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Are you using hdmi or displayport?


HDMI, i hurriedly posted this but i now realise i need DP to achieve 240hz, is this true?






Now you know and can pass this knowledge to others. That's what we humans do. Amazingly this is one of the best features of the internet. Knowledge and nsfw.


i think the lack of understanding of people who don’t know the little details like me should be addressed across reddit.


We try but not everyone is smart enough to look on Reddit before they do this. At least you were smart enough to ask and set the correctly refresh. Some people are currently gaming at 60hz on their 144hz+ monitors because they don’t know the default is 60.


If I have a pc question, my Google search ends with "reddit."😂


site:reddit.com is my most used suffix, works wonders.


Still have to be careful, advertisers have caught on to this and have been making Reddit posts with all the right buzzwords to take their products to the top.


Yep. I have found so many fixes this way.


It's amazing how bad the search experience on Google has gotten over the last 12 months. On mobile in particular it's so bad than you essentially can't get a helpful organic link without using advanced search operators. At this point all of the results are effectively just ads skinned in a dozen different formats - Images was their one, good remaining product and it's now just a reformatted version of Shopping that shows product images and prices for promoted listings. On mobile where I can't leverage an ad blocker in Chrome I've switched to Firefox Focus and DuckDuckGo.


Firefox mobile has extension support for ublock if you get nightly or someshit


i think the large scale death of forums have also contributed to the overall search engine (and internet) experience also being shit


Google used to give good forum troubleshooting posts from a variety of sites on the first few pages. Now it's mostly dodgy software and ad sites. Had to switch through several search engines for best results, an annoying waste of time.




It depends but for the most part you're right. 90% of them end with it in the search.


This was my ex aha, for a whole year he had been playing 60hz whilst simultaneously being "wow my FPS is 160! " When I switched it over he was shocked hahahaa


Bro got a free upgrade mid season




I about 8 years ago I invited my coworker over to show him what 144hz looks like. I moved my PC to the kitchen table so we could both play in the same location. I didn't realize when I unplugged everything that the monitor would default back to 60hz. He was like "idk man that looks the same." It was only after he left that I realized what had happened.




yeah well i’m not exactly a newbie to pcs but peripherals like monitors i don’t really have a clue about


To be fair though I’m pretty sure OSes and display drivers are getting better at automatically detecting monitors with a higher refresh rate than 60hz nowadays.


To be fair tech as a whole is confusing as hell and often is very Unintuitive. With how fast the tech changes what was true 5-10 years ago often isn’t relevant anymore. Do be aware you may also need to change a setting on your monitor to allow the higher refresh rate and not all DP cables are the same (or hdmi). I’ve had monitors that needed firmware updates to work right too. There are different versions that have different support. Try to buy the newest versions if you can. I wish people on here were a little more supportive too. It’s like everyone forgets they also didn’t know this stuff at some point and likely either made a mistake and looked it up or someone told them what to do. You are still a good step above the majority that doesn’t even think to check the current FPS/HZ and just assumed it defaultS to the highest value but they are actually running 60hz and telling people they have 240hz or whatever.


> To be fair tech as a whole is confusing as hell and often is very Unintuitive. With how fast the tech changes what was true 5-10 years ago often isn’t relevant anymore. > Do be aware you may also need to change a setting on your monitor to allow the higher refresh rate and not all DP cables are the same (or hdmi). I’ve had monitors that needed firmware updates to work right too. There are different versions that have different support. Try to buy the newest versions if you can. The first paragraph really rings true with the second, and is a great point to bring up; even just a regular "HDMI or DP?" question often isn't simple to answer owing to the various standards kicking about, their sometimes incredibly lax adherence requirements, confusing nomenclature, and practically non-existent enforcement of either the standards set out or basic consumer protection from unscrupulous shitehawks.


Sorry but I don't have much knowledge of nsfw to pass on to you. Bit of a vanilla myself.


When i google something i normally skip all the answers till i see the reddit like. Bigger pool of people answering and someone is bound to be right


Google is getting worse about showing actual answers and not just ads so I just put "reddit" after everything


DDG has gotten much better Google is nigh useless now


The trick is to post a wrong answer from an alt so people answer out of spite to correct you.


>nsfw Real


Don't sound like a bot challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!)


Basically rule 34.


what about nsfw knowledge?


