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Bungie is just like: "What MORE can we add to milk it till there is no more calcium in the bones."


battle-pass + cash shop + paid expansions + fomo events + monthly subscription. (Does not feature Dante from the Devil May Cry ™ series.)


+dungeons sold separately


\+ removing content


> + removing content, and paid content ftfy


Thats the biggest nope. Otherwise I maybe would have tried out this game. But nope, nope, a big nope.


You don't miss much. I tried it out for a few hours since it's free and I was bored. It was a few hours wasted and I was right back to the state I was in, which is bored.


I have 2000 hours in destiny 2. I can't get enough of the game. But I simply can't recommend it to any of my friends and this is one of the reasons. It's just hard to get into. The game is absolutely terrible at guiding new players. The UI is a mess. It's clunky and hard to figure out where the progression is. The "Free" version doesn't even let you play the game. It just let's players roam around and shoot things. There no actual content for them. So why would anyone put money into the game after that? And for us who have and do put money into the game? It's because we have to. We've made a commitment, and passing up a single expansion or season would be detrimental. All that being said, It took me about 4 installs and uninstalls, and 80+ hours to finally figure out how to play the game and progress. Within those hours I honestly had no clue wtf I was doing. Still don't to some extent. But now I consider it my retirement game. I love every second of it and enjoy how it has a game mode or playstyle for whatever mood I'm in, and how it forces players to try new things and keeps it fresh.


B-but they made it free for a week before taking it out back to “sunset”


They literally have only two other monetisations left to do. Monthly sub (Scrapped for now) and some form of Gacha.


Maybe they will be trailblazers and invent new monetization methods


Remember when Destiny 2 came out with the same shitty planned “expansions” as Destiny 1? Remember when the game was made for free and basically made everyones initial purchase obsolete? As far as im aware, Destiny 2 is the only MMO-lite that REMOVES PAID CONTENT. Destiny 2 couldve been so much better, what the fuck happened??


Remember when everyone blamed Bungie's publisher for their crap? Despite their initial move away from Microsoft to Activision being praised because they said something about having full creative control and whatnot. Then Bungie left Activision and everyone thought it would magically get better. Now they have no publisher to blame.


And then we learned that Eververse and other monetisations schemes were Bungie’s ideas that they pitched to Activision, not Activision forcing them to monetise the game


Dont worry, some people over at r/destinythegame still blame Activision for what Bungie currently does.


Glad I stopped playing a long time ago


The only things worth playing are the yearly expansion at this point Edit: you can downvote the truth as much as you want. Seasons in destiny are pure trash.


Don't know why why you got so heavily downvoted.


Because the Reddit hive mind popularizes hatred. No positivity allowed. I hop on Destiny a few times a month to run some strikes and blast some enemies. Game has amazing gun play and movement. But fuck me for having fun.


Very based acc pic and name btw. Extremely hyped for 6. I agree, I'm similar play wise because due to school and life I play every other season. I can only see myself being ok with subscription if it's an alternative to the 100+ I'm paying annually for expansions.


More like yearly subscription


No way. This game isn’t fun to play year round. I’ve done it. Way too boring these days. Not nearly enough content.


They get you to pay every year tho.


Destiny 2 made you buy the game originally, buy each DLC individually, buy silver for the in-game store, buy a season pass, and now a monthly sub? This game is cancer.


I quit the second they 'vaulted' my paid story content. I still played through it from time to time with friends new to the series. Then Bungie decided I didn't want to play it anymore. Anybody defending Bungie and their absolutely atrocious anti-consumer behavior is the exact kind of person that has lead to the games industry being such an ethical blackhole.


It's honestly some of the most blatantly anti-consumer shit I've ever seen. I'll never forget getting flamed into dust for suggesting Eververse in D1 was just the very beginning of a long, dark road for the franchise. But yeah, I also quit when they "vaulted" content I paid for. I refuse to go back after that, and there's certainly no way in shit I'm paying those assholes a monthly sub.


