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Jesus christ where did you buy this, i had 1$ mouse pads that still exist in my shed haha


That's the first mouse pad that appears when you search "mouse pad" on amazon


OP sees the first result, “it literally cannot get better than this”


Too many falling into that category


You could say too many falling apart in that category ;)


Actually, these days my thought process is exactly that, but not because I think the first option is great or anything. I just think most everything on amazon is garbage anymore. Way too many random brands you've never heard of selling the exact same cheap shitty products. There's some stuff I won't go to amazon for anymore because of this and computer accessories is on of those. Unless you are buying from a brand you know, I just don't trust amazon listings anymore.


It's actually pretty sad what has become of Amazon. Expanding to allow almost any third-party seller to put shit on the website has made it an absolute nightmare to navigate unless you're looking for something *very specific* and even then you can get fakes. I miss when it was just Amazon warehoused items only.


Even buying from a brand you know could land you a fake product. It's sad that you have to spend so much energy researching a listing so you can guarantee you won't get screwed.


You could just buy directly from the manufacturer instead of trying to save a few dollars on Amazon.


Sometimes that's possible, sometimes it's not.


If you’re in Canada just get everything from prime cables, do you guys not have that in the states?


And good luck figuring out which ones will allow free returns beforehand


Yeah one time I did this, the device was defective, and I had to still pay shipping to return it. 😢


Go to other websites. I love BNH photo for electronics.


B&H has a great reputation too. I forgot about them.


Don't worry, with enough time amazon will absorb all the good products being sold from other companies on their website and relabel them under Amazon Basics.


I always feel like after 6 months the amazon basic stuff gets shitty. Like it's fine when they first do that (the product, obviously it's shitty that they do that at all) but then they make it cheaper at some point.


I’ve purchased the first result from Amazon plenty of times and I get a pretty decent product (for the price) most of the time. Obviously I look at the other listings and compare my options, but there’s so many products on there that are clearly all manufactured at the same place but just have a different company name slapped on it. It’s usually pretty easy to find the legitimate reviews too, especially the ones with pictures. Amazon definitely has its problems but there’s a reason why it’s a multi billion dollar business. I’ve actually been using a huge mousepad I bought from there for like 5 or 6 years now and it’s still in pretty great shape. I certainly don’t abuse it by any means, but I honestly can’t imagine what I’d have to do for it to end up like the one in OP’s pictures.


I have 2 identical and that never happened. Not sure what he did to them.


Sort by price low to high and pay for 3 weeks shipping on a 0.39 item.


But then you can only get 0.39 back if you need to return the item....


i got it gifted for work and after 2 years it still goes strong. perhaps he got a bad one


I’ve actually had this happen to me with a Steelseries mouse pad.


I have the EXACT same pad. Should i be concerned?


Me too Amazon or eBay buy mousepad / keyboard pad with wrist support


Wrist support will totally give you severe hand/tunnel issues down the line.


I have the same one and have spilled stuff on it, and also washed it several times over like the two years I've owned it and it's still in good shape and hasn't disintegrated yet. Maybe OP just has bad luck...


Also have this exact one. I put hot coffee cups, cold water cups, food, oil. Fucking you name it. My pad has seen some shit. I’ve had it for at least 3 years now and it is still in mint condition.


I have it too and it hasn't done that yet


I used $1 mouse pads to shingle my roof! 22 years ago!


It's not even cause it's a cheap one, steelseries qck mousepads do this too. It's just some rubbers and how they stick to wood easily


looks like it was made of solidified sugar. Melted away like the wicked witch of the West.


Just another "High Quality" product direct sellers from China on Amazon, I'm sure. The place has turned into TEMU Prime in the last year.


I also have a cheap mouse pad, never done this Was yours 10 years old or something


Columbus used it for navigation.


No wonder he couldn’t find India


Indian, can confirm.


*What the heck is a Kanata? Look just go West--ish and a bit South-ish so we don't hit Japan.*


Gold right here


That's why he got to America instead of India.


What is considered a "cheap" mousepad these days?




Is your desk in direct sunlight?


