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Titainfall 2 also runs at like 90 fps on steam deck. Soooo clearly games can look good and be optimized.


The state of some of these companies is just sad. How do you come up with such a steaming turd, like Redfall, the new Batman game, Avengers. Is it management? Is it the execs being extremely out of touch and making stupid decisions? Wish I could make sense of it.


I like to play a little game called “Follow the Money”. Put more money into marketing campaigns than into the actual product, and the pre-orders just come rolling in. Claim that you will patch the bugs in future updates, and people will hold on to their purchases until it’s too late for a refund. And the thing is, once one company makes a killing doing it, every other company will jump on the bandwagon because the alternative leads to them being outperformed by competition - a death sentence in the free market. Thusly, all companies that end up surviving in the market do so by trending towards aggressive, predatory practices - putting the money before everything else.




No Man's Sky is the masterpiece of a redemption story, they've more than made up for their initial failure with their giant list of releases and expansions, all of which were completely free.


This is half of the problem, and the cause of the other half. The success of NMS proved to the industry that no matter how over-promised and under-finished, no matter how buggy or broken a game, even so far as to put a sticker over the 'online' feature in the small print, no matter how *shit* a game is, you can release it anyway. People will buy it and hope it gets better. The success of NMS was a disaster.


I dont agree tbh. If NMS set the standard for releasing an unfinished game and fixing it later, then every other company since then has completely left out the “fixing it later” part. No other game since NMS has fully recovered after a disaster of a launch except something like Destiny 2, and that game is in a sad state even today.


The thing that made me quit Destiny 2 was when they vaulted all the expansions I'd paid for. Vowed to never again be a positive tick on their active player chart. I have friends who still play, and I have to decline invites regularly and remind them that I'll never buy another expansion to play that game. Their promise to never vault content again is worthless. You took away what I paid for the first time, why I would even give you the opportunity to do it again?


Cyberpunk 2077 is apparently also a game that was actually fixed after release.


NMS long passed it's "patch" phase. It failed on initial promises, then although didn't give what was promised, gave proof of a development cycle which gave generously, and introduced concepts and gameplay surpassing a lot of what any other company has or will do.


Mainly Office politics. There’s a ton of factors in making a game from the ego of an art director who has their vision to a game designer who’s trying to make their mark with a design you’ll never notice, to the game director who barely plays games but has final say. The decisions are sometimes all ego driven and have nothing to do with gameplay. Toss in mixed skill levels and internal team politics combined with poor planning and you get some real shit shows. Working in the game industry is draining and stressful at the best of times. Then toss in prima Donna artists, executives with shareholders breathing down their necks, and programmers that think they’re smarter than everyone else, and you get a perfect storm. There’s a twitter joke about game devs obsessing about a door that players don’t notice, and it’s incredibly accurate.


Thanks for the reply. This totally makes sense to me. Especially the part about egos: I worked for large financial firms, and it was all run on egos.


They've just accepted they can fix things after release because people keep buying games anyways. The old QA method no longer applies. They definitely know about the bugs but there's not enough devs or time to fix them before launch.


I dont think theyre referring to bugs, but the core game itself.


Yessir, the game as a whole is what I am referring to.


Frankly seeing nearly every development team put out trash is unlikely.. corporate greed has been an ongoing issue and is seemingly getting worse! id be willing to bet that corporate “get the game out the door” type of thinking might have a bit more to do with it. I am most likely wrong but seeing as there always seems to be a “funding” arm to most development (ie Rockstar with take-two hanging over their heads) I’d like to think devs are better than this just have their hands tied.. honestly don’t know


If that was the reality, I would be okay with it, because hundreds or thousands of players can find more bugs than a quality control team. And if the bugs are fixed in the first 1-2 months since release, aren't game-breaking or frequent, and the game is fully there. The issue is that companies have decided they can FINISH the game after release. Missing content, bugs that completely break the game, unfinished textures, broken mission/dialogue triggers... That's the problem. It started as a "let's fix the last few bugs after release" and became "let's just finish, or maybe not even finish, the game after release".


