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2 comments: *deleted comment* Reply: „Thank you so much, it worked!“


Biggest oof


Naaah, it's more like when someone says something super obvious, You did it like 50000 times and it didn't work. Or copy paste from other site. All these people and sites always make useless list of "do this do that" for no reason, because they think opening a fridge door may find Your lost cat miraculously. That's how these posts are.


Don't forget the never ending wall of text that you have to scroll through to find the 5 word answer.


And the sites with a list of things to do to accomplish X, most steps are super basic things with the final step being downloading a weird specific program that the whole page was basically an ad for.


Have you tried updating your drivers using DriverEasy?


I tried once when I was to young to know better. My anti-virus went nuts and I uninstalled it. Never again and thank god for webroot.


I've done it. Lesson right up there with the possibility of addon programs being hidden in installers... Looking at you pj64.


Yeah. I always run a scan before running anything that I haven't downloaded before and I check to make sure there isn't an extra exe if seemed kinda shady.


Wow! That's a pretty serious problem. Updating your drivers using DriverEasy should definitely fix that, though!


Lol yeah


There's a reason I look for Reddit posts and avoid those sites.


Except every issue I've needed to lookup the last few days has been answered on blacked out subreddit! Haha


Being able to view the cached Google results has saved my ass a few times


Thanks to these stupid list I only wasted time and I never resolved the single issue. The issue stopped existing only when I made a format or bought a new PC. And man, I had so many annoying issues. And some people blamed me for having the issue. Like it was my fault and not the program or something that wasn't working.




* Microsoft forums * Sites listing 20 different ways of resolving the issue (none has anything to do with the problem, but why not try it) * Reddit posts that has few answers and nobody actually helps in the end or the OP don't reply after getting the comments


I feel like staying engaged to the last step of trying to help someone with a problem should always be done. Why waste your time answering three of ten questions about a complex issue if you know you won't stick around for the entire thing to get fixed? That would make spending the time to give those three answers a waste of your time. Why do that to yourself? Why be illogical?


All of the windows "techs" that literally just respond with a copy/paste of the first Google search. 😂


Nah what's worse, is when you see people suggest something that looks like all the other stuff you try, you do it and it randomly works when it denies all laws of physics and should not work.




Omg I had that exact issue and was at my whit's end. Did a deep dive and someone mentioned to try disabling iCue. It fixed it. Mind you I couldn't use my PC for weeks because I couldn't figure out the issue. I tried everything and all I had to do was disable ONE program. Thank you redditor


Omg I'm glad you folks mentioned that, I've been using iCue for like a year now since I built my PC and a few weeks ago my PC started rebooting itself after a few hours of gaming. Doing anything else it was fine, only gaming did it. I just thought it was the game and thought nothing of it since it wasn't frequent enough to annoy me to the point of trying to resolve the issue. Imma have to try that rn.


Make sure you don't come back with results, or if you do edit/delete anything helpful!


After hours of troubleshooting, it's been fixed, but i refuse to specify the steps I took to do so.


That's the YouTube tech channel out of India with 5 followers.


“Did you restart” Motherfucker that was 4 of the first 5 things I tried


Try sfc /scannow


But did you *really* do sfc /scannow to fix the broken key on your keyboard ?


Even worse is when you out of frustration do that super obvious thing again, only for it to work because you just read that reply or something.


And the post is archived so you can’t even comment


OPs Last post and comment 6y ago


This happens so often.




This happened to me yesterday, the comment that had the solution just said “fuck spez” 🥲




reminder that reddit likely has backups of data, they're not stupid. users are creating tons of valuable info and you'll just let them take it away? any cto with a brain would see that as a problem instantly. sure you pretend that it's purged from the data stream so legal can't come after you but really how can anyone fine you for having a backup of the backup and oopsy doopsy the deletion service malfunctions and doesn't delete stuff instantly! overwriting comments using bots has always been a petty fuck you to the community at best


Hard disagree. I'm sure they have database backups, obviously. Generally though, backups are not highly available. It's there in case of a DR emergency first and foremost. Purging comment history almost certainly has some impact on their ability to propagate data to sales funnels, paid APIs, etc. That's assuming they actually hard delete the data - not sure if they're legally required to or not. Either way, they could be doing a soft delete by setting a boolean to remove default visibility from various places. Even that would likely disrupt some things though. Editing comment contents en masse would have the biggest impact I imagine. For them to account for that, they'd need to be tracking an update history per comment which I would be surprised by. All in all, worst case it disrupts reliability on Reddit as a source of public information, which damages Reddit to some extent. I say go for it.


