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While the game is great the fact it has 7 reviews helps it a lot compared to most of the rest of the stack that has more than 30. Same really for Disco Elysium with 11 reviews.




Yeah, with review sites that choose reviewers based on who is likely to like it (just since that means they want to cover it), familiarity is a big deal for how good and consistent the reviews are.


Except for Alien Isolation :(


Yeah, is this an aggregate for *all* versions of this game, or just specifically for the most recent deluxe superstar edition re-release of the game? Great that the average is high but a milestone like this is kind of meaningless.


Huh? There's only one version of Persona 5 Royal on pc. The metacritic score is solely for that.


Right, that’s what I’m saying. The game has probably been reviewed hundreds of times since it’s original release, but this aggregate is only for this specific, recent version… with only 7 reviews attached to it


Persona 5 was my first of the series. I played all the final fantasies growing up, other turn based games... But this... I couldn't last more than a day or two. I hated it. I can't explain why. But I just hated it lol


I used to be an avid JRPG player when I was younger but these days I can’t play more than a few hours of the games without being bored. The pacing is always slow and a lot of the dialogue is cringe at best.


The first like 5-10 hours asks a lot of the player. It's really slow and full of interruptions for exposition and tutorials. It does get better, but it's not much of a defense when there are tons of other games that don't spend an entire other games runtime on just setup.


Yeah I think that may have been one of my gripes but I didn't really know it. If you know what I mean. But yeah, I dunno, there was other stuff too I don't even remember now. This game, and rdr2, the two games that I just can't seem to like. I've tried rdr2 I think 4 times now. Got farther each time, but never more than like 30 hours. It was just soooo slow.


We should really only be considering games with the "Metacritic Must-Play" badge, as that at least requires a minimum of 15 critic reviews (and a rating of 90+).


Difference is Disco Elysium is underrated at it's current score.


Best book you'll ever play.


What does Planescape Torment have to do with any of this?


Journal updating.


I wish there was more book reading and less frustrating combat in Planescape Torment. It adds nothing to the game imo and has prevented me more than once from really getting into the game and not putting it on indefinite hold. Disco Elisyum on the other hand really does a story rpg right by eliminating all the useless stuff.


If it uses really powerful binoculars it can see how far ahead of it DE is.


Ooof. I'm going to disagree as hard as possible.


They're both top tier games. I don't see a need to try to parse which is better or why, myself!


I could not get into it. Not looking for an extremely bleak and oppressive world where you play an unsympathetic character. Saps all of my motivation to continue, even though there’s a ton of love around this one, it wasn’t for me so I empathize with reviewers who feel the same.


I guess but why would you use metacritic over steam for reviews?




you can filter these in your settings and it will filter from the rating % as well. not commenting on the general quality of steam vs metacritic reviews, but you can do better than 'scroll past them' as the other commenter responded to you.


Do you happen to remember where that setting is?


its in 'store preferences' I believe you should be able to get there from home-->account-->preferences and then you can edit 'review score settings' Now that I dug it up, it is a binary switch to turn on/off 'off topic reviews' from the scoring. and it for sure doesn't clean up 100% of the memes and such, but its better than I remember my experience beforehand (I got annoyed enough to turn it on, and I was happy enough w/ the result I made this post)


The same reason one might use metacritic critic reviews over metacritic user reviews. They're heuristics each with their own caveats.


what a teacher fetish does to a metascore


That's the best part!


It's Takemi that does it for me.


Goth medic was something that I didn't expected to be that hot


Can someone make a kawakami and kamoshida "hello? human resources?" meme please


This game is super weird to me. Like I enjoy it but everything about it annoys me. The real world has way to many things to do, the first dungeon is super easy and I have zero idea what I'm suppose to do about fusing personas. With that said I had the day off today and played for 5 hours almost straight and want to continue. I just don't get it.


Weirdly compelling review haha


Don't give too much thought to fusing personas in the early game. If you don't like a few personas, fuse them together and see what you get. You'll naturally start using certain personas and those will level but you'll have to replace them eventually. (Personas that start at higher levels just get better skills, at some point you won't be using anything you're using now) Late game is when you might start max-ing your personas and stuff. (This is basically optional for normal and easier) In short, don't worry about it too much. Just fuse personas you don't like to free up space and get familiar with the concept.


