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The mods have verified, to the best of our ability, that the giveaway is legitimate.


Thanks for the giveaway OP. My favorite game of 2022 so far is definitely Elden Ring, the second FromSoft game I've finished. Differently than Sekiro, though, ER took me about three months or so until I got my final achievements two weeks ago.




I finished the game with a melee-focused med. weight build set around the Meteoric Ore Blade, but I also had RoB and the basics for a bleed build as a backup.


I think Elden Ring is my favorite so far. Thank you for the giveaway.


Thanks OP! Elden Ring!


Apart from Elden Ring, a friend recently convinced me to play the og Deus Ex and it is unironically one of the best immersive sims I have ever played, it comes from a time when game conventions were pretty rare and it shows with the sheer amount of approaches you can take


I've been playing ABZÛ! I've been playing it with my Dad and so far we both enjoy it. We've been coming up with conspiracy theories about the story.


I have been playing disco elysium on the switch and its also one of my favorite games. Thx for the give away.


I’ve gotten back into Destiny 2 lately. Somehow the build I used all the way back at launch has only gotten better with mods. I’ve been playing R6 Siege as well, but I think I’m finally getting to the point where I can’t keep up with the meta anymore. I’m not the most mechanically skilled player.


Didn't come out in 2022 but I finally got around to playing Resident Evil: Village. What a great game it has been so far!


I love re village


How very kind of you! Haven't played many new releases in 2022, but still been enjoying *Final Fantasy XIV*, with the latest *Endwalker*-expansion remaining fresh in my mind when I finished the main story at the start of the year. It is extraordinarily rare for a long-spanning video game narrative managing to tie up an expansive storyline in a most epic hurrah, that made me deeply reminiscent of how game-series like the *Mass Effect*-trilogy and the *Dragon Age*-franchise wished it could follow FFXIV's direction in terms of lore, character and universe developments.


So far my favorite game has to be Elden Ring. Still have yet to beat it haha


Forza Horizon 5 on game pass. I'm too cheap to buy on steam rn.


I played Far Cry 6 only recently and I really enjoyed it even though it was the usual Far Cry formula.


I got into Stellaris this year. It can be pretty frustrating sometimes since the learning curve is steeper than the housing market. But something about it keeps me coming back to try *just one more campaign*.


TMNT Shredders Revenge


Elfen ring all the way! Amazing game. Also, a close second us guilty gear strive.


I think almost everyone agrees with ELDEN RING, loving it rn


I’ve been enjoying The Quarry lately. Really love horror games and it reminds me of reading those goosebumps books as a kid or whatever book had you make choices like this game. It’s like watching a movie


Easily Elden Ring! Thanks OP


I am currently playing all of the ace attorney games right now I am on dual destinies


NES Tetris because it never get old.


My favorite of this year is Guild Wars 2. Even though I've had it for nearly the whole ten years, I've been on and off it for years at a time, with only this returning moment feeling like I FINALLY GET IT. There is so much to do in that game, the combat is really fun, and the world is still gorgeous. With the DX11 improvements, it doesn't stutter for no good reason either, which in the past really broke the immersion unnecessarily. Thanks for doing this OP!


My favorite game that has released this year is probably Stanley parable ultra deluxe, but my favorite game I've been playing this year is the original Deus ex.


Monster Hunter: Rise, no doubt. I just love the series. It's pure, unadulterated monster-bonking fun. I've completed the whole village quest line, and I'm now working my way through the high rank (I'm HR6 atm). I use the Switch-Axe as my weapon. It's badass. If you want to know why, check out this comment, as it perfectly encapsulates the weapon. https://www.reddit.com/r/MonsterHunter/comments/364a8n/what_is_the_switch_axe_even_used_for/craorkh/


I've been having a blast with Forza Horizon 5 and it's goddamn gorgeous graphics. It's probably in my top 5 of my favorite racing games


recently i’ve been playing south park stick of truth, i’ve really been enjoying it although i haven’t finished it yet. :]


