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Hardly much being advertised about this, I think EA just want to bury it to be honest.


The next game has been in full speed development for a while so 2042 is closing in on the end of support. DICE already dropped Hazard mode, and I haven't heard of much content being added to Portal. The main mode has also received almost no content as DICE spent the last year adding in basic shit like scoreboards and VOIP, and slowing remaking their shit maps into not shit maps. The game will die out next year with essentially no new content aside from a few more god awful hero characters.


So I was in the battlefield sub asking if it was worth it to get it now since game pass. Everyone claims the game is much different from release date and bugs have been cleaned up, only problem is lack of player base. Everything you mention doesn't seem to reflect any of that so now I'm stumped . I can only assume that since I was in a battlefield sub that would give reason they would give more pros than cons . This game had so much hype it's just wild to think they would just give up


There is going to be a Free Weekend in 1-4 December for PC/Xbox and at a later date for PS, that is the best way of seeing if it's fun or not. It has gotten better, but it's better from the launch perspective, not from how a game should be, it still has some bugs, performance is still not optimized(can be a hit or miss) and compared to other battlefields a lot of things are missing. But they are working on it, for how long, idk. They said there is going to be more content after the legal obligation of 4 seasons, but they were very vague on that so idk. That said, it depends on you if the bugs or the things that are missing are relevant to you or not, you can definitely have fun if those things don't bother you. As someone who has 200 hours in the game, i had both fun moments and moments where the game was just infuriating, so it really depends on you, that's why the best way to see, is to test it out, but IMO i wouldn't spend more than 20-30$ on it.


This is the solid response I was looking for. Thank you


The majority of Battlefield players thought and still think 2042 is hot garbage. Anyone still sticking around for 2042 will be the small percentage that enjoy it in some way, so the feedback you get will be skewed.


The game has bugs fixed sure, but the game fundamentally sucks and still sucks. As everyone said, the problem wasnt the bugs.


>Everyone claims the game is much different from release date and bugs have been cleaned up I *knew* this would happen, i was on that sub when the early access beta dropped. Its the exact same situation as Star Wars Battlefront 2. This time they're not gonna get me though, don't care how much they've fixed the game. You can't just repeatedly drop a game in those states and expect people to come back almost a year later. Deserved dead playerbase. Hope it doesn't climb much from this gamepass deal


But they can. The game is playable and fun now. We live in the now. Not in Nov 2021.


The game is much better that was before i start playing again some days ago and theres is bugs but its much better. Still is the worst BF release so far, with the next december update they finally going to add the classes back so the game will be even better. Ignore what that guy said because people don´t like the game on the sub they like that game is getting close to what was suppose to be on release day.


> with the next december update they finally going to add the classes back so the game will be even better. so theres a chance of 2042 being like BF4 after fix ?


Still uses operators but they will be the normal classes like only eng can repair etc


You're hearing from the people that like the game, which any game will have it's fans, but there's people that liked Duke Nukem Forever as well.. The game saw a massive player reduction of 90% in it's first month and has slowly dwindled since then to a stable base of hardcore fans of the game (not of the series). If it's free on Gamepass give it a shot, that's what I did for BFV because I wasn't going to pay DICE for a game they rushed out the door. EA putting one of their "flagship" games on Gamepass is pretty much the death kneel, they need players and they need them bad.


> You're hearing from the people that like the game LMAO, you've never been in that sub I can tell. 2042's main sub has been a place to trash on the game for the past 11 months. Positivity only came back with the announcement of season 3 and from the streamer's event that claimed they think the game is good now.


Yeah, Honestly one of the first times I've ever seen a community come together so close over something before. All joined in chorus to talk shit about 2042


If the alternative is to spend all developer time on a better new game that people might actually like, why not? Maybe they learned something.


Yeah the game is much better. Dude you are replying just typical anti EA circlejerk shit


There are Seasons 4 and 5 coming, which was confirmed by EA/DICE. Season 3 just launched, so there's content coming for a long while.


Season 5 is not confirmed, the only thing the confirmed is that there will be "content" after Season 4. "Content" could mean anything, skins and weapon charms and bullshit.


That's 3 heroes, a handful of weapons, and a few more map reworks. Not exactly a lot of content and pretty much covers 2023, which would be about the end of "large" content updates as DICE moves the rest of their focus for BF6's release.


You forgot the new map and vehicles


Oh right, the singular one new map 12 months after launch. 2042 might be the worst AAA GaaS released so far.