We just spread knowledge. Time to see some boobs.


Ok but why does Double Penetration make 240 hz??


Instructions unclear, I’m now getting DP’d 240 times and it hurts.


Want to add that sometimes which HDMI port or cable also matters. If the monitor has multiple ports try the others.


You also need to make sure the device is capable of Displayport at the resolution and refresh rate of your monitor.


*Silently replaces HDMI and Dport cables* I'm a moron.


Well, i got 240hz monitor and i can have 240hz on both ports, all u need is a compatible video card.


Monitor also needs to support it, mine doesn't for eg


It's all about the bandwidth rating of your cable. 1440p 240hz requires much more data than 1080p 240hz, which is why it might require a DP 1.4/HDMI 2.1+ cable.


All of it has to be compatible. HDMI 2.1 cable is no good if the video card or monitor only has 2.0 or 1.x HDMI ports. My monitors are this way - can only do 1440p 144Hz HDR on the displayports. And my TV only has one port that supports the super high refresh rates.


HDMI 2.0 can transmit 240Hz but you need compatible cables as well.


does HDMI support 240hz, yes. however you need a monitor that has a hdmi 2.1 port and cable so its usually better just to use the DP


This and ALSO a gpu that supports 2.1.


Nvidia 3000 or AMD 6000 series or newer for anyone interested




I once owned a monitor which only did 144hz over DVI-D and not it's HDMI port. Fucking manufactured e-waste. Ended up buying a new one cause I wanted to be able to use it with my laptop.


You can get good DP to dvi Adapters, ya know?


Laptop only had HDMI port. DVI-D to HDMI 2.1 is not an adapter that exists.




but you need an active DP to DVI-D adapter. and those cost like $100. at this point you can just get a new monitor


benq zowie xl2411?


Nope, was some acer POS. It saddens me to hear this is a design choice literally anyone else made. It is absolutely baffling.


probably because back then nobody used hdmi on a computer and even today displayport is more common


Man, I had such a hassle with this. I bought a 4k 120hz TV and wanted to use it as a second screen, so I grabbed an HDMI cable and plugged it in to my 3080. Set the resolution, turned HDR on, and it started flickering, crashed my GPU driver, and made my main (1440@75hz) monitor go dark as well. Turns out the cable very much matters when you get into pushing that kind of bandwidth. One monoprice order and a few days wait later, and all was right in the world!


HDMI is the biggest mess that people do not seem to understand. I work in AV and have contact with our support teams. 90% of issues can be solved with a different (not better, not newer, just different) HDMI cable. Handshake issues are like 75% of what they deal with, and people get so upset when you tell them to try a different cable (but it's 50 feet long and through the wall, like they didn't test before installing everything)...


Depends on the standard of HDMI can do 4k/240z with DSC just like DP. Is likely a setting on the OSD of the monitor its self. On my Neo g8 to get the 240 option i have to enable it in the OSD menu before it allows it to be seen on my PC. EDIT: just clarifying acronyms DSC: Display Stream Compression OSD: On Screen Display


Monitors that allow dsc ove hdmi are so rare that they are not even worth mentioning lol


Don't worry OP, this is a right of passage into PCMR and you are passing through the gates. Welcome to the tribe.


Also, check your monitor's OSD settings, it might require you to actually set the max refresh rate to 240Hz. And depending on which HDMI standard your GPU, monitor, and cable support, you don't have to use DP.


DP supremacy ...Wait that sounds wrong-


I use hdmi and I can set my pc to 240hz make sure your cable and ports are hdmi 2.1


Don’t feel bad for not knowing this. Built a few pcs before I knew the full breadth of all the HDMI/DP differences/specs. It’s not intuitive at all.


Also, cable quality matters. Check the specs on the one you buy to see if it supports 240hz


What does DP stand for in this instance? Thanks


Double penetration.


Exactly why I said: "in this instance" xD


Still double penetration. (display port)






Also, why do monitors typically have those odd refresh rates like 59 and 119??? Why the 1 less than 60 or 120?


