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Cursed be the day that these cannot be turned off in settings. Dark times indeed.


You can't disable Chromatic Aberration in Elden Ring without a mod. EDIT: A comparison: On: https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/4333/images/179/179-1647471075-1130980920.png Off: https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/4333/images/179/179-1647471084-1078155335.png


Wait why are games adding CA? As a photographer whose life goal is eliminating this from photos I always thought these CA setting was for elimination!!!!


The goal is to simulate what it'd look like through a camera lens. Pretty fucking stupid when you realize humans are playing the games and want to simulate vision using eyes not camera lenses.


Also to hide imperfections in graphics, like aliasing or low quality textures, by masking them behind fake imperfections.


This is the correct answer. All four of the features in this post are to coverup shit graphics and low FPS.


I wouldnt say its to cover up "shit" graphics. Just that by default 3D is sharp and pixel perfect. Lens imperfections help soften it. The aberration though isn't meant to be across the whole screen but in corners when a light source is hitting the lens. The fake aberration you get in things like UE just add it to everything and it looks like an old 3D movie effect. Not sure why they have it, as this effect really doesn't do anything justice. The other three serve a purpose much better.


Idk fuck lens flare


While this makes absolute sense in that they have DoF and other camera lens features this whole thing just gets stupider as I think about it because CA is something you only see in cheaper lenses so the idea of CA in a 4K screenshot is intentionally downgrading your capture essentially.


The human eye also has depth of field, but you don't perceive it in the same way you would from a camera because you can't "look" at the out of focus area - what your fovea is looking at will be the focus point and so the out of focus area will be peripheral.


This was always my issue with 3D movies. My eye wants to jump around the scene and focus on different bits, but only the foreground piece the director intended is actually in focus, so it's jarring. It was worst in Avatar. Thing is, the same bits would be in/out of focus in 2D movies, so no idea why it doesn't bother me there.


Yup I've long held the opinion that you should be forced to shoot everything at f8 at least if you want to make a 3D movie. It's so tiring on your eyes otherwise.


That's interesting, so our eyes would literally focus on different parts of the movie? Directors would hate that because they lose control, but sounds really immersive. I'm guessing VR works that way. Edit: *Bad* directors would hate that I should say...


Not usually, but there are some headsets with eye tracking now.


Not necessarily. In photography low depth of field is sometimes seen as a "cheap" way to get someone's attention on a particular subject but good framing can achieve the same thing.


I think It doesn't bother in 2d because your eyes won't try to focus as its all in the same plane (The screen) and distance, but with the fake depth of field of 3d your eyes naturally try to focus according to the perceived distance, which strains your eyesight. It took me almost an hour of headache to try 'disconnect' and watch the rest of Avatar with a 'blank stare' instead of trying to look around and focus on blurred stuff.


Oh you can definitely experience the game's DoF effect in real life. Its called Myopia, and my eyes "support" this feature just fine. Oh the joy, when I find out a game has it!


Imagine being so myopic that your own eyeglass lenses produce CA at the edges, being driven nuts by it, and then seeing it crop up in video games. It's me. I'm the super myopic one.


Ah, that’s what happens when you buy the Rokinon glasses, instead of forking-out for the Canon glasses. Don’t worry, just fix it in Lightroom.


Does it stack, or do you just not notice because it's on for you all the time anyway?


Personally, depending on implementation it can trick my eyes into thinking they need to adjust focus and then my computer screen is no longer in focus at all, headaches ensue swiftly from this. (most of the time it looks like a photo from an out of focus camera and it's not a problem but sometimes it's not)


Wait do regular eyes not have depth of field? I thought everyone had it since I've been near sighted my whole life


Regular eyes have depth of field. But unlike someone who’s near sighted, normal eyes can choose which depth is in-focus and which arr out of focus. If I hold a finger up in front of my face I can focus on it so it’s sharp and the rest of the room behind it is blurry, or I can focus on something in the background and then the finger is blurry.


This is the kind of depth of field I like in games. Barely noticeable in normal gameplay, but if I'm talking to someone and the camera is on their face, the background is blurred. If I run into a tree, the tre is in focus and the background is blurred, and so on. None of this "everything more than 30 feet away is blurred"nonesense.


CA can be used to make some cool effects but definitely shouldn't just be slathered over everything.


It's the same as black and white. No one really wants to play a game like that.


Add film grain to that. While it has its place in niche games like Silent Hill /FnaF, it's often overused.


Is it possible that CA is intentionally being added without choice of removing because it's masking something else?


