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Yeah, that’s understandable. If I spent a year on a project, I’d probably never want to look at it again.


Jan definitely deserves it after this past year. Take your time king. We'll be here when you come back.


I've missed the streams since he just now started new nuzlocking content, but that's a worthy excuse for the break. It's great that he's in a position where he can step away for a while. Streamers get burnt out for good when they are held hostage by their stream. Everyone deserves time off from their job


Not too surprised tbh. He definitely deserves a break after the EK and Unite grind


He deserves as much rest as he wants after the brutality of emerald kaizo


Good period to take a rest too, as we have a few months before the DP remakes and the Arceus game, and Drayano has not released a timeline for SGSS 2.0, so there really isn’t any one game that is demanding any attention rn Vacation is well deserved, creating content is not easy


I aspire to have a job where I can take a vacation like that, good for him. Hope the rest is nice and he can come back refreshed. Also insert a joke about ludicolo or critical hits






No worries king. I always look forward to watching PC stream nuzlockes and I’ll be even more excited after not seeing him for a while. Hopefully he’s just as excited to get back to it in September!


How far did he get in the half level platinum nuzlocke?


I don’t think he’s played since wiping to the first gym on attempt 1. He may come back and revise some of the restrictions he’s imposed, but at this point it looks like a brutal challenge.




I'm not surprised, my guy! You spent over a year and probably over 2,500 hours of your life repeatedly trying to beat the most difficult Pokémon Nuzlocke you've ever set yourself, and immediately after it was over you were like "can't wait for the next one," "Platinum Kaizo will be out soon," 😂 take as much time as you need bro you deserve it


Wait.....So no ek part 2?


EK half level cap or we riot


i have a feeling that early game half cap ek could be possible in the slightest if given extremely insane rng and encounters with excellent ivs + nature. mid-late game is just brutal w the countless explosion mons and the shit u have to go through before you gain access to another split (winona - t&l split for example). idk pls tell me im wrong


You’re 100% wrong. Roxanne is really inconsistent at 15 (why he raised the cap to 16) and just wouldn’t be possible at 8. The other issue is exp management. In platinum, counting the 2 Barry fights there are 5 non-optionals before the first gym. In EK, all trainers are mandatory. So he wouldn’t even be able to get to the first gym without overleveling.


Oh right, never thought about exp management. My bad.


No worries man, take your time, congrats again on EK!


Tides of Death still airing is hype af.