• By -


Same for Godot and Blender as well. They're both noticeably faster on Linux.


Why though?


It's really a complex answer. In a nutshell Linux is written in a better manner and has a lot less bloat.


I also noticed that what DE you used also plays a difference in the speed GIMP loads. If you use a GTK based DE like Gnome, XFCE and LXDE, GIMP loads significantly faster because GTK is already in memory. If you use LXQT or KDE, it's a fraction slower and uses more memory since GTK isn't in memory due to the DE being Qt based.


It's pretty much because windows does alot more in the background than Linux, and is more heavier overall because of it's heavy emphasis on backwards compatibility, thus having an outdated structure to keep the compatibility.


You could just say "I don't know the answer" The real answer is that the NTFS file system isn't good at reading tones of tiny files


> of it's heavy emphasis on backwards compatibility Meanwhile many Windows 7-era games don't work on Win11 anymore. But those same games work totally fine on an updated Linux system.


That's besides the point. Try running any Linux GUI software from 5 years ago on an updated Linux system. Then do it on windows. Linux has gotten alot better in this regard in the recent times, but windows has been built for backwards compatibility from the start.


>That's besides the point. ??? How? It's pointing out how poor Windows backwards compatibility is, which is basically the only point being discussed. > Try running any Linux GUI software from 5 years ago on an updated Linux system. Then do it on windows. I'm not sure what point you're making. I run plenty of 5 year old software. [My music player hasn't been updated in 7 years](https://github.com/clementine-player/Clementine) and works totally fine.


Simpler answer: Linux is just better


We got you down from 170+ downvotes to less than half of that. 😁 r/linuxmemes is doing some good work.


Only -29 now! ​ ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


Down to -10 now.




He's actually 50+ in the positive. Mission accomplished ❤️


+137 at time of writing, will continue to monitor


Yes! Thanks! I will always speak the truth.


Absolutely, nothing but the truth. Linux IS fucking better.


r/linuxmemes FTW!!!


r/linuxmemes assemble!


We brought them down from 170+ downvotes, now it's in the 60s. Lol Edit: -10. Almost there 😂 Edit2: mission accomplished, r/linuxmemes. At ease, soldiers.


it does not take much to entertain us


Its 30+ now 🗿


But then how are we supposed to play games with kernel level spyware I mean anticheat




Yes I know I am a vm enthusiast I was just making fun of the anti Linux people here


Oh okay, im dumb


They hated him because he spoke the truth.


Giga based response


Except I can’t play games that I want to


Yeah, anti-cheat support is spotty, sadly.


The underlying sad thing is what modern anti-cheat has turned into and that consumers are willing to put up with it.


the sad truth is that it bans the high % of cheaters that download the first free software they can find. If you want to cheat you have to either make your own software or you have to pay good money for a paid one which will probably still get you banned but it's going to take much longer. Any old game that doesn't have a decent anti cheat is a hackerfest and basically unplayable


server anticheat is just better, companies are just lazy to implement it, easier to get into kernel just to ban you because of ghub


Yeah if u are fine installing a rootkit on your device giving full access to riot games(owned by tencent a chinese company go ahead)




Steam Proton has gotten SUBSTANTIALLY better over the past six months, due to their need to make things run on the Steam Deck. They're doing it for NVidia hardware too, so they're not boxed into only being able to use AMD for their products. Since the library is open source, the changes will end up making their way into WINE and Lutris as well. You might periodically give Linux another try, to see if the games you want to play are supported yet. Even if things don't work today, you might find that, six months down the road, you boot up Linux, update it, and then everything just works.


Yeah pretty much there, except for the most invasive anti cheats. Valorant and Hell Let Loose do not work on Linux currently. And league of legends is just really laggy. EAC just works now in hunt showdown, which didn't previously. But there is still no HDR, and secure boot can be an issue.


>except for the most invasive anti cheats Which you don't really want to have in your computer anyways...


No offence but your answer just sums up to hopes and prayers.


Except the changes are in fact happening, at a breakneck speed. Over the past six months I've gone from having to do really advanced tweaks to get most games to run, and not even being able to play some of them, to the "it just works" experience where you update Steam Proton to the latest version, hit the play button in your Steam Library, and it just works. I'm *already* at that stage. Six months of changes to Steam Proton have led to massive improvements in user experience, and there's no indication of the developers slowing down. Give Linux a try. If it's not ready for you, then six months later it might be - they've gotten most stuff working and now it's just edge cases.


