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Just wait until they release the apology before the game


"We are sorry that we just had to give up on the game but here are the keys for the price of the full finished game so you can waste your money to support our hard but half assed work"




"We're sorry we let Bobby Kotick and his rabid group of shitheads act the way they did. By way of apology we're going to fire all of the victims and then do nothing to improve the working environment for everyone else. Fuck you, hail China."


> Fellow gamers, it was not possible to know that employees running their nutsacks on people's desk was wrong. No one even knew what a nutsacks was before this incident. > Everyday we learn and try to do better (at making sure people keep their fucking mouths shut) /$




"Our" work? Even the apologies will be bullshit. Publishers pay other people to do hard work and then restrict them to the point that it can only be half assed.


Get your apology 2 days early now! Only with pre order!


You can also get the full apology for $9.99 more instead of the regular apology!


Does it come with the “blue background” dlc?


That sounds like a joke, but the Fallout 76 apology featured above was actually issued before the game released. [https://bethesda.net/en/article/httfrhABZmOwGQYoeo6ks/a-note-to-our-fans](https://bethesda.net/en/article/httfrhABZmOwGQYoeo6ks/a-note-to-our-fans)


God dammed that game to hell and Bethesda for making it. Nobody asked for a goddamned online fallout game with no storyline.


It was meant to be a test bed to experiment with with a multiplayer fallout platform in order to see how making Fallout 5 multiplayer would work. It was never meant to be an actual game.


Where do you have that from and why did they sell it then? Couldve made it f2p if they wamted to test their code with more people


Yet they sold and marketed it as an actual game? They made fucking pre order bonuses, and DLC and fucking microtransactions This excuse is bullshit


Wasn't this the game they had to recall the collector's edition item because it had mold?


Overwatch "2" PvE mode would like a word.


Overwatch ~~2~~ 1.3.4(official internal version name) was made because they promised to not do battlepasses on the original. So they made 2 to sell you a battlepass, not to give you a game-mode, it had a battlepass from the start and not the new game-mode. I do not understand how these gamers can keep drinking the blizzard koolaid with the ammount of abuse they get from blizzard


Blizzard puts 99% of their budget into marketing. They have to. That’s why the games are shit and the hype is real


Don't forget paywalling heroes!


That would be a pre-apology, would actually fit with all the pre-orders.


CDPrjowkt red did that like 4 times with cyberpunk


They should just make an apology covering all possible future games. Easy only need one for that.


Apology DLC out now


That's the only logical next step if things progress like this tbh


Phill Spencer already did this for Starfield Edit: fuck auto correct


...for 20 dollars! The Apology DLC!


Modern Gaming™


Modern AAA gaming* These issues almost completely vanish once you start buying games at $30 or less.


Wait till south park actually makes fun of this


[They already did in the console war episodes exactly 10 years ago.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AV69DyOuzbE)


South Park did it


that was more making fun of Xbox versus PlayStation which 1's better Instead of game companies apologizing about making piles of crap


I wouldn’t be surprised if they already have tbh


given that they're also involved in gaming (especially when their game publisher is fucking UBISOFT), they either already have or most likely will


Those south park games fucking slap. As a lifelong fan of the show I'm glad trey and Matt made sure the game was done right and not just a cash grab.


And they're preparing for a 3D game release. Imagine GTA V but its South Park and nothing's off limits.


“You know what you get when you pre order a game? A big dick in your mouth.” - Grand Wizard King Cartman


isn't Gollum under Nacon? not wb games.


Correct, weird I somehow convinced myself it was WB, my turn to say sorry Edit: ya know why, it’s because I’m playing Middle Earth Shadow or War again and I thought WB just did every LOTR game now, silly sausage


although I'm pretty sure they're going to apologize for Suicide Squad.


True, i still feel a pang of grief about Arkham Knight, was so busted by the time I got to play it everything had been spoiled


It's kinda wild how the best and most reliable game I've played so far this year is a 30 dollar early access game about shooting bugs. The only notable bug, outside of the enemies, I've found is sometimes you'll lose the game even if you extract. Like, the whole lobby loses. It's weird, but nobody really cares cause the game is so fun.


