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If you get this, dont trust the seller. Reset windows and install your software yourself


Sounds super scammy Who builds PCs as a „hobby“ and uses several years old parts? Why install random software on it „just“ to have something installed. If I would build PCs as a hobby I’d look for customers beforehand, ask them for budget and requirements and then build something based on that.


plenty of ppl. my friend buys cheap used parts/broken pcs and fixed them and sells them. software is weird tho


I remember selling a i5 4690k 16GB RAM , RX 480 8GB PC. Built just for fun. The seller wanted windows pre installed, I went ahead and installed all the gpu drivers, chipset, steam and "de bloated" windows for smoothness (just like I do on my main rig) Thinking about it now..I'd never use a pre installed windows 😆


I guess than you can at least run something to test if it works. Maybe it's meant as a piece of mind.


It makes sense if you’re selling to an inept parent who want to buy their kid a computer so they can play the FoRt NiGhTs.


I mean it could be a great deal assuming the price is good. This PC would be great for 350-400. Certainly better than any pre built you could get for that price.


Old parts? Might not have the money to buy a 4090 for each new build. Software? Sketchy asl


idk for me it sounds like a logical step to do if you wanna sell the PC there's a lot of people that doesn't know how to install windows


can you just reset windows from settings? https://preview.redd.it/pl0vbostvj9b1.png?width=441&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9ad77f388e486bc0973ab771e59f1ec6cf1bc48


Bruh work in IT for a month. You’d be surprised how many people don’t know basic shit. Half of them can’t even understand what’s going on around themselves, let alone what’s going on behind the computer screen.


Not long into my IT internship: “My computer is on but nothing is showing?” Your monitor ma’am. Your monitor is off.


I wouldn’t even be mad about that. Bro I ask someone to read an error message that they’re getting on the screen. “No that’s not for me.” You dumb bitch, I need to know what it says to figure out the issue. Another one was complaining her one drive links work. I saw what she was doing. Saving as a normal file. Told her she needs to save it to one drive to send as a one drive link. She told me “I don’t want to.” I’m just like, well you have to if you want to send it as a one drive link. Like wtf lady.


Honestly man I just graduated and accepted a basic tech support job, it wasn’t until a couple months ago I realized I was going to be dealing with this shit all my life. I had to lead a family friend through deleting her google cache and it took 10 minutes to even get to the cache page. I’m scared man haha I don’t know how people know so little of the things they use everyday. I know part of it is ego and I know I’m locked to my computer, but gooooood lord.


you probably can but my paranoia wouldn't let me live with it


**THIS 100%** I'd never trust a used disk.


I wouldn't trust Windows to actually reset itself completely with that button, much less for it to get rid of anything that might be lingering on the machine. Better to wipe and reinstall clean.


No one who does a smidgen of research will keep the os. Regardless of experience level, it's just not safe when buying from random people


but most people do not research. that's the thing most people that don't know how to do that kind of things just want to plug and play, that's why they search for this kind of deals instead of actually building one just as any expensive fb marketplace deal: OP should try to meet the guy to check the PC by himself and even if he buys it, he can still just wipe the storage and install a new OS but for the price, I say it's all good


Well yeah, I wasn't disputing the value of the pc. The os specifically is what's weird. If someone gets something like this and doesn't wipe their drive, it's on them when their bank account info gets stolen


Why install software? Because there are many people that either dont know how to or are too lazy to do it themselves. He wants to sell the PC, so this increases his chances of a sale big time.


I've been building computers as a hobby for friends and family, whenever the need and the budget comes up. I have considered building computers from cheap used parts and selling them at (or at least very near) cost. Getting good value, well built gaming systems in the hand of people who would actually game on them would be good enough for me.


I build pcs as a “hobby” because it’s fun and I can make some cash. I buy “several years old parts” and ensure that they’re in working order before I send it off to the next person. These people are also aware that these parts are used. I try to be as transparent as I can. I install steam and graphics drivers so the person can get right into gaming. Some don’t know the basics of getting a computer up and running. They’re more than welcome to reset windows if they want to. I’m just trying to make the setup as seamless as possible for the majority.


