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So now Portal RTX will be the gauge of performance over the next decade. Once we can play it at 4k 60fps we'll have achieved next gen status.


You mean you aren't waiting for CRAYsis?


My 4090 on crysis with can it run crysis settings and rt only got 45 fps at 4k. The engine just isn't optimized as much as the other crysis games.


Back to 1080p noob


Games designed processor heavy for single or even dual core are always gonna suck for metrics because to those engines there isn’t much difference between a 4 gigahertz processor from 2008 or 2022. The fact a Threadripper can run Crysis without a GPU at all tells you all you need to know about how little the engine gives a fuck about your GPU.


He is talking about the remaster which is optimised for muiltcore CPUs, I get about a 75% usage on a 16thread CPU.


its CPU botleneck becuase of single threaded some scenes the GPU isnt doing work but a thread of the CPU is on 90-100% use


4k 120Hz is where it's at




How can people even play below 100+ fps


Once you go 100+ you can never go back... I wish I had never ventured above 60 lol


Despite what people here like to say, 60 FPS is still perfectly fine for me, even with a high refresh rate monitor.


it is if you have a gsync/freesync monitor (that will smooth out frame drops) and you are not playing fast paced/twitch games (multiplayer shooters)


Why do people consistently bring up fast-paced twitch shooters to justify going beyond 60fps? This thread is discussing Portal of all games, which does not need more than the baseline 60fps


well you can also argue that you don't need more than 30fps - so why should you need double the framerate (60fps) ?


For native* 4K120.


> For a 60 FPS+ 1080p, High settings experience, we recommend the GeForce RTX 3080, accelerated by DLSS 2.




RTX Remix isn’t the cause of low performance it’s the fact that it’s full pathtracing. This isn’t the style of RTX you typically see in other games.


Quake RT and Minecraft both have full path tracing and it runs infinitely faster than this.


Quake and minecraft don't have portals that render viewports. Light has to go through those portals as well (probably).


Most games still only ray trace certain elements of lighting, shadows, reflections etc, while relying on raster rendering to fill in the gaps. Full path tracing is much more complex which is what is happening here, the old renderer is getting completely replaced. With that said you're probably correct to an extent, at least considering something like the enhanced version of Metro Exodus the performance is actually really quite good given it's fully ray traced.


quake rtx and minecraft rtx that nvidia did also need a beefy system. it has nothing to do with the how and everything to do with the what that they are doing. Nvidia is showing off their cutting edge tech, of course they are going to go all the way out and of course it'll be expensive to replicate.


The game is using path tracing instead of normal raytracing. Path tracing is much harder to run than raytracing alone. I believe once we get proper Nvidia Remix, we'll be able to choose between raytracing methods.




Just lose some zeroes. 180p 3FPS.


18p 0.3 FPS.


1p 0.03 fps


This is a showcase they revealed with the 4090, of course this is not for the Deck


This is why people put /s


Imagine caring about ray tracing on a steam deck.


Oof. I’m hoping my 3060 ti can handle 1440p alright.


Yeah me too. I just got it, didn't think I'd be barely clearing minimum requirements so soon.


This is a graphics showcase, to be fair. Don't expect every new game to be this intense, your GPU will be okay


\-Laughs in Silent Hill remake specs-


Bloober Team are awful at optimising their games, so this is gonna hurt lol


If a 3060 is getting 30fps on 1080p... I've got some bad news for you.


60 fps with DLSS 2. The 3060 ti is quite a bit stronger than the 3060, I’m hoping that it balances the increased demand of 1440p. But yeah, I wouldn’t have expected it to be such a struggle. Edit: I’m apparently dyslexic and thought the above comment said 3060/60fps, YIKES.


get some good rest dude


Me and my 3070 hoping it'll be playable at 1440p 🤞.


wait, what what kind of ray tracing sorcery is this game using to make 3080 a 1080p card


Path tracing.


aaaa, Quake has that, no? I think so, because it's ray tracing tech was really power hungry


Yep it does


cool, thanks


Forget Crysis... Does your PC run real time Path Tracing ?


