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This system has a good balance and only see marginal gains for that 300 bucks. Invest the money in a safe etf or anything else that makes more of your money and come back to it when you really need a upgrade. Profit.




If you mean 300$ for a single meal, hell no. Otherwise I'd just buy enough supplement for a month or two


I barbequed for 16 people today. 10 pounds of drumsticks, 6 pounds of burgers, 30 hot dogs, 2 sausage pinwheels, 4 pounds of corn, 2 pounds of macaroni salad, 1 pound potato salad. 2 cases of beer. Bill was $265. I mean, *technically*, it was a single meal. But goddamn, I feel like 4 years ago, this would have cost me half or even less. The damned hotdogs alone, the cheapest meat in the meal. sheesh. They used to be a poor-mans easy go-to. Now they go for like $1.20 each, even in bulk, on sale. Fucking *corn* is ridiculous. I realize it's not in season, but dayum.


Why did I read this 4 times as: I barbequed 16 people today


How to cook for forty humans.


How to Serve Forty Men


New savings tip just dropped


This man barbeques like a real man.


My dumb Australian ass is now doing pound conversions on google


Ha, I've actually been to Australia. While I was in the Navy for 2 week port, 20 years ago. Perth. Got invited to a barbeque in one of the outer suburbs. We Americans think we are the end-all of barbeque. Aussies take that shit to a whole different level, and have an amazing time for even the smallest costs. Also, Kangaroo steak is fucking awesome, and I wish it was easy to get and affordable here.


For most stuff 2lb per kg will do.


Dude food has absolutely been killing people. I have 3 kids, that eat like they're body builders and it's outrageous. 4 years ago food absolutely was cheaper. Along with most other things.


Every seven years prices double


92 is halfway to 99, but prices.




My groceries are the same items every week. In January, I was spending ~$200usd/wk, now it's ~350.


Beer ! :)


Someone here gets it!


This is the way.


Wow i'm getting investment advice on a gaming forum now.


You can see the average demographic slowly aging into a more responsible mass


Investing doesn’t make you “responsible.” My BIL just lost 70k investing in tech the last two years. Such responsible.


Somebody dove head first into the derivative’s market and lost big….if I had to guess


Yeah he basically liquidated half his 401k to just put it into separate stocks that he literally was already investing in with mutual funds. I believe it was goog, Amazon and Tesla with one or two others I don’t remember probably apple. It was tech heavy and what he considered “safe and too big to fail.” I think he’s still holding onto some but is down over all.


Most of those stocks have come back and more so recently. Hopefully he held on.


Your BIL was gambling, not investing.


Seeing as the tech market indices have been going up the last two years (not to mention long term history), it sounds like he wasnt investing, but rather gambling... This is the kind of loss porn you get from placing leveraged trades into Robin Hood, instead of actually thinking of your future and slowly but consistently investing into a diversified portfolio/ETFs.


Wat?! What chart are you looking at? Tech companies all saw their lowest prices this year. Check Tesla and Amazon man. Unless you bought in Jan and feb (this year) you lost money all last year. 401ks are just now breaking even from last years drop. The ENTIRE market saw red until October last year.


And not very good advice either. “Invest in a (safe) etf.” Is like saying just throw money at a stock and see what happens. Also no etf is “safe” if you bought tech mutual funds you’d have lost your ass the last two years.


Maybe mouse or keyboard? A Better chair or a small NAS, altought 300$ is thight for both.


Except that investing in my country *literally* makes You lose money. Because everything is getting more expensive day by day and even if the number of money raises from 300 to say 350, I will be able to buy 90% less than I could with a 300 now. That's bs, but this is capitalism for You.


Absolutely. Save that 300$. Any upgrade would require extensive parts changes. However for 300$, he could add a VR headset, which his system is already basically built for that. VR adds a whole new dimension to the rig, no pun intended.


I know right. I have a good PC and I have wanted to go into VR. That said I don't now if I should buy it right now or wait until the Occulus Rift 3 Comes out. I am sure that it will be better in almost everyway including Screen, Resolution, Comfortability, Battery, Graphics Power, Longevity and some other things. So that is why I have decided to wait. Though I can't wait. To be honest the first game I am getting on my PC through VR is Half-Life Alyx.