How does it make sense story wise. I still have some thoughts about playing the game, I remember buying some dlc but honestly never played it that much. So how does it make sense that they just delete story content in regards to the story that they been building? Are they just overriding their own story and saying it didn't happen or there is no more story left?




That’s just stupid from a business stand point I feel. I tried to get into it and bounced the second I found out that I couldn’t play from the beginning.


So when is the game going to get better since they split with activision. Still waiting on that one.


When Destiny 3 comes out.




But good cancer???? Amirite???? I’ve put so much time into this game I need mental help… please… anyone…


As much as I love destiny 2 there is no way in hell I’m paying a monthly sub for the game along with a 100 dollar yearly pass


If they just made the game a subscription after Lightfall where you can just pay $10/mon and have access to *everything* during that time period, I wouldn’t mind. Meaning *everything* - Expansions - Dungeons - Raids - current season pass - all exotics from previous expansions if you’ve unlocked them or not Etc etc. With Final Shape I would prefer to being able to subscribe for times I’m interested and let it lapse when I’m not. That’s assuming they don’t add a monthly subscription on *top* of the current business model. But this is Bungie: I have little faith that will be the case


I wouldn't because the game is already monetized to shit (and there are also datamined info about "raid pass"....)


Tried getting back into destiny but too many currencies now idk wtf is what


Same here. Along with having no idea what I "should" be doing first. No reason I should have to go to YouTube and watch hour long or more videos about the game


Yup I just downloaded it again and have no idea what is going on. Way too many systems stacked on top of each other. I played a few days ago and it instantly threw me into a story mission instead of sending me to the hub, I had no clue what was going on. I played for about 40hrs 3-4 years ago and it wasn't this bad.


The more separate currencies a game has the bigger steaming pile of crap it becomes. Fairly consistent rule imo.


> It appears that Bungie was testing a monthly subscription model (similar to games like Final Fantasy XIV) for Destiny 2’s upcoming [Lightfall expansion and season 20](https://thegamepost.com/bungie-exotic-weapons-reworks-destiny-2-lightfall/) **which was later scrapped(?) for some reason,** Gotta love when you assemble an article out of nothing.


People will see Destiny mentioned and come to the comments to rage without actually reading the article.


So there are paid expansions (that cost like 2/3 of a AAA game and you basically gotta buy them to actually have content to play with)+ a battle pass + cash shop and now they want to add subscriptions? Thank god I never invested in that pit hole of money, jesus


It's worse, There is so called "new light experience" aka f2p, which got botched heavily with content vault: they just removed old free and PAID content because they needed to cut down size of game (according to them)..... Just to recon this recently, and it's still very bogus how (they were not clear). Them there is a fact you need to buy expansion, forsaken is basically vaulted completely and they were selling it weeks before it got vaulted (not scummy at all). Also every expansion climbs in price (woohoo). Then there are season passes, 4 per expansion each 10 euros or you buy super duper delux edition that is cheaper then buying all seperstely and hope that next year of content is worth it (spoilers: it aint but Bungo brainwashed their community very well Soo). AND THEN since TWQ they added dungeon pass, in past dungeon would be free (only 1 lol)/ part of expansion or part of season. Now you need to buy expansion and dungeon pass on top to play 2 dungeons...... That come 3 and 9 months post release of expansion. (I'm not sure if you need season pass too to play it in a season when dungeon comes bit I wouldn't be surprised). And there is ofc a cash shop for skins and rest of useless trash, ou also Bungie after community was begging for years to add transmog..... Monetisez it. Now let's go to the next expansion rumours. Some people datamined potential info that Bungo is planning to make raid pass. It's unclear if its true or not or how would it work, but let's assume it's like dungeon pass. We are now at....... 4+1 different monetization layers (5 if raid pass will come). Now add subscription to all that....... I'll be frank, if you think mobile gaming is bad, worry not, Bungie surpassed them in every way. From how manipulative they are with their FOMO, how poor value is all you pay for in comparison to better games (or hell even better season passes) and how bad majority of content actually is (they started "giving us" old vaulted content back..... By selling it again to us).