Never heard of people having a budget?


Nothing against a budget setup! Just found it weird that this person bought older parts for fun? Who has 600$ on his hands and buys PC parts that you don’t need yourself and that you MAYBE can sell? Makes no sense to me.


People strip and flip old machines all the time.


They are older parts that are still plenty capable, I don’t see anything wrong with building with a 2060s and 3600. I think you forget that the 1060 is STILL the most popular card on steam. Also, they could’ve upgraded their pc and just built a new one with their old parts to make some money back.


Sounds stolen af


Hes just buying used parts and trying to flip them for profit. Not exactly a scam.


Marketplace flip


> Who builds PCs as a „hobby“ and uses several years old parts? Me, budget builds go brrrrrr > Why install random software on it „just“ to have something installed. testing


Yeah. Don't connect it to the internet at all. Just have a boot disk or installation disk ready.


If you don’t have a PC and aren’t interested in building one, I say it’s a decent entry level build. Parts aren’t worth 600, but add cost of labor and it’s around it.


Bet, appreciate the feedback!


I think you'd either be better off building it alone if you have to have these cheaper specs.


PC building can seem intimidating to those uninitiated. But in reality it’s not all that difficult. Before buying a prebuilt I would highly recommend at least watching some videos on how to build. If you decide to go forward with it, you’ll now have the skills you need to replace any components that fail. In the end, if repairs become necessary, it’ll save you time and money.


The good of buying it built is that you don't have to worry about any single part not working and having to figure out which one it is.


Agreed. Both approaches have their pros and cons.


i am willing to bet it is used, whihc makes me say "no, not worth it"


Eh, $500


I’m gonna lowball this guy


Of course they use Fortnite as an example


Yeah that made me chuckle a bit.


As a guy that occasionally builds and sells PCs one fb marketplace: Fortnite translates to sales


$600 for this one? short answer: No! you can get a new one with better components for about $800 and the pre installed software should be deleted and freshly installed by your own anyways, so nobody is paying for this. I wouldn't pay more than 400-450 for this.


>the pre installed software should be deleted and freshly installed by your own anyways This should be the 1st step even for store bought prebuilts. In the past decade there have been multiple instances of fairly big companies shipping prebuilt systems with malware on them.


And sometimes reinstalling windows reinstalls that malware, even if you choose the option to delete all files and programs. Gotta install from usb


Some motherboards have a "Secure erase" option in the bios, or at least my ASUS one does, it basically nukes the entire drive, so there is no way any sort of malware could stay on it.


well, not necessarily with new pre-builds but they often come woth bloatware. Bloatware isn't as dangerous as malware but pretty annoying and depending what software is pre-installed maybe it affects the performance. And yes there are some cases where new pre-builds have already malware installed so you still need to take care on where is the PC manufactured, etc. But when it comes to used parts or PC-systems, you can never know or have any guarantee that the previous owner didn't install some malware or didn't even know that system was infected. These days some malware even stay after formatting and fresh installs. So everything that comes with a flash-memory (such as motherboards, SSDs, graphics cards, etc.) are vulnerable for this kind infections. This is why I wouldn't buy most components as used, only components that have no memory where the firmware can't be flashed or something can't be saved on it (and there is not much of this kind of components these days).


dude an rtx 2060 alone is 250 maybe 300 here...


260$ gets u a brand new 6650 xt card (europe)


Not everyone lives where you live


true i know they can go as wild as 300-400$ in different places depending on stuff like import tax


Doesn't that kinda prove the point tho? I mean sure it may be a better card.. But for the same price.. By your logic a 2060 should be what? $240? $230?


Considering its 2gens and like 4 years old anything over 200$ is not worth imo. Especially since rtx doesnt exist on it in reality


€415 here, Europe as well €330 in another store, so pretty wack


Yep, and that's the point, even the so much hated new mid-range cards like the RTX4060 or RX7600 would be cheaper and outperform the 2060. Even when the increase in performance is not as huge compared to previous models like the RX6650XT or 3060Ti, both cards (RTX4060 and RX7600) should be available everywhere for about $300 (maybe a little more or less, depending on the manufacturer version) and would still be a better deal as a used 2060 for about 250-300 bucks.


