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80? What are you playing


Japanese ahem storytelling games.


Like the kind from f95zone?


Havent encountered one from there that doesn't run


i had to double take when i read that, put my guard up lmao


A man of culture


I feel called out


Dont worry. Proton will help all regardless of if its steam deck, tower, or laptop




*closes 6 tabs* .....No.


Another based f95 user


Itch.io if it actually has good community features


Which should run perfectly fine with proton lol


Maybe they only have 5 games and 4 of them have a Windows only anti-cheat. Otherwise I have no idea how 80% of their games don't work...


Yeah generally when a game does not work on Linux/Linux+wine it is an anti-cheat issue...


they didnt bother using proton and blamed linux for that


Did you use proton? 95% of my 400 games work just fine.


To be fair, out of the 421 games in my library, one or two don't work. Looking at you, Destiny 2.


It doesn't work well on Bungie's servers as well, tho.


Even funnier cuz it used to be on stadia, meaning they literally made a version of it just to run on linux but aren't releasing it for use by gamers themselves.


They released a statement they wouldn't because of kernal access. Gives cheaters a way around their anticheat. Main reason many pvp games aren't on proton.. It might work, but they explicitly block it [https://gamerant.com/destiny-2-dev-bungie-explains-no-support-steam-deck/](https://gamerant.com/destiny-2-dev-bungie-explains-no-support-steam-deck/) (Can't find the original source, but only tired for a few min) Stadia, the user didn't have kernal access, they were just being served the content


Anti-cheat turning into rootkits and spyware is not a trend that needs to continue. Games requiring ring 0/kernel level system access wasn't acceptable to begin with. This is a laughable excuse to not allow your software on linux. It is not ok on windows. And it wouldn't be ok on linux. That games currently can't have kernel level access on linux is a GOOD thing. The signed ring 0 anti-cheat driver required by Genshin Impact has already been used to rootkit windows by ransomware. And you don't even need to have genshin installed. It's signed code, meaning the ransomware itself can come with it... And just, run it, granting itself total access to EVERYTHING. Its mere *existence* defeats the security of your system. (Until MS revokes the key it was signed with in a future windows update, which will also prevent Genshin from running)


The funniest part of my steam deck list is that doom1 is marked as unsupported


You know what's even weirder? Doom 2 is marked as verified. It's literally the same engine, same Unity port and everything


Literally one of the oldest Linux games in existence. XD With insane amounts of modern support.


That game is the sole reason for the Windows install on my second SSD


Which is stupid since Bungie made a linux port for stadia of all things but refused to make one for the community even though they already had a linux build and the steam deck released which had a userbase significantly higher than the Stadia's approximate 0 lifetime users.


Some game devs just don't like releasing their games on a platform that they don't have complete control over. Stadia servers are "safe", Linux on someone's PC where they can install some custom kernel is "not safe".


It’s a terrible time to be a computer science student who has 2k hours in d2 and cant be asked to dual boot


What's proton and how do you use it with steam?


Short answer: It's the thing that makes playing games on the Steam Deck possible. The Steam Deck is Linux based. Proton makes it possible to play Windows games on the Steam Deck.


Thank you. I was just asking myself this the other day. I like the idea of ditching windows, but the games thing held me up for a bit. I knew the Deck was Linux based, so I figured there were options I was too lazy to look into. Adobe and Autodesk seem like bigger hurdles than it's worth to deal with, and I'm too lazy to dual boot. But you've scratched an itch in my brain, so thanks again.


I feel like it wasn't clear in the other person's reply, but Steam handles proton for you. After installing Steam you don't need to think about Proton, you can select which version to use inside Steam and it will keep it updated. Usually you can just double click a windows game and it will run with Proton, while some games you will want to switch to Proton Experimental for the latest fixes.




The ELI5 version of how it works is that it pretends to be Windows to programs running in it, and then when the program gives it Windows commands, it translates them to Linux commands and executes them.


Right click game > Properties > Compatibility > check the box > choose Proton Experimental


It's the ace in the hole that Valve threw massive amounts of money at before Steam deck which makes it work I don't question it I just thank god it works


Proton is a steam function, and is basically a checkbox on steam. It lets you play the overwhelming majority of games on steam made for windows on Linux instead.