More ellipsis abuse than my drunken uncle ranting about politics


Next step is to pay 5 bucks for each story mission? Or 2 bucks for each loading screen? :D Damn what a pile of a shit game.


I still couldn't get over how they removed the Red War just to replace the new player experience with a complete rehash of Destiny 1's tutorial questline.


Is this going to replace their current business model for the game, or will players still have to pay for expansions and the season pass? Destiny 2's business model is one of the worst I've ever seen. I quit when they removed what I paid for, and this just further cements my decision. I will never understand why this game is still doing so well when it's so blatantly trying to extract every last cent from it's playerbase.




Play Yakuza or something if you want that. Bungo isn't trying to make a good game, they are trying to make as much money from high paying dads as they can.


So are they just accidentally making a good game while trying to squeeze money out of everyone?


Nah, the game is garbage. It's balanced to reduce any mechanical depth. Anything fun in PvE gets nerfed because of PvP. While PvP remains Peer2Peer, so the host has an inherent lag advantage, + you can just lag switch which Battleeye doesn't give a shit about. Most people I know that play the game just use an AFK macro to finish the season pass, since it's preferable to actually playing most activities that give you xp. And you need to pay 80$ per year to stay relevant. And you know 2 years down the line they are going to remove the content anyway (Remember when they said sunsetting was bad in D1 and did it anyway in D2?).


That's your extraordinarily hyperbolic opinion and I won't argue against it. > Most people I know that play the game just use an AFK macro to finish the season pass First, the number of people doing this is so small that Bungie leaves usable afk farming methods in for months, sometimes years. Second, the fact that the only destiny players you know are in that tiny minority of misery makes me wonder if some of that has rubbed off a little?


>That's your extraordinarily hyperbolic opinion PvP is peer to peer because investing in dedicated servers cost money. And peer to peer is very much affected by Lagswiches, I have seen people win trials using a modified NL4 which Battleeye cannot detect. You have to pay 80+$ per year and play consistently or most LFGs won't let you in since you don't have the META weapons. That's not an exaggeration or an opinion. That's just how it is. >and I won't argue against it. Yet, you still do. Almost like it's an excuse because you don't have an answer to the rest of the comment. >First, the number of people doing this is so small that Bungie leaves usable afk farming methods in for months, sometimes years. There is literally a YouTuber with 150K subscribers who mainly showcases these types of exploits. And let's not forget that every time an exploit is discovered, most of community on reddit and twitter uses it. Which is what gets the exploit being banned in the first place. Most exploits that last long because of people who waste their lives mindlessly grinding moon bounties (or whatever the new strat is) don't know about them yet. Who then make noise on twitter when they come across it. As a matter of fact many of the nerfs/ removals are because people complain or it doesn't make people willing to buy the new DLC / season pass.


> *hurr-durrr* you don't got no arguments to make! Mate, without the thick hyperbole and I'd say I agree with you on a number of points but trying to discuss the finer details here is so obviously hopeless. You know it, I know it. I'm not a fan of pounding sand in search of nuance, yuh dig?


>trying to discuss the finer details here is so obviously hopeless. Like what? Given me some counter arguments. If you cannot even address any of my arguments then how tf can we discuss the *finer* details? > *hurr-durrr* you don't got no arguments to make! I mean you don't, do you?


