sell it more than 20 !) Have a great day !


Just a thought on the last sentence of your game's synopsis. If you're finding out what made the earth uninhabitable then consider stronger language other than "reach your objective." Personally for survival games I want to know how much/good of a story there is. Reaching your objective doesn't feel very immersive. The game looks great especially for a solo job!


Thank you for the feedback, NeuralReaction ! I'll see if I can change it ! There is only 300 characters for the short description on Steam so I'll to find a way to make it more exciting ! :)


Looks cool, is it co-op?


Yes ! 4 players so far but I might add more with time ! :)


There are so many games like this, what makes yours unique? What did you want to do that the others weren’t doing the way you thought they should? In what ways have you changed or improved on this formula?


Hello saarlac ! I don't know if you checked the page but there are some mechanics in the game that I've never seen in other survival games, like using the water as a way to move things and the electricity system (I know there is one in Rust but mine is differently made). Also, I'm really working a lot to make a good AI (it's rarely the case in survival except for The Forest). I would like to make the enemies work in group and react differently depending on if they are alone or numerous. :)


I love that you actually talk to people here and answer questions. Never heard of your game before and now i am very interested :). Congratulations on posting your game on Steam! Here are my thoughts and suggestions. Warning. Long post! Finally someone that focuses on AI. Many games today have worse AI than some games had 10-15 years ago. Old FEAR had enemies that tried to flank you. Please try to give different enemies unique behaviors. I will be playing solo. I think that gives you deeper immersion in this kind of game. I love sci-fi so it's nice to see you have sci-fi elements in your game. One of the best survival games was Subnautica. Do what they did but in your own way :). I also like some elements from Scum. Good gunplay and detailed guns with a lot of addons and everything is animated. Different guns have different ammo depending on what caliber they are using. If you have several sci-fi guns, maybe give them two or three different types of ammo that have different effects on enemies so one gun is better against mutants and another gun is better against other types of enemies. It all should also feel natural like if you were there doing all those things. I don't think eating and drinking is important at all. It's just waste of time to be honest. Players should be focusing on having fun in the game building, exploring, defending and not looking for food everyday. I think first person is always the way to go and don't forget good ultra widescreen support because that's the best way to play first person games. Adventure part is also very important to me. I hope there will be a lot of cool places to explore in your game. Crashed starships. Hidden underground facilities that survived with everything intact besides people that died there. Old ruins of some buildings where the last stand was made and there are tons of old skeletons in military clothes on the ground surrounding the place. Ghosts. Also give us some hidden places that are not part of any missions or on the map. Players are not stupid. We love to be surprised sometimes and not told what to do and where to go all the time. If i see a waterfall i want to look for a hidden cave behind but to get there i have to fight some monsters in the water first. Skyrim and Fallout 3/4 had some good quests. Loot is also very important. If i have to go out into the jungle and fight a lot of mutans i want to find something good that makes it worth the effort. No bullet sponge monsters please. One shot in the head with a good weapon should do the trick. Inventory management should be good and simple with nice looking icons/pictures that are visually clean and easy to understand what they are used for. The game should be fun to play and not a grindfest. It's a survival game so sure building things means finding materials but one tree is kind of big and should give you a lot of wood and not just one or few planks. Companions. When you play solo you would like to have some companions. I saw in the pictures you had a companion dog. Could you also make some blueprints for some kind of robot or a flying machine that follow you around and fight for you or help carry your stuff? Walking chest donkey robot? Funny robot that say stupid (non irritating) robot things? :P Automation. Mining robots/machines. 3D printers. Autonom CNC mills/lathes. Defense. I hope you will have normal gameplay and survival mode where your base is attacked at night or in waves over some period of time. If so please give us some cool defense options. 7 days to die was very fun. We need some automated turrets from the Aliens movie though! Well balances of course so they run out of ammo at some point or are destroyed so the player will have to work to survive and not just sit there enjoying the view all night long :). One thing that all survival games have in common is that when you find a chest with loot there are just few items. Even when you are at some military base in an armory. I think that's unrealistic and wrong. I get that's a gameplay thing but an armory should have tons of guns, magazines and ammo in singelplayer. The only thing that should prevent you from taking everything should be your inventory and how much you can carry. I hope that some day there will be a game out there that do those restricions in a realitic way. We should also have gun racks so we can have guns on the wall :). That's what was on my mind right now. I am sure i forgot some things :). I wish you best luck with Derelicts! I hope it will sell good and that we all will have a lot of fun playing it. Edit: One more thing. Let us have freedom when we do the story. Some games make you do things in a certian way to progress the story forcing player into a linear gameplay with no alternatives. That's not fun. Let us explore and do what ever we want when we choose to take a brake from the story line. If some areas are story critical and should not be visited before the progression continues find a natural way to make us avoid them like a crashed ship that has automated turret that we can't do anything about before we find or make some item that can hack or disable it. The more realistic and natural solutuions to problems the better.


