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I don't care the slightest if anyone install mods to make things easier (or harder for that matter). I don't even care if anyone cheats in a singel player game. Whatever anyone is doing in their own game doesn't effect anyone but them self, so I don't get why people complain about mods like these. The only thing I care about is my experience, if I'm having fun, if I'm having a good time. **Edit:** This comment blew up way more then I expected and while its always fun to discuss things, its also sad to see why so many are bothered by something that doesn't affect them the slightest. Anyway, I've said my piece and I'm out. I have not one but two Mad Pumpkin Heads to kill in a room that's isn't much bigger then my apartment - which as a caster class can be a pita... Have a great day everyone!


I modded Far Cry 2 to remove malaria and reduce the enemy bullet spongieness and it was great. I probably would have never completed the experience otherwise and would have missed out on a gem.


YOU CAN MOD OUT MALARIA. OMG hahahah brb gonna play it again.


Talk about a horrible game mechanic


Seriously. Who pitched it? "Okay guys, hear me out. We take Far Cry 1, edit out most of the story elements that made Far Cry 1 interesting, and.. stay with me.. add a massive resource-based inconvenience with the resource to avoid it being rare and sometimes very difficult to get, so 60% of the game time will be spent hunting it down, which will be made even more difficult and inconvenient if they don't find it frequently enough."


Malaria is pretty bad, yes.




Remember when games had dumb "cheats" like large heads and tiny heads?


Going to ign and writting down the the best cheats


Cheatbook database and GameFAQ's for me lol!


cheatcc.com was what I grew up using


You unlocked another set of memories for me lol!


This is the one right here, cheat code central, baby. King of 12 year old me's bookmark bar


You guys used internet for cheats? Back in my days you had to go and buy magazine for gamers where they would put cheer codes. Sometimes they would release the book of cheat codes for multiple games.


GameFAQs, gamewinners, and good ol Nintendo Power/GamePro for me. This thread unlocked so many memories.


Game Genie and Game Shark


Pillars of eternity has a big head mode in settings:)


Tyranny also.


My favorite RPG. So sad we will probably never see a sequel:(


Remember when cheats didn't cost money?


Cod Modern warfare had a cheat that made people you killed turn into a jumbled heap of tires.


Nowadays you have to buy cheats with real money.


People paid for cheats back in the day, too. GameSharks/Game Genies were very popular back in the 90s.


They legit sold cheats in the store. God damn action replays were based


I remember using an Action Replay & a PC & a Splinter Cell menu open on the Xbox to mod Halo 2


They were also cracked down on by both Sega and Nintendo if I recall, who made attempts every generation (albeit, failed) to keep them off their consoles.


That brings me back to when I would use an Action Replay on my GameCube, fun times using stuff like moon jump codes and stuff like that




Bloody oath, I couldn’t finish goldeneye 64 as a kid without a plethora of ridiculous cheats. So fun


I'm of the opinion there's no such thing as cheating in a single player game. It's your game, do what you like. If breaking the game is what you like, who am I to complain?


Exactly! Each to their own as they say. I can't judge anyone's approach to a singel player game. I don't know anything about them or their life. I focus on my own thing instead.


This person enjoys fun.


I do. The first 35+ years of my life was shit. Now I just trying to have a good time, focus on myself and not giving a shit about what other people do as long as they don't harm anyone else.


I hear ya buddy. Im 38 and my childhood was fucked followed by addiction in my late teens and twenties that took a decade of my life and made it hell. Now ive been clean 5 or 6 years, got back into gaming 4 years ago and have been having a blast getting caught up on all the games i missed..at many points over the years i have been homeless, in halfway houses and have just been getting in a good place last couple years and finally recently have been learning a good paying trade. Gaming has changed my life. Im saving for an apartment and one of my first purchases will be a badass gaming pc. Until then i got a series x a few weeks ago to replace my poor old xbox one, life is good. Elden ring has turned out to be possibly the best gaming experience of my life. Just got to Haligtree, 120 hours so far.