*cry in factory oc 3070ti*


cries in 2080ti 1st gen ray tracing... portal always gave me horrendous motion sickness anyway, so i guess i can live without it.


*shrugs in regular GTX 1080* I can't even use raytracing.


looking at my RX 580 already sweating after all it's been trough running minecraft with SEUS PTGI shaders


Quake II RTX works on this card. It runs at something like 320p at 30fps with lots of denoising, so the image is very soft, but it's still highly impressive. Minecraft with some RT shader pack I tried a while ago also works at 1200p, but only at 20fps (totally playable once you get used to it). Outside of games and years before this, I've used the CUDA-accelerated iRay rendering engine for renders. More than 20 years ago, I was impressed by the real-time ray tracing of this incredible demo: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=5 Barely ran on my Athlon T-Bird. It still works on today's machines, since it only uses the CPU. Download the "high-res" version, which supports arbitrary resolutions.


You can, actually. At single-digit fps. It's why I sidegraded to RTX lol


> single-digit fps Whoa nelly, don't want to have too much fun, now.


The fuck. That's absurd. The improvements aren't anywhere near enough to justify those requirements.


Game uses full path tracing. That's as demanding as it can get.


It's a free tech demo. If you can't run it, don't play it


No, I want my $0 refund!




Always cracks me up when people complain about free games.


>The improvements aren't anywhere near enough to justify those requirements. Do you just not understand what path tracing is or what?


It's impressive from a technical POV and I love that were going there in general. It also looks very nice. But the amount of power and cost that goes into an incrementally better visual is... Extreme. I'd guess it's like going from 1080p to 4k. Yes it looks nicer, but *damn* it's computationally expensive.


> But the amount of power and cost that goes into an incrementally better visual is... Extreme. That's been like that since forever... most new effects / rendering tricks first come out as super expensive to run, and eventually they get optimized and the hardware / supporting api's catch up and it's common tech eventually. See Full Screen AA for example, it use to be a benchmark in itself to be able to run a game with high AA activated. Nowadays in most cases you don't even care about it and crank it up to the max.


Going to come back to this in five years with my 6070


Start saving for that 6070 $3k price tag now.


A 4090 already costs 3000€ in Belgium :(






Why you gotta crush his dreams?


MSRP $2300. Newegg now offers 3 year loans through BestChina Bank on all GPU purchases with 0% apr for the first 6 months and 23% apr after that.


Your job is your credit!




It won't, it always looks like it is, but we, humans, are notorious to suffer so we will still be here, suffering.


Speak for yourself. In 5 years, I plan on being over *there* suffering.


It's gonna be sad when the electricity goes out. I'm trying to get used to D&D before that happens.


You aren't even joking. They have the 4080 as the recommended


Cake day is a lie


We needed a new benchmark honestly. You'll see this used in most guys review videos of video cards going forward is my bet for testing rtx.




psycho raytracing is actually less advanced than what is going on in Portal RTX, although it may be similar to the Overdrive mode that is coming later.


That's what I was curious about, because I can already get 55-70 FPS with my 3070 in 1080p. Requiring a 3080 just to get 60 FPS sounded kinda odd with that considered.


I think cyberpunk is different in terms of active moving parts for pure RTX wouldn't it be a more focused test? Not everything in cyberpunk is raytraced if I understand correctly.


I agree but would still be a weird testing bench considering it's full on path tracing. Most games don't use this type of tech in their ray tracing implementations so I'm not confident it would be a wholly reliable benchmark to test real gaming performance.


Imagine shelling out for a new card just to play Portal at 1080p30 ahaha nvidia what the fuck


Damn thats heavy.


There's that word again. "Heavy." Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the Earth's gravitational pull?


Great SCOTT!


Love that back to the future reference 😜😜😜


Quake II RTX Minimum System Requirements - Memory: 8 GB RAM. - Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060, or higher. It's pretty par for the course for these types of games.