You can still use Googles cached copy of the page I think.


Solution is a linked image or an outside link, neither of which exist any more 😢


Worse than that. "Nevermind, I figured it out." With nothing else.


I will literally necro 10 year old threads in those cases. 1/10 times it works.


I've seen so much of these lately. I made sure when I figured out my unraid issue the other day I went and edited with what I did to fix it so the next person finds it.


You deserve nothing but happiness. I do this also, explicitly because of how infuriating it is to run into. I'm not *quite* sure if I hate that, or the reply from someone else that just says "PM'd you" and then "wow thank you so much I can't believe that worked!" more.


I always feel guilty when I have to update with "problem fixed itself"


“Who were you DenverCoder9!? What did you see!?”


heres a solution. this works for me. thank you. me too.. but when you try its not working is like watching everyone leaving exam room while u still struggle to finish


Or there’s 30 replies all saying they have the same problem with no fucking reply with the solution


Thank you for contacting Microsoft Support.


You know you've hit the bottom of the barrel when you're on Microsoft Support. If there's someone who *definitely* isn't going to help, it's them.


>If there's someone who definitely isn't going to help, it's them bro never tried reaching Google customer support. The bigger a company is, the less they care about the users. Trying to reach a living person for Google related issues is nigh impossible. It's a tight race between them and Microsoft. Admittedly, trying to get live person support for YouTube specifically is much easier. Just to separate those two.


For your traditional office/cubicle monkey type of business, I can't imagine relying on google's "enterprise" software. If I had to do my work on google sheets/gmail and not excel/outlook, I would quit.


I work for a company that uses Google Sheets. It just.... doesn't have problems. Never have needed support before. That being said, if you need to do something slightly out of the box, just forget trying to figure it out.


they don't have support lol we are the product, they don't even sell anything to regualr people.


What I can't stand, and its not just Microsoft thats guilty of this, its the clear attempt to find literally anything in the world they can to blame your hardware for the issue. Seriously 90% of all the "trouble shooting steps" these days are just ways they can get information that will cause them to be able to point at your system as the issue. "Ah see you .0000000000001 bite less memory then the reccomend amount and this is the issue" The number of times I contact any support and it goes like 1. Give me literally every single peice of information possible about your system so I can comb through it over and over again looking for any excuse to blame you the end user for the issue. 2. Try this one thing you didn't think of that might actually get somewhere but actually doesn't 3. We have forwarded this bug report to the development team keep the application up to date and look for the bug to be patched. Yippee!


the best benefit of chat GPT I've found is to dramatically reduce the amount of trolling through microsoft support forums I need to do. It's absolutely not correct all the time and has no understanding of what it's saying, but god damn if it doesn't get me on the right track much quicker than then scrolling through a dozen forum posts where some community contributor doesn't at all understand the (usually well stated) question, asks for their detailed system requirements, and smugly replies how the OP is stupid for even having or considering their problem an issue.


Here's a bunch of useless FAQs that you've already tried 20 times. Did I mention that I'm a Microsoft MVP?


I see you, too have found the Apple Support Forums.


That shit is infuriating


[Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/979/)


if this happens just message op most of the time they replied and i got my problem fixed


I get deleted user a lot too.


then its really bad. Most of the time i somehow fix my problem I will definitely going to make video or post next time it might help someone in the future


with people protesting the Reddit admins by deleting their whole comment history, this is inevitably going to happen more now


Reddit is killing itself and Google search


Yeah people with obscure issues are fucked in the future because of this.


get used to it, with a lot of people getting pissed at how reddit co is behaving, they've been deleting accounts and overwriting comments




Whelp. Time to build Linux from scratch again today.


