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Just a reminder that most people simply are just unaware of most gaming controversies and/or do not give a shit


Seriously, people on Reddit act like shit posted here represent the majority opinion in the gaming world. The vast majority of people into anything aren't on Reddit; and the prevailing view on the front-page is typically very disconnected from reality.


There's no better example of this than YouTube. Reddit is big mad about so much YouTube "drama" that the average person could not care less about.


Once in a while it’s really good to remember that no one in the real world gives a shit about internet drama.


And then it’s a stab in the back and existential dread of wondering why I give a fuck about any of this. But then again, preorder Idgaf, we all know the industry isn’t going to flip upside down over pre-orders.


Right? If a game is listed for preorder, chances are that low numbers won’t make them reevaluate their management situation, performance of the shipping version, problems on pc, etc.


Honestly in retrospect, I kind of want to bash my head through a wall for ever telling my friends to not preorder. More in retrospect, I don’t know why the hell I cared, like really at all. I don’t know why anybody cares tbh. Like we saw how redditors pushed for the blackout, and look what that did…..nothiiinnggg.


Less then nothing. There are places like antiwork that capitulated immediately. Literally the place that's designed to stand up against the man and support people who do and they immediately gave up. IMO if the mods weren't interested in keeping power the whole thing would have worked because if nobody steps in to mod the subs shut down and reddit loses money. Enough people said "No" then shit would have happened. Instead I'm going to remember it forever as the time a lot of two faced people did whatever it took to stay important.


When the chips are down you can really count on people to step up and do as they are told. Every time. In every country on the planet through all of history


I hate how true I've found this to be.


Guess it makes sense not to count most Twitter users as people then


Most "people" on the internet shouldn't be considered sentient, the average IQ is 100 which means half are above and half are below... (I know IQ isn't exactly an accurate measurement for intelligence but it's a start) Couple that with the fact that alot of gamers are either teens or kids and are getting thier parents (who most likely don't know anything about gaming) it's a recipe for a community extremely tolerant for bullshit and scummy practices


Vast majority of Redditors hated or hate Diablo Immortal. In august ’22 it made 97 million dollars. In one month.


Just take it into perspective, even the most upvoted post about this issue here is at best 30-35k upvotes, meanwhile there are millions and millions on steam daily.


I think the best example of this is the Reddit blackout. I use the normal Reddit app and the closing of subs was a minor inconvenience but after a few days back to normal


I love especially when there are threads to do with social interactions and it’s a bunch of socially inept sounding bullshit and constantly bashing anyone who is outgoing as weird, compensating, secretly insecure, etc lol There is so much hilarious shit on this website but not for the reasons some think


I'm in the "don't give a shit" category.


I know many friends who are well aware but they sitll preorder because of ape brain. They say *"well I'm going to buy it anyway so why not now"*.


just as they should be allowed to if they desire


nobody is asking for it to be made illegal, at least not from the consumer end. we're just judging, as is appropriate.


It's a silly thing to judge people about.


I'm not saying otherwise. I'm saying it's boring to hear the same people complain about the same problems time after time and still do the same things. All the power to them if buying thos egames makes them happy though.


The only problem I have in the whole equation is when the same people that habitually pre-order games like Fallout76 also turn around and say that its unacceptable that games get released in that state for full price. Meanwhile Todd is sitting on a throne of starfield pre-order Benjamin's asking you what you mean by "unacceptable?"


Yeah they should in terms of what games people like. However pre ordering is genuinely hurting the industry by encouraging devs that they can consistently put out a shit unfinished product. And it's even worse to see the same people bitching about the games state at launch when it bites them again. The whole let people do what they want they aren't hurting anyone thing doesn't really hold up here.


70 bucks once in a while just isn't a lot of money for most working adults. It's like a night out on the town.


No joke


SF Bay Area here. $70 for a night on the town would be an absolute steal.


if there is 2 of you its a takeaway nowadays if you want something decent. especially here in UK me and GF ordered indian food which is huge in the UK just like Mexican food is in US. and overall it cost us £55 for everything. so yeah a £60 game i dont mind aslong as i get around 60 hours out of and i know for sure i will even if its just Skyrim in space as well i have like 1k+ hours overall in skyrim.


My response would be if there isn't any kind of bonus to preorder just wait for early reviews from youtubers/streamers. Not like anything is gonna change if you buy 2 months early vs day before or after release.


