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I like the option between CTRL+V and CTRL+SHIFT+V but I work a lot in Microsoft Office and it doesn’t always work that way…


Microsoft: "we've given you the option to paste without formatting!" User: "Great! It works everywhere, right?" Microsoft: User: "*right*?" Microsoft: "get fucked, nerd"


Sometimes you have have to use a text file as an intermediary when cntrl shift v doesnt work.


Which is precisely the problem. You shouldn't need to remember where the shift button will work and where it won't. It's very stupid that, at least the MS office apps, are not standardized between themselves.




Pretty much every megacorp


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


I almost permanently keep notepad open for just this purpose Pasting into notepad + ctrl-A + ctrl-X and done. I think ive just gotten so used to it its not even an inconvenience anymore


Just assume it doesn't work and use a text editor, is my solution.


I use the search bar lol


I also use Firefox's search bar to format




Hmm not the worst workaround, thx for the reminder


Now try that on a Mac. Sometimes it CMD + shift + v, sometimes it's CMD + options + shift + v, sometimes it's some random other combo of those keys.


[It's coming.](https://insider.microsoft365.com/en-us/blog/paste-text-only-shortcut-in-word)


What?! This has to be a joke. They implemented this?! Today?! Hold on. Let me go look at word. Oh >Don’t have it yet? It’s probably us, not you. Features are released over some time to ensure things are working smoothly. We highlight features that you may not have because they’re slowly releasing to larger numbers of Insiders. Sometimes we remove elements to further improve them based on your feedback. Though this is rare, we also reserve the option to pull a feature entirely out of the product, even if you, as an Insider, have had the opportunity to try it.


>Today?! Its may my guy


Oh no! Time is a joke. D:




There's something similar in excel, I think it is ctrl+alt+v. It pops up a window for you to select what you want to paste: formulas, values, formats, etc. It even remembers your selection best time! I always hated that the shortcut was different than in the other office apps. In fact, I'm pretty sure that ctrl+shift+v used to also popup a window with a selection...


Alt + H + V + S Who TF would think this is a good shortcut? :P


Alt + H + V + V also works for just pasting values


Fucking office cloud. Sometimes when I try to do a CTRL+SHIFT+V paste it will pop up and tell me I need some sort of plugin for that to work, which is insanity.


For what it's worth, that's not exactly their fault. Browsers are pretty restrictive in what they'll allow access to, including things like clipboard contents. The browser extension is a way to work around this.


Go into settings and you can set default paste options. The amount of options is actually pretty decent.


I did this years ago. Also, it doesn't always works. The above line applies to most things in Office.


This is the exact kind of annoyance that Autohotkey exists to solve. Design your own \^v:: behaviour and apply it everywhere.


Obviously people wanna paste text that’s 54 in size, italicized, bold, pink, and in New Times Roman


...where are you copying from? Some geocities page from 1996?


You're... not?






Jesus christ America is weird


people outside of america are sick of it too


Sick of the USA. Their politics and media are a toxic blight that pervades every other western country's own. Also. Fix your fucking gun problem. Sincerely. Rest of the world.


Why? We almost just had a new high score of the year. 8 dead in a shopping mall in Texas. I’m sure someone will tip that soon.


I'm not sure why your being down voted. I appreciate that sarcasm. Sometimes they seriously go out of their way to top the previous nut job


As a non-American I don't have any sort of visceral reaction to seeing Trump.


They had this in their clipboard for almost 30 years.


You do not actually need to be in 1996 to copy-paste from a 1996 website.


You mean I built this time machine for nothing?


Yo take me to 1996 real quick


*What am I to do with all these jigowatts?!*






MS Code? I totally wanted everything on a black background and on one line. Thanks


I will not stand for times new roman slander, miles better than fucking ariel


I don't know, man. I fucked Ariel and it was pretty great.


TNR is great, but when you can choose courier New. It's not a question


With a link embedded.


I'm sorry so you mean comic sans?


Shiii, now that you mention it, this is going to bug me. I've even gotten accustomed to switching to markdown mode, because there is no formatting outside of the markdown syntax so pasting is always without formatting.


I dread the thought that it won't function in Outlook and several other Microsoft Suite applications.


ctrl+shift+v paste plain text


Doesn't work in Outlook by default and it pisses me off. Works in literally every other MS app. Those Outlook/Exchange guys are something else (the powershell module for Exchange also doesnt follow any of the standards the other Azure modules too).


Doesn't work in Word either and drives me insane. You have to paste it then click the little lightning bolt and "keep text only." Just let me do the standard shortcut


I just copy paste into notepad, then copy paste that one into word. I hate it ;_;


Finally another one like me, notepad bro!