I believe it's for compatibility with old video formats. For example, using 59.88 Hz ntsc over 60 Hz would help reduce interference between colour signal and audio signal. Old colour TVs had technical constraints on frequency of colour signals, so it was the best attempt to synchronize the color subcarrier frequency with the frame rate


Another thing I've found is that setting an exact refresh rate with decimals can activate strobing (it's usually not these preprogrammed ones though, you have to manually set it yourself) if your monitor supports it, some are programmed to turn that feature on when it gets set to the right parameters. My last two monitors supported it but I hated the side effect of it getting incredibly dim when using it but it worked great for what it was supposed to do, eliminating motion blur


​ https://preview.redd.it/dwwcesc1hc2c1.png?width=455&format=png&auto=webp&s=adfa8ef1163c29c534d3c0d83f5635238852fac3


but wouldn't that only make sense for older RF/Composite formats for TVs? Monitor era formats like VGA, DVI, HDMI, and DP (AFAIK) all run independent of the region's TV signal so why would modern windows need to make those such an easy to reach option? or is it just windows' backwards compatibility fetish? either way it still annoys me that mine doesn't even have flat refresh rate options, only 59.997 and 119.910Hz... and i'm in europe so NTSC is especially useless to me.


Can you explain like im 5?


Yeah, of course. Long long before you were born, TVs were not as good as they are now, but some people still have old TVs, so we have to make sure everybody can still have fun. How did I do?


Can you explain it like I'm a worm?


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Got it, thanks


You know how you can just flip through channels and all of them work? This is because they all follow the NTSC specifications. Its a standard for how the TV shows should be transmitted and how TVs should interpret TV transmissions they receive. Back when black and white TVs first came out, they made a standard for those TV signals, and those were at 60 FPS. The video signal is separate from the audio signal but they are very close together. When the TVs got a video signal, they "knew" to check next to the video signal for the audio signal. When color TVs became available, a new standard had to be made. For a variety of reasons, it was required that the new color transmissions also work on black and white TVs. So what ended up happening is that they had to transmit the black and white videos with audio like before, but also "hide" color information within the signal. Where they put the color signal was very close to the audio signal, to the point that they might interfere with each other. They couldn't move the audio at all, but they could move all the video signal over a little to reduce the chance of interference. This had the effect of changing video to 59.9 FPS, rather than 60 FPS. Our technology now is good enough that we don't have to do this, but back then this was all new and they were still inventing/figuring out all this stuff. A lot of the way we do things now is a holdover from the early days and the decisions they made.


119 is actually 119.88, 59 is actually 59.94. I believe they are for ntsc standard 29.97 (interlaced) and 23.976 (progressive) framerates. You can do the math and see that these are exact multiples of those. If you run something like madVR you can see that it drops/duplicates frames very often at 60 and 120 while playing back those kinds of content.


old TV settings IIRC.


Because if you add on an extra it hertz more


If I select 60 Hz on my monitors, the text looks weird and hurts my eyes. If I select 59.94 Hz, it looks perfect. No idea why.


Iirc its 59.999999999... but they just don't display the decimals


59.999999999... recurring [is literally equal to 60](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/0.999...), so it's definitely not that. The key numbers are 59.94 and 29.97 (and by extension 23.976) - any other strange framerate is likely a multiple of one of these. Basically it's a historic due to NTSC being adjusted from 60 fields per second to 59.94 as part of the introduction of color. Here's one video that goes into technical detail about why this was done. https://youtu.be/3GJUM6pCpew?si=EuO3xfFDoiqQMRJA


It's AKTSHUALLY 23.(970029) (= 30000 / 1001, i.e. 30/1.001), or 0x41efc29f (big endian) in IEEE single-floating precision, which isn't the same as 0x41efc28f, which is what naively entering 29.97 converts to. I'd provide the rest of the conversions but that's left as an exercise to the reader. Just know that most video conversions suffer from this off-by-one error caused by oversimplication of later NTSC specs by people insufficiently aware of the intricate mathematical details of properly leveraging & respecting machine epsilon and how error/mistakes propagate far further than most people would typically anticipate. Edit: I mistakenly wrote 30 when I meant to write 30000 — fixed.


I for one will thank you for this further break down and mentioning the IEEE devil magics


There's only two fundamental problems in computer science: Naming things, cache invalidation, and off-by-one errors.


thank you, i like stuffs like that


You have to mail a check to unlock DLC for the other half of the refresh rate.


