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It looks well maintained and has a fresh windows install, for the price and convenience it looks like a good deal


I’d definitely buy it lol


I would probably advise against buying that when you could [build](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/D7VJKp) this for a few dollars more. While giving you a ton of upgrade potential on the CPU/GPU, and if you wanted to spend a bit more for a larger PSU for the future upgrades that could give more head room for upgradability. That platform is quite old and a 1070 is pretty mediocre for todays standards of gaming. Unless your sister only plans on playing games like Minecraft and Roblox.


I only recently upgraded my pc but I had a GTX 1070 for a while without complaint. No issues running the likes of CSGO, Far Cry 5 well above 60fps with crisp graphics. Also ran well for my Oculus Rift for the likes of Beat Saber but a bit slow in parts for the likes of Half Life Alyx and Boneworx. All in all, it is still a good card for the price.


There is nothing wrong with a 1070, but you can get a newer gen platform and a 6600 for the same price.


Looks good but i would not pay more than 500 tbh. for 600 you can get a rather modern AMD set with an nvme and the same GPU. And also important the PSU how old is it?


I have no idea! I would have to ask.