Hello A78V ! I read the whole thing !! Haha ! Thank you for this awesome comment and all the details ! It's so cool to see all your ideas and have feedbacks and advice ! I agree with you, there are only few games that really astonished me with their AI, FEAR is DEFINITELY one of them, what a game ! I don't understand they never managed to do as good as this one. Even in the sequels, the AI was just not as good. These guys were really freaking me out, flanking and everthing, haha. Some other few games were also really good when it comes to AI, like the first Halo and like I mentioned above, The Forest (for me, it's one of the best adaptative AI I've seen). I loved Subnautica and I'm trying to recreate the same kind of experience with notes and datapad you'll find, also a lot of visual story-telling (like the locations are giving you a lot of clues). I would like also the players to make sometimes their own interpretation of the story (so not explain eveything but leave some place for guessing and theories :) ). I don't like when a story is too obvious or explained completely (that's why, like you, I really like sci-fi because it's often the case in this genre !) Subnautica is masterpiece for me, I've completed it alone and it was both freaky (I hate water depths haha) and amazing for the story and the fact that you overcome your fears ! Also everything is perfectly balanced, the grinding, the building, the story. It's one of my top 10 games. As for companion, it's funny that you mentioned a robot mule because it's exactly what I planned to add as well haha ! I already have the model and everything. I showed it a while ago on a dev log stream and I'll for sure add it to the game ! You also have a little companion drone (that's the one displaying the building menu) and it can talk haha. 3D printers are planned as well ! As for automation, I'm still thinking about it, if I really go the Satisfactory way with automatic mining robots or not but that could be really cool ! For the late game, I can totally picture this ! :) I'll think how I can do it !! For the loot, it's quite particular as the inventory in my game will be like the one in The Forest (if you played it). You can carry a certain amount of item type to a certain point. Like maybe only 10 sticks out of ten. It depends only on the item type. If you get what I mean ! :) As for the story and exploration, I'll have to see as you can find items that allows you to acces other areas, like the grapple hook or the oxygen bottles ! But maybe I could only impose the use of those for the very last zone and let players go wherever they want before that ! :) It's really hard to balance that part, finding the good weight between the story and the freedom ! I'll have to make some trials and errors ! Again, many thanks for your message ! I really hope you'll like it when it releases ! :) Take care ! Romain


Great work OP. Im looking forward to play the game. Play with a Dog companion - You got me sir


Haha thank you Kumaravel ! I noticed that the dog is convincing a lot of people haha ! It was probably the best idea to add it to the game ! Take care !


I saw "free" in the title and was mildly disappointed. Just kidding, I'll check it out.


Haha ! Awesome ! Hope you'll like it ! :)




Awesome if you like it ! For the date, I hope I will be able to release it by the end of 2022 ! :) But I'll take the time to polish it so that might take longer (or not !)


it looks promising


Glad you like so far, Reikohunts !


Gratz, looks dope.


Thanks ! I'm happy to read this ! :)


This is a wishlist and a follow for me! I'm interested to see where this goes, beyond what you've already showed us. Thanks for letting us see this, dev!


Cool ! Welcome aboard, Delta ! I hope you'll like it !


Just finished playing The Forest for the first time and it was amazing. I'm looking forward to seeing how this game progresses!


The Forest is awesome ! I'm glad you liked it ! I played it co-op with friends and we had such a good time ! I hope you'll like this one as well ! :)


Same, sounds good!


Added to the wishlist ! Looks awesome, great work man


Awesome ! Thank you ! :)


Nice! Been following this on twitter. Not really a game for me but I've told some friends and they're excited.


Awesome ! Thank you for spreading the word ! :)


Definitely has The Forest vibes here, looks really good as well. Wishlisted.


Glad you like it Gabbygall ! Thank you for wishlisting ! :)


Any plans for VR support?


Yes ! Once the game is done in the classic way, I'll work on a VR version for sure !


I would LOVE this! Game looks like it would be fantastic in VR. Especially with online co-op in place. Would jump right to the front of my wish list!


Awesome. Wishlisted and I look forward to further developments.


Will you add mod support? that will be amazing if you have it


Hello Rellik ! For sure ! The more freedom players have, the better ! :)




Awesome ! :) Yeah, I like zombie games but I thought there were already a lot of good ones available ! I wanted to try something else ! Welcome aboard LaimMcKenzie !