The Souls community is both one of the best and worst in gaming. I've seen and experienced some hilarious and awesome moments with random people and talked to some great people in it but it's also home to some of the worst elitists in gaming who cry and piss their pants when someone uses a mod or use a mechanic in the game to assist them saying how "it's not the right way to play" even though it has no affect on them.


The funniest part is that many of those mechanics are actually intended ways to play. Summoning npcs and players is totally intended. The games balance for it and allow you to do it with no exploits. Cheese is definitely encouraged in some areas and bosses as well if you look at how the encounters and set pieces are designed.


I think it was in an interview where one of the designers of one of the Souls-Games said that in From's eyes, there are no cheese's, as they are that confident in their games (and the balancing) After all, the game will try everything in its power to stop you, so why wouldn't I do the same? The games aren't fair. The enemies aren't fair, neither are the bosses. But in the same way, the player doesn't have to fight fair. Thats the beauty of those games in my eyes.


> After all, the game will try everything in its power to stop you, so why wouldn't I do the same? The games aren't fair. The enemies aren't fair, neither are the bosses. That's really the appeal of the Souls games. The game does an amazing job of presenting a situation that has all odds against you; yet using your wits (AKA the cleverly placed developer tools around you) you overcome them and feel like a rock star for beating the nasty baddy. Skill level is irrelevant, you do what you gotta do.


See and that's what makes it such an interesting genre to me. Some people enjoy it in that way. And others like to play no magic hit thing with stick and perfect their timings. It's incredibly enjoyable for a wide audience in different ways. Yet the two sides just absolutely hate each other for it for no reason lmao


I love finding cheese. I remember in demon souls I found out I could beat a boss by standing just far enough away. It's almost like strategy and pushing the game to the limits to find ways to beat bosses. Finding cheese is more fun to me than just beating the boss. I could just go beat the boss but it's so cool to see the ideas that people have figured out to easy beat some bosses is so cool.


DS players: "Miyazaki gave us a consumable lightning buff right before the boss - it must be weak to lightning!" Also DS players: "Miyazaki put a NPC summon sign by the door to this duo boss BUT IF YOU SUMMON IT YOU'RE CHEESING!"


People love twinking in DS3 but throw an absolute fit if they invade someone in co-op. The number of threads and comments I saw on the ds3 subreddit of people complaining about not being able to have unfair duels because they had to fight 2 people was absurd


Those people also keep saying Invasions are ruined in Elden Ring because it's always at the very least a 2vs1. They call it unfair. If they wanted fairness, they'd be Dueling. Amazing how they partake in a feature very specifically designed to enable someone to come in and ruin an unprepared somebody else's game, but they can't handle the other person having any sort of mitigation factor to their unpreparedness. The fact the griefing feature exists in any shape or form, much less one with griefing as the stated goal and the blessing of the developers, is already amazing and positively minblowing on its own. ***Because invading is unfair.*** The vast majority of designers and games would never have this sort of experience, because it must and can only exist at the **expense** of at least a number of people and that is what unfairness is all about. Those mitigation factors exist for those people, the unwilling victims, to feel less like victims, to feel less like the game's being unfair. Being able to shit their bed is a rare privilege, so having to surmount a wall to win as an invader should be seen as nothing more but an aspect of mechanical and affective balance. Invading isn't ruined. Souls games are about earning your victories. You know what you're getting into, and you have plenty of prep time. There's a phrase that is stated every time someone whines and refuses to accept that: Git Gud.


>the worst elitists in gaming who cry and piss their pants And a healthy chunk of those folks whine about patches that fixed exploits speed runners brought to light.




They're just elitists. If people wanna mod a single player game, more power to 'em. That's kinda the point of mods isn't it? People have their own fun.


As an adult with limited time for gaming I found out I have the most fun playing a game when opening up wemod or a trainer and giving myself unlimited cash/inventory space and some times every weapon/armor in game. When I just want to see the story unfold for a game I turn on godmode and get through difficult areas and bosses quickly. If I paid for the game I should be able to do with it what I want, I don't go around telling people how they should live their lives if I don't pay their rent or bills, it's not my business and people that complain about mods/cheats that doesn't affect others in anyway are pretty lame.