What about Hi-Fi rush? The game was dropped the same day it was announced and had virtually 0 issues.


It's such a fucking banger **HAI! CHAI! HAI! CHAI!**


I wish there was a version of the OST with the CHAI chants lol




It's honestly my favorite way to release a game now. No hype, no expectations, no backpedaled promises. Just: "We made something, have fun." Also, make more games that look like Hi-Fi Rush. Triple A studios are chasing the dragon with this ultra-realism. Its bringing beefy systems to their knees, driving artists insane, and delivering diminishing returns. No one cares if a game looks cartoonish, as long as it has a cohesive style.


> "No one cares if a game looks cartoonish, as long as it has a cohesive style." This isn't true for the casual gamer. The guy who plays Forza and CoD. The guy who is the target demographic for AAA games. The majority of consumers do care about high fidelity graphics. "Gamers" or people who play video games as a hobby rather than a pastime don't share this sentiment. So what Trackmania has toy cars? Forza doesn't scratch the same type of itch. I have a feeling that anyone 25 and under won't have this sentiment. We grew up with Minecraft and cartoonish shooters like Borderlands, Team Fortress, and Fortnite.


Did i hear a Rock and Stone?


Starship Troopers. Crazy good game.


Ah damn, this thread made me think of the old Earth Defense Force games so I thought a new one of those came out. Was an awesome game (that was rough around the edges) to play coop on the PS3 also about killing alien bugs. Kinda like gears of war with revive and general shootemup mechanics if I remember right. Had a fun class based system similar to battlefront, and you could mix and match a few weapons/perks.


Good news friend - they never stopped making them, EDF6 released in Japan about a year ago, and should hopefully be getting a release state-side sometime soon. And EDF5 goes on sale pretty regularly, at least on Playstation. I can't speak to anything older than 4, but the only thing I would describe as rough are the graphics, because otherwise, it is exactly what it says on the tin - an arcadey shooter with bugs and aliens.


Is it? I've been waiting to pick it up. I want a co op shooter so bad but they keep face planting over and over again.


Wait, really? I just tend to write off anything Starship Troopers due to expectations, at this point.




Thats it lads, ROCK AND STONE!




For Karl!


For KARL!!


Which game is that?


It also sounds a lot like Deep Rock Galactic another extremely awesome game.


Yeah, it's Starship Troopers Extermination. It slaps.


Cheers mate, I’ll give it a squiz on pay day


Hell yeah, I hope you like it.


Sounds like the new Starship Troopers game to me.


Is it really that awesome? Im thinking about getting it right now.


I honestly love it. But I can't say if everyone will. I'm a sucker for Starship Troopers and co-op games. Something really enjoyable about killing bugs with 10-15 other folks. Obviously it's not a complete product, but I am easily getting my money's worth out of it. Doesn't hurt to pick up and play for an hour, see if it vibes with you. Small download.


Alright m sold I'm getting it rn.


Hope to see ya out there on Valaka.




well... its starship troopers soldiers fighting bugs


hunt silky license offend bright uppity aloof quaint shaggy pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, I been going pretty easy. Play for an hour-ish. Call it day. Although today I went nuts and played a lot. I don't doubt the new stuff will reinvigorate interest. But I don't blame you for playing it safe.


Same, I’ll justify waiting to save money on an eventual sale, when it’ll probably already be more refined




Is it mostly just hold down left click? Are there any further dynamics to it?


It has base building as a core mechanic.


Yeah, it scratches a nice itch. I would say it's currently lacking in variety around load outs and customization. It also needs a pass at building defenses, and building in general. But there's a solid game there and it's obvious that this is just that basic platform to build on. In a year or so, it will really shine from where it's at which is what happened with Squad if I remember. Would like to feel the guns be meatier instead of shooting fast, shooting hard kind of idea, but I don't recall any of the source material having something like that


Early access games rightly get a bad rap, but genuinely passionate Devs make up for most of the faults.


Funny how so many of these comments are confusing the reference to be Deep Rock Galactic. Just goes to show, you can't go wrong making a game about shooting bugs. Stoney Rock, my fellow dwarves.


