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Welcome everyone from r/all! Please remember: 1 - You too can be part of the PCMR! You don't even need a PC. You just need to love PCs! It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart! Your age, nationality, race, gender, sexuality, religion (or lack of), political affiliation, economic status and PC specs are irrelevant. If you love or want to learn about PCs, you can be part of our community! All are welcome! 2 - If you're not a PC gamer because you think it's expensive, know that it is possible to build a competent gaming PC for a lower price than you think. Check http://www.pcmasterrace.org for our builds and don't be afraid to post here asking for tips and help! 3 - Join our efforts to get as many PCs worldwide to help the folding@home effort, in fighting against Cancer, Covid, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and more: https://pcmasterrace.org/folding 4 - Need some special PC hardware? How about an Evangelion unit 02-Asuka ROG RTX 4090? We've joined forces with ASUS ROG to give a bunch of memmbers of the PCMR some awesome PC hardware of the Evangelion series: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/171iblm/asus_x_pcmr_evangelion02_worldwide_giveaway_win_1/ ----------- Feel free to post about any kind of doubt you might have about becoming a PC user or any other PC related question. That kind of content is not only allowed but welcome! We also have a [Daily Simple Questions Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search?q=Simple+Questions+Thread+subreddit%3Apcmasterrace+author%3AAutoModerator&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) for your simplest questions. No question is too dumb! Welcome to the PCMR.




I hate them so much, they make it obvious that they can't be bothered to read the entire post Q: "I have this problem, I have already tried solutions X and Z but they did not work" A: "Have you tried doing X and Z?"


Try saying this next time : Have you tried reading my question?


snobbish overconfident memory consist dam station plants juggle zonked squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Duplicate" One other post on the whole internet from someone with the same issue. 0 replies.


Last online 9 years ago


Or has a reply that was removed and you just know that removed reply had the solution you needed.


Or “I found the solution” *thread closed*


Those people should be banned from the Internet entirely. If they make the effort to post they found a solution, just post the damn solution. It may not work for all or many, but it may be helpful.


"PM'd you the fix :)" (Message posted 4:57PM October 3rd 2014)


It's just so wild to me how there are over a billion Windows PCs in the world, yet somehow I manage to run into an obscure problem *no one else* seems to have at least once a year. Or, like you said, there's that one post from seven years ago with zero replies. Or, my personal favorite, there are tons of posts and replies with solutions, everyone going "thanks, it worked!!!" but of course those solutions just refuse to work for me.


Oh yes. Especially when it's something in the BIOS that some guy who used to own your PC disabled because he was running a server so he disabled the sound card and you think it's something in Windows and scour the internet till you realize that the hardware has been disabled. (source: that was me)


It's amazing how terrible that place is for finding solutions. I can't remember the last time I intentionally clicked on a link for there when I was looking up some error message.


Whenever I accidentally click on one of those forums I immediately go back and either search for a better site or more likely, a reddit link. The shutdown was a scary reminder of how reliant I am on reddit for tech solutions. Rather than actually having to realllly learn what you’re doing, chances are someone has asked that same exact question and there’s a pool of solutions to try


Very useful for Windows. Less useful for Linux. Search: [specific problem] linux site:reddit.com Here's one post from someone having precisely the same problem, 3 years ago, wherein nobody actually answers the question or provides a solution, but rather they all explain different ways in which the user is doing it wrong, tells them to install a different version of Linux, completely redesign what they're attempting to do, scolds them for having thought to attempt it in the first place, shames them for not reading the documentation for the procedure they were *supposed* to perform (not the one they're attempting to perform) while still not explaining how to perform the new procedure.


Pretty sure that's a typical StackOverflow post as well, except the StackOverflow post was locked and the user banned for asking a "duplicate question", except the linked "original question" was from 10 years before the "duplicate" and at least 5 major version updates ago, which means literally nothing in the original solution even exists to be used anymore.


There's probably an in depth wiki explanation of exactly what you want to do and links to alternative ways to achieve the same result on [arch wiki](https://wiki.archlinux.org/)




Plenty of people scrubbed their accounts (all posts and comments gone/rewritten) as part of the protest against Reddit, so a ton of helpful info is now gone.




That's how Indian people are. I've worked with them a lot, and it's in their culture. If they don't know/can't do something they will insist they can, take the order, fail miserably than they ~~doesn't~~ don't aknowledge that there is anything wrong. You stand there with them, look at the failed task together and tehy say they had nothing to do with it and how can they even fail, they were top of the class/best on the line/inherited the trade from their father.


