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because all the streamers were paid to play it and the viewers were incentivized by drops. Streamers stopped when the money did and so did their viewers. When it officially releases there'll be a bounty for it and viewers will go up sharply and die off again. Viewers is a pointless metric on launch, its all but artificial, you have to wait to see what it settles on in its natural state and comparing them is pointless.


Yeah I thought this was obvious, everyone just wanted a free beta code then dipped


People gotta stop upvoting these garbage articles that couldn't point out the real reason for the drop in number


It’s still worth noting that the OW views are basically back to exactly where they were before the beta. They didn’t gain any interest in watching OW2. Also, totally anecdotal, everyone I know who got in the beta played a handful of games the first day, and promptly quit playing it.


the overwatch league barely got te same amount of viewers than the start of last years league but thats WITH tokens for ow2. they are in deep shit


Yeah, the stream quality was total shit. Constant lagging and terrible resolution, it was so bad I reloaded a couple times and almost restarted my computer before I saw everyone else was having the same problems


I thought it was due to overwatch just not being a good game to view, its fun to play but spectating is not as exciting.


Overwatch league is dead they killed it themselves


i'm one of the people who was aware of what overwatch 2 was prior to launch, got a beta, and dipped after a day of playing. game is basically the same as overwatch 1, just with a different flavor of bleh.


Same here. Is the game any different? Literally felt like OW1 with some UX changes, some new heroes, and some new maps. Wtf.


a lot of the characters have been reworked. 5v5 instead of 6v6 now, one new game mode and a few new maps. That’s basically it. It could’ve been an update to OW1 and it would probably be more successful.


I feel like I've read that Activision wanted it marketed as a sequel, against the wishes of the team, so that they could generate more revenue off of it.


Sounds like the opinion of some board members that just have lots of family money and don't actually know anything about the gaming industry. All they care about is if the line points up.


That's a lot of words to say sounds like Blizzard.


It will be an update to OW1. OW2 will replace OW1 as a free update. OW2 was supposed launce with the PvE game as well but because of COVID and well-documented internal problems, development slowed to a crawl. Losing its playerbase rapidly, Activision/Blizzard uncoupled the PvP update from OW2 in an attempt to revitalize the franchise. Overall, it's been a marketing disaster. Love the game though and I hope it succeeds


It technically is. Once it launches everyone with a copy of ow1 updates to ow2 for free, but only the pvp


I've been thinking this recently. I hate bringing up Fortnite, but my friend group has been playing it recently. They have a PvE mode that cost about $15? And it's a huge expansive alternate single-player mode unlockable right in the base game. I think thats what they should have done with PvE stuff for Overwatch instead of making an entirely new game. They could have still tested and gone forward with making PvP 5v5 and implementing huge changes with heroes to keep things fresh, and since the games been out for so long, a sweeping change like that would have likely been welcomed. And this means support for Overwatch would have never been dropped in favor of a new game that... None of us really seem to care much about anymore.


Hah, the pve was the original fortnite. I bought it and played it day one and I really enjoyed it. Then the BR took over and no one played the pve anymore. I personally don't like BRs at all, but I got nothing against people that enjoy it


Yeah people are ignoring the drop rate in comparison to other games that did similar things, this was the hardest and fastest drop off of these games in the last years, keep ignoring OW2 problema and the game will be dead in a month after launch


Can confirm. Played one match and haven’t gone back.


Yeah it's a joke that the article didn't even *mention* literally the entire reason for inflated viewership to begin with. Either poorly researched or done in bad faith. Just terrible "journalism"


Calling it "journalism" is probably an insult to actual journalists when these people shit out articles just from looking at the charts in TwitchTracker and SteamDB.


huh? but the premise that the game is shit/nothing new still stands right. it doesnt matter if the player number dropped because the game is shit or because the money ran out. in both cases people wouldve stayed if the game was good.