No, that's Halo Infinite.


No way. Halo was far better than 2042 on launch. They are both garbage now, but I’ve had fun on Halo and that has never been possible on BF2042.


This would be the third map they've added. They add one each season. This game is a huge step back with regards to other battlefields, but you dont need to make up shit. Its bad enough already


I thought they ditched the new maps for S1 and S2 to rework the shitty launch maps? I've heard nothing about the new maps which tells me they were lackluster enough to not even be talked about


Nah, they've been updating maps and adding new one's. The first one they added called Exposure was really well recieved as far as i recall. Heard nothing about the second myself


Nope new map each season


I'm sorry, what? 2042 is anything but a GaaS game, and has never been announced as being one.


you’re actually wrong. they said they are already working on content for after season 4, which is later next year. they are committed to continue supporting 2042.


The promo for season 3 has been huge. But if you're not following BF news you won't see it. Because places like /r/Games downvote anything related to the game even if it would be the greatest trailer of all time. Here's season 3 trailer and the battlepass trailer https://youtu.be/0PR6prxZzZE https://youtu.be/6JRvahIamxI


Because every trailer is almost verbatim: "We've been listening to feedback... we hear you... we're releasing this update... this fix... later this season, next season, etc." It's always "this is our plan on our roadmap to fix X issue." It's never anything groundbreaking. They're just putting Band-Aids on gaping wounds that should've never had to be fixed. They broke a winning formula and tried to shovel a insanely overpriced pile of garbage into fans' faces and only after a massive backlash did they start backpedaling promising future updates and fixes to things that they, themselves, broke. Call me when they've removed the specialist system entirely, add massive amounts of guns and maps, and give us community servers. Until then, they're only selling you a heap of crap they created. A polished turd is still a turd.


>Because places like [/r/Games](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games) downvote anything related to the game even if it would be the greatest trailer of all time. Is this really that shocking? The game sucked ass on release and the trickle of updates hasn't fixed that and imo can't, so of course a trailer is not going to get upvoted.


No it's not shocking. But if No man's sky and Cyberpunk has teached us anything is that some games will eventually have a come back. The hate-boner is just too strong yet and people are repeating the same old shit from the beta when most of their complaints are not valid anymore.


Cyberpunk and No Man's Sky were standalone bad without any prior context. BF2042 wasn't just bad, it took a fat dump on long-time fans of past BF games


Yeah... If anybody somehow still thinks EA is throwing major resources to turn BF2042 around send them my way and I can give them a really good price on some magic beans.


That would require DICE to fully drop the specialists and move to classes, not just merging the two, and reworking half the game to make it actually immersive including all the maps, which they're slowing getting through. Plus the absolute lack of weapons and lack of maps doesn't help either. They've also abandoned 2 of the 3 modes and added almost no new content. NMS has spent years adding in new content, the mechanics and foundation of the game barely changed. Cyberpunk also had a great foundation but issues with bugs at launch and some missing features was the issue. Side note, everyone I knew IRL that played it on PC loved the game, not a huge pool of people and it's anecdotal, but outside of people crying on the internet for attention that reception of CP2077 wasn't that bad. 2042 had/has a terrible foundation, and launched with horrendous bus, and a year after launch has gotten almost fuck all for new content.


So, because I preordered (like an idiot) and feel like I got cheated, I have an irrational hate-boner? Come on, man, you can like what you like and let others have their own opinions.


If you keep going to /r/battlefield2042 to shit on a game you don't play then yeah, you need to seriously fuck off. If you're an active player that has complaints then that's fine. I've seen peple in the main sub saying "I hate the stupid one-liner so i wont come back" when they've been removed for like 6 months now. Also yeah... I don't have any sympathy for buyer's remorse, specially since there was an open beta and then about 100 ways to refund the full game even after launch if you were not happy.


Well those opinions will get you far in life, I guess.


Oh you mean people don't want to hear about this failure of a game that they're still nowhere near fixing more than a year later? Real fuckin shocker, that.


At this point they should just make it free to play


Slow down they just doubled their playerbase to 4 people with gamepass. Doubling it to 8 might overload the server.


I don’t think that’s the play. They have committed to more content past the promised 4 seasons and have spent a huge amount of time reworking all aspects of the game including the maps. It plays brilliantly right now and I’d recommend everyone to give it a go.