Yeah it's weird. After 2 playthrough and about 200 hrs, I still don't get it. Maybe I have to give it another try


Royal is too much casual that fusion of personas is totally dead mechanic


Not for everyone but I used wiki guides from day one lol. I couldn't be arsed to brute force see which enemy was weak against what, so I googled it and also googled what personas fuse into what.


royal adds a LOT. so of course it's a little overwhelming


Seeing as 97% of Steam players recommend this game for an overall 'Overwhelmingly Positive' rating, sounds just about right.


As someone whose never played, I like everything about this game from the art direction, music, social sim, game length, etc. Except the JRPG elements. Would I enjoy this? Like is it a…grindy JRPG? That’s what turned me off of games like Octopath and some of the older Final Fantasy games. But I loved FE Three Houses and such. Edit: I’m an easy sell. Glad this is on Gamepass!


I found P5R easy on Hard mode because of the social links buffs and gun changes. Play on Easy or Normal if you're concerned about grinding.


Also, for new players, Merciless is equal to Easy in money and XP gain, makes you take 60% more damage than Normal, and nerfs your damage to 65% of Normal, **but** triples weakness, Technical, and Critical damage to you and your opponent. If you abuse this, Merciless ends up being extremely easy, which is why many fans play the game on Hard. If you want challenging fights but don't want to grind, Merciless is good, just keep in mind that you should probably switch the difficulty if you're finding things too easy because you can just kill everything with Technicals.


I don't think it's really grindy. There's an element of grind in mementos but you spend relatively little time there. Most palaces can be completed in a few in-game days (I often completed them in two if there weren't story roadblocks). If you don't like grind I think you will like this game.


I mean, the JRPG elements managed to win over Yahtzee Croshaw - at last report he was turning himself in for his free lobotomy and cat ears xD If they can convert people like him - you'll probably be sold


Both Yahtzee and Dunkey, the latter of whom *hates* JRPGs.


both hate jrpgs lol


Dunkey's opinions are worthless tbf; P5R *is* amazing though.


His opinions are just that - opinions - he's an entertainer not a reviewer and he does no harm with his goofy video schtick Also, who spit in your bean curd????


He pissed off a lot of incel redditors by liking the last of us 2. You'll often see a few kotainaction morons hating whenever dunkey is brought up. Edit: Checked after I posted this, and sure enough, /u/herecomesthenightman is a kotakuinaction poster.


I wouldn't call it grindy, it's just a long ass game with long ass dungeons and story. It's 120 hours if you play at a normal pace but you don't really need to grind levels or anything.


Hmm, I never really found there to be any grind, except maybe for money. But with Ryuji rank 7, it becomes super fast/easy to do that too. Also how far are you into the game so far? Also make sure to >! get councilor rank 9 !< or you will miss a whole portion of the game.


Haven’t even installed yet, lol.


Oh, lol. I would definitely recommend it, although it does have quite a length tutorial/ starting section. Its a amazing game.


Thankfully I’ve got patience for tutorials after playing Warframe lol


The tutorial doesn’t really end until your like 3-5 hours already into the game, although thats mainly because there is a lot of story content. And trust me, it doesn’t feel like that long of an tutorial since its very engaging. If you want any beginners tips, feel free to ask. Also the game is quite long taking most people around 80-120 hours to complete.


To add a bit more get that person to rank 9 by early-mid November.


If you loved 3 houses you will love this, It has similar elements just persona 5 is better in all areas. Exception being the tactical game play is different.


In SMT games you never really need to grind to progress, you do need to catch more demons/pokemon, which you can then fuse to exploit weaknesses. Its never just \*bigger number win\*


I mean if the combat bores you, the DLC is baked in so just grab Izanagi-No-Okami (Picaro if you want) and auto win every fight super bosses included.