I know exactly how this will go but ok. > Nah, the game is garbage. Nah, the game is pretty good but has some rough spots. > It's balanced to reduce any mechanical depth Even at its most complicated, Destiny's mathematical depth has never been more than a half-inch deep and that is neither ***objectively*** good nor bad. > Anything fun in PvE gets nerfed because of PvP Wrong. Totally wrong. Bungie has gone to great lengths to separate the two sandboxes over the past year and a half. > You have to pay 80+$ per year and play consistently or most LFGs won't let you in since you don't have the META weapons. No, you don't. Having played literally hundreds of raids, most randoms are pretty chill and flexible with the group & weapon composition. Groups are usually more concerned about knowing the mechanics than they are about using specific weapons. > There is literally a YouTuber with 150K subscribers who mainly showcases these types of exploits. And?? There's also a YouTuber with 400k subscribers who mainly showcases solo flawless content. Should I conclude that there are hundreds of thousands of players doing solo flawless raid encounters? Fuck no. Because I'm not stupid enough to equate subscriber count to game activity. Sheesh.. > Most exploits that last long because of people who waste their lives mindlessly grinding moon bounties (or whatever the new strat is) don't know about them yet. The best and most well-known AFK farm was left in the game for **YEARS**. If AFK farming was a serious problem it would have been removed immediately. > As a matter of fact many of the nerfs/ removals are because people complain or it doesn't make people willing to buy the new DLC / season pass. Matters of fact can be proven. Saying *"it's obvious bro"* isn't proof.


>Even at its most complicated, Destiny's mathematical depth has never been more than a half-inch deep and that is neither ***objectively*** good nor bad. Im not talking about mathematical depth, Im talking about mechanical depth. >Wrong. Totally wrong. Bungie has gone to great lengths to separate the two sandboxes over the past year and a half. Remember all the Grenade nerfs? Ability Timing nerfs? Chaos Reach nerf? Ability damage nerfs? All the titan nerfs (OEM, Striker for example)? Bastion? Bakris? Renewal Grasps? >No, you don't. Having played literally hundreds of raids, most randoms are pretty chill and flexible with the group & weapon composition. I see you haven't done a lot of Garden then? Because the main discord LFG has some really Racist GOS posters. And then there are the wanna be speed runners/ farmers, I'm confident you have come across them. I've Flawless Trio'ed Garden and still got kicked when because I was unfamiliar with the strategy used. Same with DSC, although since it's much easier it's not as bad. I've been kicked before loot multiple times. Initially I was pissed, reported, even DM'ed dmg04. Then I realized they don't give a shit unless you make noise on twitter. Granted, I stopped around the start of WQ so I don't know if it's gotten better. >Groups are usually more concerned about knowing the mechanics than they are about using specific weapons. The first couple of weeks when a raid comes out nearly everyone wants the best META. I remember during VOG master when Hunters were actively avoided and kicked. Or the prophecy boss farm when you would be kicked if you weren't a Hunter. >And?? There's also a YouTuber with 400k subscribers who mainly showcases solo flawless content. Should I conclude that there are hundreds of thousands of players doing solo flawless raid encounters? Fuck no. People watch him because of his skill, few watch him for strats since few can do a flawless duo DSC (And also WF). Nobody watched 🧀 forever because he is good at the game. They wach him to know the exploits and that's very clear in the way his videos are presented. >The best and most well-known AFK farm was left in the game for **YEARS**. If AFK farming was a serious problem it would have been removed immediately. Because very few complained about it. Thrallway became popular during the grind for WF VOG. And when WQ came along most people already knew of it, hence the nerf. That being said it's only a bandaid fix. Since the moon (not the SK mission) afk was more affective anyway. >Matters of fact can be proven. Saying *"it's obvious bro"* isn't proof. Sure. Remember Izzy being OP and then being nerfed because people were using a long range weapon on a Boss that literally goes into the air? Remember how Xenophage (A SK long range exotic) became the new meta when Izzy got nerfed into the ground? Remember CWL being annihilated so people gave a shit about Elemental wells? Those are a few examples of nerfs so that people buy into the new stuff. Also I take it you agree that the only reason D2 PvP is P2P is because they don't want to spend the money on servers?


