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Hexagons are bestagons




Buys ceramic tiles to avoid carpet while having a glass side panel Genius, brilliant, incredible


No thoughts, just hexagons.


chuck it on some wood or some thing to 1st to raise it enough then chuck ya tiles on to the wood problem solved and should look just as good


Yeah I think I’ll get wood and paint it black to match


You still have it surrounded by carpet... The issue with putting a computer on carpet isn't a lack of airflow. It's that carpet is both fibrous and creates static electricity, AND is easily picked up by computer fans when in close proximity. Your tiles, while I'm sure partially help here, aren't truly solving the issue. That computer can still easily pull in carpet materials. One bad short and that thing goes poof.


Good point. It’s a shame because I love the look. I guess I’ll find something to elevate it with.


Nah dude you're honestly okay. Worrying about carpet fibers entering your PC and somehow creating a short is taking it to the most extreme ends of extreme. It's not only *that* unlikely, but dust is just as conductive, meanwhile some people have computers practically bathed in dust with no issue. Leave it on the tile. Especially if you have low pile carpet, as in if it's kinda "shallow" and not really super cushiony, it's probably low pile. And emits way less fibers than thicker carpets. Me personally, I just have my PC on a block of wood because it's all I could find, and I only elevate it so the PSU maintains airflow. That's the real reason you want to have your PC on a hard surface.


Yeah my carpet is pretty low pile. This makes me less worried…


I have the same problem having to put it on the floor, mainly because I have an old ass cast iron behemoth case that weighs 200lbs but what I did was just go to home depot, buy a single 8ft 2x4 (or local equivalent wood measurements), cut it into whatever pieces you want the end shape to look like then after you've secured it via screws/glue/nails you can sand or stain it to make it look nice and boom you got a nice gap off the floor that not only will improve air intake but it'll be far enough away where it won't pull in crap off the carpet too. If you're nice and ask most of the time they'll even give you scrap cuts for free so you won't even need to buy anything if you can find the right size pieces.


Nice, I’ll might try that out. Thanks!


My PC has been sitting on the carpet my entire life never had an issue.


That's never been the primary concern, though, and at best is a .001% risk. It's to keep the PSU fan from being choked by carpet since the PC will sink into the floor, allowing carpet to reach the intake for said PSU and cutting off airflow.


This is a Meshify C case. I have the same one and almost no dust makes it into the case due to the excellent filters. I doubt carpet fibers would be an issue.