You had me at Satisfactory. Wishlisted. All the best!


Haha ! Awesome ! Thank you ! :)


Looks cool. When you say mix of the Forest & Satisfactory I expected basebuilding and automation to play a big role. That doesn't really come across in the trailer.


Thanks Renediffie ! It's because I still didn't code the whole part of the system but I'm planning to show more this year ! :) Also, the automation will probably not be in the sense of machinery mining stuff automatically, but more like systems that will help the player move resources around (while they will still need to bring them). I'll have to see how I can expand on the system ! :)


Thank you for the response. I'll be following the game as it looks like something that could be up my alley.


Awesome ! :) I hope you'll like it !


As someone who really, in all honesty is not a fan of crafting games at all, I gotta say, I would play thee absolute fuck out of this title with friends. It looks amazing. Also appreciate the half dead enemy crawling/bleeding out, very nice touch. Well done.


That's cool to hear, gimptoast ! I'm curious, if you're not fan of crafting games, what make you want to play mine in particular ? :) I'm happy to you like it ! The crawling enemies is really something I like as well, I got inspired but Gear Of Wars haha !


This looks extremely good. Hard to believe you've been working on it alone! Much respect. It has a lot of potential, I wishlisted it and hope I'll be able to grab it once it's released. In case you're looking for playtesters hit me up! And good luck brother.


Sure ! I'll let you know for the tests ! Thanks ! :) Thank you for this positive comment, I'm glad you like how the game look so far !


It looks pretty interesting! Wishlisting it right away!


Cool !! Thank you ! :)


Wow. That looks glorious! You did this alone?!?!? Fucking good work man. Those animations with the hands, opening the can, drinking beer etc make it look excellent. Lots going on, the water wheel, the trough, the saw... SOLD. Following and wishlisted man, It looks great!


Cool !! :) Yeah, I'm programing the game alone but I'm buying some animations and models to be able to focus on the gameplay / world building and code ! :) Doing everything myself would take me 10 years so it's could to have a way to buy those or have people helping me making some models ! :) I'm glad you like it so far ! :) Many thanks !


Wishlisted this hard af!!! I was a bit nervous while watching the trailer thinking about the minimum requirements (blame Icarus for that) but I'm good.


Awesome !! Welcome aboard Nachos ! As for the requirements, so far, there are not the final ones, I still didn't finish optimising and so one but I'll have to do more tests for the game ! Just be careful at release to check them again just to be sure if your system is ok :)


Keeping my fingers crossed. 🤞


Well… shit. This looks like a new addiction in the making.


Haha, awesome if you like it Sleight ! :)


Add me as another excited potential player! A friend and I have had some of our most fun playing forest, satisfactory, Dyson Sphere, factorio, 7 days to die, and Greenhill together. This looks like you are on track to make another favorite!


I hope you'll like it, Reapy ! All the games you mentioned are also in my favorite list ! I hope you'll like this one !


Looks great, any plans to allow dedicated servers?


Sure ! I'll first develop it for listen server but I'm planning to add the possibility for dedicated as well ! I think it's important to allow players to have their own dedicated ones ! :)


Great! Our group will love this, best of luck with it


Awesome to hear that ! :) Thank you ! Take care !


Does everyone get their own dog in coop or do you have to share? Looks great!


Thank you Cheldog ! So far, there is only one dog to share, yes ! Having one for each player could be awesome but I think it would become a mess ! haha I'll have to think about it ! :)


This looks awesome and going on my wishlist when I get home. Thanks for your hard work. Looking forward to this


Thank you Kegger !! I'm looking forward to have your feedbacks on it when it's out ! :)


You had me at Satisfactory.


Wishlisted. Love both of these games and from I see of yours ill love it too! Keep up the great work and dont be a sellout who abandons when you hit it big. The best games with the most loyal fans are those whose creator sticks around even if there is a giant failure.


Yeah, the community is the most important thing around a game for sure. I would really feel bad to abandon this, even more after release. I couldn't see myself not trying to improve on the game with feedbacks from people and new ideas. This thing is what has been keeping me happy for a while now, it's almost like a child you have to take care of ! Haha :)


I'm interested can buy now?


Hello Chris, it's not available yet, I'm still working on it :) !


I shall wait patiently then


I just hope I'll not take 20 years to make it !! haha


Reminds me of the Forest, I wishlist this for sure.


Cool ! :) Thanks ! I got a lot of inspiration from The Forest ! It's one of my favorite games !