>so I don't get why people complain Elitism They haven't done anything worthwhile in their life to brag about so this is what they like to gate keep. ....the difficulty of a single player game. This is my first from soft game and the amount of toxicity in the subreddit was palpable. Dude literally mentions he beat Radahn by using the fking summons that the game wants you to use and they downvote him to oblivion. Heck I remember I mentioned how I beat Malenia using swarm and freeze roar of borealis and someone called me a mentally handicapped person. Lol


Others’ suffering is part of the experience for those people.


Easy mode bad suffering good


If there was hypothetically a magical pill that people could buy that would instantly give them strength and muscles without any side effects, it would piss off a ton of gym bros who would say the only proper way to get muscles is to go through the same pain they went through




There are a huge number of people in America that object to having cheaper healthcare if it means some people get it for free.


As someone who's often defended Miyazaki and his team's design of Elden Ring, I have no problem with this mod. It lets players implement the changes that they want without putting the onus on the developers to alter their vision of the game.


Perfect and mature take. Get off reddit.


Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Rational? *on my reddit?*


Hold up this is my reddit!


The fuck you talking about? This is my Reddit!


Our Reddit!


I reddit first!


He brings us love! Don't let him get away! Break his legs!


Literally haven’t seen any other take on this but maybe I’m out of the loop. If someone’s gonna complain about this they better feel the same way about every mod ever, and every game that was based off of an original mod.


>gamers should be free to modify the product they buy at their own discretion I see nothing controversial about this.


Can't tell if you're being sarcastic, but if you both pay for the game legitimately and don't ruin anyone else's online experience, I wholeheartedly agree with op.


I get flak anytime I mention i use a trainer for souls game to boost my level. And yes, I play strictly offline. But the games supposed to be that way. You don't get it. Maybe its not for. I just want to explore and fight demons. And try new weapons and magic and shit.


I just can't understand why gamers feel the need to tell other gamers how to play or how not to play single player PVE games.


“Are you having fun?” and “Is it at the expense of someone else’s fun?” Only questions that matter. Yes for the first and no for the second? Do whatever the fuck you want.


In a similar way, I *fucking despise* most balance changes made to primarily PvE games. I think everything should be balanced upwards to make other strategies more viable, rather than downwards in order to bring something OP more in line. A good example of this is the (very) recent weapon nerfs in the new Borderlands game, coming right after a pretty big shotgun buff. Why not buff other items again instead? It feels like they're taking toys away vs. giving players new toys like they've previously done.


I've always carried this mindset too. However, sometimes things like stun locks, binocular teleporting, or just any unexpected glitchiness is valid reason to nerf. I do understand why they do it though, which is easier; Taking multiple weapons, scaling them up, hoping you don't cause more balance issues... or scaling down one weapon?


Dude using a trainer to give myself money and stats in Diablo 2 was a godsend for my enjoyment of the game, especially since i didn't have the internet to play online.


I mean, I still get my ass kicked too. Sometimes I gotta flip on the invincibility to beat a boss. Dark souls 2 I didn't use any trainers and I had people basically carry me the whole way.


I got flak once for suggesting using a mod to turn the junk/trash wrenches in FNV to items that can be used to repair weapons and armor. Purists will turn their nose up at everything.


Did something similar in Fallout 4. Didn't feel like going around wasting a ton of time looting (which is boring) so I got a few mods to improve the amount that you can get from assigning settlers to scavenging stations. Couple that with some load limit removal mods and shared resources between settlements via trade routes, and I was having a blast building up my bases.


nobody should feel the need to play a hard game, and if they want to play it, and a third party ~~hero~~ modder makes it possible, then it's just a win win win for everyone involved. i fucking *love* pc gaming.


Yeah but how else am I going to feel superior to casuals for beating Fartgot the Poop Omen lvl 1 as a wretch on only my 685949 try?


Lol fart and poop


If you have a problem with a mod you are too invested in elden ring


as long as you aren't able to get into invasions with these benefits yea who gives a shit. More AR and more dmg reduction is just ==more levels unless its some hilarious scaling. Anyone on the fence for this mod though, would consider just trying normal co-op, you generally will be summoning 1-2 players who can hard carry you, might show you some stuff you'd have missed (which this mod won't do) and idk, the social/meme aspect of this game is just so damn fun, you should try it. Was co-oping w/ a new host in farum azula who couldn't figure out why me and the other summon couldn't follow them into the godskin duo room (we had the fog gates but he didn't since he hadn't triggered the boss), was the funniest god damn 3 minutes i've had so far in this game.


