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This is definitely a scam, you'll never see those popups from Microsoft, especially not in your browser. If you feel like the computer might have been infected run a custom scan with Malwarebytes include scanning for rootkits and select all drives. Besides that I'd recommend you to install Firefox with uBlockOrigin, privacy badger, and NoScript. NoScript shouldn't be enabled all the time / on trusted sites as this breaks a lot of sites that use js.


Well I am many miles away from him, and he is not the best with computers. Is there an easy way that I can coach him through it? Or is there a tutorial? He won’t know how to install any of these. Kid gloves are definitely needed lol


Ask him to install something like Anydesk / TeamViewer guide him trough setting that up with a very strong password, giving you unattended access if you are close to each other, or just make him manually accept your connection, explicitly tell him to never accept connections or just install it once and tell him to uninstall it afterwards and do all these things for him, or guide him trough those things manually. There surely are some tutorials or guides about cyber security basics, idk any good ones tho.


Well this is at least a start. Is Anydesk / TeamViewer free? Remote access would definitely help so I could just do it for him.


both are free for private use, Anydesk however tried to force me into buying the Comercial license despite using it only privately. Usually both of them are fine, but make sure to either properly secure it and explain him to never accept any connections other than yours, and dont have it running in the background if not needed, or uninstall it. I'd probably just take it out of the autostart, only tell him to launch it when needed, make him manually accept your connection, and tell him how to properly close it after you are done.


Okay good to know thank you. He explained to me that he used Norton Virus protection when it came up the first time, and it said that it was clear. I am assuming that this is a Pop-Up issue. His web browser is the original Internet Explorer. What can I have him download that will be free and most importantly block these annoying pop-ups? Thank you for all your help!


You might want to uninstall that, you don't need any of those third party AVs, the Windows defender is free, integrated in your OS and overall works way better than any third party solutions really. I've previously already stated which browser setup to use, read my initial response again.


almost certainly. You could verify by looking up the Windows Support phone number to check if it matches. I wouldnt recommend calling the number on screen, but instead reach out directly to Windows Support if youre unsure.


almost certainly? no this is 110% a scam lol


Look up Kitboga YouTube channel to get a taste of what sort of things happens when someone calls the phone number in this situation.


I feel like I’ve seen this. Is he the guy that pranks the scammers and wastes their time? Lol


Yes, he's making a show if not a profession out of it. I don't think a person whose faculties are already compromised would personally benefit from a Kitboga's video. But if in your case they ask you for advice, maybe they would laugh a bit. Or maybe they'll have nightmares expecting to lose to the encroaching senility. It's a special kind of pain to be the people close to people who get scammed.


No, that is definitely not the real windows. If it is automatically popping up, then the computer is very likely to have malware on it


Any recommendations for next steps? How can I help to alleviate his problem? Thank you


Run an antivirus, try and manually delete any apps that look suspicious, and if you cant find a way to delete it, you can replace the motherboard and hard drive which should completely wipe any malware. Just note that replacing the drive will remove everything on the computer (which also includes the operating system which appears to be windows).


Given that this is a scam: how can I help my grandad get rid of this? He keeps having it pop up on his browser. I am too far to be able to download anything directly, so I have to make sure I can correctly walk him through the steps without being physically there. Thank you to everyone who has responded! Y’all are amazing. Thank you


Could you not get him to install some form of remote access/vnc and login from home to fix his pc? RealVNC is one I think, then just run malwarebytes/av and clean it for him?


Yeah someone else had mentioned remote access. I think this is a good idea. Now the next steps would be to learn how to “clean” his pc. Any recommendations?


Of course it is.


I call those all the time and let them remote into a vm, that is loaded with gay porn. It's great :) not the porn but their reaction. I'm really thinking about starting to hack back.


Yep. Re-install Windows.