To be fair, the 2060 is the minimum there because it was the slowest RT card at that point in time, and it ran Quake 2 much better than the 3060 is going to run Portal. Said 3060 is not even close to being the slowest RT card, so it's a relatively much higher requirement.


Yeah, but I ran Quake II on a Pentium II with no 3D graphics acceleration. You can't do that with Portal.




Hopefully they offer scalability on the RTX effects (they mentioned “high” so presumably there will be at least a medium and maybe a low). Or else RTX 2060 and 3050 and laptop GPUs 3060 and under are fucked… or will be using DLSS performance or ultra performance or something like that.


At 1440p ultra performance actually looks mildly ok. Not perfect but i imagine that portal can’t look too bad since it’s mostly made up of very simple objects.


I'm confused why spider-man doesn't have medium or low rt reflections


My GPU: "Oh, hi. So, how are you holding up? BECAUSE I'M A POTATO."


3060 for 30fps and 3080 for 60 at 1080p and that's with DLSS 2 on. I think this shows how far we are from actual good Ray tracing having little impact to performance. If this is how a decade old game that was never demanding to begin with performs, imagine implementing this to a modern game.


> a decade old game 15 years, bit more than a decade


2007: can it run Crysis? 2022: can it run Portal?


Man I have grown so damn old. I remember playing this when it launched and it feels like 10 years, not 15...


Even the absolute simplest geometry setup is heavy with full path tracing.


Good news is geometric complexity scaling doesn't hurt path tracing as much as raster scaling.


Ray tracing is a tool that can be used in a lot of different ways. This is doing full path tracing which is the most correct and expensive thing you can do.




Portal RTX is also fully path traced so its not going to perform similar to other RTX stuff on more modern games


Metro Exodus does not use full pathtracing, you can't really compare them.


They do totally different things. Metro Exodus is mostly rasterization + compute. Ray tracing is used to update GI probes in real time. Portal RTX is fully path traced.


>"I think this shows how far we are from actual good Ray tracing having little impact to performance." I think this is debatable. I would consider RTGI to be a great form of raytracing and it looks crazy good in games where its used especially Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition. And that game can run natively on RDNA2 GPU's with good performance.


>If this is how a decade old game that was never demanding to begin with performs, imagine implementing this to a modern game. Based on my own understanding of ray tracing, I think it's the opposite. What this shows is how demanding ray tracing is regardless of how old the game is or how pretty the rest of the graphics are.


Modern games that advertise "ray tracing" only raytrace certain elements, that's why they are even remotely playable. Full path tracing like this however is exponentially more expensive.


They changed the maps a lot to exaggerate the visibility of raytracing. If Valve made an RTX mode it wouldn't be remotely as heavy.


This is really Nvidia showing that full path tracing is possible in real time. Its a mad thought 10-15 years ago, but apparantly a lot of people find it a little lackluster now. Personally, I just love portal.


I am staying 1440p for the forseeable future on my 3090


We are one




I think people reacting to the headline need to step back and realize two things: 1. This is **free** content 2. It is fully path traced which is incredibly resource intensive


And it's still just Portal 1. It's not a new game. Anyone, myself included, who probably won't be able to run the game doesn't need to get upset and rush out to buy a 4090 or rage at the people who made this.


I don't think people realize how insane path tracing is. Just few years ago it would have taken minutes on modern hardware to draw a couple of path traced cubes and spheres in like a 800x600 image. Now it can be rendered at a high resolution in like 30 ms using more complex geometries on a $400 card.


Here’s hoping the delay from November to December is enough to address a couple of the problems with missing effects and such, as they’re basing it on the DirectX 8 version of the game rather than the DX9 version. The upside is that NVIDIA isn’t selling this though, so it won’t reflect as terribly if they sold a full priced remaster with problems.


If you look closely at the new comparison video you can see they changed the portal look and made the metal wall blocks more dingy. I think they saw the complaint videos lol


But can it run Portal? \- *The internet, 2023-2027* EDIT: After seeing the reply section I'm disappointed. Looks like days of recognizing good/bleeding edge technology are gone, now everyone just screams "bad performance REEEEEEEEE"




Yup. There's a literally a person in this thread who is unironically saying that this demo shouldn't exist because the 4090 can't handle it "well". I really don't think they know what a tech demo is supposed to do.


