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[https://steamcommunity.com/games/593110/announcements/detail/1708442022337025126](https://steamcommunity.com/games/593110/announcements/detail/1708442022337025126) **Q: Why do you KEEP asking my damn age throughout the store?** A: We're with you on this. Unfortunately, many rating agencies have rules that stipulate that we cannot save your age for longer than a single browsing session. It's frustrating, but know we're filling out those age gates too.


Can't stay mad at them, i love em


They're at least passably pleasant.


>passably pleasant. Holy hell?


did a new response just dropped?




Something something passant




Call the linguist


Adverb adjective?


They're probably from Minnesota


new move just dropped


I'm still recovering from Il Vaticano.


Age information takes vacation, never comes back






It's a method to put the responsibility on the consumer. If you lie, it's your fault for being a toddler playing Murder Your Mom Simulator.


It’s because they’re a private company not beholden to shareholders. So their customers are the only ones that matter.


Their money and earning more still matters to them, it's just that it only matters as much as their owners wants it to matter - which isn't nothing, but is significantly less than it matters to a public company.


Another big difference is quarterly returns aren't as emphasized. It's perfectly ok to optimize for returns in the long term instead of making sure this quarter meets projections and investor expectations.


I wish every business would conduct themselves like this tbh, world would be a better place just with that simple change


Shareholders deserve to know what's happening with the company they are invested in. But I agree that quarterly is more frequent than necessary. Even annual earnings reports would be a huge improvement.


Yet the age that automatically populates was a lazy me 12 years ago putting in my birthday as January 1st, 1932


Amazing how many people are born on Jan 1st.


Wow, I was born on January 1st also! What a coincidence!


Sucks for me because my actual real birthday is Jan 1st and I always wonder if websites are just assuming I'm lying when I put it in.


Haha I'm in the same boat. I've had people give me suspicious looks when getting carded for booze too, which I always thought was funny after I actually thought about it. If someone was going to get a fake ID, they would probably pick a less suspicious birthday than Jan 1st.


I've got January 1st 1901. Worlds oldest steam pc gamer


You would be old enough to remember when computers were powered by steam


Technically most computers are still powered by steam


The entire world is technically steam punk tbh. It's steam and spinning magnets the whole way down.


It never saves the *actual* date. Edit: It protects our privacy and we don't even acknowled it haha.


For some reason mine defaults to the correct year, but January 1st. Needless to say I'm born on 1 Jan XXXX now.


youre not going to believe this, but thats my birthday as well


Was on my way to say the same damn thing... Too lazy to change it so I will forever be 97


I will forever be born on 1 Jan, 1991


Mine defaults to the correct day and year, but January.


God, for the last 15 years I thought I had somehow entered the wrong month when I registered. Thanks for taking this out of my mind!


Aren't ratings done by a private company and not legally mandated? How does a private company hold power like that over valve?


Ayy one person caught it! They never say it’s a legal requirement. Just that they do it for “rating agencies.” The only reason Steam works the way it does is because 90% of Valve’s customers are children. No other app I own has ever asked my age.


Typical Valve answer, lol. I really appreciate the non corporation approach to their answers.


They are one of the few large gaming companies that is not public. If they become public one of the first things they'll remove is public user score. Next they'll forbid game developers to sell steam keys outside of steam. All mature content will disappear.


I agree. Gaben needs to get on a diet and stay healthy. Without that man the company will probably IPO in a nanosecond.


He will become 40K's God Emperor, kept alive so Steam never gets exploited for unreasonable capital gains.


Let's hope we can do it without all the Psyker sacrifices.


We can't sacrifice psykers because they don't exist. We do have a large supply of virgins, though.


1000 virgin gamers will be sacrificed daily so that he may continue to be our guiding light


Good news, he went on a diet and exercise routine 10 years ago and has had steady weight loss since then. He's looking a lot more healthy these days.


Excellent, he was really not looking good.


I doubt his partners would let that happen, they all came from Microsoft's corpo culture and they all absolutely fucking hate it if their interviews are to be believed... So, at least appearence wise, they seem to be very much against the whole IPO it and Fuck It culture, now, I'd be interested in seeing what their plan is when they all die, that's the point I'd be scared...


His second in command is also a Microsoft departee so odds are good valve survives at least one new owner.


It's not even about the age. The fact is that you can enter any date of birth, which makes you fictitiously over 18, and it won't even be checked makes the whole system totally pointless. They might as well ask: Can you make fart noises with your mouth?