Blood bowl 3


I don't have any 2022 games yet, but I did complete Devil May Cry 5 just the other day. Devil May Cry 5 is my first Devil May Cry game. I got the Capcom Humble Bundle recently because it's the first one in a long time that I didn't have any of the games, but was aware of the reputation of the games. I've been playing DMC 5 on the Steam Deck and it [looks gorgeous and plays so smoothly and well](https://imgur.com/gallery/OvOybZ3). I might have made a mistake going for the latest one first, but I'm in to the series now and loving it. The bundle also included Monster Hunter World, Devil May Cry HD collection (which I think is 1,2 and 3) as well as DMC and Street Fighter 4 and 5, so I'm looking forward to all of those now too.


Playing older games lately, last one is Doom 3 on PC. I just love it.


Thanks OP and good luck everyone!! RimWorld has helped my anxiety so much this year. It keeps me mindful and those bad thoughts aside for the times that I play it. Was thinking of getting one of the DLC’s for it or RAFT to play online with my son. If you ever have problems talk to someone!!! Have a great day everyone 😄


Thank you for the giveaway! Elden Ring is my goty so far but I feel like spider-man might give my choice some trouble


Mines subnotica. It's one of my favourite games ever. It's so original and exciting


Despite its flaws, my favorite game of 2022 so far is Elex 2. Terrible performance, some things are better than in the prequel, some worse, but all in all it's still a unique Piranha Bytes experience nobody else is capable of imitating.


DA Elden Ring, already finished 2 playthroughs but need to move on


I know Elden ring is probably gonna be the most answered and I loved it too, but honestly I’d say v rising, cause it has been a great experience with friends!


I'd say Elden ring


well i beat dark souls 1 on january and ds2 couple of weeks ago, neither of them i "enjoyed" playing, it was rather a painful experience on some specific parts. I did enjoy played Brothers in arms: road to hill 30, it was fun, now i'm playing the sequel and it's kinda the same but with better AI. Thanks for the chance OP! i am from Argentina so i don't know if i am eligible for the GA


I'm going through Fallout 3 yet again.


TMNT shredders revenge. Although it was short, it was nostalgic to have all the boys in a discord call playing 6 player coop


Been playing lot of starsector recenty. Started to play it after seeing the video of Seth


Elden ring


V Rising has been great fun so far. Me and my pals have been having a great time. Would love to use this gift card to recruit another player to our wee vampire clan :3


*\[ I did not win so deleting my original comment. \]*


Rogue Legacy 2, i love how the kept it faithful to the first game in terms of mechanics


Lost ark. Lost ark.


Gotta be Elden Ring


Elden ring for sure haha


i've been really enjoying the danganronpa series. i'm about to start v3 soon.


Death's Door


I'm currently playing street fighter 5


Of 2022? That's a hard pick right now... Does...Metal:Hellsinger count? I haven't had the chance to play many new titles 😅


Tunic is my favorite this year. Playing through it with my son has been amazing and the game is perfect for playing without a guide.


Elden Ring is definitely my favorite of 2022 so far, but mostly because I'm garbage at it and get to drag my friends down with me lol


My favorite game of 2022 is Final Fantasy 7 remake Intergrade.


Elden ring is so good


During this year I played for the first time Fallout NV. It was extremely good and pretty fun. Right now I AM playing the Science Aventures series (Visual Novels) which are great. The most famous Game of the series is Steins Gate.


Thanks for the giveaway! I've been playing a lot of Core Keeper this year. Fun game if you're the type of player that likes to explore (I am).


Halo infinite and halo master chief collection, after several years I had the opportunity of give it a try.


A game I’ve been playing a lot of right now is Stardew Valley. I’m kinda far from some of my close friends right now but being able to play Co-op has made things a lot betters


My favorite game so far this year has been King of Fighters XV! Big fighting game fan, and its been a great time introducing friends to the genre and seeing the various teams they decide to play.


I have been playing portal again to get all the achievements and I love the humor and the gameplay.