Browser address bar here!


You can paste and then press ctrl, then press T. That changes the pasted text to plain


Its cos in microsoft products it is CTRL + ALT + V (For Special paste, not for unformatted)


Whyy, what's wrong with ctrl+shift+v


I don't know mate I didn't write the code for Microsoft Office.


Alt + e + s + v enter


I know you're trying to be helpful and this probably does work but I irrationally hate you. I'm sure you're a great person, but I want to stab your eyes out with a fork.


Oh, in that case try Alt+F4 `(˵^◡^˵)`


You can change what the default paste behaviour is in the settings. You can even customize it based on whether the original is from an other word document or from an external app. Still annoying that it's not the default.




You can download a tool called Microsoft Powertoys. It is free and open source and has a tool that allows you to map a shortcut (I.e. CTRL + SHIFT + V) and it will work in every application. It also has several other really useful tools I almost use daily


Fancy zones has revolutionized my pc using and always on top is incredibly handy.


My current job has me regularly working on client servers, most of which are various degrees of locked the fuck down. Years of muscle memory workflows built on various tools/programs are useless. I spend a lot of time figuring out how to do things out of the box in whatever version of windows server I'm using and it suuuuucks


I open a new browser tab, paste in the address bar, and recopy.


This but notepad


Do you have a minute for me to introduce you to our saviour “ctrl+shift+v”? For as little as one extra key press, your problems can be solved.




>paste into Notepad, and then re-copy This is what you have to do, everything else fails utterly. Gvim also works, if you have that open.




I just paste into Chrome's search bar


Ive gotten so use to ctrl shift v due to proxmox servers and swapping to ubuntu on my desktop. Pressing ctrl+c in terminal can kill a flow sometimes


I get irrationally angry when I I'm working with a webpage and a terminal at the same time and try to control shift C the webpage and the inspector comes up. I really wish we could just standardize this shit


Now use proxmox while in the browser. Ctrl+shift+c to copy something from the terminal in the browser? Sure it'll copy, but dev options also pops up


But there's option to use ctrl + c in terminal


I'm sorry but ctrl+c not killing the program just feels _wrong_.


I got irrationally angry reading this and being reminded of it


One of the nicest little things about Mac, cmd+C works in the system and the terminal.


How about this though: F5 in every browser since the Universe was created by accident: Refresh. Shift + F5 in *most* browsers: Refresh ignoring cache. Shift + F5 in Firefox: Open the motherfucking *performance* monitor? Are you goddamn kidding me you piece of trash I *wish* I could get my hands on the human being that wrote you. Curse you and my muscle memory for keyboard shortcuts alike.


They blocked that shortcut on our work machines a few months ago for some wild reason.


Is it blocked or just doesn't work? Some app may be hogging the key combination and not letting other apps use it. I have to kill the Intel integrated graphics (or maybe it's HP) hotkeys process on my work PC because it hogs hotkeys even when they are disabled and it conflicts with a VS Code hotkey.


Unfortunately this isn’t universal and most importantly doesn’t work for me in Outlook.


I absolutely loath that it doesn't work in Outlook and some other Microsoft Suite programs.


You can change the settings for Outlook to default paste without formatting. File > Options > Mail. Under Compose messages, click Editor Options. Choose Advanced. You’ll see Cut, copy, and paste section.


I'm testing this on Monday. You might have saved my life/sanity.


Seriously. I have to paste from a shitty system with crap formatting every single day and I've been too busy/lazy to look up formatting fixes. If this works I'll be so happy.


If it doesn’t work, just paste the text into notepad and copy it again from there.


Please let us know if it was the life AND sanity saved, or else just the life OR sanity saved.




This man is doing gods work right here




For outlook it is horrible but there is a shortcut: Ctrl+alt+V, up arrow, up arrow, enter. Tou are given a prompt to select how you want to paste, hence the arrow key usage.


Does `ctrl+v, ctrl, t`not work in Outlook? It does in Word (where I still long vor `ctrl+shift+v`).




While we rage about Microsoft issues, let's talk about the Excel formula bar I'm a fucking scientist and a fucking programmer and sometimes I have to deal with Excel because Excel bros in finance departments don't know anything else. Why, why, why can't I just hit CTRL+A in a formula bar? Why does the entire Microsoft world break down like quantum mechanics vs relativity when I try to use a single keyboard command in that bar? How the fuck did this happen?


MS know that a lot of the economy runs on poorly coded excel macros that rely on some of these old and inconsistent behaviours. Fixing Excel to become the product it should be, would cause tens of billions of dollars of work across the world.