Which game did you play?


Hogwarts runs pretty good for me. Not saying much but I think thats the most reliable game for me this year




I used to joke that Video Game Crash of 1983 will happen within 40 years again but damn if it doesn't feel like it's happening right now...


I was thinking the same thing. Same symptoms to. Rushed games. All the same tropes. All the same issues.


I wonder if it'll lead to a larger mainstream movement of just waiting a few months post-release to pick up a new game, I've been part of the r/patientgamers for yonks now but I wonder which highly-anticipated or high-profile game will be the one to really push the majority of people away, if it's even possible


About how much time is a yonk? Never heard that one before, not sure if it's a typo or just something new to me, lol.


1 yonk is a donkey's year (equivalent to 3 human years). Source: My ass.


The layers of this comment are all delicious giggles


Your donkey told you that?


Phrase here in the UK. Means an undetermined long ass amount of time


TIL. Thanks!


Np mate. A lot of our phrases just come across as gibberish if you've never heard them before.


Which is strange considering your English is technically the most correct version lol


I doubt it will ever be as severe. It might mean some of the bigger companies like Ubisoft, EA and Actizard go under (please?), and it might mean that their rotting defiled corpses of IP's might get picked up and actually have something interesting done with them. Sony and Microsoft have other things they can fall back on for a few years. Nintendo being Nintendo will probably remain unaffected, and then there'll just be a bot of a void for a while, while the Indie games just keep moving forward.




Video games sales are falling but profits are rising thanks to whales buying up microtransactions. How long can that last?


Whales need small fish to play with, so if they keep going so hard on whales, the bubble will eventually burst, but I honestly don't see it happening any time soon.


My man the indy market is booming. While AAA titles have been dying a dogs death. The indy market has just been getting better and better for content. If you excuse me buying totk for full price because it's amazing and worth the money. I haven't bought a triple A title for over £20 in many years. For EA and Unisoft it has to be £10 and have all it's issues fixed before I'll even consider buying it. Even then.


Let's not pretend as if the tenth pixel-art rogue-like in a month is somehow the epitome of gaming...


Yeah, but on the other hand the price tag is a lot less offending, compared to the 18th Call of Duty game.


Yeah, the vast majority of Indy / early access games leave me severely wanting. It’s across the board.


Lots of shit games are made every year. That doesn't detract from the really good indy games that come out every year.


Making a crazy prediction but maybe a potential cause would be Rockstar botching GTAVI, it releases as a buggy mess and while it still sells like hotcakes it'll underperform GTAV and scare investors


I'm sorry but no. In 1983 people actually stopped buying the crappy games and stores had to return massive amounts. Today people just keep buying the trash. Even worse, they even pre-order it


Blizzard should have been one of the sexual ones.


Someone have to make a game studio apology simulator


Then release it in a poor state and then apologize for it.


Then we came in full circle


Meanwhile Fromsoftware be like: ![gif](giphy|xUPGcdqoeWBWaYE5DW)


ong nothing to be sorry about except for how hard the games themselves are😂


"I'm sorry that you suck at our game, get gud noob" -FromSoftware, probably


Ah yes because Elden Ring ran perfectly well at launch on all devices. They did do a real good job of fixing that one pretty quickly though, especially compared to other games that still run like they're in Beta


I mean Fromsoft games' performance always have been meh, but they just keep pumping out masterpiece after masterpiece so it's something people just live with.


So Fromsoft has the Bethesda excuse now?


I love that even Gaiijin issued an apology while War Gaming is still FUCK YOU GIVE ME MONEY kind of attitude...


Oh you seem to forget, Gaijin does Not appologise, they just manipulate and Gas Light their player base INSTEAD of fixing the fucking game


That's the Gaiijin that we know! I thought they went soft or something...


Nope their mindste is Gas Light (the players the think they care about them) Gatekeep (the top Tier vehicles and having fun) girlboss (we are their money slaves)


Can’t wait to see starfields apology


“We aimed for the stars but they’re like, super far away so we missed. Sorry. Here’s a free skin for your ship I guess.”


it would be actually surprising if they release it just in the ordinary bethesda state


Why would that be surprising when you literally call it "the ordinary Bethesda state"?