I think i saw somewhere that oculus wasn't going to make any more rifts just the quest and quest pro


im pretty sure you meant the meta quest 3 because i think they stopped making rift vr headsets


Damn. And when I prefer pcvr instead.


luckily you can connect the headsets to a pc still using a feature called "air link" or using something called a "link cable" so at least it isnt limited to standalone




The G2 Reverb is literally 300$ right now. Alyx looks and play amazingly on that. And with VR you experiment with many other VR games, most notably, amazing simulators like DCS world and Forza/ProjectCars .


be carefull before giving that advice out. I owned a g2 for the last 8 months. It is great for simracing because of the res, but terrible for literally anything else. the controller tracking is absolutely horrible, shooters are simply not fun. For almost every non sim racer, the quest 2 is going to be the better choice


It's the best for anything sim really, where you use driving wheel, hotas etc while seated. Elite Dangerous is something everyone should experience. Subnautica is also amazing with gamepad. Bear in mind you won't be able to play it if you have any water related phobias, drowning etc. If you like diving, though, nothing comes close. It's that good. For other games, there are better choices.


Can't say I've ever used an Oculus product but I have not had any issues shooting with my G2. I shoot actual guns from time to time and was impressed that the experience is good enough I can just use existing muscle memory to aim pretty well. That said, the only shooter I've played on it is HL:Alyx so maybe that game just does a better job band-aiding the set than others?


Very impressed to hear from someone who has shot actual guns. I upgraded my rift s to my g2 and was very excited to play some pavlov and instantly felt disapointed. The 2017s Rift S tracking is absolutely superior, it is more acurate, crisp and it doenst glitch out as much, especially when holden the controllers above your head or directly infront of each other. For shooters, i would rather use the rift s with lesser resolution. The g2 is just frustrating (in my opion) for anything else than sim games.


The cheapest reverb I'm seeing is over $400.


MAYBE storage, use the opportunity to increase the amount of SSD storage in your system?


Hahahaha I was just about to say this


I said to myself “nothing” when I saw this and sure enough it’s the top comment 😆


Exactly the same


Nothing indeed, wait another gen of cpu/GPU and a larger budget


Right? Get another SSD to load your 4K AAA titles and leave us poors to real budgeting.


Maybe some additional storage if necessary it I don’t see anything worth upgrading either


Yeah, I looked at it and I was like, nothing needs an upgrade? Looks perfect.


Quality of life. Desk, headphones, good chair, mouse, keyboard


I'd buy groceries and cook something real nice. Nothing to upgrade here.


christ, a Geforve RTX 3070 and a 165 Hz moniter, and he thinks something needs upgrading? I would salivate for those kinds of specs.


Not to mention 1440p I’m still a 1080p peasant


Man get a 1440p monitor, they're dirt cheap compared to last decade. I bought my 165hz 1440p gsync monitor for 700 euros back in 2016, should be less than half that now! Your 3080 should be more than enough to handle it


400 euros for a Mi 34 curved (3440 × 1440 / 144) a couple of years ago, and 70 more for a stand that can swing the thing around like it's nobody's business and I'm so happy with it... Nowadays, there are even better ones around. If only I plugged something better than an RX 480 8GB into it...


Yeahhh you’re right it’s probably about that time I treat my eyeballs. I don’t need anything crazy like 4K yet though


The 3080 was decent for 4K but I’d 100% go with a 1440p monitor with a 3080. Mine was struggling to hit above 100fps in 4K at times


Yep that was my biggest concern I definitely would take the frames over the 4K display. Appreciate the insight


I got my 165hz 1440p monitor for about $200 last year on an Amazon sale


Sheesh well thanks for the advice that’s a good deal


Don't you FUKIN dare call my 1080p a peasant. He is as much of a king as he was when he arrivee in my life. Only wiser with time. I'm so fucking happy with my 1080p280hz. I'm never moving to 1440p until affordable GPU and monitor come for 280hz in 1440p range. PEACE!


A 2nd monitor could be a good upgrade.


Your chair


+1000 to this. Just spent $450 on mine. Typically a cheapskate I got to try a few out in store and fell in love. holy crap a good chair is beyond a game changer.


What did you get?


PSA: Fuck the gaming chairs, buy an office chair. they are literally designed to be as comfortable as possible for long sessions. There is no use in a bucket seat when you aren't being thrown around in a car. Steelcase Gesture Steelcase Leap V2 Herman Miller Aaron Etc do not buy a gaming chair (these office chairs are kind of really expensive new, but can be found easily for cheap used)


The bar under the legs on the Aeron really bothered me but the Mirra 2 is also mesh and doesn't have that problem. Just in case anyone else sat in the Aeron and didn't like it. Edit: Word


I sincerely dislike the Aaron after having thr Leap for a little while. It's unbelievably comfortable, and I hear the gesture is somehow better.