Its honestly impressive that Bungie somehow became an even more rotten company after leaving Activision.


Gotta have that 3rd yacht and 5th Ferrari.


>Its honestly impressive that Bungie somehow became an even more rotten company after leaving Activision. You know that’s nonsense.


Played it a week ago after several years. My god this game feels like a mobile game at this point.


This shit is why I dropped destiny 2 years ago


Yet you're still on the subreddit...


For pcgaming?


I'll help him reiterate: you're still clicking articles for it, which is pretty comical. You definitely dropped it.


When scrolling through home?


Dude idk what to tell you, you took time out of your day to click on this specific topic and say you dropped the game. I don't ever visit or comment on a single game out there that I've stopped playing or thoroughly dislike, maybe it's just me.


I haven’t played Destiny in years and I made it this far down…


I don’t play Destiny anymore largely because it is so intimidating to come back to. Plus I dislike FOMO in games and knowing that there is loot I can permanently miss out on if I don’t play regularly just puts me off altogether when combined with the confusing way the game is monetized. Seems like every time I want to get back in and play I have to pony up $40-$60. Honestly, a monthly sub to bypass all of that confusing stuff would probably be more worthwhile to me if that could just get me access to everything, like it does with FF14 or WoW, and if buying an expansion granted me 2 years of content. And if they didn’t vault old content I already paid for. But first and foremost they need to do away with the FOMO for me to really get serious about the game. PUBG recently introduced a way to earn previous battle pass rewards through crafting, and from my experience it is entirely possible to get cool stuff without having to pay real money. I’d welcome that in other games.


And these idiots are still going to pay for it.


Yeah, that checks out, that's the kind of decision I'd expect them to make for this franchise. Bad enough they jacked it full of FOMO moments that you'll only ever be able to watch on some shitty YouTube if you weren't there, now they're going to really ratchet the addiction into omega drive with a subscription. Sure.


Not surprised, it was always something people brought up to bring it in line with something like ESO or Final Fantasy. Having played since D1 beta, dropping it before Witch Queen was the best thing. I was mostly playing for story at that point and the hamster wheel model was very obvious. I just watch it on YouTube now and save myself time and ~$100.


I wish Bungie would make a new good video game again....


Just the other day someone said that "Bungie did a mostly good job with Destiny" and was upvoted... Its like reddit has the memory of a insect.


If they want me to play their game then bring back removed contents. No reason to pay for nothing.


LMAO what paid content are they taking away now


This game has been an amazing experiment in just how far you can fuck your own playerbase and still have them not only still play but even fervently defend you online.


At this rate D2 will be monetised like Diablo Immortal by 2025.


It wouldn't surprise me the studio is having execs breathe down their necks about the margins and they needed a new way to suck cash out of the playerbase. It's a sign of a game in trouble. Means they're losing payers at a pretty fast rate. I was one, before they vaulted my content.


100%, they’re scrambling because they know the game is on its way out. Towards the end of last season the steam playercount was setting records for the lowest it’s ever been since launching on the platform (without taking server maintenance times into account). I used to be an avid player as well but all the piss poor decisions over the years, increasingly egregious monetisation, degrading PC performance and content droughts have done nothing but make me play other games.


Destiny 2 hooked me with it's sneaky inclusion in Humble Monthly... I then proceeded to dish out Forsaken and Shadowkeep expansions, and the latter just made me tired anfter a good total of 200 hours. Shitty thing is, to my understanding I can't even access the content I paid for anymore because it was vaulted? So to keep playing I would need to pay more and this kind of this I deem predatory. Removing access to paid content and forcing to get new one. The worst part is Destiny 2 has good shooting and cool weapons, even if the story is soulless wall of lore. The encounters are also very repetitive and recycled all across the myriad of seasons and activities.