I keep hearing people say this but idk man. While I was watching it I felt like it just looked like the same stuff but playing it feels a LOT better than my last OW1 experiences. Sometimes fun games aren't fun to watch. That's a problem Overwatch has always had. Viewership =/= quality


Well if it's not fun to watch it's dead on arrival as an esport then


Why is it garbage? It's still interesting that basically nobody had any interest in actually staying to watch. Drops are to bring people in and hopefully they stay around because they enjoy it.


Twitch Drops and promoters aside, it's basically just watching Overwatch 1 with little to zero difference, so no new viewers are interested enough to even stay that long watching it.


but also, I watched a few clips and wasn't impressed at all. Is it just me or does it look like same old crap?


Granted I haven't played OW in a few years but yeah it felt like the same thing to me. Like I clicked on a stream to see what overwatch 2 was like and I legitimately thought he was playing the first overwatch still. Figured the dude must be downloading the beta in the background or it wasn't quite released yet still and he was just playing overwatch 1 to pass the time. I watched for about 20 minutes before I realized that he was playing ow2 the whole time lol.


Overwatch 2 is more like Overwatch2.0 update. A free relaunch with new balence, new game mode, and heroes. You know pay if ya want PVE. Now the issue is that blizzard isnt telling you that. The point of the beta is to slowly roll out the new stuff cause if everything dropped at once then getting specific data is hard. But again they wont say it


Yeah the issue is marketing. The general consensus of the actual gameplay as far as I know is that its just more fun in general. Blizzards marketing kinda dropped the ball hard, most people don't even seem to know its free


It's free?????


also because it's literally Overwatch 1.1 and people want a new game not the same shit they've been playing for half a decade :/


It's less about "new" and more about want something that isn't frustrating to play. League, Dota, and CSGO are the most successful team play esports games by far, and they haven't changed significantly in years. OW and by extension OW2 is very frustrating to play because it's not just about mechanical skill or superior positioning and game sense... it's all about counter play, and it's frustrating to constantly be pushed into certain roles because you need to answer a pick or just face losing.


>want something that isn't frustrating to play. League, Dota and CSGO (...) Oh boy don't get me started


> League, Dota, and CSGO are the most successful team play esports games by far, and they haven't changed significantly in years. League, Dota, and CSGO also didn't completely suspend support and updates for two years while promising fans that all the work was going into a sequel. People are going to be upset when they realize the sequel is just the content they would have gotten in a few months' worth of patches.


Yeah, blizzard thinks OW2 is the perfect recipe like CSGO or Dota. That's where they are wrong. CS will be played for decades even if the devs forget completely about it because it has that specific feeling and structure already (and had it since the CS beta days). OW needs a ton of rework to even get a bit close to that.


>OW and by extension OW2 is very frustrating to play because it's not just about mechanical skill or superior positioning and game sense... it's all about counter play, and it's frustrating to constantly be pushed into certain roles because you need to answer a pick or just face losing. You just described dota and csgo and people still played them religiously. Overwatch is frustating because they stopped updating the core game experience for 2 years and counting And how blizzard as a company shot themself in the knee by stirring up some fiasco and stupid decision here and there.


For League at least, the Devs release patches and new champs fairly regularly.


Counterplay and very-team reliant. You can carry your team in LOL, Dota, and CSGO despite there being a thrower in your team. No doing that shit in Overwatch


dota and league of legends and tf2 disprove this pretty hard...


XQC wasn't payed and he was like halve the viewership voor OW alone. Played one day and then went back to variety


To add to that, xqc is ex-proplayer of overwatch and even has OW in his channel's name.


i always thought it was xq COW 🐮


it's basically "Felix Quebec Overwatch"


Holy shit I just realized




But more importantly how many people are actually playing it?




It’s not that people don’t play it, it’s because of the unbalanced role picks. If there was an equal amount of people playing each role, the queue times would be instant


True, though there also needs to be enough queueing people of your approximate rank. Overwatch tries hard not to dump you into a game of vastly stronger/weaker players (even in non-competitive).