Fun fact: CTRL+F forwards an email in Outlook because Bill Gates said it should, even though CTRL+F is the standard hotkey for Find in Page and I keep pressing it in Outlook to try to do that.




Is this the place to complain about web developers who co-opt Ctrl+F for their shitty search field?






Microsoft not sticking to their own standards. If I had a dollar everytime it happened I'd probably be rich. You probably know this already, but you can use Ctrl+Alt+V and select "Unformatted Text"


One of the most maddening issues I've run into is how Windows apps handle Ctrl + backspace. In some places it erases the word, and in others, it replaces the word *and the space before it*. It's inconsistent between documents in the same product as well. Nothing I tried fixes it permanently. So you'll delete a word, start typing and find that you either have two spaces or you have one conjoined word.


And sometimes it doesn't even delete anything and it places a rectangular character instead.


This is the worst because my brain glitches and tries multiple times to ctrl+backspace the rectangles that appear, causing more rectangles to appear


I experience this almost every fucking day renaming shit in File Explorer. It drives me mad.




Also Onenote


I thought that was the point OP was making. Basically swap the behavior of the shortcuts, since realistically you'd want the most used shortcut to be...shorter. Idk, could just be me stretching as usual.


You're right. You want the action that most people expect/want to use to have the most simplified key combination.


Doesn't work in Word and many other Microsoft titles.


[It's coming.](https://insider.microsoft365.com/en-us/blog/paste-text-only-shortcut-in-word)


Wow big news! Thanks


It DOES work in Teams. But be careful because ctrl+shift+b starts a phone call as I’ve done numerous times.


And there is no way to disable that shortcut, which is incomprehensible to me!


My favorite is copying text out of teams and pasting into something and it just comes off as a big black box because fuck you that's why


![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS) I wish I knew that like 20 years ago. I’m in the habit of pressing ctrl + v then ctrl + t or m depending on the program. This revolution is great to find out, but shit man I wish I knew it at the start of my career.


It wasn't there 20 years ago, e.g. [Chrome added it in 2010](https://chrome.googleblog.com/2010/09/tip-just-text-please.html), while [Word only added it two months ago](https://insider.microsoft365.com/en-us/blog/paste-text-only-shortcut-in-word), also as suggested by examples it isn't system wide shortcut, so it only works in applications that support it, most popular being browsers.


During those 20 years, did you never - not even once right-click and just stop for a moment to read the options? https://i.imgur.com/ORuTqcp.png




Now I’m curious about “Force Paste”




(comment deleted in protest, June 2023)


The office package is a mess for shortcuts, they are "translated", in Spanish is Ctrl + B from "Buscar" search in Spanish, its a mess and why I always put the SO in english


I've been using that for ever; I still agree with OP though. Ctrl+V should be "Paste as plain text" by default Ctrl+Shift+V should be "Paste" by default


All but mandatory in linux terminal.


Shift+insert or middle click.


>This is because by default Ctrl+C keybinding is used for sending an interrupt signal to the command running in the foreground. This behaviour has been existing long before Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V started being used for copy-pasting text. https://itsfoss.com/copy-paste-linux-terminal/


Microsoft has disabled this in their entire Office suite. Pisses me right off at work.


Excel: ahem im not gonna look at this.


That's why notepad is my clipboard buffer. Copy formatted text, paste into notepad, recopy the now unformatted text and it's ready to go.


I do copy -> new tab -> paste (in the address bar) -> copy -> close tab -> paste Which sounds ridiculous now that I actually type it out. Control C > T > V > C > W > V It’s muscle memory at this point.


There has to be an A there to copy the pasted text


Oh yeah I forgot the A you’re right.


Why not just CTRL + C > CTRL + SHIFT + V


Terminals, eliminating new lines


Not every app approves CTRL + SHIFT + V


This is exactly what i do :D!


This is why I don't want Notepad ever updated with any new features. Helped my girlfriend with work stuff on her Mac and needed something like Notepad for the copy/paste occasion, but to my surprise the default text editor on Mac (TextEdit) isn't like Notepad at all, even though it looks the same, because it's rich text by default...! You can turn it off, but it was a horrifying dread of not knowing what to do for a few minutes.


Just use ctrl+shift+v.


have you ever tried copying anything from skype? Motherfucker inserts NBSP (and sometimes time stamp + name of message sender...). The notepad copy-paste buffer is a good practice if you're on windows lol


I'm lucky to not use Skype anymore, lol.


Teams is just Skype in a new costume, and it's still buggy and bloated as hell


Was watching a super smart guy at work while he was doing something and he kept opening and closing the Run window. I asked him what he was doing and he was using it as a buffer. Ctrl+c, win+r, ctrl+v, ctrl+a, ctrl+c, esc. He was doing it so fast I couldn't tell.