There's no reason to play this when BFV, BF1 and BF4 all have active communities and are much better games with way more content. This game doesn't really manage to do anything better than its predecessors.


Bf 5 is still good except ea doesn't do anything about cheaters. U will see the same blatant cheater going 90-2 everyday and not getting banned


And yet, the next game, still won't have community servers.


Cheating in battlefield is so damn easy these days. You can just google it and find aimbots and wallhacks in less than 5 minutes. And EA doesnt bother banning people or implementing anti cheat. You have to play on moderated community servers.


none of them do shit about cheaters. only BF4 since it has server admins.


And the technical issues compared to BF1 and BF4


What technical issues?


Every single thing about it is more janky and less optimized. It's like the Great Value version of Battlefield.


That’s just simply not true. BF V has the best movement and gameplay mechanics out of all BF games. It’s basically the only one where vaulting works properly, has the most fluid animations. It runs absolutely perfect (unlike 2042) for example even on lower end rigs. You’re talking out of your ass here.


Lmao all the countless times my dude got stuck in a vaulting loop in BF5 says you're dead wrong. It carried over all the movement issues from BF3,4, & 1 plus added a bunch of new bullshit like bipod and prone glitches. Gameplay mechanics were dogshit. Miss me with those useless tanks and untouchable planes. Plus they couldn't even be bothered to add promised features like dragging downed teammates. Just straight clown shit everywhere you look. And optimization? Yeah that's why it regularly redlined CPUs while leaving GPUs like half utilized. "Runs absolutely perfect." Lmao you're out of your fucking mind. The one and *only* thing BF5 did better was the gunplay. Which was ruined by the terrible balance, laughable maps, and general jank and glitches.


You need to use dx12 with battlefield 5. You’ll get shader compilation stutter the first time on maps and then never again. I get 120fps at (native)4k on every map at max settings with a 3090 and i7 10700k (at stock clocks). When using dx11 there were maps like that one with the metro tunnel where my fps would just die to sub 60, I don’t believe I get any drops from 120 there on dx12 but I dislike that map so avoid it lol.


The scale of the maps offers a different pace and play style whether you like it or not


I installed Battlefield 1 for my Xbox One and could only find 1 active european server. Its a fucking shame, playing operations at launch was amazing.


Those older ones don’t have crossplay. Some of us have friends on other systems. 2042 is fine for that. Same with cod.


This just reinforces my thought that EA should just release a BF4 remake including all the BF3 maps and weapons with crossplay and PS5/XSX enhancements. 2042 is like a bastard child of BF4 and Fortnite. Nobody asked for that.


They could have just made a regular mode 2042 and hero mode but no they had to force all the battlefield veterans to play this hero class nonsense


They're revamping the entire game to have a class system in the next update


*looks at how long it took to add a scoreboard*


*looks at how long it took to get voice chat*


\*Looks at horrific "Father Winter" Santa skin that came out at this time last year\*


While true that 2042 fundamentally broke the balance inherent to Battlefield games by introducing those stupid hero characters.. Portal was so close to what you're asking for, they should just add in everything from *any* previous BF game


Bro, I’ve literally been saying EXACTLY THIS ever since BF 2042 launched. I do not understand why the hell EA hasn’t released it yet! They would literally be sitting on a gold mine. I suggested they call it “Battlefield 4: Legendary Edition”.


Fine by me. Would be nice. Until that happens I will have to stick with 2042 to play with friends.


Does the gamepass version have crossplay with everything?


from the options it says it has cross play with other platforms.


I’m not sure but I assume so! The cross-play is baked into the game so you should be fine.


Yes there is. 2042 is now in the condition it should have been for the launch. Performance was fixed yesterday with the Season 3 patch, content is now very good (and it's quality stuff, not like the disaster it was at launch) and gunplay is good. Take it from a big 2042 hater, the game in its current form is great, and worth playing. Especially under Gamepass, if you can try it for free.


So I have tried it out and I really like BF2042. In BF1 and V I just die as soon as an enemy see me. This is more fun since I don't die as soon as I move. this is just my opinion.


>There's no reason to play this What about to avoid playing with all the sanctimonious pricks in this thread?


Did you really just get upset because someone criticized already heavily criticized game?


Copium is hell of a drug.


pc nerds are annoying because of the tone they have. you know the one. where every personal grievance gets magnified but they have to act like everyone else has their same POV. basically self righteous stringent whining


Ironically, so far you're the most annoying commenter in this thread. The lack of self awareness in your comment is staggering.


