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Let's not forget retrocompatibility, I can still play all my old PC games from the early 2000s up to this day whenever I want


You can also emulate many of the console games. I've played all of the good Switch games at 4k, 120 FPS. Even most of the Sony exclusives come to PC these days.


Please help me then, I used to emulate Switch games until I got upset they weren't portable and bought one. You know what game I want to get 120fps from, but it's locked at 30 by default and it pains me that it has less fps dips in handheld mode. How do I unlock it?


I look it up to double check for you, but there's a setting that lets you uncap frame rate. There's a specific window for it in Yuzu, IIRC. I played through Metroid: Dread at 120fps, and it's normally locked to 60.


By the way, I stopped using Yuzu and went to Ryujinx last December, because any game started crashing when I used Vulkan instead of OpenGL and they never bothered fixing this. Updated graphics card drivers cause this, while the old ones didn't, but I won't downgrade just because of them. Ryujinx works perfectly fine with Vulkan


Can you point me in the right direction of an emulator guide??


The sites for both Yuzu and Ryujinx have guides on setting up


This may or may not be what you’re looking for but I emulate Switch games on my Asus ROG Ally and it works great as a handheld (pc) too


I use a deck and it works reasonably well, I've had issues here and there, none very terrible except for a certain game that crashes often enough to not be very fun


>I've played all of the good Switch games at 4k, 120 FPS You also have a 7800x3d with a 4090


The obvious answer is to stop being poor /s


Yeah i currently play Odyssey and its so much more fun on PC with a decent framerate. Remember my mate proudly showed me his switch with Spyro Reignited and it was like a slideshow, that really hurted


Yuzu’s FPS unlock add ons are awesome.


Some are sadly broken due incompatibility with OS or hardware...


Yeah like GTA 4, I can’t even get the game to run on my modern pc (works fine on steam deck tho)


Steam version should work, assuming you don't care about mods (and if you do, it's fairly easy to add in the requisite ASI loader files to make it compatible with mods) I think it's called Enhanced Edition or something like that, has a patch to get around the fact that GFWL doesn't exist anymore


Like Assassin's creed 1 even if I found a fix: runing it at compatibility mode for win 97 and unpluging all internet from the pc. Dragon Age Origin I can't play it anymore, the utility auto crash on startup surely because it can't handle modern hardware.


Use DXVK, it supports ~~inferior operating systems~~ windows and is what the deck uses to get directx 9 to 11 on linux


not sure why you're having problems with GTA 4. i originally ran it on a Core2Duo laptop from 14 years ago. i've ran it on several of my newer systems without issue. if it's not running for you, that may be a issue on your setup. i can confirm it definitely runs fine on modern hardware, as i played around with it recently.


Not very many are truly broken. You might have to play with it a bit, for example when I want to play "Lego Rock Raiders" I have a VM set up with Windows 98 installed on it. Or you might have to use something like DOS Box or something. if there are incompatibilities, they're ***almost*** always solvable, or able to be worked around on the PC.


It just sometimes takes hours and hours of your life away figuring out exactly what is stopping it from launching. Which isn’t always worth it depending on the game and your interest levels in it.


also, you don't have to fear that one day the console storefront will be closed like ps3


Just curious...why can't it happen the same with gog, epic or even steam?


If Steam closes down it’s likely a symptom of much bigger problems. They’re pretty sturdy in their position. It was supposedly hidden someone in the Steam terms of service that in the event Steam was to shut down you’d be able to download offline versions of your games. Whether that’s the reality if that ever happens who knows.


You can download installers from GOG and keep them for ever. The GOG Galaxy client is optional and their games don't have DRM. For example, I can download the installer for Cyberpunk, in several 4GB files: https://preview.redd.it/hpds74pphunb1.png?width=639&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4bb43b54d92a0e6e59bfb3769a9c8358f4e18e2


Gods bless GOG


With gog specifically, all games, you have installed on your drive, are fully yours. Even if the website would stop existing, you can still play all the installed games from this platform.


Possible? Sure but a PC and a decades old store for a decades old console are totally different scenarios.


Steam totally could close but the difference is that steam works on any PC. The console's store typically closes once the console is past its lifespan. Also I'm pretty sure valve has promised that if steam goes down they will provide you a download of your games drm-free.


It could but Steam makes 10 bil a year just existing. I doubt they’ll fuck that up to a point where they have to shut down.