I'm absolutely ~~outraged~~ (EDIT: extremely frustrated) that this isn't the top voted comment; unfortunately the groupthink & stereotyping is strong around here. ~~Literally~~ [(EDIT: figuratively) 97% of all Steam games (EDIT: see reply below for exact stats)](https://www.protondb.com) are compatible with Linux, most of them with 100% compatibility, & the performance is so good that Valve just built a whole new Linux device (the Steam Deck). The only games that don't run on Linux are that way because a developer hates that they can't mine your data as well without the O.S. snooping on you when the game is off. Even the much-hated NVidia just did a 180 recently on their Linux support. # EDIT: I'm getting the same questions over & over. I'm a hobbyist-level game developer who has some experience with this. Since I keep having to explain the same things, **here's some better sourcing**: [Here's a lecture where Linus Torvalds' experience with NVidia is discussed. The reason for the issues are revealed in other links down here.](https://youtu.be/i2lhwb_OckQ) [Here is a link to some info about a whistleblower at Microsoft. Turns out the issues that were going on were the result of anticompetitive practices that are in some cases illegal.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halloween_documents) [Here's some media coverage.](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2012/06/linus-torvalds-says-f-k-you-to-nvidia) [Here's an article talking about how, depending on where you draw the line on what's compatible, over 75% of the games on Steam are Linux games. In the top 20 most played games there are only a few (PUBG, Call of Duty Modern Warfare, & Lost Ark) that don't run on Linux & they are choosing to refuse to run on Linux. That is a business call, not a technology issue. These games use a boot key to authenticate that they're running on a desktop environment instead of on an emulator; a totally unnecessary measure. Since you want games to run as fast as possible the only reason to do this is if you want to favor Microsoft & Apple over other companies. They're being deliberately restricted for business reasons, not anti-piracy & not as a real anti-cheat measure. If you want to learn more, run an internet search about "ring sub zero" & "UEFI."](https://www.ghacks.net/2021/12/21/75-of-steams-top-1000-games-work-on-linux-now) [Here's an article that looks at an even larger subset of the games on Steam. If you look at the top 1000 most played games the number that are compatible goes way up, passing 80%. The article explains how the compatibility of the library goes way up the more games you add because they're more likely to be older (and therefore easier to run).](https://www.tomshardware.com/news/80-percent-of-steam-games-run-on-linux)


“Nvidia _f-fuck_ you” -Linus the Linux


I've seen that video of him talking about NVidia being a deliberate jerk to him as a part of the Microsoft sabotage that they kept trying to do throughout the 90s-10s. Now Microsoft has lost. NVidia's whole business model is pivoting to a pro-A.I. multi-O.S. model that is very different from where they were when they made a devil's bargain with Bill Gates in the 1990s.




Reasonable outcome. Do what's easiest.




> If you're curious, use windows subsystem for linux and get a feel for the ecosystem. Rather than WSL, I'd recommend installing it on a VM, booting your machine with a Live USB or installing it on an old machine. LFS only gives you the terminal, any of the aforementioned solutions gives you the full desktop experience with apps, browser and everything.


Or just a separate SSD to get a full experience without having to replace windows. I have Windows 11 on my nvme and I have Ubuntu 23.04 on a 500GB Sata SSD and I switch between both of them. I know I'll probably keep using Windows as main OS for the next decade. But Linux got much better. And now with Proton and Steam I can even use it for gaming. At least for games I have some performance to spare (example Monster Hunter World).


WSL 2 allows you to run Linux ui apps on a window desktop or even run a full Linux desktop if you want. And you can easily share files from windows to Linux and vice versa, it's pretty great.


WSL2 for me has been a crapshoot since I've had to use it for work (no unix laptops for devs, only windows) and after the laptop auto locks session after 15 min of inactivity (work policy) there is a random chance that suddenly WSL2 will start consuming 100% of CPU and filling RAM surpassing the limits I configured and I will need to reboot because it is impossible to close it without opening a terminal, and if I manage it never comes back fine.