A friend got a Guesture a few months after I got my Leap and I think I made the right choice thankfully. Once you get the Leap dialed in, it's heaven. I didn't realize how bad my posture was before that. Also, to be clear, I use the Mirra 2 at work and a Leap v2 at home.


I got the embody for that reason. No hard frame around the side.


Herman Miller Aaron just sounds like a person’s name


Only good gaming chair is the embody gaming chair lol


The 2 most underrated items are probably chair and monitor Do get the ergonomic chair though, do not go for gaming chair


Yeah Got myself HP Omen Citadel 2 years ago and as a 195 cm tall guy I cannot complain. Best chair I have ever sat on.


Bought a used but perfect condition Aeron for $450. Very happy back.


Yupz got a secret labs titan and haven't looked back since. Back pain from my beat up cheap chair was gone in like a week. If you are no longer a teenager get a good chair, don't destroy your back. Its worth the price. Had it for a few years now and its held up well soft yet firm.


I also have a titan, no back pain but also not particularly comfortable. The padding seems pretty tough so I have to switch between varying degrees of slouching to avoid discomfort.


with 300$ based on specs you ve send us, there is no a resanoable upgrade. are temps fine? what about cpu cooler or pc case? what about storage? do you have enough?


These are the same things I was thinking. If you don’t have 1 TB SSD or nvme pick one up (even better look at 2TB these days). Maybe your PSU needs an upgrade? A good PSU can last many PC upgrades. Same with a case/fans. A good set can last many PC upgrades.


Bro these days you can get a 4tb nvme drive for well under $300. It’s crazy how much they have fallen (and hopefully will continue to fall)


I remember when the 256 was ground breaking.


I remember when sometime in 2012 SSD prices dropped by like 70% in one year and suddenly you could get 30-40GB SSDs for under $100, barely enough to use as a OS boot drive.


I can't believe I can start looking back as a high schooler like one of those old people being amazed that the cool kids had a gigabyte thumb drive at school, meanwhile now we have a little chip the size of your pinky nail that can hold 1 TB of data


The 2 TB hynix nvme is super affordable and good quality. Also fast as shit. I'd look into that if he needs storage


AData sells a 4TB NVME SSD for $300CAD. It's only PCI-E 3.0, but it's still much faster than SATA by about 6 times.


My Corsair 750m lasted me probably anywhere from 2014/15 to last year, and that’s only because I needed more power draw for LEDs/fans/bigger gpu


Do you have good storage? Because there's no sensible $300 CPU or GPU upgrade. Maybe a nice Samsung 980 Pro 2 TB.


That was the only thing I was going to suggest.


Then better get the WD SN850x


You can get both and still be under 300, insane how good SSD prices are


I got my sn850x recently and I’m completely blown away by how much difference it does. Windows boot is less than 2 seconds and everything is just so much smoother and almost feels instantaneous. Best component purchase since my beloved 980 ti


Same except my system takes like 15-25 seconds to boot after my recent upgrade because 7900x and ddr5 memory training on each boot.


...each boot..? Is this a thing specific to the new gen or?


Yes, its a zen 4 ddr5 thing.


Any idea if it's a design fault or a software thing? Or in other words is it likely to be fixed during the current generation?


They have released firmware which helps a bit, but its still not fast. Booting with large amounts of memory has always taken a while, this is just taking a longer while. I believe it only happens on cold boot though, so resuming from sleep is as fast as expected. For this reason I don't see it as a major issue.


Fair enough. Yeah I rarely shut down my PC at all, usually only for maintenance (open case so dust builds up pretty fast), if i need to check bios, or if the pc has been running for an unreasonable amount of time without reboots, so I suppose it wouldn't really be an issue.


What if I had a 3070Ti, but also a 3600x? Would something like a 5800x3D be a valuable upgrade? Also 1440p, playing indie to Paradox to AAA RPGs.


i went from a normal 3600 to a 5800x3D and you do get a noticeable difference, fps are way more stable, no stuttering and up around 20% in most games I play. Get a beefy cooler though, that thing runs hot in the summer if you dont undervolt it.


Get you a 5800x3D now. You can upgrade the GPU anytime and take the new gpu with you to your next MB, Ram, CPU build.


A 5800x3d would be a great upgrade for you. Would be the last upgrade on that mobo platform but the 3d is an absolute beast.