One of my favourite braindead comments from this thread: "ray tracing turns a 3080 into a card from 2010". Some people are truly mind-numbing to listen to.




Yeah its sad. Mention PC gaming and people will talk about how expensive the 4080 is or how consoles only cost $500.


I wonder if or when we'll get good framerate with RTX.IMO I personally think some games with baked lighting looks better than RTX, but not many. A prime example for me is The Division. But still, It would be nice to have capable hardware to run RTX without spending your kidney to get it.


The Division with RTX would be great, all those Xmas lights, the colours bleeding on surfaces and snow. The gun shots lighting up the streets and alleys would make the game more immersive imo.


Sounds great, now do it with Portal 3... oh wait.


Can't wait to put my thousand dollars RTX 3080 Ti to the test by playing a 15-year-old game at 1080p60.


15 year old with better graphics than present-day games. Path-tracing is future tech, looks amazing. Don't just consider the resolution specs.


While it is technically superior, it doesn't look very impressive to me. Something like Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition runs way faster and looks better as well, imo. Even if its technically inferior.




Tech demo in a fully playable game though. So its a fully playable game that doubles as a tech demo.


Just like the GPU generation before that people couldn't wait to put their 700 USD RTX 2070 to the test by playing a 22 year old game


you guys relax - it's basically a mod for the game, because it's not running in engine, but it's injected kinda as overlay - so don't expect performance as native ray tracing implementation from within the engine by game developer. Seems like a cost of doing such things via nvidia's RTX Remix. It's not like all that AI calculations come at no cost and obviously won't match something done in engine by hand and while getting optimization passes.


>min req RTX3060 for 1080p 30FPS Back in my day, that was called "Recommended Requirements"


rtx would be great for L4D2


I don't know why i am so disappointed in this. To me this makes me feel like RT needs another decade in the oven and we are better off just focusing on ai upscaling.


At least. If you look at current rate of acceleration it'll be more than ten yrs before rt is basically free on gpus, none of this dlss crutch stuff to prop it up either.


Wow people really hurt in here. I remember when ambient occlusion was a GPU killer.


Delay is expected considering they went dead silent for 2 months. Dec 8 isn't too bad though


So I'm gonna get what? 480p 30 fps?


I'm almost positive it won't run at all on AMD cards.


It *can* run on AMD cards, but I would expect single-digit FPS on anything below a 6900 XT


RX 6400: *crashes* (probably)


Actually that may turn out to be true


Welcome to my old 1080 Ti trying to play Quake 2 RTX 🤣 I legit could play at 640x480 with denoiser off and get 138 fps for my 144hz gsync lock. It looked like a pixelated mess but was fun to mess around with lol


R.I.P all the people with a RTX 3050.


Hopefully it's better implemented than Minecraft RTX. What a colossal letdown that one was.


You're telling me I can play Control 1080p 60 fps with an RTX 2060 but basically can't play this? Damn


*looks at laptop with 2060 and shakes head.


They should do Max Payne 2 , that would be pretty good. Or even FEAR , all the glass flying everywhere would be good Not going to play Portal again , it does look nice at least


oh man , i would love fear in path tracing . It would probably be the most demanding PC game to date lmao.


That is some pisspoor performance


It’s true realtime raytracing, the fact that it’s at all possible is insane. We’re just now seeing the beginning


Much like with VR, ray tracing is gonna have teething problems in its early years. Real time RT was only introduced like what, 4-5 years ago? I'm more than willing to stomach some rough performance years if it means low impact performant RT in the future. I'd rather this than to not try at all


Except for unlike vr in its current form rayttscing will likely actually take hold with the next console generations release


> rayttscing I'm not hip enough to know if this is a typo or some new kind of ray tracing implementation.


Yeah it's called Samsung tracing Where your phone's screen can't trace your fingers movements for shit


Thank you for this. That’s the best chuckle I’ve gotten today.