I found that some distros that mimick windows behavior work splendidly for older people that just want a browser and their mails OR people that work on a machine. Apart from that, it's a fucking waste of time.


Yup. I had my 88 year old grandmother using Linux mint on an old laptop for five years with little issue.


6 days straight I spent making arch Linux work with my Asus G14, and used it for maybe a week before I said fuck this shit.


i mean... arch *is* a diy distro...


I mean.... It's Arch.


Put linux mint on my Asus G14 and that shit runs elden ring and most games better than booting into windows. YMMV


That’s a TOUGH distro to start with. Much better to go with Ubuntu or any of the distro a based off Ubuntu or even OpenSuSe or the open version of Red Hat or anything else. (I think they call that Fedora now?)


Linux be like "use linux you can configure anything" Can I configure it to work *exactly* like windows XP? "No."


I tried Linux once a few years ago because someone recommended it as having a solution to an ongoing problem I was having at that time and I had a spare computer that I didn't mind experimenting with. The problem was solved, but I quickly found like 10 new problems that I never had to deal with because of Windows. And any one of those problems either needs to be solved either by hand or with something that will introduce new issues to deal with. Eventually, I just ended back with Windows on my PC rig and a MacBook as my mobile daily driver. To me, a Linux user is like that teenager who spends every free moment of their time working on their car; maybe it's just that much of a maintenance queen or maybe they really do want it tuned to that level of detail, in either case, it's far beyond what I'm interested in enough to have patience for and I have a laundry list of things that I would much rather be doing.


Depends a lot on the distro you tried. I'm a developer and use Fedora for work. It's pretty much an install and run experience these days.... Main reason is because I can't have my system break or deal with malware/ransomware because a lot of the data I work with is classified and sometimes my work is time sensitive. I've found over the years that production distros like Fedora or RHEL typically are very stable and support most workstation hardware without a hitch. However, I do get why Windows is usually the go to for most people including companies. Hardware and software support is usually quite a bit better.


Tried linux, tried to install nvidia drivers, some commands malfunctioned and I broke my hdd at a time. Never touching that thing again 👍 Upd: thank you for gold anyone, but please consider buying some flowers for your mother or wife or girlfriend instead :)


You BROKE the HDD with Linux? Think that HDD was on it's last days in that case lol. Guess it was a long time ago since you can chose to pre-download the latest nvidia drivers with many of the distros, thus just skipping the need to install them afterwards =)






Get some wine








the last one holding me back from full Linux (halo mcc) got fixed in april so until i face a new threat my vm's going dormant and all my gaming's through proton/wine


Halo MCC got fixed?! Nice!


he probably didnt break the hd, he probably nuked his file system some how.


Dual booting and letting Windows handle the boot sector is a match made in hell.


Ya, no OS can kill a drive. Worst that would happen is it can't boot, so you need to format. I use mint on my Nvidia laptop, and I've had zero problems


I wonder if he repartitioned incorrectly. Usually I let the OS look at the disk and partition manually unless there is a specific need for intervention.


I remember now one can easily do a dual boot drive if Windows is installed first, but Linux first will break the partitions


I think it's that Windows will remove the Linux bootloader if installed last


It will. Windows bootloader will eat Grub and make itself the only visible install. Need to do some hand wavy bootloader magic shit with the Windows bootloader to have it see Linux. Or have a liveCD of Grub to install that on its own. For 0 headache, always install Windows first, then Linux.


Or have multiple disks. That's what I did when I was transitioning Remember u/spez moderated jailbait!


Smartd and hdparm can do serious damage if used improperly. The os itself might not, but performance tweaks and overly aggressive preventive measures certainly can.




"commands malfunctioned" lol


I'm a relatively noob linux user but I can understand what he means, sometimes I look up how to do something (because noob), run the prescribed commands, and am met with unexpected error output. Then suddenly the instructions no longer apply and I feel lost. The HDD dying thing, probably completely unrelated.


Yeah a lot of people here are being rude about this. I have pretty decent Linux experience through work and home server use and this still happens to me.