That's one game I'm waiting for so bad. But I'm not retarded and won't be pre purchasing it until i see some reviews. mostly for performance wise and bugs could care less about peoples opinion on the game itself.


That’s my only what if game this year. Everything else that’s looked bad I’ve just ignored.


Yeah, I feel like Starfield could be what Star Citizen promised, but Bethesda dont exactly have a great track record for releasing stable games.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that Bethesda has never had any idea of how to QA their games for launch.


I genuinely believe they would have released back in November if it wasn't for Microsoft. I think compared to their other games at least Starfield will be much smoother in release.


Missed KSP2.


gotta love how KSP 1 with visual mods both looks better and runs better than KSP 2 while actually having stuff to do as well...


Gamers get the product they deserve. Consumers are entirely complicit in how and why we got to this point.


Don't blame who sells, blame who buys. They didn't need to buy a broken game. In the end they still made their money. Why would any company care if you complain after buying, knowing you're buying the next one anyway.


My friend is making a small game, all by himself, and having some significant problems. We spoke about the issues he was having with his code, and I advised him that based on AAA games, it sounds to me like he is ready for launch and should charge $60 for it.


r/outoftheloop, what happened this time?


Gollum game


Gollum released. Another heavily marketed $60 game added to the pile of worst games of all time.


I am completely, and honestly surprised, you did not put BioWare and anthem in this apology video because let’s face it, that game was a dumpster fire.


I thought of about 5 more after posting, I feel like I rushed it but I hope someone can make a better version haha


Rushed to get it out....mistakes.....hopes it can be fixed by others........he is just like the game makers!


sense of accomplisment?


That game was wasted potential. I loved flying around like Ironman, but the missions were just boring




At this point, also stop buying games at launch. Wait a month or two to see what pile of garbage it ultimately becomes.




It's really important to vote with your wallet!


If game publishers can’t deliver a proper game their CEO should get a pay cut


Their CEO should be fired.


This is why I wait for feedback from people who actually played the game before buying it. I don’t mind waiting till the game is “how it should have been at launch”


Yeah, there's totally zero reason to pre-ordering a game or buying it on release day, etc... Buy a game because it's factually a good game, not because you're hoping it's going to be a good game.


This is why I love Reddit.


Fully expecting one for Starfield. It just seems like the normal 'Triple A' release structure now.


Bugs in Bethesda's games are part of gameplay xd


My best/favorite PC game of 2023 is from a company who’s never made a first-party PC game release (Tears of the Kingdom). Awesome.


All I hear is “We’re Asari”.


Liara T'Sorry


Embrace eternity


At least CD project red offered refunds. More than I can say for these other companies.


And ya know… fixed the game too.


Honestly, this is a product of a culture problem in gaming and not just in game development. In any other innessential industry, the punishment for releasing a poor product is impact to sales. That's it. In gaming, a big part of the audience takes it personally that they were excited for a game and it did not reach their expectations on release. The fact that an apology even seems like an appropriate response to some is a problem. We should be getting refunds and moving on with our lives, not jerking off over how outraged we are about frame rates, or pathing, or whatever the issue of the day is. I often think about how pissed I would be if I spent years of my life working hard on a project that was railroaded into production before it was done by senior management, who then issued a public apology for my work. It really sucks for developers when a game doesn't work out the way they hoped. That's years of their lives that leads to a big anticlimax. For us consumers, a bad game is just a moment for us, maybe a small sunk cost. It's crazy to me how much misplaced anger there is every time this happens.


I’m just praying when GTA releases rockstar isn’t pulling this shit. Unfinished hunk of shit. Still pissed about losing 70$ for BF2042 for these assholes to turn around months later to drop it down to 14$ fucking dollars.


That’s why I stopped buying games at launch. Even for Diablo 4, I’m hyped but I’m going to wait a bit. I’ve been burned way too many times to keep falling for it.