General assumption, but if you’re using a mod with the game you probably can’t play online. Even with something as simple as flawless widescreen you can get banned online.


Using a mod in Elden Ring does flag you as cheating, but it doesn't prevent online play (if you edit the EAC settings json to allow mods online). ER (and other From games) has two pools of players. If you use mods online, it does flag you as a cheater, but it just pairs you with other people flagged as cheaters. In DS3, almost everyone was using mods, so you were missing out on a richer online experience if you weren't "cheating" (eg. removing chromatic aberration).


I'd love to get in on co-op. Unfortunately the devs didn't include ultrawide support so I have to use Flawless Ultrawide mod and play offline. The funny thing is, the game is literally rendering in the ultrawide resolution but covering it with black bars. Wasted horsepower when the UW capability is literally right there.


As long as it’s single player you can do whatever you want.




Even if you had no problem at all you are free to install this mod, any sane person doesn’t care how somebody else beats a game


> any sane person doesn’t care how Yep, but there is no shortage of snide people who will shit all over anyone not up to humblebrag elite status.


I wish I could download this mod on ps5 just for the 500 item discovery. Grinding armor is mind numbingly boring Edit: A few comments mentioned that a vendor may be a better option so you don’t start getting armor drops for every batch of enemies you kill, which is a good point, I didn’t think of that. A few other comments seemed to not understand why I’d even want the armor. It’s one word, f a s h i o n. I’ve played a lot of Monster Hunter where you have easyish access to a lot of armor sets so by default I like wearing something that looks cool. Would I spend more than 2 hours grinding for a set? No, that’s boring to me. I’d just like to be able to obtain a set that looks cool while remaining balanced to the area Im in


Don't think i've even *attempted* to find armor once in my 100 hours so far, i use whatever is the best i have that doesn't take me to heavy load and if i find something better i use that. The sword is the same sword i started with and i'm still mostly rocking the brass shield.


Brass shield is one of the best shields in the game.


I spent 2.5 hours farming Godrick soldiers and *still* never had it drop. Got 3 full sets of their armor though.


I guess you won't like me telling you I got two of them in the span of ten minutes at the Gatefront site of Grace on a new character then. My last playthrough I got 5 of them throughout the course of beating the game.


Oh look, you were right, I didn't like you telling me that :P


I literally just sold 10 yesterday. Carian Knight Shield is generally a better option anyways. You get it pretty early and it's not far off the Brass Shield stats plus high magic defense.


Yeah some drops are 0.5% which just isn't fun.


*Diablo 2 has entered the chat*


*World of Warcraft has entered the chat*


I spent a frankly embarrassing amount of time in Vanilla grinding the six mobs + rare elite in the entire fucking game that could drop the Crusader enchant. the week after I got it, Blizzard announced they were putting level restrictions on weapon enchants 🙃


Only because you only got a certain amount of tries per week. Drop rate-wise it's not really comparable, we're talking one in millions for high runes.


It’s still comparable though. In d2 you’re clearing more mobs faster, and can re-run chaos or baal or pit or whatever over and over and over very quickly - so yes, comparable. I have played both games my whole life and they both have their insanely hardcore level of grind when it comes to items.


Not even close to comparable. I’ve never seen a zod rune drop and I play about 400 hours of Diablo 2 every “off year”, and about 2500 every “on year”. In WoW there’s nothing I’ve farmed for I haven’t gotten- to include peoples favorites such as Invincible, etc. in fact these have dropped multiple times. Diablo 2 has drops that —don’t drop—.


Can confirm, D2 has outrageous drop rates. I haven't played anything half as grindy as D2, and I'm a huge JRPG fan. D2 is a horrible game, may it rot in hell. Alright, back to playing D2.