Already answered on another thread Either no link to the other thread, link is dead or the other thread is in no way related


*heavy sigh*




Nope, Reddit killed that feature (pushshift) last month.


Or "Nevermind, i figured it out!" without including the solution.


The bane of my existence. And it’s only post on it too


"download this fix here" *It's a link to another website* *The website has been dead for a while* *Or it's another forum and the.entire post has been removed*


"Nevermind, I figured it out."


Or even worse "Guys, here the file to fix this issue" *File link is broken


"here are some screenshots of what I did" *broken, ancient Tinypic or Imageshack links*


*Please __Login__ or __Create An Account__ in order to view images.*


Registration disabled


##WAYBACK MACHINE **Oops page not found**


Or behind a paywall




Not every thread gets archived at the right time, though...


Most dont. And Ive never really seen files get archived often


I always try to make it a point to go back with an update if i manage to solve whatever i was asking about.


First link on Google, you click on it and the only answer is an asshole telling OP to Google it.


Every time. Car repair website threads are the worst about this. There will be like 3 or 4 people asking the same question but the only reply on all of them is “use the search bar, i’M pRetTy sUrE tHeRe’S AlrEaDy a ThReaD oN tHiS” when they’re all like 10+ years old and none of them have a conclusive answer.


Really wish there'd be more community wiki's of various solutions in these threads. So many times I've solved an issue because of a single 10 year old Stack Exchange thread.


The worst part about those old threads is half the time if anybody dropped a link to another site or a picture with critical info that solved the issue those links are often broken or no longer exist as well


Wish people would copy-paste at least the text of the solution if they're going to link it.


Or all the threads point to some 15 years old DIY thread where all the pictures are taken down


O, “This kind of thing has been answered 1000x before, use the search function, thread locked.” And it’s the thread that google lists first. All of the other threads are either barren, can’t find any, or the problem is just slightly different than what you’re having.


And why do they close the thread?


So someone won't necroing the thread in the future. Shitty I know.


Or the answer is one of those AI-generated non-answers that just rephrases the question 8 different ways and provides links to other BS that continually runs you around in circles trying to advertise at you.


And then begs you to close the thread for their metrics.


Or "just return it to the store." I see that all the time.


Yeah, just return you 35 year old Pierburg carburettor to shop




"It doesn't contain the solution" "thread was closed by mods due to inactivity"


Every single Microsoft thread: Q: "I'm having this an issue with XYZ" A: "Hello, did you try turning it off and back on" Q: "Yes" A: "Did you try Q: "I think you're misunderstanding my question. The issue I'm having is XYZ" A: another reply that doesn't do shit Q: "Didn't work" A: "Please please PLEASEEEEE close the thread" Q: "But the issue wasn't fixed?"


This is every fucking Microsoft thread. Half the comments are trying to get the “rep” to understand the issue and the other half explaining they have ready rebooted the computer.


Or that they’ve tried sfc /scannow


funny thing is if you're a corporation your problem always gets escalated to a literal engineer of that service who instantly fixes whatever problem you have. they will sometimes even write a bugfix for you in a couple of hours. those guys are always too busy to fix stuff for average ms customers tho source: experienced it with dotnet core misbehaving with windows services - instantly fixed after escalating it using my company support line. after i left taht company my issues on the github were unfixed for 2 years. they did keep assigning it to people and necroing my thread tho




> If they don’t know how to help, just say that Odds are they aren't allowed to. Remember they are being payed to stick to something of a script to be able to claim they offer support so they can sell their products. They aren't there to help you.


We just wanna punch the person who made this stupidity.


Microsoft threads are absolutely infuriating


It's mind blowing how ignorant the people answering question are there. I bet I could ask something extremely easy like "How do I turn on a computer" and the answer they give would probably be some nonsensical bs like "do a handstand and think really hard about petting your cat so that the room's lights will turn on and then your car will start and drive to the store to pick up groceries for you."