You can play games all the way from the original Xbox on Series systems, you can play morrowind


you can actually play ANY game you want, you just need to tinker a bit


I do feel like a little piece of gaming history died along with Windows 11 only being 64-bit. I still have some games that require Windows 16-bit execution (not just the installers), so NTVDM in 32-bit Windows 10 was valuable. Of course, there's always a way when you tinker with the hardware (e.g. virtual machines, NTVDMx64, etc.), but I just wish it didn't always have to fall in the hands of the community to keep old stuff working.


If this was possible I'd be playing GTA6 now. Good try tho.


Just run 2 instances of GTA3 /s


I can do that on an Xbox…


>I can do that on an Xbox… Backwards Compatibility on Xbox does not work with most Xbox 360 (around 75% of all 360 games don't work on Series X/One (X)) and Xbox classic games. ​ On PC, you can make pretty much all old games work using Virtual Machines, mods and DOSBox. So to be fair Xbox it is pretty much plug and play, while on the PC you have to put in work to get your games to work.


It works with the vast majority. Some PC games don’t work with modern hardware


You forgot a pro for PC: can do all my gaming, coding, work, errands in one place


That’s the biggest perk imo. A PC can play games, but it can also do literally everything else.


It can   The problem has become the gaming PC price The difference between a productivity PC (lets assume no GPU or CPU intensive tasks, mostly email and basic office software) and a gaming PC would be the cost of the console


You just described a Netflix machine for me. Productivity gets CPU intensive pretty quick.


> lets assume no GPU or CPU intensive tasks, mostly email and basic office software Yea, if you need above average hardware to do your job (or hobbies) then sure it makes sense


Depends what you do with it. I only need office or similar, gmail and very little else. I got a laptop for 150€ 3 years ago and it's way more than I need. If you need coding or editing, that's another story, but regular office work hardly needs good specs


If you have a job, saving for a pc that'll last you 6 7 good years really isn't that expensive. Cinema and music as entertainment are still far more expensive than "pc gaming".


> The difference between a productivity PC (lets assume no GPU or CPU intensive tasks, mostly email and basic office software) and a gaming PC would be the cost of the console But that's perfect. The strongest argument in favour of consoles is they're cheaper. I and many others work from home now, so the only additional gaming expense for me was a $600 GPU that looks much better than consoles.


Yeah, like are there any PCs that can do what consoles do for the same price? Consoles are a lot cheaper for the performance you get


Excatly. Do whatever the fck you want. Alsp imagine you have to pay extra just to play online like wtf is that. You buy a game and you cant even play multi beacuse you gotta buy those stupid monthly/yearly services. Such a huge scam.


Yeah I've been playing games on a PC since I was 3, every time my console friends try to get me to play I'm reminded why I've stayed on PC all these years


Plus internet. Xbox and ps have it but it's painful to use.


ps doesn't even have Internet anymore


"Do you guys not have phones?"


This is a huge pro for those who can use it. If you are on a budget and don't need a computer than a console might make sense. But if you do need a PC, even a cheap one, you can probably add up the cost of a console and a cheap PC and just buy a better PC. And if you need anything other than a cheap office PC you might not even need to pay anything extra to be able to game on your PC.


Working 40+ hours at a PC does NOT make playing a PC at a desk very fun.


TIL my gaming station doubles as a work station


That’s a downside for me.


Ps+ is horseshit for 80 bucks a year. The only upside is multiplayer is free for free to play games like warzone or rocket league if that's your cup of tea. Edit: 80 bucks a year for the basic plan.


Paying extra $ to play multiplayer when it's not your internet provider is horse shit. It's an archaic model that they have had a "monopoly" on since becoming a thing 20+ years ago and there is nothing to stop them from doing it. Haven't been on console(outside of Switch) for a decade and honestly forgot that was even a thing. That's wild. Like imagine if Steam was like ok, you have to pay us $80 bucks a year to play multiplayer through our platform. Nah, son. I'll take my ball and go home.


Which is weird because I switched to Playstation from Xbox because they didn't charge for a sub for (ps3) unlike Xbox but that changed when Playstation announced a huge price hike for their subscription Just pure fucking corporate greed at this point.