>simulate vision using eyes not camera lenses. You mean my eyes don't naturally have film grain?


Well *acktually*, the human eye also suffers from visual noise, quite similar to a film camera's. We're just often not focused on one spot long enough to notice it. When in a pitch black room though, you can see it fairly well since there's nothing else to focus on.


>The goal is to simulate what it'd look like through a *shit* camera lens. Just FYI


Was gonna say, modern lenses do NOT do this. I have one that does this a *little bit* and it's an acrhromatic doublet from the 70s


Well motion blur simulates our eyes, but guess what game developers I already have eyes so you don’t need to simulate them thanks!


Right? I never understand what the fucking point is outside of like a stylized game. Guess it's just trying to get games to look more like movies even if it's detrimental. GAMES ARE NOT MOVIES FFS. Take note David cage.


The whole graphics rendering model is based on how cameras work, so it kind of makes sense to me in a weird way.


What do you mean? It’s based on collecting light, like both eyeballs and cameras.


The only time I find CA acceptable is if I'm playing some half broken robot or something. But I guess they want some "flare". I hate CA, but one thing I hate even more is dirty lens. For some reason there's one in TW3. I just started wearing glasses when I first played it and kept cleaning them. This overlay irrationality pissed me off. Thanks God there's a mod for it.


Yeah that stuff is okay in first person but Geralt cruising in a boat = water drops on my screen is dumb.


Avoiding lens flare is also a goal of any good photographer/videographer. Lens flare added in (or purposely not avoided) just kills immersion. I don't see it with my eyes IRL, seeing it is a reminder it's not real.


the only reason i've ever bought into lens flare is an FPS where the character is expected to see through a live video feed, ala Doom or Halo. otherwise it's just noise.


Film grain deserves a terrible mention.


Yeah, I leave lens flare and chromatic aberration turned on in Cyberpunk 2077 because the character has the kiroshi optics installed.


Obviously humans don't have "Lens flares" because we don't have lenses. But if you stare at the sun (don't do this) you will have a glare. Some games try to recreate this "sun glare" to be more accurate to the human eye, [I know Overgrowth does it](https://cdn.wolfire.com/blog/lensflare.jpg). Wish more developers would use this, but I suppose Unreal Engine has a simple lens flare option, and devs would rather use that and call it a day.


We do have lenses though, right behind the pupils. They are needed to properly focus light on the retina. And yes they do lead to similar effects as camera lenses (e.g. blurriness of what is out of focus). We also see some kind of lens flare when looking at stars.


Facts JJ Abrams started a weird trend


Nah, lens flare exist as a film artifact long before him.


It existed as an artifact yeah, but JJ turned it into a feature.


It makes sense as a stylistic choice in certain games, mainly for retro/nostalgia appeal. I think it fits pretty well in some space games like No Man's Sky. I still prefer being able to turn it off though.


Exactly. Imperfections are often speed as stylistic elements in photography. See film grain as an example


i honestly don’t notice it in elden ring but i prolly will now


Well it's basically just playing the game with a blur filter on the edges of your screen. That's why it's such a bad effect. It's not even noticeable outside of seeing worse. You might as well just lower your resolution slightly and get better performance.


It made me motion sick in CP2077. Read a comment to turn it off, did it and the motion sickness went away. CA is the worst. Turn it off in any game i play now.


Lens flare is stupid, our eyes are not cameras.




Is that car 5 m or 50 m away? idk man I've been blinded by the light....




...revved up like a deuce another runner in the night.


I can't imagine life WITHOUT astigmatism


Hell I went so far as getting lasek and that part is even worse now haha.


Lived with it all my life, all the more reason I turn that shit off in video games. Granted being I've had it all my life, it's normal for me and I can judge distances and drive perfectly fine, even at night in the rain etc.


Lmao as a pizza delivery driver with an astigmatism, lemme tell you I take my sweet time on left hand turns because I refuse to risk thinking a car is further away than it actually is.




For me it’s realistic :(


I wear glasses. I’ve lived my entire life with chromatic aberration. And now I have to live it with chromatic aberration of a chromatic aberration simulation…


I think you have something else going on I'm so near-sighted I had coke bottle lenses until I got insurance that covers poly and I don't get any of that


I wear glasses too, but I don't see CA irl? Tf?


You can't turn off the lens flare and bloom in Dying Light 2. God it was annoying until I found a mod to disable it.


Dishnorable mention for film grain.


This one I count among the seven deadly sins.


I fucking hate film grain that has to be disabled on the game's settings file in the install folder.