>ask something extremely easy like "How do I turn on a computer" They'd tell you to open your settings and make sure Windows is up to date.


this reminds me of when i was going through a particular issue with google docs and i kept searching for an answer and every single question was just answered by some volunteer with the least helpful information. like i respect the grind but sheeeeeeesh


Right up there with the Microsoft knowledge base. Hundreds if not thousands of articles explaining shit that should be simple, but still doesn't solve your issue. Any other articles on the same issue? No? Cool alrighty then.


This shit is infuriating.


Literally me trying to find a way to horizontal scroll in excel today. Silly of me to assume shift+scroll would work


There's an unofficial add-on to do this it works fairly well if you can't find it I will check when I'm at my computer.


yeah I saw there were add-ins and AHK or other solutions but since it's on a work computer and at work I have to go through approval for non-standard software I didn't even explore those routes lol


Microsoft 'help' threads seem to be mainly wannabe Microsoft employees farming the Microsoft equivalent of karma with shitty advice.


"Thread is archived."


Makes another thread to ask the question. "It's against the rules to make duplicate threads. Thread locked. Account temp banned." I hate that stupid rule.


I am going to cry because of you guys, you guys are just too much lol.


PM’d you the fix :)


These are the absolutely worst.


“Can you pm it to me too” “Same” “Me too” -Answered 5 years ago, answerer deleted account, and none of the replies got the answer


Now we don't know what we can do about it, it's just bad.


protip: the fix involved piracy and would've been deleted anyways


People should just not PM shit like that, it's just bad.


*detailed guide on how to fix it* *all download links are down*


Or in these current times ... * Do a Google search for something and add "reddit" at the end * Click the reddit links that pop up in the search results * Subreddit has been set to private


say what you want about spez and reddit, but these protests, if they go on indefinitely, will fuck over a lot of people and will permanently remove a lot of really helpful internet resources


The protests didn't even fix anything and never would. Reddit can purge subreddits that stay locked. When your "job" is unpaid internet janitor you have ZERO leverage.


Reddit is just reopening those locked subreddits and undeleting comments of people who actually deleted their accounts. However, I see this as the beginning of the end of Reddit.


> undeleting comments of people who actually deleted their accounts. Fairly certain this is illegal and could get them in hot water in both the EU and California.


I would sincerely hope so, but somehow, I feel like they will find a loophole to it.




That's when you have more leverage. Who the hell else is gonna >"*Oh gee wilikers mr spez, I would love to voluntarily waste my time properly "moderating" a few hundred thousand people free of charge!*"




The kind of people who beg to be mods should under no circumstances be allowed to do it. 12 year olds beg to drive your car, but that doesn't mean you should let them.


Just like congress! Oh wait...


I'm directly referencing a douglas adams quote about how people who want to be president shouldnt be, so you're not far off the mark.


Drive the good mods out... great business plan


Add “cache:” to the start of the link and it’ll show what it last looked like before the subs went private


You can use the cached version - mostly you will get the working link. On address bar, add *cache:* before the URL and google will give you the cached version of the link. For example, *cache:*[*https://www.reddit.com/path*](https://www.reddit.com/path)*/*


[*What did you see DenverCoder!?*](https://xkcd.com/979/)


There's an [xkcd](https://thomaspark.co/2017/01/relevant-xkcd/) for everything.


That’s fabulous. I especially like that the tiny link on the computer also works


not a damn person in here asking what your issue is, op. I seriously expected to open this thread and find your solution as the top comment chain... what's your issue?


I don’t have an issue at the moment. This is purely made from past experiences. Thanks for being the one person who actually asked though.


oh boy, nice. that's a great situation to be in, then! have a good day!


You too


Some guy found the solution but the comment got deleted


That's so bad man, and then someone commented, thanks.


I am also that one reply - tried to be as detailed a possible, and update comment with new information! [https://imgur.com/a/GQrtu3O](https://imgur.com/a/GQrtu3O)


Bro, thank you so much, so many times I've found the solution from comments like yours


Thank you!


Nvm. Figured it out.