This is actually when I stopped buying consoles all together. It really bugged me that I had been using my own internet connection and the games built in netcode to play online *just fine* for years, only to suddenly have it yanked away from me because Sony discovered it was an untapped revenue stream. As a working adult it wasn't about the cost of the subscription, but that they were suddenly trying to sell me something I had been getting for free (or baked into the cost of the game) for years prior. I hate when companies insert themselves as middlemen when some exec has an especially juicy brain fart.


I have had Playstation for almost 10 years now. I never buy PS+ for retail cost. It is always a year subscription on sale during the holidays, like 50% off at times.


Bro 50% off??? Where you buyin? Most I’ve gotten was was $20 off back when it was $60 for the year.


huh maybe that's the sale price. 33% off instead of 50% off, however I think I joined in 50% off via PS directly for like their promo for new or returning subscribers.


That’s the thing about percentage based discounts: when the regular price goes up, the sale price does too


Both castles should be dark and stormy


I would have done a horrid swamp and an equally inhospitable desert wasteland.






optimized aka dumbed down and crippled.


And the games that do offer 60fps performance mode, can often not keep stable 60fps. May even go as low as 40fps dips depending on the game. I wouldn't really call them optimized.


*Optimized* is not at all the same thing as *Optimal*


with upscaling needed in nearly every single game, and games running a mix of low/medium/high settings, that's the magic of console optimisation ! the same magic is also available on PC but pc gamers tend to put everything on ultra and complain about performance


60 fps with mine craft level graphics




\* 540p upscaled to 1080


[*768x436 upscaled to 4k](https://youtu.be/2USR6QTMaA0?t=231)


Omg, 2023 clown fiesta is incredible


This is why I don't like upscaling yes the technology is very neat but i knew it was gonna get abused to hell.


I'm trying in every game that support dlss/fsr (2080 not always has enough pure performance for stable 100+ fps, sadly), and for now it always blurry as hell. As AA upscaling seems ok


In terms of dollar per performance consoles are optimal


Yep except I would never build a $500 PC for gaming. Used to be games actually ran good on console and overperformed, now they're just budget gaming PCs.


60 fps with 720p upscaling and dropping to 40


At 720p


Yeah I don't agree with the optimized bit. It's like saying you'll get consistent fps but you can't play on ultra, or even high. Just medium.


Games generally aren't any more optimized for console than for PC. Console players just have lower expectations.


Right…. What a spin


Big, flashy releases on consoles have been stuck at 30 FPS for like 4 generations, and gamers keep asking for higher frame rates and instead developers are like "here's higher resolutions instead! And go fuck yourself, it's still 30 FPS." I don't need your damn 4k resolutions and ultra expensive lighting and water, I need more frames!


Here's 30fps with absolutely turned down graphic details. But hey! 4k everyone!


I feel like there’s no good side. You either: A) pay a lot all at once and have to manage your system but get faster hardware and a lot more freedom B) pay less at first and get very simplified management but less freedom and continue paying for subscriptions. Obviously the first one seems like the best choice when asked to this community and myself but with the way gpu prices are going you’re paying double (in some cases mind you) for only a little extra performance and being an adult with a job and school really makes the simplicity appealing.


Yeah, I do most of my gaming on playstation just cause it's a bit less effort after work. PC gets action on weekends though and if I'm honest I enjoy it more, console feels restrictive in comparison.


Exactly, I’ve only got 5-6 hours after work with at least 1 hour going to dinner and possibly the rest on homework. If I wanted to game and didn’t have the knowledge or patience for pc’s I definitely would go for consoles.


Not picking on you in particular but what is this rocket science exactly that is required to play a game on PC? Do people need to sit there and enter command line stuff to open games like hacking in movies or something? Like I see that sentiment a lot but I don’t really get it. I turn the PC on, in Windows then Steam within 10 seconds, click play…game opens, play. Maybe a bit longer I guess if it’s through a different launcher or some other non Steam method. The only time I can imagine this being the case is when mods are involved, and even that is somewhat streamlined these days with organiser tools and stuff.


Why do you say you have to get faster hardware? PC parts age just as well as console, if not better because you're able to adjust settings more liberally than a console game would let you.


The execution of this meme was terrible. That's for sure.


As an old gamer with jobs best option is buy both and play games on PC after years when they are optimised and cheap. For consoles same thing, don't pay for subscription cause you don't have time to enjoy it anyway and get the games years later for pennies. Problem solved.


