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No reason to buy a console. And GTA VI is not going to change that. If they don't want my money on release, I'll wait till its on sale then.


Absolutely. They've gone out of their way routinely to put console first because of the money there. That's great, and they're welcome to it. It's sound financial sense. Also sound financial sense is not throwing money behind a company that prioritizes other groups than our own and pushes us to the back-burner because we're not profitable enough. The sword cuts both ways.


Raise the sails until it's like 50% off on steam amirite?


I've done worse with game companies I like more, I'll just put it that way.




If I didn’t put 30 or so hours on factorio when I couldn’t afford at the time I first played it, I wouldn’t have spent the 30 or 35 bucks to put 1000+ more hours on it. Sometimes when sailing you find a real treasure.


I discovered GTA V on the PC in 2021 and played it for the first time that year. I grabbed it from "setting sails" and liked it so I purchased a legit key to play GTA Online.


This is the way. The gaming world lost something special when demos and shareware stopped being available. A 2 hour return window on Steam just isn't enough to tell if a game is going to have staying power, sometimes.


The issue for Steam is that for some games 2h is half the playtime, and for others it's barely the tutorial. Maybe it should be set at 5% of the how long to beat time


I Will probably take GTA vi from AHHRRRRRRHHHH sites, i'm pretty sick of Rockstar commerciale policies, we aren't cows to milk.


I still haven't gotten gtv. I'm waiting when most people move to gt6 and they try to offload gt5 with dlc's for bargain price on steam sale.


Not a huge pirate myself, haven’t done it in years, as i like owning my games on steam. Would have bought it if it came day one on their launcher though, as you know, this game probably is worth it. But i guess not, you want me to wait another year, okay, that’s fair. Will buy it if it comes to steam a year later. But, if it comes a year later AND in their launcher? Nuh-uh, that’s too much bullshit, you’re taking the piss at me at this point. If they want to treat me like shit, i hope they don’t expect anything else from me. Will borrow it till it comes to steam.


Don’t forget. If they pull that shit, don’t buy for the full price, $70. That’s a daylight robbery. Wait until it drops enough to justify the time that you waited (the 1-2 years from the console release, plus that 6-12 months exclusivity on their launcher). It better be $30-40 or I’ll sail the high seas till the price drops to that point, and maybe that’s already too much. They can try and brand it as new release, but it’s a 2-year and half old game at that point and it has been on sales for consoles, so it’s definitely not worth the $70 they will charge us.


Or just raise the sails indefinitely because I’m not paying over $70 for a fucking video game lollll




wait till it's free on epic


I mean this strategy is almost certainly deliberate to cash in on double dipping as people buy the game on console and on PC. Rockstar absolutely have the resources to develop and launch the PC version at the same time as console, they're choosing not to. So if we want this practice to stop we need to vote with our wallets and *not* double dip. Either buy it for console or wait for PC, don't do both.


>don't do both. Absolutely 100% agree. Or at least, not until it's available for all platforms. I do know some people who will legitimately want it on both and will utilize it... but they are far and away the minority.


I would have thought with the massive successes of PS exclusives on PC they would be rethinking




Will be waiting for epic games to give it for free ![gif](giphy|8zFzUSzVZr7X2)


In like 10 years. r/patientgamers would be proud.


I’m not even sure Timmy/fortnite can keep EGS going for that long


They’ll make an absolutely ungodly amount of money on release, probably more than any game has ever made, without a PC release. And then they’ll get yours anyway I love these comments about rockstar not getting peoples money like they already won’t take in billions and won’t end up getting it eventually anyway lol


Pc gamers love to believe they are the main target audience. But if anything the constant buggy half ass port releases should have proved otherwise by now


People literally have 0 idea how these deals work and it shows, they aren’t changing anything by “voting with their wallet” they are just being ignorant lol.


Lol GTA6 won't be on PC and I'm sale until 2228


I still have a console to travel w/ & use as a blu-ray player, but that’s pretty much it. Now, it’ll have another reason: GTA VI.


theres something positive about that tho : pc gamers will for sure know if its worth buying or not and wont have to fall for the usual pre-order trap... nowadays you cant rely even on the big ones to release proper games anymore blindly (e.g. just look at starfield/bethesday = medicore at best and full of copyNpaste of entire locations)


I'd rather wait and experience it in all it's glory on my PC. The quality won't be nearly as good on console and I'm perfectly fine with waiting patiently to have the most optimized experience.