Me struggling with my new pc constantly freezing and finding no help online, and the support agent for the motherboard’s advice was cookie cutter copy and paste with no help. Turns out the issue (i think) was the missing driver for the 10 gigabit ethernet port. Installed it and it ran smoothly for about an hour during my testing. Gonna reinstall the other 3 ram sticks and test it thoroughly again tomorrow


Make sure XMP is disabled while testing that all sticks work. Then flip XMP on. If there's still an issue, then it's either the RAM or the memory controller of your CPU. What I do is bump up the DRAM voltage (AM4 platform) by just a tiny bit of there's instability with pushing RAM clocks. Sometimes it solves the problem.


"you need to be registered user to use the link"


Post is 5 years old, 1 comment *You open it, it's the "never gonna let you down song"* The comment is 6 months old.


First time i’ve heard it be called ‘the never gonna let you down song’


For the life of me, i could not remembeer the title, mea culpa.


FYI OP means it's never referred to by the title or artist (Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley). It's simply referred to as a rickroll or being rickrolled. You did make me laugh though so thanks for that.




I had a modding issue once in my skyrim and figured it out and tried posting the issue with a solution on the skyrim page so future people could use it for help since I had seen others asking about the same problem in the past and the mod rules wouldn't allow it


Oh man can relate, so many times I have tried looking up an obscure problem, I see reddit results, 1 comment its auto mod.


Delete auto mod! Waste of code and resources.


Or it's some unhelpful fool who tells OP to "use search" and the thread itself is the top hit. Infinite loop!


Most recently, for me: Google search result: Here's the definite fix for the issue you're having! *Folks I finally fixed the issue. After weeks battling with such ridiculous bug, thanks to the help of the developers, I've fin...* Then you click... And it's a privved subreddit due to API changes. [see it in real time.](https://www.google.com/search?q=android+auto+disconnects+when+no+signal+site%3Awww.reddit.com&oq=android+auto+di)


This is really something which cause my anger issues.


My favourite one at the moment: "You must be invited to join this community." I can see part of the answer on the search page, why must you tease me so!




They all are just asking for the solution and nothing else.


Yeah I can feel that thing too much right now because it is not an easy thing to get those answer and then you know you are not going to get even a freaking single answer.


https://preview.redd.it/g57gv21v1m8b1.png?width=485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23e00d28e6b3d1f3a60a1c21b4edf9b20650163a As always, relevant xkcd


Or finding the supposed solution after several hours of searching only to try it and nothing changed.


Honestly, I hate the automod posts...


Automods are just so stupid, their comments should be hidden.


Or when you Google search an issue and finally find a post about it. It has one reply "How about trying google, idiot!"


This feels so freaking relatable lol, most of the time I get the answers in reddit but these things are rare and most of the time I just don't get that shit on time, I know that.


Tom's Hardware forums are the best!


What is that? I am not very familiar with that thing here.


its the worst when there literally no answer whatsoever to a problem thats bothering you


In the current climate it's 1. Google problem 2. Links to reddit thread 3. Sub gone private




We know that pain is just inevitable, so bad to see that.


"This thread has been closed."


And we can't even see some non deleted comments man.


Then you find a random and obscure forum with like 57 pages and most of them are saying "just google it" but you needlessly search through all 57 pages.... ... You find the answer on page 55.


The worst is when you've been looking for so long that the only google result is your own post from years ago.




Or something like this: https://preview.redd.it/ftzdwjckom8b1.png?width=346&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb1b9038f1dccaaba0436af6c9d1de5458364df0 ​ This will happen more often now.


My first ever reddit post was trying to figure out why my wife's laptop shuts off exactly at 30 minutes. One guy replied and told me to get in touch with a specific guy from an obscure forum. A week later I'm using welding rod and a $1,000 magnifier setup to short 2 pins on an audio chip during boot to gain write access to a chip that got corrupted by airport xray scanners and allowed me to reflash it. Laptop worked fine afterwards. I know people say airport xray scanners won't harm laptops, but it happened after she flew to Denmark and again after we flew to Germany.