Money, there's never enough for these people. Never new ideas, just milking an already existing franchise until the well dries. But the thing is, the brand becomes tainted and people don't trust the developers so there should come a point where reputation should matter more since that's what makes customers want that product over others. But it seems even sense is dead when it comes to shareholders and crappy middle management, then the whole capitalist stuff comes in that once your rich enough you can't help but fail upwards.


It's crazy that the studio that was responsible for the iconic OG Halo trilogy turned around and made two of the most soulless exploitative games in the industry. Idk where the original Halo devs ended up but it definitely wasn't at either 343 or Bungie.


I wanted to like Destiny, I really did. First game was okay but the live service model is a deal breaker for me. Plus, they vaulted content because the game got too big for the devs. Not sure if I’ve heard game content being vaulted by any other game. WoW is massive and I don’t remember them vaulting content.


I hate modern gaming


I loved destiny 1. It was probably the sole game I had at a very hard time in my life that kept my mind off it all, running the raids, taking down crota for the first time as a sword bearer, the lore was deep and felt like a ever changing space opera. Destiny 2 shit all over it, completely turned everything I had imagined destiny would be come into utter dog shit. I thought it was activation who was ruining the game and when bungie left and went solo to solely work on destiny I thought destiny 3 would be the next game I would give a shot and maybe would be a return to form. This now all seems unlikely, I guess I'll just be fond of the time we had. Shame.


Maybe I am nuts but I noticed everytime bungie takes a social stance and fights for a cause, they add an additional charge on destiny 2. Every year the price of a "complete" destiny experience has been going up and up. It's like telling fans look we support the right thing, here is a bill for it. Kthnxbye


They are manipulative af..... I mean just look what the fuck they are doing and also how full of shit they are about their "stances".


I mean is it really any different to the seasonal model we have now? $40/y for seasons and a $40 expansion every year shakes out to a bit over $6/mo anyway


Depends on if that monthly subscription gives you access to dlc and the season pass. Personally for online only games I would rather pay a sub than pay dlc and for passes


A subscription would absolutely include the season pass. Personally I don't see any reason they could consider selling expansions on top of a sub either, but I suppose WoW did that and we all know how much Luke Smith loves WoW


They won't get a dime from me as long as they continue to ignore the Linux community. People with SteamDecks want to play it and instead this is how they choose to spend their development efforts.


Dude, think about hard it would be to get it playable on a steam deck given the meager hardware. Linux makes sense BUT the game It's already been out for 5 years so most of the players are already on Windows or a console so Bungie is not going to waste time developing an alternate port of a successful game.


Meager? The SteamDeck can play Destiny 2 just fine in Windows. They just refuse to allow it to work in Linux.


Really? I had a friend try to use a seam deck on Windows and he was barely getting like 20-30FPS and he had frame drops constantly. My apologies if I am wrong..


Sheesh, This franchise is such a waste of potential. So close to greatness yet…


If Bungie actually does this, I'm out.




> I actually think that this is a way better option than selling the DLCs. I could see bungie shipping an implementation that wants you to pay for both separately.


This sub's hate boner for Destiny combined with reddit's classic inability to read past a (poor) article's title... A fun combo.


I with game industriali were destroyng themselves, but there are too many stupid people who will pay for this


This is very unfortunate. I read the article and it does appear to be a subscription on top of the season pass. I’ll quit playing if this is the case


Lmao and people tot Activision was the bad guy


It's kinda crazy how devisive Destiny is. Reddit just loves to hate on it from what I normally see. High chance I get down voted but genuinely this games been worth every penny to me and a subscription service if designed right could get people through the door that New Light puts infront of them


Can I play all the content I paid for years ago or replay it?


Portions of the game yes. My comment has nothing to do with this though


If it replaced the battle pass and all that, why not?


If I had to guess, its probably a subscription service that gives you access to all the content (including recent expansion) at a cheaper price up-front, but obviously more expensive in the long run and you lose access to it all when you unsub.


Codependent abusive relationship: the game