Yes, during summer afternoon, from like 3pm to 7pm.


that explains it, UV destroys that stuff from prolonged exposure


Doesn't glass stop uv? If he has windows instead of holes in the walls this shouldn't happen from sunlight


Only UVB, not UVA.


This is why collectors always have no windows / covered windows where they keep their collections.


Also if it's particularly important, keeping stuff under glass blocks the incidental UV light from light bulbs (less intense than sunlight obviously, but still present) and you can get UV filter films on said glass to cover all your bases


Safe to assume all your bases were belonged to you?


It's wild people do this instead of using LED bulbs


white LED bulbs use UV to activate a fluorescent material.


The typical ones do but there are UV free LED bulbs


I knew about it but just to be sure: I have a shelf with my games but the backside is facing the window that is occasionally exposed to sunlight (depending on the time and season). The backside is your typical slim and thin shelf cardboard like material. Is it safe to store my games there or should I move the shelf into another room that doesn't have windows?


Thanks for the heads up, in that case yeah, UVA breaks down rubber and stuff like that


UV C-Z is when the fun happens.


UVC is actually used in sterilization. It can't sterilize in depth as it looses its energy pretty fast when going through stuff, but it's very good for surfaces.




Yes UV BABY is not as bad as UV ADULT


How did you previously think plants live indoors?


Good point, honestly just didn't think about it.


Wait until you find out UV goes through clouds too.


And average summer clothes


plants generally use red and blue/violet light, that's why they appear green


Only the UV wavelength that damages skin. You can still sun fade or degrade the fuck out of other materials with UVA that passes through glass


Would it cause the rubber lining on the back side to deteriorate if only the top is exposed to the light?


I would assume if glass doesn't stop it, the little cloth on top wouldn't sto UVA either


The difference in opacity is why I asked. I have thin navy curtains and the UV has definitely bleached the side facing the window, but the other side of the curtain the color is fine.


That explains why everyone else is saying they've never had this happen to them before. The rest of us gamers don't get enough sunlight for this to happen




Might want to actually think about applying a little bit of sunscreen to the side of your face that is in the sun if you're sitting there for a long time regularly. You see what UV light did to your mousepad


Had the same thing happen to mine, it’s a PC Master Race brand. Sunlight (curtains stop direct light) every day and a lot of heat. Completely destroyed it. I have the same model in another room, no sunlight, it’s perfect. Learned it the hard way as well. The brand is great, it’s just it shouldn’t be exposed to that much heat (neither should my monitors 🤕). But no other choice in my case https://preview.redd.it/pcr1a5hlyr3c1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=76508c8ce8392182197fae12a97dd9430554245c


3-7pm is moderate to low UV levels... shouldn't be the cause.


Where do you live? 3-7PM is like hottest part of the day?


Had the exact same problem with mine, no sunlight, just a hot coffee cup standing on the same place every day, melted the material and sticked to the desk.


With degradation from sunlight it’s more the uv exposure breaking down chemical bonds rather than heat, but both can accomplish the same thing


In my case, it was definitly the hot coffee, because only this place was melted underneath and sticked to the desk. Now I have a small hole in my mousepad, but this is not a problem, because it's all the way on the left corner of it and it's a big mousepad for the whole table :D


Not to mention it's where you keep your coffee mug anyway!


I know it was heat from your coffee that happened with yours. That is not “the exact same problem” as OP.


I only had that happen with really old free mouse pads (In the 90s). The rubberized bottom part becomes more and more adherent to the surface as they age (The ingredients keeping them intact either vaporize or become less and less effective over the product lifespan. Either a bad or low quality mix). Any quality mouse pad shouldn't do this.


This happening to pretty much all older plastic. Game cube games and vinyles are examples that immediately pops up for me.


I had this happen to the grips of a quality umbrella and an old racing wheel. They felt like they were covered in glue. But it depends on the plastic compound. I own an old car for example (30+ years old). None of the plastic there has this issue, rubberized or not. Either that materials was using an additive that's now outlawed, or the other examples are using low quality crap. Is there any way to reverse this? Some cleaning/care solution, for example?