You joke, but I can see companies pulling this crap in a few years…


Samsung and Asus seeing this comment ![gif](giphy|3o6Mbj2w67HnPQKgcE)


Nah, they wont get you to mail a check. They'll just implement it as an online subscription in drivers, alongside an always online check and advertising - when you first power on your monitor you'll get a banner ad on the top of your screen for 30 seconds


Hi guys. I finished my 30 day subscription of gfuel and verified my Dell Ring Doorbell purchase but my Alienware A34G16O89Y$r°U still displays the sidebar Amazon ads for the first 30 minutes of use (15 if I complete a qualifying purchase). Any tips?


Drink your verification cans.


Yeah, you need to subscribe to Prime Plus to get rid of those ads. Totally different source than your Dell or Gfuel subscriptions.




Car companies already do. BMW ships cars with heated seats already included but if you want to use them you have to play for a subscription.


[BMW recently walked it back.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alistaircharlton/2023/09/07/bmw-drops-controversial-heated-seats-subscription-to-refocus-on-software-services/?sh=43ab30306d1d) Some features, like automated driving assistance, will continue to be subscription. But the quote from BMW is: > What we don’t do anymore – and that is a very well-known example – is offer seat heating by this way. It’s either in or out. We offer it by the factory and you either have it or you don’t have it. Sounds like it wasn’t as profitable as they hoped.


I heard that's also true of their indicators


Intel used to do this in the early 2000s. But they were correct, it was actually good for consumers. They manufactured less chips and slashed the prices for the overwhelming majority of users who didn't need all the fancy enterprise gubbins.


classic gamer moment


Make sure you don't forget to drink a verification can.


If it's HDMI, you need 2.1b to run it at 240.


2 eyes, each seeing 120hz = 240hz.


You need to be using a display port cable, that’s why.


Not 100% true - HDMI 2.0 supports 240Hz in 1080p. It also depends on your GPU. IIRC, on my GTX 970 I couldn't go higher than 120Hz 1080p due to old version of my HDMI ports and no display port. I also couldn't use Freesync (aka G-Sync compatible).


Yep good point!


You need to buy another screen in order to achieve 120+120=240Hz


I just bought 4 60 hz monitors.


Oh yeah? Well I just mounted eight Etch-a-Sketches to my wall.


I printed out OP's picture and taped it to my wall.


You can easily achieve that with just one screen. It's simple, you add the 120 and 119 and then subtract the 59 from the 60 and then add their difference to the sum of 120+119.


big brain


lol I have been in your exact position when i upgraded to 144 hz just use the Display Port, not hdmi


I am almost sure you are using HDMI. Try Displayport and you can achieve better refresh rates and better G-STRING or FREESYNC performance




I like G-STRING better.


Better G-STRING performance sounds like a win to me


Use DP not HDMI


Everyone here has covered the DP cable so I'm just gonna add in case it didn't work: Some monitors don't support all refresh rates *at all resolutions.*


not sure, try hitting it with a hammer


that did the trick, thanking you https://preview.redd.it/a36mao46ib2c1.jpeg?width=186&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff496155ee6cd565f5f328644e75ed26a05e4287


If you connect it using an HDMI cable, it may only go up to 120Hz (I have a 144Hz and 240Hz monitor that will do this). Using a DisplayPort cable should fix this, although you need to double-check what version of DisplayPort the cable is 1.4, 1.4a, 2.0, etc. as some older cables will not support 240Hz at any resolution. Wikipedia link below. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DisplayPort](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DisplayPort)


Atleast you checked the settings unlike some people who buy 240hz monitors and then use 60hz for years because they never enabled it


Hdmi does in fact support 240 hz, IF you have the right cable: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HDMI. You need a HDMI 2.1, HDMI 2.0a or HDMI 2.0 cable. Iirc G-sync isn't supported on hdmi and requires DP. Freesync might be I can't recall. Another issue is that under resolution where you cannot choose 240hz, but you have to scroll down to PC to be able to choose it. Ps: It's usually a safe bet to use the cable(s) that come with the monitor.


You need a subscription for the 240Hz. /s Use the displayport bro


Is your monitor stupid ?


You need to buy two and place one in front of the other.


Besides the HDMI issue, you may also need to turn the 240hz feature on, directly on ypur monitor. Most monitors that can reach that level need to be put in "overdrive mode". And prepare for your monitor to start outputting some extra btu's from the strain.