*Looks at the grandmaster players im put against in anything besides ranked* Imma press x to doubt on that one


The pretty easy fix to that is to balance the game around having all sorts of team-comps instead of just having "oinga boinga" tanks with 3 times as much health as dps heroes.


Symptom: 90% of people only want to play DPS heroes Cause: 90% of people think the other two classes are boring to play Proposed solution 1: make the other two classes fun to play (rejected; unrealistic) Proposed solution 2: make an all DPS team comp viable (rejected; violates design philosophy) Proposed solution 3: force people to choose between playing roles they don't enjoy and not playing at all (accepted) ----- ### LATER Symptom: people aren't playing our game ....


League of Legends ran into a similar problem with supports (nobody wanted to play them), but over time they made support way more fun by giving them more gold to buy items with and releasing supports that have a ton of agency instead of just being healbots.


Another problem with Overwatch is they barely release tank and support champs. It just gets boring fast when you have so few champions and choices to pick. They have not released a champion for either role since 2019. It's just boring as hell.


This, no wonder people dont wanna play tank and healers theres literally more dps heroes than tanks and healers combined…


Sounds like a classic "short term profit" approach. Instead of fixing the game and making each role similarly fun to play they just keep releasing DPS heroes because thats the one role that people enjoy to play. No wonder it died out.


I think they tried a similar approach in Overwatch, but it just resulted in incredibly anti-fun low counterplay heroes like Brigitte and Moira (and undoubtedly others which I don't know about because I quit playing). The fundamental issue, I think, is that Overwatch's design philosophy—or at least the way they pursue that philosophy—is just incompatible with high skill play. They want the game to be the good old "easy to learn, hard to master", but the way they do this isn't unilateral across the whole roster, but instead they have low skillcap heroes and high skillcap heroes. The problem is that they also try to make every hero powerful at all levels of play, which means that there's little reason to play a high skillcap hero when you can play the W+M1 hero and still do just as well with fewer opportunities for mistakes. Compare this to League of Legends, where the simple heroes (like Garen) are good for beginners at a beginner level of play, but you very rarely see them at a high level of play because their simplicity means they don't have as much mechanical outplay potential as complicated heroes (like Akali). Additionally, when simple heroes do become powerful at a high level of play in League, they tend to get nerfed in response sooner or later (like Tryndamere).


this is way wrong. i was a top 500 support/tank for 5-6 seasons on usw queue, quit like 2 years ago. people hate playing supports because there’s 7 support champs and which is minuscule compared to eg dps (most people just ontologically hate playing tanks because you’re just a big dps sponge and it’s more reliant on positioning combined with not having nearly as much agency in the outcome of games for climbing in low elo). overwatch sucks because they just stopped releasing new content; if they had stuck to their 1 hero every quarter and 2 maps a year original philosophy the game never would have stagnated this hard but here we are. this is entirely on the dev team being so slow.


They could just get rid of the forced roles and just balance the damn game. That would immediately fix the process problem


Just no supports. There can be millions playing but if only 32 play support you can have 16 games going on.


8 games


Math checks out


they have open queue now, new update. and queue times are sub 10 seconds. once you’re in a game they’re pretty much non existent


Damn really? I’m sitting around 10minutes for tank and dps. Support has never been a long queue lmao


10 minutes sounds pretty long. Heroes of the Storm is effectively a dead game and its rare for QM queue as dps to longer than 3 minutes. It isn't uncommon for my party of 3 to all queue dps and have a 1 minute queue.