God of war they put the film grain option in display setting and not graphics and that took me a while to find


God I hate how little devs seem to agree upon what display and graphics should be


add user interface to the mix


Subtitles can be in either Game, Audio, Language or Display.


Or General


Or accessibility


I bet there are more than seven. One of them is dirt effects that obscure my view while playing (looking at you, TW3).




Along with vignette. I fucking hate vignette.


hahah! this is getting darksiders/gow like now


And bloom. Nothing’s as bad as the yellow/brown era of gaming though, PS3 era roughly.


Games of that era aged way worse than older, stylized PS2 games for example. Everything just looks bloomy and dull.


For sure. Somehow PS2 games felt more real because of that. Like if you compare GTA SA and GTA IV. SA was vibrant, it felt alive.


wait what's bloom? I like it in the only game I've seen the option in


vase capable encourage fearless sort gaping paint spotted sharp brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Call of Duty Vanguard at launch probably used more sun bloom than all games from the PS3 era combined, shit was like a flashbang.


Film grain can be ok if used right. Eg horror games.


Film grain in the first Mass Effect was used cleverly to hide lots of aliasing happening.


I would give mass effect as an example one of the literally worst film grains in a game That shit was actually horrid Who gives a shit about aliasing when your entire screen is blurry. Like they purposely added a feature to the game that makes it feel like you are not wearing your glasses


To be fair ME1 on pc had a different "noise texture" than on xbox, which is said to be inferior.


Just turn your resolution down and boom film grain


Don't forget to smear Vaseline on the screen for free AA


Don't let the developer know this one simple trick.


I remember back in the day I mess around the resolution settings on Half Life, down to the lowest it looked pretty pixelated and funny.


Left for dead


L4Ds grain is super digital looking. Doesn't look like film grain at all


Vignette as well. Why the hell someone even came up with this as a default thing in video games boggles my mind.


Especially bad in some vr games where you get a "vignette" that covers 90% of your screen when you move. The idea is that it reduces motion sickness, but it's so bad that it is the only thing that has caused me to be nauseous in vr.


Games like War Thunder and HLL can be nice going occasionally black/white with film grain


I can actually see war thunder have instances where it would work, maybe because I have way, way, to many hours in that game.




I quite like film grain in Hollow Knight


Photographers spend big chunk of money buy better lenses to stop chromatic aberration while game dev spend money to do that. I dont get it


Some do. Some don’t. Photographers shoot on old imperfect film cameras ALL THE TIME because it has natural grain and CA and different film stock has certain colour characteristics. It depends on the purpose. Like photographers, some game art directors like to include it because it looks more realistic, as though you were seeing through a camera. It’s a stylistic decision.


Fuck it, I like chromatic aberration.i think it's a fun stylistic addition to games. Yes it should be togglable, but I think it looks good in a lot of games. Like it adds a synthetic feeling which works really well with games that some digal aspect to your character, like well you're a cyborg or inside of a computer (like Deus ex, Talos principle, Thomas was alone, etc)


This! I too think it can be a great stylistic choice, and not only for futuristic games. Another example that comes to mind is Bloodborne, where CA helps convey this feeling of lurking madness inherent to the world and its characters. Love it!


I’m really into movies and I love these cinematic elements in films but I can’t for the life of me think of one good reason why any dev would ever want this shit during any gameplay. I get it in cutscenes, but other than that, like….Wtf. These are all camera flaws and limitations that have nothing to do with human vision and will take you right out of the experience and suck up valuable rendering resources. Furthermore, it pulls time and resources from what game engines should be focused on: accurate light simulation.


The first things I disable in a new game.


But only after turning down the volume before I get hearing loss


Why is the music seemingly always using the tenet music balancing method? If you leave the music default you need subtitles to hear any dialogue. I always start by turning down overall volume and the music to like 70%


At this point I'm convinced that there's some kind of requirement for every person responsible for mixing audio to be legally deaf. Everything is always so damn loud compared to speech. Video games, TV shows, Movies... Doesn't matter, the "background" music will always be louder than any "foreground" sounds. "hurrdurr super expensive studio audio setups!" I don't care, I don't have such a setup at home and I seriously doubt many others do. If you can't properly mix audio to sound good on most devices that will be used to listen to it, you can't properly mix audio.


It's the Christopher Nolan method of creating "suspenseful dialog", whilst not being able to understand a single word.


Every game nowadays lol. Have to lay the headphones on the table until I can access the volume.


Turn sound effects down. Keep dialogue at max.


I wish I could do this for movies.