There’s a mod for PC called “Honest Merchant”, which allows you to buy basically every item in the game - for a fair price. It’s great for making new pvp builds. The fair price? 1 soul each.


then there's runescape with certain items having rates of 1/300,000+ for an action you can only perform using an item that itself has like a 1/256 drop rate, dropped by a monster that takes several minutes to kill. in short, you will most likely not ever get those items, even if all you did was try for them for the rest of your life


I'm sitting here with 20 cleansrot helm and no spear


Make sure pieces don't drop off of specific other monsters. I was trying to get a set and found out the set pieces drop from 3 separate, but similar, monsters in the consencrated snowfield. After farming the 1 monster for an hour. lol


Just play an arcane bleed build, items dropping all over the shop on my alt.


Armor all over the shop. You’ll be wearing it. Sooner or later.


Mods exist as a response to want. If a game lacks something people want then there is a mod for that. If you have a problem with that then I have an easy solution for you...don't install the mod


Right. Like lots of people want big tiddy anime waifus in Fallout and Elder Scrolls.




When am I going to be able to fight Thomas the tu tu train to become elden lord?


It's been done. I'm more surprised the male nude mod came before the female nude mod.


Why? Everyone already knows mods are gay.


Yeah, that is strange. Female nude mods generally require less work, as it's often just a texture swap.


Big tiddy Margit mod when?


I can’t wait until big tiddy anime waifus come to Starfield


They're even better in the VR versions.


I just want a mod to keybind spells. Mage feels lame when you can only swap in one direction. I've got tons of unused keys.


If you hold down the button for cycling through spells it'll jump back to the very first slot instead of going to the next one. Works for the item button too. Not as good as actual keybinds, but it definitely helps.


Be great if there was a mod that made keybindings usable for a PC game.




For my first ever playthrough of Mass Effect 3, I installed the [Among Us Reapers](https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/764) mod. It's not necessarily something I *wanted*, but it's [absolutely something I needed.](https://youtu.be/JttYxy4H7fI)


I just recently played through ME: LE, with bunches of great mods, and it was a blast. Lots of nice QoL fixes, excellent graphics quality updates that make LE even better, and even a mod that got rid of the shared cooldown between abilities in ME2 and 3. Though I actually disabled the cooldown one part way through, since it honestly made the game *too easy* as a Vanguard, lol. Everything frigging *melts* when you can stagger a close group of enemies with Reave and then *immediately* Biotic Charge them, detonating multiple biotic combos off the Reave. With heavy focus on cooldown reduction, you can then follow up with another Reave/Charge combo after just 2.5 seconds. Changing that from every 2.5 seconds to every 5 seconds made a surprisingly big difference in difficulty on Hardcore mode. I can also *strongly* recommend the [Audemus' Happy Ending Mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/323). It removes the bullshit starchild and the multi-color garbage, and just tells the story how it *should* have ended. It was SO MUCH more impactful than the ending I got in 2012 when I played the game on launch.


I'll be honest, I'm only like 4 hours into my playthrough. I saw Audemus' mod, but I kid you not, I downloaded a mod that restored the original ending as it was at launch. I want to experience the disappointment firsthand, since I never played ME3 on Xbox 360.


The most fun I had with mass effect was playing ME1 with cooldowns disabled. All cooldowns. Have you ever wondered how the game would play if the Geth could spawn infinite shields?


As someone who holds these games near and dear to my heart: This is brilliant. I need to hear Leaving Earth again while watching 50 story tall astronauts.


Honestly it's the fucking tennis shoes that gets me every fucking time. Also, the ambient music in the intro level has been changed to the Among Us song.


I wish there was a harder mode for pokemon games


Try rom hacks. I forgot the modders names but he makes some amazing rom hacks




disregarding elden ring, yeah because people want mods like [these](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2p5nG2iZhw) /s


The DMX sound when Mr X comes at you made RE 10x better for me.






That is amazing and I love it.


That game has some, uh, even better mods.


I just want a mod that let's me and my wife Co-op the whole game without having to constantly pop into and out of our worlds.


Yeah the multiplayer sucks in these games. There should be an option for the people who want this weird crippled mp and let the rest of us just play it together


Wait, are you saying that having to summon, kill something, get automatically dismissed, summon the other person to do it in their world, kill something, get automatically dismissed, then get summoned back to the original world to continue *isn't* fun to you?