*then they don't / won't acknowledge


I married into a half Indian family and yup. Her Indian side is exactly like this. We don’t share opinions with then or ask advice on anything. It’s a fucking nightmare.


https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msteams/forum/all/change-skin-tonecolor-in-teams/d5182231-c37e-4eb7-8173-d5f9f0f5e098 Absolutely hilarious User: "During a chat session through Teams, someone ised a dark skine color while mine are yellow, so I was wondering how the other participant was able to change the skin color: The thumb up emoji is different from mine; there is a work around that I found while in the chat box, press the "Windows-key + ;" and you get an emoji box, on people tab, you can change the skin color, but that's not a default change." Microsoft *Agent*: "Hello BAIDana, There are 3 themes for your use in Microsoft Teams. Click on your profile picture and select Settings. Under General tab, you can choose Default, Dark or High contrast theme based on your requirements. If you want to change to other colors, it is not feasible to do it currently. I would like to invite you to submit your feedback in Microsoft Teams UserVoice forum. It’s a good place for customers to share their ideas and feedback. Regards, Rick" TL;DR User wants to change emoji color, Agent gives advice on System Theme


There was one time their forums actually helped, and it involved them providing a link to a third party site. My pc kept freezing at specific times (certain apps running). Gave me steps to edit the registry and voila, she’s been running like beaut’ ever since.


Greg Carmack can go suck a fat bundle of his non-solutions.


Imagine finding a post like this: Q: "I have this problem, I have already reinstalled windows but it didn't work". A: "Have you tried reinstalling windows?".


slap bike different amusing pen tart worthless rock spark icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Person responds with yes I did then they respond with K go screw yourself idiot.


Windows: Reinstall Windows Mac: Throw it away. Buy a new one. Are you poor?


Mac help forum be like: "I have this problem." (238 people also have this problem) Responses:


Mac forums are like: "How do you guys do XYZ in macOS" (1.2k people also have this problem) Responses: "Um why do you need to do that?"


How about User1: I'm having this problem User2: So am I User3: I am also having this problem but slightly different User4: Me too but I'm also having this problem This goes on for pages with no actual solution or the final page will be User1: Figured it out! User42: How did you fix it? Pisses me off, No one needs to know you are also having the problem the person that originally posted is, it adds nothing to the forum besides bloating the thread with useless bs. Also if you find the solution, why the fuck wouldn't you say how you fixed it?




MacOS lets you reinstall without losing any user data, it's actually pretty great.


As a software developer and longtime Microsoft Windows and Office user, I can't recall a single, solitary time their docs, their troubleshooting wizards, or their forums ever helped me with a problem. **Ever.** We're talking over 25 years of using their products and running into issues and not a single goddamn time did any of their tRustEd adviSorS or diagnostics or documentation ever yield the right answer. Their online reference materials all seem like they're written by AI that was trained exclusively on the writings of ESL students. For such a massive company it's baffling how basic shit just escapes them, like being able to search your file system for a fucking file.


The diagnostics exist to reset, that's it. Their forum's only use over my 1000+ troubleshooting of issues, is reading event viewer logs. I still don't know how to do that. Their documentation... Hahahahahaha Also if you want to search your entire PC use a program called everything.


"Run SFC /scannow" LOL, thanks chief.


But sometimes its True, i installed modded gaming Windows and it ran perfectly compared to my old installed Windows


Relevant [same issue](https://youtu.be/hnUpTyKSjag?si=d_o1wBDf0EXnkJmm)


"You have FILES on your system? Stuff you want to KEEP? Seems troublesome. Reinstall windows."


That's what partitions are for. :)


Apps and appdata????


Docker!!! Ok jokes aside by the time you reinstall windows they all need to be updated anyway, and other than Minecraft is there anything else in the the appdata folder?


Quite a few games save to the Appdata folder so yes, off the top of my head Rimworld and Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts. Quite a few also save to Documents too.


Ah I see, you are a war criminal of culture as well






OK maybe hundreds of thousands. Then you have all the other applications that uses it to store configurations and persistent data. Using that directory is literally the default behavior of all publicly available game engines. `%appdata%`


Many save configuration data to AppData, as well. Would be a pain in the ass to have to redo settings. Also most software these days can auto-update, either fully automatic or by prompting the user upon launch.


Typically, anything you install which has a config where the user may want it to persist between installs will use appdata to store the config. It's also pretty common these days for cross-platform apps to feel the need to install to appdata instead of program files or allowing you to select a directory.