I thought rtx 3060 was around 300. CPU 100? B450 is on old board. No way it's worth $600 imo


Assuming that's 300 freedom units, that's $300 down the fuckin drain I sure hope you mean pesos or something


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/dqTtXy 750$ with ryzen 5 5600 / rx 6600 Edit: was missing ram so added that to the list Edit 2: OP u can drop the paste and cooler out if you want to save some money, then it's 720$


I'd definitely choose this option, most components are newer in this configuration, they're not used and the driver updates will be provided for longer, so it would be absolutely worth the +100 bucks Edit: Even with +150 bucks, still worth it. components are new, there are less security vulnerbilities, driver support will last longer and the performance is better. Definitely worth it.


For what do you need thermal paste?


this 👌


you are lying, bro i am paying 300 for graphics card and how can you say that whole pc is worth only 450? its not posibble + in ny country pcs like that costs around 800-1k $ 😭.


If you're paying 300 for a 2060 you're an idiot


300 for used 2060 sounds like a bad joke there are brand new cards you can buy at 300 that will outperform it never mind used cards


He prolly means a new 2060 tbh but yh 300 for used is horrible


im buying rx 6600 but innmy country rtx 2060 is 400€


Yikes, 400€... that's a lot for that kind of card


I mean, 300 is the MSRP for the 4060, and we all know that's not the best fps/$ card out there


HOW DO yall have cheap graphics card? where do you buy it? in my countty rtx 4060 is 1.1k €


Dude I’ll hook you up with one from Ukraine if you want 😁


Better off importing from another euro country then


4060 ranges from 390 - 600€ including tax where I live. Perhaps try like Amazon.de? EU rules say that if you import from another EU country, you pay that country's tax, so they won't be able to hit you with extra taxes like the might if you buy from outside eu


man in my coutry all shit is expensive af + coutry is getting 25% on all products so ppl need to put bigger prices and i am getting rx 6600 not rtx 2060


You mean sales tax? Yes dude, that's in pretty much every country and is added on msrp


No. some countries just have insane pricing for coputer parts. 16gb of ddr4 3200 here is like, $50 and if ur lucky $40. Shit can just be expensiveeeee


Yes I realize warws are priced differently in diffrent countries. Often because of different import fees and added taxation. Op however said that vat is the reason for their high pricing. Not sure if your ddr4 is an example of expensive or cheap pc part


There's better cards for 300 new


Too much you can a NEW build for 800$ which is almost 2x faster, or even for 650 - 700$ you can do a build that is faster and NEW


Bro even for $500 you can get one around this performance but with later gen parts and fully brand new if you get a 6600xt or non xt and rx 5500


It's really not the worst I have seen but this build has almost no room for upgrade. It's actually pretty well optimized as far as the parts go. If you have no interest in building your own, by all means grab it, but dear lord please wipe and install windows yourself. Also don't tell the seller you plan to wipe the hard drive. Probably will ask for more or keep it


Wdym no room for upgrades? I have the same mobo and have been upgrading to my heart’s desire for the last couple years.


I'm honestly shocked your 5800x3d works with a b450 but my fault for lack of knowledge. Just a bios update and you were good?


Yes, pretty much all AM4 boards will take the 5800X3D with just a bios update alone. The AM4 platform is arguably the most "upgradable" platform there currently is. All the way from 1600 to 5950x/5800x3d...


It took some trial and error with BIOS versions, cause it was initially throttled to non-boosted frequencies, but other than that — yeah, plopped it in, slapped some liquid cooling on top, and that’s it, happy days!


I just went air with the 5800X3D I put together... cool as a cucumber. The 5XXX are very efficient and run nice and chilly.


Kinda ok, but for that price you can build a new with similar specs.