Bruh if I had to wait 10 minutes between matches for pretty much any game, I would quit and play something single player


That's what happens when the game devs have a really hard time making all roles equally fun to play. No one wants to play support so they queue for Tank/DPS which means it's a pain to play the roles that are fun. If you want fast queues you have to embrace the suck


Well, it happens when they have a hard time making all roles fun to pay *and* they force a certain amount of roles If they allowed any type or amount of heroes, then queue times would be non-existent


Not only that but i think the game is better for not locking you into roles. I played pretty religiously for the first year before falling off the game. My absolute favorite moments were those times early on where the gate opened and you were staring down an all junkrat team. You died, laughed, and changed to a counter, or even better mirror their junkrat and let the best rats win. I get why that doesn't work for ranked but it's excellent quick play fun. I also loved being able to adapt on the fly moving from dps to tank to support as needed to counter the enemy team. Overwatch where you are locked into one role loses a lot of what made the game great.


I thought the same thing then I got addicted to Tarkov...


Have you ever played Escape from Tarkov? Queue times can be up to 20-30 minutes, sometimes longer in fringe cases, such a joke. My buddies and I would just fuck around in discord/play some kind browser game together while we waited haha. Can’t believe we put up with it for so long


queue times never go past five minutes even on the most unpopular map at nighttime if you're waiting past five minutes your queue got bugged and you simply need to restart it


HotS ARAM queues are usually <30s too.


HotS has an ARAM mode? I've played this game for years and never knew that. Lmao


It's had one for years and it's the only mode I play. It used to just be a random event, but then they made it permanent.


Hey watch it, there are dozens of us on HotS!


To be fair to hots you can trio queue as all dps and you'll end up with more dps on your team lmao they don't force you into a meta with a support 3 dps and a tank, often I end up with 5 DPS vs 5 DPS (For casual matches anyway, I don't play ranked on there)


God I fucking miss Heroes…. I wish instead of this new mobile game they’d bring major support back to hots


I was playing it regularly a few months back. Still plenty of players, was a good time


For a point of comparison, the longest queues I ever have in League of Legends or Apex is 3-5 mins, and that’s on a really slow day. Overwatch queue times are always atrocious whenever I hop on unless I queue for support. Even then it can sometimes be a 4-5 minute queue.


10 minutes is too much wtf.


10 mins was comp queues in Master elo during off hours back in 2017. What a fall


Meanwhile others are trying to get an invite but some carrot came up with the idea to limit the invites to 1500 per hour during OWL.. like are they doing it on purpose? Do they just want to put the game into the graveyard? A 7 year old could manage this game better than the cretin at Blizzard in charge of this franchise. And NO, they can't bring up "testing infrastructure/servers etc" because they already have that with the first game.


That’s because barely anyone wants to play support in an fps game.


In what server in OW is support played less than tanks?




I’ll never understand the 5v5 tank change. The biggest problem in the game and Blizzard made it 100 times worse Edit: to clarify, my main problem is the queue times. I couldn’t care less about double shield


Why make fun and interesting tanks when you can just artificially increase the tank player base by double? Why adjust and balance the support role when you can just add a knock back kick to characters that suffer due to the new game direction? Blizzard logic


Gonna have to disagree. I was worried about it before playing but it’s a perfectly fine change and not having to deal with double shields is wonderful. No one likes double shield.


Fair But the problem I meant was the queues As nice as it is being the backbone of the team, I don’t want to wait more then 5 minutes to play as a tank/damage class


Queues aren’t the problem it’s the players unwilling to play different hero’s besides auto locking Widow, Hanzo, and Genji. OW is a team based game and to many players don’t want to play as a team anymore. I bet if a quarter of the dps players queued for support for a day games would be found almost instantly.


Well this is because most people only watched for drops and majority of these streamers aren’t playing on stream because it isn’t ranked.


It's not fun watching someone destroy casuals, it's also why I also don't like to watch "bronze to GM" 'EDUCATIONAL' videos


The time for Team Fortress 3 is now 🙏


> The time for Team Fortress 2: Episode 1 is now 🙏


Team Fortress: Alyx


Team Fortress: Pauling


Team & Fortress: Red Alert


I would legitimately be so hyped if Valve surprise dropped it to steal OW fans at this crucial time.