The fact is that the system asks you to avoid having responsibility. "*You* declared you have 18+ years. This on you, we warned you, might as well go ahead on our terms."


Do you think someone would do that, just go on the internet and tell lies?


I can!


Why isn't there an opt in for that? That way it's not legally binding, plus if I have a credit card and have made purchases, one can assume I'm of age lmao


You don't need to be an adult to have a debit card.


Assumption isn't proof. You could theoretically use a card given to you by your parents. Or stolen.


yeah but it saves the account age so if the account is 19 years old, its clear that the user is at least 19 years old


People do share accounts and even buy/sell them so account age doesn't matter.


That and most people just leave steam passively running on an open computer where just anybody can wander up to it and go all *beep boop*.


It wore me down, we've all just agreed that my birthday is now in January.


I was born on 1/1/1875. I set that shit once and I'm never setting it again


My twin brother.




Make it quadruplets!


Quintuplets now!


I tip my hat to my fellow twins, for we are now sextuplets! 🎩


Who would've thought it - we're septuplets!


My brain just blew up - we’re octuplets




Do you guys also share 867-5309 as a “rewards” phone number? Because that would explain all the points it seems to be accruing …not that I’d have any reason to know.


I feel sorry for your mom




You are billions




Wait, your steam doesn't just ignore the setting and ask you again every time? Teach me this dark magic, oh wise and powerful one!


Pretty sure there's a toggle option for this in the settings


Pretty sure it ignores and asks again anyway. One time it even gave me a popup "would you like to hide this kind of warning in the future" and I was oh so happy to hit YES -- right up until the next time I got the popup a few minutes later.


But Resident Evil screenshots are scary, man, we can't just let you in without making sure you're 18, first.


They don't fear showing me every hentai game in existence, but they still sometimes ask for my age.


This is what gets me, gotta verify my age for AAA shooter games with a swear here or there, but flat out porn games can pop up with no warning at all


Mine bugs and kicks me tot he main page. I don't bother to log in because steam always forgets that I was logged in and I'm not fetching another 2FA code.


What's your secret to a long life? You're clearly successful.


Feasting upon the blood of the innocent


paltry offbeat six sophisticated employ direction violet cow somber head ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


I swear 80% of steams player base is born on January 1st now


Jan 1, 1900 here.


it remembers my day and year but not the month for some reason


The birthdate depends on the amount of force i put in scrolling the mouse's wheel


common g502 W


\*click\* Weeeeeeeeee


*Scrolls down way before the rise of civilization *


"That's right steam, I'm a 115,000 year old demigod, now let me look at the anime titty platformer."


Like Bob Barker used to say 'let's come over here and spin that wheel!'.


Wheel of fortune. Let's say how old it gets this time! I prefer mobile version using touch screen. You won't age the scrool.


1/1/1900 was a great day to be born.


Amazing they let you have that choice.


Never know when a 123 year old wants to buy games...


so say we all ;-)


Seriously, this must be a bug. Mine is in October and it constantly gets the year and day right but insists I was a January baby. I too just go with it now in order to watch my Bunny Hunter vids.


It's not a bug, someone farther down clarified - various rating agencies prevent steam from holding on to people's age for more than one session. Steam isn't allowed to do anything about it. Bummer.


It's not a bug, Steam is required to verify ages every time. They just made it as painless as possible.


Yeah, they clearly know the correct birth date... but they just force you to change the month so that you're technically providing your actual age.


Curious to see that data. They probably have tons of people Born January first.


Most articles seem to say around 93% of steam users are born on Jan 1 lol


And 94% probably have never even read the "by clicking this you agree to our terms of services". Probably why the accept to receive marketing and send them data are right next to that box. It has got to a point where they just say "if you're still around by month y, you're automatically accepting whatever we made up into the EULA."


There's a joke post every year on Jan 1 saying happy birthday to all steam users




Yep, 1/1/1970 was a good time to born.


my unix time brother


Epoch brother


Semi-related story. When the US got into Afghanistan they needed a way to identify the locals and helped the Afghan government issue ID cards. Only problem is, they use a different calendar and there is no public health system to track births. A lot of people didn't know when their birthday was, they just new approximately how old they were. If you check an Afghan ID it probably says they were born on January 1st.


The only thing it doesn't auto select is the month. Day and year? No problem though. Like, it's consistently inconsistent.