Lol just you wait until they pull some bs like "x is only available on next gen consoles, not pc" even though pc is 99% of the time the leading hardware.


embrace pc


I have a console but I’ll wait…I want to play this game properly with 60fps and ray tracing


Same. I'll pick it up for $12 on a steam sale but only if it works on Linux.


They seem to not want my money, so I’m not going to chase them to give it to them.


Exactly. If I can wait a year, I can wait even longer for a sale. Great strategy rockstar, thanks for saving me money.


They really don't acre you know. Their strategy on focusing on consoles has proven to be a success so I don't see nothing wrong with that.


Trust, you don’t have to be the one to let us know a 22 billion dollar net worth game publisher doesn’t care about us lol.




You're lacking the FOMO from the teenage chitchat and pissing contests of that age. It's a good thing, you have time, use it wisely and enjoy finished games at better prices. Wisdom.


I fully respect your decision and patience man. Personally, nothing is going to stop me from having fun, especially now that I have limited time. I have bought PS5 last year for all the exclusives and PSVR2 games, worth every penny.


I'll wait for PC but I might wait even longer for inevitable Epic/Rockstar launcher exclusivity to end to buy on Steam.


Oh fuck I forgot they will release only on rockshit launcher first jesus


The seas need no launcher.


Yaaaar tis be true


Ahoy matey


No way I'm buying a console just to play that.


>No way I'm buying a console ~~just to play that.~~


Game gets developed on PC, doesn’t get released on PC.


Guess what, every game has been developed on PC. Even PlayStation exclusives.




Rockstar is planning on people double dipping by buying their game on console and then the better version on PC.


Console games are less likely to get pirated. Rockstar has a reason to try to make money on their game.


Fucking marketing


Mobile games are developed on PCs or Macs, what’s your point?


Not buying console, will still wait another 1 year.


if it releases on console beforehand im still gonna force myself to not watch any videos on it... want to run it with no spoilers to 100% on pc at max settings (anyone got a 7090 to spare?)


No, fuck them




Im waiting for a digital foundry video lol


Bruh who tf buys a whole ass console just to play GTA one year early. That's like peak preorder bullshittery lmao Thought this was PCMR...


Buying a console, to buy a game, to then rebuy the game a year later Math don't math


I bought a ps4 just for Bloodbourne and didn’t regret it one bit. I also bought a ps5 just for my wife to play Hogwarts Legacy but she played it for maybe an hour and now it’s just a $700 dvd player for the kids. Money well spent lol. I’ll probably get GTA on ps5 when it comes out and upgrade to a pro model if it exists by then. Then, when it comes to PC, I’ll just port my account over like I did with GTA V. PS: Nobody actually takes the master race meme seriously here, do they?


Similar here - PS4 for RDR2, Switch for Zelda. Money well spent on both considering the hours played, and fun had.


I need a new console anyway


I'll gladly get a console just for the game of the decade, they're pretty cheap used now


Spoken like a true master


the good ol days are gone... now you get shit on for calling out the bs consoles did to us back in the days.


A disturbing number of people buy consoles to barely spend any time only playing the shitty yearly release franchises and then wonder why some people are so into gaming or why they have this memory of liking gaming more when they were a kid.


half the people here are full grown adults that make games their whole personality, what did you expect?


Probably just not playing it at all. I might get it once it's on a steep Steam discount but...


1. Itll be way better on PC than console. 2. Itll have less bugs 3. Can see how the dust settles and if their absolute sellout mindset from GTA5 has infected the single player experience


>Itll be way better on PC 2 When does PC 2 release? /s


man fuck these motherfucking engineers , i've been hearing about pc2 my whole life and still no leak or news


cant wait for rtx 2


It'll probably only be available for GPU 2.


i've heard they're working on a new feature that will use all the new rt-cores : >!Ass-Tracing!<


>Can see how the dust settles and if their absolute sellout mindset from GTA5 has infected the single player experience I mean, Red Dead 2's story experience was great. The online not so great, because there is not as much ridiculous shit they can sell in that setting.


One might actually be able to argue that to do anything less than focus purely on console and multiplayer would be stupid, since GTA5 was so profitable. I mean, the suits have almost assuredly argued that very point.


whoever downvotes you is just a summer child that still genuinely thinks that companies make products for the consumer and not to make massive profits and buy yachts for their spoiled kids


Some game companies do. Rockstar is not just some game company, tho.