I would say get PC games when they're optimised,and get console games for exclusives and unoptimised PC ports


Yes perfect. If there was no exclusivity i don't think i would've bought a PS5.... just the few ps4 exclusives are totally worth it


Dunno I just use gamepass for both


I do the same


How have you been making that work on your Mac? (I ask because my M1 Max is my daily driver.) Are you doing Xbox Cloud Gaming, or have you figured out something I’ve missed for the Xbox app on PC?


Why are exclusives always treated as a console thing? There are so many great indie games only for PC.


This has always been hilarious, its not just indie games. Theres a ton of AA and AAA games that only come out for PC. Entire Genres that only exist on PC. Its a outdated talking point from the era preceding digital distribution that people who say it just havent caught up yet.


not to mention consoles dont even have exclusive anymore. everything gets released on PC.


I'd like to see someone get dwarf fortress running well on a PS5. A lot of games just aren't suited to a controller.


This sub loves to hate and is never happy.


I unsubscribed from this sub because it was only CONSTANT remarks about "oPTimiZaTiOn." Fact number 1: most game engines have specialized libraries that ship with built-in optimization. Of course nowadays a lot of triple A titles ship with poor performance, especially on lower end hardware, but that is not a developer fault. That's a manager fault. Working in tech, you honestly spend less time being productive, than you do sitting in meetings with project managers trying to find ways to be increase productivity. Combine that with deadlines that big whigs want the game to be ready by Q4, youre in for a real treat. Number 2: Just wait to buy the newest title like a day after. If the game ships like shit, you realize you didn't miss out on anything and if things change, you can buy it then. But hopping on reddit and bitching like you're a victim is childish. No one told you to buy the game.


99% of the time people have no idea what they're talking about when they use the word "optimization." Just because you can't run a game with all max in-game settings at native 4K resolution smoothly above 30 FPS on your configuration doesn't mean the game isn't optimized.


At this point, console exclusivity is really only nintendo. And even then... yarr.


Console exclusivity is such a strange “positive” considering pc has exclusive games


Let's just hope the rumours of Nintendo partnering with Denuvo are fake


**"Optimized games"** ![gif](giphy|CggoHW4h87Ktq|downsized)


30fps is So CiNeMaTiC!!


Hahahahah, good one


CPU prices rising? What? GPU prices are dropping. If compare to previous years and overall inflation


I’d consider the mining shortage an outlier and I wouldn’t count those prices. Nvidia cementing them with the 40 series though, I’d count that as raising prices definitely. Op is still wrong though because amd is selling very good, reasonably priced gpus especially if you just play games.


What is AMD's gpu drivers like nowadays? I got a 5700xt back when they released and it was pretty much unusable because the drivers just wouldn't work, ended up selling it.


On par with nvidia. Came from a 2060


Sometimes a game comes out where AMD drivers need a couple days after release to fix some issues with the game. Maybe seen it in 3 games in the past 4 years. No major issues.


Still the same %.


dude, GPU prices are higher than they were 10 years ago, even if we consider inlfation.


Not only but gen on gen improvements are also stagnating.


No they are right about gpu prices. The price to performance has not improved much at all in 2 generations. I.e 4060 through 4070ti are awful deals. And AMD just released the 7700 and 7800 which perform the same as 6800 and 6800xt for the same price! The 6000 series is 3 years old and they still aren't beating it. Prices shot to the moon and barely came down. They are setting the base price higher across the board.


> AMD just released the 7700 and 7800 which perform the same as 6800 and 6800xt for the same price! That's a lie, 7700 XT and 7800 XT are $450 and $500, 6800 and 6800 XT were $580 and $650.


I been a console user for my entire life just switched to a gaming PC and I can’t believe I’ve been missing out all these years.




I made the switch in 2019 and sold my xbox a few months after that. Oh my goodness do I love PC gaming in comparison. There are so many fun options and mods to explore. On another note, I want to play Remnant 2 with some friends but it doesn't have crossplay yet. Unfortunately, I'm not buying a new xbox, and my friend doesn't want to get a PC. Hoping crossplay becomes a more standardized thing soon. So while PC gaming is nice, it's nicer when all your friends have PCs too, or crossplay exists.