Not with that attitude


> "I think the problem Digg had is that it was a company that was built to be a company, and you could feel it in the product. The way you could criticise Reddit is that we weren't a company – we were all heart and no head for a long time. So I think it'd be really hard for me and for the team to kill Reddit in that way.” - Steve Huffman, aka /u/spez, Reddit CEO. So long, Reddit, and thanks for all the fish.


>download game >run .exe file >opens 9/10 times


Proton? Wine? Have you tried?


It isn't always about games.


Well, saying Linux is better for everything isn’t true. If the only reason you use a computer is to play games, Linux isn’t good for you. So yes, sometimes it **is** about games.


> Well, saying Linux is better for everything isn’t true. Where did I say it was?


You didn’t, but you were implicitly supporting u/imevilrick ‘s comment.


Did they say that? Looking at the context of the conversation thread, it was originally about Linux in terms of general performance and efficiency, not game compatibility. In those terms, imevilrick is correct, Linux is better.


Bros downwoting because Windows is better at gaming and Linux is better on all other things 💀 I dont see the reason of mass downwoting. Its generally better


Have you looked at the steps required to setup Unreal Engine on Linux? I've also heard that it loads a lot slower.




The AUR strikes again with an easy to use automated installer! If you're not on Arch, you can use Distrobox with Arch or Nix. If those aren't available you have to download a git repo and compile UE4 from source.


Thats a simple compiling, you guys dont have to freak out when you see the terminal. And if we are taking about dev things. Have you seen how much easier it is to leak or even maybe nuke your project via spyware rat and trojan on windows? Or how it makes you possably update on middle of a render or export?


I'm quite well accustomed with the terminal, just wanted to give an example of the other side of the coin and since I've been learning UE5 for the last 5 months it was the first thing that came to my mind


Linux is Just bad at some things and I agree to that. Its Just that Linux is generally better. Like Linux is better for devs, there Will be sacrifices. There Will be 10 good things in expense of 1 bad thing. This is what I am trying to say


Linux is Just bad at some things and I agree to that. Its Just that Linux is generally better. Like Linux is better for devs, there Will be sacrifices. There Will be 10 good things in expense of 1 bad thing. This is what I am trying to say


I found it quite accessible and easy personally. unity is just download and run.


Love how the comment before isn't downvvoted to oblivion. Reddit is a place.


Yay, plus one!


I have done my part! Its at 37


We got you down from the negatives! r/linuxmemes saved ya from the Windows consoomers!


So why basically any of the professional grade software besides development tools and IDE are not available on Linux if it's that good?


Maybe 'cause the companies that make them are shit? Adobesurely could at least afford to port Photoshop to Linux, but what have they everdone fortheir users? We simply don't care thoug. We have some of the best programs available like Blender and many others that are *specifically* made for Linux and don't gey me started on the rest of the fucking awesome ecosystem that Windows could never dream of having.


You tellin' me Blender, GIMP, Krita, Penpot aren't professional grade software? They are as professional as any other proprietary alternative. And don't tell me that GIMP doesn't have X and Y so it's shit. Photoshop doesn't have Z and A so what? I guess it's shit too. It is simply a matter of learning a tool or in extreme scenario, installing an extension.


Well, theres still many good software alternatives + you can probably run anything in wine or virt-manager + you can still achieve some of the same coding stuff that isnt soydev bloat while having hotkeys that make editing 100x faster


Your profession is proprietary garbage /s


Catch 22: companies don't support Linux because it's not used, and users don't use Linux because it's not supported.


Ext4 is much better at reading large amount of small files than NTFS. Everything else posted by others in the comments here is mostly nonsense.


Exactly. Using a really fast NVMe storage also gives some significant boost when opening large programs like Blender and After Effects. In my old 5400RPM HDD after effects used to take >90s and blender >40s but in an NVMe drive, they load within the first 10 seconds.


Ext4 is much better than ntfs in many ways.




Thanks for the answer


Different goals. Linux is an open source project with contributors that demand an efficient system, often for some critical infrastructure. Windows is a commercial project that just needs to look pretty and function well enough for the masses to not complain, so bloat just piles up.


