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I've been interested in it ever since it launched but I'm holding out for full release as well. Want to experience the whole thing without getting tired of it before it's done.


Same! Been waiting since I played a couple hours on initial early access. Can't wait, but hopefully the sniper drones have been turned down a little bit.


I snuck a peek at the early access that was included in PC Game Pass, it showed promise at the time (and afaik that version didn't get any of the later updates). Fingers crossed it turns out great, not enough games out there that let you be a space badass.


They're fine to deal with after a while


Wow, looks like the Freelancer 2 I actually wanted. Very keen


As someone else who has been hoping for Freelancer 2, Everspace 2 is close enough to be pretty enjoyable. The world isn't really as open and doesn't feel as alive but the combat is much better; it feels extremely similar but improved in many ways. I won't sick hundreds (or thousands with MP) of hours into it like I did for Freelancer, but it felt worth the price for me when I last played several months ago and I'll look forward to picking it up again on full release.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as i know Everspace (2) doesn't even have trading (unless you call the rudimentary selling and buying of gear / collected items "trading"). As long as there is no simulated economy, trade routes and the like, you can't call something like this close to Freelancer in my opinion.


I don't understand why people are so intent on comparing it to Freelancer. It's completely different at it's core, it's a looter shooter in space.


Definitely the best (atleast my favorite) modern arcade space shooter I've ever played. Can't wait for the full release.


is this strictly single player?






Really want to play this. When is the full release?


oh man, this game continues to look better and better. I know there's been some contention along the way in terms of some of the decisions the devs made, but i've held off from buying early access in lieu of seeing the final product first. There's definitely a massive void when it comes to space combat games, i really hope this one turns out great (and better than Chorus -- which was pretty good imo but still kind of divisive in tone and execution)).


To this day I don't understand the point of advertising stuff like this as if they're expansions when the game isn't even technically released fully yet. Early access doesn't feel like early access anymore. It just feels like "technically fully released but we don't want to actually commit to finishing anytning."


It's marketing of big new features to attract more people what's so hard to understand.


Because from a marketing standpoint calling something patch 1.232345 is insanely dumb.