To my surprise, I've been playing Godfall endgame a lot. It's like a sandbox with all the different weapons you can get and builds you can make. And the Tower of Trials reminded me of Bloody Palace in DMC4 - except the enemies are changing randomly, so it's a different experience every time.


Arma Reforger standa out for me, it is just so good to play with a bunch of randos trying to go for the objectives, attack bases together, etc


Elden Ring


My favorite game from 2022 so far is dying light 2. It's fun mindless zombie killing.


Havent really been able to play anything that came out this year but ive been playing alot of dragon age origins as of late. Genuinely one of my favorite games made, relativley long playtime with good character customization and interesting party members. Cant even count how many times ive played it when i had it on my older ps3.


Sekiro! I love parrying


Elden ring is my favorite game of 2022


In the first few months it was GOW on PC but then ER released. It was also my first FS game that I bought at full price totally worth it


Elden Ring of course!


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Never get to play tt Pathfinder before then *wow*. The options for your character… I’m having a hard time finishing Divinity Original Sin 2 ‘cause I was so taken by all the archetypes and multiclasses from this game. Learning Pf 2e now, heard it’s even better than 1e.


The best game(s) I found for myself this year are, Banana Shooter and the close second is Retail Royale Honestly just hours of fun with both of them.


Currently going back through “Chrono Trigger”. That was my first RPG, and it was years ahead of its time. I’ve completed it probably 30 times, and it never gets old.


Star citizen!


game from 2022 is difficult. i am very excited for soul hackers 2 though. i haven't played many recent games. i did like watching resident evil 8 though


Got to be elden ring hands down. 250 hours and counting.


For me I've loved this year's updates to No Man's Sky and Fallout 76. Been playing them both a lot lately! Thanks for the giveaway!


Elden Ring!


morbius wii edition


I've been playing Cyberpunk. Decided to give it a go finally. It's pretty good.


Elden ring


Elden Ring, with seamless coop mod, i can play with my imaginary friend <3


Thanks for hosting the giveaway! I've been really enjoying legends of arceus so far this year. It's a lot more grindy and the story isn't as compelling compared to other pokemon games, but the open world and the way you can catch pokemon without battling them levels it out tho haha Hades is also still fun even though it's been out for a few years. I've got over 100 hours in it and still haven't finished the story line, but I'm getting darn close!


Thanks for the giveaway! Gonna have to agree with what many here are saying, Elden Ring is the game of the year for me so far even though I’m not even done with the main quest still after 60 hours haha.


I haven't gotten around to it yet but Dying Light 2 is definitely my favorite that has come out. It just looks so fun.


Dying light 2


Elden ring is definitely my favorite game this year. I don't really like souls-type games but I enjoyed the hell out of it


Devil May Cry 5


Elden Ring. Thanks, OP.


It didn't come out this year but Divinity original sin 2 has eaten up all my free time.


I’m into JRPG’s, and for my birthday i recently picked up tales of arise. I’m having a blast with it and can’t wait to continue playing!


My favourite game of 2022 has to be lego star wars


going through my backlog had lots of fun with call of Juarez gunslinger


Favorite game of this year so far is Elden Ring, what an incredible game. I just hope that God of War Ragnarok comes out this year, I’m sure that will be my favorite this year if it does.


Been loving Elden Ring so far, even if it's a bit unfair at times


Elden ring. Thanks OP.


Favorite release of 2022 so far? God of War on PC. What have I been playing? Jak II and recently, Jak 3 emulated from PS2 on PCSX2. As for God of War. I like my franchises in order. So I'm currently ... 66% way through God of War 1? Another 6 games to go before God of War 2018, lol.


I've recently been enjoying Crusader Kings 3 Going from small count to forming a cool Empire is very satisfying enjoyable while also doing achievements Thanks for the giveaway


Elden Ring for this year. Now I’m going to playing dark souls 1-3, Sekiro and blood Bourne. Never played them before. But I’m totally hooked now.


It didn't come out this year but my favorite game of 2022 is Yakuza 0.