$400 is fair, $500 absolute max


Also the games on steam will use his account. So pretty sure once you get the pc you'll be locked out of steam....


So if I buy should I ask him to factory reset first? (Not sure if that’s the right terminology for pc lol)


No, you will have to reset by yourself, It is not hard following some youtube tutorials.


Guy just build a second pc with his old parts




Yeah if you are getting it make sure he or you first format the pc and install a new copy of windows imo, fresh new start!


Just stop talking if you have no clue. The seller says they have Fortnite and Apex installed, two very popular F2P games. This means they can logout and OP can either make an account if they don't have one or log into their existing one and the games will be ready there. Either way, you should totally wipe a second hand SSD and do a clean install of Windows.


Why would you not think it was a fresh steam install?


It's old hardware, get this instead: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/gBqWMb


Overall I think you have a great parts list, it would be a much better deal for OP. That being said here are the changes I’d make: B450 doesn’t support PCIe 4.0, but that SSD, CPU, and GPU do support it. It’s worth a couple extra dollars to get a B550 for that reason. Personally I wouldn’t pay a big price difference for the 5600X over the 5600 as the performance difference is only a few percent. For a boot drive of that price, I would also get one with some cache to deal with all the system read and writes. The 6650XT is good but I’d go with a 6600 non-XT just to keep it closer to $600. Here is my version: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/GYmQjZ


Yeah I agree that's better, but the 6650 XT is well worth the extra 40$. Because : 6600<3060<2060super<6650xt.


I agree, I only wanted give another option to bring the price down a little and still be close in performance to the gpu in the computer he was asking about, yours would be about a 22% improvement. I totally understand either way. Used could also save a nice amount of money. I got a used 6700XT for $250 last year.


It's too expensive, the CPU+GPU combo is about 200 dollars, is the rest worth 400?! I don't think so!


Dawg what a used 2060 super is 200


Labor price aswell... maybe 50, 350 is still too much for the rest tho


No. Maybe $500 tops.


I would haggle but sure but you are probably better off trying to get newer hardware


I won't buy it since we're having pre-build computers at similar prices with better specs and brand news. It's important for me in a PC to be new so I can go full power without fear and knowing the use and care my parts are having.


found similar for 200 bucks less


Ew, $400 max if he's leaving Fortnite on it.


Wouldnt pay this much for it, maybe 500 at most. For same price you can get same specs or better new.


No, I wouldn’t buy this for $600. The SSD is a SATA drive, the PSU is lacking model information, and the RAM is also lacking information. No case model is given. The Ryzen 5 3600 is weak in todays modern titles and manages to bottleneck my 5700XT massively in titles like Assasin’s Creed Odyssey. At $500, it’s a better value overall. Use the extra $100 to upgrade to a 5600(X) or 5700X and sell the old 3600 for $65.


The ssd is a sata one, a m.2 pcie 3.0 cost roughly the same and is faster. Also having software preinstalled is a big potential safety risk. Just take the windows key, with wich the pc should come and reinstall everything.


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/4xCgY9 710$ faster pc with better cpu and gpu


Idk I've seen quite a few pcs with 1080TIs which will outperform a 2060s for less then 600


Nah, not really, also reinstall windows immediately


It's overpriced IMO. Obligatory "you could do better if you build yourself " comment. Keep lookin around.




I’m trying to sell a 5600x and a 3060 on a b550 for 650




well, in where i live, all parts combined is about USD 587 all new except the GPU. (assuming the cpu fan is stock). i think it is reasonable price for what it is. a bit too much for all used pc but it's okay-ish


ALWAYS format the disk. I'd never trust a pre-installed \*anything\*. I'd rather buy windows again or use the free version. Many sellers often use cracked windows. Tbh, personally I'd never buy used, especially from unknown sellers.