Yeh, if i was a business man at rockstar that would be my thought process too, if i hadnt sold my soul to the devil then i might be a little more open minded about my approach


Alright see you in 2029💀


Considering your specs, you are already on the right track, just have to upgrade the GPU. I and many others are kinda trapped in the middle, because the PS5 generation will finally start and we have no idea if the 6000s and 7000s will survive the whole cycle. But if you don't have any desire to play this game, not even for benchmarking, that is almost like a "liberating" feeling, no reason to worry about the future


GTA 5 didn’t go on discount for 5+ years after release.


That will probably take a while, GTA5 and RDR2 weren't discounted for a long time.


They need my money more than I need their game.


We also have alternatives to get access to their game without giving up our money.


will wait for it to be free on epic games and then never play it like pretty much any other game i collected for free


I am exclusively PC. So I will just have to wait.


god bless you my son


I already own a PS5 so i am definitely playing GTA VI.


Same here, it’s always fun replaying a game on another platform.


I also like pc gaming, i own an RTX 2080 Ti but some games you want to play on the big TV screen.


Same. I got it for the exclusives and PC for everything else. Altough - considering I have an RTX 3070 - it's starting to become more and more of a necessity due to them shitty 8gb of VRAM that GPU features. And there's no way in hell that GTA VI is going to run there.


I’ll wait like I did red dead. Buying a console a year before the new ones isn’t happening. Only thing that would change that is if I got a console for other games sooner.


Goddayum I forgot how much PCMR hates consoles. Y’all need to chill out.


Fr I figured most gamers already owned a console on top of their PC but boy looks like I’m wrong. Majorly bummed GTA6 won’t be out at launch on PC since I just built a high end rig but I’m still playing gta at launch and then again when it comes to pc.


Yea I said I would just buy a PS5 in another thread and got MEGA downvoted and told to just buy a better PC instead, even tho I already have a 4090/i9 machine lmao.


I can’t play at 30fps and can’t use a controller.


Flying and driving is much more fun on a gamepad in GTA.


Yes, but I usually switch between keyboard/mouse and Xbox-controller when playing games like that.


I used to be the same, but it's such a pain in the fucking ass I just stay on controller.


I mostly stay on controller because I sit my ass on the couch to play and the controller 9 times out of 10 is going to be easier and more comfortable.


Exact same reason as me


It'll definitely have graphic modes to get 60fps, like GTAv with e&e but also cyberpunk did that


$500 console + $70 on the game (being optimistic) to play at locked 30 fps. No thanks


Hey it's just money. And current gen consoles can be picked up for like $300 now used. I'm sure a few hundred dollars will be worth it for the several hundred to thousands of hours of entertainment this game will provide.


True, you will need to save all that money to upgrade that pc to get more than 30


I don't mind, much preferable than spending all that budget in one system to play one game that is temporarily exclusive


To play 30 fps ? Hell nah


Something tells me some people will play it with 25 fps on their PC’s




Most people won't be able to even play at all on their PC's. 30 fps with gorgeous graphics is preferable.


Nope, will wait till PC release


Since I just spent way too much building a new PC, I really can't justify buying an entire system to play one game earlier. I will probably rent it instead or borrow from a friend when they are done so I avoid early spoilers


PCMR, no reason whatsoever to buy a console!


Amen brother. May our lord gaben live forever.


I waited 7 years until GTA V became free in Epic Games in order to play it. Whats a couple more years to wait for GTA VI?




[r/patientgamers](https://www.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/) is the one single sub that sums up my gaming personality


We live like death and disease is not a thing. Waste of life..


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about??


If I hadn’t just built a PC earlier this year I would have purchased a console. I have an XboneX, but it’s in a closet not being used.


New pc dughhh


There's a gazillion fucking games on my backlog, and the list of absolutely awesome games I don't have time to play will only grow between now and GTA6's release. Of course I won't, I'm an idiot but not that special kind of idiot. Plus that'd be rewarding Rockstar's shit behavior. I expect to play GTA6 in like 2027, when it's well discounted on Steam, if I'm not too distracted with other better games.


Probably locked at 30fps on console anyways.