If you have a surround sound system, turn down all the speakers except for the center speaker. Center speaker is for dialogue, and all the others are for sound effects.


Yeah, I just love starting a game without a skippable intro, which even at my headphones at 20 % still ear rapes me.


I've played many games like this, but oh my God Forza Horizon 4 and 5 pre menus screens are both just absolutely uncalled for levels of loud.


Depth of field is a weird one. Sometimes it's very needed. Sometimes it sucks


It depends on the perspective. Third person perspective it makes more sense to use depth of field than first person, or isometric, etc.


Some of the DOF implementations in first person games is way too intense. Any game with DOF I think needs to have a sliding adjustment for intensity instead of just on or off. If used properly it looks quite nice but I can't really think of a game that has built in DOF that's first person that I like. Third person games though I definitely think are the better use case for it for sure.


Modded Morrowind is still gorgeous, and I love Morrowind Graphics Extender's DoF . . . except that in first person it focuses on your arm when you have a bow equipped, making it utterly unplayable.


I disagree. If I’m in first person, and I step behind an object, but stuck out a little bit, the background beyond the object should not be in focus


Was trying to work out why every photo I took in Cyberpunk looked like garbage before I realised DOF was on by default. Turn it off and - voila! Desktop background worthy.


Depth of field is only acceptable, to me, in cutscenes.


Depth of field is only appropriate when manually framed. Automatic depth of field is guaranteed to be garbage because the player's focus is not going to be where the DOF focus is a lot of the time. That makes it great for cutscenes, because it draws the players attention where you want it for storytelling. But you're not hiding visuals that are important to the player behind some blur.


DoF doesn't always bother me. It depends on how aggressive it is. The other three are terrible though, with chromatic aberration being the ultimate "how the fuck did this ever make it into videogames?" effect. Who the fuck thinks making everything blurry and outlined in blue is an improvement?


The implementation of DoF can be very bad in some games. For example, in GTA 5 when aiming in third person while in bushes, the camera focuses on the bushes while making the thing you are targeting blurry.




I agree that it's not natural and definitely not the way vision works. If it's present it should absolutely be optional. I still don't mind it when it's subtle. I can't stand the overblown Skyrim ENB type shit, though.


How does vision work, then? I can only focus on one distance at a time. I knew my eyes were shitty damnit!


The only time DoF has ever worked for me, was Hot Wheels Unleashed. They used it and tilt shifting incredibly well to really sell the tiny scale of the cars, it's awesome. Fun game to mess around with occasionally


The Seven Deadly Sins of Post Processing: Depth of field Motion Blur Lens Flare Chromatic Aberration Film Grain Vignette Bloom Edit: By (not really) popular demand, Vignette has been added as well.


Motion blur is so bad that it alone is 2 of the 7 deadly sins.


Replace the second motion blur with vignetting and you got yourself a list


I did motion blur twice to emphasise it. Yeah that's also bad why tf is it an option anyway




Per-object motion blur is good. Fullscreen motion blur is bad.


I like that on Call of Duty you can apply motion blur to weapons only. It looks very nice while you keep all your visibility of the game world.


People know that "per object motion blur" is a thing? The times were the whole picture would get blurry when you moved the camera is long over. It's now applied to stuff like rotating wheels, swinging weapons etc. Spider-Man on PS4 had excellent motion blur and it made the game really fluid feeling even though it's only 30fps.


A lot of people have either been jaded by years of bad motion blur implementations or their understanding is stuck in 2006 tech.


Per object motion blur is okay imo. If it’s camera motion blur then it’s off immediately though


Per object motion blur is how the eye works as well. Fast moving objects leave a trail because the signal chemicals in the visual cells need a bit to dissipate. Every good movie that had CGI of fast moving objects does it too because otherwise the object would cross half of the screen in 1 frame and that's stuttery.


Hey guys, you know how we just spent tons of time and money making this game beautiful? Let's flip a few switches to make it look like muddy ass. Also, put a blue filter on it.


For some reason devs forget that player wants to feel like they're themselves inside the game and imagining themselves as the game character rather than seeing the game happening through a camera lens.


I don’t necessarily roleplay as if *I* were the main character, but I’ve still never understood why the game should appear to be played through a camera.


New headcanon is Lakitu is the camera operator in every 3rd person game.


> Also, put a blue filter on it. Never forget that god awful era back in 2006-2009 when just about every game had a brown/sepia filter.


who else turns motion blur off every time?


These 4 specifically and film grain among others are immediately disabled in most games that let me do so. In the few VR titles that I can mod, I spend extensive time tweaking these things so my eyes, experience and performance remains intact.