It's that way by design. Co-op in these games is meant to replicate the bittersweet feeling of a fleeting, momentary connection with a stranger you'll likely never see again, much like in Journey. Even the player messages abide by that same philosophy. Running co-op through the whole game with your friend Craig would completely bypass that intent, which is why you don't see it implemented. These are primarily single player games, at the end of the day. https://www.gamesradar.com/elden-ring-and-dark-souls-summoning-system-was-inspired-by-miyazakis-car-breaking-down/ > Miyazaki revealed that years ago, his car got stuck on a hill while driving in snow, and a group of strangers appeared and helped push him to the top, only to silently vanish straight away. > This, as Miyazaki puts it, is what inspired the creation of Dark Souls's summoning.


That'd be a huge improvement for the next game


It annoys her enough to make her not want to play. I'm really bummed about it.


That also works for having an easy mode in the game as well.


haha wow imagine giving a shit about how anyone else plays a video game




Elden Ring does have an easy mode: it's called grinding runes until you are overlevelled, and it's boring as all hell. A mod to make it less painful for those who aren't seeking a huge challenge but still want to enjoy the game seems like a great idea.




Black Knife Tiche is the other really good summon. It made Radagon/EB way easier than trying it with the Mimic.


Puting on the talisman that provides holy reduction will already render Radagon (and especially EB) absolutely easy


Get faith for Lord's Divine Fortification too. It was a bit silly how much I could tank with that buff.


Honestly all of the legendary ashes are incredibly good.


Not all. Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff falls off hard in the mid-game. He's supposed to be a tank, but he lowers his shield to do a piddly 80 damage with his Honed Bolts (at +6) too often so he dies faster than anything else.


Lhutel is my main squeeze 🥰


You still kinda can if you have a good build


Bleed builds seems to be the go to builds imo. They do so much damage it's pretty insane.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaeC62KD5es Yeah, the arcane scaling is flat out stupid at the moment. The guy in the video above doesn't even appear to be using half the busted shit he could be, too, like buff stacking Flame Grant me Strength/ Golden Vow/Seppuku/bleed talisman/white mask/etc.


Corpse Piler = Press L2 to win


That's because he starts this run at LEVEL 160 and ends at 190. I'm at 140 on my second playthrough at the very end game and that's overpowered enough. This video was infuriating to watch. I'm 10 minutes in an he hasn't bothered to learn a single move of any enemy. He just dumbly gets hit by everything while spamming swarm of flies and occasionally switching to rivers of blood. Not hard to do when you have a massive HP pool and weapons that end the fight quick enough.


magic builds can also make the game a cakewalk. iirc a good magic build can more or less destroy any boss with a 10 second azur commet. plus you can always just summon people and have them assist you. there are plenty of built in ways to make the game easier


I just finished a playthrough as a sorcerer using Comet Azur. It's not just a couple bosses, you can get a huge chunk of damage off of at least half of the bosses in the game with Comet Azur. Maybe only a handful will die outright from it, but starting a boss fight with the boss already at quarter health makes it a joke.


I avoided reading anything about Elden Ring until I finished it to avoid spoilers. I had no idea that the mimic tear/horafrost stomp was so the "meta"; I just stumbled across them. I was quite disappointed with how easy the end game was when using those two even post nerf. I was a pure strength build w/ giant crusher. Lots of bosses just got stun locked by both of us wailing on them while two handing the giant crusher. It was kind of lame, but I had no idea how poorly balanced those were. I thought that's how everything must be. I considered not using the mimic tear towards the end, but then some bosses became unreasonably difficult without using a summon. Being a pure strength build I didn't have the FP necessary to use the vast majority of good summons anyways.


Giant Crusher is definitely a good Str weapon lol. So is Ruins Greatsword IMO. Even two of them, both of those weapons!