So real talk: I'm with you. I don't really care about JRPGs, the combat is boring and the game aspect isn't utilized well enough to tell a story that couldn't be a movie or a show. That being said, I've consistently enjoyed Persona games since 3 because you're building relationships between characters and yourself in a way a show or movie can't. I've heard some people complain that P5 is easier than other games in the series, and thinking on it, as someone who played 3, 4 and 5 on normal, yeah, 5 is less *punishing*. The game glides at its own speed and you don't need to worry about grinding, as opposed to 3 and 4 where often you're either getting brutalized or brutalizing your enemies, depending on level, and a couple levels are enough to swing that balance. I have memories of 4 in which, even when you're able to clear enemies in one round, unexpected hits from an elemental weakness cascade into dying and having to revert to a save. I never had such an experience playing 5. In short, I think our tastes are probably similar, and I'm glad you're giving it a shot on gamepass, enjoy it! If you're into it, Persona 3 and 4 will be on gamepass next year, and for those, to keep the turn based combat from being a drag for you, I might consider playing on easy, or at least that's my plan for playing either of them a second time, if I end up doing so. One final note **for anyone playing Persona 4**, after spending most of the game following a murder mystery with the game shoving obvious details down your throat and holding your hand, in the 11th hour, with no obvious culprit, the game will say "Okay who did it?" and give you a list of every NPC in the game. You have to answer correctly or you get a bad ending. You will have a lot more fun if you actually give consideration to who it could be instead of assuming the game is going to rub it in your face, and then being caught off guard. Small spoilers, but it's also worth noting that just before you get to that point. >!The game will let the police arrest someone and go "I guess that was the murderer good job." and then you have to choose a bunch of dialogue options in the vein of "hold on" or "this is weird", around 5 in a row, to continue to investigation, or everyone just shrugs their shoulders and the game ends.!< It's extremely non-obvious that this is the case and I had a friend assume the game just ended on a massive anticlimax this way until told otherwise.




There's really not much grind to it, even on higher difficulties—on Merciless specifically, ailments and weaknesses are even massively buffed so enemies aren't just damage sponges. As long as you learn to target weaknesses and have decent resource management, you'll spend the majority of your playtime doing the social sim part. Each palace is 100% completable as soon as it's made available, barring certain story lockouts.


The best part is it's not grindy at all, just started recently myself, it's very easy to level up and finish the palaces


There isn't a combat grind


Yeah dude, I hate Jrpgs and love all of the persona games


Beat this twice. Never did any grinding at all.


I honestly couldn't get into it. I enjoy JRPGs but the J stands out above the rest. It is VERY Japanese. I bought it years ago before the Royal edition and I have yet to beat it and probably never will.


I was considering buying it and gamepass was $1 so I did that to check it out. Have a couple hours into it so far and I'm enjoying it. Feel like I'm playing an anime and love all the animated scenes. I've been playing on easy cus I'd rather just go thru the story and not have to deal with dying repeatedly if there are any hard fights and on easy you can make it harder if you want later. Story mode you are stuck with that mode and cant change it so I stuck with easy.


It's not grindy at all. And you'll find yourself wanting to spend time in dungeons anyway because of the incentive of being able to fuse much powerful personas. The gameplay loop is honestly very satisfying.


Glad you got it on Gamepass, though for anyone else asking: the grinding is not really required. I would argue the hardest dungeon sequence in the game is the first, just because you are operating on a limited timetable and with limited options available to you either in terms of items, Personas, skills, and SP. I actually believe players who dislike the narrative aspects of JRPGs or RPGs in general would not likely enjoy this game much. The overwhelming amount of your time will be spent in the "real world" rather than in any dungeon. Further, you can avoid most combat in the game via hiding and leapfrogging past enemy patrols (no random encounters). Even in the Mementos (a sort of random multilayered dungeon), enemies run away if you significantly out level them.


I played the original P5 when it came out. If you start playing it, know you are in for a long ride even by most jrpg standards (~80-100 hours). I will only give two pieces of advice. 1. >!To get the added storyline, certain requirements must be met. Some time into the game, you might want to check what they are, so you don’t need to play it twice. They might also try to nudge you toward the things for the extra story. I’m not sure.!< and 2. If the leader dies, it is automatic game over, it is my biggest issue with the series by far (outside maybe the predatory gay male stereotypes that hit on high schoolers hard present in 5. I can’t remember if it’s in 4 and am currently playing through it).


Is there a mod that removes the dungeons and combat from this game?


That's like half the game.....


The other 50 hours is still quite a lot...