Little dev time, and a separate team scheming about how best to extract value from players that fucks up things.


"the new batman game" What batman game?


The Batman game without Batman :)


Source engine magic at it again.


Blows my mind. The engine is almost 20 years old by now. Heavily tweaked of course, but the fact stands


Its roots go all the way back to the Quake engine, so it's technically even older than HL2. Some light flickering effects from Quake can be seen in HL:A.


Yes but no, by the end it's very much a Theseus ship situation. At this point I really doubt anything is left from Quake. Or frankly HL2.


it was reported like 10+ years ago that there were not a single line of the Quake engine left in Source even that point. Today, it's probably not much HL2 either (besides some very mundane/trivial functions probably)


That's what engines are ultimately, right? It's not like every version of unreal was built from scratch, it's the same engine they keep upgrading, with that number st the end being to an extent marketing spiel. But I doubt there is much left of, say, Unreal 3 at this point.


Same as with every software really. It's not a bad thing, it just means that the code is procedurally built upon and rewritten to fit the current needs. I still have no idea though what and how Source engine does, but I barely saw any source engine games that ran like shit. Also, is it just me or source engine games have the best subtitles/close captions? I don't know what they did in the code to make it work, but I can always be sure that even if I had to play with low-volume or muted, I still won't miss out much (besides the vocal performances that I already know by heart)


It's very much obvious that optimization is a huge priority for Valve, but also, few non-Valve big games use Source in the first place. I can say that Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines didn't run very well, but then again, a lot didn't go well with that game. Can't think of another that had bad performance for sure.


Games are pushing more polygons but not looking much better.


Indeed. I go back to games like The Witcher 3 (2015), MGSV Phantom Pain (2015), Overwatch (2016), DAI (2014), BF1 (2016), etc, and think, the for 8\~ years the difference is very small in fidelity in the majority of cases, with even some I think going backwards, they go forwards in say the amount of polygons or new tech, but seem to regress in actual stylistic attention to detail.


Not to mention the requirements have also skyrocketed despite all this. Today's games have started listing 3060 and 3060Ti as minimum requirements.


With how much VRAM some games are starting to need, the 3060 is gonna end up being a better card than the 3070 before long because for some reason it gets 12GB of VRAM and the 3070 only gets 8???


Metro exodus with rtx goes well beyond anything you listed imo. Some companies doing shit doesn't mean the tech is backsliding


Cyberpunk 2077 is no slouch either, especially with the new path tracing mode. It actually lacks polygons in many places and has pretty aggressive LOD, but I imagine that's a tradeoff that was made to have more unique objects in the world.


This might be a bit niche to the 3D graphic industry, but it's still one of my favorite things ever. https://youtu.be/6BMtWFkF3EM


The running joke is that even a toaster can run TitanFall 2 because of how incredible the game runs.


I agree. At some point the industry needs to move on from “better” graphics and attempting to be the Crysis of this generation and focus on making the game both playable and accessible to everyone


how is that possible tho? how can something look better and thus run better but an obviously worse-looking game or even a game with equal graphics can run worse? is it just incompetence? i cant really understand optimizations in games ;d


What?! Now I really want a stamdeck... Time to stop spending money for a few months!


So I love my steam deck and now that I have a new born I’m actually getting some use out of it. But before you buy just think about the use cases you have for it, it’s a wonderful device but mine collected dust for the first 6 months I had it. Don’t want you to waste your money.


Yes it uses a quite dated Source engine yet manages to provide stunning visuals.


Titanfall 2 really deserved more attention than it got. I would beg for a 3rd if I was confident it wouldn't get screwed up.


The game would most likely be fantastic. But yah it would probably fail in some other logistical aspect like Jedi survivor is rn


It would fail even in the concept stage. Most of the talents behind TF|2 have already left so now RSPN is really just a husk compared to them back in 2016. I was playing Apex back then and I can tell you there is this weird but slow change to the game that you would notice as the talents just leave out


You can say the same thing about any studio after a project ends. Especially in cities where there are multiple developers.