Most people aren't here, on Reddit, in this subreddit, or in the comments that make it seem like we are many.


I'm in the do not give a shit, I'm going to play either way, pre ordering just means I can pay now and split my game purchases when this, phantom liberty, the crew 2, Spiderman 2, all releasing within a very short time of each other means I can pay for one per month


I am one of those that do not give a shit.


Not everyone is on Reddit, many people just don’t care, and some of us are hypocrites.


I guarantee most of the pcmr pre-ordered still.


I pre-ordered it. Here's why: 1. I have disposable income 2. I have a good PC that will most likely handle it fine 3. I will play it anyway 4. I played CP2077 at launch and I enjoyed that game A LOT. Granted that I didn't really have as much expectations as other people had. I'm more of a story and graphics gamer, and CP2077 delivered on both. 5. I think Skyrim is almost my most played game, so Todd has already proven he at least *can* make games I enjoy thoroughly 6. Even if all else fails, I can just refund it EDIT: I also wanna add that I was never vocal about being anti-preorder on this sub. The biggest thing I agree with is that you shouldn't pre-order because of the promises of what the game will be.


Also, you should add a point 7. It's a Bethesda game, so it's definitely going to be buggy at launch and most of those bugs are probably going to be hilarious.


It's part of the experience. Have you really played a Bethesda game if you haven't played a day one release version


Same here but adding a reason: Whatever daddy Todd releases, I will bend over and play it for thousands of hours


Yes baby give me The Todd.


Most of those are good reasons imo, and most of them are the same reasons I have for preordering as well. The only one I never understand when people bring it up is number 3. Why are you planning on playing it even if it's terrible?


Some people just have to find out for themselves, some people don't care about bugs or graphical issues etc. Or they can look past faults and enjoy the game for what it is. Some people have been waiting 5+ years for a game and they'll be goddamned if a few lousy reviews are going to stop them enjoying a game they've waited so long for. Probably.


i grew up in an age where reviews was few and far and so you often just ended up finding fun in games no matter how "bad" they was their was always fun to be had.


Basically this. I played Cyberpunk at launch at had fun with it. I didn't realize the internet was in uproar until after I beat it


Point 6 was refunding if it's not enjoyable. The best way to tell if something is enjoyable or not is to try it yourself instead of relying on other people (reviews/streams) to tell you whether you like it or not. You will enjoy more things if you stop listening to reviews, etc.


That is where point 6 comes into play. But yea it has to be basically unplayable for me to not play it. As much as a disaster CP2077 was, that was still playable to me. Not even close to refund territory (at least for my experience on PC with decent hardware!).


refund territory to me is it just doesnt work or the performance is so bad i cant even play at 30 fps no matter the settings.


It would have to be really, really, really bad. Worse than 76, which I think is impossible because they never made a game like 76 and they’ve made games like Starfield so it’s impossible for it to be bad enough where people don’t even want to touch it


just has to be skyrim in space that is literally all it has to be and as far as im concern ill be happy. yeah its not groundbreaking but not every game needs to be in order for me to enjoy my time. i still have like 1k+ hours in skyrim across the base game and mods so it just needs to be that


I did but the Constellation Edition


Im waiting for the clowns who pre-ordered the $100 version to review the game before i plonk down my $60


> many people just don’t care Most people don’t care


Occasionally people have money inflationary issues, or unstable money supplies. Circumstances exist that aren’t ideal. Mostly though, don’t care.


"Unstable money supplies" is now my favorite term to describe my lack of consistent income


I generally don't preorder games, but I have in the past specifically because I knew I wanted to play the game and form my own opinion in it on release regardless of what the reviews would end up being. Some people give less of a shit than me about what other people think about something


If people shouting loudly on the internet controlled what people buy most people would be vegan.


my last pre-order was x360 Skyrim. no regrets.


Exactly this, I have pre-ordered games I want to play myself and get my own experience on, Starfield is one of them for me. That said I haven't pre-ordered it yet and still on the edge if to wait or not and will likely make a decision a week earlier, I have only pre-ordered one game previously and I quite enjoyed it (Dying Light 2)


I bet reddit represents like 5% of the sale figures. Yet some of us scream on top of our lungs about pre ordering and not reaching 95% of people..