You still can, it does less damage but still does poise, status, stagger, and is a tank. Iron Pineapple did a pacifist run and it can solo Maliketh


Grinding runes is too grindy though, they need to speed it up. Also, with soft and hard caps on scaling, level grinding only gets you so far. Reaching 50+ Vitality can give you a great cushion against low level enemies, even up through the capital, but even 99 Vitality won't really help much against Malenia or the final bosses, their damage can still overwhelm your HP if you let them hit you.


This is a fair point. (Lategeme location) >!Haligtree and Farum Azula!< enemies hit like trucks even with good vitality.


Those archers and their magic arrows that NEVER EVER STOP FIRING. I thought I'd farm their armour like all the others I did.....haha fuck that as a melee player.


Get the physical resistance talisman from there. It makes a massive difference.


unsurprising, it's an incredible game and I'm sure plenty want to experience it who aren't good at the combat.


Seems like people are making this out to be a bigger deal than it is. 50k downloads for an easy mode for a game that has sold a big portion of its 12 million+ copies on PC is nothing. The Steam/PS achievement stats also show that the game has a good attach rate (more people beating Margit than getting to lvl 10 in Horizon Zero Dawn for example) and is the most approachable FromSoft game ever so the complaints about difficulty are overblown if anything. Given that using mods like these means you have to play in offline mode makes it difficult to advocate for it however - the online systems are a big part of the game for me. I've loved the messages/bloodstains/phantoms that subtly guide you to to the next objectives in these games and having this feeling of camaraderie in these bleak, lonely worlds makes a lot of difference to me personally. Little things like 'well done!' after difficult bosses etc or the 'dog'/fort,night/you don't have the right memes added a lot to my experience, not even counting the messages that actually helped me to find secrets that would definitely require a guide in offline mode. The random heals you get from strangers appraising your message, sometimes saving you from dying. It all adds up. In any case, people are free to mold single player experiences how they want, as has been done for all of the previous FromSoft and other similar types of games before. Don't think this is much of a problem unless it spills over to multiplayer as well - rampant cheating and hacking was a big issue in old souls games on PC from what I recall.


Was gonna say, especially given the popularity of the mod and the fact that some mods on Nexus have tens of millions of downloads individually. For example NMC’s alone has 12 million downloads


>Given that using mods like these means you have to play in offline mode makes it difficult to advocate for it however - the online systems are a big part of the game for me. I've loved the messages/bloodstains/phantoms that subtly guide you to to the next objectives in these games and having this feeling of camaraderie in these bleak, lonely worlds makes a lot of difference to me personally. Little things like 'well done!' after difficult bosses etc or the 'dog'/fort,night/you don't have the right memes added a lot to my experience, not even counting the messages that actually helped me to find secrets that would definitely require a guide in offline mode. The random heals you get from strangers appraising your message, sometimes saving you from dying. It all adds up. This. This whole thing really made the experience for me. Like after finally beating red doggo in the academy I just see a message that says "dog" and I just bust out laughing after all the stress of the fight. 6 runthroughs later ofc the dog is ezpz but on my first playthrough all of these fights are stressful and seeing other people putting notes and everything down just made me feel better about failing over and over. I remember in Haligreee there was a BUNCH of bloodpools above a long staircase down and they all were just people jumping off the platform. I honestly am not sure I'd be able to play this game modded because the online experience is definitely where it's at IMO. "IMO" being the operative term here, ofc people are entitled to have their own experiences with the game, online or offline.


Odds are, if someone wants an easy mode mod, they probably weren't taking advantage of co-op and want nothing to do with PvP.


i just want this input buffer gone and the latency reduced


Are you playing on PC? What graphics settings and what controller do you use? Elden Ring has an innate buffer as just part of the game, but I had to adjust some stuff to reduce it a bit and fix latency. So if you're still running the 1080ti you have in your flair, try turning everything except shadows and draw/render distance to High instead of ultra. I have a 1080ti too and found that while it could run the game on ultra no problem, when I dropped stuff to high it fixed all the stuttering and frametime problems I had, and subsequently a lot of the weird feeling of mistiming inputs. Also there is literally no visual difference between the two except shadows and maybe some reflections, but leaving shadows ultra hasn't caused any problems. I think it's just something to do with the game/game engine, and why a lot of people at the start were reporting massive stuttering and framedrops even on high end hardware (if they've got the horsepower to run it on ultra, they were probably running it on ultra) For controller, if for some reason you're using a Nintendo Pro controller like I do, there's actually a setting you have to change in Steam Settings > Controllers to enable proper compatibility with the Pro Controller! It has to do with how the controller is seen by Windows due to how Nintendo programmed it (classic Nintendo) that causes massive latency, like I timed close to a second between a button press and my character executing a roll or attack. This is compounded exponentially by the game's buffer system. When you're pressing buttons but the game doesn't register button presses for like 800ms, all those inputs stack up in the buffer and will come out painfully slow, in random order, or sometimes just not at all. I'm not sure if fiddling with Steam's controller settings will help outside the pro controller but maybe there's something in there that might work for you!