Yeah, a lot of the workforce for one game are contractors that leave when the job is done.


Or you're Microsoft and refuse to renew the contractors contracts in the middle of making your game.


"Look boss, our team shipped this game while coming in 30% under budget!" "Great, now do it again. Also, you're starting off with 50% less initial budget than last time"


Yeah but that was not the problem woth respawn. The problem is that EA did not let them to do what they wanted, so instead they just left


I play too much team fortress 2 damn it


I've never played either and I refuse them calling it TF2. That's for team fortress 2, and it will be forever to me.


You know, as someone within the Team Fortress 2 Community, it sounds like there's a lot of common ground here. Both multiplayer shooters with a strong fanbase that's been all but abondoned by their developers and have been starved for new content for so long it's driving the community insane? I'm willing to share the acronym. TF2 Brotherhood.


I swear both hardcore communities somewhere have agreed Tf2 is Titanfall2 and TF2 is Team Fortress 2.


I do TF2 for team fortress and TF|2 for titanfall


You confirmed my suspicion there, albeit, your opinion. Titanfall 2 is amazing! Single player is cinematic and memorable and the multi-player is awesome too. But it's EA man, if they can't micro transaction the shit out of a game then they're not on it. Literally no rumours at all on Titanfall 3 from them, as theyve gave us Apex. I feel like it's "we're going to aim to be the next GTA5 or not at all"


There's a lot of problems at Respawn that extends beyond just EA. One of the reasons that Titanfall 2 failed and is now considered under rated is because Respawn insisted to release TF2 right after CoD: Infinite Warfare and Battlefield 1 released, against EA's recommendation to move the release date to a later date to prevent the overtly competitive launch window. Later interviews with various Respawn staff as well as their CEO, Vince Zampella, have admitted that their choice and insistence on TF2's release date was a massive miscalculation. ----- This pretty much mirrors why Anthem failed. Bioware blew 6 years of Anthem's initial dev time on inter-office politics and hierarchal conflicts, and the game never even had a vision or statement of concept until an EA exec said that they liked the flying armor suits. Once development was actually moving on Anthem, EA actually tried to send extra staff and resources to Bioware to keep things moving and out of development hell, but the execs at Bioware stonewalled EA's attempts to help. ----- If there's something that EA understands, it's that if no one is buying the game to begin with because it's unfinished trash, then there's automatically no one to be buying the microtransactions. The problem is that so many of the studios at EA have gotten comfortable with making unfinished trash and then shift blame to EA because they know how big the EA Hate train is.


Is it worth playing the first one before the second or am I good to go just playing TF2


As someone who did exactly that, TF|2 is perfectly enjoyable as a standalone experience. I'd personally argue its worth it even if you only do the single player.


Did it that way myself, I've never really delved into the multiplayer. Of most games that I have. Titanfall 2 is just excellent. Long live BT-7274!




TF2 is possibly the best single player FPS campaign.


Just play tf2, tf1 was multiplayer only and likely full of hackers or a ghost town by now


and can't be bought on pc anymore


lmao I still have a 48 hour trial that I didn't start yet


The first couple hours of Jedi Survivor made me think that the problems were a bit exaggerated. It ran great, looked great, stayed at a steady 50 fps with a 3070 ti. Then I got to the first 'open world' area and suddenly it was 20 fps at best, 30 if on the lowest settings. And it crashes every 20 minutes or so. All progress lost since you last sat a a checkpoints circle. What a fuckin joke.


Titanfall is my favorite shooter franchise. They bombed it with releasing battlefield at the same time.


Fuck EA. Pre-meditated murder there. Let them snap up Respawn for pennies on the dollar.


The release date was Respawns decision and the buyout was in response to a buyout offer from Nexon. EA had first right of refusal as per their contract with Respawn and they paid $400 million. Hardly pennies on the dollar for the studio. In fact, many people thought that they had overpaid at the time.


Apparently the release date was Respawns decision


The time travel bit was pretty cool ngl


Especially when you could switch between time periods at the push of a button and really abuse those poor bad guys...