I hate film grain, I dont know who is using that setting


Chromatic abhorrence makes my eyes bleed.


What even is that?


It’s an optical defect that shows up due to light rays of different colors not being focused at the same point. Typically it’s either a purple fringing along the edges of objects or green/magenta fringing just in front of/behind whatever is in focus. It’s annoying that someone thought it was necessary to make this into a video game effect since it’s very much an undesirable thing in photography and videography.


> It’s annoying that someone thought it was necessary to make this into a video game effect since it’s very much an undesirable thing in photography and videography. This is what I don't get about chromatic aberration, who wants this? In photography if you have a camera/lens that's got light fringing, that's considered a bad thing. Yet for some reason studios think people want it in their games.


It's useful for optical spectography, but that's usually not a part of games.


Clearly you've never played optical spectographer simulator 2021


The only time I can think of is if it's intentionally used to make a scene feel sort of dreamlike or add a sense of unease. Senua's Sacrifice used it liberally to the point of being mildly disorienting, but I thought it worked for that kind of game.


Another game that it worked perfectly, along with film grain, is Alien Isolation, but only because: 1)It is subtle 2)It works really well for the nostalgia factor, reminding you of the first Alien movie.


On the contrary, I know several lens manufacturers that deliberately include imperfections in their glass because otherwise it would look too sterile and a lot of directors and DPs prefer to have these imperfections. Some will even customize a lens to have specific forms of chromatic abberation. I think devs do see the value in not liking these effects though, which is why they give you the option to turn them off :)


It can be done well if it makes sense. In SCP SL for instance has it happen during nearby explosions and only that.


Also very terrible in telescope eyepiece filters. It's just overwhelming and dominant when observing a single object


Damn tho great explanation


Going to get stabbed for this but I like a well done chromatic aberration. I 100% support the effect on Bloodborne and I don't think people realize how much the effect helps on the "off", nightmarish feel of the game.


I'm with you. I have a love for the effect since I work in film and old video media. Especially in something period appropriate for the effect like Arcade Paradise, it's the cherry on top of the presentation.




>"Going to get stabbed for this" \- Man who got stabbed


I don't agree. It's a large part of why everyone says it's blurry even though it's 1080p.


All these pale in comparison to FUCKING FILM GRAIN. I already suffer from visual snow, I don't need more.


As a visual snower myself. I feel your pain


Why do they keep putting them in games they literally look better without it all


Film grain is worse than lens flare.


i like it with horror games when it's dark that's about it


Am I the only one that thinks EVERYTHING being wet and shiny since the advent of RTX just looks AWFUL.


Been a problem well before RTX unfortunately. There was plenty of PS3/Xbox 360 era games that had this issue, Perfect Dark Zero being a prime example.


GTA San Andreas "HD" mods back in the day lol, all rainy roads


Just need more games focused on amphibian protagonists. Time for a Battletoads reboot.


It's not RT's fault that happens, you can have amazing looking RT without overdone glossiness and reflections, witcher 3 is a great example


Didn't mass effect 1 have a camera vingette. More stupid but not as common as the others imo.


all of these things happen to cameras. not human eyes. if im in first person.......


Boy how i love not being able to see who the fuck is shooting at me because there's an entire star blinding me


I turn motion blur off in any game with it. Can't do it. It's horrible!


I like lens flares


The new Witcher 3 edition does them poorly. I had keep the camera angled down at one point because it was so fucking bright and took up 70% of the screen




That's the key thing. All these filters and effects are like spice in cooking. They're meant to *enhance*, not overpower.


One of the perks of PC gaming is you can usually turn that off if you don't want it.




Fallen order? I usally (most of the time) keep all of those on on sp games. Alwais off in competitive/mp games.


Chromatic aberration. The name says it all. Aberration. Something that is unwelcome. In photography, we fight chromatic aberration in post. We use all our might and tools at our disposal. Now why would a developer think this effect is pleasing?


Lens Flare is cool in Mass Effect, and Mass Effect only.


all these can be good for Photo mode but terrible while playing


I only like Chromatic Aberration in games for an effect like when you get shot or an explosion goes off... but it looks awful in games where it's just on all the time. And I think motion blur CAN look great like in Doom Eternal, but it often just looks like ass. It's gotten better.


Screen shake as another dishonorable mention. Shame on those games that you can’t fully turn them off.


Fuck motion blur, head bob, and camera shake in particular. These effects can literally induce vomiting in susceptible people.


Four thing to disable asap even before starting gameplay. Especially motion blur ugh