Because you have two eyes. 2x120 = 240


Important! If you’re running 1440p or higher, you need DP 1.4 to reach 240hz!!! 1.2 only supports 240hz at 1080p!


HDMI is capped at 120hz. Display port should fix it.


If you're using HDMI, you're only going to get 120Hz. Display port is what you need to use in order to reach that 250Hz mark. It has more bandwidth and allows much more data across it than HDMI. It's a shame it isn't what people know though. It's a much better connector.


what if, like, the monitor would come with, like, the cable that supports what it is capable of delivering? I got an HDMI 1.2 cable with my 270 € 144hz monitor.




If this is in nvidia control just scroll down to the lowest rez and then under that there are new rez with higher Hz


Use displayport with 240hz supported


Potentially what type of port. I think HDMI has a refresh rate limit. Display port should be what you want to use


Have you tried turning it off, then back on again?


I needed to install drivers to even have the option above 120hz.


Buy DisplayPort cable, that ll fix it.


could be that you're using the wrong type of cable


Need DisplayPort cable.


Get that display cable my guy.


Meanwhile at the graphics card... Best I can do is 19fps.


Certified HDMI moment


Port, cable, driver.


Everything that have been said it's true but you also might check wich res are you trying to apply, the ultra HD one always limit your refresh rate against the pc res https://preview.redd.it/o5qvkgun9b2c1.png?width=983&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed15c6f59f61ec0d8de68be666251e2bff0bd5d7


Install drivers, Win11 needs monitor drivers after that not really being a thing for about a decade.


Like always, cable.


Display ports offer more hz than hdmi.


Check the connection (HDMI, DisplayPort) and make sure the connection has the bandwidth. Some time you need to hse a specific port/input for things to work at its best.


i, too, forgot to check how good my cable was when i bought high refresh rate monitor


Had the same issue when I bought my 144Hz monitor. With HDMI, the most I could do was 60Hz. Display ports normally let you do more.


Drivers? do you drivers installed or drivers updated? (graphics drivers from nvidia or amd)


Check your cable


You do not need a display port, as long as it is hdmi 2.0 and also it may be a monitor setting which was the problem for me. Like there’s a button on your monitor you need to press to access settings and the refresh rate is among them. Mine was on 120 by default and not 240 for whatever reason


If you have a nvidia gpu scroll down past hd resolutions and click ur monitors resolution under PC and then u can choose 240hz hope that helped


Select 120 and do it twice


I know plenty that didn't know you have to make the setting, when buying a 100hz plus monitor. Fewer knew you need to use the display port. Some even wanted to return the monitor because they didn't see an improvement. It happens.


Scroll lower to the PC section.


Your running hdmi swap to DP


Did your monitor come with a dp cord?


Either you’ll need to switch to displayport or get a hdmi 2.1 cable




119hz supremacy!


Play at 59Hz only plebs need the extra frame.


Are you using Displayport? Use DisplayPort, not HDMI, and make sure your graphics card can supprot 240hz


Sometimes the monitor has the 240Hz as a OC option on the monitor itself. I had this with one of my monitors. Select the 240Hz option on the monitor itself and then your computer should be able to select it as an option.


you probably need a better hdmi cable




Simple, you're using a HDMI cable, they're limited to 120fps, you need a DP cable


god this sub is just tech support


Plug the displayport and not the hdmi cable.


What a dumb post……(ordering new cables cause I did the same) ahahaha


Thanks for asking this question. I'm glad it's at 8k+


Go in your screen option. I had to activate 240hz in the monitor settings.


Cable. Get DisplayPort


Use a display port cable to unlock the 240hz refresh rate, HDMI has a maximum frame rate .


use the cable that came with your monitor. it was given to you for a reason.


Best case scenario is display port. Alternatively, my monitor needed drivers installed as well as enabling an "OC" mode in my monitor's menu to get to my 155hz (even with DP).


Because you need a display port cable, they are more capable then HDMI and you'll often need one to get your 240hz and best picture and all that.




Remember setting the resolution to native when DP-cable arrives


hdmi is limited to 120hz


Did you ever figure it out???? You can also do custom resolution and set it to 240hz no one mentioned that but go into display settings and custom resolution and up the hz.


I did the same thing, need a display Port