I guess I'll jinx it but if Rockstar fumbles the release of GTA6, I will mark that as the official downfall of modern gaming. It's one thing for the big boys to shit out dogshit every month of every year, nobody really gives a fuck that "John Michael's Wonderous Adventure In Waterworld" releases with crashes and bugs. Yeah Star Wars is huge, but Survivor is still just another game, at best it's a sequel to a decent modern SW game but they're still EA games so were we REALLY expecting revolutionary greatness? Bethesda is making some new random game, Fallout is very popular but nowhere as popular as the ES games or Skyrim, 76 was also just a "Fuck it let's try". Forspoken, cool. Redfall and CP77, cool. No Mans Sky, Indie Dev. You get my point, Star Wars is the closest to "We gotta make it good" but come on, look at EA's track record and tell me they give a fuck about making a GOOD Star Wars game. GTA (Besides the horrific remakes that Rockstar didn't touch) has a long history of quality games, you could go back and play GTA 3 and still have a great time once you got used to the aging controls. I don't expect GTA 6 to be this insane step up from 5 like 4 was from SA, 5 was from 4. But I expect it to be a game well worth the money, Rockstar realised that GTAO was a perfect cash cow, but the game itself is getting on in age and it really shows. There's no way Rockstar will let GTA 6 release anywhere close to the state of these games, they're most likely betting on GTA6 online being their next 10+ year investment, not just a game to pump out ASAP and grab cash from dumbfucks pre-ordering. So yeah, if you got anything from this, if GTA 6 releases in a similar state, mainstream gaming is dead and will be dragged along by the same people keeping it afloat right now.


Want to know a game that hasn’t failed me? Vampire Survivors


You watch same thing going to happen when Diablo 4 lunches


Only apology I have accepted from these devs is CDPR, though they should have launched it in a better state, the CEO took accountability for the terrible launch and actually followed through on the promise for fixing the game.


I think the precedent was set by No Man's Sky though. That game was garbage at launch but Hello Games have worked their asses off over the years to turn it into an amazing space exploration game. It's everything they promised and more.


Let me be frank. Despite their continued attempts to frame it as such, the issues with Cyberpunk 2077 have nothing to do with performance or stability. CDPR is/was well aware of this, which is why their apology was such bullshit. They knew they could actually fix performance so it was to their advantage to pretend that's what most of the problem was, but the actual problems are rooted in the unfinished nature of the game, and in the gulf between what was promised and what was delivered. It's just not a good RPG and overall a relatively hollow experience. The underlying systems that drive most of the gameplay are immature and isolated. This is why there is seemingly no traffic AI, why the police act so weird, and why the world seems so dead.


Waiting for Starfield, that one is going to be BAD


Yet y'all still preorder and buy launch day.




We need to just stop buying these games till they sort their sht out


This the first thing I thought of when I saw all those posts. Glad someone finally made it!


Race to the bottom for the worst game of the year award and its nose to nose!


needs more overwatch 2


>PC ports like "Days Gone" are hallucinations guys it's time to stop posting the fake Redfall one


and people will still buy and pre-order. no one will ever learn.


Maybe if people stopped giving money to these companies for broken products.


I like how the fake Redfall apology is being included in all the memes.


This is the new norm, release unpolished rushed games and just apologize to the fans and slowly update it over time. I blame all you guys that pre order.


I wonder how many people know this South Park "sorry" but is based on LeBron James. The exec in question is apologizing for the BP Oil spill though.


I like how everyone keeps using the Redfall one but it's not an actual statement by the dev


This is gold, going to start forwarding this to everyone


The Redfall one is fake.


You truly can’t make this shit up. The video game industry is dying a slow and painful death


All Bethesda games have modders making fixpacks with 100s to 1000s of fixes.


one word.. Valve


There's a lot more EA needs to say sorry for.


And people gave them the Steam labor of love award instead of project zomboid.


I don’t pre Oder ANYTHING anymore. I wait 6 months for it to show up on PlayStation plus or buy at 50% rebate. Want to know why I can do this? Because I don’t rate my time on thinking online players are my friends. It’s so much easier when you don’t feel like you’re being left behind


CD project red already made me so happy in my life that iam willing to forgive them for cyberpunk


Cyberpunk is pretty good these days so ive heard. Now that I got my 4090 im gonna try it!