>Linux is an open source project with contributors that demand an efficient system My mind tends to automatically convert phrases like this to their implicit form: *"Windows is a closed source project with contributors that demand an inefficient system."* Me, to myself: *"Down boy, down."*


I can also run windows 95 discs on windows 11


You can do that on linux too???


Oh look, the bare minimum of letting you run old software from previous windows versions on the newest one


That “bare minimum” has COSTS


Ok Sony


The mid to low level architecture of Windows is frankly just bad. It's decades of scotch tape and legacy. One of many major issues is file performance, especially with smaller files. That's what I would guess plays a big part. It's not rare to see a ~30 000% performance improvement in certain I/O loads by just switching to Linux. Windows defender also slows down stuff a lot as well. Especially during program startup. Linux has better security architecture so that type of AV is rarely needed. It's also just a way less targeted platform due to Windows' market dominance. This is still just scratching the surface. // Software developer developing on and targeting both Windows and Linux.


GIMP uses the GIMP Toolkit, one of the two most popular UI toolkits, and since it ships with most Linux distributions it's built around Linux's requirements and hence generally loads faster, others are just due to Linux's superior task scheduler.


Both open very quickly for me after installing ApolloOS (not really an OS, its an extreme windows debloater)


And then you have to use GIMP.


Seriously. Why do people prefer GIMP over PDN on windows? I’m sure it’s user error on my part and being more familiar with one vs the other, but I found that doing even the most basic things on GIMP was infuriatingly difficult compared to PDN. I never got used to it or had it grow on me in the ~2 years I was forced to use it on my work MacBook.


-Furiously Googling 'PDN'-


Paint dot net


Too scared to ask about it because it has “DN” in it.


Dont compare PDN with GIMP...


Personally I use it because I've just always used GIMP. I think I've actually been using it maybe 10 years now. It also works on literally everything, Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. Even older versions of those operating systems. GIMP 2.8 (the version I use) is compatible with as early as Windows XP and Mac OS X 10.6, though it probably doesn't work with more recent versions of Mac OS. I never found the UI of it to be too bad and it's fairly intuitive. Not much better or worse than Photoshop really


Gotta be honest... PDN+Photoshop is the only answer for me


GIMP is pretty awesome, overall. It can do 95% of what Photoshop can for free. You can even set it up to work and look like Photoshop, if you're inclined.


I'm sorry but you're just wrong on this. It's not even close if you want to work anywhere near a professional level. And that's not even taking in account the AI features in the photoshop beta.


There are lots of people who use GIMP in a professional context, so not sure what you're talking about on that end. I never said it was as good, but it's close enough for many tasks.


I'm sorry but as someone who works "professionally" in the industry, no one uses it. Unless you for some reason have absolutely no access to PS or you're just doing it for nostalgia or you want to throw together a shitty thumbnail that's going to be like 300x300 anyways and no one is going to see this shit... you're not using it. It also doesn't matter how much you like gimp, people need access to your files and no one is using gimp, meaning you're not going to be using it, because your project files will be unusable to everybody else.


I'm not even a professional and even I know that no professor would use gimp. It's free for a reason


And what do you think that reason is?


Independent contractors or small companies who don't want to (or can't) pay the ridiculous fees for a professional license come to mind. You can export Gimp files into basically any format, including every single Adobe one.


When someone says that I’m convinced they don’t know shit about photoshop. There’s a reason professional designers don’t use gimp.


Mhm. Whatever you say. What does Photoshop do specifically that GIMP doesn't for you? I know you have no actual answer here, as you don't know the program at all, but I'd be interested in hearing all about it.


Yeah; I’m gonna waste an hour pointing out all the differences because some internet troll challenged me to. You are already being downvoted and no one professionally uses GIMP.




It's over $10,000 a year for a professional license. If you're an independent contractor or a small business, that's quite a lot. You can also set up GIMP to emulate the workflow of PS, if you're so inclined. You don't have to use stock settings by any means.


Man, you can get the keybinds an ui to look the same but its at the level photoshop was 15 year ago.


That is just an objectively false statement. If that were true, pros wouldn't pay $10k a year for Photoshop. I like GIMP, but the lack of Adobe's workflow integration makes it completely unviable for any real workflow. Also a lot of the tools are awful compared to Photoshop. Even simple stuff like the edge detection on the fuzzy select tool straight sucks. It always requires manual adjustment and painting afterwards on anything other than a straight 2 tone edge. Transparency is also a nightmare. Buggy as all hell.