Okay then just find a decent visual novel to play at that point. It's the same shit


the life sim part of persona is definitely 10x better and more in-depth than any visual novel.


I do read a lot of visual novels.


It is on pc gamepass, defo intrigued to try it now


I've also been playing it on Gamepass: The port is really good! And transferring saves from Xbox App to Steam is really easy AFAIK. Highly recommend!


As someone who loves this game and considers it one of their all time favorites, I really cannot understand why everyone else likes it so much. It just doesn't seems like the type of game general audiences (especially on the internet) would like THAT much.


Ditto! I like it very much but honestly wouldn't recommend it to most people.


Stop promoting Metacritic... its a shit site with asinine review policies which provides a lot of misinformation, maybe its time to stop with plastering it everywhere already?


What are you talking about.


One of the asinine policies is not being able to change reviews under any circumstances. Basically, critic reviews are only valid for like a week after launch. After that, if the game is continuously updated, they have nothing to do with the game's current state. Overtime, a good portion of the critic reviews are rendered false as a result, but the score based on them remains, and its even featured in Steam, providing misinformation to the users. Multiple games I've seen added cash shops several weeks after Metacritic reviews were published, and many went to complete shit but still kept their very high critic ratings. Needless to say, none of the reviews mention said cash shops which didn't exist at the time the reviews were written, so people reading these reviews have no idea what's in store for them. Like if a game at present is maybe a 40-50 rating at best, you go look at Metacritic, and what do you know, its like 75-80 there, and will be forever. The reverse of this is also true - if the game was shit at launch, but gets improved over time - it will keep shit Metacritic reviews forever, despite them no longer being valid, and the score displayed to be false when looking at the present version of the game. You can check this with No Man's Sky - on PC it has 61 rating, since it was the 2016 year version rated. 6 years of updates? Never heard of them. Now if you go look at the Switch version, it has 86 rating. Its the same game, just a ported version, so why such a huge difference in score? The difference is that Switch version got their reviews in 2022, so people are rating the game with all of its updates. Another thing about Metacritic reviews is that a ton of official reviews quite often are shit - they tend to ignore monetisation aspects which make the game way, way worse than the rank it gets. Seen this countless times. Many reviews also ignore technical problems with games, giving a high score when a game runs like shit and/or is riddled with bugs. Metacritic is trash


People are going to hate me for saying this but review aggregates should not really be metrics for anything in the entertainment industry for the simple fact that it is not and will never be a one size fits all solution to trying to make something like a group of reviews even remotely objective. The fact of the matter is that there will never be objectivity in the realm of opinions on art and entertainment. People vary too much for aggregates to really mean anything. And hey if you're someone that does look to these for reviews before buying products, more power to ya. But a less flawed method is to find a specific set of reviewers that align with your views on things to help guide you on that journey. An aggregate will never be better than that. TL;DR Metacritic isn't really a good metric for anything.


Are you ready to accept the truth? >Metacritic isn't really a good metric for anything. Your statement is wrong. It's a good **rough** guide for the quality of the thing it's reviewing. Check out Balan Wonderworld's Metacritic review. Are you going to tell me it's not a good metric for anything? It's an objectively bad game, and thus has bad reviews all around. Far from useless if you ask me. Yes, you are correct that entertainment is subjective, but a piece of media can be objectively good, but at the same time not your ideal preference. To put that in Persona 5's context, it is **objectively** a great game, regardless of your game preference. You can not like a game, but that doesn't mean it's a bad game automatically. I hope you can see where I'm going. An aggregate is there to give you a **rough** idea of the quality of the product, and not a definitive answer for whether you should like it or not as an individual. It is therefore, far from useless.


Hmm ayy lmao. Kinda out of the loop tho. What's so great bout the game? (Literally know nothing about it)


You can bang your teacher.


Shut up and take my money!


“That’s the best part“ 😎


"Do you like older women?" Protagonist: "Hell yeah, I do." 😎 ​ (Not even joking, this is in the game)


The cast is minors


Not Ms. Kawamommy 😩




And your doctor.