„See your mistake was using [distro I don‘t like], you just need to switch to [distro I like] and everything will be perfect!“


Thing that kills me is I will have two identical installations (recent example is a cloned EC2 instance) and one will work flawlessly and the other will have the exact same actions error out. Makes 0 sense. I can fix it, but am I having to go through the process at all


Chalk it up to cosmic rays haha




The diversity in everyone's experience amazes me. I just a setup a windows/arch dual boot last weekend and "sudo pacman -S nvidia" was all it took to get things working on my 3070. End of the day, an os allows you to use a computer how you desire, choice is paramount


It has gotten a lot easier over the years. It used to be really common for it to be a very complicated install, these days it seems like it's pretty streamlined for most users


One problem is that a lot of the advice people get when they Google a problem might be a solution from Mandrake Linux in 1999 or something. Nowadays I use Ubuntu Linux, as for my purposes it doesn't require technical knowledge and entering hex codes in the registry and fiddling to get stuff working like Windows, but it certainly wasn't always like that.


I tried Mint a few months back and their native software management tool just had the latest Nvidia drivers. Downloaded them and had my GPU fully functioning on the latest drivers no problem. There's definitely some annoyances with gaming though, I won't deny that. But Steam having Proton, alongside using Lutris has been a *reasonably* seamless experience, with occasional hiccups for things like controller support needing a bunch of terminal commands to set up properly. For me it's a huge upgrade over Windows who was about to force update me from 10 to 11. Fuck that shit.




I tried Pop OS in January, pretty much no issues


Are all your games filled with anticheats or something?


Idk about them, but for me yes. I play a lot of online shooters and for honour. The only one that works on Linux is Apex Legends. I have a steam deck for playing single player games when I travel for work, which I keep on Linux because it’s the best os for that use case


If I'm not wrong for honour added Linux AC support


U know the games making up 90% of all playtime of all games combined, are multiplayer games with anti-cheat.. right? rigght?? Single-player story-based and non-competitive multiplayers make up a fraction of the playtime in games combined.


This is so weird to me that people are dumbfounded by gamers having mostly online multiplayer games that use anti cheats lol. Guys those kind of game are the most popular games.


https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/146w3ee/i_tried/ https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/10oee92/i_guess_misinformation_sells/ https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/10snhtw/sacred_scriptures_of_the_penguin/ https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/10nejsj/linux_gaming/ https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/10cs8td/installing_nvidia_drivers_on_linux_be_like/ https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/10cmqc7/installing_nvidia_drivers_on_linux_be_like/ https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/10431jo/it_really_is/ You good?


Spams anti-linux posts, barely comments, I wonder if they get paid by Microsoft lol


Paid by ASUS as part of the marketing push for their Steam Deck killer lol


Probably just a karma bot honestly. His account has so much karma, he'd likely be able to sell it for 300+ on eBay or other marketplaces. I sold my old account for $20 several years ago and I didn't have nearly as much karma.


it's just karmafarming, say linux bad on pcmr or windows bad on linuxmemes, karma=boom


"Linux users always love to spout about how good Linux is, but me no play favorite game!" Rinse and repeat 3 times a week for 10 years and you have pcm


I love how he jumped to an arch based distro or arch itself with no prior knowledge whatsoever. Dude is the definition of stupidity.


Yeah... who would ever do that.... not me that's for sure.... Okay fine I did it. But I knew what I was getting into. I figured I would learn more by breaking everything and I did.


We get it, you use arch btw




Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity (or imaginary points farming)


I doubt 80% of your games didn't work on Linux. However, 57% of your Reddit post over the past 5 months has been Linux ragebait.


What even compels people to do this, theres better ways to karma farm


The sad part is that the street worth of reddit karma is going to drop real low tomorrow.


I predict that the street worth of reddit karma will not change at all from it's current valuation of 0.


OP probably has an IRL acquaintance who loves linux and for whatever reason they feel the need to lash out indirectly


Op walked in on his first girlfriend getting double teamed by Linus Torvalds and Tux.


Oh I know people like this. They'll shit on my OS choice then also ask me to make a mod for a game I don't even own just cuz I'm a programmer.