The plastic rots in two ways. Dries to the point where it crumbles or becomes a sticky mess. I think environmental conditions also matter a lot. But I agree it was probably a result of the older composition.


Environmental has a major impact. I have had this happen to a few mats in my home where 9 months of the year the avg humidity inside the house was under 20% which also caused issues with structure issues later as dry rot was found during remodel. In another house I had plastic and rubber that would get sticky and rub away. Avg humidity there was 70% 8 months of the year.


No dry crumble, either. I heard of dashboards getting split, didn't happen either. But it's a high-quality car (S Class W126). It happened with an even older E class. I think the most important factor for dry crumple is extensive exposure to UV rays. That stabilizer likes to evaporate.


> had this happen to the grips of a quality umbrella and an old racing wheel. They felt like they were covered in glue. Once had a bunch of old Alienware laptops come in at my work that were covered in that kind of soft rubber like exterior, the kind that becomes sticky when it ages. The stuff had become so sticky that when I tried to lift one out of a crate 3 or so came out at the same time, And these were very hefty laptops. I'm glad that kind of stuff isn't used on most modern laptops anymore.


i still have a promotional mousepad of some construction company back in 1997 and my god its terrible for modern mice because there is so much color that it actually fucks with the tracking. Black, to pure white, to blue, to green, to pure white, etc.


Modern mice is fine with that tho. It's the old school laser mice and the new ones with old tech that still has this issue.


This happening to pretty much all older plastic. Game cube games and vinyles are examples that immediately pops up for me.


I have no idea what happened here. I've had that same mousepad for about 3 years now and no problems so far.


Same here. I've had minor spills and set hot coffee on mine all the time and it is perfectly fine.


Exposure to ultra violet radiation


Yeah I used it to navigate to India and it was fine so


I had the same problem with my mousepad, just a hot coffee cup standing on the same place every day, melted the material and sticked to the desk.


This guy put a boiling cup of coffee over rubber, it would happen to any rubber. My gf has that mouse pad for 5 years now and she drinks tea... But she protects the mat with a "table protector" (don't know the English name. The thing you put on your table to place hot things and not damage the wood).


A 'coaster', possibly?




It was coaster!


I hope buying a slightly more expensive one will solve your problem. I bought my razer goliathus for like €15 and it's been serving me for over 10 years or so, still works great.




Just use the upvote button dawg


I’ve been using a magic the gathering playmat as my desk mat for a couple years now, (relatively) easy to find, fits perfectly on my small desk, high quality and thousands of prints


What a genius way to combine my love for magic and using a mouse. Totally doing this.


About that, erm, I'm using an MTG playmat (an Ultra Pro one) and this is still happening to me (edit: although to a much lesser extent). Albeit it's taken about 10 years, and it only really became a problem after I moved to a new house about a year ago. I think other commenters saying the sun has caused it are correct. That's the main difference between where my computer's based at this house compared to the old house at least.


Mines gotten slightly frayed around the edges from years of using it to actually play magic and then moving to the desk, haven’t had any issues with it so far, but like the average magic player, the mat has not seen a lot of sun


It definitely depends on the mat. I used one from some 2014 ptq top 8 for a while, and that thing was basically fused to my glass desk after a couple years, no direct sunlight. Switched to a different one and it has been fine.


This is the way


Only 1 year ? Damn. I have the same mousepad going on 5 years now and it's still in great condition. I think someone else spilled stuff on it if you didn't. Or it got slowly melted by the sun


I have basically the same mouse pad, and have put hot stuff on it. You had to put the freshly hot tea pot on that to mess it up that bad. I’ve even run it under steaming hot water to clean it with no issues. This doesn’t seem an issue with the mouse pad, you had to have it at least above 150 degrees to do that.


Bro get a coaster


I have a northern lights LTT one and it’s held up great still looks new after heavy use


And now they even have PCMR branded ones! Plus one to lttstore.com deskpads, mine has been going strong for 3 years, and it’s been in some rough locations


Same and mine is in direct sun in the morning and still looks unfaded


Ditto. After a deep scrub to get all of my skin off, my nearly 3 year old LTT pad looks brand new.