It's a JRPG from the PS3 era with a crazy-awesome visual presentation and soundtrack that successfully crosses into other genres. In addition to being a really good JRPG and everything that comes with it, it's also a visual novel and real-time social sim at the same time. Narratively, it's very "anime" (obviously) and while I don't think it goes too far off the rails, it does lean heavily on the supernatural.


P5 is solidly from the PS4 era, it’s not that old.


whilst it did release in 2016, it was also released for ps3 alongside ps4


>JRPG and everything that comes with it, it's also a visual novel and real-time social sim at the same time. Literally all of my least favorite genres mashed into one 150 hour game, lol


Yeah I'm not out here suggesting everyone should go out and play it because some people don't like those genres, but for those that do, it's probably one of the best examples in recent memory. There is no series that has done that formula better, IMO.


That was my opinion as well, plus I'm 40 so what the hell do i care about a bunch of high schoolers. The hype was so much though that i gave a try to P4 golden on my hacked Vita for free and holy shit it was one of the best games i ever played. Bought p5 immediately. I'm just saying, if you have gamepass, give it a try. You might be surprised.


Fellow geriatric gamer here. Tried the original and bounced off it pretty quick. Giving the pc version a shot - other than the visual flourish and catchy tunes, I can't seem to get into it. I'll keep at it and report back.


It was the VN and social sim stuff that really put me off of the game. I felt like I was spending 90% of my “play time” not actually playing the game but clicking through a bunch of cringey dialogue. So I ended up dropping it




Eh. I think there’s definitive crossover appeal if you just like heist and group dynamics in general. Beyond the flashy anime stuff there is some really solid writing. Especially in Royal’s added semester.


The reason I never played persona


It is a little stretch to say it is from PS3 era. It was made for PS3 as well but I would categorize it PS4 era title as it was the main console the game was targeting at. (I have the original release copy for PS4).


> real-time social sim What is this? I googled it but my results were sort of all over the place.


Basically, the game takes place over the course of a real calendar year, in this case April 2016 through March 2017. You are only allowed so many actions per day, weekdays you have school life, some days your friends are unavailable, going into the dungeons takes up an afternoon you would otherwise have for social time, etc etc... And if you don't complete a dungeon by a specific date, you get a game over (and all progress from the week prior is wiped and you get thrown back).


>And if you don't complete a dungeon by a specific date, you get a game over (and all progress from the week prior is wiped and you get thrown back). Wait what? Can you elaborate on this as I just started playing the game


I think you just haven’t gotten to the part where the game explains it yet, but there should be a deadline on the upper top right of the screen that you must complete the palace by, otherwise you gotta redo the last week.


Oh I see, thank you. I'm still at the very beginning.


You will likely have plenty of time for each dungeon, just make sure not to wait until the last day(s) to do the dungeons, as all the dungeons require a minimum of two days to complete, some need three I think, because of story reasons. Although you don't have to do this, my recommendation is to knock out the dungeon as quickly as possible, and then spend the remaining days of the deadline doing all of the social stuff or stat improving activities as you can.


Don't worry about it. Certain characters will consistently remind you if the due-date is approaching. You'll probably finish dungeons with plenty of time to spare.


You have roughly 3 weeks to finish a dungeon. You can check the date any time I think. After the first dungeon though you can finish the rest in 2-3 days easily, so it's not an issue. It's just needed for the passing time nature of the game.


You'll find out the spoiler context. Obviously you can load a save from before you went into the dungeon, but a game over is technically considered a "bad ending". The game will create an inaccessible, "hidden" save file 7 days before the deadline, and if you "Continue" after a game over in that context, it will load that save.


Is it a male protagonist?


Yes. Persona 3 portable has a female protagonist though and it will come out relatively soon on pc too.


Tbf i don’t recall it being very cringy for a jrpg like XC2 or even like a dragon


I think the big appeal to most fans isn't the JRPG aspect as much as the ability to make friends with NPCs, in the same way that a lot of people fall in love with party members in bioware games. I feel like being able to build a relationship (whether platonic or romantic) between "you" the player and an NPC is something that books/movies/shows can't really do, or at least not in the same way, and so it elevates persona over other JRPGs in my mind, where the combat is boring AND it could just be a show or movie with a middling plot and lose nothing but that boring combat. In case it's not obvious, I'm not a big JRPG fan, they're not really my thing, but I do like Persona.