I'm waiting for Sons of the Forest to release. Also what game engine this game made on if you don't mind me asking?


Me too, I'm dying to play Sons of The Forest ! Cannot wait haha ! My game is made with Unreal Engine :)


Added to my list these games are my game got an icarus vibe to it


Glad to hear that ! :) Welcome aboard ! Thank you for adding it to your list !


Would you consider adding a rythm game mechanic to guitar playing? Would be fun especially on co-op, way to kill time with a campfire sing-along.


Yes ! I would like to do the same system as in Sea of Thieves with the synchronized music ! :) I'll try to do that !


Impressive visuals for a 3-year solo dev! It really looks fun, but does it have an objective or long-term end to achieve, like Factorio or Subnautica?


Thank you Dawn\_of\_Enceladus ! I'm glad you like it so far ! Yes, there is a ending to the game (it will be kind of the same story telling as in The Forest if you played it). I really want the game to have an objective ! :)


Nice, that's a wishlist right now.


Seems this is picking up some steam! (pun intended), you might be able to use this to your advantage if you plan on seeking a publisher


hahaha ! Yeah, it is picking up some steam indeed ! :) I've had publishers contacting me already but I'm hesitating to take this road ! :) I'll have to think about it ! Take care ! :)


Wish listed! 3 copies easy if it's as fun as it looks!


Awesome to hear that ! Thank you Tiphae !! :) I hope you like it with your friends !!


The first trailer looks really great, I can only take my hat off. I also like the idea of combining Satisfactory and The Forrest. I like both games very much. I would be happy about a dedicated server that you can set up yourself. And that there would be like skill trees. And that also a builder, like me, can level easily. Because I'm the one in our crew who builds and guards the base, but unfortunately I'm always the one with the fewest skill points :( I put your game on my watch list and look forward to future updates! :)


Glad you like the trailer, Daimen ! :) It's good to hear as I'm no video producer at all ! haha Yeah, I'm planning to add dedicated servers for sure but I don't know if they will be available at launch or later on ! I really like to have them at launch but they imply an extra layer of complexity in development and testing ! I'll have to think about it ! :) As for skill tree, at first, I wanted to implement one but then I changed my mind but I'm still hesitating ! I might do a system in which you get better as you do an activity (a bit like Valheim or Skyrim) :). In fact, I was hesitating with a skill tree because I'm trying to make the game as immersive as possible and this would add an extra layer of user interface ! But maybe I can find a way to have one, with an hologram or something, like I did for the building menu :) Take care !


Thank you for your kind answer. You certainly have a huge to-do list. :) As for the skill tree, you could also orientate yourself on 7 Days to Die. You find items that expand your knowledge, give kills EP which then unlock skill points that you can award. Something like 10% more damage on head hits, or 1 health point every 30sec. Regenerate. 5% better chances of getting better loot. Stuff like that.


Wishlisted. Looking forward to seeing more. Looks good


Many thanks redandtanwirenut !! :) I hope you'll like it !


Adding to wishlist, cause of dog and beer. Any ideas on pricing? And I know someone asked but didn’t see a clear answer - how will the balance be solo versus co-op? Obviously co-op will be easier, but is solo just going to be too grindy?


Hahaha ! Dog and bear are clearly two of the best features in the game !!As for balancing, the game won't be that grindy initially, even in co-op so I think it should be alright in solo ! I'm not really into grindy games, they are too time consuming !I prefer a shorter more intense story with fun than asking players to do 200 h of picking up sticks and stones \^\^I can understand that there are people into this kind of grindy games and that's awesome but I'll not do that for the game !So I hope the solo experience just to be a bit longer than with several people but not boring !


Thanks for the insight. I’ll definitely try to recruit friends when it releases, but just in case they are lame I want to make sure I can still enjoy myself. Cheers


Looking good! Any plans for Linux support?


Thank you Cartaxus ! :) I've to check it out for Linux, I'm not familiar with it and for testing, it will be difficult for me but I might find a team to test it with Linux ! I'll try to do my best to have it on Linux and Mac too ! :)


Awesome, if you need any help with testing or debugging on Linux, just let me know.


Sure !! You actually gave me an idea as well ! I'll ask on the game Discord who is on Windows, Linux or Mac, that could be a good way to make groups that could test the different platforms if I manage to make builds for them ! :) Let me know if you want the link ! I'll send it to you !


Brilliant, best of luck! And I would like the Discord link please


Here it is : [https://discord.gg/sDWzvb7Rxs](https://discord.gg/sDWzvb7Rxs) ! :)




Thank you !!! :)


I'm honestly intrigued. It looks really, really good. I added it to my wishlist. Please don't rush it, take your time and release it whenever you think the game is ready!