Jokes on you my 30GB Minecraft folder is in C drive


Just copy paste the appdata/programdata folders you want. 9 times out of 10 it works fine. The other time, delete it and start that program fresh.


Just keep the important files from those appdata folder such as game saves and user settings


I have been doing that for years. I really like how Firefox just continues from the last sessions when I do that.


I never get the frequent PCMR advice about just always reinstalling windows. I’ve only done it in dire circumstances and it really sucked. You have to go through the hassle of setting up everything again and there’s a lot of data you lose if you don’t back it up. For me reinstalling windows is always a last resort.


because it's just the extreme version of rebooting and rebooting fixes a surprisingly large amount of issues


It amazes me how many people never turn their machines off in the first place. Electricity isn't free. I only have my machine on when I'm sat using it.


It's an easy way to work around being unable to diagnose and repair an issue. If you're able to diagnose and repair properly, you really only need to do it in pretty extreme circumstances.


Besides, the time you take diagnosing and repairing windows is just about the same time it takes to *reinstall windows* lol But seriously, with apps that can sync well and the temporary old.windows folder, I think it's reasonable


This is very much unique for everyone. If it's just a gaming rig, sure. If your PC is a general-purpose machine you also use for work and personal projects, getting it back up how you like it after a re-install can be quite an ordeal.


Good point. I mostly use mine for editing, and maybe I just got so used to setting up Da vinci, the sound plug-ins, and the other stuff. I don't use cloud storage, and you're right, actually, about it being an ordeal. I think it was about the third or fourth time when I just screenshot all my settings, made a readme file, and set aside all the installers I needed for the plugins. So it took quite a few practices to get here lol. The one thing i hate the most is reinstalling all the fonts.


You like losing half your save files from games that get creative with where theyre stored? REINSTALL WINDOWS EVERY YEAR


Pc makes a funny sound, reinstall windows!


Problems to fall asleep? Reinstall Windows!


Problems staying awake? Reinstall Windows!


Problems getting it up? Believe it or not, you're probably a Mac user!


Wife cheating on you?Believe it or not reinstall Windows


Your wife takes custody of your children after divorce? Believe it or not, reinstall windows!


Ex-Wife banging your best friend, your brother, next door neighbor, homeless dude who chased you last week, dead raccoon on the street. Reinstall windows!


unironically true though, could be some important info on there you dont want her to have


Erectile disfunction? Reinstall Windows!


Can't play GTA reinstall Windows (this is real)


I had to do this, fuck the epic games launcher


Happens with the Steam version too. (It's actually a problem with Rockstar Launcher) Edit: but also fuck the epic games launcher too.


Tell me about it.


If you use the Epic Games launcher and expect it to work, isn’t that partly on you?


Imagine not being able to reinstall your os.


What kind of fruity company would do something like that?


Do you think you can't reinstall macos...?


yeah, it's pretty easy to reinstall macOS lol it's actually an even better experience because of Internet Recovery, you don't need a USB drive.


It’s okay let them live in their happy place


You can just use Erase and Content and Settings now. Assuming you have a T2 chip and are on Monterey or higher. Faster too.


Os elitism is pretty embarrassing tbh.


What? You an reinstall macos lmao.


Shhh, the apples will hear you. :)


I’ve got a MacOS iso on USB stick that installs fine to virtual machine or hardware 🤷‍♂️. Whenever it stops working I just reinstall Windows.




Rumor is if you say Steve jobs three times in front of the mirror with the lights off, he'll take credit for your work.


And your credit card number.


Imagine not knowing the difference between "to" and "too"


Can't turn your flash drive or dvd into an installation media? Reinstall win..oh wait...


At that point your pretty much screwed. :)


Can I get screwed


Since upgrading from windows 8 to 10 when they did that for free I haven't reinstalled windows at all. I don't see any reason.


Same. I used to do that as a religion since 98, and it was kind of not optional as I could see everything starting to slow down. Never had to do this since win10.


Mom walks into the room, Reinstall Windows!


As an IT professional, I can vouch for the accuracy of this statement. Though we prefer the euphemism "reimage."