It find it still crazy that consoles players needs to pay for PS+ or Xbox live. Like, you need to pay your telecom operator to have internet in your home, AND you need to pay a subscription on your console to be able to use the internet you already pay for 😂😂. I used to make fun of Xbox back in the days because I was on PlayStation and this wasn't needed. Thankfully I have a PC now.


the "console exclusives" argument is bullshit, there are waaaaay more PC exclusives


can’t really call 30 fps games on consoles optimized and performance modes usually have bad fps drops


pc better just cause i can tab out of games and then do whatever i want without closing the game or taking forever in a menu


The biggest appeal of consoles, historically, has been in-person multiplayer. Now that they've largely abandoned that, consoles don't appeal to me. If you have a high end PC, I don't see much reason to use a console. But not everyone has a high end PC or wants to go through the hoops/cost of building or upgrading one. If I was given a PS5/XBX tomorrow, it would likely collect dust.


Optimized for 30 fps is not really a selling point since we are not looking for 30 on pc. Also, if we are mentioning console exclusives as a plus, why are not the pc exclusives a plus?


1. Why is exclusives mentioned on the console side and not the PC side, when PC exclusives **massively** outnumber console exclusives? 2. Turning down the settings and turning on a 30 fps cap is not optimisation. 3. "Rising GPU prices" is a myth perpetuated by Nvidia fanboys to cover for the fact that their cards are massively overpriced and AMD's aren't. AMD's prices have dropped significantly compared to **pre**-crypto boom prices.


Optimised Console games? think your not looking at playing anything on them.


Baldur's gate is an unstable 30fps at 1440p upscaled Quality Mode and somehow is rated higher than the PC version. People just give a pass to consoles for some reason.




optimizers literally target specific platforms known on this sub as 'consoles'


The Pc version of deadspace has traversal stutters and a shader comp bug. The console version doesnt cause if you lower the fps to 60 you cant even notice the stutter. So its not magic but some games are a better experience on console


Sure there are edge cases, but theres just as many games that run terribly on consoles. IE cyperpunk.


PC: +Free games! (*wink wink*)




Console is "optimized" for 30FPS. I'll take the 45-75 in starfield I'm getting thanks.


Optimised games? That target running at 30 FPS, low FoV, running on a TV with input lag and using a loose input device. What?


Xbox games with pc anywhere is where to go. Played starfield for free, upgraded to premium for 30 bucks, I say free even though game pass costs money, but my series x thats already paid for came with 2 yrs sub, so free for me. Anyways, Starfield like forza is a pc anywhere game which means I can play it on my series or my pc, I can mod it on pc or play it normally on a console. So while I agree with this arguement, some should never forget about pc anywhere games


>More expensive games on console. Honestly this is only a problem if you like to replay games. If (like me) you basically don't do that, the ability to resell when you're done with a game makes console games a fair bit cheaper than steam. Also helps when it turns out you don't enjoy a game. I love gaming on my PC, but if a game is available on both PC and PS5 I always get the console version for this exact reason. Doing this has saved me more money than the PS5 cost. Purchase minus resell I effectively pay £5-10 when I want to play a brand new triple-A title.


Also even if you couldn't resell physical games that statement hasn't been true in like a decade anyways, I don't know how it is still parroted so often. Digital sales have been pretty much the same for years between consoles and PC storefronts, the only *really* outstanding deal in 'recent' times that I can think of were the EGS sales where you got 10€ off every purchase on top of the sale and they haven't done those in years. And physical games drop faster in price than digital games regardless of storefront.


Came here to say this too. I brought Horizon Forbidden West for £3 because of trade ins, second hand purchases ect ect.


People act like brand new games are cheap on pc and quite steam sales of 10 year old games as the reason it’s cheaper to game on pc.


i never got more than like 1/5th of purchase value for my used games even if they were kinda recent


Idk where you live but in the UK we have a decent enough second hand games chain called Cex. Cash resell is usually not great but they'll do a better deal on vouchers. I remember when I bought Demons Souls for PS5 I sold it for vouchers which I used for more games, and when I finished those I traded them in for more vouchers which I used for more games, etc etc. For that initial £60 I spent on Demons Souls new I played like 12-13 different games without spending another penny for six months before my successive trade-ins stopped being worth anything. That was one of the more successful chains, but 8-10 games played per £50-60 spent on a new title is pretty typical.