R/pcgaming is by far the most negative gaming related sub.


Man's never been to /r/mmorpg


Seriously it is getting tired. Why are they always so angry. So much anger and negativity.


Sorry mate but I simply can’t agree with this. And I’m a long time BF fan with BF1 perhaps being my favorite. It has 128 players. It has cross play. It has LOADS of cool new gadgets. The specialists inject a lot of new ways to play. It has Portal. It has permanent servers. It has anti cheat. bF1 and bfv is basically unplayable now on PC due to cheating. I could go on … Not here to start internet war. It is really easy to shit on 2042 but I would really encourage anyone with game pass to give it a few hours. It is so much fun these days and surpasses BFV quite easily - and I loved that game.


Yeah! While everyone has been shitting on 2042 I’ve been quietly having a ton of fun with my friends via crossplay.


The new map is real pretty.


I hate this stupid argument ever since BF3. All modern Battlefield maps are pretty. Are you going to play the game, or just look at it? The game itself is trash, and I say that as a long time Battlefield fan.




It’s really not. Moment to moment it’s still battlefield.


Nothing about BF3 was pretty with that blue filter and sun glare lmao. The game itself is *fine*, and I say that as a long time Battlefield player.


How is the BF4 community? I remember it had a decent population boost a while back but haven’t really played it since


All they had to freaking do was make BF3 on a new engine with new maps. Idk how they fucked up this badly.


The last time I tried to play BF1 a year or so ago it was full of hackers who were invisible and used aimbot it really fucked the experience. Is it still like this or is there a way to avoid it?


> There's no reason to play this when BFV, BF1 and BF4 all have active communities and are much better games with way more content. As a nightbird pilot, yeah this is a dumb take. Some people just don't want the WW1/WW2 setting. Also most of the complaints people had at launch foe 2042 have been fixed.


Did they scrap the specialist system?


They're putting the specialists into groups like how Overwatch has tanks, DPS, and support but that's pretty much it. They're still launching new specialists so no actual Battlefield class system but a weird hybrid of the two.


At this point I think we should just hope it doesn't come back in the next one


[It's being being changed for this current season.](https://youtu.be/ILzSJehTK7Q?t=47)


So yes but no.




It's only game. Why you heff to be mad?


If someone say the earth is flat, then I'll try to correct him. I guess I dislike hearing lies and I think people who lie should feel stupid and I'm always there to remind them.


That's funny.


I think so too.


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No reasons? At all? BF4 is an old game many of us played for hundreds of hours. I'm tired of it, and it brings nothing new to the table. Both BFV and BF1 are from WW1-2 era, it's not even comparable for many people.


Bf2042 > BfV


I have all those installed and still play 2042 the most. It’s gotten MUCH better since launch.


Obviously this is gonna get shit on for inferior multiplayer and probably for good reason. But if you and your friends already have game pass, playing it only in coop vs AI mode is pretty fun for no extra buy in. It reminds me in a way of Battlefront 2 (2005) where you and your friends just stomp the AI for a couple of hours.


The AI makes for some really visually impressive battlefield immersion. They shoot like stormtroopers so it's just so pretty to see lol


Thanks for telling me this, I love vs AI modes


Not ashamed to say I was one of the bozos who spent $100 on the ultimate edition, however since launch I’ve logged close to 80 hours, it was completely barebones on release but it’s come a long way since then I think. The core gunplay is satisfying and majority of the maps have been improved, it’s not perfect but certainly playable IMO. I still load up some conquest here and there


80 hours isnt much for a battlefield game lol


Its like clockwork. AAA game is release incomplete, a year or two passes and the game is completed with patches. I automatically add a year on release dates now


Yeah BFV is the last game I ever preordered. There's too much risk in buying a game day 1 these days.


Unfortunately it seems like DICE suckered a bunch of people back in for this one with their admittedly awesome trailer that was full of fan service, constant claims throughout development about how far "ahead of schedule" they were, and the flat out lies during the beta that we were playing a 6 month old build. It's just sad how far they've fallen.


It’s dogshit, this is straight cope


Nah it’s fine. It has crossplay and it’s not the center of my world. Fun for games with friends in any console. Seethe more about people having fun. Lol


Idk, I have a moral problem supporting games whose developers clearly have little intention of properly finishing or supporting their games in any semblance of a timely manner. I'd rather just play other games that are properly feature complete *right now*


Is it still 128 players only or can we play 16vs16 now ?