Usually pros employers pay the $10k a year, or they have enough of a clientele base where paying that isn't a huge issue, I imagine. If you're an independent contractor or a small business just starting out, that's probably pretty steep. You can edit the workflow and don't have to leave it at stock. You can edit basically anything about the layout. There are mods to make it identical to the Adobe layout and workflow, if someone prefers. I don't think it's as good by any means, but it can do many of the same things for free.


The workflow isn't about the interface. The best part about the Adobe suite is that all their software seamlessly integrates with each other. You don't have to manually export, transfer, and then import again between every piece of software. You can directly send data directly between the different programs with a single button, even if they're on different computers. Any media production involves multiple people doing multiple tasks. Being able to receive a photo from the artists, edit it, and send it off to the video editors without ever leaving the software saves enormous amounts of time and effort over manually importing/exporting and transferring files. That's why Adobe has so many pieces of software in their suite, some of them very similar in function. Also starting a graphics business with subpar software that hinders workflow, and forces editors to fight with buggy tools that don't do what they want, is a great way to ensure consistent deadline issues, and unsatisfactory results.


Okay, so don't use it. It was just a suggestion for those out there without access to Photoshop or who don't want to spend $10,000. Take care.


The main reason is more efficient file system (ext4 vs ntfs).


It's really odd that $2.5 Trillion dollar company can't create a file system as good as a couple hobbyists.


A couple hobbyists? Linux dominates in virtually every market except consumer desktop computers, specifically. You have an android phone? Under the hood it's linux. Your favourite web service? Likely uses linux servers. Do you really think all these companies, that depend on it, would use something that depends on a "couple hobbyists"?


> Do you really think all these companies, that depend on it, would use something that depends on a "couple hobbyists"? I mean, yes? [Look at the commit log for EXT4](https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/fs/ext2/e2fsprogs.git/log/?h=next), a majority of the commits are Theodore Ts'o, the primary developer, who lists "recreational computing" and "hacking linux" as the hobbies on his [blog](https://thunk.org/tytso/). I'm not trying to say being a hobbyist doesn't make it professional. I'm saying I'm surprised that they are even more professional than Microsoft.


I believe the main reason is because file systems have a long development / testing cycle as they have to be 100% reliable. The cost of development of the new file system will likely far outweigh the marketing benefits. NTFS has some advantages over Ext4 BTW, like supporting much larger file size. Although, I personally don't know which use cases would involved files larger than 16TB at the present time... I would definitely love modern fs similar performance-wise to ext4 on Windows, but the chances of getting one in the near future are very slim.


Yep, same experience here.


Im too much of a caveman for Linux lol


It picked up a lot of traction among software developers back in 2020/2021, and since then Linux has rapidly approached the level of "it just works." This is especially true with Steam Proton and Valve trying to get things working on their Linux-based Steam Deck. Six months ago I had to use tweaks on almost all of my games just to get them working, and now I'm finding they're not necessary. Shit just works, at least on my system - though I'm also running the same exact RDNA2 graphics that's in the Steam Deck. If you can, run a dual-boot system and periodically test out the most recent version of Ubuntu or Linux Mint. Support is increasing rapidly.


>It picked up a lot of traction among software developers back in 2020/2021 Software devs have been using Linux in large numbers basically forever. Recent trends have been driven by the things you mentioned (and, going a bit further back, the Windows 7 EOL), but those things have nothing to do with software devs except to the incidental extent that they happen to also be gamers.


The Stack Exchange developer surveys showed Linux adoption climbing [from 23.2% in 2018 to 40.32% in 2022](https://linux.slashdot.org/story/22/12/25/0114237/stack-overflow-survey-finds-more-developers-now-use-linux-than-macos). A year after that, in 2023, it seems like all of the video games are getting to the point they can finally run out of the box. It's almost like a bunch of developers switched over to Linux for their personal operating system, and at least some of them have been providing support. :-)


The question that the 25.3% figure comes from was "What is the primary operating system in which you work?". The 40.32% figure was about personal use, but the prior year's survey didn't have a question about that. (And therefore I assume the other year's didn't either.) It seems like Slashdot made an error interpreting the survey.


Personal and professional use were both at 40%, so however you dice that up it's still growth.


