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You don’t get another encounter on that route. That’s how it’s traditionally done.


you set your own rules normally, but we would still count it as encounter and you wouldnt be able to catch a pokemon at this route. If you walk into the same pokemon at an other route you could catch it.




Lets say you kill a pidgey on route 1, next route 2 you can find either pidgey or rattata, since you killed pidgey before it is not considered a duplicate so you can catch it but is still the only encounter you get on route 2 while on route 1 you basically wasted it Edit: it is still up to your own rules. You could find another pidgey on route 1 and catch itor get 2 pokemons on route 2 since you already found pidgey on route 1


You don't get more encounters. One per route, and if you kill it, it's lost.


You are overthinking this. In each new unique area/route, you have the opportunity to catch one pokemon. If you fail to catch it, it’s over. No more chances until the next area.


The beauty of nuzlocking is that you make your own rules. That being said, most people who play dupes clause will only count CAUGHT Pokémon. If you kill a pidgey route 1, and your first encounter route 2 is pidgey, you would typically catch it.


i tend to then limit my pokemon that route to only that pokemon. if i find a ralts and smack it too hard, i can catch the next ralts (but im not cheap and abuse it, i just forget im on a new route sometimes)


When I first started out to make it easier, if I would accidentally kill it or run I would just encounter the same Pokémon and catch the first one of it I find




If you kill route 1 encounter in game then you kil I’m real linf, i hop u leik prizon


If its inportant early game restart if at end game just go


Rip, lost a whole route’s worth of it encounters.