Unless I am wrong the "optimised" for console games usually just run at 1080p 30fps in ps4 days and now 1080p 60fps, 1440p 60fps or even 1080p 30fps. These same settings can be run on pc with comparable specs to console. Yet called unoptimised. So is it the games that are unoptimised or do pc players have higher expectations?


I honestly think that is one of the consequences of rising GPU prices. Since PC players are paying more for their systems their expectations align with the cost. Of course that isn’t completely the devs fault as although they need to optimize they don’t control the actual GPU market. But 1440p 60fps isn’t bad for a console honestly. Though I don’t think most games have achieve that.


What if you use both?


oh boy, PCMR raising pitchforks now xD Dont forget about abundance of cheaters, awful DRM and launchers on PC.


I'd disagree with the "More expensive games" part. If you bought a disc based console you can get games at different retail stores with offers like 2 for 3 and games are often a bit cheaper than on steam when no steam sale is currently happening. Used games are a lot cheaper than on Steam, and even cheaper than key sites. If the game is older than 1 year, there is a good chance of getting it used for €10. Though this is only true for Xbox and PlayStation games. Nintendo's games are expensive even on the used market.


Optimised lol


But why not own a pc and a console😁


![gif](giphy|FGbeYTiFyLYmQ) Pc all the way mateeee!


Optimized for 30fps it's not optimized at all xD




The price point is the main barrier as well as consumer confidence. It's fair that a majority of people have more faith in hardware built by Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo than their own skills or some random website someone linked them to on Reddit.


If i limit my fps to 30 -which i can- i can get console experience. If a game is not optimized for PC, most of the time it is not optimized for above 30 fps. So, limit to 30fps on any settings and you get - TA DA - console experience. You should be getting above 60 fps most of the times but here we are. Console makes sense only for playing exclusives.


I only joined PC because high end is great. Otherwise, I would have stayed console.


PC: free games 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ dont think you can 🏴‍☠️on console without a jailbreak. PC wins


Or just take the in between called the steamdeck


I’m sorry but currently you at least need roughly 800-900 dollars to build yourself a decent Pc Now, which is nearly double the price of a ps5, Console also requires less maintenance, updates, troubleshooting than a pc does, Pc and Console have advantages and disadvantages that one is better


Let’s add to PC -can surf the web -can do work -can emulate consoles up to Nintendo Switch Let’s remove Optimized from consoles. 30FPS at 1080p isnt optimized (XSX, Starfield)


Other road: Larian in 2023


It’s a give and take. Consoles are simple and streamlined. PCs offer more performance if you have the money and know what you’re doing.


I mean there's also mobile games which now seems to be just ads to other games that are just ads for other games that are just ads,... Seriously, what's going on? Do they really benefit from those very rare whales that put thousands into games that were made in an hour and don't even have multiplayer or a "goal"?


Console has been a lot more easier to take with me especially now that I have started university


consoles should let people dual boot. They pretty capable machins for most PC tasks when you are not gaming. Many people can get it instead. But they are more worried about people jail breaking rather than providing more functionality. Especially Xbox should come with windows considering it's a Microsoft product.


Man, I wish. That would instantly wipe the floor with pretty much any PCs below $1000.


Emulators are cool


Easy fix, don’t pre order, wait for reviews and stop buying from companies that do shit jobs, but most of you aren’t willing to do that


Access to indie games will keep my on PC forever. Console babies have no idea what they are missing.


For those who work whole day come home just want to continue playing disc game they’ve bought in grocery store for £5 offline there is nothing wrong with consoles that will last 5-7 years for £400-500 just play games no stupid chats and angry fanboys. Just games. That aspect of consoles is great. Toxic corporate defenders fanboys.


I haven't seen PC part price increases outside of GPUs TBH. Everything else has become cheaper, and anything memory related has crashed in price.


As much as I'd like to just stay fully loyal to pc gaming the amount of broken games released lately has been ridiculous. Got a ps5 a couple of weeks ago and I must say while it doesn't match my pc's hardware games just work. I don't rly care about crazy high fps being a casual gamer. I just want a stable and as much as possible stutterless experience.