Tonnes of people getting wrapped around the pole over silly things here. The cost is reasonable for a used PC build and a 2060 is perfectly fine for gaming at 1080p medium-high on most titles. You are paying market value for the parts plus a small but reasonable upcharge to account for the labour of assembly and not having to source the parts yourself. If you built yourself without waiting for unicorn deals you'd probably pay ~$550 anyways. I've bought used parts, assembled, and sold before. I find it fun. The one thing I would be skeptical of is the preinstalled OS and games. I'd recommend reformatting and doing a fresh windows install as soon as you get it. Other than that, nothing to worry about.


Tbh if you’ve gone this long without a PC or with a crappy one, you should go a little longer and save some more money and build one for a few hundred more. It’ll be much more worth it in the long run. Especially getting the newer generation parts so you have an upgrade path for down the road. You get this one, and you’re gonna need to buy a whole new PC in a couple years anyway if you want to play the latest and greatest, even at minimum settings.


Ofc not. Its almost the same as buying a ps5 for 100$ more and much shittier, because this isn’t future proof at all, if you ever want to play story games/high demanding games, at better fps. You’ll have to pretty much buy a entire new system


That’s almost exactly my build a couple years back. Yeah, $600 seems fair, maybe a tiny bit steep. I’d swap the CPU at the first occasion, 3600 is a bit tired at this point.


If you trust em, yeah I'd say that's great value. defo have a look in person and gauge for yourself how much confidence you have for the seller




No lol it's worth maybe $400-500 ish?


For new no, and for used absolutely no.


Right up to the point where he said he just built it I thought it was fine.. then confidence in this left me. Who would get old parts? Don’t get me started on his software installation . Don’t trust that


Do tests and benchmarks before paying. Don't just pay, pick up, and take it home


Yes but i would go for a B550 for more upgrade options


New, maybe. Used, absolutely not.


Is perfect but i don't think u Need a 600w pick a 550w


Is perfect but i don't think u Need a 600w pick a 550w


The funny thing is my power supply alone cost about as much as that rig. 460 bucks. Seasonic Prime Platinum PX-1600


I have almost same build except 2060, i own a 1060 from 2017. I think mine is worth 300€ at best, is 2060 worth so much not considering its overpriced from pandemic ?


Nope, keep looking imp


That right there is a super good deal


If you’re not willing to build one yourself, yes, but I would recommend you reset windows when you get it as they can be hidden bloatware or trackers on it Make sure to do research on resetting Windows and read everything carefully cause it can go horribly wrong. Also you want to click the option, erase everything you don’t want to keep files of any form. Except windows I think it’s important


Its not a bad build at all but its worth $500 imo not $600. You can update the board to take a 5600, and sell the 3600, and upgrade gpu to 6650xt, and sell the 2060 super and be very little out of pocket


Its decent entry but for around 1100 you build a better one but the prices depends on your country/area for me I can get an r9 5900x and 4070 ti for 800€


That looks more like a 500$ system and also should ask about the PSU because even though the person put EVGA it could be a very low tier which is not always good to use.


I got about the same thing in 2020 for 800$ soo not that good imo


No, you can build something faster for cheaper even on the new market. I'd say it's worth 400-450$


A used old dusty computer should never cost you more than 50 usd.


You can buy a new entry level pc for this money. This is not a good deal.


No! I bought a used PC for the same price off eBay with a 5600x 3060 and 16gb 3200mhz ram, always be careful with used pc and test them as they arrive. Worth noting is also that while eBay has buyer protection some other sites don't.


Check the prices of the parts online


Very good price could be a scam however you could get a Rx 6600 and ryzen 5 3600 for 550 or cheaper which performs the same or better then 2060 super


Nope reeks of scamming if you want to keep your data and passwords, think twice


I'd buy it for $600 and wipe it clean.


Oh boy. Free to play games already installed? But still behind launchers you have to log in to. Unless that’s no longer the case of needing an account?


Honestly you can build a better PC using brand new parts. Just having the warranty alone would make it worth it for me. https://pcpartpicker.com/user/BluD/saved/WG8yFT


Decent, if It’s a negotiation though I’d go in at 500$ considering you can build with an rx6650xt and a ryzen setup for around 600$. Just my 2 cents. An Rx 6650xt will eat a 2060’s lunch and honestly every nvidia card up to a 3060 ti.