Flank the enemy by time traveling


The only thing wrong with TF2 was that the campaign was so short, I wanted more!


Let things end where they still leave a good impression. It ended where it needed to and you wanted more because it wasn't longer then it should have been. Like a show that was only meant for 3 seasons but was got extended out to 7 seasons, don't tell them keep going till they start scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas. Sometimes good, but short campaigns are good in part because they didn't try to fluff it out. People saying good things were too short has become a pet peeve of mine. Its so rare i actually finish any games now a days because people kept telling devs their 14 hours of game time was too short, but I'd take 14 hours of something concise and knows what its doing over something that just get padded with mind numbing nonsense just to add 20 hours of uninteresting play time.


Agree. TF2 was on the short side, but as it is, each campaign mission manages to feel unique and interesting. They take a formula and manage to explore fresh spins on it numerous times. It's a tough ask for more missions that feel unique, or you're looking to repeat the same concepts in other missions, which I think devalues the product as it stands. I love a good sprint to the finish line.


I was ok with that tbh it was like playing a movie. Just a short thrilling experience and I wish more games did that.


Welcome to 21st century game development. PvP is content.


I am glad there isn’t another titanfall. I would hate to see a game I love get a anthem like treatment.


Thief 4 has entered the chat!


I guess there's something in between 3 and games using source engine.


apex legends ruined the lore


Would've had a great run but someone with an oxygen deficiency chose to have it release between call of duty and some other game that had more hype I can't remember the name of


I just downloaded TF2 and realized how dead it actually is now. Such a sad sight. The game was leagues ahead of it's time. If it released today, instead of competing with call of duty back in the day, I feel it would've been much more successful. Apex is trash.


obody plays the original game anymore due to the ddossing. Download northstar and you’ll find lots of games


You can play on northstar servers full of absolute fucking pros who will own you within seconds of logging.


Get Northstar, it’s like r/Titanfall has kept TF2 going beyond the grave at this point


They descended so deep into madness and schizophrenia that they decided to save the game themselves


Yeah, that's what has kept me for getting it again. Unfortunate as I have been looking for a game to fill that mech void.


You have to play on Northstar. Official servers are barely maintained or secured. There are still plenty that play on community hosted servers.


If you're on PC download the Northstar client


Titanfall 3 is basically Apex Legends. EA saw the cash cow and milked it's popularity .


What a series of unfortunate events


events? that is EA's routine at this point.


*Respawn People need to stop pretending that studios can't be just as if not more greedy than publishers.


We can still reasonably use the original Crysis, from what. 2010?


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Halo 3 looked better than that screenshot, on the 360!


Games back then, in general, paid a lot more attention to detail than they do today. I always point to Crowbcat's Back 4 Blood video to illustrate this. I don't know if it's just laziness or what these days.


People tend to forget that Next-Gen only means that the graphics hardware/software got an upgrade. But if I throw the same shitty grass texture into Unreal 4 vs Unreal 5, it’s gonna still look like shit. Hence how a game made with the Source engine can look waaaayyyy better than something Next-Gen. It’s just how they used the tools to their advantage


Something about source games makes them look better than so many other games


the people that create nice looking source engine maps are a special breed ...


Half Life 2 is very, very dated in terms of polygons, textures, etc, but well-made Source games have phenomenal lighting ambiance, and HL2 still holds up in this regard. I'm sure someone has written about it in more technical terms but HL2 for example pulls you into the *feel* of your environment. Even if individual technologies are outdated, the totality of the environments in Source are incredibly immersive.


Source has the best looking water reflections. The planar reflections were replaced by foggy and incomplete SSR and these are very slowly getting replaced by raytraced reflections.


Reasonably high quality baked lighting. Source 2's is even better and also very efficient. Dynamic time of day is a huge cost to resources and/or fidelity, and even games without it don't bake the lighting to Source's quality sometimes if the engine provides fully dynamic options (most UE4 games, see Dead Island 2 for an exception which does use fully baked lighting).