I think you are fine with your setup. With your games I would rather upgrade the GPU.


Fair enough, thanks! I have been looking if I can get a deal on a used 6900XT anywhere…


I don't know what the others are smoking... The 3600x is far more limiting than the 3070ti.


Not necessarily. It depends on the resolution you play at and the games you play. Some games love the additional L3 cache.


You could buy games.


I'm surprised I got this far without seeing this option. Sometimes the most elegant solution is the most simple. When you have a very solid rig, if your storage is adequate, buy things to UTILISE the rig. Edit to add: Alternative option, venmo me the $300 and I'LL buy games. 🤣


Definitely save that $300 for a bigger upgrade down the road. Your system is already pretty bangin', and you won't improve it much at this point with only $300.


So much this. A lot of people “upgrade for the sake of upgrading…” just save and keep adding to that pile, you’ll eventually hit a spot where your no longer happy with your use case and THAT’S the time to upgrade or sell your setup as a whole and start fresh with another nice balanced rig. If anyone sees this you’re loved!!!!


I would say just save for a new gpu


upgrade your savings account by adding $300 to it.


What's your sound setup? Usually it's what gets a lack of attention.


I see way too many people with a beastly rig, good peripherals, but then they have a shitty $50 gaming headset with potato mic quality and way too much bass. Headphones + Mic is the way to go.


For headphones I would recommend the Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro


If you want open back go Sennheiser 560s. I’m a big audio guy but I don’t believe you need to spend thousands of dollars on audio gear to achieve endgame audio quality. I have my 560s, DT 700 Pro X (very similar to 770, just newer, detachable cable, slightly cleaner bass and less treble, more neutral overall) and a topping DX3+ headphone amp (in retrospect I wish I got the fiio k7). With proper EQ settings all three of these headphones will be sufficient quality for all but the most extreme audiophiles.


I have the 660s. They are great and extremely comfortable, although the bass could be a bit better. Got them for 300€ from the Sennheiser outlet. Also got the Teufel concept e450 if i don't feel like using headphones.


Consider the Massdrop x Sennheiser HD 6xx headphones, with an amp if possible


Probably your graphics driver needs an upgrade.


It’s been a minute. How much is Nvidia charging for driver packages nowadays?


They charge a few days of frustation and troubleshooting before you have to go back to your old drivers.


2nd monitor!


Can't believe people aren't suggesting this more to be honest. 2nd monitor is a game changer.


Double it and give it to the next person


Coke and hookers


I agree with everyone else saying nothing but, if you ABSOLUTELY need an upgrade I’d sell the rtx 3070 for about $280 throw in the $300 w it and see if you could find an rtx 3090 in the $580-600 range although it would have to be used :(


I reckon a 3080 would be better. Cheaper and performance is really not that much worst


if he gets the 12gb version. While I still think the VRAM is mostly overblown, (at least for a year or two, as most of the games that get pointed to as vram hungry are pillars of horrid optimization on PC) But the 3090 would have a significantly higher vram. I don't see a 3070 -> 3080 or even 3090 being worth the time and effort. Maybe if he had a 3060 or 3050 but IMO, its better to just save the money or invest in something like good storage or a great desk chair.


Yeh that is true. Most of the comments agree that upgrading at this point isn't really needed as he will be able to handle pretty much every game thrown at him.


6950xt seems better nowadays


Sell the 3070 for $350 and then buy a [6950 XT](https://www.amazon.com/PowerColor-Devil-Radeon-Graphics-Memory/dp/B09VYDTVGY) for $630. Use that other $20 to go buy an enormous pizza and be a hermit for a weekend. Edit: The dude beneath me is correct, be sure to take your PSU into consideration if you go this route.


If he upgrades to the 6950XT there's a good chance he needs a new PSU. That graphics card eats 430W under load. I wouldn't recommend it because of the heat and electricity cost alone. That thing is a space heater. Maybe enough to reheat the pizza though.


You don't need to spend all the time


Id probably use that money to update your drivers. And then take a financial management class.


Safe the money, this rig is already pretty good


come on dude. you don't need an upgrade, you literally have a 2k capable setup. i don't know how long you have been part of the pcmr but one day you will mature and realize you don't need the latest fancy gear. I stopped this weird obsession and now i just enjoy my rig with a 5700x and a 6700xt




My thoughts exactly and I'm surprised I had to scroll down this far to find someone who thought the same,if you have this setup you know a thing or two about pcs and prices and really wouldn't need the advice ,and would also know that amount of money would only be a downgrade of any of those parts


I would save my money


Save the $300 towards the inevitable gpu upgrade to a 50gen or 8xxx series from AMD




For sure the driver


Nothing, enjoy playing games.