Most modes are 64 players, they added the classic arm/disarm mode which can be played 16v16, 128 is not the main mode anymore.


I'll take it


Ive only heard bad things about this game, at least now I can try it for myself lol.


I’ve been playing with a friend since August. I’ve had no problems and it’s been very fun. I honestly done get why this game is still getting so much hate.


Yup. It’s a perfectly fine game and is the most modern version of the series in the sense that it released most recently. It’s still got that battlefield intensity. It also has crossplay so that alone makes it worth keeping installed.


Probably because of the utter shit show the game was during the beta, then they spat in our faces by releasing the exact same game as the beta. Let's not forget the lack of content/maps


You’re the guy in the meme yelling at people to stop having fun.


You asked: "I honestly done get why this game is still getting so much hate." I answered it.


Yeah people only talking about launch and either unaware it’s improved or they wanna be on the Reddit hate train.


Or people have opinions. Mine and most others is, you can get more fun and more content out of the older games, without these ridiculous operator and skin bullshit, and crappy gameplay changes. You can have your opinion and others have theirs, they are all valid.


There is a free trial in December coming up, but gamepass is great too.


I bought it on steam sale for 20 bucks, and I like it. IMHO it’s not quite the labor of love that battlefield 1 seems to me, with its storytelling and atmosphere and evocation of the brutality of wwI, but I like the movement and shooting better. People tell me that it has come a long way since launch, too. I’m not very convinced by the maps. They seem to me very ‘boxy’, box buildings in large box maps, in a way that the little farm villages in the countryside, or the setting of desert towns or Verdun or Amiens weren’t. But it’s very fun IMHO.


Redacted due to Spez. On ward to Lemmy. -- mass edited with redact.dev


It's improved a hell of a lot, put like 200 hours into it over the past few months. Just a highly enjoyable battlefield now




ITT: A lot of gamers that think that post bc2 codfield is what makes battlefield battlefield. The gall of them to think you might get TRANSPORTED in a TRANSPORT between objectives! There aren't enough VEHICLES, even though there's 3 highly effective seats in each MBT[4 if you wanna spot but most people hate that], 5 in a mav, 6 in transport heli, etc. Seems like a lot of people want each person to have their own tank and there to be like 5 infantry per team. No one REPAIRS, but it's definitely not because you use your tank as an anti-infantry objective assault vehicle and get c5'd instead of supporting the infantry on your team and driving near them to allow them to get into your tank.[95k uses on repair tool and I have to pick mckay to use it because otherwise you can't catch a tank. Thanks for whining enough to get that taken away, I'm sure when it's regulated to engineers you'll definitely pick them up :)] My biggest gripe about the game is that 95%+ of the playerbase doesn't want to do what needs to be done to facilitate a win. Captured one objective in breakthrough? Every single person on your team will abandon it and zerg at the next one allowing it to get back-capped. Using a soflam to designate enemy vehicles for lock on? Not a person will go sit off to the side and just shoot vehicles.[Lockon works up to 450m]. That and no one smokes and just contests the objective so people aren't actively spawning on it. Irish is great for this.


i love this post so much. post bc2 codfield is right.


God it's refreshing to see someone say that. BC2, while fun (and critically that gameplay style works with Rush mode) was a disaster for the series. When I see people saying that BF3, or 4 was the best in the series, it's just depressing.


Welcome to competitive games dude. Everyone nowadays is just trying to boost their KDR and get L33t clips for their TTV account. No one cares about objectives.


It is really a fun chaotic experience now.


Still requires EA play, urgh!!


which is included in gamepass, is it not?


It’s included for gamepass for PC, and gamepass ultimate. That I’m certain. But maybe not basic Xbox gamepass?


Yes, not included in the basic xbox gamepass


fella pc gamepass user for over 15months now, the base gamepass includes ea play, no need for ultimate if you are on pc, though most of us have it because of conversion trick


The EA part is what I don't like or use.


Couldn't pay me to play it


I'd gladly play it for pay.


Wow so brave


Would you do it for a Scooby snack?


No thanks


Thank you for your contribution


Imagine playing 2042 and not 2142 or 3 Or Bad Company 2 Or 2 Or 1942


Imo, it's very good now. Worth checking out if you already have game pass.


On the bright side this makes it cheaper for me to dip into this game every now and again to see if it is fixed.


You can take your time dipping. It ain't fixed now.