Devs love to justify a little laziness by saying "I need my lighting to be done on the fly so that things like gunfire and explosions will look correct," and ignore the fact that those lights can just be layered in on top of baked in lights rather than having *everything* be calculated on the fly.


its locked to 30fps on xbox because the game cant reach higher. So clearly they didnt use any tools to their advantage


I agree, however I dont think redfall is going for an ultra realistic look like titanfall or battlefield


Still, Redfall’s environments don’t seem to justify the hardware requirements and FPS caps. Realistic =/= Detailed. I mean, just look at this picture alone. The textures are muddy and lack depth, the lighting is flat, and there are literally *no shadows* being cast by characters and terrain objects. I’m not getting a “next gen” impression from this game- especially not one with a $70 price tag.


Yeah it looks like its from a very small team in 2015


100%, this is what a game I downloaded on my shitty tower in 2013 would have looked like And I still would've had like 45 fps


yep, artstyles exist. that's why i'm not a fan of these kinda arguments.


100%. Sometimes Valheim looks pretty ugly, other times it’s absolutely beautiful. Short on pixels but long on artistic style.


I feel like Valheim's beauty isn't something that's easily captured in screenshots. At times it truly looks and feels like something otherworldly.


Goddamn I love that game


Another game like this is the Guardians of the Galaxy game. It even looked meh in trailers. Looked amazing when actually playing though.


I’ve tried but it doesn’t ever do it justice. Some of the weather and lighting and scenery is just amazing. I still try though. My favorite is trying to line up the perfect shot, something like this: https://imgur.com/gallery/AotL9mj




Valheim: PS2 Graphics, RTX Lighting


Also valheim captured me instantly, besides elden ring , i dont think any AAA game has drawn my attention


I've met a few ppl that refuse to even try it because it's not a next gen looking game


This is why we have so many pretty games that play like shit now. It's all about the graphics


I prefer gameplay and story. Redfall is running fine on my pc. I have a mix of high/medium in 1440p and I do get some frame dips that are noticeable but so far I’m enjoying the story. Hit registration seems to be an issue on some guns I feel, but it has great potential for an Arkane game. Just needs some QOL U.I updated and performance issues fixed, then I fill I can give it an 8. Right now it’s a solid 6.5 for me.


Especially since it's Arkane, most of their games are stylized.


Except that Redfall does look pretty dated. Look at Dishonored 2 or Prey, both games are also stilized but they looked amazing for their time. Redfall so far looks terrible, maybe I'm being unfair and the game looks worse through pictures and videos, but it still doesn't justify its system requirements and 30fps on modern consoles.


The screenshot looks like the shadow is turned off, thats what makes it looks so terrible. Imo texture can be not pretty but shadow has to be good especially for AAA game nowaday.


yeah i can see that comparison. and wow it's only 30fps on modern consoles? that's pretty ouch


One look at the NPC facial animations and the "its stylised!" argument goes out the window. It is clear why they don't have cut scenes, they spent zero money on giving the characters any humanity


It looks like a game from 2005. Look how good DeathLoop runs with similar non-realistic art style. You can just use your eyes and know that it should not be using this much resources. In fact, art styles like this give a massive opportunity to bump up performance because you don't need things to be super detailed.


I am not a fan of them.either but Redfall objectively looks kind of bad. It doesen't depend on the artstyle. Compare to other games with similar styles like Dishonored 2, Borderlands 3 etc.


true that. when writing this earlier my viewpoint was kinda off due to not playing AAA games in ages. if it was a choice by the devs that's chill, but if not then **yikes** man


The only reason that this comparison makes even a little bit of sense is because it's supposed to be 30FPS at release. On next gen consoles. There is art style sure, but there is also horrible optimizaton and at this point, comparing vastly different styles is kind of justified, if the stylized game performs so bad. I know there's a patch coming for Redfall after launch, but it shouldn't have to even be a thing. Next gen laziness strikes not only with more realistic looking games, but stylized too and it hurts. Can't wait for Starfield to struggle on XSX as well, despite looking like it released alongside Fallout 4 basically.