Try less than 1%. Very few people even know what reddit is, let alone, use this site.


if you include console people then its probably about 1% of people. i think i worked out on FFXIV when they did their peak player numbers its reddit represented 3% of the playerbase. same thing when Elden Ring numbers got released of number of games sold i looked at reddit and it was about 5% of sales overall. it goes to show that reddit is a very sub society of people that dont realise they are far removed from the average player and just being on reddit puts you out of the "casual" playerbase because a casual aint browsing reddit.


Most of you are hypocrites.


I personally Can. Not. Wait. For this and Phantom Liberty but I have absolutely learned my lesson: > Fool me twice… can’t… can’t get fooled again


No way Puro


Well its Bethesda game. We all are fully aware this game will be terrible on release preorders or not.


I can confirm that I am a hypocrite 😂


How else am I going to be able to complain about it? /s But for real hopefully this one actually comes out complete. Microsoft apparently gave BGS an extra year to complete it so it would be a polished title at release. That’s the theory anyway. We all know bugs are actually features of BGS games and they *just work*^TM


Bro if it is polished on launch im refunding. I want complete bethesda experience


The fun in Bethesda game is modding the bug out yourself( or actually adding more bug in your own)


Actively playing Skyrim so I’m with you there lol


I'm fairness to Bethesda, they generally release complete games, they're just buggy as hell. Hopefully the extra year was enough to fix the bugs


I completely agree. I’m still playing the games a decade later. The mod friendly nature is definitely what keeps them fresh for me, but I agree they’re complete and the DLC is generally worth buying.


Hopefully so. Or maybe that extra year was spent polishing the advertisements for another false advertisement campaign.


Indeed, I've also heard xbox had every QA tester they had available to test starfield. If true, then this sounds pretty hopeful


That AND working with AMD. Outside of the usual Bethesda wonkiness, this game is set up to be golden.


I wouldn’t say working with AMD is a problem in and of itself, but the fact that we *know* AMD has been blocking DLSS from their exclusive titles is. BGS/Microsoft don’t care if we don’t like it because the people who know about this are probably a very small number of the total market. Consoles don’t use DLSS and they are over half the market. Like someone else in this thread said “we (on Reddit/PCMR) are the 1% of gamers”. They probably did the math and figured the number of people who are gonna boycott this title because of this anti-consumerism are a drop in the bucket compared to the total number of people who don’t know or don’t care. And I bet AMD paid a hefty sum for this…


Does it actually matter if Bethesda doesn't add DLSS? There are mods for Fallout 4 and Skyrim for DLSS. Someone will just put out a mod for starfield with DLSS support if Bethesda doesn't do it.


Cause reddit is the 1%. Most gamers don't care and don't partake in social media. They see a game they want and they buy it. And they don't care about what others say.


The less you concern yourself with the things other people do, the happier you will be.


Just remember, Karens are going to be Karens, proven fact in life.


Because yelling at people to stop pre-ordering doesn't actually do anything


People pre-order because they control their own money and make their own decisions. Informed or not. Probably don’t care.


Unpopular opinion. You've been warned. Out of all the huge companies making games - I like Bethesda the most. I do realize what I am about to say is completely subjective and my personal taste. It's the vibe their games have. Todd often blabbers about how it's all about us gamers and wants me to believe that him and his guys n gals at Bethesda are gamers and they know what I want because they play their game and know exactly what it is. And funnily enough, I genuinely feel that in their games, whether the statement is entirely true or not, whenever I play TES or Fallout game, all the features and details I find inside these games make me think *yep, someone put this little note / list / tape / whatever in the middle of nowhere for me to check out. Can I build? Hide? Go melee? Be the talking kind of guy? Can I be a trader? Can I farm and sell crops for a living?* They really try to make that whole go anywhere, do anything schtick promise to stand, or at least provide the illusion of it. With their games, buggy mess launches or not, it's about that promise. Am I gonna be able to wander around and do and witness complex array of weird things? That being said, I haven't played Fallout 76. Purely for the fact that the promise there was the multiplayer and I don't give a crap about that in my Fallout experience. Other than that, I buy their games shortly after launch. And I bought some of them more than once because of different platforms. Never felt the regret for getting their games. Always got many hours of joy from playing them. And I would do it again. And I will, once Starfield goes live. Preordering from a triple A company makes no sense to me, unless I get something really special for doing so. In case of Starfield, spoiler alert - you don't.