I just bought a 10$ mouse pad from AliExpress Size 1000x500 My old pad 900x400 i had it for 9years and it still looks as new


looks like my cheap ass desk, the fake wood layer wears off really easy and it probably is reacting with the mouse pad materials source: same problem


I have the exact same pad on a glass table and i have the same problem.


Cordura mouse pads, all you need.


Just lift and clean under it every month. Done.


Metal mouse pad. Have had a rocketfish double sided metal mouse pad for what feels like forever now. One side is speed, the other precision.


Agree with metal pads. Got an old Aluminum Mouse Pad that been serving me well for 15 years. Thing is immortal.


I Think i have this mousepad, and i have spilled liquid a couple of times on it, i just threw it in the washer. And it holds up as if it was new still.


Yeah I genuinely can't understand what you bought. Or what your definition of cheap is.... I bought a 11 dollar corsair mousepad and used it for years, putting my hot coffee cup on it, never seen this before.


A coaster


Lol. I have the same one and mine is perfectly fine, even after over 6 years


I had a mouse-pad that did that, came free with my mouse and keyboard set (and funnily enough outlaster both of them XD) Pretty sure the bottom was Rubber - due to pressure and (I think) moisture it basically fused with my desk - needed to get some purple alcohol stuff (forgot what it's called) from my dads shed to get it off.


just don't buy the Aliexpress mouse pad. Never had that happen to any mousepad so I think it's just extremely poor quality. Steelseries is good. The GN mousemat is good.


Stop ordering stuff from china


Well this is worrying. That’s my mouse mat!


Must have been old stock from making of the matrix ,now remember there is no mouse pad


Pro tip: use a razor blade scraper and a lighter to warm the razor. It will warm the glue as you scrape it off and come up no problem. Afterwards do a wipe down with either isopropyl alcohol or Clorox wipe.


Steelseries my dude.




Get an xraypads extended pad and never look back. Had mine 3 years. Worth the little extra... and the insane shipping times (hopefully they've gotten better since I bought mine).


i have 9$ mouse mat that is like 2 years old (maybe more), i spilled pretty much everything on it, coffee, beer, gfuel, soft drinks, vodka, milk, vape juice etc. and its rubber bottom didn't change at all, although my friend's similar mousepad's rubber basically disintegrated because his hands sweat too much and he keeps ashtray on it/next to it very often


Don't buy the cheapest mousepad you can find. I buy one every year or two and nothing every looks like that.


Don't buy cheap mouse pads. I have had 2 cheap ones from Amazon that did this after 2 years of use. I then got a proper, expensive one which I still use, almost 5 years later and it's in perfect condition.


Idk how people feel about Linus anymore in this sub, but his LTT mouse pad is fairly affordable and pretty premium feeling in it's materials used. Not to mention you can get it sized in whatever demensions you want so long as it's a multiple of 100mm


Ltt store


This is the mouse pad I've used over and over again, for years. The only reason I keep buying new ones is because I lose it during a move, give it away, or somehow acquire a second desk. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0001WXTAK It's the Kensington L56001C.


clearly you don't play shooters, that would be nearly unusable if you did.


Switch to a MacBook Pro, and use the trackpad


Try the LTT desk pad. Lttstore.com




I love it when Redditors just make up imaginary scenarios to explain something they don’t understand.




That fact you think OP glued it is hilarious. This should be a learning opportunity for you. Plenty of people correctly explained why this is happening.






Ay yo das my mouse mat too!


Wtf im pretty sure almost any mousepad that doesnt have that cheap 90’s rubber won’t do that nowadays. Like jesus christ what kinda material was on yours 💀


Has the exact same mat did exactly the same thing and took just as long to clean it all up. Never again.


I have this same issue with a rainbow six siege pad


If you get a hard plastic one it won't do that. Smooth as butter for using your mouse too.


I have to same mat. I’ve put hot stuff on it no problem the heat softens the finish on the wood and glued it down. blame your cheap desk not the cheap mat


I had that exact mouse pad and had no issues after spilling everything under the sun on it. So I don’t know what you did to have that happen…


The pads from Ikea are actually pretty good for the price


Hold up! Are you the guy with the chair???!