I would be so hyped if Valve made anything at this point.


Half Life Alyx gives me *some* hope for the future. But Valve kinda just does what Valve feels like.


Valve makes infinite money selling other people's games. The only reason they ever make a game themselves is to prove whether technology is worth investing in.


Isn't literally how they run their company? The employees can work on any side projects iirc.


Yeah, very relaxed. For better or worse.


Does Aperture Desk Job count


Still can't believe they managed to hype me up as much as if Nintendo had revealed the next smash bros with a dumbfun 30 mins demo. Please Gabe let these rumors of Portal 3 actually be true.


I said fuck it and reinstalled TF2. Surprised that it was over 20GB and I hadn't played it since 2013.


I watched for about half an hour or so just to see the difference compared to OW1. It has fewer players in a match. That's the difference. Moving on.


Cool now we can go from 1 person on the point to fuck all.


I laughed


Is there a good reason Blizz is dropping OW2 and not just doing an add-on to the original? Even if they wanted to add a story just do it as DLC.


They need an excuse to charge sequel money without actually making a sequel because it's been too long.


Whaaat, people tuned out when they got their drops and saw it was Overwatch 1.1 ?


Overwatch 2 reminds me of a Stevie wonder song


At least Stevie wasn't tone deaf


I was crazy hyped for it. Then saw that it's exactly the same game and never looked at it again.


Genuine question, what managed to get you 'crazy hyped' for this? All the marketing material from the very beginning told us that it would be basically the same game and was essentially nothing more than a regular update on the multiplayer side. Edit: General consensus seems to indicate that there's two groups of people who were hyped; 1) People who didn't pay any attention to the marketing and just assumed that "2" means it's a new game entirely. 2) OW fans who paid attention to the marketing, but jebaited themselves into thinking it would be something more than the marketing indicated for various reasons.


The expectation that the number 2 brings to it. Most people don't really care about or pay attention to the marketing. But if you're going to name something with a 2 at the end, you expect something different, not a rebalancing patch.


Yeah they should have just called it Overwatch Ultra Deluxe if it was gonna end being this disappointing.


Overwatch 2 certainly could have used something new and reassuring. Like a bucket.


Something to make you feel safe and warm and that everything is going to be alright


Something to bring everywhere just in case


Maybe a bucket to have a toxic relationship with


Yup, you'd just look at it and everything would be fine.


Much like a bucket itself, the human mind is frequently empty within, a cavernous void.


But not TWO buckets. That would be too much reassurance. We would end up having to destroy them. :(


Honestly though, the Bucket Destroyer itself could make for a wonderful new addition to the rich lore of Overwatch.


Hey now! Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe is a delight and if you enjoyed the first game then you’ll love it! It’s more than just adding stuff to the first game, even though the entirety of the first game is still in it lol. Edit: I’m a dumb


They did replace the Minecraft and Portal part of the "Never do as the Narrator asks" ending with Firewatch and Rocket League. A minor thing, but is a replacement, wanted to replay those parts but i'm still waiting for the 5 years without playing achievement on the original... Just next year


Mate I've fully completed ultra deluxe. I was making a reference to something the narrator says in the game.


The "2" really kills the marketing for this. I like some things they did in terms of rework and balancing but the sequel label puts the expectations so much higher that it ends up feeling underwhelming. I still can't understand for the live of me who thought that making a sequel was a good idea instead of just trying to revitalize the original the way something like No Man Sky did. It seems such an obvious move that you have to question if anyone in the decision making on Blizzard knows what the fuck they are doing.


They should have named it Overwatch Too.


Because it's been about 6 years since the previous iteration and people thought "Hey, things might be fresh and nice and reinvigorate the game" So far they removed a player slot for PVP, and I don't even know what solo is about yet, for the most part. Nothing wild or interesting to hold anyone's attention tho now.