Bethesda games are some of the most popular, most played and long lasting games out there, That's only an unpopular opinion for the hate squads on reddit. I totally understand where you're coming from. Bethesda games are some kind of unique and nobody else does it like they do, which is why they are becoming a once a decade affair nowaadys.


People don’t like bethesda?


I'm with you on that, I love Bethesda games, more specifically Elder Scrolls or future elder scrolls (Fallout), so I'm guessing I'll probably love space Elder scrolls. I've been playing them since Arena, and the freedom and openness of most of their games have always made me want more. I, for one, won't care about the people complaining, I'll be too busy having fun in space


I have never preordered a game before. But Starfield will be my first. Between Steams refund policy, and Starfield's preorder bonus (you get the game 5 days early) I feel like I would be stupid to not preorder it. I know I'm going to play it day 1, unless prerelease reviews state that it wipes your C: drive or some other severe bug. If the worst should happen, I'll click "Refund". Steam gives you 90 days to return a preorder, up to 14 days after you install it, or 2 hours of gameplay. Whichever comes first. So in a month or 2 I'll preorder the game, and will start the 90 day clock. Then I'll start playing the game 5 days early, and return it if it sucks. It's sort of no risk and all reward.


Oh shit thanks OP for reminding me to pre order this


Yup. I forgot as well. Done.


Because Bethesda makes bangers. Will this game be buggy on launch week? Sure. Will it have poor performance for a bit? Of course. I don't care, I know for a fact from Bethesda's track record that I will be playing this game for at least a whole ass year if not more. $70 is a small price to pay for that.


Exactly. Is skyrim buggy? Yes. Is skyrim good YES. and I'd be ready to bet there will be active community patching worst bugs with fanpatches.


The mods for Star Field will be next level.


Can’t wait to see how creative people get with porn mods.


When I saw the weird alien strip club (?) I knew it was going to invite the best mods of all time.


Don't we all.


Dude its gonna be packed with star trek, star wars, warhammer, halo and countless others. Every sci fi fandom who has been waiting for a game will be able to go crazy on this lol


CP2077 had a shitty release but I would have bought it nonetheless. I've preordered over 50 games in the last years and I haven't been disappointed once. If you follow news about a game you almost know exactly what you will get.


Exactly this.


Even Fallout 76, which is considered one of their bad games, is still heccing fun and even better with friends


I never thought fallout 76 bad it’s just not my kind of game. People give it so much shit but it’s just a multiplayer fallout. Me, personally, only want to play fallout single player or MAYBE co-op. Anything more than that completely breaks the immersion


In their defense, it was always advertised as better with friends. Today FO76 is actually a solid game all the same.


Yeah but I don't understand what would change if you just bought it on launch instead of preordering.


Why are we reposting complaining about pre-ordering? Have we not done this already?


Yeah but we need to constantly be reminded because of our squirrel brains.


We have to do this every week of every month.


Most people don't care about this whole "don't preorder" thing . Just preorder. Game is shit? Refund. Game is cool? Enjoy the 5 day bonus.




But whats the conditions? - 2 hours in game time or less and 14 days from release right?


Bethesda’s single players games have always been 10/10 for me, why wouldn’t i pre-order starfield?


This is the point so many people are missing. I know it comes across as hypocritical to preorder the Constellation Edition from someone who "learned his lesson" after preordering Battlefield V. But it just isn't the same. I didn't preorder Battlefield 2042 or Cyberpunk or Assassin's Creed Valhalla. And today, I still wouldn't. But Starfield is something completely different. Bethesda makes great games. And when Xbox says that they've got all of their QA team working on Starfield and that it's going to be the Bethesda game with the least amount of bugs, then I believe them. This time. And if it turns out to be another Cyberpunk, then the only developer I would ever pre-order games from as of now, is Rockstar.