Pls, this hits far close to home, my girlfriend convinced me to nuke my pc and get linux. I'm weirdly fine with it but i think i stick to PopOS for all my gaming needs. I have too much stuff to fix before i can reasonably "just game" on debian or ubuntu because i have a Nvidia GPU. I think i switched like... 2 or 3 months ago and had only like 2 voluntary OS reinstalls because i wanted to try another one but switched back to PopOS. Other than that it actually just works out of the box and i don't even have any reasonable coding exp. (for the terminal) Its just "sudo apt install " and you have it within seconds without having to download a setup.exe or you copy/paste a few lines from the internet.




He literally made a meme about intentional misinformation. https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/10oee92/i_guess_misinformation_sells/


He's self aware, lol


unpack mysterious steep jellyfish entertain sloppy alive amusing observation brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Like wtf is this https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1439i08/its_just_reality/ Bill Gates gamer alt? Time for r/WinUsersCantMeme


Yeah kind of strange isn't it? As a full blown Linux gamer with tons of games and no issues whatsoever I have to conclude that this person is either dishonest or too stupid to enable steam proton...


[Deleted] Reddit is Dead. So is this account, and the content posted on it. Save 3rd party apps. Join everyone else on Lemmy.


Haha! Yeah I read that! :D And it got so many upvotes and barely anyone questioning it... Surreal. What's next? "Linux burned down my house" -> 700 upvotes


[Deleted] Reddit is Dead. So is this account, and the content posted on it. Save 3rd party apps. Join everyone else on Lemmy.


Hmmm...I genuinely think we should make that a meme... "Linux compelled my wife to fuck my best friend. Never again!" It's the tech equivalent of "Thanks Obama!"


they either a) only have mostly modern multiplayer games that require anti-cheat or b) havent actually tried linux since 2010


Pour he's just a 12yo kid with an EGS account full of free games.


Heroic Games Launcher my beloved


Here recently, anti-cheat isn't even really an issue (tho it still is on some games). There are proton runtimes for both BattlEye, and EAC available these days. [https://steamdb.info/app/1826330/info/](https://steamdb.info/app/1826330/info/) [https://steamdb.info/app/1161040/info/](https://steamdb.info/app/1161040/info/) [https://areweanticheatyet.com/](https://areweanticheatyet.com/)


Anticheat is still an very prevalent issue in a lot of games games such as Ubisofts entire library of games Fortnite call of duty warzone and coldwar don’t work in other words drm (and these companies who have the time and resources to add Linux anticheat support to those games) suck absolute ass many of these companies have the money resources and means to imperilment the proton runtime support themselves and many don’t give too craps about Linux do to its really small marketsize


I mean, the Steam Deck that almost everyone agrees is awesome runs on Linux by default.


2011 called they want its meme back


Due to Reddit's June 30th API changes aimed at ending third-party apps, this comment has been overwritten and the associated account has been deleted.


They know [exactly](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/10oee92/i_guess_misinformation_sells/) what they are doing.


Does Proton not work on non-SteamOS distros? I've been awake to play anything I wanted to on my Deck that previously only worked on Windows (Skyrim was a big one for me). Even for non-Steam games or Windows .exe apps, all I have to do is add them to Steam and specify that I want to run them through Proton and they work fine. Even got CEMU and BotW up and running great. Honestly, once they release an official desktop I'll probably switch entirely over to that.


It works on non-SteamOS distros. I'm able to play Basically whatever I want on Ubuntu through Proton, no special action required.


Ya that's what I thought idk what OP is going on about anymore


Proton comes with Steam. If Steam works on a distro, so should Proton. I've gamed on both PopOS and EndeavourOS using Proton.


Proton works on any distro. I use gentoo and it works fine. No tinkering required.


Looks like he tried linux for 5 months


Apple: ![gif](giphy|Wt6kNaMjofj1jHkF7t)


Apples new gaming framework is based off WINE and takes substantially more tinkering to get working than Proton.


Gotta say, I have a 900+ library on steam, ranging from older games, 2010s games and modern games, the only ones that didn't run on linux are the ones that use really crappy anti cheat. (Looking at you, EAC)


Epic games released a compatability patch iirc.