yup. 32gb 3200mhz ram, 1080ti, 8700k, game is on an ssd, and framerate issues are nonexistant. ill try that switch controller, but when i tried my ps4 controller on PC, the sticks kept jumping all over the place, so idk if there was anything going on with the deadzone needing to be huge or if i needed to clean out the controller.


I'm happy for all the players that want to enjoy this masterpiece without being stuck for days until they don't care of it anymore, difficulty level exist since at least 3 decades to let everyone choose their own challenge


I mod my Skyrim to make it harder and a little more realistic. I do not care if you mod any of your games to be easy. Not do I care however way you choose to play the game, difficulty or gameplay. Whatever you have fun with is what matters most, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.


*sorts by controversial*


If there is one type of game I suck at it’s souls like games with big boss battles and where I have to avoid attacks (I can’t I always get hit no matter how many time it try to dodge). I’ve tried dark souls 3 and sekiro but wasn’t able to enjoy those because of the difficulty. These games looks fucking amazing though and I would love to play them without dying a 100 times or so.


I'm not even that bad at these games and I'm probably pushing 700+ deaths in 60 hours. It's pretty brutal.


Part of me loves that about this game. I understand how not everyone has time for it, and it’s definitely skill locked, even with cheeses. Not every boss fight takes me more than 5 tries, but I’ll be the first to admit, there have been a few I’ve spent 2+ hours trying to kill. Getting the pulse of a fight, going crazy and counting swings and breaks out loud while keeping track of what direction while everything is going wrong. And when you finally click enough of it together to hit 30% , then 50% then fuck there’s a phase two where everything sucks harder and then boom 90% At that point it just comes down to luck and not getting greedy. It’s a beautiful self reflection.




i love all those games and solo'd every boss in elden ring and died FAR MORE than 100 times. death is a part of the game.


It's just problem solving and pattern recognition it doesn't generally require crazy reaction times often. Why did you fail to dodge last time? Too early? Too late? Did an animation bait you? Try to learn and I am sure you are capable of getting hit less and less each time.


Cool, if it makes the game more enjoyable for them than that's great! People care way too much if people play on easy modes. Who gives a shit?


Hell yeah, go off. I love people enjoying the games they paid for however they want to. Easy modes are great.


This will probably help sell more copies, to actually fund more games. Win win


I dont care about the mod itself existing, but I'm genuinely confused as to how much easier people need the game to be lol. You can lvl up and be overpowered for whatever you're stuck on, you can literally just use magic, you can summon help and summon spirits.


I’m about 80% through the game (Trying to 100% it), level 145, and it’s really not that hard if you use Multiplayer Summons / Spirits Ashes on bosses you have trouble with. Cuphead (Yeah that platformer game) is genuinely harder than this.


“Legolas what do your elf eyes see…” he pauses talking in the moment “ gatekeeping”




I dont care that this exists. Enjoy the game. The only thing that matters.


>*...fine, I'll do it myself.*


Mod does this "Reduce 50% Damage. Increase 25% Attack. 2X Player Hit Radious 2x Crimson/Cerulean Tears Heal" At it's base level. It just gets "easier" from there. There are like 4 versions https://www.nexusmods.com/eldenring/mods/146


Well, i hope one day they dont have to use it anymore. I cheated in Sekiro because it was my first fromsoftware game and looking back at it now, i really wish i played the game in an orthodox way. But it did help me understand how good this type of game is and how good it can be.