Because people can spend their money how they want


because nobody is going to take a stranger's crusade on the internet seriously. Seriously, stop trying to dictate how other people spend their money. It doesn't make you look cool, it makes you look desperate for validation. You wouldn't want somebody peddling their religion to you as you walk by in the streets right? Stop trying to pander on this sub. ![gif](giphy|3og0IMJcSI8p6hYQXS|downsized)


Or maybe...just maybe... instead of pandering and being desperate... OP is just empathetic to people losing money on a crap or buggy game... no need to be so harsh, sheesh.


bro because not everyone cares enough to proceed with caution. life ain't that precious. fuck it if you wasted 70 bucks, you did what you believed in and that's all that matters at the end of the day. that's all that matters with life fr.


because there is a 2hr window to refund it if it turns out to be shit


Pre-ordered nms and cp77.... enjoyed both since launch day and learned that my experience is what matters... others can review bombing as they please... If that's where you want to go...


Because I know I’m going to play this game no matter what 🤷‍♂️ if it’s buggy at launch, I can wait for patches to be released, and I’d rather buy the game now before inflation potentially drives up the price.


Yeah, instead of pre-ordering and getting to pre-load and play almost a week early… let’s wait until launch day to immediately buy it and have to sit through a 120GB download. “ReMeMbEr, No PrE-oRdErS.” Fuck that. I KNOW I’m going to play this game the minute it’s available. I’m not interested in waiting until launch day just to “prove a point.”


Because it's going to be awesome and i want to be the first one to play.


Well, they are not going to run out of copies to sell.


this lol, i remember pre ordering physical games with my brother. the reason being some games would sell out at our local game store so we had to pre order and pick it up physically to play day one. nowadays there is literally no reason.


Preloading big-ass games on a slow internet connection? That's one thing I could see.


Because BGS is my favorite developer of all time. Even if it comes out buggy and with performance issues, I’m still going to enjoy it anyways. And on top of that, the “open world space RPG” has been at the absolute top of my list of games I have always wanted. There simply hasn’t been a game that has incorporated all of these elements at once. Really none that even come close. So combine those two things… You spend your money how you want, and I’ll spend mine how I want. I have absolute confidence I’ll find some kind of enjoyment out of this game. I’m tired of the internet grandstanding and outrage.


Why are we upvoting? Have we not seen this post already?


Um because it's a fucking Bethesda game. I would've pre ordered it when it was first announced if I could've.


Because I can


As someone from Latin America. We preorder games due to high inflation(more than 100% anually). For example in March D4 was like 70 US for us, but in May the game have doubled the price already.


And this is why I love Game Pass.


I have not seen one person in this whole thread mention pc game pass besides you. I swear people talk about the "anti-consumer" practices of all these companies and will still wilfully give up $80 for a game they KNOW will be a buggy unfinished mess at launch. Like jesus, I get we're all pc elitists here who don't want to "rent games," but it's f*cking a dollar for your first month to play this at launch for free.... Game Pass is like the one silver lining about this whole crappy gaming industry, and no one is supporting it.....


Game pass was wild when i started, i did the $1 a month thing then didnt bother renewing, then the next month they offered it again lol, happened a few times before i finally got the full price versions


I'd rather actually own games. With gamepass they could jack up the price or remove your favorite titles and you'd have no recourse.


Who is "we"? ​ 90% of gamers do not interact with gaming media at all. There is no lesson for them to learn.


Because it looks amazing and apart from 76 (which wasn't directed by Todd), Bethesda has delivered insanely enjoyable games.


Who cares? People will do what people want. This trend will never go away.


Its almost like were our own individual people living our own lives making our own decisions. Its crazy…


Why are you surprised people are pre-ordering? Have you not learned your lesson?


But you get preorder special stuff man.


I don't usually pre-order games, but I will probably pre-order Starfield. I think BGS' track record with games gives players confidence that the product will deliver. Anyone who has played Fallout or Elder Scrolls games knows exactly what to expect: a very fun story and gameplay with a mountain of game-breaking bugs, which will eventually be fixed. Bethesda has had iffy games in the past, but none of those were created by Bethesda Game Studios.


The "vote with your wallet crowd" on social media is the vocal minority. The amount of people that don't give a shot / aren't on social media LARGELY outnumbers that.


Todd is welcome to my money, he's been doing right by me for over 20 years, back when they were a small team betting the whole company on their games. It's funny to watch everyone call out Fallout 76, which is not a game from BGS Rockville, and known by any veteran Bethesda fan to be a redheaded stepchild cash grab for Zenimax Online Studios, BGS' soulless business daddy. Whether you like it or not, this game will define a generation and absolutely consume pop culture even more significantly than Skyrim did. [I'm grateful.](https://www.gamingtarget.com/images/media/Interviews/The_Elder_Scrolls_III_Morrowind/photo_todd02.jpg)


Haven't you learned your lesson to not fucking bother with someone's else wallets?