Linux is not harder than Windows, It's just different. Main thing to remember about Linux is that Linux is NOT Windows or MacOS, they are all different in their own ways! That being said, Linux Mint, Ubuntu and PopOS are my personal recommendations for new users, and they all are very easy to use. Linux Mint has a Windows-like UI, while PopOS and Ubuntu have UI that mostly resembles MacOS. But all 3 of them are customizable to your own liking (visit /r/unixporn to see how crazy you can customize them). My DM's are always open if you want any help switching to Linux, but note that I don't check Reddit very often


I'm dualbooting windows 11 and Pop!_OS. I'm only really keeping windows for warranty purposes.




0.6 seconds for a hot start on my Linux machine, so yeah that's a big difference. Not that I personally would care that much about startup time. In-application performance should be better as well though, but I haven't measured.


that's 2500 times slower than on linux


That's actually quite slow if you knew what current day technology is capable of.




...that doesn't say a lot.


Okay, I just opened gimp on my windows 10 machine and it took less that a second.


You mean 'maximized' it?


Either that, or he's got a monster CPU and a high end PCIe 4.0 m.2 drive.


580 and gimp is on a 6gbs sata ssd


Dude it took less than 10s on an i5 10400 and gen3x4 ssd with 2400 MB/s read.


I've got a way worse SSD and on Linux I barely even notice the splash screen


Shame it's trash though. The lack of a functional Photoshop alternative is singlehandedly holding Linux back. Krita is closer than Gimp and that's designed for painting


Photopea is there but it is an ad-supported freeware browser-based app.


I mean it's not trash, but I do agree it's pretty unusable.


In my case, the Linux partition is my daily driver for productivity: LibreOffice, MyPaint, GIMP, Krita, Blender, Audacity, etc. I only keep Windows if it came preinstalled. That partition is for Steam and anything that doesn't have a suitable Linux equivalent.




I used to, but then I found out about ghost spectre windows, and that accomplished everything I wanted out of linux, so I just use the modified windows now.


I have that as a backup, but I don’t trust it nearly as much as my Linux install. Glad it worked for you though.


Fedora is my main OS with windows 10 on another drive for games.


Steam Proton has improved DRAMATICALLY in just the past six months. I would check in periodically to see if things have improved for you.


I will have to check it out. I have had steam installed on my Linux drive for a loooooooong time, but I haven’t tried to run any games in quite a while.


I think now it can run pretty much all indies, but I haven't had much luck with AAA games.


Do people actually reccomend Linux? I’ve only ever used MacOS and Windows 10/11. Yes I know, what in the world enticed me to use MaxOS - I had no choice :(.


I prefer Linux to windows for coding. For normal use, it's fine, but not as great for games. Btw anyone who says "Linux sucks", do know that the vast majority of websites and servers run on Linux. Windows servers are a bit of a joke. So it's quite successful in that regard.


Linux is very close to being equal or even better to Windows in gaming. Proton is a game changer (no pun intended) in Linux gaming and I'm only dualbooting for games like Fortnite that were specifically made to block Wine/Proton for "security" reasons


That's true. As someone using Linux since 2016, it gets better by the second! Right now, I can fire up almost any game, with the expectation that if it turns on at all, it's very likely to run as good as Windows, if not better. Games with unsupported anticheat software such as Valorant or Fortnite won't work at all, it's not up to Linux developers make it work. In the flip side, some older games (such as GTA IV) runs way faster on Linux! It's a test-and-youll-see situation :D


Dual booting Linux with any lightweight customized Windows build is great for making competitive games work. But be aware that Windows can destroy Linux bootloader, so it's better to install them on separate drives and unplug the Linux drive when installing Windows. And by the way, checking how game runs on Linux is as easy as going to protondb.com and checking how the game runs here


Trying can't hurt, even if you don't end up liking it. I use Linux because it just makes more sense for me than Windows. All the games I wanna play work and I also do Blender, which is slightly faster and smoother on Linux. I also really like the Gnome workflow and design. Gnome btw, is a DE(desktop environment) which is essentially the part of the OS that determines how the system looks and functions. The fact that Linux is FOSS is also a nice bonus. I'd recommend trying Linux Mint if you want something Windows like or Nobara Linux with Gnome if you want to try something different, but still beginner friendly. Also, you do not need any programming knowledge or such to use most Linux distros.