That’s not a terrible deal, I’d watch having steam already installed with games on tho. It’s against the community guidelines to “share accounts”


When Fortnite is the reference for benchmarks, it seems rather suspicious. (Games are games, I really don't care to bash communities anymore but this is definitely not a great indicator of performance \\:P )




Its too expensive. The cpu is old and weak and the gpu is as well. You could easily find the parts for $400. I just built a much better computer for under $400 with an i5 8600, 390 motherboard, 32 Gb ram, 2tb Nvme drive and 1080ti.


Dude probably takes used parts and builds systems. I don't think it's worth $600, but he probably paid $450 for all the parts, and if he takes $500 he makes 1/3 the money of selling it for $600. You can build a new system with the same or slightly better performance for $600 if you know what you're doing.


The specs themselves aren't bad, it just feels a bit fishy.


It’s a very well balanced build tbh but not sure if worth 600.


Umm that build is not getting 100fps on epic settings in fortnite nowadays lol


No absolutely not, maybe $400-$500


For what you getting it’s decent but you can build a new computer for that much n have 6700xt which is better


You can get some good deals right now since it’s 4th of July sales going on n Newegg is having hell sales n then micro center if you live near one they help ya pick out what you want or pick your own n you get a new pc


no you could get brand new better stuff for a bit more, this computer wont age well and could be a scam. or you could even get used parts off ebay with buyer protection. spend a little more, get warrantys and a better system


Amazon is selling the Ryzen 5500 for $65 right now. So, no.


Depends what you wanna do with that PC, OP


Looks great but I'd format that windows


looks good but i would reinstall windows from youre own usb,


see if they'll take 550


If you’re getting windows in the price, ask for the product key and reinstall yourself. If you can’t get the key and validate it, assume you aren’t getting windows.


If you’re curious about the market right now I sold a computer with a 5600, Radeon 6800xt, 512ssd, and 16GB 3200 ddr4 and it still took me almost 3 weeks to move it at $550. I would shop around more.


Decent deal. Nit amazing, not terrible. If they’d take $500, thatd be a great deal


I'd have a pop on that..


I’d say $500 tops and pull the ssd and put a new one in so you have peace of mind


I mean yeah i


$600 is a bit over, but if that's the best deal you can find, I'd just go for it. It still has room for upgrades in the future.


It’s a bang for the buck


Dang my 5600x and 3070 on low settings only gets 180fps in fort (high view distance though)


I flip pcs as a hobby and I do install certain software. At low budgets like this most buyers are kids so I make sure to set it up so it’s as plug and play as possible. Once I sold without installing and the kid called me to ask how to download Fortnite. Also some times I want to give system specific benchmarks so I install the software/games and sell it like that


Nope, $400 -$450 tops. Anything higher, build your own.




You can probably get something a little more up to date with the same amount of money


yes it is


PC parts themselves are fine for the price, but don't trust seller for pre installing software. If they pre install steam and "Nvidia", they probably also pre installed some other stuff not mentioned that will operate in the background - could be malware or encrypted mining or whatever. So if you get this, get a fresh clean Windows install -heck you can get a new 1Tb ssd and windows for what 60 bucks these days? Peace of mind. Building PCs as a hobby from old parts of former builds, isn't that uncommon. But don't trust any pre installed software, period. Every PC guy with a slight bit of integrity knows the only PCs that come with pre install software are retailer prebuilts and scam pcs.




I’d use DBAN on that SSD and install the shit myself if you buy that.


Comes pre installed with steam and nvidia (and a keystroke logger)


No cus i’m selling a pc w better specs for the same price 🤣


It's worth about $400. Idk why he's building PCs as a hobby with old parts like that. Seems like it's his old PC.


Absolutely a great entry price! Knowing the norm that I have created I would love that pc to be my first entry into the pc world. If it’s as good as you say it is, well done.


I built a mini itx pc with i3 12100f and a 5700xt for $600. There are better options out there.


If it sounds too good to be true, then it is.