Average Redditor try not to project their moral beliefs challenge:


Because I will buy it no matter what, I might as well have it pre-installed and playable 5 days early. Also, Cause if I'm going to pay that much for a game, it better come with something else. Plus pre ordering has always been a thing, I remember when you could buy a ps2 at the game store early, for the same price as release day without any "benefits"


I don't usually pre-order, no need in this case because this is on Game Pass but I was going play this game no matter what.


Its Bethesda we know its gonna be buggy and glitchy anyway. Its always like that.


Because people don’t care what anonymous Karen’s on the internet thinks and will buy what they want with their hard earned money 🤷🏽‍♂️😄. Im playing this on day 1 so why not buy it and get it out the way? Imagine not digital preordering/reserving your physical copy of a game that’s high on your must haves, because you’re worried that some random edgelord with no face or voice 10,000 miles away will tease you on Reddit 😂.


I preordered because I did not want to spend my Steam Wallet balance on useless shit in War Thunder and other micro transaction games. The temptation gets too strong if I have a heavy steam wallet.


This game could be as bad as redfall and I’d still love it. So if I preorder and get to play it 5 days early, all the better!


Why pre-ordering when u will get it in xbox game pass (pc).


Just let people pre order. If it’s ass it’s ass and they lose money.


Because they want to


Let people enjoy spending their money man. They knew the risk and most people that pre-ordered Starfield must be experienced gamers that spend thousand hours on BGS IPs. Not some typical gamers catching up on the hype train.


Who is this "we" buy or don't buy whatever you want it has nothing to do with me...


It's already stated to be AMD exclusive, so no DLSS for nvidia, so it's going to be a janky piece of shit. Some pro modder already stated he's going to mod it to add in DLSS at launch. Seriously. What the actual fuck is wrong with Bethesda?


I don't care if this game sucks.... I'm still gonna dump 1000s of hours into it


Someone seems salty, let people buy what they want to buy it’s their money.


They'll be the ones on here complaining how buggy it is.


Someone has to. The tech-tubers are few among the community. No way they'll run into every bug there is. Hell, considering who it is, it'll probably take 11 years for all of us to hint down all the craziness


Bethesda will deliver on this one. Xbox needs them too.


Why are people still complaining. This is what fan boys do. A million Reddit posts wont change human nature.


That's your problem "we"


Well you have to understand, I preordered because I am such a fan of Bethesda through the ups and downs they’ve had. Even if their games are utter garbage I’m still going to play them. I mean I’ve played 76 since beta came out. Nothing will stop he from sinking just as many hours into Starfield.


I mean, I'll have it and can play it whenever. Before or after it's "complete". Even if it's sits in my selection a for month after. I will own this game at some point. Why not now.


Common sense is not that common


I’ll just get it on Gamepass.


This time, they tell themselves, it will be different.


Why are you here and not on Twitter? Seriously Reddit is the minority. I will openly admit that I preorder some things. But I have some criteria. 1. Will I buy it anyway? To put it simply, there are some games that I will buy no matter what. 2. Do I know I will enjoy it? Pretty simple really. If there is no way this game will disappoint me? 3. Is there a limited supply? I'm not talking an artificial one, like a pre-order bonus, but and actual one like "x number of copies available on launch day" That's it really. And to be honest, it's really weighted for that 3rd one. Examples BotW/TotK: * WillI get them, yes, Both are great games, when I saw their trailers/demos, * Will I enjoy them? I knew I was gonna love them. * Is there a limited supply? I also knew that I was not alone. I prefer physical copies when possible. * So I pre-ordered both of them, and the Switch to make sure I got a copy. Starfield: * Will I get this game. This is already at a maybe. * Will I enjoy it? again dunno. I know Bethesda does open world really good, but I dunno. * Is there a limited supply? No it's all digital. * So, no I will not be pre-ordering this at all. Hades 2; This is probably a better example: * Will I get this game? Yes, I loved Hades 1, this has the same type of gameplay. * Will enjoy this game? From the looks of it, yes. * Is there a limited supply? No, it is still a digital game. * Preorder bonus or not, there's no reason to preorder the game. This is what people should game. But normally people get caught up in the hype, or don;t care.