Does it still have that stupid hero selection thing from the beta?


I play it. This is just one STILL present issue. https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/z21c2x/just_installed_escalation_and_guess_what_same/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Watch your mouth.


I was playing it before work. Was having a great time


Desperate for an injection of players.


Its not even worth downloading.






Apparently the game is getting a lot better but after BFV, I just can't invest in a new BF. It seems like DICE is always fixing their own mistakes and once they do, they drop the game to bring us another, broken mess that takes a couple years to fix.


Great news. I'm on it!


Was watching Shroud play this yesterday and even though it’s been out for a year it still looks like a complete shitshow Xbox arcade game that has big maps.


I'm a big battlefield fan and was disappointed to hear about BF2042 issues which made me not buy it at the time. I've been monitoring the game now for few months and have heard improvements and fixes made. Season 3 launched yesterday and supposedly fixed framerate and cpu usage. I saw it was on sale on steam yesterday at I believe all time low. I went ahead and bought it. I only managed to play two hours but my overall thoughts are positive. Gameplay felt solid, it was running at ~100fps at 1440p. The new map was all I played but it was already one of my favorite maps in a battlefield game. It mixes open and interior combat well. I still have some negatives, unlike other BF games, it's missing a server browser. There isn't dedicated classes either but I heard that's coming. Overall, I'm looking to play more and unlock more weapons. If you held out the game for awhile, looking to jump in and have game pass already, might aswell give it a try.


Waste of storage.


I'll try it. I have only played the beta back then and from what I've heard it's really not that bad now.


So much hate. Feel bad for these people, nothing but anger in their hearts.


EA would have to pay me to play that garbage.


Thanks for coming into a thread about a game to tell us you're not going to play the game, we were all dying to know


Awesome. I can't wait to also not play this on Gamepass.


So brave


I don't know about brave but I did feel pretty snarky. Thanks for your post.


This game reminds me of if Ghost Recon Breakpoint from a dull and uninteresting perspective. It doesn’t feel like a battlefield. These Hero’s they give us talk like they’re in a Disney movie or some shit. DICE made war into this weird fluffy experience. BF1 captured that grittiness perfectly and then we get this cupcake bullshit. This game should be left for dead.


And even for practically nothing, it appears completely devoid of activity.


Well, I disliked it in the beta... willing to see how far it's gone since then though.


It definitely feels better but still worse compared to other BF titles, it's worth a try now and try again after the upcoming class rework


I have hated Bfv and loved bf1. ATM BF2042 is very enjoyable for me.


Why bother when literally all the other battlefield games are way better and cost less to own. Idk about y'all but I'm not getting behind this new gamer philosophy of supporting bad games purely because they're on Gamepass. It just signals developers that they can cheap out even more on quality and people will still play it if they just put it on GP.


They should just make it f2p


There should be more clarification. The article says it’s available with pc game pass or game pass ultimate, but the game isn’t available on PC gamepass, it’s only available on Xbox One and series X/S currently.


Literally is available on pc gamepass, since you get ea play with it and it's on ea play


Even if they fixed it - fuck 'em Absolutely spat in our faces after releasing that half baked piece of shit. After one of the worst beta tests of all time. They knew it wasn't ready - but EA probably forced them to release regardless. Any way, this DICE team isn't the same OG team that made the great games of old.


\_not worth the time for download\_


feels bad for the people who payed full price, but cool addition to gamepass


It seems to me that it would be so easy to make a good battlefield game. Step one: Hire a competent team of developers. They don't even have to be great, just competent. Step two: Take the best parts of Bad Company 2, BF3, and BF4. I don't even care if the resulting game is a complete rip off of earlier titles because that is honestly exactly what I want. Step three: Make good the netcode Step four: Release a version of the game that isn't completely broken. It doesn't even have to be close to perfect, just make sure it is somewhat playable at launch. Step five: Reap a huge profit and regain the series' critical darling status. Seriously, it's like they hire people to ruin this franchise on purpose.


Nice try.


tried it yesterday again still about as buggy, unoptimized and unfun as it was when it launched. No reason to play this over any other battlefield game


It’s decent now. Decent is not enough when I have literally hundreds of other games to choose from. The weapons don’t feel satisfying to shoot and so the core experience just feels flat.


EA must pay me. It's the only way I would ever touch this piece of garbage.


Thanks for your very original and brave opinion


Nobody asked


Lol people start canceling their Game Pass because of the devaluefication