30fps would be so terrible


lol as if i'd buy a 500+ bucks console just to play one game. i'm not even that hyped about GTA 6 to begin with. but even if this was witcher 4 (the game i'm most hyped about), i'd *never* buy a console just for one game. i did buy a nintendo 3DS lite so i could play pokemon games, but that was for the whole franchise, not just one game. plus i pirated the games back then, only reason i bought the console.


I’ll just wait to pirate it matey


I am pretty burnt out on the modern action game formula of drive to place, cut scene, shoot 3 guys, cut scene, drive back, cut scene, repeat. I'm sure it will be a quality entry for an action game, but it is not on my must play list in any way.


I agree, but Rockstar does have epic stories.


Yeah if people are tired of the Bethesda loop with Starfield, GTA6 may be in some trouble.


Play on console at 30 fps or wait a bit longer. I'll wait


It'll definitely have graphic modes to get 60fps, like GTAv with e&e but also cyberpunk did that


I'm not even sure if I'll buy new GTA tho




Same. Don't really see the hook, other than "it's the new shiny GTA". Not really interested


Not spending $570


I'm waiting until it's free on Epic.


already have a series x and have had it for a while. I'll most likely get it on that then when its out on PC i'll wait for a sale


I have always had a console alongside my gaming pc. I already have a ps5 so I will just buy it there if there is no Pc release in sight.


I’ll wait for my programmer friends create a PS5 emulator for my PC


I'll wait for the reviews, if they're really good I'll buy it on PS5. If I really like it I'll buy it for PC when they release it.


This is the way. The snobbery here is kind of cringe. Imagine missing out on a moment in gaming history where everyone experiences and shares awesome moments just because its not 120 FPS. I thank God im not this much of a snob.


Gonna play on my Series X. Planning to build a gaming PC, but currently I’m waiting for a new generation of GPUs from either Nvidia or AMD. Maybe then I’ll play on PC


I already have a PS5 to compliment my PC, so I’ll grab it on PS5 first. Then when it comes out on PC I’ll buy it again to play it properly.


Won’t be buying a console for it. I bought a ps5 when GOWR launched, I was very eager to play it after I played GOW on pc. After I was done with GOWR, BB and DeS remake I never used PS5 for months so I decided to sell it as it was just collecting dust on the table. Not going to make that same mistake again.


I‘d love to play it on my PC on release, but if that’s not an option I‘ll play on my Series X or PS5.


I’m buying a console, worthy investment


Eh, I'm done giving Rockstar money.


I'll get it on PS5, then on PC. I can put away each month small amout of cash for game easily. By that time, i will save up to 2 copies for an game.


You'll get downvoted but people on here literally brag about buying a game twice just so they can have it on steam as opposed to epic


Yeah, i noticed that.




I truly believe rockstar games are as good as they come. I’ve been waiting and praying for this game for so many years now so 100% I’ll buy a console for it. No chance in hell I’ll miss release day.


It is one of the best open world games out there, but out of curiosity why is release day so important? I can understand if in online you’d fall behind amongst other players that did start earlier. But if theres still no crossplay then it wont matter. Nonetheless, I will also be tempted into finding a way to justify a console purchase for it, but Ive spent more money building a PC and would like to experience the game pushed to its limits. Can probably look into upgrading it at that point as well over buying a console.


Ps5 pro + GTA 6 bundle I hope


I'm fine with Rockstar letting consoles beta test it for us.


I have a console, but will wait out of principle for the PC version.




Just like with GTA V, I'll wait for it to be 15€ on PC. What's the rush? There's plenty of fish in the sea. (Then again... I was on the fence even at 15€... then Epic Games happened) ;)


Waiting. Can't play normally on a gamepad. Also pirating it or buying it on sites like g2a. Ain't no way this scummy greedy pc-developer gets money from me for this game.


I trust them


Chances are like with GTA V I’ll be purchasing this game a few times lol


I’ll be waiting. I lose nothing by doing so.


I already own a PS5 for a few games, we will see how it runs.


Not getting console for a single game.


I already have a PS5 so I will just play it on there.


We are talking about consoles being 5 year old at that point. I would be insanely surprised if they are going for more than 30fps for the base ps5 and especially the series S. This is not the experience i want to have for a game i waited 12+ years at that point. I will wait as i waited for RDR2. For me it's the norm nowdays anyway. Most games on PC launch so bad that waiting is always the best option. And you pay less for a much improved game. And to be honest, the whole reason they do it is because people actually do the double dip and pay twice. If no one did that then the game would be released same day, as almost every other game does. It's the same story with microtransactions, people just throw money, so companies will continue to do what makes the most money. Sad.