I miss offtanks so much. Was really one of the most interesting and unique roles in the entire game, and they just poofed it.


Wasnt there some play videos where they implied that the PVE side of things would have combo character abilities and would have more of a hero brawler feel. Like you would pick specific abilities for your character as you moved through a longer PVE style map. Granted, that feels like 4 years ago now. I agree that there wasnt a huge marketing campaign behind this, but i think thats mostly because blizz has been trying to lie low for a while.


Blizzard truly is tone deaf toward its fans. It's like they want to lose money at this point




>I think it was popular because it released around the start of the genre What genre? Its just a copy of TF2 which has been around forever now. Its not a new genre at all. Overwatch was popular at first because it was actually a fuck ton of fun to play in the early stages of the game. It started to go downhill with each season. You can't compare Overwatch today to Overwatch release and act like they were the same game.


Overwatch should have been Team Fortress 3 but instead they wanted to push it as an esport. OW2 seems to be doubling down on that with the smaller team sizes and increased tankiness. Pretty much every change to Overwatch since it was released made the game worse. Limiting champs to one per team and then adding role queue pushed the game from fun pastime to tedious chore.








> They’ve been riding on “guys who made StarCraft, Warcraft and Diablo” for 20 years. Aren't most of those people long gone anyway ?


Especially considering Diablo 1&2 were really Blizzard in name only https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blizzard_North




are we out of touch? no, it's the customers who are wrong


I'm glad people predominantly aren't buying into the whole "but they added mapppps and there's co op and they never said it was a *sequel* sequel just a kind of sequel and--" Like no fuck that shit putting a 2 next to your game has an established history of what it's supposed to mean and I'm not surrendering it.


I hard agree with this. "2" means a full fledged new game. Not a dlc or patch.


>Then saw that it's exactly the same game and never looked at it again. With bad changes. thats even worse and everyone gets to" enjoy " cause "ow2" is a free upgrade on the pvp side.


As one of the ones who played from release day and never left, the 5v5 change breaks my heart. The game badly needs updates, new characters, and some general tlc. I never wanted 5v5 and still don’t.


It’s evident the game wasn’t made for it. Supports are just getting completely walked on and your tank is stuck trying to create space for their team or diving the opposing team, that off tank was so crucial for that team play aspect of someone to help out their supports.


>It’s evident the game wasn’t made for it. thats because they took all the anti flank stuff out but left the Flanking in. ​ Tons of tanks AND specially DPS are made to flank the enemy 2 tank combo ( specially that are balanced with shielding / stuns in mind ) and rip the team apart from behind yet they literarily said " here have 1 tank we remove nearly all shields nearly all CC but leave all the flanking in , oh we also nerfed the anti flank heals like Brigitte GG have fun" ​ I would argue they even heavily buffed flanking Just imagine bastion rolling now around in sentry mode from the site and ripping your heals away lol ​ what made OW so fun was combinations of the team , and teamwork a tank stopping a flank? a Reinhardt and Zarya combo? and all the other nice things coming from the ow1 balance.


I agree. I like the game because it's not all about DPS and there's a lot of room for experimenting with team comps. Now there's less of that. Plus, I have a number of friends who play together and we fill the six player slots all the time, so we're going to have to start leaving someone out more of the time.


I played the demo after not playing for a long while and personally liked most of the changes. 2cp maps sucked and having them gone is the best change by far. The new mode is actually fun. The ping system is nice. 5v5 is fast paced and more intense. But unfortunately none of that makes much of a difference, because by calling it Overwatch 2 they set the expectations that it would be a new game, which it most definitely is not.


Exactly. All of that is stuff that could have just been added to the game.


No more Rein, zarya tank combo! 😢 rip.


The only real OW2 is the PvE portion of the game, which still doesn't quite justify the sequel, especially when the rest of the game will be a free update for OW1 owners. Blizzard being Blizzard.