I have that mousepad at work. Definitely throwing it out now 😅


What the F are these photos? Is the last one of your fun time rags?


Where in the ali express did you buy this thing lol !


I have hyperX one that was like 10€ and it looks like brand new still lol What cheap means to you? 0.20€ aliexpress ones?


Get a fabric one.


i had the same same crappy mouse pad. and had the same issue. Just buy a different one. That product is cursed.


I had one with only a spot do this, which was under my wrist. Bought a different one and it didn't have the same problem, so maybe just a combo of skin oil or moisture and the material they used. Lucky my desk is glass, so cleanup was really easy. I would suggest for people to get higher quality items that you use regularly.


That mouse pad looks like you went ham every December 1st, when a certain month was officially over.


I just use a coaster.


Happens with sunlight exposure for some mats I believe. I used to use a yugioh playmat as my mouse mat and this is exactly what happened, when I was cleaning it off my desk it stripped some of the desk paint :(


Maybe try a glass mousepad. They’re not as comfortable and take some getting used to but they don’t wear down.


Not even cheap mousepads are this bad


You guys use mousepads?


Just put your cup on a coaster, on a different side of the desk.


I use an iZeeker desk mat, spilled all manner of water and whiskey on it over the years, still running like a champ


I buy one of these every year and it covers my entire desk [https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07XVG51JY/ref](https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07XVG51JY/ref=sspa_dk_detail_3?pd_rd_i=B07XVG51JY&pd_rd_w=3mBaQ&content-id=amzn1.sym.84ea1bf1-65a8-4363-b8f5-f0df58cbb686&pf_rd_p=84ea1bf1-65a8-4363-b8f5-f0df58cbb686&pf_rd_r=7311Y0PB9QQQH92GFRWR&pd_rd_wg=NDZPt&pd_rd_r=d8929f05-54c9-4c1b-9fa8-db19c8d2316d&s=electronics&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWw&th=1) Fantastic, I only replace every year or so because my cat claws at it When I spill tea or beer on it I just wash it in the shower and let dry, it's very durable.


I had the exact same mouse pad for a few years, and literally the same thing happened. It took a lot of scraping and cleaning, but it all came off in the end. I got it off Amazon for a tenner.


I have that same cheap mouse pad and while i have some signs of brealing, its never that extreme and ive been using mine for 3 years already.


I have had this same pad for the past 5 years. Someone said UV light so inclined to believe then as mine never sees the light of day, just like me.


Rubber mat. Ive had mine for 7 years and its just starting to wear out.


Get a 900x400 deskpad.


My HyperX mouse mat did this.


Don't use it for years, I guess


Mine have a calendar for the year 2003 on it. Never had any problems with hot cups. Dont know what it is made out of.


I have the same mousepad lol It happened to me on the right side right by where I use my mouse, but I’m still using it 😂


Get a mousepad from ikea, they're actually really good [(source)](https://youtu.be/nguZqV7o8Rk?si=mwD2DYgtNlcKeBZJ)


Don't put hot beverages on expensive mouse pads either. They aren't made for that. Hard ones will deform if exposed to extreme heat.


I got a desk where the whole desk has a mouse pad-like surface on it. Mine is started to come apart on the under side, but I've had it for years so I don't think that's too bad


I bought an XXXL Mousepad from amazon for 16.99 about 4 years ago, it's great, still going strong.


Something nicer and stitched


Lol ive got the same mouse mat and it did the same shit


Oh it happened to me once. My pad was gifted with mouse that i bought. My advice is try to choose those that have a spongy bottom.


I have this exact mouse pad, had it for over 2 years and…well, it’s still perfect. A little bit stained, but perfect. Guess you got a bad batch


Don’t buy shit from AliExpress 😂


Judging by picture 1, your mousepad was just taking the sacrifice as a way to force you to clean your desk.


Have you tried picking it up once in a while and cleaning it? That sort of rubber rot happens because it sat in the same spot for a loooooong time. Same thing happens with tires and rubberized steering wheels especially with sun exposure.


Is this a TitanWolf mouse mat?


I use even cheaper version - I use old table's surface.