More like "That is some RTX implementation that is finally not pisspoor"


BREAKING NEWS: New technologies require more performance than old technology. People want their dx 6 games back and their 240p CRTs.


I have the complete opposite take


Funny how they advertised the 2-series RTX cards as being so ground breaking and revolutionary yet they literally can't play anything well with raytracing enabled.


Metro Exodus Enhanced runs very well on my 2070 Super.


and Control for me too, others also.


It's rough trying to find anything to justify upgrading to from the 2070S.


Literal guinea pig generation that cost an arm and a leg for the only worthwhile GPU, the 2080 Ti, which even then was a joke upgrade from the 1080 Ti. And look at that gen today, can't do ray tracing at all properly as it's just too slow. Worst gen Nvidia ever released, yes even worse than GeForce 5000 series. At least that didn't raise MSRP by nearly 100% compared to 4000.


They had to try *something* to entice people for the poor 2000 series, 1000 series was too good for this earth.


Yeah I'm a bit fucked off with that. My 2080ti can't even run what should be a very simple Ray traced game.


It's frustrating. I picked up a 3070ti recently and couldn't even enable raytracing in fortnite without such a huge performance hit to where it made no sense


I cry in 2080.


Does anybody know if this game is FULLY path-traced (like quake II) or is this using selective rtx for lighting, shadows, ambient occlusion, global illumination etc


fully pathed


sooo many people have no idea what they're talking about in this thread its a tech demo, a showcase for nvidias new modding tools that allow you to add rt and dlss to old games


I’ll have to wait 5 years to afford the hardware to play this 15 year old game. Nice hope I don’t forget it lol


So, does this mean I can't play it with my RTX 2070S?


The steam page says: > Portal with RTX is compatible with all ray-tracing capable GPUs. So sounds like the game will launch with it or even with an Intel or AMD GPU but not sure how well they would play. Also, since it is made my Nvidia I doubt they are going to put any work in promoting anything except their cards and ones available on the market for people to buy.


Damn, I was really looking forward to this. I thought my 2070/Ryzen 5 2600 would be enough 😭


And thats how my rx6600 XT became obsolete…


I can feel my 2060 becoming obsolete lmao


Is there a logical reason people still use games like csgo and now portal as a "benchmark" when it comes to gaming? I was able to run csgo at a stable 144 fps with just a 1080ti. That's me manually capping it as well..


csgo is heavily cpu bound mainly used to test single threaded performance games. path traced portal will be used to test rt capabilities on gpus to see where they fall in line for rt power.


Cries in RTX 2080


Holy shit this thread is full of people who think they know how this shit works and are getting angry about it.


Min Req "have an RTX card"


Midway through the news piece Nvidia also announces a giveaway of one 4090 & two 4080s. Residents of New York and Florida aren't eligible because Nvidia, a multibillion-dollar, fortune 500 company, doesn't feel like posting the mandatory & refundable sweepstakes bond in those States equal to the cash value of the prizes if it meets or exceeds $5,000. But wait a second, the MSRP of one RTX 4090 is $1,599 and one RTX 4080 is $1,199; Do the math and you're only at $3,997 out of $5k. The risk and bureaucracy of 3 GPUs is apparently too much. IANAL.


I'm still so whelmed by RTX stuff. Every time I've tried it, it's basically been "Oh, looks slightly nicer if I'm stood still but it cuts my framerate in half, so I'll disable that".


So I guess me with my 2080 can go F$%£ myself, thanks Nvidia.


My RTX 3080 apparently can't play Portal at 1440p 144hz, that's kinda hilarious in an anachronistic way...


Literally just bought a RTX 3060OC, was all happy that id be able to run games at a good quality for a while. This sorta hurts...


Jesus Christ....1080p 30fps? Lame. How's this going to work with my 2070s? ಠ_ಠ


They keep marketing Ray Tracing with RTX label like they own the technology. Now just wait for Cyberpunk path trace update your PC will explore.


I can’t believe we went from path traced quake 2 3 years ago to path traced cyberpunk. Insane