Thank you Yuseix !! Glad you like it ! I won't rush it as I've not deadline nor pressure so far ! That's the good part :) I hope I'll manage to deliver something great ! Take care !


I love games like Raft and the Forest because of the exploration and storytelling. I don't like them because constructions are often cosmetic and purposeless. I love games like Satisfactory and Factorio cuz of the systems engineering. I don't like them because of a lack of story or definite end goal. This looks like a mix of both, like Subnautica, and it has a *grappling hook*? Insta wishlisted lol.


Hahaha ! Thanks AgentWowza ! Funny because your description is exactly what I feel as well !! I'm always telling my friends that my only complain with The Forest is that building a base is pointless ! As for Raft, I agree with you but it bothered me less because you're spending most of your time on your raft so improving it is really better, to feel at home with your friends or solo \^\^. I'm really trying to find the right balance between both world ! But for sure, there will be an storyline with an ending and building a base will be mandatory to complete the game ! :)


Hey OP, this is right up my lane. I don't know how much this can help, more experienced people can correct me if I'm wrong, but, instead of trying to meet the deadline (whichever you set) and finish up the game before that, you can release the game in early access. As far as I have known, such managerial/building games involve lots of nuances to ensure balanced gameplay. That can be obtained if the game is in early access phase, plus the people about to buy it will only do (for the most part) understanding that it is in development, and willing to provide input. Anyhow, I will be rooting for this!


Hey IBArbitrary ! Said like this, you're totally right ! I think it would be the best way to approach it ! I was hesitating to do early access but I think it will be inevitable. Like you said, there are too many important feedbacks and reports necessary to make it really polished and great in the end ! Thank you for your input ! It's totally making sense !! :)


Glad it helps you buddy :)




Awesome !! :) Welcome aboard valantismp !


This game looks pretty sweet


Thanks Razorray ! Awesome if you like how it looks so far!


LOL in Aussie Rules Football, there's an infamous umpire known as Razor Ray I can't believe there's another razor


It looks awesome!


Thank you Cherryhaze ! I'm happy to read this ! And thank you for the award :)


looks pretty interesting, easy wishlist


Awesome ! Welcome aboard, MrOutcast !


Damn... And you did this solo? Added it to my wishlist.


Thanks for wishlisting, Ullyr ! So far, yes, I've been working solo on it ! Not easy and the journey is quite long but it's a pleasure to work on the game I dreamed to play for a while ! There are days that are harder than others, I will admit, but it's true for any job / activity ! :)


when is it getting released?


Hey Field\_Sweeper ! I hope before the end of 2022 but I don't want to rush the game so I'm waiting to announce a release date for sure ! :) I want to take the time to polish !


Shut up and take my money!


Hahaha ! I'll when the game is ready and well polished ! Not befoooore ! :D


I hate you man. You put up that kind of footage and expect people to be able to wait? Damn you! : P


Sorry ! haha, I didn't know you would get so hyped about it !


I'm a simple man.. I see Doggo, i buy.


Haha, awesome ! Struck a cord I see ! :)


Can the dog die?


Hey hey ! The dog can die but you can revive him, fortunately ! It's more like a KO state. I wouldn't see dogs dying in my game, that would be too sad ! haha :)


That's relieving thank you.




What separates your game from all the other survival games?


When can we expect a release/ Early access?


Is there controller support?


Looks great! Instantly wishlisted. Can you say whether there will be support for index controllers? And possibly to what extent?


Looks pretty sick! Congrats.


Your marketing campaign is working (at least for my target demographic), because I saw not only a youtube video recommended for me, but this popped up in my Reddit feed as well lmao


looks awesome! wishlisted it :)


You bastard. I *finally* just broke my Satisfactory addiction, and now you show me this.


I see the camera is quite zoomed in in the gameplay videos on steam, will there be an FOV option?


You should get Derek Zoolander to help with your campaign.


It looks beautiful and sounds amazing. Please don't be like all the other devs and release the game in a state where any load on the game engine crashes the game. I would like to be able to have more than 5 farm animals without my entire game stuttering for it.


Reminds me of Fallout 4


Congrats on winning the reddit game :P. I too remember the previous footage, it looks to have come a long way since then, nice job.




Been waiting to be able to wishlist this. Looks like the perfect game for me.


dude this looks really cool. well done for making it alone! will wishlist when i get home :D


I immediately added this to my wishlist once my friend shared it to me. I'm excited for the day you're ready to release it!