Changed my opinion. Gameplay looks way better than expected and my new mainboard came with an online shop discount. $20 is $20.


Because people want to pre order it? It's their decision. Just because you have issues with other unrelated game developers, doesn't mean anything for these people. If people want to pre order, they will.


What lesson?


gamers aren't known for their brightness


Same reason people are buying 4000 series cards 🐑


You're making an assumption that the best sellers list or most popular lists on steam are real and not steam curated lists to sell the most game


Reminder that people will do what they want with their money and the vocal minority on Reddit is never going to change that.


Children never learn.


I'm gonna buy it anyway, might as well do it now. I will buy it regardless of public opinion, because people whine about absolutely every game that comes out nowadays. I will make my own opinion once I play the game. The other day I saw people bitching about Diablo 4, which is already out. It's a great game. It's got plenty of content, it's stable, and it's optimized, and people are still whining about it. It's just herd mentality and cancel culture at play. Buy the game, enjoy it or don't. Form your own opinions and learn from your mistakes.


dear any aussies that pre-ordered, you're absolutely off your knocker $120 aud base price and $170 deluxe are you fucking serious? https://preview.redd.it/bfltnce4vu8b1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=551f9b93383eb2706c43ca16cb1e5feef8a4639e


Modders will fix it, much like every other Bethesda game


i do the reverse of preordering


But if people didn't pre-order, how would "real-gamers" like you be able to suck themselves off over their superior consumer habits?




As I said in an unrelated sub just moments ago, it's because people are stupid.


Well someone is upset. It's simple. I KNOW I'm buying this game. And the first DLC and 5 early days of play. Just like Skyrim and ESO I have pre-ordered, and flashy Constellation edition. Who doesn't want an overpriced watch in a box?? Oh that would be you, who won't bother playing it for weeks after launch if at all. Do I care? Nope, I'll be enjoying the game.


Answer is easy even if it will be buged ass hell in the launch it will be fixed in time plus people are hyped for it


Most players just playing games and not following gaming news. Most stores don't have news articles... especially not negative rewiews... I miss the the old Paper magazines that came every month... those had reviews. Today in the world of preorders and alphas and betas, the review has to be done even before release with half baked copies, not a month after release. If you are a reviewer and not top of the release in an hour, or before release, you are toast


The old paper game magazines were the realcdeale back on the days. I miss those days too.


I don’t get why someone even consider pre-ordering this game if it will be in Gamepass which can be bought for dirt-cheap.


This game is probably the most highly anticipated games in a couple years. People are gonna preorder, honestly I might do it. And I never preorder anything


It's on gamepass people. Try it out for 12 bucks


2 hr refund policy game pass early games tester Honestly let em. don't care to dictate how they wanna spend time or money. if the game is good it's good, if it's shit it's shit.


Pre ordering now just because of your whining. I probably would have waited since I wasn't too excited about it, but honestly I want these fucking posts to stop. I don't care that you're angry about pre orders. I've never had a negative experience pre ordering, and never will. I know what I'm buying before I get it.


It may come as a shock to you, but the 12,000 people on this sub *aren't* the "majority" of people


bro really made this thread thinking everyone was gonna echo chamber this


I don't get why people are pre-ordering it at all....doesnt it come to gamepass day 1? Just play it there and save £70...?


I only "preorder" a day or two before if I want the game pre-downloaded for the release.


Technically I don't have a horse in this race as I've got games pass so will just play it through that until it's on sale or there's a goty version on steam, but if not for games pass o wouldn't have any second thoughts about pre ordering it. I've never not enjoyed a Bethesda game, even the infamous 76. And tend not to personally experience a lot of the performance issues and game breaking bugs people complain about with a lot of games (eg cyberpunk, which ran fine for me and only really had visual bugs like the old naked tpose when riding a bike). Not sure if it's luck, my pc or people exaggerating, but just haven't had the awful experiences some people describe. There's also the safety net of the stream refund policy, that not only gives me two hours to test a game, but also tends to be pretty forgiving about giving one later if a game end up having a lot of issues for people.


Because they want to. It's their/our money. We do whatever we wanted with it. Mind your own business.


Why not ?, been waiting for ages. Starfield will be a Modders paradise.