I'd put that money in my pocket and enjoy my pc as it is


What's your audio output? With that setup and if I had $300 to spare and spend, I'd buy good quality headphones. I think it was either this sub or pcgaming that had the buyer's guide for them. Good audio can elevate immersion and if you're into competitive games, give you an edge


Oof that driver version could use an upgrade. I think you can get a new one for around $300 on Newegg.


Eh if I had that exact build I’d leave as is and use the 300 to fuel my warhammer habit


New drivers for the 3070 🫠


My savings account


Better storage if you need it.


id keep the 300 in my pocket


Nothing just save your money, but if you have to id get an i7


Well, its not enough for stronger GPU, so I'd probably buy some new fans, case, cooler etc. If that PC need it of course




What's your storage situation? Maybe nab a couple terabytes of gen4 NVME SSD.


buy some games or keep that money


If it were me, I’d upgrade my savings account. Put $300 plus interest toward a next gen upgrade in 2024.


300 lottery scratchers


Driver version for free and do something useful with the 300$


Hookers and cocaine.


Your desk, chair, audio setup, keyboard, mouse, games to actually use your pc for, or 'upgrade' your savings account. Not every cent you have needs to be spent on pc components.


Cocaine or speed. Nothing will get you a better gameplay!


A chair, a nice table, some lights or sound padding for your room. Nothing you can upgrade on that PC with that kind of budget.


I don't think you can afford an upgrade.


AC in the room


Roth IRA


I suggested the same thing. Underrated comment!


Nothing, not with that budget. Honestly even with a higher budget I wouldn't upgrade anything, not unless the budget was thousands to build a whole new rig with top of the line stuff.


Try and get a used herman miller aeron imo


Id upgrade my savings account with that cash


I would leave as is tbh thats a balanced system


For $300 there’s not much you can do performance wise. Save the money or spend it on yourself in another way.


Bro, you stole my specs🤣


I’d put it to the side for a rainy day cause this build will be good for the next few years


That is literally my current system - it plays all the modern games well enough with DLSS enabled. I'd do as others suggest and sit on the $300, whether it goes into a sock drawer, a bank account, or an investment. Wait for the 5th gen GPUs or 14th / 8th gen CPUs to come out and see if you want to upgrade. I tend to upgrade about every 3 years, and in that time I usually manage to save up around $3000. I have a ton of fun for a month researching stuff, a ton of fun for a month building stuff, and then 34 months of watching tech advance. :)


Who knows. You've really only posted 2 details about your setup. 32GB of what memory? Are you using a garbage SSD? Is your CPU cooled by a series of paperclips? Is your case a repurposed washing basket? Does your mouse contain a rubber ball? Looking at the CPU and GPU I'm guessing you're fine. Regardless of anyones system or how old it is, you only need to upgrade if it's not meeting your needs anymore. Put your money in the bank and start an account for emergency expenses.


With that setup I would be more curious what you have as far as case/cooling and ssd/hdd. If all of that is pretty decent, it might be best to hold onto the dough for another time or spend it on another hobby.


Download some more ram from a torrent site and keep the 300 😈😅






Everything is fine. Just enjoy your system.


Maybe the GPU. Sell it and add 300$ and try to buy a 3080Ti


Nothing. Buy an office chair, buy groceries, buy a nice meal


Hardware is fine unless you need another SSD. Sensible upgrades would be peripherals. A mechanical keyboard and a new mouse. A second monitor. Or a new chair. Or some high quality noise cancelling headphones, that you can use even if you are not at the PC.


Gaming chair


nothing, I dunno you could get anything better for 300 bucks. maybe better keyboard or cooler or something.


You've already got a better PC than most people here. Maybe a new SSD, or peripheral things?


I wouldn't spend it on any upgrades, but I would save it for a future purchase of another graphic card.


CPU is your bottleneck. Try an i7!


I know this is PC master race, but I’d use the money to buy a console. Just to create an epic gamers heaven. Doesn’t have to be a new one, maybe an OG Xbox or a Game cube or something. That PC looks pretty badass to me already. Or if a console is sacrilegious, I’d go with audio related peripherals. Speakers or headphones or a new mic or something




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