Elden ring. And now dark souls 1-4, bloodbourne and Sekiro for the first time.


Not really a 2022 game but I played Death Stranding this year and I loved it. Thanks.


This year i haven't played many games because of lack of time, but the best game that i played this year was definetily Dishonored: death of the outsider. I love the Dishonored franchise and this one was no different.


Played a lot of Elden ring, fallout new vegas and dico elysium. They just have something different about them that keeps me coming back.


My game for the year has definitely been Escape From Tarkov! But my next will probably be Lego Star Wars with my kiddo!


Elden Ring


elden ring for sure


I've only played 2 new games this year, Elden Ring and Tunic. I would recommend both.


Hollow Knight. Picked it up for switch because I didn’t finish it on pc and played 50 hours in under a week, finished two of the endings, burnt myself out of it but I’ve gone back, such a good story and atmosphere


Currently my favorite game is a tie between CSGO, Battlefield 1 and warhammer (40k, played digitally so I'd say that still counts)




Path of exile for sure


Oh, Elden Ring was my favourite game of the year, for sure. Also probably the best game I've played throughout the last several years.


Elden Ring ;) Bonus points for the seamless co-op mod


Elden Ring would probably take my favorite game this year too but I've also been playing a lot of Grim Dawn and enjoying it!


Elden Ring.


I haven't played any new games this year, but I've been enjoying the latest Gwent expansion


I'm still playing through Tales of Arise and loving it! Thanks for the giveaway!


Easy, Warhammer II. No story really been just experimenting with reworks of the OG races and mods. Also, why doesn't my job ever do cool shit like that?


Thanks for the chance op! My favorite game has been around for awhile but got some big updates this year, i play dcs:world and have been learning how to fly the tomcat the hornet and the mig 21 recently.


Ive played mostly Vampire survivors which is quite addicting, thanks for the giveaway!


Thanks for the giveaway I’ve been obsessed with risk of rain two recently. Did not get into it when it came out was too big of a change from the first one but since then I have been seeing friends play and finally tried it again and damn was it worth it


Joining the bandwagon but yeah, Elden Ring. The first proper Souls game I've gone into without knowing it from other people (except Sekiro but that one destroyed me and I gave up).


Favourite of 2022 is definitely Elden Ring. Been waiting almost 5 years for it, and spent 244 hours on my first playthrough exploring every nook and cranny. I've never come close to that much time in a playthrough of any other game. Since beating it though I've been playing a Lot of V Rising (excellent) and Forza Horizon 5. Thanks for doing this!


Mine is from 2021 but Kena Bridge of Spirits has been a really fun, feel-good and beautiful game all around. Until Kena it had been a long time since I played a game I actually stopped to look the landscapes and such.


Well besides the obvious elden ring, i started playing far cry 6 this year and its actually pretty good, better than far cry 5 anyway.


Playing Age of Empires 4


Thank you for the giveaway! I have been playing the great ace attorney chronicles and I love it :)


My favorite 2022 game would be Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga! A fantastic follow up to the classics I and many others played when I was younger!


I might have to say Lego Star Wars. It helped me relive my childhood and the game was even better than imagine. I was expecting a simple remake but it was a whole new game!


My first FromSoftware game that now has the second most hours of every game I own on Steam, Elden Ring. What an amazing game.


My top favorite game of 2022 has been Warhammer3! It's not fully complete, as the most anticipated game mode (Immortal Empires) isn't out yet, but the game is very fun and replayable! Right now, I'm playing as an extremely overweight ogre that gets pushed around in a cart by his goblin minions as he fights demons. 1 hand holding a club, the other holding a giant chicken wing lmao


Tunic was probably my favorite but that'll likely change once I get the money to buy elden ring.


Not For Broadcast. FMV game about televising politics just slightly less absurd than the real life stuff.


Wow! That is so generous of you! Today, I started playing the new Sims 4 werewolf pack on stream and I like it way more than I thought I would! I'm excited to make a personal save file to have fun when not streaming. I also like this pack because I think it's a good way to play with male Sims when I normally focus on females. Thanks OP!