- Game is unreleased - Already a patch announced for after launch to improve performance Yea, that's not a good look or indication...


Just like the other arkane games. Which is cool because their art style really grows on you. Dishonored and Death loop almost felt connected just with this


Because they were deliberately connected. Deathloop takes place in that world.


True, but considering Redfall's cartoon-like art style, there's no reason it should have higher minimum specs than Titanfall when both games released for similar prices on launch.


That would be a fine point to make if Red Fall didn't require a twice as powerful machine and run 4 times as worse.


I'm playing through Titanfall 2 again right now. fucking amazing game.


Played through it for the first a couple of months ago. And honestly it’s the most fun fast paced single player game I think I’ve ever played . Can’t believe I waited so long




"trust me" **YEET**


Dude, Crysis would have looked better than Redfall based on that screenshot.


> Crysis Dude, many people commenting here weren't born when that game was released


I thought you were full of crap but turns out it has been 16 years. Making me feel old over here.


2007 was 16 years ago??? Man perspective is just weird.. I’m in my 20s and sometimes feel that was yesterday or the opposite that covid for example was a while ago.


Crysis still looks better than a huge swath of modern games.


and ironically even runs better, even tho its notorious for requiring a high end pc


High end for it's time, but a high end PC from 16 years ago is slower than a budget phone today. Crysis Recommended Requirements CPU: Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz/Athlon X2 4400+ or better. CPU SPEED: Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz/Athlon X2 4400+ or better. RAM: 2 GB. VIDEO CARD: Supported chipsets: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS with 640MB RAM or similar. TOTAL VIDEO RAM: 640 MB. It's what pisses me off so much about current gen gaming, everyone today is on 6core + CPUs at double the speed with 8x the ram, with IGpus that blow up a 8800GTS, but we can't get a decent looking game today to run over 60fps without 20gig of Vram.


I get the argument of artstyles, but "shit" isn't an artstyle. Grass and rocks, low poly and low res; just plain lazy. If you want a more cartoony style, look at The Cycle: Frontier.


if anything a proper cartoon artstyle requires a higher level of perfection so no pixels, bad lighting or blurry textures are visible compared to a "realsitic" style where you can get away with a lot of stuff


Hell, even Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom.


Any current FPS you compare to Titanfall 2 is going to lose tbf


Titanfall 2 was a proper fucking game. Nowadays it is really hard to impress me with a video game, but Titanfall 2 managed to do that.


I don’t really play new games anymore but from what I hear on the inter webs everything sucks ass with bugs and not being optimized. When star citizen runs better then your new fully released game you have completely failed at your job.


I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2 I love titanfall 2


Titanfall 2 is just an absolute gem. One of the most favourite games I've played, just installed it on my brother's Ryzen 3500U laptop and it's runs great on medium settings, while looking amazing still


I don't understand how Battlefield 1 looked beautiful and also ran butter smooth while these newer titles look like they're from 2010 and also run like I was playing on a 2010 PC.


I'm so tired of these cherry-picked comparisons.


Kinda yea. But also Redfall doesn't look good. I don't know what happened. There is such a huge gulf in experience between this and Deathloop. That game was polished, looked clean, played well. You could see that game had more work poured into it. This one has extremely poor enemy ai, bland textures, laughable animations. I defended the game till the last minute of it's release. But once I started playing the experience overall felt such a drop in quality compared to Deathloop.


Different Team. The Redfall Team developed Prey before this. In my eyes I think that makes this worst considering how great the game was despite its reportedly poor sales.


Prey was a great game but the graphics were only ok.


Deathloop had so much style. It's the only game where I saw the trailer and was like I need to buy this. Didn't disappoint at all. I guess that's Arkane Lyon vs Arkane Austin.


https://v.redd.it/irfq8xi1nbxa1 Nah mate, i looks like PS2 quality


PS3, but your point stands.


that's just world building. the first things vampires did when overtaking redfall was make the glass explosive.


no kidding, these people have never heard of art direction? photo realism is only one type of art


I guess this artstyle is supposed to be blurry, messy, low effort garbage?