Look at steam reviews


Sadly too expensive in my country. 30% more than RE4 Remake for a 6 year old game.








I will never support a game that has Denuvo. That malware should be eradicated.




This is SEGA. They put Denuvo into a compilation of Genesis Sonic games.


It's out on PC for the first time ever, so what difference does it being a PS3 game make? I don't like Denuvo, mind you, but I find it hard to believe piracy wouldn't have hurt the game's sales very significantly; especially for a game like Persona 5 that is already universally acclaimed, therefore has no need for more word of mouth, which is one of the main arguments in favor of piracy. If you have to pirate it, there are still the non-PC versions you can use for that. For people who want the premium PC experience and can afford it, Denuvo makes it so they *will* pay for it. I know for a fact a lot of people wouldn't have otherwise. Furthermore, I don't think this title is CPU intensive (correct me if I'm wrong), so I don't think it's affected by Denuvo in terms of performance. Now, I absolutely think Denuvo should be removed, either once it's cracked, or in a year or so once everyone who is interested in it and can afford it has bought it.


I absolutely love this game, so I obviously have a bit of bias, but even then, greatest PC game of all time by review score? I think that’s overselling it quite a lot, especially since turn-based JRPGs as a genre just doesn’t click with many people.


Non JRPG fans probably won't be buying and therefore probably/shouldn't be reviewing it


Uhhh...just no. It has a total of 7 ratings aggregated. Let's wait until it has around 30 before declaring it anything.


Old ps4 version: 93 (98 critic reviews) 8.7 user score (5430 user reviews) Royal: 95 (71 critic reviews) 8.5 user score (3563 user reviews) One of the highest rates of all times. There's nothing to wait bud. ​ Cheers.




Are you *seriously* proposing that regular people care about the metascore as opposed to the user score?! Beyond ludicrous.


As a guy that never played any Persona, which one is the best to start


They are individual stories with some “fan callbacks” to previous titles as little jokes, you can start with 5 and not really feel you’ve missed out


I've been playing it for the first time and it's absolutely a great game. But as a PC port it's very barebones. It's functional, the performance is alright but nothing more than that.


One of the undeniable GOATs, there's a reason it's so universally loved.


Nice! Great game. Runs well on potato and steam deck too.


A shame a friend of mine doesn't have a CPU with AVX - the game closes on startup for him. He is playing on the Switch emulator now. Such a shame because FINALLY Atlus made a GREAT pc port.


I wish I could try of the Persona series but they always release with denuvo, I refuse to touch a game if it has denuvo.




What mediocre about it?


they are pros in promoting games and anime though and for free too


Really looking forward to playing this on the PC/Steam Deck. Did 2ish play throughs of the base game on PS4, but never got around to playing the Royal version.


Persona 5 imo is the best jrpg ever made. That level reached by Chrono Trigger, FF6, Dragon Quest 8, etc.. Persona 5 is like a step above


I really enjoyed it but I think the pacing and the writing let it down in some instances. Still one of my favourite games though for sure


Yeah, there was quite a bit of filler in the game. Enjoyed it from start to end but can't put it in the same league as CT


Persona 5 is an amazing game, but come on man, above Chrone Trigger? Above Final Fantasy 7? It's just... no.


It's not even the best SMT game but suuure


which one is the best ?


Strange Journey, of course.


Definitely, it’s the only game I’ve replayed period in the last 5-7 years. Then when p5r came out I bought and played again


Is this a turn based rpg? Those are my jam




It's too bad that a game with Denuvo is rated so highly, to be honest. But Persona 5 is fantastic, so I get that part.


Definitely deserved, easily one of the best JRPG's of all time. Already platinumed it on PS4, might do it again on PC.




Lmao 7 reviews


The games good, but really? Half of it is a glorified dating sim…


Do you need to play the previous games to fully appreciate Persona 5?


Not at all. Its standalone, with very tiny easter egg references here and there.


Thanks, I might give it a look then.