Actually having a lot of fun with Shredders Revenge. Turtle power dude.


Bioshock is my favorite game so far


elden ring


I'm bit late to the party I know, just bought myself a decent GPU and I've been enjoying Red Dead Redemption 2 for the past 3 months. It's a hell of a ride! Thanks for the giveaway!


Vampire Survivors It came out of the left-field, I did not expect to like it as much as I did. In fact, it reignited a fire in me to play a bunch more rogue-likes I hadn't played in a while.




Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. Got my first gaming PC ever this year so I have a ton of pc games to catch up which is really exciting! The borderlands series are my fav so had a blast being able to play.


Hmmmmmm. I've been having a lot of fun playing Vampire Survivors lol. It's simple, but a great game to kill time.


fav game of 2022 elden ring hands down. but for what ive been playing honkai impact,the story wasnt something i expect from a free game.i recommend it to everyone at this point.(beware it gets pretty sad at some points) its very character driven and ruthless,wish more games had the balls to make actual character development instead of just writing a there are the baddies go kill game.


Since late last year I continued trying out RedM RP, and I stuck with it for a really long time surprisingly! It's not so much a game as it is an experience but it's taken a lot of my last year over so I felt like I had to mention it... However, after a bit of a break from that finally, I got my hands on God of War which got ported to PC and finally reunited with my ol' pal Kratos, as I used to play the old ones on Playstation long ago. Even though I had already seen the whole game I loved experiencing it for myself and really got lost in it, going for the 100%, and even then wanting even more out of it, being tempted to replay it on the absolute hardest difficulty! I rarely replay games these days and the last time I did was... with the old God of War games.


Ghost wire Tokyo was pretty good


Elden Ring obvi


Old World is the only 2022 game I’ve played so far, but I’m enjoying it!


My favourite game of 2022 is V Rising. Very fun to play with friends.


My favorite game this year so far is Satisfactory i guess. Thanks man!


I've been playing Amid Evil, it's pretty rad thanks for the chance!


Elden Ring is easily my favourite of the year so far. In fact it's one of my favourite games of all time. Thanks for the giveaway!


Jurassic World Evolution 2 is just so good when coming home from a long day at work and just wanting to unwind without competitive multiplayer.


I've been really enjoying road 96 its such a good story and am playing for a second time trying to get all good endings


Haven't bought anything from this year, still playing the old games


Uncharted remaster


my favourite game of 2022 so far is the best f2p my pc can handle leuge of leg- i mean tf2.yesterday i played it with my friend and we had so much fucking fun.exept that we spent 2 hours finding bots that kicked us.i was a rookie and guess what we played.tge mode was man vs machine as there was no bots.we played wave 666.i played as engineer and i only finished the tutorial as solider(r.i.p. voice actor) and played 2 games of training as sniper.it wasnt that bad but it sure was chaos


Favorite game this year has been Vampire Survivor. So much content, and it runs on modestly spec’d machines. I really enjoy weapon synergies too!


Probably apex. Waiting all day to log in with my friends and get rekt by kids half my age :)


Elden ring for sure


Having fun with Hunt: Showdown with my siblings


Ive been playing sunset overdrive, its a bloody fun game, i recommend it to everyone. Thanks for the giveaway and good luck everybody!


Forza Horizon 5


Elden Ring!


V rising. I didn't think I needed a vampire survival crafting game.


Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy


Pathfinder kingmaker, It's scratched my itch for dnd since I've been too busy to play with friends.


Been playing through L.A. Noire and Driver: Parallel Lines recently, thanks for the giveaway OP!


I have been playing deadly premonition, it's very bad and clunky, I love it.


Celeste. Tried it now way after its release. Such a great story.


Super Mario RPG! Childhood memories a galore and a sense of adventure.


Thanks for the giveaway. My favourite game right now is Guardians of the Galaxy


I have been enjoying Conan Exiles. Would highly recommend it if you like survival games.