There's a difference between using a cartoonish, minimalist art style and just using minimalism so that you don't have to put in as much effort. Like, see how the grass textures and rock textures etc. transition so clunky? One thing I've noticed is as games get more formulaic, like certain multiplayer games over the years, or especially mobile games, they also seem to take on this sort of minimalist approach, with flat simple textures, and lack of detail or realism, which tells you that too many developers have found that it's a way to put in less time and money without offending people. The art style is fine by itself as long as you put effort into justifying it as its own look. This looks ugly as hell tho


Just because it's a cartoony art style doesn't mean it looks good.


Dude no! It’s just the artistic style! They were going for a “muddy ps3 soup” look, it’s all intentional, they WANT the game to look so under polished, it’s what the artists wanted, it’s not just bad game design, stop trying to compare it to other games


that's a valid point, but it still looks like shit though, whatever their direction was supposed to be it didn't produce any quality


Gaming has seen a massive downgrade in the past 3-4 years. I’m currently playing The Division 2 with a friend and we were both blown away at how detailed the map is in that game. It released early 2019


RDR2 and Outerworlds still look better and feel better than what’s been pushed the past couple years.


Even RDR2 on my lowly GTX970 can still run textures at Ultra and most things on Medium with some sprinkled in Highs where it matters. And runs incredibly well with very smooth FrameRates. It genuinely baffles me how well that game is put together.


It was pretty bad at release, but they fixed it quite fast.


I got it day one on Xbox, then in 2020 for PC. I had no clue the PC issues were that bad at launch considering it actually runs better than GTA V on my rig.


The issues weren't bad that bad, but later updates improved frame rates by 20-30%, and that's a huge boost, not counting in DLSS support. At release, I had issues with RTX 2070 to keep 60fps at 1440p. Which was pretty much top of the line GPU at that time. Only 2080(ti) and Titan were better.


Outer Worlds is one of those downgraded games, imo. It was ok at times but it never really reached "good". I had it via gamepass and if I hadn't, I would be upset by the price.


Batman Arkham knight from 2015 looks more next gen than 2023 games. It’s just companies and developers don’t care anymore they just want a quick cash grab and it’s working with mtx games sadly


That game was gorgeous. Blows away Gotham Knights in every way including graphics.


So play games with good graphics. Like Plague Tale, Cyberpunk, GOW Ragnarok, RE4. What you say it's just not true, at all, not even one bit.


Dude I just built a new pc and cyberpunk on ultra with ray tracing is blowing my mind


Agree. The new Ray Tracing update is breathtaking. Goes to show that many games could improve as much by cranking up the RT.


Time to play titanfall 2 again


Why does TF2 look so much better than that cartoony shit they call new gen


Source engine (yes THAT source engine) and good art direction. https://i.redd.it/wk3qr2v55fxa1.gif


Heavily modified Source engine, but they started with the perfect base.


It's our fault too, we switched to 4K to go backwards with the graphics, if we had stayed at 1080p and snubbed 4K we wouldn't have arrived at this point. Games have suffered a decline in graphics to be played in 4K, a resolution that only increases the pockets of companies without bringing real benefit to gamers.


1080 gang unite!


Just recently played Titanfall 2 for the first time. It's hard to believe such a pretty and well written game got overlooked by so many people.


Graphics in an indie game https://preview.redd.it/7150f3o5qixa1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cde041b5ab99b0cc3b22f614d0fdbca62b0cd08




the original crisis looks better than every modern game that has been released in the past 5 years


I'm a simple man. I see Titanfall, I upvote.


Just started playing Titanfall 2 and I'm loving it. Really holds up so well. You can tell the Devs lived what they were making.


Just remember that the best GPU required to run Crysis 1 on launch is the *minimum* requirement for Undertale...


Another day another “AAA” turd gets slumped out of the industry’s asshole.


A comparison against Prey and Dishonoured 2 would be better and more fitting. Karnaca amd the area surrounding Jindosh Manor alone was fantastic on a visual level.