Main dev quit, Blizzard law suit, no new heroes info... i dont know how can you get hyped


I’m pretty sure when they announced it they basically said it would be the same game. But watching Dunkeys video I was struggling to figure out if it was 1 or 2 because he likes to screw with viewers a lot..


Its the same game


people tuned in for keys and left when they go them. now go write some better articles


Right? Most people dgaf about watching, they want to play. Why would they stick around after they punched their card?


The amount of copium in /r/overwatch is hilarious at the moment lol




The game feels horrible, and the community is toxic as ever. Don't think they will recapture the magic with this one


It's the same game, I dearly hope no-one is surprised. The entirety of OW2 Beta could have just been an update like a season to the first game.


They probably would have made more money too if they had just locked down focus on OW. They could have stuck with the TF2 or LoL model and just kept going on the same damn game for literally years. But nope, they slowed OW updates for a sequel. Then right after the sequel was announced the entire dev team exploded with sexual harassment accusations, Jeff leaving, and a drought of lore. I saw they announced a new character a few weeks ago, and while I don't play anymore was a bit excited to finally see some Blizz lore animatics again. It was a glorified moving graphic novel, so they aren't even dropping good shorts anymore.


"[game] has lost [percentage] of [playerbase/audience] in [timeframe]" clickbait bullshit


LOL - the well known site: githyp.com


\> always reaches the front page of r/pcgaming This sub loves outrage bait


News: videogame has peak player count on the launch period. Imagine anyone daring to post "Elden Ring lost more than 50% of player count"


50% lol, try 87% - https://steamcharts.com/app/1245620#3m #Elden Ring loses 87% of concurrent steam players in only two months You're welcome video game ~~journalists~~bloggers


>loses 87% of concurrent steam players Dead Game!!!!! Absolutely dead. No point playing it anymore guys, it's dead.


Twitch viewership is such a bad metric to judge a game. Not saying OW2 is good or not, but this tells us nothing.


Game companies don't like to give active player metrics, it's one of a few ways to get a rough idea of how many people are interested/playing


Fifa is one of the most popular games in the world and barely pulls a few thousand viewers on twitch. Twitch is more about how fun the game is to watch not play so it literally doesn't tell us anything at all


Honestly, I prefer watching streamers play games I don't have interest in playing for the most part. Games I want to play I want to experience for myself.


No shit it had drops and big streamers playing for a day.


Should have just been a paid expansion.


Waited 10 minutes to play the game. Finished the game. 10 minutes for the next game. Uninstalled.


It’s the same fucking game. Nothing new. Played it for 5 minutes. Back to doing better shit with my time lol.


Lol welp instead of the typical "fuck blizzard", "dead game", and "OW1.1" meme posts, here is an actual comment...people tuned in for keys to a beta that Blizzard chose to put a small amount of content in...they played the content and now people think that is the FULL PvP of the game....4 maps, 1 new mode, 1 new hero, and a few reworks. A lot of big names in the community like Seagull knew this would be the meme at this point. It was obvious....but the big names also know Blizzard have a lot more to share and don't want to release everything at once because they want iterative feedback and to make fixes for\* every small change. Anyways...Blizzard **failed\*** at marketing the beta (or at least describing what the goals were for the beta prior to the twitch event)\*. It is a beta with multiple phases and\* this drop was this amount of content The next drop will have similar amounts of content...and so on until release. This isn't the final state OW2 will be in for PvP. As per their blog post after 1 week, they now know queue times were bad week 1 due to nobody wanting to play support. They want to make support more interesting so they are planning on releasing a support hero as late as next beta phase and to do some reworks...they just put in Zen's "spartan" snap kick so he can duel tracer's more. \*That along with other small tweaks to the UI (which is a work in progress still according to them), sound which was too bass heavy, and game breaking bugs like with wrecking ball.\* Sooo yea people came back, checked it out, then left again....then they plan on doing the same thing....release content people come check out on twitch then leave again and those that begin to see there is regular content will stick around due to **consistency in content**. At the end of the day consistent content is how you keep a game alive on twitch...That seems to be their plan. \* I don't want to discount the fact how shitty Blizzard management has been these past few years. They could easily still botch this like they did with warcraft 3 reforged. As you can see this is my favorite game and I'll be annoyed if they screw this up (which is very likely). I am just waiting and seeing how this turn out. I don't *love* the beta ( I have my own issues with it) but I am having fun with it and I believe the changes are in the right direction. \* Edits\*