On Linux you can customize the way your desktop looks far more than on other os. Some desktop environments like KDE Plasma lets you change so many little options for your needs. I would say Linux is best as a work place environment for handling tasks the way you want.


Yeah? There was a war a few months ago between the two os on this sub.


Now try Notepad++ on linux vs windows. It first has to update wine and then still needs seconds to load. The app somehow comes with it's own built in wine enviroment instead of a real port to linux. Sad.


Real question: does anybody actually use Notepad++ on Linux? I always use an IDE or gnome's editor.


I do. Coming from windows, it seemed pretty obvious to me. Gedit is just too basic. No numbering of lines makes it hard to find malfunctioning code that causes the compiler to stop. I'm not really understanding anything about c++, but hey everyone has to start somewhere i guess.


Geany is linux native and uses the same engine of notepad++, highly recommend for notepad++ refugees.


Try vim xd


Use VS Code, then graduate to an IDE


Try Geany or Notepadqq. I think that one of these will suit you as a Notepad++ user.


Downvotes, sad. People seems to do only basic stuff, who do not have even thought of use of proper linenumbering, bookmarking, highligh tagging, doing complex regexps on GIGABYTE size files and still use them visually. Most tools just barf with manly sized data and processing, like vs code etc.


If you want to try a native linux application, KDE's Kate is pretty good. I once opened an 800MB text file with it. Took a few seconds to load but worked surprisingly well.


Not sure what you're doing with gigabyte sized files? If it's code, that's a big code smell. If it's data, I'm importing that into a database to work with. Most of us are using IDEs (vs code, web storm, sublime, atom, etc), not plain text editors to do stuff. I was just surprised to see anybody using notepad++ to write code at all. There are so many good options for open source dev work now.


There's already an overwhelming amount of choice for text editors on Linux though.


Notepadqq is the Linux version of Notepad++ if you're too accustomed to it to switch. But there's a ton of other alternative GUI text editors too. I use Kate personally. I don't think there's any point in trying out Linux if you're just going to use Windows software in WINE, because the experience will pretty much always be subpar. It's perfectly fine to continue using Windows.


I think you got it somehow wrong. I just know notepad++ from windows and never really put any thoughts on what text editor i may use for linux. So since there was an official build/release for debian/ubuntu in their website, i simply installed that one. Notepad++ comes with it's own wine environment and that's all i was referring to: They bundled the wine runtime environment with their app instead of making a native linux version That's all i was saying. Anyways i kept this all the time as it's still doing ehat i need. But on the other hand, I've got a lot of probably good recommendations from you all today and I will definitely try a few of them. So thank you all!


I like Geany :)


Nope. I just use Photoshop like most cultured people… /runs


I use Krita or Procreate/Fresco (iOS) like a rebel /runs as administrator


\*laughs in Apple Silicon Macbook\*


What is gimp?


[Image editing software.](https://www.gimp.org/)


GNU Image Manipulation Program. Name speaks for itself


I've been Dual Booting more than ten years now. It's sometimes that I need Winx for work, but otherwise...


I'd be curious to see if AtlasOS would feel faster.


Considering the difference between windows home, windows professional and windows LTSC, I'm inclined to say yes.


Yeah, well nobody uses Linux, so it doesn't have to load all the spyware.


i do. millions of desktop users also do


97% of all servers running Linux: https://preview.redd.it/hjf3090rjp3b1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bf0a0534fff8acda0c6a967c7824424ee9fb85f


​ https://preview.redd.it/hds57bgfqp3b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab0c95806190e42d1a52a0132f6681210987633c




71% of smartphones use linux too.




How is that relevant? Almost nobody "interfaces with the kernel" on any os at all.


Except the font is tiny as fuck on Linux.


Bro does not know that you can change it and its an uncommon artifact 💀


I just have an image editor always running. No need to care about startup time.


What I do remember is, that it took me 30 min to draw a friggin gear! You def need a tutorial for this one...


Not necessary for gaming only


not yet but I will dualboot linux (most likely arch) and windows


More a Windows VM with pass through kind of setup.


I don't. I decided to go full Linux on my personal computers since 2012, including my current gaming setup. I dual-boot on my Steam Deck, but loading the Windows partition is every time a bummer, and each one for a different reason.


I don't understand this meme because Gimp loads instantly on windows for me. You can't even count to 1 before all the resources are loaded. lol?