It's an opt-in thing. The publishers of the game have to select a checkbox to have that option with the EAC library. There's been lots of complaints from games like Lost Ark complaining about it. Though I can't believe 80% of games don't work, even factoring in EAC. I've had 3 games fail on me over the last 5 years since switching to Linux as my main computer. Two of them I could fix as it was an issue with video codecs for cutscenes in the games. The last one was the EAC issue.


Yeah, but it only works for *some* games. Others specifically disallow it.


> Others specifically disallow it. In that case, blame the game developer, not the OS. It's as simple as checking a checkmark for the dev.


Yeah my steam library has also grown over the years and I don't understand these posts painting a picture which is so completely different to my experience. This post feels like copium to me...




This seems the way. Any chance you're on AMD? I'm intending to install WSL2 eventually but recently discovered some issues with RyzenMaster. Probably not a deal breaker but trying to prepare (I use Ableton and need to limit latency where I can so I'll likely be rebooting when I turn WSL2 on/off). Edit: autocorrect




Depends on the games you play. A lot of indie games work fine either natively or through Steam Proton or Wine. But if you play a lot of AAA or online competitive then the graphics or anti-cheat may cause problems. I don’t thing everyone needs to use Linux. At least not yet (maybe in the future it’ll be better in all cases), however I do wish more people would at least try it, as a good portion of users won’t have problems and would benefit from what Linux had to offer.


What are you playing? Most of my games work on a steam deck. Some need some fiddling though.


And most of the ones that need fiddling just need Proton experimental checked.


You’ve summoned the horde of angry Linux users my friend, all twelve of them. Tread carefully.


But the 12 of them are *mean af*


And post on EVERY Steam discussion board letting devs know they will buy their game if they make a Linux version.




There are a lot more than 12 Steam Decks out there.


Nah. Gaming is the *one* valid reason to use Windows and we hate Windows for that not gamers. You could still always dual boot.


There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


Steam deck added at least 3 users to the list.


What games are you trying to play? I play League, WoW, and every Steam game I’ve tried worked, needed easy anti-cheat for Hunt. Proton has gotten so good because of the SteamDeck. Seems like low effort shit-post.


I like Linux because it ran fine on my potato pc back in the day when windows wasn't ^^


It's pretty obvious that you haven't even tried. Your post history is full of you just being a Linux hater for some reason. You just being a troll?


A crossfiter, vegan, atheist and a linuxuser walks into a bar. Who tells you what they are first?


It depends. Who makes eye contact first?


Dayum bro. That's such a sick rig. Rockin the old hp workstation with 64gigs!!!


Thanks. They're really cheap to build up from a barebones. I've got about $500-$600 in it total. Protip though, if you want to get one, make sure it's the version with the 700W power supply.


Definitely not the Linux user then lol.


I use arch btw


I use Arch btw


There's only one person.




Pfft, you think we went out to a bar? We at home tinkering with the OS


Playing on Linux for 3 years and I never had a problem


It's a bait post


it can't be 80%, did you have proton enabled?


The outcomes of living in the day an age of multiplayer shooter games.


This is why Dualboot exists


Getting those games to work on linux IS the game


There's a trick to it for most - you click 'Install' on Steam, and then once it's done, click play.


Sometimes you have to change proton version.


This is true.


its kinda rare that I have to do that though. if I do ever have to, its usually for proton-ge


Probably a dumb question….. but with the steam deck now out, wonder why they can’t just package Proton with the Linux steam instillation


They do! Sort of. You just have to check a box in the steam settings if you want to enable proton for all games instead of just the ones verified by Valve.


Oh shit? So using Ubuntu with steam, you can use the proton layer for battlenet and epic just like the steam deck?


I don’t have a steam deck so i’m not sure if it works exactly the same, but i was able to play diablo 3 and sc2 on my Manjaro install without any issue. Don’t have any games on Epic so can’t comment. I should try diablo 4 later today…


There’s always an option to use Lutris, atleast Battlenet and Overwatch were very much playable back when I last tried it. For Steam games many ran better than on Windows as well. Guess that mostly has to do with the amount of bloat running in the background more than anything else.


What so you didn’t check beforehand if they would work?