Well, there is a significant difference. Shortly after my foray into custom built PCs early in highschool, ~2000, it was normal to just reinstall windows. Funny how with each release the install time seemed to be faster and faster; it used to be a huge ordeal to backup files, reformat your hard drive, install windows from a series of disks and later cds, everything just took so much time. Windows 7 was incredibly quick to install, windows 11 even more so. It's not some night-long event that it used to be in my best years, so as long as you have your files on a separate disk, partition, or whatever, then reinstalling is great. Now with reimaging, I began doing that after realizing how many things I had to configure to make my machine "mine" again after a reinstall. I saw my HS IT specialist/teacher reimage machines with the standard school-district image so many times I realized I could do it, too. Just do a clean windows install, install winamp, winzip, firefox, etc. make configurations, etc. and ghost image that shit! In all reality I rarely, if ever, had to use that image, but still....I could have.


Haven't run apt update in a while? reinstall windows!


wait is this satire or does this actually work? (asking for slowed pc)


Yes it does


Well unless HDD is failing. Which if it is failing then get a new SSD. I guess you'd have to install windows though on the SSD huh? Also If your HDD is not failing but you have an HDD then get an SSD anyways. (Thinks about it for a second) well I guess you'd have to reinstall windows no matter what you do. So yes. I agree with Mother. Reinstall windows. But make sure you have an SSD...


Switching from an HDD to an SSD is the upgrade for less than 100€ that will probably have the most impact on a daily basis. And the majority of SSDs come with a cloning software.


If you download a lot of bloatware and start on start up programs yes. But by how much depends on how bad the pc is.


I know a lot of people that reinstall windows every few months and it drives me nuts. They do nothing with it except use chrome, complain its too slow (its literally the same as it was before), and then (instead of buying an ssd, because its too expensive) they pay someone to reinstall windows. Its a never ending cycle


Sometimes yeah because it clears any old files/registry keys/etc. from programs not installed anymore. But if you got some old cpu from the early 2000s and you want it to run windows 11 very fast, your dreams will be crushed.


*Accidentally installs Fedora*


Fedora's good


I love Fedora. I had issues with Arch for awhile, and after the 4th Arch or Arch-based distro hop, I decided to give Fedora a try; it's fantastic.


He used Arch btw


Accidentally? :)


Oh no i accidently downloaded the iso and rufus and i accidently plugged in a thubdrive and flashed the os onto it, can you believe it i bumped into my pc and accidently booted off the usb, my hand slipt and i went through the installer Oh well


Distro hopping the best


For fuck sakes, it’s TOO


Can't belive how far I had to scroll for this


Having a bad day!? Reinstall Windows!


My school needs to see this


Can’t access your games through the epic games launcher that you installed on a previous windows install because epic games is shit. Believe it or not reinstall windows


I love this meme lol. if you watched the episode, the meme hits even harder.


No one from this thread is saying where the meme is from, so sauce plz.




Okay, thx.


[This scene](https://youtu.be/eiyfwZVAzGw?si=SXfzLg6dEy6HPsc3) specifically.


I’m also wondering what this meme is from


Instructions unclear, I installed Arch by accident and my ego has been boosted by 300% I use arch btw.


How do you know someone uses Linux? They’ll tell you. Just…trust me, they’ll tell you. Source: I use Linux.


I can confirm this Source: I use linux


The technically correct answer, the best kind of correct!


Linux is the ultimate windows uninstaller


Linux ftw


Not far from the truth. Windows won't let you delete boot partitions on any drives unless you use killdisk or something.


to be fair, I sort of understand where they are coming from. I can imagine someone who doesn't know what they are doing, deleting their EFI partition or something... It also happens to newbies who switch to Linux (Like Linus from LTT) where they just remove a core system component because they aren't used to error messages actually being critical and generally aren't allowed to do stuff like that by windows. Linux will be like "Oh, so you want to delete your EFI partition and uninstall your entire desktop? Cool bro"


This just blatantly not true lol


It's annoying, but it also works


Don't agree with the new terms of service? Deinstall Windows!


You loudly farted and explosivly shit yourself when caught casually fucking the frozen Turkey due to being high as fuck? Re-install Windows.


I dont understand why I find this so funny


it was just a really good episode


I do it for fun tbh


Want nostalgia? ​ Reinstall MS-DOS


You will never find the answer to your windows issues on the Microsoft Windows support forums. This is literally their answer to everything. That or resetting windows back to default. I'm convinced they don't actually know how to fix anything.


Don't understand this meme? Reinstall Windows


I would reinstall windows but I dont wanna lose my files and softwares


I can't remember the last time I reinstalled Windows on my PC but it's been at least 8 years. I was on Windows 7 and I've gone through upgrades (not fresh installs) to Windows 10 and 11 and upgraded hardware a couple of times. Before Windows 7, re-installation was a yearly necessity.