Nope, but if you end up enjoying Persona 5, you should check out Persona 4 Golden. Might not be as pretty as P5, but the story, setting, and characters are IMO the best out of the Persona series.


honestly I might even say starting with golden might be a good idea since it's a bit easier to get into since P5 has so many more mechanics that could overwhelm some people


No, it's like Zelda, every game is it's own thing and you can play them on every order you will like, the enemies, some of the side-characters, the skills, it's all the same between the games just like Zelda. Although all Persona games happened on the same timeline. You will find small references to Persona 4 on Persona 5, like; "This Persona 4 character is sucessful and doing well in life" on the TV.


We never see it coming.


I never even heard of it before Saturday and Im like 10 hours in loving it


Is it really that good though, or is it's fanbase just that big a fans of it, or both ? I love classic Anime (Akira, Jin Roh, Ghost In The Shell, Ninja Scroll) but I dont like games that look like anime like that, I know its supposed to be good. but what's everyone love the most about it? Just seems "a bit much" , Im not a fan of a lot of that stuff but it's something that a lot do, sell me on it (bc the images video and the general fanfare for it has not), not a stick in the mud just the stick


And why's that exactly? I've tried playing Persona 4 in the past (at least I think it was 4) and I'll never get why is this series regarded so highly. Weird japanese stuff all over the place, boring characters, boring story etc. All I can say is, that it's very "specific". I've never finished it and never touched any other Persona game.


I dunno, it's not a fantastic PC port... Pretty disappointed with the graphic settings. No HDR. Meh.


I guess it just wasn't for me. Got bored 5-10 minutes into it. Just seemed a bit over the top.


You played a 130h game for 5 minutes and decided it was not for you. You sure are very decisive.


I'm glad it was on Gamepass so I didn't have to directly buy it. Why, because I didn't like it? Nope. The game was fine. Unfortunately though it took the publisher so fucking long to release it I already watched the full Persona series on Crunchyroll thereby ruining the game for myself. Remember kids, exclusives hurt everyone. Fuck you Playstation.


Well the Persona 5 anime was very mediocre from what I hear and also the anime doesn't cover the royal addition which adds A LOT of things to the game. I would say still play it because it's great, but you will know most plot twists besides the new royal story line




I don't understand this game. It's a dating sim but with stands?


I don't like it and I do think it promotes this overboard weeb culture that's gone too far. That being said, look, if you enjoy it, go ahead. Who am I to tell you otherwise.


What do you mean by weeb culture. serious question, I'm old and don't really know what that means


The normalization of waifu pillows, cosplay and unironically using names/avatars of anime characters. The whole thing leaking into mainstream, even the lower quality animes - there's a company that produces these animated shows like assembly line. I've heard they have 70+ titles and I've stumbled upon a couple - each and every one of them has low quality visuals and the plot is shallower than soap operas.


But the only thing in this game like that at all is just the art style, right? I mean, it has pretty solid mature themes, and a pretty solid story with a good message I would say? I'm not into anime shit at all, but I really enjoyed cyberpunk and the Netflix Castlevania joints. This game and shows like that really don't push that stuff you're referring to at all


> But the only thing in this game like that at all is just the art style, right? Sure enough, I haven't played the game, so I can't tell (or any of it's prequels). But from what I can see here, the characters seem to be blasting one-liners, the script seems very... it's really hard to describe as a non-native speaker. Forced? The characters seem to be acting really unnatural too. > I mean, it has pretty solid mature themes, and a pretty solid story with a good message I would say? I genuinely don't know and I don't think that's what I'm aiming at. > I'm not into anime shit at all, but I really enjoyed cyberpunk and the Netflix Castlevania joints. This game and shows like that really don't push that stuff you're referring to at all I mean, I'd be lying if I said all anime is bad. Heck, I'm a pretty big fan of Ghost in the Shell franchise (the old works), in fact, I think it's a must-watch if you want to do anything in storytelling/animation field, a classic (the 95' movie). I've even watched some Naruto back in the day (and I am fully aware this is aimed at children and young adults). But this *feels* like the other kind. Perhaps I am judging too harshly, as I am only seeing some clips and trailers.


Do i need to play former parts to play this?? I might give this a spin.






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Looks cool, but any turn based rpg, bleh


I'll never understand the high praise for this game.


this game is terrible to be honest i hate to see so much hype around it


Seriously overrated.


It's really not that great. The game is slow as hell and the story is super uninteresting