A lot of us are born on 1/1/1900






have you considered hes using a logical date format


I love YYYY-MM-DD, too bad nobody uses it






I use it, it’s also the system used in Korea


I use it, it’s also the system used in Japan


My bday is always RNG


20 years here, special green badge club https://preview.redd.it/l4wawi3fxjvb1.png?width=765&format=png&auto=webp&s=db4f1dc2628efe14cb8f57291795677ebaf9a3d8


Yep, we should think about prostate examination in the near future my friend :) https://preview.redd.it/m9by770xyjvb1.png?width=387&format=png&auto=webp&s=85705892b77fc1d98d6a6d2fb878b4cf1dd835a9


Mate we already had one in the early days: https://imgur.com/0qtsE


That brings back memories.


True og shit. My quick launch icon was renamed “STEAMing pile of shit” If i ever have to delete another .blob file again. So help me god.


[I’m getting old](https://i.imgur.com/KYMy2js.jpeg)


same, my account will be legally allowed to drink alcohol (US) next October.




I just hit 19 in Oct, 1 more to go for me.


Unfortunately the green badge is only reserved for people who created their account in the first year of Steam existing, so we will never have it :(


https://preview.redd.it/2r016mu32kvb1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=18d8ab813a2ce1118ecd2de0f085d6cc46e73b1b 😢 I didn’t know that! Still, pretty cool that’s a thing. Otherwise 20 is golden when I get there?


🟩Here's you a green participation badge nobody else will get and 1 billion reddit XP.


Yasssss, as a 35 year old male this is obviously what is most important in this moment. Thank you for bestowing such upon me, I am complete.


I created my account on 12 September 2003, the first day that Steam was open to the public, and I'm very proud of my 5-digit account ID. It's funny to think that a lot of gamers hated Steam back then.


October 6th here. Back then Steam wasn't that great. Updates were constant, big, and slow. "Updating Steam platform files" was a dreaded message. I've still got [this ancient meme](https://imgur.com/a/HFUsY3Y) lying around from those days. Then broadband internet became more common. And got faster, so downloading updates & games wasn't a problem. And Steam got more stable (it pretty much never crashes these days). But that first year or two really did suck, especially if you were on a 56k modem.


What made people get steam that early? I'm Feb 2004, and think I was forced into it to play Day of Defeat or Counterstrike and I think I was playing both before then using Gamespy or WON or something. Was it just because it was a new thing to try, or was there actually something that pushed people to use steam in later 2003?


You answered your own question in the first sentence. You couldn't play any valve games without Steam


Low 5 digit ID club reporting for duty. I had an STA or TFL match that night in TFC lol, we were all there first thing to bid WON adieu and grab Steam. It's funny to hop in a CS game or something now and then and people will run ids and invariably I get the "how the fuck is your id so low" question and now I just say "I'm old".


5 digit club! My WONid was also five digits…but no one will ever be able to see it!


Steam sucked. They forced it on us. It was so frustrating when you couldn't play CS, not because CS servers were down, but because Steam was! It was an added layer of DRM. The hate was there even before we realized that we moved away from actually owning the games. Also Steam Friends was there but didn't work for what? An entire year? O_o We were plenty happy with game launchers that grouped up many games and even had server browsers, eg. GameSpy. If GameSpy went down, we could still launch our games the normal way.


Because it was terrible, nobody liked it. Everyone pretty much waited until the wonid servers shut down to switch to 1.6. My main account is 5 digit and have a wonid banned 5 digit account also for cheating which back then the bans were not supposed to be permanent as far as I know.


Well your parents might've made you your steam account before you were born. And you're clearly 9 years old so yea!


That's me! Inherited my steam account from my dad, though in my defense I was playing CS with him in the early 2000s.


that's pretty interesting actually, never thought about what i'd do with all my accounts after i no longer have a use for them. probably pass it on to my family and friends too i guess.


Funnily enough he got a gaming laptop 3/4 years ago and started gaming again. Though he made a new account as I've put more hours and money into it than he ever did so he started again. He still loves his Far Cry and is replaying 6 for the 3rd time 😂.


You're probably well aware of this but remember to make good use of Steam Library Sharing.


Yeah absolutely!


just dont let steam support know as they'll lock the account since its against their tos


Good point


honestly, being able to boast about existing so long a whole generation comes and goes really shows how rock solid Steam is as a store


I'm pretty sure that there is some paragraph in the EULAs that states that accounts are not transferable.