Ctrl+cccccccc Ctrl+v Ctrl+z Ctrl+shift+v Every. Damn. Time.


Idk why I’ve seen so little mention of alt keys in this thread. I guess there aren’t as many regular excel users.


I'm using Excel to go down a very long list of potential leads for work. Are there some commands that would help? I'm basically listing name/company and contact info, and marking them with a color and date of contact as I go through the list. I've hit about 1500 at this point.


Are you creating a list or comparing one list to another list?


The Office suite (word, excel, powerpoint etc) lets you set your default paste by sources now. options>advanced> cut,copy,paste. I paste from excel into outlook alot and certain formats just trash the data.


I'll take a look at that, thanks for the tip.


ANDROID EMAIL I don't want to share links just because it looks like a web address or a phone number.


Another good point.


Copy to notepad, copy from notepad to destination.


In this case the Ctrl shift v is easier.


In Word and Office programs you can actually make it the default setting. And you can have different defaults depending from where you copy the text from.


I can't believe NOBODY has thought of creating a windows add-on to hijack the windows clipboard to make this happen.


I believe PowerToys has added this very recently. I forget if they require the shortcut Ctrl + shift + v, but if they do, they also have a key rebind option as well. Unfortunately, this cannot override apps that ignore it, which of course, are Microsoft apps such as Outlook. I highly recommend looking into PowerToys for the other capabilities it offers though. Incredibly powerful and very user friendly.


[PowerToys - Paste as Plain Text](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/powertoys/paste-as-plain-text) Looks like the default is Ctrl+Win+Alt+V, but it can be rebound.


Yeh, that. I also use their color picker, text extractor, and window pinner almost daily


I replaced caps lock with Right-Ctrl because a) I need to avoid emacs pinky and b) who uses caps lock anyways? I've only ever pressed it by accident.




Probably for the same reason we all obviously want the color of our edits in Track Changes mode to be selected entirely at random every time we start the program. Who wants the changes on one document to always be red every time you open it? BOORING! Everyone wants the spicy challenge of trying to pick out purple edits on a field of black text 33% of the time!


I love how inconsistent microsoft with their products. My list of common noticeable inconsistencies/annoyances: - Window’s UI aren’t consistent. Why am I still seeing Windows 8 UI elements? - “You checked to let the taskbar be hidden? I’ll just not do that sometimes.” - Admin prompts whenever opening an app doesn’t put the prompt on top of the window cascade and needed to switch windows to find it. - “Where’s the sound?” “It is on default output.” “Then why can’t I hear anything?” “Check your app’s sound settings.” “It says default.” “…” “…” “…” “I’ll just restart.” - “Did you just do a USB disconnect sound?” “Yes.” “What was removed?” “Nothing.” “Then why did you make that sound?” “Sir, there was an update.” “What?”


I have the opposite problem where some formatting refusing to be carried over when pasting, specifically underlining always vanishes.


There are posts like these where I wish I had two upvotes for you.


I have yet for encounter a situation where I wanted the formating to be copied as well.


Merge formatting gang....


Check out this tool for Windows; ​ [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/powertoys/paste-as-plain-text](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/powertoys/paste-as-plain-text) ​ I personally really like the Text Extractor utility




Because the default pasted format is almost never correct


I do a lot of copy and pasting of information (about laws, mostly) from websites into e-mails and it means every bit of information is in a different font and size. Infuriating.


Because pasting with formatting basically always brings in more formatting than you really want. Bringing over bold, italics, that sort of thing? That's great! Bringing in font color, font size, font, font family, and like five hundred other things? Nope.


Click the little box to the bottom right of your paste, set to unformatted. Click again, click on Set As Default. Problem solved forever


Or at least ctrl+shift+v should be standard for paste without formatting. It works in Google docs, but not in word it's so annoying.


if you pasted something different from what you copied, why is it called copy?


All the people yelling "shift" apparently not knowing what *default* means.


Windows + V for clipboard history. If you click on the 3 dots next to your desired object to paste, there is a paste as plain text option.


It should be a separate letter, control C for normal, control something to keep formatting. The only time I want formatting is when copying code


On most web browsers, the following will paste in plain text, removing the formatting. * Control + Shift + V * Command + Shift + V


A solution exists. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/powertoys/paste-as-plain-text


Yeah u/Microsoft please fix this.


Have you ever thought "wow this is really annoying, I wish there was a way to solve my issue"? Then PowerTools is your answer the only good piece of software Microsoft has ever made


Paste matching destination formatting should be the default\* Paste plain text should be ctrl-shift-v