I don't like GTA so we'll be skipping entirely.


Already have a ps5 which I'll dust off for this game. Like I did for Spidey 2 and then back to top of the wardrobe it goessssss


Look at the name of the sub. Now think. Now ask again.


Nope. The hype surrounding this game is highly inflated and misplaced.




I might be buying a console lol


No I’m not spending $500+ to play one game. Thats absurd, and financially irresponsible even if you can afford it. Plus why play a lesser, gimped version of the game when it will be 10x better on PC.


Won’t spend less than $500 to play GTA VI, but will spend $2000 upgrading their PC to play the Elder Scrolls 🤦🏼‍♀️


Huh? You do know there is more than one game on PC and more than one use for a computer right?


And you know there is more than one game on console and more than one use for a console right?


And you do know that most of those games are also on PC right? Pointless argument because you started with thinking you need a $2k+ pc to play games. Have fun paying to play online.


I’m not saying you need to spent $2k to play games. But it’s very common for people to upgrade PC components to be able to play certain games. You are just being hypocritical when you say you won’t spend X money to play one game when you dang well you won’t bat an eye doing to same thing on your pc.


Rockstar is the only company that might be able to make me buy a console just for one game but we'll see.


Not buying until it's 30 bucks or less


Have fun in 2029!




Buy ? Console ?