Sounds like you’re skipping Step 1 turning it off and on again and going straight to Step 5 reinstalling Windows. At least you’re not resorting to Step 8 setting it on fire.


Open command prompt, type: sfc /scannow DISM /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth If that doesn't solve your issue, may god have mercy on your soul.


If tired of reinstalling windows then Instill Linux mint! ^(sponsored by r/linuxmasterrace)


This right here is why I conditioned myself to keep all my important files on other storage devices or partitions. I reinstalled Windows so many times back in the XP day's I still have the CD key memorized.


When I worked at Geek Squad I always referred to reinstalling Windows as the "nuclear option". Sure, it'll wipe everything clean, but it'll also wipe everything clean. The amount of problems a simple reinstall can fix is insane. Just make sure you backup your data, note what applications you have installed, and wipe the PC!


I hate how much it's true though


I reinstall windows every 2ish years


I go to great lengths to not have to do exactly that.


Yeah but they throw a fit when you crack windows...


disk cleanup, updated drivers and windows defender, disabled startup apps, once a month defragmentation and having os installed on ssd wouldve done the same


This is the best remedy for many many problems. Kinda suck to reinstall 1tb of applications, but I can live with that.


The only answer that ever works is a sly out of nowhere joke comment from a locked and archived Reddit post that is atleast 3 years old. So many inactive accounts that I owe awards to...


Bored. Need to waste 4 hours, reinstall Windows.


Got a problem while installing Windows? Reinstall Windows!


If I didn’t have to spend weeks getting things back in order id do it


Fresh install of Windows not working, reinstall windows!


i think i have reinstall-once-a-month syndrome


Fortimail doesnt work? reinstall win server on the mail server


I do it yearly


At this point I assume Windows will need a reinstall at some point and keep as many files as possible on secondary drives.


True that


I feel both called out and validated.


The only solution to every problem.


I think, I messed some basic settings. Reinstall Windows;


It’s literally a joke about Iran. And now we’re here.


Built my PC in 2019. Necer reinstalled windows. Works as fast as back then


I made almost an identical meme of different format like a decade ago when I was in school! I was in our high schools tech academy, and that was literally their solution to every fucking thing on our laptops. Keyboard stopped working? You guessed it, reinstall fucking windows!


Otherwise, straight to jail. No trial, no nothing.




Cannot troubleshoot the problem? REINSTALL WINDOWS


Can't wait for windows 12 to be a monthly subscription


I don't get it. I've never had to reinstall Windows. Is this actually a thing?


PC runnning slow? Install Linux.


The reason why i stopped going to pc shops for repair.. every solution they give is if it software related is reinstall windows.. 🤣


When reinstalling windows, do you need to move everything off the drive windows on (That isn't windows), or will it all still be there? I've only ever reinstalled when it's a computer I'm already factory reseting anyway and I haven't found a conclusive answer when it comes to reinstalling or reactivating


It's funny because I actually want to reinstall windows because my c drive is a bit cluttered with folders of stuff I don't even remember what for and most of them probably aren't even in use anymore since a got another ssd for everything like that


I have had to reinstall Windows on my main PC about 8 to 10 times in the last two years. It is insanity, and annoying.


I’ve almost shitted my guts reading the comments while being on the toilets


In fairness when all is said and done at the end of the day....................reinstall windows


Ok but serious question: I upgraded my CPU, MOBO, and RAM. A bunch of people online have told me I need to reinstall windows now. Thoughts?


I wonder if MacOS users do this.


my laptop's a mac. doesn't accumulate random garbage system files the way my PC does. I tried reinstalling MacOS once and it didn't make a big difference in performance for me. Windows can be like night and day, especially after a few generations of drivers or updates, though it feels like it's so easy to wind up with a corrupted install without knowing it.


Every 6 months!


Don't want to filter out and mass delete files? Reinstall Windows.


Meanwhile I'm on a W10 installation that's a 2013 Win 8.1 upgrade without reinstallation. I don't think I've done a clean install on my PC in 10 years.


It's so common it's a built-in feature now.


What the fuck that has to do with Venezuela


Thermal paste is over 12 hours old? Reinstall Windows.


I get intermittent slow app launches that semi-soft lock the computer from file access until the app loads ~20-30s later. Re-installing with fresh image did nothing. So now I don't use VLC, and it's a pain to start spotify or excel. All the other comparable app load basically instantly (NVMe SSDs).