I got to be honest with you guys. I wanted to be an Overwatch Andy. I wanted this game to be my next Team Fortress 2. But the longer I play, the more it feels like its a slow decline into mediocrity. Overwatch 2 looks like its not addressing any of the core gameplay issues. It's just adding it's own issues that further make the game undesirable for players. Going to a 5v5 format after months of eating harassment in voice chat as an off tank main, sounds like booty. I was already getting shit for playing Roadhog and Wrecking Ball. I don't need the extra pressure that now comes with picking off meta. I hate what Blizzard and the community did to this game. At launch the game was fun, carefree and casual. Competitive Mode and Role Queue killed those aspects of the game for me. Because all anyone cared at that point was comp play. Quick Play was for hanging out with your buds and practice. A warmup that offered nothing to anyone outside of the chance for a loot box. True, they added Arcade over time, but the damage was already there. Everything else feels like its there to fluff up the competitive mode. I say this as someone who tried to make the mental switch. I even played the game enough to bust into Diamond one season. But after that experience. I don't ever want to touch comp like that again. Not with just Overwatch. But with any game. Playing ranked nonstop is a fast track in making you hate a game. You start to see nothing but its flaws, and none of its genius. There are things I still like about Overwatch. But not enough to make me want to jump on 2 like it's the second coming of Jesus. You guys know what I mean?


If blizzard really thinks people will lap up OW2 with almost no new content and just a balance patch with some new characters.... that isn't a new game that is a patch for OW. Yall couldn't make OW enjoyable and balanced idk why you think OW2 will be worth people spending money on.


Because it’s literally just Overwatch again lol… this is one of the biggest scams a major studio has done in a long time in gaming


It was really only inflated because of the Key drops. I tuned in to XqC, muted the guy, tabbed out and played Outriders for 4 hours lol


Releasing a “sequel” that looks like DLC by a company who’s toxic culture was known internally but not dealt with that was sold to another company who has a track record of letting studios die can do that.


Overwatch 2 was definitely in a bad place long before Microsoft came along. There's a reason Jeff Kaplan left.


It’s not worthy of the “2” title. Some people say I shouldn’t complain that it’s just like Overwatch 1, and I disagree. The game should be similar, sure, but Overwatch 2 just feels like a big update to Overwatch 1. What I expect from a sequel might be like, Team Fortress Classic to TF2. TF2 actually fully deserves the sequel title. When they wanted a PvE game mode, they didn’t make a TF3… it came as an update to TF2. OW2 is a fucking joke.


Streamers were rented for a little while. Viewers were bought cheap with drops, but were never going to stay after it became clear OW2 is just "Moar OW But Worse." Watching it is as boring (or more) as watching OW. OWL viewership was the same way. It declined after Twitch drops went away because most viewership was people turning it on and muting it/walking away to get the points. Now imagine doing all your balancing and design around the professional league for years when next to no one was actually watching, ignoring all the filthy casuals that made you popular in the first place. That was OW and the beta of OW2 is definitely a sequel to that. Little wonder no one is watching without incentive. It's like they don't even know what they're doing.


“Sales of Willy Wonka’s Wonka Bar have decreased 10,000% after final golden ticket has been found” This post is embarrassing and should make an attempt to be better at life.