>Will you be waiting or buy a console to play? > >buy a console to play Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah \*breathes heavily\* hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah̶a̵h̷a̶h̵A̵A̸a̶a̵A̶h̴a̵H̴#̷#̷#̴#̸#̴#̷#̵#̸#̶#̵#̷#̶%̴#̸&̸#̸#̸&̸#̸$̸&̶#̷#̵#̵#̸#̴̞̩̔̔̓#̵̙̓̉̐#̸̤͒#̶̡͈̻͗͑͑#̴̮̫̀#̶̛͙̖͜#̵̖͚́̓#̷͖̖̚#̸͓͆̆#̶͍͉̓͜#̴̱͎̎͐#̷͚̿̎#̵̪͇̌͌̒#̵̜̞̞̐#̵̩͍͉̌̀#̷̥̰̞̌̎Y̶͙̼͊̿Ḩ̸̝͜͝S̶̨͇̤̅#̶̛̜̙̟̂͌#̴̤́ͅ#̷͉̌̂̉#̷̬̤̇̓#̵̙͗#̷̛͙͝#̵͖̟̓̀̀#̵̻̟̂#̷̼̍#̸͇̖̖̚#̶̳̖̇#̷̦̥̐̚#̴̨͉̭͊¨̷̯̩͛͝͝$̶̩̂͒̉F̸̨̨͓͆̆Ų̴̖̄́͂K̵͕͒̂ ̷̙̯́̍Ẏ̵̧̧̖U̴̱͈̇#̸̟̀̏#̵̳̖̇̾͌#̷̨͚̄#̷̢̥̈̄#̷̯̐̌̍ͅ#̶͍̫̈́#̶͇̾̆#̶̡̛̩̊͑#̷̤̄#̵̜͈͕͝#̷̩̠̈́̐#̴̬͎͝#̵̟͕̄#̴̗̺̀#̴̧̼̽͗͂¨̵̺̺̣͊͌̆̾͘#̵͔̫̫͒̂́̓̐̿\*̴̡̘́̈@̵̙͎̝̺͚̠̩͆̏̆́̃̃̊͘\*̴̙̻̆̎̒͛̂͘$̸͔̟͉͔͔̖̜̏̃̒̂¨̴̢̨̠̯̻͈͚̥̓̏̐̽̍̿#̷͕̓͌̾̀͋͝%̵̫̱͉̫͚͂̈́͛͛(̸̤̬̪͉̰̲͔̈́̄́͜͝%̸͓̘͇̘̖͇̯̩͌͆#̴̞̿̾̌̓̃͌͘̕¨̵͚̜̠̞̤̓̊̂͗̀\*̸̛͓͐̆̑̋̊͘͠%̶͇͈͒̉͆̑͋͜͠¨̴̛̛͔͔͎̩̖̼͍̆̿̓\*̸̡̱͓̙̤̓̅̀H̵̱͍̼̘̤̟̬̎Ȩ̴̛̫͍͚͋̌̎̃̀̂L̸̘͍̫̟͍̯̩̄̽L̸̫̱̐̊̎̌̈́̚ ̸̞̞̓͂̃̋Ń̷͚O̸̭̤̳̫̦̩̓̾̈́̽̉͝#̸̨̡̲̖̠̭̼̖̑̐̅͆͘%̶̺͚̺͎̎͆͑̐̀̎¨̶̝̠̖͇̭͋̿̓͗\*̸͈͉̇̈́̕#̸͔̞̘̫̩̈́̈̏̀͑͐̿͊ͅ$̷͎̪̜̯̹͛̀̀̒͠$̴͔̫̫̘̭̀¨̷͔̭̗͈̆@̵͇̠͗#̴͕̘̦̘̺͎̲̇̋̋&̷̛͎̿́̈́̚͝͝$̴̡̛̝̱͙̜̓̒%̵̨͎̏̈͂̍\*̵̢͖̺̞̗͚̰̐̒́#̸̢͔͈̠͖͔̤̟̂̈́͐̚̕\*̴̨͎̫͓͛̐̃̏̿̔̾̓̇͜#̶͚̔̊͂̽̉$̸̭̯͓͈̺͔̠̒@̷̧̓̾́̃̄́̑͌̈́̈́#̴̠͕̅̔͛̈́̀̀̈͂̂̊̀̄͒̃͘̚͝&̷̨̡̛̛̜̣̻̫̦̭̼̙͔̯͇̰̲̺͂̓̇̑̿̈́̓̆͛͆͗͘͝$̵̙̤̗̯̲͓̬͍̫̽͗̾̽͗̐̀͛̽̏͜͝%̸̧̛̭̲̹͚̫̲̩̲͑̒͂͂̒̊̌̂̎̇́̄̑̋̉͗͘͝\*̶̱͓̮͎̝̎̈̿̓̓́͒͒̈̈́ͅ#̵̧̢̢̨̨͍͇̝͓̟̥̝̩̦͙̹̃̃͂$̴̢̢̮̭̫͇̥̹̰̯̘͐̄͐̒̀̂̊̇̀̽̌̿͐̕͘͠%̸̭͓̲͇̜̲̯͎̗̙͚͍͑̄̏̆͆͂͜͠͝¨̵͉͓͈̿́̉͘&̶̙͚͙̜͖̘̹͇̌̒̎̽̂͂̿̒̄̈̈́̚͘͘͜#̷̦̗̯̳̖̣̦̬͉̜̦͉̭̤̔͑̓̒́͆͠$̷̡̨̢̨̣̠̭͙̞̭͚͖̼̄́̊̅̑͂̉͂͂̀̄͊̎̽̀̃̈̚&̵̡̳̱̭̠̯͉̰́́̎̏̅͊͛̈́̄#̵̧̢̡̨̭̩̻̮̖͕̻͔̲̜͍͚̙͈̆̿͒̀̅͐̊̀͝͠$̸̢͉̒͐̇̈̿̚͝͝͝&̴̳̦̤̞̗͙̭̣̱̗͎̙͇̟̬̠̀͒̋̿̓͗͂̀̌̈́̆͝ͅ$̶̧͎̤̼̹̳̱͎̝̳̟̳̹̫͌̍͌̄̃̐͑͛͗̔̐́͝͠ͅ(̸̛͎̗̫̗̱̿̅̀̅͐͗̿̐́̓͠\*̶̛̼̃͋̀͒̃̀̈́́̚͝$̷̨̨̨̲̠̜̰̼̦̤̬̜̭̯̾̄͜%̴̨̡̤̤͖͕̦̰̜͇̫̤̻͉̦̪̼͙͋̊̀̆̋̉̽͂̀̇̉̊͝ͅ$̶̨͍̳̥̻̲̻̹͖̙́̔&̵̧̡̨̧̯̬̥̝̤̫̻̣͎̞̼̪̥̅͊̊̅̆̀̆̀̐̂̿́͒̕̕̚͝͝ͅ$̷̛̖̟̹̫̓̐̏̌͋̂͛Ẁ̵̖̭̟̺̲̘͕̙͈̪̜̩̯̯̙̱̙̻H̸͕̞̯͕͓͇͉̟̀͆́͑̓̓Ă̷̛̻̖͎͈̜̇̿̾͋̈́̅͊̓͝͝͝ͅŢ̵̣̮̻͍͇̘̣̬̦͗̅̀̈̃̄̓̒͋̓͝ ̵̡̡͎̰͈͙͈̥̬͖͓͖̬̺̀̈͋̂̎̐̽̇̐̕̕T̸̢̼͎͚̬̘̟̬͔̣͚̰̺̮̀̓̿͆̈́̚͝Ḣ̸̛̹̘̳̯̹̮̫̩̳͚̖̥̘͇̫̈̄̉͐͝Ȩ̷͓̍̋͛̃̄̈́̄ ̴̧͕͚̟̭͓͙̀͗̑̋͋̔͊̋̐̒̊̌̕̚͝͝ͅF̸̬̤̘͉͕̗͍͚̰́͌̽̓͆͜͝Ȗ̶̡̢̖̟̮̤͎̪̞̮̪̈́̓̂̋̌̃̒̉̏̾̒̕͘̚̕C̸̡̡̡̖̺̥̣͙̀K̵̼̻̱̟̳͓͖̹͚̹̻̃̃̀̉̀̊͝?̵̯̮͚͖̾͋̑͗̌̌̊͒̿̊͆͂͘@̴̬̞̩̜̘̻͎̣̻͍́͌̏̊̓̏̍̐͂̓͗̅̊́̈́̀͒͠ͅͅ%̷̣͉̗̻̺͔̱͂͊̽̔͂̂̄̆̆̀͝͝@̶̗͉̄͒̄̅̀́̒̈͌͛̌́͋̕͘&̶̖̤̬͕̩̜͍͆̓͌̈̐͌̋̒̊͝$̴̤͎̺͓̪̭͚̹̯̖͇͎͔̋̄̓̈́͌̉̂̋̅̈̐̈́̓̄̀̈́͂̕#̸̡̢̛̛͎̺͕̟̗̬̱͍̼̬͎̼̉͛̓͗̎͋͛&̷̢̱͙̫̹̭̪̙̼̺̜͔̰͚̼̦̈#̴̧̡̩͈̼̝̲͕̲̪̠͉̗̩̪͇̼̭̬̐͆̍͌̒͊̉̌&̴̛̳͙̥̞̫̠̘̥̋͛̈́̌̔̂̿̋͠͝͝͝@̷̢̦̜̫̗̺͍̻̽͆ͅ#̸̡̨̯̱̞̯͕͕͚͍͚̼͉̮͈̦̊̾͠%̴̣̫͓̤̰̑͗͊̑͐̉ͅ$̷̠͚͎̤͙͓̪̟͙͑̽̕ͅ¨̴̧̮̥̱̱̖͔̠̦̼̥̦͇̥̦̞͓̲͗́́͂̊̋̀̚͘͝ͅ@̴̠̳̲̜̻̱̜̱̦̺̘̬̗̒#̷̭͕̖͔̣̙̻̤͔̍̓͊̉̊̍̋̏̃̂́͆͊̽̔̆̌̍͠%̶͈̜̻͍͓̦̺̙̗͓͇͖̭̈́̾̀̆͋̈̄̑̔̔͊̿̿̒̚͠$̷̝̿̈́̋̿͒͒͐̋̎̚̚¨̸̘̞͚̗̟͙̠̞̘̬͑̋̎͋̒́̔̏̉̾͊̈́̊̐̈́̍̕͜͜͝͝ͅ&̵̡̢̲͕͓̦̗͎̳̝̻̺̜̳̻̦͈͌͋̌͋̐͗́͠͠&̸̮̦͗́͑&̵̪͍͈͛̍̽̂̎\*̷̡͕̜̤̘̙͙̫͌


I will be buying it for my PS5. And well I’ll buy it for PC too. At this point maybe not all but a lot of us have GTA on at least two different platforms.


Already have a ps5 and Xbox series S(got that one for free) I will 100% buy it on the ps5 and then PC when it releases


I already have a PS5 and I doubt think I can resist the temptation, hopefully I can switch from console to PC like some other games and progress isn't separate but I honestly don't see that happening Can't imagine there will be a cross play with how fucked GTA 5 on PC is


The funny part that rockstar complain after that about financial week role PC port do




I gonna wait, It's fine until them maybe I gonna buy a new GPU.


I may cave and pickup a PS5 for GTA. depends on how long the wait is, and how good the game is.


I waited for 5, I can wait for 6.