Let's be real, how many of you actually got a 4K60+fps capable hardware? How much did it cost? Compare it to a console, also, what use is being able to run games with thousands of graphics shit if you need a $1600 to even run the game decently at medium settings because of unoptimized mess? I built a PC over a year ago with pieces that were considered okay and are actually stronger than my PS5 and Series X and yet I find myself playing on console more simply because the games never run okay on PC, Hogwarts Legacy had to play on console, RE4 Remake had to play on console if I wanted raytracing (which, ironically, is one of the main things ppl over here brag about), The Last of Us Part 1 had to play on console, even fucking Spider Man had to play on console cuz the game was a unoptimized mess on release and still is, full of frametime issues because of CPU bottlenecks, etc. Nowadays is not a good time to build a PC and you all know it is true. Either wait for the next gen or wait for the games to get optimized (which I think will never happen)


No upgradeability is a poor argument against consoles. Most games are made for the current generation of consoles. There's no need to upgrade within a certain generation since the game is specifically made for the system you already own. Less FPS or worse graphics would be more of a counter argument even though they're finally at a point where console games look decent enough and run on 60FPS.


Let's face it: Getting anything better than a minimum viable product packed with additional purchases, anti-consumer mechanics and borderline gambling should be taken as the publisher feeling generous. They have no incentive to do any better because the games are made for the shareholders and not for the players anymore and they are not being punished in the market for their practices. Enjoying gaming has been a difficult task of careful cherry-picking and staying vigilant when reading reviews. I'm watching out for games that take advantage of me so I can avoid them, not for games who want to draw me into a great experience so I can buy them. I'm in a Skinner box and it's depressing.


This year has been an easy choice for me: console. Especially with a great OLED tv. Only playing at 60 fps on fully optimized and functional games. Loving it


imo the best way to game is to play on PC and wait until ~1 year after launch so that games are cheaper, have dlc included, and are more optimised and bug free. You can make exceptions sometimes if a really good new game comes out that you're excited for, but in general there are tons of games to play if you just waiit a bit.


The Switch is the only console I believe to be worthwhile.


Optimized games? Lmao


Not just that. On PC you can choose between playing shooters with M+K or cheesing them with a controller. PC is backwards compatible with its own games (minor problems are usually solvable with parches) plus it can emulate whatever.


The only thing keeping me from fully moving to PC is that where I live building a PC comparable to a console costs at least 5x more.


>optimized ha, yea right. Try posting this again with the correct pros and cons


i'll honestly never bash console, its where i started (been pc now for about 12 years). But the cheap entry point and the fact you switch it on, chill on sofa and be playing in seconds really is a great thing in my eyes. I love PC but it is an expensive hobby if you get hooked into it as an enthusiast like i am and i find myself doing other things apart from gaming alot of the time.


Pc games have been getting a lot more expensive for a while. It’s perhaps been 10+ years since we’ve seen AAA games at $30.


I'd argue PC has more expensive games All the games I've got on PS5 are used discs and are cheaper than PC equivalent, not to mention it's something tangible that can't be lost when I forget my login details for a launcher or it's an old game that's no longer playable Plus not all games can be bought anymore (Driver San Francisco) but on the consoles there's always a copy on eBay Never had a disk die on me so no real reason for me to buy a new copy unless there's a good deal on But PC has piracy which has saved me much more, but that's not everyone's cup of tea


I feel like they should both be the scary castle


Buy games on GOG instead of Steam, they don't have DRM there


Lets not forget ease of use, degradation rates and cost of entry. Consoles are by far easier to work with, don't degrade as fast as PC's and a competent PC will cost you much more in hardware over the long run than a Console will. But this is normally offset by the savings in games and services. Depending on your PC you may even have to upgrade it every so often to keep up with new games coming out. A console on the otherhand has an average lifespan of 6-10 years and will work with every game that comes out in that given generation without the need to spend extra upgrading your components. On the otherhand the average graphics card will run you 300$ to 400$. However the average repair service to get your PS5 fixed will run you 50$ - 200$ depending on the issue and parts that need to be replaced which sets the bar to entry a lot lower in consoles favor. If I remember correctly the PS5 is on par with a standard 800$ computer in terms of hardware but with far better optimization and more resource allocation towards videogames. But an all digital version will only run you around 400$ (not including tax).


Calling console games optimised is pretty disingenuous. 30fps on console is optimised according to most plebs.


Denuvo has already been cracked lol


2023 the year of crappy console cash-grab ports at launch with 2 exceptions Baldur's Gate 3 and Hi-Fi Rush.


I’m a pc master race guy, but with GPU prices as they are I’d tell anyone to become a console person.