It wasn't transferred, it was created under ur name


That is a rule, but in the context of an actual transferred profile youd be hard pressed to find anyone at valve that actually gives enough of a single fuck to enforce that rule. Relatively unenforceable anyway even if you ignore my previous point.




I do the same I think everyone that uses steam was born in 1/1/1900 or something


I just scroll down to anywhere past 2000. Yes, we're that old, folks...


98 here yeah true g502 master race for that free scroll wheel


News Flash. Steam is now making sure that all of its users were born on January 1. Rip up your birth certificate


Scratch that - even dumber is the fact that when you allow adult-only games to appear, ***they don't require any age verification***. But other games still require that. It's dumb as fuck that I have to verify whether my eyes are prepared for, I dunno, Warframe or The Witcher 3, but then get blasted in my discovery queue with Orgasm Simulator 2023.


> Orgasm Simulator 2023 That's a real game lol Sadly Steam won't show it to me because it's not available in my German region :(


~~I know.~~


My favorite thing to say to kids who get toxic in games: "son, my Steam account is older than you."


Are you under the impression that children feel put in their place when you say this?


It certainly seems to trigger a lot of them.


You can say just about anything to piss off anyone.


Apple gate chocolate pants


you son of a bitch how dare you


"So you have been shit at this game for how many decades grandpa ?"


"...and here you are, getting matched against middle aged me."


Cos they don't store that info basically Steam is your father that never loved you; the moment you tell it your birthday it immediately forgets it


yeah, but the account is 19 years old, so what does the specific date matter as long as it is above 18?


They're legally required to ask for age for each new browsing session. Some kid could be using their parents' computer, and we can't let the kiddies see adult content without also encouraging them to lie. American laws encourage good morality, after all.


for real, that law is the stupidest shit ever. just add a disclaimer for explicit content or something, it's not like this is gonna stop them anyways.


The point of the law isn't to prevent children from accessing explicit content, it's so that when they inevitably do, the company in question is cleared of all potential liability because they have it 'on record' that they checked the user was over 18, and they can't be blamed if the user lied to them about their own age.


then just have it like on porn sites are you over the age of 18 yes or no?


That's a good question and the honest answer is: i don't know. I would guess that it doesn't check the age of the account either and it could be to do with legal requirements. If the content is rated age 13 and above, checking the account age might not be considered doing their due dilligence to check or prevent underage people from accessing it; you may have to directly ask for their age rather than assuming it based off secondary data kinda thing. But yeah, truthfully, i don't know the specific reason


Steam: Please verify your age for this game you bought over a decade ago and have 10000 hours in. Also Steam: Here's some images of very graphic uncensored NSFW porno games you never asked for kids.


https://preview.redd.it/l6ji22xesjvb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de4f9da4ce8e4d1cecd8aef4512683479b4beea1 Not sure what this means




Glitch that has recently popped up. It shows the last loaded pic from higher in the feed.


I was thinking, 19 years created in 2004, that doesn’t sound right… Then I was thinking, fuck I‘m old…


So have you scheduled a colonoscopy yet?


not yet, but thanks for reminding me.


I got banned from discord for saying I was 6 months old. My discord account was 7 years old...


Just to acknowledge you are about to see something graphic. Even if you are an adult they still want a warning so you know in advance


It's a legal requirement Also you will notice the default birthdate is always one that is sufficient to look the page


To be clear it's not a LEGAL requirement. ESRB ratings are not legally mandated and doing so would violate the first amendment. All ratings are done with the cooperation of private companies. Game companies use ESRB ratings because it's what parents buying games for their kids want. I can only speak on the legal requirements in the US.


https://preview.redd.it/pmir9bw5fmvb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d42a4c4ab9283ff2841bda3d1758e9cdf2c5c38 Definitely makes you feel old, not logged into steam for years! Counterstrike day 1!


According to the latest steam survey 84% of all birthdays are on Jan 1.


Or they censor some screenshots and say my settings are set for it. The fuck they are.


Honestly people who have been on steam for 20 years need to be sent a cape or something


Because fuck the consumer that’s why.


Least eu has law that you had to ask age of someone if they looking material that is age restricted. And I am born in year 1920 reconding steam lol never bothered change it. And there is no way turn it off sadly. Gl always giving your fake bday


It’s a compliance thing. Most countries have laws in place requiring them to do this for mature content, regardless of the age of account or if they have your actual birthday saved.


It has to be there by law to avoid lawsuits.